#even his armpit is nice I HATE MYSELF
petew21-blog · 5 days
I hate myself
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I just hate my reflection now so much. His face looking back at me. I know it's my reflection now, but I still can't get used to it.
I never planned on swapping bodies with Zahir. But after what my father did, I had no choice
My father was not always a good parent, but he was great with money. He established a very fine hotel, which he planned on turning into a family business. None of my siblings were interested, because they all had their lives and their jobs. My siblings are all much older than me. I was foolish enough to think that they didn't want to help my father. But after many years of helping out instead of studying, I found out throughout that my father was a monster. He never treated people with respect, bullied his employees, and had many homophobic and transphobic comments to people, which didn't help the business, but he didn't really care as long as he had enough income.
I was closeted. And afraid to come out to my father. I knew our relationship would change after that, and I was right. After coming out to me, he never treated me the same. But he still kept me around to help him. Again, I was too naive to think that he was trying to be a better person. Nope. He got himself a new wife to impregnate and get another son. And after that he disowned me. As if I was nothing. As if I didn't help him enough to hold the place together.
I was furious and depressed. I kept checking the news of the hotel every single time I had a bit of free time. He pretended that he managed well, but it was all crumbling. And then he promoted Zahir. One of my friends who worked his way to the top by kissing ass and lying. Sorry, ex-friends now. He presented my ideas for the hotel as his own the second I left the building.
I hated him. I hated both of them from that moment. Revenge was on my mind daily now, but I had no idea how I would even attempt that.
I stumbled upon a website. It claimed to change your life for the better. Yes, you needed to pay a LOT. But I was desperate. I'm sure you understand. I sent the money and waited
I felt a nauseating feeling in my stomach. I closed my eyes. Something was happening.
I opened my eyes. YESSSS. I was back in my apartement at the hotel. Fuck yeah. It worked. I have my life back
But then I noticed some of my stuff was misplaced. The paintings on the walls were down, much more garbage on the ground than I was used to. I had a really bad feeling. I looked down
"What the fuck" a strange voice now escaped my throat. Manly, but not mine. And down below was a different view than I was used to.
Abs. I never had abs. I would kill to have abs like these, cause the gay community is so toxic about your body.
But I knew this wasn't my body. The skin was darker than my own. Maybe the website gave me a better body along with improved life
I went to the bathroom. And the second I saw my body I thought I was gonna vomit right at that spot.
Fuckin' Zahir
That stupid freaking website turned me into Zahir
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This must be a horrible joke. I turned into my enemy. A homophobic fucker who worships my father.
I looked at myself. His curly hair, his beard. I have to admit Zahir is not a bad looking guy. Maybe it could be good to be in his body. He is hot, has a great body. Maybe I could score some cute guys looking like this. And maybe I could convince my father to let me take over the hotel. I would be happier and so would my father
Ok, let's see what this body can do
I took off my new clothes. Zahir's hairy legs, hairy balls and a pretty nice dick were now available for me to explore. I entered the hot shower.
I flexed the muscles. "Oh yeah. Not bad" I touched every ridge that I now possessed. I sniffed my hairy armpits. The reeking smell hitting my nose. If I were in my body I would have been already hard at that moment
I got down to my dick. Playing with the foreskin. Feeling the weight of my new hairy balls. They were a bit larger than my own. I started jerking my new dick. Thinking about being in a new body and fucking some hot guy with it. But no matter how much I tried I couldn't get it hard.
"How do you like being impotent?" a very familiar voice could be heard behind me
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I turned around and saw my old body standing in the doorway
"Not anymore, honey. I'm you now. I have to say, It's gonna get some getting used to being in your fat gay body, but nothing that a few regular trips to the gym wouldn't fix"
"Wait, you're okay with this?"
"Are you kidding? I'm now in the body of your father's heir. All I need to do is come to him and tell him I'm straight and sorry. He'll welcome me with open arms"
"Zahir, you can't do this. You can't ruin my life like this"
"Ruin your life? Honey, look at the body you now have. You should feel lucky to be looking like me. And I can't wait to tell your, sorry MY FATHER, about you stealing money and leaking secret information. He's gonna be so pissed when he finds out"
"I didn't steal anything. You can't just pin shit on my and expect it to work"
"Maybe you haven't, but I have. And I got all the evidence. Anyway, i see you're busy getting to know your... not really working manhood, thanks for that as well by the way. And I hope to never see you again. ZAHIR"
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"So that's my story. That's why I hate looking at myself in the mirror"
"Right... Maybe start with something more believable next time I ask about your backstory"
"Whatever. You asked"
"Hey, the guy that was here the last time asked for you. He said that he would leave a good tip if he could piss on you"
"He knows damn well that it will cost him more. No tips will change that"
I took a shot of vodka. "Alright, let's do this. Gotta earn those money"
I looked back in the mirror at Zahir's face. God, I hate myself so much
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luveline · 1 year
Maybe a Eddie and Roan where Roan gets into an argument with one of her friend/classmate and she’s like really grumpy and reader and Eddie try and cheer her up or even defuse the situation??
tysm ♡ eddie and roan
Roan toddles out of her classroom with her eyes on the floor until she reaches Eddie's legs. He frowns at her in surprise, smoothing the frizz of her curls away from her forehead. "Hello," he says. 
"Everything okay?" you ask. 
That morning at the kitchen table, when you told Roan you'd be there at pick up with her dad (the two of you taking a much needed day off to waste together in bed doing alternate loads of laundry), she smiled and climbed into your lap. "Good," she said, her lips shiny with waffle syrup, "I'll make you a present in arts and crafts."
"You will? Thanks, baby," you'd said. 
The present isn't anywhere to be seen now, nor is your sparkling girl. Roan rubs her cheek against Eddie's legs without greeting you. Eddie takes the hint and leans down to take her into his arms. He sighs as he stands, ducking his head to hers. 
"Hello," he says again, gentler now. "Bad day?" 
She sniffles and puts her face in his shirt collar. Eddie covers the back of her head, his eyes wide. What the fuck, he mouths, surprise melding into something worse. He hates when Roan's upset like this. Her tantrums are loud but her real tears are always quiet, and you can see the moment Eddie's heart breaks, her hands gripping his hair urgently. 
"Hey, okay, don't worry, bubby…" He nods his head back the way you came, and you follow at his elbow, crestfallen. 
He prods at it as you walk to the car. What happened? and Talk to me, babe. Roan stops crying and turns silent, until the concern gets too much. 
"I'm sure whatever it is, we can make it better. You just have to tell me what happened, roly-poly."
"Nothing! Nothing happened, dad, stop." 
Eddie rubs her shoulders. "Alright. If you say so." 
You open the car door for them and Eddie covers the top of Roan's head as he tucks her in. She's definitely reaching an age where all this carrying is unnecessary, but Eddie always says he has muscles for a reason. You like to roll your eyes, and, secretly, think it's amazingly sweet. He's like that. 
"Want me to come and sit in the back?" you ask. 
"Are you sure? We can play pat-a-cake, or thumb wrestle?" 
"I don't want to." 
More of the same on the drive home. Eddie suggests ice cream, movies, McDonald's. Roan stares out the window and refuses to answer. Safe to say, you both hate it. It's your worst nightmare to know that somethings wrong but not know what that something is. 
"Let's go to Leaven," you whisper. 
Eddie raises his eyebrows at you, though he takes the turn, whispering back, "Why Leaven?" 
"We can buy her some fancy cupcakes and new pyjamas and stuff. And a tape, whatever she wants."
"We can't just buy her happiness," Eddie says. 
You park up in the family spaces near the front of Leaven and Eddie insists upon himself from car to store. "Please hold my hand, babe, I'll get lost in Leaven by myself," he whines, waving his hand at her. "I won't know where to go if you don't steer me." 
"Fine!" she says, taking his hand furiously. 
"Do you want to know why we're here, lovely girl?" you ask. 
"Roan, don't be mean," Eddie says reproachfully. 
"I'm not mean, dad." 
"You're being a little tiny bit mean. We should try to be nice to the people we love even when we have bad days. Work is very very hard, but I try to pick you up from school and be happy because you haven't done anything wrong." 
"I don't want to be happy," she pouts, twisting her head away from you both. 
Eddie huffs playfully and grabs her from behind. Arms under her armpits, he swings her around and chuckles maliciously in her ear. "Silly girl left herself open for my evil plan," he croons, the voice of a character from one of his campaigns that gives you and Roan the shivers. 
You grab a kart and push the children's seat out for Eddie to slide her in. "Trapped!" he declares, squeezes the arms of her vinyl coat. "And there's nothing you can do to stop us!" 
