#even if he goes to the sens it's not the same
jerswayman · 3 months
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lilislegacy · 1 month
leo: hey percy, what goes through your mind when you control water?
percy: uh, i don’t know. i don’t really think about it. i just do it. you know?
leo: but like, how do you tell it what to do?
percy: i don’t tell it what to do. it just does what i want. i don’t really think it. i feel it.
leo: so like bluetooth
percy: huh?
leo: you bluetooth connect to the ocean
annabeth, putting her book down: leo, Poseidon himself does not bluetooth connect to the ocean. he embodies the ocean. he is the ocean. when poseidon is calm, the ocean is calm. when poseidon is angry, the ocean is angry. because they are both the ocean in different forms. so being poseidon’s son, the ocean is part of percy. it’s the same as when he moves his arms and legs. it’s like another limb, so he doesn’t have to think about controlling it. that’s why water reacts when he’s scared or angry. it’s his reflexes. water is part of him.
leo: so… like icloud
annabeth: that doesn’t even make sen-
percy: yes
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luxthestrange · 4 months
RoR Y/n's Thoughts#6
Y/n: Bro...Humans cut down Birdhouses...to make more birdhouses?
Zeus*Who was asleep...alone in his bed and wakes up to hear that*....*grabs a pillow and screams into it*NOOOOHOOAHAAAAAAAAAAH!?
Y/n: If two mind-readers read each other's minds...Who's mind are they reading?
Y/n: Dude...your fingers have fingertips...but your toes dont have toe tips...yet you can tiptoe...but not tip finger
Zeus*Sipping the tea that Hermes bought him with a tray*...
Hermes*Is not doing ANYTHING to remove you from Zeus' ear range, happily standing by*
Y/n: How can you replicate the feeling of falling from high altitudes in a nightmare...if you have never fallen like that before?
Zeus*Frowns and looks confused at that*...wait that's actually sens-AAAAH!?
Zeus disappears and suddenly he falls from the roof to the hard ground he looks confused at what just happened
Y/n: Duuuudes...icecubs float in a pool of their own blood!?
Hermes*Goes to pick you princess style ignoring Zeus' outbursts of what just happened to him*You must be starving Little one~Would you like breakfast?~
Y/n*Wrapped arms around his neck and looked at him with the same blank stare*...Not really I'd rather have you
Hermes*Go was already taking you to the kitchen to stuff you with food but makes a fast U-turn to his bedroom...to stuff you with something else*...you have been spending time with Raiden-
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Trey, Leona: The Cat's Meow
Ooooh, I see the vision now... Maybe?? It looks like each member of the same dorm might have a similar default image in the bottom frame of their initial art? Both Ace and Trey have the Queen of Hearts… I guess we’ll have to wait until Cater’s birthday to see if the pattern keeps up?
nfdbwjccwbxgak How fitting to see Trey posed alongside a painting of the Cheshire Cat considering who he’s childhood friends with… and also that Trey’s VA also goices Lucius www (Side note: they fr always gotta have Trey claim he’s “normal” right before he pulls the sussy face which is most certainly NOT normal 😭)
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A rotund feline stood on hind legs in a platinum frame, one paw curled under its round chin and resting on its fluffy tail, the other flicked out in a devil-may-care gesture. Purple, pink, purple, pink—its fur was striped in a repeating pattern. Eyes raised upward, the cat looked inquisitive among the gnarled trees, as if posing a riddle to the viewer. Why is a raven like a writing desk?, perhaps.
Huh, I wonder what he's wondering about. Trey rested his chin in one hand as he pondered the painting—and the question.
The longer he gazed at the cat, the more familiar its silly smile seemed to be. How difficult he was to read. A thought crept up on him, one lazy stride at a time.
"... Reminds me of a certain guy," he muttered.
"I hope you’re not talking about me," came a sarcastic drawl from beside him. It, too, was cat-like in its own right, a different flavor of feline: more languid than whimsical. “Because I won’t be laughing like a hyena at jokes made in poor taste.”
"Leona." Trey immediately made to step back, making space for the dorm leader. Leona's immense presence practically demanded it. "No, of course not. I was thinking about a childhood friend.“
“Hmph. You’ve got a childhood friend like this?” He made a face at the Cheshire Cat. A frown to challenge its foolhardy grin. “… Now I almost feel sorry for you, having to put up with a guy like that.”
“Oh, Chenya’s not that bad,” Trey said dismissively. “He’s a troublemaker, sure—but he’s got a good heart beneath all of that, and he wouldn’t hurt a fly. The worst is gets up to is playing a trick or two and stealing snacks.”
“What an exciting life,” Leona snorted, clearly not convinced. “He sounds like a real rascal for his age.”
“Like you wouldn’t believe. Sometimes it feels like he never really grew up from the times him, Riddle, and I were rolling around in clover fields and stuffing our faces with cake. Still, he’s our friend—even if we’re far apart for schooling.”
“It was already hard enough to believe you’d be friends with him, but Riddle too?” A smirk rose on Leona’s lips. “Life works in mysterious ways.”
There was a chuckle from Trey. “Ahahah… Does it surprise you? We all come from the same hometown. The community there’s very welcoming. I guess that’s why we ended up reaching out to Riddle one day and… I’m sure you know how the rest of that story goes.”
He didn’t—and nor did he care to know, so he said nothing. Instead, Leona inclined his head. In the dimness of the museum, his eyes glinted a bright green.
He gave a command.
“… Oi, herbivore. Tell me more about this hometown of yours. Tell me what it’s like.”
Trey blinked, slightly flabbergasted at what he was hearing. Leona stared at him expectantly. He clicked his tongue.
“Well? Don’t keep me waiting.“
Huh, I didn’t think of Leona as the curious type. If that’s what he wants though, who am I to deny it?
“Okay. so…”
Trey returned a hand to his chin. His words, he considered. How to best arrange them to paint the most flattering photo?
Green, so much green. A scattering of red dotting the landscape. Saturation, cheer. Something warm and fuzzy whenever he imagined those scenes—like the sun upon his face.
“Imagine a place bursting with flowers. Every color, every shape, every smell. Some remind you of cotton candy that rots your teeth, others of old shoes and skunk."
Leona's sensitive nose wrinkled at the suggestion. "Real poetic there."
Trey continued. "Everyone knows each other not because the community is small--I'd say it's a decent size?--but because people see each other and talk. They ask how you are, how your family and business are doing. They come over with a platter of cookies to welcome new neighbors, ask if your kids want to come over and play with theirs."
Fond memories played out in his head: the time he had eaten a whole bottle of mustard to prove a point, messing up his signature spell and imparting a loaf of bread with a bad flavor, his first cake at four years old. Everyone had told him he had such talent for baking--but looking back on it, hadn't his "cake" been a lumpy, gooey mess?
"You could screw up pretty badly and they'd still pat you on the head and tell you it's fine, it's just an honest mistake or what a good job you did. My parents are like that too. It must come with the territory."
Leona listened and nodded to every piece of information Trey presented. He appeared bemused as he watched the vice dorm leader, a fleck of sunlight caught in his emerald eyes. Like that of a silent predator stalking innocent prey.
“How picturesque. No wonder you’re so well-adjusted and normal,” Leona purred, his gaze half-lidded. “It must be the power of true love at work.”
“You could say that. The community I grew up in was very loving and supportive. I’m thankful for that.” Trey smirked so briefly that onlookers could have easily missed it. "... It lets me get away with a whole lot more."
"You don't strike me as the kind of guy to act out."
"Not often," Trey corrected. "Only little acts when it's deserved."
"You and your bleeding heart." Leona's scoff gave way to an eerie quiet. From it came a soft, contemplative sigh. "... Must be nice, being able to afford to live so contentedly."
"Ah, you probably didn't have that kind of luxury," Trey recognized. "The life of a prince is different from us common folk."
"There’s pressure to perform and social politics to navigate. Complicated webs that span several circles, grace and relations to uphold, airs to wear. Aaaah, it’s such a drag," the lion beastman groaned.
"Yeah, I can imagine that." Trey smiled sympathetically. "But even though we come from very different places, I'm sure that you also had loving and supportive people in your life, Leona. Everyone does."
"Hah. Are you listening to yourself? You sound as mad as him." Leona jabbed at thumb at the Cheshire Cat. "It's the first-born prince--the one destined to be king--that they all adore."
“… That’s not completely true, is it?” Trey adjusted his glasses. A stray beam of light reflected off the face of them, casting the glass in pure white for a fraction of a second.
The reason Leona was asking about my hometown... It must be genuine curiosity. He's never known something like it. But the fact that he asked must mean he wants to learn, right?
The prince's eyes were angry, suspicious slivers now. "What are you suggesting?"
“I heard from Ace and Deuce that you have a cute little nephew that adores you. A lot of the Savanaclaw underclassman as well. And from Lilia—there’s a grand chamberlain you used to be close with as a kid. Playing chess and getting you out of trouble. Your brother too, he must care for..."
Leona bared his teeth, raised his voice. "Don't act like you know--"
Me. What I've been through, what I've suffered.
"Whoa, whoa!" Trey held up both hands. "Sorry. I said too much. I shouldn't have let my own curiosity get the better of me."
A growl--colored with residual anger--emanated from Leona's throat. "If you understand that, then don't stick your hand into a lion's den a second time."
"I'll keep that in mind."
