#even YOU can betray your principles in the game. you can kill connor. you can annul the circle. you can slaughter the werewolves
v-arbellanaris · 5 months
that line with loghain in the camp when i was playing my female tabris was like actually horrifying for me because it was my second time playing and i knew what he did in unrest in the alienage so it felt like such an empty statement from him. like he claims to believe that elves and women are equal but i knew that later he is willing to throw them to slavery for the "good of fereldan". utterly haunting line
that's the thing, right - you know that when you play, but your pc doesn't. and, neither does loghain - the stuff with the alienage happens... potentially months later. in that second, he is genuine. he's many things, but he's not a liar, and he's not a man of airs or natural charm.
kal has to square with the fact that the man extended that kindness to her, that noticed her struggling in a crowd of faces, who could have ignored her and didn't -- that man, is the same man that sells the alienage elves into slavery. the duality of it is almost unbearable.
and at the same time... doesn't she understand it, too?
didn't she side with bhelen, to help the dust town dwarves, because she feels their struggle as keenly as her own? didn't she genuinely believe that? but then... when it came down to it... didn't she agree to keep the anvil? knowing where the cost for the golems would come from? knowing bhelen would take advantage of their desperate poverty?
doesn't she know exactly what she signed them up for - when she, herself, almost swayed at the amount of gold vaughn offered? that she didn't take the offer, only by chance? that she could have been swayed?
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ladydragon1316 · 7 years
Some of the DA Inquisition Crew discuss Assassin’s Creed
(Modern-ish AU. Just something that came out of my brain while both Fandoms were knocking around in there at the same time. Enjoy!)
Aurora threw back the last of her rum and coke and lurched forward over the table. “I just don’t get the whole Connor thing. I mean, apparently so many of those ‘confessions’ are about him pinning them to a tree, but I just don’t see the appeal. I mean, he’s an idiot. He spends the whole game fighting Western Progress only for it to steamroll his own tribe anyway. He strives for freedom - kills the entire Templar chapter to do it - but completely overlooks the fact that freedom does not equal security. And his people pay for it.” She looked desperately up and down the table for support. “Tell me I’m not the only one who sees that. Please.”
Dorian took a sip of his mojito, shamelessly toying with the little umbrella under his pinky, “It’s not that we don’t see it, my dear. It’s that that isn’t the point.”
The woman across from him slammed the heel of her cup onto the table, demanding, “Then what is the point, then?!”
“The point,” he stated, extending his pinky finger in her direction, “is those broad shoulders and that Native American motif.” His hand swayed just slightly atop his resting elbow, evidence of the previous three drinks he’d imbibed in rapid succession.
“It’s not a motif; it’s his culture!”
A dismissive gesture from the Vint. “When it comes to kinks, the difference is negligible.”
“No, it’s not!” Aurora yelled, slamming her cup down a second time. She was far too worked up about this topic for a Friday night.
Blackwall avoided eye-contact, strategically excusing himself to get another drink. Which gave The Iron Bull a few seconds to lean in and ask, “So you want me to wear some war-paint next time?”
Down the table, Sera blew a massive raspberry at the debate. “Ass-in-creed don’t have near enough of the right ass. Needs more tits.”
“It has tits, darling,” Dorian pointed out. “Did you even play Ezio’s first game?”
“Not tha’ rite tits! I mean ass’kickin’ tits. Evie tits! I want ta’ see Evie’s tits!” More than a few heads turned in the direction of Sera’s shrieking. Not all of them at the group’s actual table.
Dorian took a breath...and found his original thought veering off on faulty evidence. “Alright, I’ll give you that. Not nearly enough female protagonists for the series. But that’s the fault of the medium at large. You can hardly single out the Creed as the ur-example.” His hand shot up to cut off Aurora’s tirade before it could start. If he let her start off on Feminist representation or equal opportunity depictions, they would be here all night. “We’re getting off topic. This is not about fatal character flaws. This is about white-hot-sex-appeal. Which of these darling creatures you feel compelled to seize by their sculpted packages and posteriors, and have your way with.”
Another violent raspberry from down the table, as Sera slid down off the front of her seat, landing somewhere at their feet. They’d need to remember to pick her up later before they left.
“And you think character flaws don’t factor into that?” Aurora demanded. She made to take another drag from her glass - only to find it empty. Right; that had happened. “Varric, help me out here,” she pleaded. He was their resident author. This was practically his job.
“Sorry, Bright Eyes. I don’t do Sci-Fi.” Apparently not.
“It’s not Sci-Fi!”
The man cocked a well-practiced eyebrow at her. “A machine allowed people to explore memories stored in their DNA, which reveals the existence of ancient, highly advanced beings who created humans and whose remnants gave rise to biblical depictions of god and miracles, which actually turn out to be technological artifacts that survived the disaster that wiped out the race in the first place.” He snorted softly. “Yeah, that’s Sci-Fi.”
Aurora scowled at him, “Traitor.”
Blackwall reappeared with drinks in hand: two beers - the one for Bull in a pint-sized glass -, and another rum and coke. Which Dorian snatched up before Aurora could get her hands on it.
“Ah-ah,” he teased, holding it above his head and well out of her reach. “I’ll have your prefered Assassin ass, and I’ll have it now.”
“You’re an ass!” she yelled, climbing half onto the table after her drink. Dorian only leaned further back, grinning like a jackal.
“And a fine one. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“Spill it.”
“Give! It!” She flailed forward, and the kick he was getting out of this was obvious.
“Ass! Whose!”
“Shay Cormac!” Dorian gave a faux gasp of shock, but with enough dramatic zeel that his companion managed to snatch her drink from his hand, splashing soda and rum on his cuff in the process.