Roan struggles to pretend she doesn't find it funny. "Stop what?" she asks, exaggeratedly unhappy to maintain her grumpy facade. 
"We're going to spoil you, duh," he says, voice back to normal. "What should we get first, my love?" he asks you. "Cupcakes?" 
"Best get cupcakes before they run out of the pink bunnies." 
Roan's lips quirk at the name of her favourite ones. "Are we really having pink bunnies?" she asks. 
"We're having anything that will make you smile," Eddie says. 
You link your arm through his for most of the journey, the smell of his cologne rich and smokey. He doesn't smell like diesel, a rare occasion, nor are his clothes mottled by oil. You look like a family meant to shop at Leaven (sort of, you aren't so decked in designer as the wealthy Hawkinites). Roan perks a little as you pick cupcakes from the bakery counter, their gold foil wrappers reflected in the brown wells of her eyes. Eddie lets her eat one as you walk around so long as she puts the wrapper in the bag when she's done. 
From there, you choose pyjamas, a stuffie shaped like a frog, and a breadcrumb covered tray of mac and cheese. You pick up things you don't need as you go, fancy brownies in a tub and clothes softener. The best part is the deliberating, you and Eddie and Roan taking turns sniffing the caps and debating which one smells best. You settle on deep sea minerals, probably because Roan likes the seahorse on the front. 
"You're a traitor," you say, putting back the scent you'd preferred with put upon disappointment.
Roan giggles sweetly. Like a plug pulled, a levy unburdened, she laughs from the checkout to the car, all the way home. You barely notice how dark it's become, focused on the loving heat of Eddie's hand on your knee and Roan's renewed smile. 
Later, once she's had a bath and you're all in your pyjamas, Eddie asks her again what upset her, and she gives a teary answer. One of the Stacey's said her hair looked ugly, and Roan agreed with her. 
"Bubby, your hair's not ugly," you say, chucking her under the chin. Eddie, her chair, leans his chin over her shoulder to agree. 
"It's beautiful." 
She sniffles. "I said it was ugly, and it's not nice because daddy has the same hair." She sputters wetly, tears squeezing from the corners of her eyes. "I'm really sorry." 
"Aw, Ro." Eddie hugs her with both arms tight to his stomach. "Don't be sorry, you don't have anything to be sorry for. Stacy shouldn't say you have ugly hair– you have beautiful hair. So shiny and bouncy. I promise you it's perfect." 
You smile at Roan encouragingly. "Your hair is soooo super pretty. Just like your dad's." 
"You think so?" 
"I know so." You coil a curl around your finger. When you let it go, it springs away and falls against her face. 
Roan relaxes into Eddie's chest. He rubs her upper arm, a similar relief on his pert features. 
"Is there anything else wrong?" Eddie asks. 
Roan closes her eyes, dark lashes kissing her cheek. "I think I have a tummy ache." 
"I bet you do, babe. Why don't we lie down for a bit?" 
Roan agrees wholeheartedly. It's a tight squeeze, but the three of you manage to lay on your couch, the smell of sugary pink icing stuck to your fingers and the warm scent of mac and cheese floating in from the kitchen. 
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mrskreideprinz · 6 months
| Could you love me while I hate myself? |
Pairing: Albedo x Gn!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Reader is disabled, Reader has mobility & balance problems, Selfship Coded, Reader struggles taking care of themself, Reader struggles with good hygiene, Albedo picks up/carries reader, Hurt/Comfort, Gender Neutral Reader, No pronouns for Reader, He/Him for Albedo, Reader has mental health issues, 1.1k words.
A/n: Maybe I shouldn’t make it so obvious this is 100% self indulgent, but it might help someone else so what the heck. 
Summary: Albedo notices you haven’t been taking care of yourself and offers to do so instead. 
Tags: @auphelia @suyacho @tighnarly @fleur-de-leap@themovingcastlez
Albedo watches with worry as you limp to the nearby couch, an empty spot open right beside him. Your legs wobble and knees threaten to buckle. It hurt, everything felt wrong. You want to tell him what was wrong, confess that you craved his care, but your pride stopped you. You want to be able to confess these parts of you to the man you loved, but stubbornness be damned you always felt the words getting caught in your throat. Albedo winces at how sick you appeared. He couldn’t remember the last time you’d showered or what you ate recently. It wasn’t that you didn’t try, because you did and he knew that. Still, it broke his heart seeing you struggle so much. 
He turns to face you, placing both hands on your cheeks. “Sweetie, when’s the last time you had a meal?” His voice is soft but the words sting. 
You turn away, too ashamed to look him in the eyes. “I don’t know.. A while.” 
“How long is a while?” He asks.
Your face twists into an expression of pain. That answers that. 
“How about a shower? Then I can make you something good to eat, hm?” 
Although the question wounded you, you couldn’t help but feel a bit of relief. You’d been struggling to take care of yourself for quite some time, it was just what you needed. Some rest and reprieve would do you good. Your boyfriend pulls you into his arms, stroking the back of your head before giving you a soft kiss to the forehead. He leaves to get the water running, readying a nice hot bath for you to soak in. After preparing the various types of soaps and filling the tub with the perfect temperature of water, he makes his way back to the living room where he picks you up, holding you carefully in his arms. 
He nuzzled his head against yours and whispered in your ear. “I’m so proud of you.” A warmth envelops your chest, you feel calmer than before. 
Albedo brings you into the bathroom and carefully lowers you into the warm tub. Immediately you feel much better just with the hot water touching your skin. You lay back, allowing your body to release the tension it had been holding. Albedo is swift to start softly scrubbing your skin, making sure to get all the dirt and grime off of your body. He lifts your arm up gently to clean your arm, armpits, and even underneath your fingernails. Carefully he sits you upright, beginning to rub soap along your back and neck. You relax into his loving touch, everything feeling good for once. 
“How’re you holding up?” He asks softly.
You nod and give him a tired smile. “Better.” 
He smiles, still focusing on taking care of you. After finishing up on your backside he helps clean the rest of you, making sure to rinse you off before moving onto your hair. As he begins to wash your hair he hums to you, leaning into your touch as you wrap a loose hand around his arm. You cling to him, as if to get lost in his scent and admiration. His touch feels warm and comforting. Albedo feels like home, like the only home you’d ever known. 
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart.” His voice is patient. 
He stops to kiss you on your cheek, then resumes scrubbing your scalp. He rinses out your hair before moving onto the conditioner. Albedo then rests your body against the back of the tub, allowing you to catch your breath. Already you feel so much better. It was like a huge weight had been lifted. Albedo took both your hands and very carefully helped you out of the bath, making sure you had his sturdy body to lean on as your legs shook from moving out of the tub. Once  you were out he was quick to grab a towel and wrap it around your body, using his body to hug you tightly, adding a pleasant amount of pressure that made you relax faster than you’d like to admit. 
He holds himself there, embracing you for a few moments longer. Albedo wanted to enjoy this tender moment just a little more. He pulls away finally to look at your smiling face. 
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” His face beams with happiness.
Your face becomes hot with embarrassment. Although you can’t help but smile at his sweet words. In one swift movement you wrap your arms around him and squeeze him tight, too afraid to let go. The both of you stand there, embracing one another until you finally decide to let go. Albedo holds your face and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. He bundles you up in the towels extra good before helping you to the room both you and him shared, where he helps you  into some warm, comfortable clothes. The two of you rest on the bed as you both discuss what you’d like to eat together, laughing and being open with one another.  You feel so relieved to get not only cleaned up, but to get some things off your chest. You forgot how nice it felt to talk to your boyfriend, spill your heart to your beloved Albedo. Enough time passes that you eventually forget why you were so hurt in the first place. Wondering if it had all been as bad as you thought. It had, you know it to be true, but that fact doesn’t replace the warmth spreading throughout your chest. You feel… happy. You’ve always felt that way around Albedo, but I guess you didn’t really realize it until that moment. He looks at you like you are the galaxy in which the stars in the sky shine brightly in, and you look to him as if he is the sun. In a way he is, or at the very least he is your sun. It’s that moment that makes you understand just what he meant when he told you everything would be alright. Yeah, you thought to yourself, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, everything was going to be okay.
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k8kaa · 2 years
perv!joao but make it into a long blurb instead?