Trey pulled back, the fingers of one hand curling into a loose first. The other hand found its way to perching at his waist as he leaned his body forward. He attempted an apologetic confession--but instead produced something slightly sinister.
"What are you doing now?"
"Cat to cat communication," Trey said, deadly serious. "You know, like 'nyah'!"
A pause.
"... Is that good enough of an apology?" Trey inquired.
"Don't screw with me," Leona muttered, batting away at his peer's poised "paw". "In the first place, your posture's all wrong. Are you trying to piss me off?"
"Looks like I failed to lighten the mood."
"You're really terrible at it," Leona grumbled under his breath. "You sure that childhood friend of yours is the troublemaker of the group? Cuz to me, I see another troublemaker in the trio."
"I'm a normal high school boy. You even said it yourself."
"And which one of us started meowing at the other out of the blue?" Leona expertly countered.
Trey stifled his voice, which had started to work its way up into an awkward laugh. "Pfft, alright. Point taken."
"Here I was, thinking you were 'normal'," Leona simpered. "The red young master sure has a way with picking the company he keeps. You're all odd to balance out his rationale."
"That's the role a card soldier plays for his queen. Friend, baker, cat, trump card--I'm here to be them all."
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theconstantsidekick · 8 months
heyyyy...how are you doing.????
I was just wondering that if you have the idea of writing one shots for static verse , could you.. maybe write something where static takes Bucky as her date to her Harvard reunion...
may be when she was studying , everyone used to be so jealous of her cuz she is basically a sassy smartass...but now in the reunion they are acting so nice because she is a lawyer/avenger.. Definitely faking niceness...
and Jamie boy being too proud of his girl...
The Class of '92 | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: Fluffy with a chance of angst.
Summary: Y/n goes to the Harvard Reunion to reap the benefits of the alumni fees she's been giving out for the last three and a half decades.
(This takes place after the events of Static: Get, Set, Glitch. However, it can be read as a stand-alone piece. But it’s fun. I promise.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Recreational Drug Use, Mentions of Sex, Minors DNI, 18+ Only.
a/n: I think I strayed a little away from the original premise? I'm sorry?
Bucky Barnes, The Boyfriend (other one-shots) | The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static | Static: Get, Set, Glitch | Static Verse Masterlist
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If she were being completely honest, she never entertained the idea of going to her class reunions. The whole ‘being-half-alien-aging-like-a-nebula-and-looking-the-same-for-years-on-end’ thing kinda took the wind out of her sails whenever she even thought about accepting the invite.
But that was then. 
Now people know who she is, what she is. No more reasons to hide, no Ross on her ass trying to hunt her down for the Accords, no giant purple grape looking alien knocking at the door threatening to burn the world down, no younger brother constantly being confused as her older brother.
Fuck. She’ll never get used to that.
The moment the invitation popped up on her laptop screen, her first reaction was to call Tony.
“You’ve got Tony Stark. I’m probably busy saving the world or curing a hangover. You can leave a message at the beep but I only get back to people if they’re hot. F.R.I.D.A.Y. will delete your message if you’re not. You’ve been warned.” The pre-recorded voice-message cut off with a beep.
Exhaling harshly, she spoke softly, “I was calling to ask you if you wanted to go to my reunion with me. Free booze, snobby assholes, jealous losers who hate me for being smarter, and did I mention the free booze? Totally your scene.” She fidgeted with the folder on her desk, nervous about a voicemail. “But you’re busy… being a dead dick so… So I guess I’ll just skip it this year as well.”
Life had other plans, though.
Well, her beloved boyfriend James Bucky Barnes did.
“I can go with you?” He offered. 
“What?” she asked him, confused.
“To the reunion,” he answered easily, his eyes still fixed on the omelet he was making for her. “I can go with you. Can’t guarantee I’ll be as fun company as your brother, but I can show you a good time. Pull out all the stops, be the trophy husband of a lifetime.” He smiled at her then. “Only if you want to, though.”
And now here they were. 
“This was a bad idea,” she comments, sipping on her drink.
“Why?” Bucky asks her, more confident than her—which don’t get her wrong was hot as fuck, but very unlike them.
“They’re all… they’re all—”
“Old?” Bucky finished with an amused smile. 
She couldn’t help the smile that slipped out.
He looks good, comfortable and sen-fucking-sational. He’s wearing a black tux with a white shirt and black bowtie. She’d been a little too busy trying to decide what to wear to have noticed him changing into the outfit. Eventually, having finalized on a white twill suit and a blood red silk shirt with a matching tie, she stepped out of her room. And he was a fucking vision.
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Looking at him might just be her favourite hobby. She could pursue that shit as a vocation.
“That happens sometimes.” Bucky tells her. “People do get old, you know?”
She looks around at the crowd. They’re at the prime location for people watching, standing at the bar, far in the corner of the vast room. The lights are dim, only sprinkles of yellow scattered around the venue, the rest is overshadowed by a sea of ocean blue. So, she takes the moment, the isolation and takes a while to soak in his words. 
‘People do get old.’
“Yeah… yeah. I know,” she responds solemnly.
He takes a moment too, not to look at the crowd. Bucky seldom looks at anything with interest apart from her. He does the same now, he looks at her, studying the expression on her face. With his assessment done, he says, “I’ve never seen you nervous before.”
“I’m not nervous,” Y/n bites back, scolding him with absolutely no heat whatsoever.
“I’ve never seen you anxious before,” he amends.
Rolling her eyes, “I’m not anxious.”
She has to look at him then. Brows furrowed, she frowns. 
Bucky throws up his hands instantly, admitting his mistake with an adorable smile.
“I used to steal Bruce’s homemade tacos before he learned to control the Hulk,” she smiles too. “I’m not afraid of anything.”
He takes a step closer to her, his words are softer when he speaks but bold enough for her to hear with ease. Gently placing his hand on the small of her back, he asks, “Then what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I wasn’t exactly… well, let’s just say there’s a reason I avoided going to class when I was in college,” she answers. Bucky’s face scrunches up at the insinuation.
But before he can enquire about it any further, before she can warn him, a voice cuts in.
“That was because you used to be a facetious little know-it-all,” the man comments. “You didn’t need the classes anyway.” He smiles, and there is no warmth in it.
Bucky must notice because his arm tightens just a little around her.
This was bound to happen sooner or later. She decides to roll with the punches. She knew what she was getting into when she came here.
“Charles Walton,” she greets him with a smile, just as dead as his. “Been a long time.”
“I’d say the same, but you look exactly the same as you did back then—not a hair out of place. I’m not sure time even passed,” he jokes, or well he tries.
“What can I say? It’s the price of being an Avenger,” she bites back.
He laughs, a hollow thing. “Hey, Milkovich!” He yells out over her head. “Guess who showed up!”
Well, fuck.
That one shout is enough to draw the attention of the entire class of 92. Cause almost instantly there’s a crowd gathered around Bucky and her. There’s chuckles and whispers among them—some are bewildered at her presence while others seem itching to make this a battlefield. 
“Ah, the famous Avenger,” a female voice chimes in. “You're famous around these parts, you know?” She takes a couple steps closer to them. Assessing her from head to toe, “Not just for being an Avenger, but being so elusive that you didn’t show up for a single reunion… But at least now we know why.”
“Nice to see you too, Seline,” Y/n tells her, calm and centered.
“Shit, Stark!” Mickey Milkovitch balks. “You look the fucking same!” 
And fine, she can take it from Milkovich. The guy was always crass but never rude. He just lacked a fucking filter.
So the smile that she smiles is open and kind. “Thanks, Mick. I could say the same about you.” She’s not lying. The guy looks pretty good for his age… and for the copious amount of alcohol she remembers him consuming during every party and every lecture.
“Not as good as you, holy shit! You really don’t age, do you?” He asks and it’s genuine so again, he gets a pass.
Nodding, “Not enough. My telomeres don’t work right, I think. Rest of me is human… mostly.”
And Mickey seems to take a lot of pleasure in her answer—smiling, he holds up his glass to cheers. She meets him with her own glass.
“Can’t lie, it’s a surprise to see you here,” another woman speaks up. “We thought we’d seen the last of you at the graduation.” 
“Sorry to disappoint you, Candace. I saw the invite and I just couldn’t help myself,” Y/n bites back.
“Didn’t have time for us before?” Candace Huston asks.
“Ah.” Y/n never really liked these snobby prep school kids. Even after all these years, they’ve somehow managed to not change at all. She doesn’t know why she expected them to. “I was a little caught up.”
“Saving the world?” Archer Bass suggests, mocking.
“Yes,” Bucky cuts in before she can form some modest version of that answer. She can always count on him to stump the opposition while she reloads. “That’s the day job. Doesn’t pay as well as whatever it is you guys have been doing. And oh! Odd hours, really odd. But it’s good work, wouldn’t you say, sweetheart?”
She smiles, finding comfort in the warmth of his gaze. “Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been a Personal Injury Lawyer.” Bucky smiles at that and fuck if that doesn’t just rile her up. “Oh! I almost forgot, this is my boyfriend—”
She’s cut off by Charles ‘Chickenshit’ Walton, “The Winter Soldier. We know who he is.”
“At least he’s a looker,” Seline snickers. “I’ll give you that.”
“The two of you make a great couple—The Winter Soldier and Static, ex assassin and ex assassin,” Candace adds with a snide smile. There’s more catty bullshit like that from the rest of the crowd but she kinda zones out.
