evemizutohi · 4 years
Shadows Fall Behind
Chapter 2
Reader X Class 1-A (for now)
ps. sorry if I spell names wrong I google everything and I find multiple different spellings pls tell me which ones are wrong thankssss
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At this point weeks have past since Shinso and I joined Class 1-A. Full days looked like nothing but class lectures and chaos. Ultimately I kept to myself as much as possible with the exception of Shinso and I’s conversations. He has always been super easy to talk to. I still haven’t become accustomed to everyone in this class. They’re much different compared to my friends from our former class.
 I’ve talked a bit with Midoriya only because he has this thing where he mumbles to himself. Once I thought he was talking to me and I couldn’t help but have a one sided conversation with him. Which only ended in him apologizing profusely for doing absolutely nothing wrong. I learned that it was pretty normal for him. I also had a partner assignment with Todoroki. He was very nice but also had this ominous aura around him. I liked that.
“Are you still studying?” I looked up to see Shinso with tired eyes. He was wrapped up in comfy lounge clothes. His hair very erratic and sticking up in every direction. I nodded and then looked back down to my notebook and continued highlighting any important. Which at this point might’ve been my entire notebook. “I can’t seem to get this concept down.” I scratched my nose with my pen still reading.
I was about to ask Shinso about what I was going over when a crashing sound erupted beside us. We both looked over his shoulder and saw Kaminari face planted into the floor and his feet in the air across the room. Then an explosive blond following into the room. “That’s what you get for being an idiot!” 
Shinso stifled a laugh and turned back to me. “What is wrong with that guy?” He shrugged his shoulders and sat down in the chair next to me. “Help me please?” I pointed to a question in my book while pouting my lips and giving him puppy dog eyes. God I hoped it would work. “No way I haven’t  even started.” It did not. 
“Oh come on.” My eyes wandered back down to my pages. A big sigh leaving my mouth. “You could ask Bakugou, he’s doing the best in class right now,” Shinso suggested with a tiny but noticeable smirk on his face. I snapped my head in his direction and gave him the most questionable look I could muster up. That would be the last thing I would ever do. We literally witnessed him toss a kid to the other side of the room. And yes maybe Kaminari had it coming, but he still threw the poor guy. 
It was always obvious to me that Bakugou was rough around the edges. Even before I transferred classes. You could hear his ungodly yelling from across all halls. However, I also learned that he’s pretty okay when unprovoked. He minds his own as long as everyone does the same. Kirishima and Kaminari know that but chose to talk to him against his will anyway. I see the soft spots for them every now and then.
“Yeah right. I don’t want to be tossed next.” I groan and Shino laughs. He watches me close all of my books and cross my arms on the table shoving my face into them. 
“As long as I steer clear from him my limbs will remain connected.”
the next day....
“Okay and Majikku you’ll be with Bakugou.” 
The second those words were spoken by Aizawa I slapped my hand over my face. 
Today was planned sparring and improving our attacks. We were getting paired up to warm up and eventually start putting fighting techniques into practice. Although after being partnered with a human grenade I realized I would most likely be working more on defense than offense. 
I dropped into a squat hugging my knees to my chest. Cowering and thinking about all the ways I might be set on fire today. Until I heard feet approaching where I was squatting. “So are you gonna sit here and waste my time?” Slowly I lifted my head matching stares with intimidating red eyes. He huffed and walked past me moving to the other side of the training arena. 
I stood up from where I crouched and looked for my purple haired adversary around the room. We met eyes and he was already laughing to himself. I subtly flipped him off and went off to follow Bakugou. He stood waiting for me impatiently. “Hurry up extra! I don’t have time to waste.” I fiddled with my fingers standing a couple feet away from him. As soon as my feet planted a sweat induced light beam was hurled at me. I gapsed and hit the floor in order to dodge it. I panicked as more of Bakugou’s quirk was released in seconds. 
He groaned seeing as I would just dodge all of his attacks. He began running in my direction. I felt a tick in the palm of my hands. 
I could help myself right now if I wanted to. I could use it and it would be fine. I could control it and make it better. I could use it for good. Good. 
I suppressed the feeling and dodged Bakugou’s foot from flying straight into my face. His fists thrown in record time trying to connect with any body part he could reach. I blocked an elbow he almost dug into my face and hit his stomach with an uppercut. Which in retrospect wasn’t exactly a smart idea. 
The furry and fire in his eyes only grew. His breathing grew heavy and his chest was heaving with all he had. Oh shit.
He grabbed my shoulder and shot a blast from his hands into my abdomen. Sending me across the floor. I landed straight on my side and rolled over slightly. A stinging feeling in my side grew within the matter of seconds. “Majikku. Y/N. Are you alright?” Aizawa shouted from his spot near Mina. 
I lifted my arm giving him a thumbs up, not moving from my position. “What a weak ass,” Bakugou sputtered. I forced myself to sit up ignoring the sting. Taking all I had to get to my feet. I walked towards the door. Not minding that I was leaving my partner behind. “Where the hell do you think you’re going dumb ass? We’re not done here.” Bakugou seethed. 
I ignored him and kept walking out to the hall. “Hey I’m talking to you!” 