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content : afab sub reader , nsfw , bath sex , sneaking up on you? , teasing , ridding , nicknames , dirty talk , its consensual dw x .
a/n — : i hate blurbs .. gosh i hate writing too much :,( anyways enjoy
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a long day of work , working your butt off because you’d refuse to roommate pay the bills alone . even tho he was a mega athlete.. you couldnt just let him .. do it all alone ?! you sniff your armpits and half jump at the smell. ‘gosh i need to shower ..’ you thought . yr home alone .. you made sure your roommate had left since you use his bathroom since your shower doesnt work. you wouldnt want joao entering! you start the bath and remove your clothes . you hop in the nice warm water . just sighing . and daydreaming about your handsome roommate ..
you start cleaning your body .. you smiled as the smell got way better . as you rinse your body , you hear a loud thud . oh thats just the door .. wait joaos home from practice—! shit! what if he .. the door opened.. oh god . “oh..!oh..~?” a small smirk could be seen on that handsome face of his . “god— im sorry! joao i promise i wont shower here anymor—” you were cut off by him shushing you “calm down [name]. i was gonna take a shower too. would you like for me to join you~?” joao said with the sexiest portuguese accent. you nodded. god you were so down bad for him. you nodded and it felt like your dream were finally coming true. he removes his shirt and pants showing how jack he is.. wow. just wow. his body was so dreamy.. so were his eyes . he noticed you were looking and winked !? oh my god. “gracinha .. if you keep looking … i might not be able to control myself.”
now you were crying because how good it feels to be inside him . cock stuffed .. all that could be heard were small sniffs from your mouth . you were on top of him , ridding him . i mean you were a virgin.. and hes really popular with girls .. even in bed ?! “fuck..you take this cock so well. such a good girl .~” joao groaned as his head rolled back. you loved this. pleasure .. your moans were like heaven for joao. you werent like anyone he’d had sex with. “hm~! c—cuming!” you chirped.“cum with me , gracinha ..” he whispered. you both reached your climaxs , it felt like a fever dream .. you hugged him ..joao kissed your forehead. “hey , i never told you but .. ive liked seeing you shower.” joao admitted. “oh you pervert!”
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© eichiflower. do not, plagarize, copy, or translate any of my works .
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pepperthebepper · 1 year
HI!! A SIGZAI SHIPPER omg this makes me so happy
May I request tkl headcanons for Sigzai? I rarely see content for them </3
No pressure, take your time, have a nice day!!
Of course and you too!☺️
Also I suck at spelling sorry
Where their least to most ticklish spot
Thighs: 4.5
Hands: 5
Waist 6.5
Ribs: 7.5
Armpits: 7.5
Feet: 8.5
Neck: 9.5
Knees: 11
Feet: 1
Armpits: 3
Thighs: 4
Knees: 4
Ribs: 6.5
Hands: 7
Neck: 9.5
Ears: 10
Lee Sigma
I feel like Sigma would probably be more ticklish than Dazai, not by a lot cause their both very ticklish
Very easily flustered like just ticking would fluster him to to the bedrock to the sky limit in Minecraft
To please most of the lee sigma fans (and myself) I must say I would enjoy being ticked and would hate if people found out
Ler Sigma
Would be a very gentle ler and if anyone said stop he would amidiatly stop
Would get flustered by the lee laughing which is hilarious to witness
To shy to tickle someone
Lee Dazai
Love's being ticked for to actually feeling happy and not acting for once
As much for liking it he can not handle it for the life of him lol
Not as easily flustered as Sigma though he is easily flustered as well
Ler Dazai
BIGGEST LER NO ONE CAN ESCAPE. Like the first time he tickles sigma, sigma nearly passed out
He is the biggest teaser in the world like not even people who can't get flustered get that title revoked from them
Mean ler and would not give their lee a break unless necessary
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xer9es · 1 year
A bad day turned good~
Ler!Kazuki, Lee!Keita / Gakuen Heaven
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A/N: I'm on ep4 on Gakuen Heaven and couldn't stop myself from writing something for these two. btw, I don't proofread or anything like that so excuse any errors! Enjoy :]
"Ugh... Kazuki?"
Keita closed his dorm room's door and sluggishly kicked off his shoes. He shuffled his feet to his bed, where Kazuki was laying.
"Ah, you're back!" Kazuki had a surprised look on his face, as if Keita had gotten home early. Actually, he was quite late. He'd forgotten a few of his things back in his last class of the day and had to go back for them, just after reaching his dorm. Not to mention, he tripped on the way back!
Today wasn't his day and Kazuki noticed. "Did something happen? Why are you so... gloomy?" He tried to find the right word.
Keita, standing in front of his bed, gestured for Kazuki to put out his arms.
The tired boy crawled into his arms, laying his chin on his shoulder. Kazuki chuckled and lowly spoke, "Tired, eh? Need a nap?" And began to rub his back.
"Mmh mmh." Keita grumbled into the crack of Kazuki's neck. "I feel horrible... not even a nap will help."
"Are you sure? You seem quite comfortable~"
Kazuki ran his fingers through Keita's amber-colored hair, gently massaging his head. This made him seemingly melt into Kazuki's body.
"Do you need some cheering up? I hate seeing you so grumpy."
Keita nodded, still hiding his face in the crevice of Kazuki's neck.
"Ohoho... I've got the perfect idea." Kazuki slyly whispered.
Keita yelped, feeling a finger poke his side. He yelped once more, feeling a different finger poke the other side. This made him venture outside of Kazuki's neck, confused.
"What? Is something the matter?"
"Yehes... what're you doing- ah- heh, quit it!" Keita giggled, as a few fingers wiggled against his body, more specifically his rib cage. Kazuki slowly drove his fingers upward and downward, inching to his waist, then back to his ribs.
Keita bit his lip and mumbled, "Ka-kahazukiii!~ I said stop it- uhuhah!" He gripped Kazuki's shoulders and squeezed them, trying to hold onto him for dear life.
His body was wriggling around on top of Kazuki's, trying to evade his sneaky fingers.
"Hm? What's that? I should keep going..?~" Kazuki teased. He rolled over, pinning Keita's wrists above his head with one hand. He utilized the other hand strategically, pinching at his waist.
"Ehh- eheh, Kazuki! Thihis tickles~" He whined.
"Oh, I know it does. You looove it, hm?" Kazuki lowered his face to Keita's tummy, also releasing his wrist. He unbuttoned the boy's white shirt and helped him to remove his uniform's coat. Keita was oddly compliant with the undressing of himself...
"Here we go! This bare skin will surely be ticklish enough to make you feel better."
"Kazuki, I already feel better. Thanks to yo- youhuhoho!"
Keita flailed his arms around at the feeling of Kazuki blowing massive raspberries all across his belly. Kazuki's lip devilishly blew right underneath his belly button, then beside it, and finally above it. He even blew a tiny raspberry on his navel, making Keita squirm in embarrassment.
"Where to go next... where to go... Ah! How about here? I've heard from Shunsuke that these armpits are quite the ticklish pair?~ Is it true?"
"No... th- they're not! Shunsuke is a liar."
"Really? But, he told me that he tickled you right here," Kazuki buried a finger beneath Keita's underarm. "And that you squealed like a baby." He continued to bury more fingers underneath each arm, until both armpits had five fingers beneath them - not yet touching the skin.
Keita was sweating at this point. He'd kept his arms up a little bit, not realizing that Kazuki would go for the armpits. He didn't shut them either, since he knew he'd just be overpowered into raising them. To be honest with himself, Keita didn't mind the tickly feelings he was receiving... It was quite nice. Especially coming from Kazuki.
"As I said, Shunsuke is a liar!"
Kazuki paused for a moment. He then spoke, "Well... I'll have to handle him after I make you 'squeal like a baby', won't I? I don't like liars, after all."
He skittered his fingertips inside the hollows of Keita's armpits, making him thrash around beneath Kazuki, laughing like he'd never laughed before.
"Ah, I see. You were the liar here, is that so?"
Kazuki took one of Keita's wrists and held it above his head, so he had full access to that one armpit. He dragged a finger from his elbow, to right above his underarm. Kazuki kept doing this until Keita couldn't take any more, bursting into cute giggles.
"Neheh- I'm not thehe liar- aha! Puhulease, Kazuki-"
"Nuh uh uh, be quiet! I told you that I don't like liars. And it seems our dear friend Shunsuke was right - here you are, squealing like a baby~ A rather pathetic one, at that."
Kazuki brought the fingers down to the center of Keita's armpit and added four more, just so he could see his expression. It was pure fear and nervousness.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle~" He whispered, drilling all five fingers into the pit of his arm. It drove the boy mad - he was out of his mind with laughter and snorts, God! He was losing his breath with all of the laughter leaving his mouth.
Kazuki's sadistic fingers clawed the armpit, quickening the pace, driving Keita nuts. He even began to shout, "Help! It tickles!"