And fuck it all to hell.
Her entire college life was avoiding these fools.
All her life she’d watched shows about the shitshow that is high school. She hadn’t attended it, of course but Harvard was supposed to be her first try. It was supposed to be her playing her hand at being utterly and completely normal, one with the crowd. College wasn’t supposed to be as brutal as highschool but not as uncaring as a desk job. It was supposed to be an easy middle between the two. Part of her was excited even. But the reality wasn’t all that movies made it out to be.
They were snobs, the fucking lot of them. Always looking at every tiny little detail, studying it a microscope, planning and scheming to find a chink in her armour just to break her down. She didn’t understand why then. Why they didn’t like her, why she was the outsider. Because despite everything she wasn’t exactly that different from them, not to their knowledge at least. Howie was fucking loaded, ipso facto she was too. None of them knew her past but everytime they looked at her their eyes were always hungry, always searching for some weakness.
She gets it now.
It wasn’t hunger. It wasn’t some twisted version of distrust.
It was straight up jealousy.
They were jealous of her.
They were jealous of her back then and if possible they are even more jealous of her now.
Y/n just laughs. She can’t help it, okay? It’s hilarious.
She really, genuinely believed at one point in her life that these fucking dipshits would figure out her secret, when all they were looking for was a way to top the class. These are some of the smartest individuals she’s come across—graduates of Harvard Law. Fuck! They were just kids fighting for brownie points when she was fighting for her freedom. God fucking damn it, she’s been so damn dumb. 
So she laughs.
Bucky looks at her for a second, raises his brow in concern. She waves her hand at him, letting him know she’s fine. It’s just funny.
“Something funny, Stark?” Archer asks, wearing a smile on his face that contradicts his tone which is just a little too shrill to be considered calm.
She shakes her head but continues chuckling.
“Don’t wanna share it with the rest of the class?” Charles bites. “Guess some things just don’t change.”
Y/n laughs a little harder. “My god, Charlie. You sure I’m the only one not aging here? Cause you sound like a sullen teenager.” She waves off his response before he can even form one. “Anyway, as I was saying, this is my boyfriend, Sergeant James Buchanon Barnes.” She drops a kiss on his cheek. “You can call him Sergeant Barnes… Well, except Milkovich. He’s just Barnes to you, Mick.”
Mickey seems pleased with her words, “Nice to meet you, Barnes.” He extends his hand to Bucky who takes it without hesitation. “Always thought your arm was really cool.” 
That one throws Bucky a little. He looks back at her, eyes big and a sneaky curve of his lip. It screams, ‘Where the fuck did you find this guy?’ But like she said, no filter on that one. 
“Why does Milkovitch get special treatment?” Seline rebukes her.
Y/n just shrugs. “Cause he wasn’t a dick to me in college?” Isn’t it obvious?
“Excuse me?” Candace exclaims like the hit was personal. “We were never anything but generous, which was more than what you deserved considering the shit you pulled.”
“One, that is wildly inaccurate. You were all dicks, all of you. But I don’t think I blame you for it, pompous kids do what pompous kids see. And two, what shit did I pull?” She waves at the bartender asking for a refill.
“You are seriously going to pretend you don’t know?” Archer throws back.
Taking the last sip from her drink she sets the now empty glass down on the nearest table. “Yes, enlighten me.”
“You were sleeping with Professor Keating to get the answers to all the tests,” Charles answers, disdain clear on his face.
“I—” She looks from his face to Bucky's, who feigns shock before breaking into a smile.
Charles cuts her off. “You hid it well enough but everyone knew you spent most of the free time between classes in his office. You scored well in every single one of his tests, which were impossible to crack and he was always so very eager to call on you in class.” He scoffs. “We were never able to find any concrete evidence to pin you down, we’ll give you that. But that doesn’t mean we were naive enough not to see it.”
“I—” She begins laughing again. “Professor Keating.” Fuck.
“What’s so fucking funny, Stark?” Archer pushes her. Well, he tries but before he can grab the collar he was reaching for, Bucky’s metal arm is already pulling him off.
“Easy there, cowboy,” Bucky warns.
“Get your hands off me!” Archer tries to brush Bucky off, pushing him back, trying desperately to get out of his grip, but come on. It’s Bucky. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
“Saving you the ass beating of a lifetime, buddy boy. Be glad it’s me and not her,” Bucky comments causally as he twists Archer’s arm behind his back.
“It’s fine, Sunshine. Let him go,” she coos at him sweetly.
And because he’s Bucky, he urges Archer to take a few steps away from her and then simply lets him go.
“Are you still mentally unstable?! How dare you touch me? I’m gonna sue your Nazi ass for that!” Archer warns. 
“I mean, you can try. But he’s got a great lawyer,” Y/n tells him, grabbing her new drink from the waiter. She takes a sip. “Got him pardoned for countless assassinations. You think assault is where I lose that battle?” The blood drains from Archer’s face, all the color is gone. “And as for the Professor Keating matter,” she giggles again, before forcing herself to compose. “He was ex-KGB. I used to hang out with him after class to find out if he knew the updated location of HYDRA bases.”
“Ex-KGB?” Seline asks, just as pale as Archer.
“You expect us to buy that bullshit story? His name was Arthur Keating for Christ’s Sake!” Candace shouts.
“Which he changed when he asked for political asylum here. His real name was Boris Levitsky. His family was murdered by HYDRA when he couldn’t free some official high in their ranks. After that he was fairly willing to spill all about them,” Y/n explains.
“To a college student?” Charles question, clearly not buying it.
“To an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operative,” she corrects.
“You were an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operative back then?” Bucky asks her, reclaiming his position next to her with a steady arm around her waist.
“No,” she tells him. “But he didn’t know that.”
Bucky’s face breaks into a proud smile. The sprinkles of yellow around the venue seem to be attracted to her sun. They fall softly on his face, lighting up the curve of his cheekbones, the smile lines around his lips. He seems so much more comfortable in his skin than he used to before. And he shines brighter, if that was even possible. She thinks maybe she’ll have to carry sunglasses around from now on.
“How the fuck did you score so well then?” Seline question, furious at the revelation.
“Did you guys ever think maybe she’s just that fucking smart?” Bucky throws out, kissing her forehead. “My sweetheart’s a fucking genius!” He leans in closer. “A lesser man would be very intimidated by that, you know?”
He’s so close, she can taste his scent on the tip of her tongue. The smell of summer in the woods, and remnants of leather. It drives her insane.
“A lesser man, huh?” She teases. “You’re not intimidated by it then?”
“Oh I am,” he tells her. “Just not very intimidated.”
God, he’s so fucking beautiful.
“Hey! Lovebirds! We’re not done here,” Charles jumps in. 
Rolling her eyes and reluctantly turning back to face the asshat, she asks, “What do you want?”
“Winter Soldier here might think you’re all that, but I know better.” He looks like he’s about to spontaneously combust into flames purely out of anger. “You’re not that smart. Unlike you, some of us worked hard to get where we are. We didn’t rely on fake daddy’s money to make something of ourselves.”
Now that’s just stupid. “Charlie… Come on, man. Howard Stark was not my father, he was my best friend, I just needed a cover. And his money got me nowhere. And, and! The fucker went and got killed before I even graduated.” Bucky’s head falls at the mention, but her time at college was too closely knit to his passing for her to not mention it. “But even after all that if you think I got in because he bribed the board—I didn’t fucking graduate Summa Cum Laude by kicking my feet and batting my eyelashes. I barely came to college to even do that with perfect follow through. That was my dropping-acid-and-doing-fireball-shots phase. I’m surprised to be alive, honestly.” She takes a step towards him. “Maybe in retrospect it seems like everything was handed to me on a silver platter now that my life seems so glorious on the outside, but that wasn’t the case, dude. Part of me wanted to be a lawyer so I could fight for my freedom if the time ever came.”
“Freedom from what, Stark?!” He yells out. “Your life is fucking perfect! You’re an Avengers, governments step aside to make way for you. You’ve got a super hot boyfriend who can clearly throw a punch, what more could you possibly want?” 
I want my brother back.
The answer is right there, on the tip of her tongue. But they don’t need to know it. They don’t really deserve it. Not their fault—most people don’t. 
So, instead she steps back, clasps her hands into Bucky’s. “Nothing, actually. You’re right. I couldn’t ask for more.” Someone in the back catches her eye then. “Lighten up, Charlie.” She looks around at the rest of them. “You’re supposed to be the brightest minds of the nation, not petty fucking 6th graders. Lighten the fuck up, kids. I assure you there are worse things to be than fucking Harvard graduates.” She pulls Bucky by the hand and this hunk of a man follows along without an ounce of hesitation, as always. She yells out without turning “I’d say it was nice to see you guys, but it really fucking wasn’t.” But then her steps halt. She turns, “All except you, Milkovitch. It really was nice to see you again. Call me sometime, we should catch up.”
“I don’t have your number,” Mickey replies innocently.
She smiles. “Fine then, I’ll call you.”
“You don’t have my number.”
Her smile just turns mischievous.
Mickey picks up instantly. “Of course,” he says, a little embarrassed. “World class spy—I forgot.”
Hugging the man quickly, she turns and grabs Bucky by the hand again and begins walking off.
“This was amazing! Let’s do this again next year,” Bucky yells out, waving at the gaping faces they’ve left behind.
“Shut up, James.” She hushes him without heat.
