#even by internet brainrot standard it's insane !!!!
nullset2 · 4 months
The Attention Economy
“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters.”
This past decade (and even since the advent of Web 2.0 you could argue) has seen a plethora of horrendous macroeconomic insanity, all related in one way or another to telecommunications. It's no coincidence that the Crash of 2008 coincided with the release of the first iPhones.
What I think this is indicative of, is that we're living in a New World Order (no, no that one) where our socioeconomic means are intrinsically tied to social media and the Internet. We have effectively become cyborgs, symbiotic with the metal boxes in our pockets, one altogether.
The legacy establishment, such as big box Government, the stock market and the banking system, are aware of it but still haven't adapted to this Brave New World because they're a bunch of decrepit octogenarian old farts that couldn't save a document as PDF to save their lives. Socioeconomic phenomena such as the Trump presidency, the GameStop (meme stock) sways, cryptocurrency and the Coronavirus lockdowns can all be attributed to Information technology.
Sometimes this puts people in very dark spots because they become prey to strange games of complexes, fears and scapegoating (that's why conspiracy theory, such as the Pizzagate 'War against the paedophile elites' abounds in 4chan of all places by the way: if Bill Gates was found to be a paedophile, he'd effectively be the perfect scapegoat), other times things go "We did it Reddit" and John Cena shows up to care for a dying child and everyone gets puppies and hugs and we all laugh and the screen fades to black and we're in a Satmon cartoon.
And again, what else would you expect when everyone has a black box, ultrafast, always-on, always online pornoedipal supercomputer Schizophrenia machine in their pockets where the Ghost in the Machine algorithms dictate and sway people's opinions? One doesn't need to decide what to think, what to like, what to do or what to believe anymore, because it's all fed to one through hyper-saccharine brainrot 5 second videos on TikTonk.
Other phenomena such as the advent of remote-first work, digital nomadism, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, open-sourcing and live-streaming are also indicators of the fact that a Sea Change is not coming, but rather it’s already happened long, long ago, and the economy hasn’t caught up to it yet (we're still living in the dead, rotten husk of it). Turns out that if you become a streamer and the planets align and you catch enough people's teary-eyed, dehydrated (remember to go drink some water right now) eyes, that's effectively a replacement for a full time job nowadays.
That apparently, the economy is now based on how many people you can get to notice you (and the ad revenue underneath it).
The thing is that effectively this forces us to reconsider what our standards for living should actually be. Gone are the days of the 9 to 5 where you had to commute to an office to make a living because you can effectively work remotely --but alas, some Gen X asshole with an inflamed prostate will call you lazy if you dare challenge his Commercial Real Estate investments and propose to work remote-first.
Maybe this also forces us to reconsider what the damn economy actually is, if four years ago a minority of people were branded as "essential workers" and made to work the shit jobs while everyone else stayed indoors to collect stimmy checks (thanks for the inflation btw). Notice how all of that happened and the world not only didn't end, but shot some stock tickers into the stratosphere. Maybe it's all pies in the sky. Maybe the Fed prints 1 Trillion dollars every 100 days to finance stupid bomb runs that we're not even supposed to care about, and money is basically a collective hallucination.
No Gold Standard, just vibes.
But lo, here come the radical assholes, happy to brandish their cries of "this is all because of CAPITALISM", and well, yes, it is because of capitalism but maybe learn a skill and do some cool shit first and get yourself a clean shirt and clean your room bucko and remove those nasty tattoos and hair dye from yourself first before you dare rework the whole status quo, dummy. Cue r/antiwork, a community that I don't support but that I think has some validity to their claims, that effectively a vast amount of work is not actually necessary and is just work for the sake of work, completely performative, a mechanism to keep the hamster wheels of an economy that's based upon rampant, cold consumerism running.
Maybe it's all so fake and stupid and it makes me feel bad. The Jobs are fake, the Money is fake, and the Economy is fake.
But fuck you if your alternative comes from a fucking College professor that's basically repackaging Maoist China.
To conclude, I insist that we are kind of the in-between at the moment and something's got to give. This cannot go on much longer, and a deep, new zeitgeist rethinking of what work, life and the economy are will happen very, very soon. but in the interim, retain your zen, and remember to bring something for the potluck. There's quarter-donuts and dairy free milk in the break room so you can use the new Nespresso. Happy Friday!
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bigpeepee · 2 years
bro eddie isnt even a teenager hes a 3rd year senior 😭 hes well past being 17 wtf is the other anon about
literallyyyy!!! isn't he like. at least 20? idk how american schools work
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eulchu · 3 years
You know what I saw that lowkey irritated me and I'm wondering if I'm in the wrong here?? I saw some person comment on Instagram (which I should never read lmao) that was going in on Techno for a "homophobic joke " (which as a lesbian, I can tell you was not fuckin homophobic lol) and saying they didn't care about the money he raised for the Trevor Project during MCC and that they wanted an apology and I was like ???? What kinda backwards ass???? Like, I would much prefer direct charity and action like he did over some empty ass words? Am I crazy or does that seem slightly selfish? Like, I understand wanting an acknowledgment of the thing but... it seems out of turn to say you don't care about a 5 figure donation to a charity dedicated to helping LBGTQ+ folks... and instead you want a notes app screenshot... idk. Don't feel obligated to answer this I was just so taken aback that I needed to write something about it lmao. (Also, maybe once July hits dnf may give us some goddam peace because oh my god the past 24 hours have been Insane.)
ah ah ah i might get into some shit for saying this but you know what <3 it's been over a year since my last tumblr controversy i think we're due for another one.