"Puh- PLEahase! Eheha- I wohon't lie aga-AIN!"
Kazuki stopped for a moment, to hear what Keita had to say.
"If you let me go, I'll... I'll... Um..."
"You'll?" He placed his fingers back onto Keita's exposed pit.
"I'll do anything!"
"ANY-thing?" Kazuki muttered. "That seems quite appealing, I will not lie..." He let go of Keita's wrist and plopped himself beside the boy.
"Will you cuddle with me? Just for a while?"
Keita grinned. "Yes. I will cuddle with you- just for a while. No more tickling though!"
Kazuki rolled his eyes, reaching out to hold Keita in his arms. When he had him in his grasp, a thought popped into his head.
"In this position, I could tickle him all I wanted..."
But, Kazuki decided to give the boy a break. It turned night and Keita still hadn't gotten out of Kazuki's grasp. Kazuki happened to awaken and grabbed a blanket, covering the two up, then placing a quick kiss on Keita's cheek and saying "Goodnight~".
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi! How are you? I was wondering if I could have a level 6 ship with ACOTAR, Twilight and House of the Dragon if that’s not too much trouble?
So about me :
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: I think I’m straight…
Height: 170cm/5’7 ft
Body Type: Inverted triangle
Skin tone: Olive skin
Hair: Armpit length, dark brown and wavy
Eyes: Almond shaped, dark brown
Style: Casual chic
Zodiac signs: Taurus Sun, Virgo Rising, Cancer moon and Aries Venus
Mbti: INFJ
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite food: Ice Cream
Things I love: reading, drawing, writing, cooking, walking, daydreaming, sleeping, rainy days, cookies, gardening, listening to music, animals, cherries, watching Youtube and surfing on Tumblr.
Love Language: Acts of Service and Physical Touch
Personality : I'm an introvert, but I can act as an extrovert. I'm really sarcastic, I hate confrontations, from the bottom of my heart, and most of the time I'm more of a diplomatic person. I’d describe myself as stubborn, intelligent, argumentative, hard-working, patient, emotional, creative, empathic, bossy, helpful, kinda bitchy when I’m angry and sensitive. 
I'm a really loyal friend and the mom of the group. I have all kinds of things in my bag: tissues, lip balm, pens, emergency numbers, etc. I'm the eldest, and I love my siblings, even though they drive me crazy most of the time. I love learning new things, reading new things.
My favorite colors are blue and purple, my favorite flower are cherry blossom and lotus and my birthstone is an emerald.
And I think that's it ^^. Thank you so much and have a nice day :)
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
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𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛    𝐼 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐴𝑧𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑙! You would show him the softness that he needs. He’s been through a lot, especially in his childhood, and isn’t a very open person. His quiet personality would work so well with you, because although you aren’t the most loud person, you can hold a conversation. And you would keep him comfortable in both social and intimate settings. 
・Doesn’t want you to feel like you have to be with him. So committment was very difficult for Az. But once you prove to him that you want to spend the rest of your life with him, he’d tie himself to you in every way possible
・Doesn’t like going out all that much, prefers to stay home and spend time with you. Loves laying on the lounge with you on top of him, reading while the fire is crackling. 
・Towers over you - and makes you feel like a Hobbit at times, especially when you haven’t got heels on. 
・Calls you ‘sweetheart,’ ‘darling,’ ‘my heart.’But only when you’re alone.
・Being protected even when he isn’t there. Either there’s someone shadowing you so that no one will step out of line and hurt you, or socially everyone knows you’re Azriel’s, so no one starts anything with you. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Young and Beautiful by Joel Sunny
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔: ↬ Similar Personalities ↬ Morally Grey (Az) x Always Tries To Do The Right Thing (You) ↬ Would Die For Each Other
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔: ↬ Soulmates
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢: He loves that you’re the mum friend. You’d become a member of the Inner Circle, and basically become everyones mum. High Lord Rhysand hasn’t eaten? EAT RIGHT NOW. I’LL MAKE YOU A SANDWHICH. Amren, the most fearsome person you’ve ever met? If you don’t drink that glass of water, you aren’t getting dessert! 
  He just loves how you aren’t afraid to fluff over people. And you know what? The whole Circle absolutely fcken loves it. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑: Would be Feyre! I think she would love how much you care for others. The fact that you labelled yourself the mum of the group; she'd absolutely adore you.
𝑊𝘩𝑖𝑐𝘩 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐼 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒: From Nesta's book 'A Court of Silver Flames', I think you're most like Gwyneth Berdara! Not sure if you've read the book, so I'll do my best not to spoil it. But she's a very gentle-natured diplomatic young woman. She's so gentle and caring and would do absolutely anything for her friends. Like Elain ... but more badass....
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕:
It was by accident. Complete and total accident. You didn’t even know magical creatures could become domesticated! Let alone ... well, see for yourself:
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The poor thing had a broken wing and you took pity on it. For weeks you had been visiting the creature, until Azriel followed you one morning and scared the living day lights out of you. 
   “I thought you had been seeing someone else-” He said with a sigh of relief.
”Ugh, nope. Just...” and then you stepped aside and showed Az the creature. 
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𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐼 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐸𝑑𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛! He would be the best match because you need someone who is emotionally mature and aware. You would get fed up with someone who is absentminded. Edward would remember everything about you. 
・Always stands up for you, and if you’re ever in a bad situation, he’s always the first person who will help you
・Likes when you hum, or turn the music up and dance. Your happiness is his happiness
・He would be so awkward around your family for a while. Especially if you had siblings. He would want to get as far away from you as possible - he doesn’t want to take you away from your family. But you want him in your life. And he’s just going to have to deal with that!
・His love language is quality time and acts of service. You always have a clean car, perfect tyres and the best stereo. He wants to give you the best of everything actually.
・His nicknames for you are variations of your name. But the way he says it is always different from anyone else who does. It’s like he says your name with so much love that you always melt.  𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Into My Arms by Midnite String Quartet
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔: ↬ Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside (Edward) x Soft on the Outside x Soft on the Inside (You) ↬ Mum Energy (You) x Dad Energy (Edward) ↬ Forbidden Love 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔: ↬ Beauty and the Beast
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢: Edward loves that he doesn’t have to change himself for you. That you don’t want anything but him. Sometimes he can think he isn’t enough, but you remind him that he’s perfect the way he is. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑: Alice Cullen. I think you two would have a lot of fun together. She would take you to the best shops and want to pick out new clothes for you. You love hearing about the visions she’s having. 
𝑊𝘩𝑖𝑐𝘩 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐼 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒: I think you’re a mixture of Angela and Esme. You’re very kind-hearted and intelligent. You’d never leave anyone out, and people love being around you because of how attentive you are.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕:
Given to you when you were younger by your parents, this little kitty has been by your side for everything. Named after Betty Boop, she wasn’t so sure about Edward for a while. 
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𝐼 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐴𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛! He would absolutely love that you have such a big heart. He would find how much you care quite odd. And the fact that you show your love so openly - it astounds him. 
・Feels the most safe, and welcomed is when he’s with you. He honestly doesn’t feel comfortable unless you’re around
・Whenever you’re upset, he will get ready to literally kill that person. You’ve had to calm him down on multiple occassions because he was actually going to.
・His love language is acts of service and words of affirmation. The latter is how he likes to receive love. 
・Will always bring you back gifts whenever he’s off travelling. Not that he travels often, but when it calls for it, he will bring you something special. 
・Likes when you braid his hair. He’ll wear it to bed and wake up with wavy hair. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
True North by Joseph Trapanese
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔: ↬ “I love you!” (You) x “You shouldn’t!” (Aemond) ↬ Chaotic Dumbass (Aemind) x That’s My Chaotic Dumbass And I Love Him (You) ↬  𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔: ↬ Only One Bed
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢: Your loyalty. That you always have something in your satchel that will help any situation. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑: Would definitely be Rhaenyra! She would take you out of your comfort zone, and give you the confidence that you sometimes lack. I think you’d also be like a big sister-mother figure, with your caring ways and gentle aura. 
𝑊𝘩𝑖𝑐𝘩 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐼 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒: I think you’re a mix of Rhaenys II and Heleana. Both dreamy but alert and responsible.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕: You would be the rider of Dreamfyre, the she-dragon who had hatched during the reign of Aegon I, the Conquorer. She’s smaller than Caraxes but larger than Syrax. 
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captainaikus · 2 years
BELLEEEEEE!!!!! I’ve missed you so much 😭😭😭😭😭!!!!! Typing this as I’m sitting in my car after getting out of my last class. FINALS. ARE. FINALLY. OVER. And I passed all my classes with As!!!! Final exams went really well too!!! I feel like I’m gonna fall and pass out for 12 hours. Which I actually did yesterday because I had finished all my exams/classes but I had one more class to go to today.