“Where you taking me, sweetheart?” He asks, but there is no real curiosity in his question.
So she says as much. “You don’t really seem that curious about it.”
“I’m asking for the fuck of it—to hear you talk. I love hearing you talk.”
“Sap.” She’s smiling.
“I’ll follow you anywhere, don’t care where you take me,” he promises. 
They’ve stopped walking, her target is in her eyesight so she’s all too worried. So she takes the moment to drink him in.
“FUCKING SAP,” she chides, pushing him a little.
Bucky (pretends to) stumble. “Only for you. Always for you,” he tells her, honest and true. He covers the distance between them with a few short steps. His hand comes to caress her jaw, gently—always so gently. He leans in. His lips brush against her as he speaks, “Till the end of my days, sweetheart.”
“Till the end of mine,” she corrects him and then closes the gap.
The best thing about kissing Bucky is that it always feels like the first time. No matter however many times she kisses this boy, every time it feels overwhelmingly new. It feels like her mind is melting, like she’s turning to mush under his hands—one flesh, the other metal. He always knows how to give her exactly what he craves, maybe because she mostly just craves him.
With one hand on her cheek, the other on the small of her back, Bucky pulls her in closer. His tongue tastes of whiskey, but his lips are all him. They are delectable enough to eat. It takes everything in her not to bite down too hard. But she can’t resist the urge to pull his lip between her teeth, biting just hard enough to leave them red. He kindly obliges by slipping his tongue into the mix. He’s so hungry for her, he’s always so fucking hungry for her.
Absent-mindedly she thinks maybe he feels it too. The inexplicable newness in the repeated action of kissing each other. Because hunger like that—hunger like his, seems insatiable. She would give away all of herself to it. Let him consume her whole. She will do just that… Just not here, not now.
Reluctantly, with great strength and determination, she pulls herself away. 
Bucky, this fucker, whimpers. “What?” He whines.
She can’t help but chuckle. “I need to one thing then we can just get the fuck out of here and do more of that—a lot more of that.”
He pretends to think for a second but she already knows she’s won him over. “Fine,” he says after a beat. “What do you need?”
“An answer,” she tells him, before fixing herself a bit and walking over to the woman who’d caught her eye before. 
She’s a tall woman, short black hair—a pixie cut that she pulls off flawlessly. She’s standing alone, smoking in the open area of the venue, looking out at the scene ahead of them.
Y/n approaches her cautiously. “Jeri Hogarth,” she calls out, making the woman turn. “You’re a hard woman to reach.”
“Y/f/n Stark.” Jeri doesn’t even turn to look at her. She keeps on staring straight ahead, smoking. “Did you ever consider, maybe I didn’t want to be reached?”
Y/n lets go of Bucky’s hand, but not before giving it a gentle press as a promise to come back soon. She walks up next to Jeri. “I did consider that possibility, but couldn’t bring myself to care about it, unfortunately.”
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And then, finally Jeri turns to look at her, “What do you need for me? I mean it must be something big if you decided to show up here.”
Y/n shrugs. “It’s not big, I wouldn't say. I think it’s more that it’s… urgent?” That seems to intrigue Jeri, she cocks her brow in question. And Y/n answers, “I need to speak with Danny Rand.”
That seems to throw Jeri off. “I—I don’t know where he is. Besides, if you want his business—”
“It’s not about Rand Enterprises, Hogarth.” She clicks her tongue in disappointment. Nothing that fucking arbitrary would bring her here. “I want to talk to Danny’s friend. I want to talk to the Iron Fist.”
“I don’t—” Jeri looks like she’s at a loss for words which, yeah, a fairly new look on her. Y/n had very rarely seen Jeryn Hogarth lose her calm in class. They shared a lot of them, and while she wasn’t exactly kind to Y/n, she wasn’t unkind either.
“I know that you know, Jeri. I also know about Jessica Jones and… Kilgrave.” Y/n doesn’t want to be unkind to her either. “I am sorry about what happened…” Jeri just looks away. “I wouldn’t ask you if it was important, and I wouldn't be looking for Danny if it wasn’t urgent. But I need to talk to him.”
“And you think I can help?” Jeri challenges, finally finding her ground.
But Y/n isn’t here for a fight. “I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t know you could.”
“Why should I?”
“I don’t have a very good reason for that. I don’t think I have anything of value to you that I could even barter with? But I’ll owe you one,” Y/n offers.
“You’ll owe me one?” She asks, unconvinced.
Y/n shrugs. “Yes.”
“And that’s supposed to be good enough?”
For the second time tonight, Y/n just wears a mischievous smile with furrowed brows. 
Jeri seems to understand her without any words being spoken. “Yeah. That’s good enough.” She nods. “Okay, I can try to get a message to him, but there is no guarantee that he’ll respond.”
“He’ll respond,” Y/n answers easily.
Jeri eyes her suspiciously. “So, what’s the message?”
“Just tell him we need to talk,” Y/n answers.
“That’s all?”
“What else am I supposed to fucking say? The peacock rests peacefully in the moonlight?! This isn’t Mission Impossible. I’m not Tom Cruise. I just wanna talk to the dude,” Y/n rebukes.
“Fine,” Jeri tries to calm her down half-heartedly, turning back to the view ahead of her.
“Thanks, Hogarth,” Y/n says one last time before heading out.
Jeri takes out a fresh cigarette and lights it. “Just remember you owe me one.”
With that out of the way, Bucky and Y/n leave the reunion of the class of '92, hand in hand. It’s much later when they’re out for ice cream does Bucky ask the question she had been anticipating the entire night.
“Something was off tonight—before the whole sleeping with the teacher thing.” 
She chuckles at his words. “Was there?” She asks.
“Yeah,” he doesn’t let her dodge it. “You wanna talk about it?” He does give her the option to opt out. He’s so considerate, how can she deny him anything?
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They are sitting on the curb outside the 24 hour ice cream shop. They are bathed in the harsh light from the streetlight. Bucky, she thinks, somehow manages to still look pretty in that. He has a chocolate ice-cream cone in his hand that’s melting away at a matching speed to the vanilla cone in hers. They’d spent a little too long lost in each other’s mouths to focus on the ice-cream in a timely fashion. Both of them are now trying to furiously make up for that.
It takes her a moment to find the words. “I… It’s hard looking around at the room and seeing so many people who are… who are…”
“Old?” Bucky supplies again.
She shakes her head, laughing and trying to lick the ice cream off the cone—save it from falling. “No, Jamie. Not that.”
“Then?” He prompts, leaning to lick the leftover ice cream off her fingers.
Taking in a long breath, she musters up her courage and begins. “Tony’s the same age as Milkovitch. Or well, Tony would have been.” Bucky’s eyes turn softer in an instant. “It’s weird to see it—people who used to be young, who used to look like me, a crowd that I could have blended into seamlessly become old and gray. I mean, I lived it with Tony but I was there to see it day in and day out. He aged in front of my eyes, so it felt—it felt…”
“Natural?” Bucky offers.
And yeah. Yeah, it did. So, she nods. “Natural,” she agrees. “I remember when I noticed his first gray hair,” she laughs. “I freaked the fuck out but I didn’t want to tell him, cause that seemed fucking shallow, you know? I tried to hide it but man, I don’t think I was doing a good job ‘cause two days later the poor kid had dyed it black—that one single strand.” Bucky laughs too. “I think he figured out why it was freaking me out and that was his way of—I don’t know—calm me down, maybe?” She clicks her tongue at the thought. “The wrinkles were an easy adjustment. It began with smile lines, crinkles around his eyes every time he’d laugh at a joke, so it was…”
“Comforting?” Bucky suggests, once again giving her the words she can’t seem to find.
She rests her head on his shoulder then, “Yes. It was okay after that—especially after Pepper. Watching him age began feeling like a privilege. It felt like he was growing old instead of, you know, dying?”
Bucky nods. “Are you worried about that now? With me?” She punches him in the side. “FUCK! What was that for?”
She pulls back to face him, “I am not thinking about that shit yet!”
“Oh I’m sorry!” Bucky yells out annoyed and animated. “I was just drawing the LOGICAL conclusion to the conversation, but of course, that was stupid.”
“You’re such a little shit, James,” she rebukes him, shoving him and getting back on her feet.
“I’m a shit?! What did I do?!” He gets up as well. “We keep making grand promises about how we’ll love each other to the end of your days because you’ll obviously live longer.”
“BUCKY, DON’T SAY THAT!” She begins walking towards their motorbike parked in the parking lot.
He follows behind, “It’s not breaking news, Y/n! It’s inevitable.”
“But I have a plan!”
That makes her halt. She turns to face him, he almost runs into her. “What’s the plan?”
He smiles all cheeky and insolent. “Freeze me for a decade once in a while.” She can’t believe her ears.”Put me in the fridge every ten years or so for a decade and then pull me out. I’m also open to being in the freezer for a year with a two year gap in the middle as well.” She wants to punch him again. “I haven’t done the math on which will make me live longer but both will definitely extend my lifespan significantly.” She is going to punch him again. “I age a little slower anyway, this was I think we could extend this relationship into the next millennium at leas—” She punches him again. “FUCK! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ONE FOR NOW?” 
Turning around, she begins walking off again. “You’re not ice-cream, Jamie. I’m not fucking freezing you!” She cans the ice-cream in her hand, having lost her appetite.
He follows her again. “I have another plan!”
“Shut up, Barnes!”