“Well, well, well,” Dorian schmoozed, shaking off what drops he could. “A Templar? You naughty girl.”
“Shut up!” He wasn’t even phased by the accompanying death glare.
“Now Haytham I could understand. I always suspected you might have a ‘daddy’ kink-” He narrowly avoided the spray as Aurora choked on her drink and continued on, undeterred. “-But a traitor?” He tutted, gazing off at a far wall while smoothing out his mustache. “I’m not sure we can remain friends. Disparaging Connor and fantasizing after a turn-coat. Your allegiance is clear as day. Am I to suspect a dagger in the back? Are you hiding a red cross somewhere on your person?”
Aurora clutched her drink with both hands and wailed plaintively, “He’s hot!”
And there it was.
Dorian practically squealed - how did he make even that seem suave? - and surged up onto the table, leaning heavily on his elbows, all up in Aurora’s personal space and absolutely latching onto her admission. “So there is some sexual desire buried under all that character analysis mumbo-jumbo.”
Aurora cast around. “Varric?” she whined, pleading for some kind of support.
He snickered, “Did you notice she said ‘Shay Cormac’. Not just ‘Shay’.”
“Oo!” Dorian’s glee surmounted itself. “First and last name on an impulse declaration. There is something here.”
Aurora shot a glare at Varric before zeroing it in on Dorian. “You’re a menace.”
“Ah-ah. Back on track. Shay. Hot. Explain.” This man was not going to be deterred.
And with no visible means of avoidance, “Well, he’s a good man.” When Dorian’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, she redoubled, “That’s important! He’s principled. Honorable.”
“Aurora, darling, honorable assassins make up over half the cast -”
“But how many of the Assassins put their morals above the Order?”
Dorian gave her a long, level look, followed by an elegant cocking of eyebrow.
Aurora’s brain caught up with her statement and she flapped her hand around dismissively, “Okay, okay. Evie and Jacob and Arno do, fine. But the Fryes go behind the Council’s back and go to London, and Arno pursues missions getting clearance first. But those are both still within the Order. And, yeah, Arno gets kicked out. But the Fryes don’t receive any negative repercussions within the Order for going off on their own. At least not that we see. Shay straight up turns his back on the Order when they’re methods go against his own moral code. With full knowledge of what he’s doing. He knows it will turn the Order completely against him. And he does it anyway. Because it’s what he believes is right. Even if it means betraying the organization he’s been apart of and loyal to for years.”
Her best friend blinked at her from across the table. He gave his head a sharp shake. “I’m sorry. I don’t believe I heard the world ‘hot’ even once during that whole monologue.”
He threw his arms out, dramatically, “Is it really so hard to discuss attractive physical attributes of fictional characters in public? Truly?”
Aurora jabbed a finger at him. “The character of a character is what makes them attractive.”
“But give me something!” Dorian pleaded. “Some indication that my best friend has a sex drive!”
She rolled her eyes, but acquiesced. “Fine. His haircut.”
Dorian’s head cocked like a confused dog. “Scruffy? Maker, I think that’s worse than the ‘daddy’ kink.”
“Post-Lisbon,” she clarified sharply, at last lifting her glass to her lips. “After his make-over.”
Dorian got a wistful look, completely with a dreamy ‘into the distance’ gaze. “Ah yes, that’s more like it. Proof-positive a good haircut can take you from ‘meh’ to ‘fuck me, please’. And those shoulders!”
Aurora swallowed a mouthful quickly to agree, “Oh yeah. That coat does wonders for his physique. He’s all sharp angles and broad. And that accent…” Aurora let a pleasant shudder run visibly up her spine for effect, making most of those still listening laugh.
Bull took a swig from his own mug, getting a gleam in his eye. “So you like the moral pillar, tall with broad shoulders, a smooth accent, good hair and a choice coat.” His grin broadened and he didn’t even bother hiding it. “Add some survivor’s guilt, and a military history with the organization he dumps on principle, and I’d say we’ve found your type, Boss.”
This time it was Aurora cocking her head in confusion. That was a little on the nose for Shay’s ‘type’. “I guess.”
Then The Iron Bull’s eyes ticked up over her head, the gleam in his eye turning at once innocent and diabolical. “Hey, Cullen.”
Aurora swiveled around to see the man take the last few steps to reach them. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“No, no,” Dorian assured him. “Just discussing our sexual preferences as applied to the cast of a fictional setting based around assassination.
Cullen froze halfway down onto Sera’s former seat, looking like a deer in the headlamps. Aurora grabbed a handful of his fur collar and gave him a good tug. “We can change the subject.” The relief on his face was near-comical. “Watch your feet. Sera’s still under there.”
He had a couple minutes to arrange himself while Bull made the next run for drinks, getting one for Cullen and refilling his own mug. Aurora settled comfortably in place. Sera’s seat stayed where it was. But with Cullen having a wider frame than her, that meant Aurora and Cullen sat close enough together their shoulders brushed occasionally when they shifted. She made a point to pick a position and get comfortable. Which was, in fact, quite easy with the given company.
Dorian gave them about fifteen seconds of said comfort. Long enough for Cullen to take a drink from his cup before the other man picked things back up with, “I can’t remember: did we actually establish you have a ‘daddy’ kink, or not?”
Cullen sent a spray of beer across the table and proceeded to start choking. Aurora pounded on his back while yelling across the table at Dorian, who had burst out laughing alongside The Iron Bull. Even Blackwall had a hand curled over his mouth, trying desperately not to give his chuckle away. Sera kicked the underside of the table, demanding they ‘keep it down up there’ so she could sleep. And Varric scribbled hurriedly in his notebook with tears in his eyes, and the declaration that ‘You can’t make this shit up’.
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