BUT ENOUGH ABT ME HOW ARE YOU MY DEAR SWEET BLUE PUNK FAIRY FRIEND??? Have you been eating and drinking water?? Resting??? Taking breaks??? Isabelle. If you haven’t. *gently bonks head* Oliver would reprimand you too yknow? And not the fun bedroom scolding. TAKE BREAKS LOVE!!!! 😭😭❤️ Taking regular breaks is a responsibility to yourself that everyone forgets sometimes when they get lost in all their other responsibilities. Multitasking writing different works too much can cause headaches, speaking from experience sweetheart. And going to the gym is great but your body needs to relax and rest too. Water and a good meal and a hot shower/bath do wonders after a long session do wonders trust me. So please rest okay?
CONGRATULATIONS ON 1.6K 🎉✨🥳!!!! The numbers keep climbing so fast and all these milestones are amazing!!!! I’m so proud of you love 🥹✨❤️!!!
I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHOS WATCHED KUROKO NO BASKET. Seriously the fandom is almost completely dead 😭😭💀. I knew it was a oldie but a goody but I didn’t think it was dust and tumbleweeds out here 😭😭. So glad you like it too!! Haikyuu will always be my favorite sports anime and one of my top favorites in general, it holds a really special place in my heart, but KnB was still a really fun watch.
ASFKKFFKJFHKHJG. THAT OLVER ART. Pls he’d hate getting out of bed and just become a complete octopus in the mornings. You gotta wake him up for practice and it’s such a chore. He’s such a big baby pshhhh. But there are some upsides like him saying the only way he’s gonna get up is if you place exactly 100 kisses all over his face, more than half of them end up being on the lips when he actually starts to get up, and you relent every money with a roll of your eyes and and huff and a fond smile he misses cause his eyes are closed. The first thing you do is wipe off that smug smirk from his face. Also hc that Oliver is actually really ticklish and it’s your weapon. Don’t get up even after the kisses? His sides are looking very open rn. Wont get off after flopping on you on the couch? You’re in the perfect position to reach his armpits. Wont stop clinging to you while you’re trying to do a new eye makeup style for your guys’ date? His neck is literally wide open cause he loves smushing his face into the crook of your neck.
What video? Did you post it on your other account? Because I couldn’t find it. Dangit I wanted to simp for Oliver too 😭😭.
Seriously I’m an introvert what are you gonna do? Lock me inside your house? Great free access to your clothes. Still me seeing friends? What friends babe? Take me everywhere with you? Nice let me grab my book and coffee and we’re good to go. Adjkgfhnjhhhv 💀💀.
That girl shoving into you was so rude. All it takes is a simple excuse me dude. And ISTG PEOPLE WHO SPOIL THINGS WHEN NO ONE ASKED 😤😤😤. They seriously piss me off and ruin the experience. See it’s different when I intentionally spoil myself because I’m too impatient. Someone else doing it? Oh heck no. Its the same feeling as someone taking the last of your favorite snack from the vending machine.
Also just a heads up. I’m gonna sending in multiple asks cause there’s just too much I wanna talk abt and breaking it into parts sounds better. So this is the first one. *sends aggressive virtual hugs that feel like they squish all the exhaustion out of you*
- ✨ anon
Starry! Omg- All As! That's great! And it's a good thing you took rest too- ik that i'm bout to pass out when i finish exams. I hope you're doing alright tho! Sorry it took me long to get to your ask; tumblr is being weird cause i can only see it when i get on my pc... and not on the app. yeah no I'm moving to ao3. i saw the rb of which character i would interpret the best and you said- Oliver Ofc. he's my husband but he doesn't know it yet ૮꒰ ˶> ༝ <˶꒱ა Well, I've been doing pretty good! I finished a jar of nutella (in 2 days) and i'm planning to buy a bigger one; i did drink a lot of water, ate some pasta, taking rest too made a wedding playlist for me and aiku and lowkey enjoyed it *the way i laughed when i saw : And not the fun bedroom scolding.' I'd like to see Oliver reprimand me (truth : he can't. Cause he knows at the end of the day even if he's bigger and stronger than me, he is gonna be beneath me) but yeah he'd probably say something like "you're gonna get sick, doorbell." But yeah i've been taking rest, dw starry! i'm actually giving myself a treat. with ao3 i can take things slow and easy tbh, which is another reason i'm moving there. The blog will be up ofc; to answer asks and for anons who wanna talk to me abt my work, but yeah my activity on ao3 is gonna be very irregular... THANK YOU!! 1.6k is such a big number, past me would have been like 'huh... never thought i'd make it this far.' BUT YEAH I DID ! T.T But actually it’s you guys who got me there so thank you everyone 💓
I think everyone thought that they were the only ones who watched knb; me included. I used to have the BIGGEST crush on aomine, i even found an asmr of his. (and yeah i do listen to asmrs btw) And yeah the fandom is almost dead (。 ́︿ ̀。) and I didn’t even get to read that many aomine works too…but yeah I really liked that anime! Haikyuu made me cry after clannad and also made me laugh the hardest, does hold a special place in my heart as well, Bokuto was my fav and rn… no one really. I like all of them cause they’re so unique yk?
As for the Oliver art, pretty sure he would hold you down to the bed. He would demand kisses! He is such a smooth talker- but since I’m me. When he expects a kiss *places hand on his lips before you kiss* “good morning. It’s time to get up” and he just groans when you have a tiny smirk and walk out of your shared bedroom, and his brain just going ‘god woman. You’re gonna be the death of me.’
How- I think I’m getting too predictable with my writing cause I do have something to do with eye makeup in Ocean hues… 👁️ *but we don’t talk abt that cause no spoilers!*
The video! Starry. I BLEW A FUSE CAUSE OF THAT REEL. so story time, I was checking my insta in the morning after I woke up and this gym based reel popped on my feed. And the moment I saw it - I thought of Oliver. Like alright fineeeee this is a guy Idek on the internet just doing his own thing and posting fitness reels but his body. IT LOOKED. LIKE. OLIVER. AND HIS HAIR WAS LIKE AIKU’S TOO! I’m not even joking - The shaggy hair down at the back minus the green highlights - it’s like the way I imagined Oliver’s body to be like. And- I really wasn’t expecting to see THAT in the morning. So it was a really great start to my day- and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for a whole day so I had to save it. I posted the link for a bit so that blue (💙 anon) and other Aikuists could check it out and we were just fawning over this guy. I took the link down soon after cause I didn’t want anyone reblogging it and creating chaos. I’ll put the link again and take it down in 10 mins. I’m telling you though. IT. WAS. FUCKING. HOT. (i'll be putting up the link in a bit and taking it down too you should totally take a look at it- cause the content is not mine neither do i know the guy but FUCK. THAT LOOKED LIKE OLIVER.) The free access to clothes 😭 Happy relationship = yandere bf + a very introverted partner oliver stealing my oversized clothes in the corner I'm an introverted person as well introverted enough to terrify a yandere as well istg- idk who that was, but it was rude to push shove someone and not apologize for it or even an excuse me. and the girl who spoiled wednesday, never saw her again. i get that someone's enthusiastic about a show, but at the same time... some consideration for people around you 😭 anyway, that times gone and i got a lot of better things to move onto like movies, working out and just overall, making myself happy and having a good day yk? *Sending hugs back*
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star2sworld · 1 year
Hiii 9/10/23
hi, I’m going to recap today :)
- my day started off bad.. last night I catched up with my cousin after 2 weeks and I told her about my hyper sexual issue and the fact I’m talking to very old guys and sending nudes and FaceTiming guys at the age of 16. She told me how her life has gotten a lot better and even has her first boyfriend now who loves her very much. I guess I was jealous. I envy her. Or envied her. So, I was upset. I am very happy for her but I was sad because I felt unlovable I’m never had a boyfriend or a first kiss. I haven’t had any talking stages either it makes me feel as if I’m unlovable and there is no one out there for me. I was listening to rap songs as this happened so I didn’t feel or care as much and I got over it quickly and realized there’s 7billion people in the world just because she has a boyfriend doesn’t mean I won’t get one!! Everyone’s path is different. I’m sure he will come once it’s time. I also blocked the 32year old guy I was talking to yesterday thanks to my online friend. It took a lot of courage but I blocked all the guys I sent to :) afterwards I went to sleep.