FUNNY you bring this up because i was thinking the exact same thing after mcc. it's SO ridiculous how the internet does not Know the meaning of growing up and moving on. redemption simply does not exist for them.
first of all, okay, i am not a lesbian but i am a very proud bi that dates girls exclusively, and i don't think the comment was a big deal either. i understand the people who want an apology, i do! but, let's be real here, if techno were to acknowledge it one good 70% of the response would be 'that's not enough' 'pr work' 'ok lesbophobe' so like? what's even the fucking point.
from one "problematic" cc to another, one of my favorite things that dream has said is that sometimes bringing up negative stuff only makes it 100x worse and i agree. if techno lives by those words i applaud him.
another thing that i think is really funny is the timestamp of the events. bro it was a tweet from YEARS ago. what was he? 17? i was a fucking dick at 17, ask anyone. i'm not saying it's okay, or that it was okay back then. i'm just saying i'm not that person anymore?? imagine this was real life right. imagine the situation: this dude comes to school one day and decides to make a tasteless joke. 5 years later he's so eaten away by guilt he shows up to that very school, calls for everyone's attention, stands on top of a table, and apologizes for the joke that he made 5 years before. just imagine the reactions. they'd take him to the hospital.
the internet standards are so ridiculously high and stupid and double standarded that it gives me a headache. anyway! no i don't think you're in the wrong either, i totally agree with you. people's talent of focusing in the wrong things all the fucking time is astonishing.
(also yes dnf brainrot i need a break <33 don't think we're getting one though i feel like the meetup is closer than we think bdjej)
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
your mistake was expecting this fixation to "die out." the trap with kpop is that theyre Constantly Releasing More Content so you're stuck here till they disband, bro. kpops been my longest lasting hyperfixation and it only dimmed down (not even died out) when i doubled my dosage of antidepressants during a mass pandemic and had to violently project onto visual novels so i could Feel Something. as soon as i weaned myself off my meds the kpop brainrot came back Full Force. its been years. ive fully accepted that im never escaping this hell and so should you -felix bi anon
Look I went into this pandemic telling my bestie on the daily "ma'am I am sorry but I am not watching anime and I am not getting into kpop, anything that is even vaguely reminiscent of shit I wouldve gotten beat up for in high school is very much a firm NO from me, also my two fav artists of all time are Lil Kim and Lana Del Rey, I don't think kpop is gonna be my speed at all, it's just not gonna vibe w me okay. And also my Type™ is very much rock dudes who are skinny and pale like they're dying with hella tattoos and an attitude problem, I'm tryna meet a man at the hardcore show, them kpop boys are not the vibe" (OOP it was the western beauty standard brain rot in FULL force bestie 🙊) so like, the fact that I even started to stan skz was 10000% against my will 😂 the part of me that once wanted to work in marketing is absolutely fascinated by the structure of the kpop industry and how insanely effective it is, but I thought I was ABOVE THAT lmfaooooo and NOW LOOK AT HA. CRYING OVER SOME SHORT ASS LIL AUSSIE BOY SINGIN SONGS WHERE I ONLY KNOW ONE OUT OF EVERY 75 WORDS. I WAS TRICKED, I WAS BAMBOOZLED, I WAS HOODWINKED!!!!!!! Also every fuckin time I see some lil kpop boy struttin around bein hella goals I'm like "lemme check somethin real quick, lemme cover my bases," cause I am NOT tryna get bamboozled into stanning another bunch of FETUSES, LITERAL ZYGOTES, and every damn time Google is like "yeh bestie they're all of 21, you're about to go full cougar mode, pump the breaks, back it up bestie, exit the premesis, back away slowly" and so I do cause like yall I aint even old, I'm only 27, but that is On Deaths Door in internet land and I'm not tryna get cancelled, so I physically cannot allow myself to stan any other group lmfao 😂 I have made my peace with skz sneaking into my fuckin heart but NEVER AGAIN. ACTIVATING AVOIDANT ATTACHMENT STYLE!!!!!!! I have never been cool a single day in my damn life and I do NOT need to add the stigma of someone I work with catching me doing the full Back Door choreo in my car before I clock in 😂 my high school trauma will not allow it 😂 ain't no room for it, I'm baggin' and taggin' any other groups content and yeeting it 100 miles away from me, my ego can't take it, she's fragile, she can't take criticism, lemme go back to flying completely under the radar with my basic ass self, that's all I ask 😂 I don't need to go back to work and have a FULL mental breakdown on the sales floor because Chan posted a selfie, I don't need to have to try to explain to my coworkers that I need ten minutes to chain smoke and cry over some boy reading comments on a live chat 😂 LET ME OUT OF THIS FIXATION, BRAIN, PLEASE, I AM EXPOSING MYSELF AND SNATCHING MY OWN WIG ON THE DAILY 😂😂😂😂😂
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