“What if we ask Banner to make me body like you guys did for Vision?! Put my consciousness in there?” Bucky asks as they reach their motorbike.
She pulls out the keys, handing them off to Bucky. “What made him capable of emotions was the Mind Stone, you got any spare of those lying around?”
Bucky hops on the bike and then thinks for a second, “Steve told me you guys put Zola in a big computer kinda thing.” She gets on behind him. “What if we did that? I know our sex life might suffer but—”
She punches him right under his ribs..
“STOP FUCKING PUNCHING ME! These ideas are golden.”
She punches him again.
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ppnuggiex · 6 months
hiii!! i saw that your reqs are open <3 i'd like to req a mephi headcanon where the reader is a rlly busy & active student and they barely have time to meet even at school but reader can do meetings and work stuff with others! and he gets all jealous n sulky HEHE i think it would be a silly cute fluffy hc... thank u 💗🫶
      MEPHISTOPHELES x gn reader
    『 mephistopheles ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> mephisto getting jealous and needy when reader gets really busy
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, angst w/ comfort ,, some insecurity and doubt from mephisto ,, jealousy from him as well
  — omg i just realized it said headcannon right now ,, and i was in the middle of writing a oneshot for it 😭 so ill link the oneshot that goes with it to this :3 ! these are kinda long ,, but tysm for requesting ! i love this guy sm ,, hes quite literally the text book definition for babygirl prove me wrong 🙄🤚 feel free to request anymore for mephisto :D !! hope you enjoy these headcannons <3 !!
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| • its not rare for mephistopheles to feel left out when around you . after all ,, you did have pacts with all the avatars and were more than acquainted with two angels ,, a reaper ,, one of the wisest and strongest humans the human realm had to offer and were chummy with diavolo and barbatos .
| • it did make him question why you hung around him some days . he didnt mean much ,, just the son of a wealthy noble family within devildom . he may have known diavolo as a child ,, but it wasnt the same . it never felt the same ,, especially after lucifer had shown up in devildom .
| • what did you see in him ? compared to everyone else you knew ,, he wasnt much to you . at least ,, thats how he felt and what he thought . somehow ,, you saw more than just his wealth and title . you saw more of him ,, his interests and dislikes .
| • he didnt think of himself as that interesting ,, but he never let it get to him . though the fact you two were in a relationship meant more to him than you'd every know .
| • days turning to weeks that slipped into months of pining after you . money spent on gifts to give ,, only to be shoved into your hands as he looked away to hide his desire in his eyes ,, mumbling something about how he saw it and thought a human like mightve wanted it or whatever excuse he could fish out .
| • so mephistopheles understood that you get busy . after all ,, being apart of the exchange student program while being a student council member and doing your best to keep the brothers (namely mammon) in line was tiring . and ontop of it all was a shift you usually worked with mammon to help him with his debts . anything to get him to start working towards having less bills and debts to pay off .
| • he knew you worked hard ,, but it didnt stop his mind from being plagued with not the nicest thoughts . he couldnt stop himself from wandering if youre purposely taking on more work to keep yourself busy and away from him . was it true ? he hoped it wasnt ,, but he wouldnt be surprised . he wasnt as interesting as the seven brothers were . nor did he have money or power like diavolo and barbatos ,, or solomon . he was far from being holy and pure like raphael and simeon . he wasnt as funny or affectionate as thirteen either ,, he knew that .
| • but every time you would text him an apology ,, he couldnt help but bite the vile feeling in his heart . how it clenched in his chest whenever he would read the message and reply with reassurance that it was okay . even if it didnt feel okay .
| • it didnt help with how he would see one of the brothers clinging to you in the halls the next day . how you seemed to go unaware of his sorrows ,, yet it would be rude to march up and demand your attention ,, relationship or not .
| • at least ,, you werent aware of it until you dropped by the newspaper club room with a gift in hand for your lover . you realized you had gotten busy and carried away ,, barely seeing him in the halls and missing his texts when he'd send them during class or work .
| • a small treat from madame scream's and some matching jewelry you had saved up for held close to your torso as you opened the door ,, eyes catching mephistopheles as a smile curled on your lips .
| • you would apologize for neglecting him ,, presenting him with your gifts as you awaited for a response . it took him a few moments to realize the situation ,, emerald eyes wide with emotion and heart beating frantically within his chest .
| • a pout formed on his lips ,, standing up from his chair and pulling you into his embrace . his arms snug around you ,, trying to prevent himself from showing anymore weakness than he already was . especially in r.a.d. where anyone could walk in and see how vulnerable he was .
| • " thank you my dear ." he whispered ,, pressing a kiss to your head and opening the present box . inside were two necklaces ,, resembling hearts and two different letters on each one . a 'm' on one for his name ,, and another to match the first letter of your name . intertwined together ,, he unraveled the necklaces from each other ,, witnessing the half heart they made when taken apart .
| • “ i can help you put it on !” you offered with a smile ,, hand held out . he placed his half in your palm ,, leaning down to let you put it on . he shivered slightly when the cold metal brushed against his warm neck ,, your hands rustling lightly against his hair as you clipped it on .
| • he would forever treasure your gift ,, hiding it under his r.a.d. uniform but sometimes you could see the chain peak out around his neck . it would take more communication between you two ,, but you would help with his insecurities and make him feel as loved as you could .
| • whether he would tell you or not ,, after this incident you were quick to figure out when he felt isolated and left out ,, alone with his jealousy and sorrow . you promised not to let him get like that again ,, letting him know you would always be there for him whenever he felt this way .
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hey can you backwards engineer some gender neutral version of sir/ma'am
I can! And I will. But I’m going to walk you through it because you guys can do this too. I have no special skills other than having taken Latin 20 years ago. :D 
Bit of a plug first: this is a technique that I am using to de-gender a number of royal ranks in my books -- for example, the retired king has declared his nonbinary partner “Caez”, shortened from Caesar, to replace king/queen. In a book not yet published, his granddaughter is offered prince, princess, or the gender-neutral princeps when she’s adopted, and although she identifies as female, she chooses princeps because she doesn’t like the word princess. Ledan came about because I was trying to decide what one character, a duke known for his irreverence, might call a person at the rank of lord or lady if he wanted to make fun of himself a bit for not knowing their gender.
Okay, now that I’ve got the obligatory “Hey look, queer romance novels” out of the way, let’s dive in... 
So, what you want to know is the origins of the words Sir and Madam. With Lord and Lady they came from the same general place -- Old English derived from the Germanic -- so it was easy to just go “Bread watcher? Bread maker? Sure let’s find something else you can do with bread” and go from there. This will not always be the case, and it isn’t here, but that makes things extra-interesting.
What you’re going to do is go to Wiktionary.org and search the terms you want to work backward from. In this case we want to search Sir, and we also want to search Madam, which is what Ma’am comes from. 
On the page for Sir, we click “etymology” under English or scroll down to it, and we get the history of the word. How far back you go in this history can vary by what kind of word you’d like to use. In this case we know the history goes sir > sire > French Sire (master, sir, lord) > Latin senior (elder) > Latin Senex (old). I like to go all the way back to the Latin, but let’s hold that thought. 
Now that we have Sir identified, we’ll check out Madam, from which we get the history ma’am > madam > madame > Old French madame (”my” and “lady”) > post-classical Latin mea domina, which also means generally “my lady” although it has a more specific meaning we’ll get to shortly. 
So we have a couple of options! 
We can take “Senex” which is more closely related to the masculine “Sir” but is in itself generally neutral, and come up with “Sen”, which has no meaning in Latin on its own but we’re not speaking Latin, we’re speaking English, which shortens everything anyway. 
We can also look at “ma domina” and take that apart -- domina and dominus concern the home, the physical building, using the same root we get “domicile” and “domain”. So you could click through from domina to dominus to domus, and go with “ma domus”, since domus has connotations of household, family, etc. Ma Domus might shorten to M’us. It could also shorten to “ma’do”, but that’s two syllables and I like to retain the syllable count of the original words. And also M’us or even just Mus sounds like you’re saying Moose. Which, Moose is a pretty cool name to call a nonbinary friend, but may be taken amiss by strangers. It strikes me that M’us could be used as a term of respect specifically for someone in your family -- a parent or grandparent, a cousin or zaza. There’s a hint of familiarity there. 
We could go one step further and look at the implications of the word origins -- both are addressing a superior in rank, but “sir” emphasizes age, while “ma’am” emphasizes economic power. Now, if we want to break away from both of those we could decide that instead we want to respect a different kind of power -- say, the power of a teacher we trust and look up to. Wiktionary tells us that teacher derives from the verb “teach”, and at the etymology of teach we find several variants including techen, taecan, taikijan, taikijana, and deyk (as a prefix). I rather like Deyk, because a) it shortens nicely to Dey, b) if you’re talking to someone you respect it’s sincere but if you’re talking to someone you don’t respect it’s easily sarcastic, and c) if you’re talking to someone you don’t respect you can throw a little k in, so that it sounds like you’re calling them Dey but you’re actually calling them Dick. 
 Of these options I really do prefer Sen. It sounds nice, it’s not a homophone for anything weird, and it implies respect for the person’s experience. If I were writing a novel with a nonbinary honorific I might go with Dey just because there’s more scope for wordplay and nuance, but in actual life I think Sen’s quite nice. 
So yeah it’s fun and interesting and you get to learn the weird-ass histories of weird-ass words. I encourage everyone to make their own! 