- today I woke up feeling extremely exhausted. Mentally and physically. Maybe it’s because I start my period at the end of this week? Or maybe todays is just one of those days. I ended up eating chips & watching the ultimatum for about 2 hours. Then I hated on my body because of my scars for about an hour. Afterwards I finally got up and took a shower. I did my after shower routine and I felt good. I smelled nice and I was CLEAN my hair was soft and clean. I went to sams club with my family besides my sister because she decided to stay home. I had created a list of things to do today before I took a shower so I wanted the shopping run to be quick. We got food and there was a slight problem at the end but it was solved. We went to Taco Bell after and I saw the guy I use to think was cute working there ( I’m shocked ) …. we came home and my brother and I put everything away. I thought I was going to get some of my work done but then my entire family went to my mama(uncle) house. He lives 35 minutes away … before we left I decided to delete social media for good. For at least a few months until I feel better about myself. My goals is 3 months to get my life together. I want to love myself and I feel like social media distracts me too much. Once we got there we ate some mango & grapes and I toured the house.
- We came home and i immediately went to go find my cat Angel :) after playing with her I got to cleaning. I vacuumed everywhere and wiped the floor. I picked my outfit for tomorrow and I think it’s so cute. I’m wearing a tube top and as I was searching for my patch one of my drawers got stuck. My sister gave me her patch and I pulled the drawer out & I found 145$!! I am shocked lol wtf!! I’m very happy and grateful I found my money though. I put my supplies back and put a blanket up on my door that connects to the kitchen for more privacy. I cleaned angles litter box, made my bed, too I picked up all the trash in my room, threw my trash outside, and put all my clothes on the floor away. My sister waxed my armpits & then I ate some corn that was cooked in the grill with my family. After I finished eating I did my algebra 2 homework it was quite confusing but after a bit of research I kind of got it. I made my grwm to sleep as I debrief tiktok video & then I brushed/flossed. My brother came in with snacks that we got from the store today. I went to the kitchen and divided the other snacks and my cat also came inside my room. I changed her water & gave her food. Now she’s sitting on my window seal as I’m writing this. I am currently under my blanket & am listening to music ( show me by kid Ink) on my Bluetooth speaker. Life feels good.
- I am very proud of myself for deleting Snapchat. When I was in my sending addiction for validation from men I made quite some genuine ( I hope ? ) friends. I wanted to continue talking to them even tho I knew they were holding my back from 100% focusing on myself. But, today I deleted it! Hopefully in 3months I don’t see myself blocked by them. I told them beforehand that I’m deleting snap and I’ll talk to them in a few months. Now im going to focus on myself 100%. Tomorrow I want to wake up early and put eyelashes on, put fake tattoos on & even do this day of the week outfit video. It’s now 11:41pm. I am quite tired. School also feels less stressful now that I’m not focused on making friends or being anxious about what people think about me. I remind myself I’m only there to get education and that once I’m out of school, I feel so much better. :).
My cat is starting to meow so I’m going to pet her until she sleeps and I’m going to sleep as well! I’m planning to wake up at 5:00 tomorrow to be make sure I have enough time for school. Goodnight ;) I feel happy right now.
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casspurrjoybell-21 · 1 year
Pirate Chains - Volume 1 - Strong Tides
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter 30 - Omen - Part 1
The incarnation of grumpiness met me with its eternal scowl.
"You take too many days off boy."
"Apologies for being late. There's no excuse..."
"Oh I'd be happy to give you an excuse. I can provide your highness with a nice beating that'll give you a long and peaceful rest for eternity," Baril said while pointing his big knife to my face.
The knife wasn't even clean. I tilted my head back to keep as far from it as possible and smiled awkwardly.
"No need, I'm here now. I'll assist with lunch. You look like you need tomatoes? I'll get you tomatoes," I declared and immediately hurried to the storage room.
I was being reprimanded and it was all Agenor's fault. I told him I'd be in trouble but he did as he pleased. The brute ignored me and went all the way. God, I could feel my knees weaken just from remembering it.
'His smirk, his cocky smile, his sexy body, the look he gave me when he was wanted something or when satisfied, the way he teased me, the taste of his lips over mine.'
"Where are the bloody tomatoes. Are you fucking growing them now?"
I apologized, again and tried to focus on my tasks the best I could. Which was barely enough because Baril was a fountain of ideas when it came to giving me things to do. I was cutting some vegetables when I heard a scoff.
"Morning Captain."
I raised my eyes and saw Agenor leaning on the side of the door. His eyebrow arched and his lips tugged to the side showing the most playful smirk. My most natural reaction was to smile at him. His presence had an odd effect at making me feel better and as much as I hated to admit it, safer. Baril cleared his throat and I barely kept myself from rolling my eyes as I went back to chopping the miserable vegetables.
"You're early captain, I guess the heat of the day got to your cabin."
"Aye, it was quite heated alright."
I felt his words and gaze directed at me. I didn't want Baril to take notice of my blushing cheeks, so I didn't dare look up. We prepared lunch while Agenor took a chair beside the door of the galley and kept chatting with Baril about all and nothing. Hearing his voice talking, making jokes and laughing at Baril's stories of the past, it was bliss. He sounded calm, sleepy even. No wonder, he usually woke up after everyone else. Now that I thought about it, he was the laziest pirate on this ship. That thought made me smile, our eyes met and he smiled back at me.
'Like I said, bliss'.
Sometimes they'd include me in their pleasantries and I gladly joined their conversation. Baril seemed very relaxed and happy taking the time to talk to his captain, his sour mood magically disappeared. Soon others joined us, talking, laughing and telling stories. The galley and the hall were so noisy and full that I decided to leave the cleaning till after lunch. I carried the wooden plates to the large room where the crew usually had their meals. I grabbed the large boiling cauldron when two pirates approached me.
The first one Jay, real name Jerry Mockren, winked at me and I kept an emotionless face despite cringing from the inside. Then him and Mern, who was known among his fellow pirates as Armpits, rushed to take the cauldron from my hands and bring it to the couple of tables in the middle of the room. I let them argue over it and carried two apple buckets. Baril joined me and started serving lunch for the hungry wolves and I took the chance to go back and clean the galley a little. I was sweeping when Agenor walked in and came behind me. He leaned over my shoulder and asked discreetly...
"How's your back?"
I tried my best to hide my embarrassment.
"I'm fine, no thanks to you."
He laughed and put his hand on mine and pushed the broom away.
"After all the effort you made to prepare lunch, the least you deserve is to eat it warm."
I turned to glare at him. But his genuine concerned smile wiped my every will to complain.
"Come on," he urged gently.
So I rolled my eyes, dropped the broom and followed him. The day had been pleasant beyond just lunchtime. Agenor had been sticking by my side all day, which I enjoyed but it was unusual to see him so attentive. However, having him nearby meant no pirate dared to order me around or hand me their tasks. Instead, they offered to help with whatever I was doing, seemingly without ulterior motives. They were most probably trying to impress Agenor. Therefore, surprisingly, my workload was light that day, and I even had a few hours of free time in the afternoon. I took advantage of the beautiful weather and spent some time in the sun.
Despite Agenor's concerned looks, I climbed up the shrouds to the top of the main mast to join Maren in the crow's nest. From there, I enjoyed the breathtaking view of the vast, clear skies and the soft breeze that brushed against my skin. For a moment, I felt completely liberated from the dangers of the world below. I stopped listening to Maren's endless chatter and just absorbed the peacefulness of the moment. It was as if I had never been more free. Agenor's call jolted me out of my daze, urging me to descend from my perch. Although I obeyed reluctantly, the evening turned out to be quite enjoyable.
As night fell, Agenor settled on the upper step of the stairs that led to the quarterdeck and began to drink. It was the signal for a party to begin. Drinking games, singing and clumsy dancing ensued. Observing the pirates, I realized that they did not seem as menacing around their captain. Rather, they were a group of unrefined men, laughing boisterously and disrupting the tranquility of the calm sea. I sat a couple of steps down, lost in my thoughts, when Agenor shifted his weight and brushed his knee with my arm. It was quite odd for me that such a minuscule contact, made feel a little flattered by the attention.
Despite being offered drink after drink, I only took a sip of each, wary of making a spectacle of myself. I did not wish to repeat a drunken episode. Instead, I handed the unwanted drinks to Ace, who lay at arm's reach above the ship's edge, consuming alcohol with abandon. His eyes closed and his arm hanging limply, Ace was a man of few words. Occasionally, he chuckled at a joke but otherwise, he remained silent. When he wanted another drink, he would extend his arm without opening his eyes or uttering a word and someone would provide him with the liquid he craved. If I had an excess drink in my hand, I would simply touch the cold cup to his inert hand and he would immediately take it, downing it like water.
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Love the criminal body swap, can you do more maybe with a reverse one where a son swapping with a criminal (can be mob boss or gang leader or someone with power) to escape his abusive life and use the criminal connection to destroy or torment his old family? it can be that the family is affiliated the Mob/Gang and you directly swap with the leader?
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There was this guy in our town that everybody feared and everybody avoided if they had the chance. Even the police. Yeah, he was the new leader of the mafia after his father left him the bussiness. You might think that mafia isn't a modern problem, but it's just not that heard of by the stereotypically boring people like you and me. And for me, it wasn't a problem at all. It was an opportunity.
I recently found out that you can go through a ritual of body swapping if you consume enough of berries in the forest, eat some ingredients bought online and go directly into the sea, your mind will swap with someone you desire to swap.
Why would I want that? I am not a bad looking guy. I have good grades, possibly a bright future ahead. But there is this problem. And it's my own father. Why I was younger the abuse wasn't physical, only emotional, but as I grew older, the physical violence got unbearable. Even my mom never jnterfered. I hated both of them for this.
So I decided to go with the ritual. I had nothing to loose.
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I bathed in the water, hoping for a mirracle. But nothing happened. "Well, that was a waste of money" I emerged from water and went to the shore. As I got out I started to get dizzy. "YESSS. IT'S HAPPENING!"
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The first look scared even myself. "That's me now. I am the mafia boss. I am the most respected man in this town." couldn't get over how manly I was. The tatoos. The manly stench from my armpits. The scent of cologne. My new dick was trying to rip out of my clothes, but there was something I needed to do first.
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I found a cigar in my pocket, I lit it, grabbed my new sunglasses and went to my mafia family.
"Good afternoon everyone. For now, I don't have any issues to discuss. I only have a new target for you. Find a man called Mark Tremons and maybe introduce yourself. You don't have to be very nice. If he cooperates get him to pay up for his bussiness he owns. If not, threaten him with the tax frauds he committed. And If he stills doesn't listen. Well... you know what to do. But call me before. I want to be there and see him beg for his life."
The mafia family didn't even flinch and went on the their mission. This is amazing. They listen to every word I say
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Maybe this is the life I always deserved.
I am definitely going to make the most of it. Time to scare some people and figure out what to do with this hard monster. Oh, I didn't even realise I was hard the entire time I spoke. Everyone could see and I bet none of the ever tries to humiliate me. I have to take care of this dick. I bet it gets so much action all the time. I can fuck whoever I want, whenever I want. Nobody dares to beat me. Life is great
I am home
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bpdladybird · 2 years
I feel like a raging bitch every time I go through their Instagram profiles and look at the girls on there and compare myself to them.
With one of them, I think about how his ex is extremely unphotogenic and looks really bad in essentially every photo. I think about how her hair doesn’t match her face or her eyebrows. How Lorelai was right, blonde hair really does wash out a face and how despite the fact that I can tell she’s naturally got darker hair I feel like her features can’t pull it off bc she’s really bland looking. I feel like a cunt every time I compare my body to hers. I worry about things like my psoriasis being kinda gross but then I remind myself that I’m hourglass shaped and she’s not. Where I have a tiny waist, she has none, where I have really defined and nice breasts she doesn’t have that, they’re just kind of there and lumped on. I sound insane when I make these comparisons. As if having a nicer body and a prettier face makes me a better person. As if I can win someone over solely because I’m hot. I know full well I don’t have what it takes and I’ve never had what it takes. I’m hot but not hot enough to use that and that alone to win someone over. I’m good in bed but I also know that’s not enough either. I feel evil at these thoughts and comparisons. I can’t stop myself from checking up on the profile. From reading every comment and analysing and dissecting everything. I can’t help feeling jealous and angry because growing up I was made to believe that if I was smart enough and pretty enough and put out and dressed well and was interesting that I could get anyone I wanted. I’ve scored cool people but no one I’ve wanted. I’ve scored attractive people but no one I wanted. They’re always dumb or ugly or boring or all of the above. My question is: why can’t I let go of these fixations? Why do these thoughts consume me?
Even when I had my falling out recently I was comforted in knowing I was prettier and skinnier and hotter and likely better in bed. Even before the falling out I liked knowing I had a better body. I hate that I looked at her fat rolls and thought that I was inherently better bc I didn’t have back fat. I felt better knowing my breasts were projected and not hiding in my armpits like hers were. I wouldn’t share this information with anyone. I don’t like revelling in my toxic thoughts about how much skinnier and prettier I am. I know it destroys me when I compare myself to someone and don’t win out. If they’re skinnier and prettier and better in every way it destroys my self esteem.
I take weird pride in this fucked up mindset and I’m tired of it. I’m tired of comparing myself and winning on paper but always losing in real life.
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large, large vent post. tw's in tags
before i begin. this isn't an 'i can't do this anymore' post. i can still do this. i'm going to be fine. it's more of a 'i should not have to do this' post. i. hate my family. every single person. i don't care anymore. i wish i had the strength to just. say it all. say every venomous, violent, awful thought in my head because god knows they deserve it. the intense. the everything, i don't know where to begin. i have anxiety. i have been diagnosed with anxiety. it's a known thing. and i have struggled for years. years. i can recall being eight years old, lying in the bunk bed i shared with my little brother, and lying awake terrified. i have not had a single nights sleep where i didnt lie awake panicking for an hour or two before i could finally rest since then. i'm almost eighteen now. my family is transphobic. not homophobic- just transphobic. small blessings, i suppose. as you could guess from my url, i'm genderfluid and amab. i wear dresses. i wear crop tops and makeup and i want. to look like a girl some days. here's some reactions from my immediate family: younger brother, 15: you look like a retard father: why would you do that youngest brother, 9: that's a nice dress. looks gross with the armpit hair tho mother: *disgusted face* I wish i weren't with them. being around my family causes my anxiety to spike and me to have a panic attack. my heart races, i begin to sweat, i can't think properly. if it get's worse, i start to shake, and begin feeling nauseated. any worse, and i throw up. the earlier symptoms, i have every. single. time. i sit down in the same room as a family member. i feel so unsafe i've taken to barricading the door to my room, so i can have some space where i won't be in fear. i flinch whenever one of them reaches near me, although the only one that has actually hit me in like. five years. is my youngest brother.(although they all have at some point) with all of this in mind, i have to stop barricading my door, or i need to find somewhere else to live. i need to shave every day, or i need to find somewhere else to live. i've already been forced to leave my home once. eventually, i had to come back as well. i. am. not. safe. i have what is considered disordered eating- although i consider it very probable it's evolved into an actual eating disorder. probably anorexia. the idea of eating very nearly anything makes me feel ill. some things i used to love (pasta, for instance) cause me to physically retch. i dont know why. i struggle so badly with trusting people that i overshare everything, and even the smallest things can set me off. i nearly stabbed myself yesterday because my wifi went out and i couldnt talk to my safe person. i tried to drown myself, over lockdown, making me the third person in this five person family to nearly drown me. although the others were accidental and years ago dw. my younger brother was the first person to call me a faggot. it was meant as a joke, to show off to his stupid friends. it still hurt. my mother tore up one of my books in front of me, years ago. she can't even remember it. it still hurt. i don't know what i can say. i want to break things, i want them to hurt the way i have been hurt. but i can't. i can't make myself do that. and it makes me weak.
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 years
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Super Bowl Sinday
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Brahms Heelshire x insecure chubby s/o
So it’s summer and I have to look at my body and I’m not feeling good at all. I do bind but it just pushes the fat around and makes me feel worse about myself. Anyway I thought I would write for Brahms again because I love my British rat man very much. I know I do these a lot but it’s my comfort writing and I get to chose the subject. I imply the reader is male but it can easily be changed 
Warnings: Self deprication, talk of disordered eating, mentions of bullying, just a very self critical reader in general 
God why does it have to look like this. You just want to be cool in this summer heat and you have to look like this in a tank top and shorts. God your stomach just bulging out like this, that bit of fat around your armpits is so big. Have you seen your big thighs and stretch marks? God you look so gross. You tug down your shirt. You regret eating this week. You should go back to counting calories like you used to. God you ate 800 calories a day before and you felt so much better, like you were doing something. 
Your eyes move to your face. God your cheeks are so fat. You almost don’t even have a jawline too. It gets worse when you turn your face. You just want to look like all those other pretty boys you see everywhere. Why can’t you look like them. Why did you have to get stuck in this damn body. This has been going on for years. Since 6th grade really.
God those memories of those kids snorting at you at school. Saying they don’t date pigs. Saying you should go back to the farm. God you want them to shut up. Their voices ringing in your mind over and over again. You sigh and grab your hoodie. You turn away from the mirror and sit on your bed. 