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Succession Preference: Being Their Kid
Requested: Hi!!! Could u do a roy siblings + conner (love the way u write him) with a reader who is their kid? So like a POV in an AU where reader is their kid and each of them how they'd be as parents. (Succession preference or headcanons) - anon
A/N: Thank you for requesting my love!!! Hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Connor loves being a father. He thought his greatest life purpose was being a big brother, but really it was to be a dad to you. He loves you more than anything. Despite being oblivious sometimes, Connor is a very attentive and present dad. He goes to every school event, every game, every play, every activity. He's the parent who goes on school field trips and volunteers for every classroom activity. Raising you is the biggest blessing of his life. He spoils you rotten. He wants you to have everything. Absolutely everything. Connor tells you about your Pop-Pop and your aunt and uncles, about how they used to be a lot closer, trapped in a years-long battle. He even tells you a bit about his mother, wanting you to be as connected to her as you are your other grandparents. He doesn't know what he'll do when you leave, when you move out. He loves being your dad. You're smart and funny and you love him no matter what, no matter how awkward or clueless or loving he is. It's all he ever wanted, he knows that now, to be a dad.
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Kendall isn't very attentive. You have your younger (half?) siblings, Sophie and Iverson, and Rava is like a mother to you, but your relationship with your dad is strained. It's hard. Your mother does the best she can, and she's been trying to save you from him for as long as you can remember, but you know better. Your father didn't go to rehab until a few years ago. Before then, you mostly saw him on holidays if you were lucky and vacations. He sorta moved on, started a whole new family with Rava, and that hurts. As you grow up, you really realize that he was just a kid raising kids. He still has a lot of growing up to. You're not mad at him, you can't be. Look at the life he's lead, the people around him. No wonder he's a stifled kid. Still, you feel wronged. No matter what, he's your father. He should have stepped up to the plate. He should have taken his duties seriously. The older you get the more you understand him, his upbringing, but you're still connected to those frustrated feelings of childhood. You want him to be more present, and you hope he will be, but right now he can't be. He's fighting for a legacy he'll never have.
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Shiv is a complicated mother to have. She loves you, of course she does, but she's trapped by circumstances. She never wanted to be with your father, she never wanted to turn into her mother, but she is and she did and now you're the product. She has big hopes for you. She knows that you're smart, you're witty, you remind her a lot of herself. She never wants you fight to be heard the way she was. Never. She spent her whole life fighting and still ended up the wife of the CEO instead of CEO herself. She listens to you always. If something is unfair or unjust, if you think you deserve something or want to do something or become someone, she is always there to listen. She 100% supports you in everything you do. She doesn't want you to end up like her. She does everything she can to support you and give you all that you want so that you never feel like she did. Raising you just makes her more upset with Logan. Regardless of your gender she knows you're a capable, whole human being. Why couldn't he do the same? Why couldn't any of them?
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Roman is definitely not your biological father. You're adopted by him or he's your step-dad, something like that, but there's just no way he would biologically father a child. He likes you, you're cool. It's a learning experience for the both of you. It makes him realize just how messed up his own childhood was. He feels no want or need to hit you, to abuse you, to send you away like he'd been. He definitely doesn't talk about his childhood in front of you, scared that it might affect you, even just the words enough to mess you up. You know better than to ask. He's not very affectionate, but he's working on it slowly. Very slowly. He's there for you when you need him, when you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen. He's trying his best not to be so defensive, so sarcastic. He wants to legitimize your feelings the way his never were. The more he's with you, fathering you, the less he understands Logan. The less he understands his entire upbringing. When you're visibly upset, nothing in him wants to react with anger. He only sees empathy and sensitivity and heartbreak, nothing he feels the need to punish. Fatherhood wasn't ever on his list of life goals, but he's glad that he has you.
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Let's talk about Hobie turning pink around Miles & Mayday. Why them?
A lot of people have noticed that Hobie turns pink whenever he's in close proximity with or touches Miles.
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I love this picture, Gwen just looks so happy that her two best friends are getting along, she's so adorable &lt;3 Look at Miles and Hobies' big ass eyes 😭
This also happens with Mayday Parker
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Now a lot of people believe that Hobie does this around people he cares about or feels affection towards. But if this is true, how come he doesn't turn pink around Gwen or Pavitr?
In his introduction scene, when Hobie and Pavitr are play fighting, Hobie never turns pink, and only turns from his grey color scheme to his original red and blue one. As for Gwen, we see him around her and talking with her multiple times throughout the movie but we never see him turn pink in response to her proximity. We know that Pavitr and Hobie are "very close" and Gwen and he have been roommates for a while as well, so why does his color only change around Miles and Mayday, considering that he didn't even know Miles before?
I headcanon that he turns pink around people he's protective of.
Pavitr and Gwen, two of his best friends, are assimilated enough into the Spider Society to own their own watches, and trustworthy enough to be sent on missions and be out in the field. They work for Miguel and they are completely accepting of the Spider Society's rules. Although Pavitr probably doesn't know about his canon events, considering the fact that he tried to save both Gayatri and Police Inspector Singh, he still is considered a member of the Spider Society, as shown when Jess told Lyla to "contact" the Spider of Earth-50101 (Mumbattan) before sending Gwen there. This supports the idea that Pavitr is a known member and might have even participated in anomaly missions before. Meanwhile, Gwen knows about canon events and still supports Miguel and the Spider Society, going as far as to lie to Miles about the goals of the society and the people in it. Since Hobie obviously does not agree with the society's views or Miguel's, he would also not agree with Pavitr or Gwen on this subject.
However, Miles doesn't know about the Spider Society or canon events yet. He has no idea about the problems with being Spider-man and helped Pavitr save his Police Inspector Singh. Hobie would take this as a sign of independence and self-thought and would definitely appreciate it. I think that Hobie views Miles as a little brother figure, and wants to protect him. He doesn't want Miles to assimilate into the Spider Society and he wants to shield his innocence for as long as possible. Because of this, he feels a connection toward him and this connection is portrayed by his changing of color schemes.
As for Mayday, she's still a baby/toddler that has zero idea of what goes on in the Spider Society. From what we can see, she doesn't even know how to walk or talk yet. Hobie would most definitely view her as a younger sibling and would feel the same obligation to shield her innocence before Miguel assimilates her too into the society. He feels the same connection to Mayday as he does to Miles.
He has a sibling-esque relationship with them and that makes him want to protect them from the Society.
I'm not saying that Hobie doesn't turn pink because of affection, but I don't think thats the only reason behind it. I think there's probably a much deeper emotional connection behind it, because otherwise it wouldn't make much sense as to why he only turns pink around Mayday and Miles because the two are fairly different.
This has been stuck in the back of my head for a long time, cuz I could never really understand why Hobie would feel a connection to Miles and Mayday over Gwen and Pavitr, so this "brotherly" love kind of connection makes more sense to me. I think he feels more of a sibling-like connection to Miles and Mayday compared to how he sees more of a friendship-like connection to Gwen and Pavitr if that makes sense.
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Donald Trump on Sunday called for President Joe Biden to take down an attack ad featuring a series of quotes attributed to the Republican in which he mocks dead soldiers.
The former president’s demand came on the same day that Biden honored fallen troops in a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France, the burial ground that Trump chose not to visit in 2018 and was later reported to have done so while describing the site as “filled with losers.” Trump has denied making the remark—and another in which he allegedly called more than 1,800 Marines “suckers” for being killed—ever since The Atlantic first published his purported words in 2020.
Those denials continued Sunday, first at a rally in Las Vegas. “He said I stood over graves of soldiers and I said: ‘These people are suckers and losers, the dead soldiers from World War I,’’ Trump said, referring to Biden. He went on to claim the whole episode was “made up” and, despite the Biden campaign knowing it’s “phony,” they still “took an ad using it—these are sick people.”
Trump appeared to be referring to an attack ad launched by the Biden campaign on Friday during the president’s visit to Normandy for ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The video featured the reported “suckers” and “losers” quotes, along with audio of Trump mocking the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as being thought of as a “war hero” because he was captured during the Vietnam War. “I like people that weren’t captured,” Trump added.
“Donald Trump doesn’t know a damn thing about service to his country,” read a post on Biden’s X account featuring the clip.
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At the rally in Vegas, Trump accused his political opponents of fabricating stories about him in order to get elected. “Unless you’re a psycho or a crazy person or a very stupid person, who would say that, anyway?” Trump said, referring to the “suckers” and “losers” comments.
He also took a swipe at the “geniuses” who advised him simply not to mention the allegation. “It just never goes away, I gotta mention it,” Trump told his supporters. “I don’t like mentioning it. But for me to say ‘suckers and losers’ about people that died in World War I in front of military people? It’s not a possibility you could say a thing like that.”
Trump’s fury about the matter continued in a pair of Truth Social posts Sunday. He dismissed the “losers and suckers” claim as “another Democrat Disinformation ‘hit job’” and said only “a sicko with an axe to grind would suggest that anyone would make such a statement.”
“They even made these horrific words into an advertisement, which shows how desperate they are,” the post continued. “No President, especially ‘dumb as a rock’ Joe Biden, has done more for our Military than DONALD J. TRUMP. The Military hates Crooked Joe, and all of the failure he represents. Take down the Fake Ad, Joe, and stop the unprecedented Weaponization of ‘Justice’ against your Political Opponent.”