Brahms was watching from the walls like he usually does. He knows about insecurities. He doesn’t understand why you don’t like the way you look. Big bodies are lovely to him. They feel so welcoming and strong. He walks into the hallway and into your room. “Your body is lovely Y/N. I really like it.” Those words of your classmates are still repeating in your mind. He frowns when you don’t respond. “Y/N curves are so lovely. I hate the sharp angles and the harsh lines of life. It’s so nice to see something like you.” He sits next to you and hugs you from the side. 
“Brahms I’m fat. People don’t want fat people. I have to settle for whoever I get because I’ve always been told ‘ugly people don’t get to have standards’. I’m glad I have you. But I guess I was your only choice.” You lean into him as you start to cry. 
“Artists love to draw curves. Being curvy and big was seen as a status symbol for a long time. People desired it. I desire it. You’re so comforting and soft. I can melt into you and just relax. I don’t want a boney person jabbing me while we cuddle. I need those sweet rolls to rest on. I know I’m a strong boy but I’m glad that I know that you can handle my rougher grabs. I love kissing you too. Have I not been doing it enough?” He wraps his arms around you and holds you close and tight to him. 
“Brahms my body is big and gross and I don’t like it. I want to be so pretty like all the other boys. I wanna be pretty like you.” 
“If I’m pretty you’re pretty. I love the way you look Y/N. I want you to understand that. You’re so perfect to me.” You snuggle closer to him and sniffle. 
“You promise?” 
“I do. I do.” 
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Being an Agender, 1st-Gen Indian-American
I’m a first-generation immigrant, with both my parents being Indian immigrants. My mom immigrated to Canada before she came to America (when she was in her late twenties), and is a Canadian citizen. She was born and raised in Ahmedabad, a city in Gujarat. My dad moved to India when he was in his early twenties. He moved from Ahmedabad to Mumbai in his fifth standard, and moved from a Gujarati-medium school to an English-medium one. 
My dad is more fluent in English than my mom, though they both are fluent and speak mostly without an accent. I speak Gujarati more-or-less fluently, since that’s what we spoke at home, but I can barely even write my name. I’m Hindu, as is my family, and a strict vegetarian. I’m agender, but I use she/her and they/them pronouns. 
Beauty Standards
One of the biggest issues in the Indian-American community is the issue of body hair. I’m AFAB, so I was expected to have smooth, hairless legs and arms. The reality was rather different. Since the age of ten, I had more body hair than the boys in my class. I was mocked and called by the name of a TV animal character, whose name was a mispronunciation of my own. No one ever did anything about it. I was eight. My mother, though she meant well, pushed me into waxing and threading and other forms of hair removal since the day I turned eleven. Even now, as a fully-grown adult with my own apartment and my own life, I can’t bring myself to wear shorts or capris without having spent hours making sure my legs are smooth. Body hair is a huge issue that needs to be addressed more, and not just as a few wisps of blonde hair in the armpit region.
It’s complicated. Growing up, we had thaalis (with roti, rice, sweet dal, and shaak [which is a mix of vegetables and spices]) for dinner almost every night. When we didn’t, it was supplemented with foods like pasta, veggie burgers, and khichdi. We made different types of khichdi each time, based off of different familial recipes that were all named after the family member who introduced them. My mom had to make milder food for my sister, and while my sister loves spicy foods now, I’m still not a big fan. A side effect of growing up in a non-white, vegetarian family is that no one in my family has any idea of what white non-vegetarians eat. Like, at all. It’s kind of funny, to be honest. 
My mom is a Vaishnav, and my dad is a Brahmin, so the way they both worship is very different. My dad’s family places a huge emphasis on chanting and prayer, as well as meditation. They mostly pray to capital-G G-d, as the metaphysical embodiment of Grace. My mom’s family, however, places emphasis on– I don’t want to say “idol worship" because of the negative connotations that has– but they worship to murtis, statues that represent our gods. My mom’s favored god to pray to is Krishna, and we have murtis in our home that she performs sevato every day.
We celebrate Janmashtmi, Holi, Diwali, Ganesha Puja, Lakshmi Puja– too many to count, really. We don’t always go all-out, especially on most of the smaller celebrations, but we do try and attend the temple lectures on those days, or host our own. We also celebrate Christmas and Easter secularly. I didn’t even know Christmas was a Christian holiday until I was in elementary school, and Easter until I was in high school.
Whooo, boy. Where do I start?
When my sister was in first grade, she had a friend. I’ll call her Mary. Mary, upon learning that my sister was not, in fact, Christian, brought an entire Bible to school and forced my sister to read it during recess, saying that otherwise, she wouldn’t be her friend anymore. Mary kept telling my sister that she would go to hell if she didn’t repent, and that our entire family was a group of “ugly sinners.” When my sister came to me for advice, I told her that Mary wasn’t her friend, that Mary wasn’t being nice, and that my sister wasn’t going to go to hell, and that we don’t even believe in hell. When my sister finally stood up to Mary and told her that she wasn’t going to listen to her anymore, Mary got angry and dumped a mini-carton of chocolate milk on her and told her that “now she looks like what she is– a dirty [the Roma slur term].” Not only was that inaccurate, it was extremely racist, and Mary was only reprimanded for the milk-spilling, not the racist remark that came with it. 
On top of that, since I have long hair, I’m always getting asked if so-and-so can touch it, or what I do to get it so long, or why I allow myself to be “shaped by such backwards ideals of women.” My name is never pronounced correctly, and I’ve been asked to give people my “American name” to be called by instead of my actual name. I’ve been called a terrorist, asked why I wasn’t wearing a hijab (by white people btw), and mocked for my food. I’ve been told that I wasn’t “really Indian” because I didn’t have a dot on my forehead. I’ve been told I wasn’t “really Hindu” because I had milk on my plate, by a white boy whose mom was a leader of a local choir.
I grew up in a town where only 4-5% of the population was South Asian, and there were a total of five South Asians in my grade level. The school administration consistently and intentionally placed us in different classes, and I never made a friend that was South Asian until 7th grade. When I came to the school, I was placed in ESOL without even being tested, while also being in the Advanced Readers class. The school didn’t even care to look at my school records before placing me into ESOL based on the color of my skin. 
Things I’d Like to See Less/More Of
I’d like to see less of the “nerd” stereotype, of the “weak, nonathletic” stereotype. I’d like to see less of the “prude” stereotype, of the “I hate my culture/feel I don’t belong” stereotype. I’d like to see less of the “rebellion” stereotype, of the “my parents are so strict and I hate them” stereotype. I never want to see the “unwanted arranged marriage” trope. Ever.
I want to see bulky, tall Indian characters. I’d like to see Indian characters confident in their sexuality, whether that’s not having sex (for LEGITIMATE reasons like risk of STDs, general awkwardness before and after The Deed, and wanting to wait, not “oh my parents said so and also I’m sheltered and innocent”), or having a new sexual partner every night.
I want Indian characters (especially children/teens!!!) proud of their culture and their heritage and their religion, whether that’s Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, or anything else. I want to see supportive Indian parents, I want to see more than chiding Indian grandmothers and strict Indian fathers. I want to see healthy arranged marriages, or healthy mixed-marriages. I want to see mixed Indian-POC couples, I want to see queer Indian couples.
I want to see body hair on female-presenting characters, I want to see more of India that isn’t “bustling market with the scent of spices in the air” and “poor slums rampant with disease” and “Taj Mahal”. I want to see casual mentions of prayer and Hinduism and Indian culture (a short “My mom’s at the temple, she can’t come pick us up” or a “what is it? i’m in the middle of a holi fight! eep! ugh, gulaab in my mouth” over a phone call, or a “she won’t answer until 12– she’s in her Bharatnatyam class/Gurukul class/doing seva/at the temple” would suffice). I want to see more Indian languages represented than just Hindi. There’s Tamil, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali, and Kashmiri, just off the top of my head. The language your character speaks depends on the place they come from in India, and they might not even speak Hindi! (I don’t!)
I hate that Indian culture is reduced to “oppressive, strict, and prudish” when it's so much more than that. I hate that Indians are stereotyped to the point where it is a norm, and the companies reinforcing these stereotypes don’t take responsibility for their actions and don’t change. I hate the appropriation of Indian culture (like yoga, pronounced “yogh”, not “yo-gaaa” fyi, the Om symbol, meditation, and Shri Ganapathidada) and how normalized it is in Western society. 
This ended up a lot longer than I had expected, but I hope it helps! Good luck with your writing :)
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