In another post, he again claimed to have “never said that dead Soldiers are ‘losers and suckers.’”
“Anytime you see that despicable FAKE statement used, remember that it comes from the FASCIST SCUM that is destroying our Country,” he wrote.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Mexico is in the throes of its first presidential campaign with two women leading the race. Former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum and former Sen. Xóchitl Gálvez top polls ahead of the June 2 general elections, virtually guaranteeing that the country will soon inaugurate its first female head of state.
It is a milestone both for Mexico and for Latin America. Countries across the region have embraced mandatory gender quotas in public offices, and none with more fervor than Mexico. A 2019 constitutional reform mandated that elected and appointed positions at all levels of government must be gender-balanced. As a result, political parties looked to women to fill senior candidate slots.
Sheinbaum has at least a 15 percent advantage over Gálvez in most recent polls. But even the third-ranking, male presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez reflects the reach of Mexican feminism: He chose a veteran feminist politician, Patricia Mercado, to coordinate his platform for part of the campaign; Mexican magazine Quién called her the “third woman” in the race.
Although they stand for different political ideologies—Sheinbaum represents the governing left-leaning Morena party, Gálvez heads a more pro-market opposition alliance, and Álvarez fronts a centrist group—the candidates agree on many gender-related issues.
All three say they support the Mexican Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to decriminalize abortion in federal health centers. They also promise to launch a publicly funded system to provide different types of care work and pledge to reduce gender-based violence. In Mexican politics today, openly criticizing feminism usually leads to candidates “being canceled on social media and losing votes,” abortion rights lawyer Ninde Molina told Foreign Policy.
Still, Molina and many other activists are approaching the milestone election with a mindset of determination rather than euphoria. The fact that a politician is a woman “does not guarantee that she is a democrat or a defender of human rights” or feminist principles, Molina wrote for Este País this month.
According to Molina, the woman presidential candidates have shied away from offering detailed stances on abortion during the campaign, other than to support the Supreme Court decision. The same goes for Álvarez. That nuance matters because 19 of Mexico’s 32 federal jurisdictions have yet to decriminalize the procedure. Many public hospitals don’t offer abortions even where they are legal, Molina added, and Mexico’s public health care system is often short on abortion pills.
The candidates have been more specific about their plans to combat gender-based violence. All three pledged to create new violence prevention programs and strengthen prosecutors’ capacity to investigate femicides.
As Mexico City mayor, Sheinbaum carried out similar policies on the local level, Mexican doctoral candidate Ana Sofía Rodríguez Everaert wrote in a profile of the politician for Foreign Policy. These included staffing prosecutors’ offices with female lawyers trained to work from a gendered perspective. During Sheinbaum’s tenure, lethal violence in the capital fell by 32 percent, according to estimates made by feminist group Intersecta.
Plans for a national care system endorsed by all three candidates, meanwhile, have advanced in Mexico’s congress but not yet become law. Broadly, the program would devote more public money to funding care workers and facilities for newborns, children, the elderly, and disabled people. It would also reorganize existing day-care, disability, and pension systems to allow people without formal work contracts to pay for and receive care.
When it comes to feminist demands in Mexico, there is significant consensus—including on the ideological right, political scientist Mónica Tapia told Foreign Policy. The challenge is translating that agenda into results. “Our big lesson learned here in Mexico is that parity is necessary, but not sufficient” to advance progressive gender goals, Tapia said.
To help promote lasting change, Tapia helped co-found Aúna, a group that recruits and trains female candidates for political office who are committed to a range of policies intended to reduce gender and economic inequalities and boost environmental protection.
Aúna has coached candidates from both left-wing and right wing-parties; some have later cooperated on legislation while serving in the Mexico City government. Aúna is inspired by similar initiatives for women and nontraditional candidates in the United States, Colombia, and Brazil. Fifty Aúna candidates are running in the June 2 elections at the legislative and gubernatorial level.
While parity requirements have helped lead Mexico to its symbolic presidential election, Tapía said, “a wider ecosystem” of activists is moving feminist demands forward across the country.
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kilfeur · 3 months
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Bon sang ! Ce chapitre le drama est total, entre l'attaque des avions, la déclaration qui n'est jamais venu, les lettres censurés et le fait que malgré ils étaient pas sur la même longueur d'onde. Mais le bataillon de Martha va devoir servir la première ligne et les déserteurs se font exécutés. Et Martha s'y engage, malgré son envie de protéger ce qui lui reste c'est le fait que justement elle est coincée et que même si elle continue encore et encore, elle pourra toujours se motiver par ses propres convictions. Pour à la fin n'avoir plus rien à perdre et c'est ce qui arrive quand Henderson entend la nouvelle à la radio, c'est déchirant ! Surtout que dans sa lettre, il souhaite tant qu'elle revienne.
Poussé par le chagrin, il interrompt le discours de propagande avant d'être mis en cage. Et Donvan enfant, j'avoue que je l'ai pas vu venir mais en soit c'est logique surtout avec son discours qui se superpose avec la bataille de Martha. Bien que je sens qu'il est sincère quand il apprécie les lectures d'Henderson malgré son grand détachement pour les autres. Et au final, il se marie et à cet instant, Martha se réveille.
Goddam it! This chapter is total drama, between the airplane attack, the declaration that never came, the censored letters and the fact that they weren't all on the same page. But Martha's battalion is going to have to serve on the front line, and deserters are going to be executed. And Martha joins in, despite her desire to protect what's left of her is the fact that she's stuck, and that even if she goes on and on, she'll still be motivated by her own convictions. In the end, she has nothing left to lose, which is what happens when Henderson hears the news on the radio. It's all the more heartbreaking when he hears the news on the radio, especially as his letter makes him wish she'd come back.
Driven by grief, he interrupts the propaganda speech before being put in a cage. And Donovan as a child, I admit I didn't see that coming, but in itself it makes sense, especially with his speech overlapping with Martha's battle. Although I feel he's sincere when he appreciates Henderson's lectures despite his great detachment from the others. And in the end, he gets married and at that moment, Martha wakes up.
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mudwerks · 7 months
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(via AZ panel votes to ban Satan displays from public property)
Arizona’s legislature is STILL a bunch of anti-constitution religious nuts:
PHOENIX — Calling Satan “an explicit enemy of God,’’ a state senator is pushing to keep displays of him, by any name, off of public property.
Just Satan. Christmas trees and menorahs would still be allowed.
”It is a desecration of our public property in the United States of America and in the state of Arizona for a satanic display, memorial, altar, etc., to be on public property,’’ said Sen. Jake Hoffman, a Queen Creek Republican.
He pushed the measure through the Senate Government Committee Wednesday on a 5-1 party-line vote.
All that drew questions.
”It is because it’s insulting to your religion?’’ asked Sen. Juan Mendez, D-Tempe.
Hoffman said that’s not his motive.
The legal issue goes beyond that.
The Satanic Temple has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a religion and entitled to the same charitable status as any other.
“I am genuinely impressed that in only 25 words this bill seems to violate three separate clauses of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,’’ testified Micah Mangione, an individual who showed up to testify against the bill.
These, he said, are prohibiting the government from establishing a religion, barring government interference with the free exercise of religion, and guaranteeing the right to free speech. He warned the Republicans there are implications for their support of SB 1279.
”If you can go after the Satanic Temple, which is a religion, what about paganism next?’’ Mangione asked. “What about Judaism next? How about Islam? How about LDS?’’
What the legislation does is declare that only Christian values matter, he said.
Hoffman said he doesn’t see it that way.
”It is legally and constitutionally suspect to argue that Satan, someone who is universally known to be an explicit enemy of God, is somehow a religion,’’ he said. “That is an absolutely ludicrous statement to make.’’
Another individual testifying against the bill, Tonia Francis, told Hoffman what he is proposing interferes with her First Amendment rights.
Hoffman disagreed, saying she remains free to practice whatever she wants — just as long as nothing is erected on public property. Any arguments beyond that are off base, he said.
”So you think that it’s both legally and constitutionally OK to argue that Satan … who is universally known to be explicitly the enemy of God, antithetical to God, you think that’s targeting your religion?’’ Hoffman asked.
”Universally known to you?’’ Francis asked.
”To, literally, everyone,’’ Hoffman responded. “That’s not a point that’s debatable. Would you not say that Satan is the enemy of God?
”No,’’ Francis said.
Hoffman called her testimony “disingenuous.’’
Mendez called the legislation “a straight-up attack on the rights of people and religion.’’
Hoffman can’t even imagine that other people don’t believe in his chosen religion’s world view. 
And he’s an elected legislator?!?!
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class-1b-bull · 5 months
Can I ask what 1-B would be like with an S/O who shows their feelings mainly through lots of cooking and feeding?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - anything his s/o makes for him he will eat pretty quickly and then talk about how good it was for 5 minutes lmao. Like you blink and the food is gone. Fucking inhaled that shit.
Sen - he always asks his s/o for little snacks and stuff when he goes training and for similar things. He wont directly say anything specific about the foods but he will silently find ways to thank his s/o
Kamakiri - he wont openly say anything about it but he will point out if his s/o stopped. If they stop cooking for him he will point it out and say he rlly liked the food and they should cook for him more ykyk?
Kuroiro - he wont eat much of anything unless you cooked it at this point lmao. Like he will if he has too but he will always prefer his s/os cooking over anyone elses
Kendo - she loves when her s/o cooks for her and she started asking for them to teach her how to cook the things they've made her so she can return the favor
Kodai - if her s/o has a tendency to give her food as a love language then her love language becomes getting them the ingredients. She likes helping them prepare the foods and such but still lets her s/o do most of the hard stuff.
Komori - every time her s/o brings her food she immediately starts gushing about how good it is and she insists on sharing it with them
Shiozaki - whenever you cook for her she will pack it up and eat it as a mid gardening snack or for her lunch that day at school. Then later she will always make sure to tell her s/o how much she liked it and that they should make it again sometime.
Shishida - hes pretty large and his quirk takes up a lot of his energy so he needs to eat and sleep quite a bit. So if his s/os love language is cooking him things he loves it more than he could show.
Shoda - it dosent matter what it is he will eat his s/os cooking every time without fail and he will quietly thank them every time they make him something.
Pony - shes always so happy when her s/o makes her anything. She will give her s/o the biggest hug and gush about how good the food is <3
Tsubaraba - hes a bit of a picky eater but no matter how bad something his s/o made is he will eat all of it. He dosent have to worry about that though since he likes all of his s/os food
Tetsutetsu - if his s/o makes him something to eat they will be forced to listen to him talk about how manly knowing to cook is for at least five minutes. Every dish his s/o makes is the best dish ever according to Tetsu (and he will make sure everyone nearby knows)
Tokage - she instantly starts to praise her s/o about how good their cooking is while insisting they have some of what they made too. She will share it with them, they dont get a choice.
Manga - manga likes to take the little snacks hos s/o makes him and use what they taste like as inspiration for his next drawing (if that makes sense lmao) every time his s/o cooks him something he draws them something and hides it in their bag or room for them to find <3
Honenuki - he also really loves cooking and his love language is acts of service so whenever he sees you cooking him something he always helps in any way. He will run to the store to get a single spice if his s/o asked
Bondo - its the highlight of his day when his s/o comes to him with some food they made. No matter what his s/o made him he loves it every time.
Monoma - he keeps 'complaining' about how hes trying to stay nimble and thin for the sake of his quirk or whatever but at the same time he always eats everything his s/o makes and he even scolds them for not cooking him stuff in a while lmao.
Reiko - she likes the little snacks her s/o makes over the full course meals. Dont get me wrong she eats it no matter what but she prefers the snack foods to eat so he can share with her s/o while they watch a movie or smthn
Rin - he loves his s/os cooking lmao. He will always ask for little snacks when hes about to study or smthn like that. He insists on helping when they cook as well.
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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thejokig23 · 2 months
Favourite and least favourite part of each FromSoftware game I've played
Demon's Souls:
I really like the freedom of choice on where you want to go. Stonefang, Latria, the Shrine of Storms, and the Valley of Defilement are all accessible after beating Phalanx, designed to be completed or visited in whatever order you choose. A lot of mechanics in Demon's Souls also fit this style pretty well, like the grass system.
When playing Demon's Souls, I find it lacking in amazing fights like the other games. The only one that's really a stand out is the False King. The lack of a proper dragon fight is particularly devastating to me. The fights aren't bad for the most part, just usually more puzzle based than I'd like.
Dark Souls:
The interconnected aspect of the first half of the game. It reminds me of Metroid in a way, being able to navigate through a twisting world to get stronger or pick up items you need, finding shortcuts. It would have been great if this carried into the second half as well.
I find out if all the games, Dark Souls has the most enemies that aren't really designed to be fought. A few coming to mind being the blue drakes, the cats in the forest, giant sentinels, Sen's fortress' giants, the Titanite demons, the giant maggots in Izalith, and the boars in the archive's entrance. They're just awkward to fight, usually with janky movement and collision.
Dark Souls II:
The variety of viable playstyles is at its best in DS2. Bows, crossbows, and magic are all just as good as melee. You can infuse pretty much any weapon, even special weapons and catalysts, really anything goes. There are certainly bad options, but they aren't bad in the same way as bad options in the other games.
Unfortunately, the game is just really fucking janky. Moving feels like your controller is covered in molasses, animations are both slow and weightless, and both enemies and the majority of areas look outright unfinished. I can't stand playing it for more than a few minutes.
Dark Souls III:
This is the most consistently great game FromSoftware has made (that I have played). Every area has looping paths, with shortcuts reusing bonfires and secrets to find. A vast majority of enemies are just fun to fight, even grouped together, and there are very few bad bosses, with many times more amazing ones.
Although, playing the game multiple times gets old incredibly fast. The combat is incredibly light attack centric, and most weapons function pretty similar to each other. Viable builds that noticeably devuate from this are few and far between: bows suck, sorcery sucks, miracles suck, and pyromancy is only okay.
The trick weapons are exactly what I like to see in a weapon's moveset: toolkits for beating shit up. Fewer weapons with more individual personality is an amazing idea, and while there are a few somewhat disappointing (note: I didn't say ineffective), like the saw spear and Ludwig's holy blade taking their untransformed moveset from the saw cleaver and Kirkhammer respectively, the majority are really cool and fun to use.
While the game looks gorgeous, the visuals do tend to get in the way of gameplay. There are framerate issues quite often, colours blend to mush a lot, and particle effects will just cover whatever you're fighting, which is made worse by how fast and twitchy enemies tend to be. A particularly bad example was fighting Ludwig's first phase. The second phase was fantastic, but god is getting to it miserable, with dust and blood everywhere as he flails around incomprehensibly.
I did not get far in this one. People lumping it in with the other games is a mistake, it's really not that similar to the other games in most ways. Not to say it's bad, obviously, in fact I think deflecting is an amazing mechanic. I never quite got good at it, but it's engaging and fun to do.
Sekiro just wasn't really for me. I kinda just got lost and gave up, with no clue how to get better or stronger in any way. I wasn't having fun dying to the chained ogre over and over, gettibg no closer to beating it no matter what I did, and not really fibding anywhere else to go.
Elden Ring:
The setting of Elden Ring is fantastic. Lots of vibrant colours, but all within a certain natural pallet. The world is bursting with life in a way the other games weren't, and I find a living world bursting with energy more compelling than one falling into entropy. Character and monster designs are amazing and play into this as well, especially when comparing them to previous games. It's not perfect - I dislike how boring sorcery is as just being, for the most part, Blue Stuff, while incantations get many, MANY more interesting spell types to work with (and its Yellow Stuff being limited to one or two spell groups). But otherwise, it's my favourite FromSoftware setting.
Combat in Elden Ring can be kinda hit or miss. The main culprit, I think, is that fighting most enemies and some bosses feels unnatural, like they're all truing to just trip you up and hit you with bullshit. I like Dancer oft the Boreal Valley, I like Pontiff, I like the Nameless King - but not for every fucking fight in the game. It just feels tedious.
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watchinglikeafangirl · 7 months
"Let's talk about Chu" is actually really good
I honestly started this show out of boredom and because it only has 8 episodes, so it's easy to watch. The first episode feels like they just want to show how controversial the show is because there are several sex scenes but once the story really starts, it's really interesting. It kinda starts out as something like Sex Education but it ends up talking less about sex and more about people's different relationships.
The main cast is the Chu family which consists of the parents and their three children. There are two daughters (Ai and Wei) and one son (Yu Sen), everyone equally faces challenges and they all kinda manage. Sometimes, it feels like they really just manage but struggle to live. It's about everyone finding their happy place or reestablishing it.
There's an old marriage (the parents) and a young marriage (oldest daughter) facing the same issues. The partners seemingly have lost interest in each other, there's no intimacy physically and mentally. It's interesting and at times very sad to watch their marriages falling apart. Especially Wei's marriage, when they argue about irrational things that obviously root in distrust and disappointment. I could relate to her very much and I really like how the show points out that both are part of the problem.
The son - Yu Sen - is stuck in a weird relationship and his partner is really unlikable and doesn't want to come out to his parents. They eventually break up, who was sad? I wasn't. It marks the start of Yu Sen's arc where he meets a random, very extroverted guy who takes him to places and makes him feel alive. Honestly, I felt alive too, the guy named Yueh has a certain charm nobody can ignore. It goes so far, even though no commitments have been made, even though they shouldn't matter that much to each other, Yu Sen goes looking Yueh in the countryside, meets his grandma and helps him through his grief. It's sweet and shows different sides of the characters, my absolute favourite part of the show.
And then, there's the protagonist, the youngest daughter Ai. She and Ping-ke are friends with benefits and by the way he looks at her, one can immediatly tell he really likes her. But she sets boundaries and rules, so there cannot be more to it. They stay pretty consistent, she has something with two other guys but both don't give her a sense of love. Ping ke's still there and he sees his chance of persuing her for real. We find out there's actually a reason for those boundaries rooted in Ai's childhood and Ping-ke is there to comfort her after she remembers it again. I kind of like her but at the same time she's a bit frustrating because she doesn't have that much of an arc until episode 6, so I don't have much to say about her. I like Ping-ke's arc of starting to be independent and not living off his family's money. I could relate to a certain point. I can understand the sheer want of having something on one's own. He wants to be respected and actually do something, so he goes out and does it. I love it.
Anyway, great show, go watch it on Netflix. The story gets better and better the longer you watch and every character's arc is very valid and consistent. There are different sides to every story and the show does a really good job at showing both. Noone is right or wrong, it's sometimes frustrating how real it feels lol
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