Bakugou tugged at my shoulder causing me to hiss. He moved back watching me adjust my hand on my ribs. He still had a hard expression on his face. Nothing changing but his urgency to get me to fight him. I flicked my eyes to him and then back to the hall I was trying to get down. “The training room is this way you freakin extra. I told you we’re not done.” 
“Well I am.” I sassed him continuing to walk down the hall. Deep and what I would call annoying growls emitting from the anger filled gremlin. He stomped over next to me keeping up with my slow pace. I could smell his burnt aroma and it was distracting. His shoulders were tense and toned from top to bottom. The sweat built up on his skin shining from the natural light reflected off the windows.
He cut me off and stood right in front of me. “Stop ignoring me dammit! You got somewhere better to be?” 
“Yeah to recover girl because you knocked me on my ribs you ass.” He looked taken back for a second but quickly recovered continuing to follow me. He sneered and looked about ready to explode...again. “Maybe if you use the quirk that got you into this class you wouldn’t be bitching about a broken rib.”
“Ribs. Ribs you jack ass. Plural. And I can use my quirk whenever I want. It’s not up to you whether I do or not.” He rolled  his eyes stopping in front of me again. “What a joke! I bet you didn’t even get close to the top at entrance exams right? That’s why you transferred in late.”
I scoffed pushing past him again trying to ignore his presence. “Just admit it you don’t belong in this class. Let alone maybe the hero course.” I stopped and turned to him ready to bash his head in. “Listen you idiot, I got in on recommendations okay! There just wasn’t enough room for me at the start.”
Bakugou stopped in his tracks and laughed. He chuckled in a way that made me feel vulnerable. “Oh I get it now. Another rich kid with a quirk and absolutely nothing to show for it. You’re pathetic. You’re going to burn in this class. You’ll never be a hero. Loser.” I let my head fall as I listened to Bakugou’s steps back to the class. One hand still on my side and the other clenched at my side. I continued walking to the infirmary. 
“One crack of my quirk and it would be over. Asshole.”
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evemizutohi · 4 years
Shadows Fall Behind
A/N: This is my first time writing for MHA kinda nervous. Let me know what you think. I want this story to be a series. :) Also this is not my gif
Reader X Class 1-A (for now)
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Intuition is what I find myself relying on the most these days. Only because that was the only thing I really had. Not because it had to be that way but because its what I wanted. I left Japan four months ago. Right in the beginning of my first semester at UA. I was originally boosted to be in Class 1-B in the hero course but there was some business I had to deal with which led me to leave before I even got to start. 
I did have time to meet my classmates and mingle enough to remember people’s names and them to remember mine. Nothing too close to a friendship in any way really. I did find some of my classmates very interesting and I wanted to learn more about there quirks, yet I wasn’t granted that opportunity. Disregarding that I stand in front of the gates of UA with the same feeling as that first time months ago. “Looks who’s alive and walking.”
I slightly turn my head over to match my eyes with some purple ones. Hair strewn like the first time I spotted it. I already knew this day would be full of reminiscing. “Aw were you excited that I was gone? Sorry I’m back for my spot.” I teased Shinsou as a smirk rose upon his lips. Shaking his head and walking up next to me, “No not at all. You actually missed quite a lot during your absence. You should consider yourself lucky.” I scoffed. If he had known the reason for me not being here he would surely retract his statement.
We caught up on our way into one of the main buildings of the school. I studied him while he spoke. I noticed the way his physical frame was much more built than before. He was a bit more talkative and confident in the way he walked. If i was being honest it was quite intimidating. I liked it.
“Majikku?” Monoma practically shouted as Shinsou and I walked through the door to class 1-B. I tilted my head to the same smiling at him and greeting everyone else.
Kendou sat beside me by the empty desk that I sat at my first day. “Oh my gosh Y/N its been ages! You just up and disappeared out of nowhere,” She rested her hand on the palm of her hand already expecting an answer. I felt all of the stares on me as everyone waited for my response. “Yeah I had a thing.” Tetsutetsu laughed and smacked my back making me hunch in my seat. 
“That’s just like you Majikku, eerie and mysterious.” I lightheartedly agreed with him as everyone tried making small talk. Minutes later Sekijiro entered the class and I let out a sigh of relief at how our chatter would need to subside. That it most definitely did as well as people sitting in there seats. Shinsou sitting in the desk on the right of mine. 
“I heard a rumor in the teacher’s lounge today that we have a returning student. One that apparently likes to take vacations.” I rolled my eyes slouching back in my seat. “Ah Majikku Y/N welcome back. You made it back just in time.” I narrowed my eyes confused at his comment. What would I have come back just in time for. 
He flipped throught some pages scattered on his podium. “Shinsou, Majikku head to class 1-A. Aizawa has some business with the two of you.” I turned my head to Shinsou hoping to see some sort of unknowing reaction but it was just the opposite. Almost too knowing. His stood from his chair slinging his back over his shoulder looking down at me waiting for my move. I picked up my bag and held it in my hands walking out following him. “Should I be worried?”
“Only if you like demotions.” I opened my mouth to respond but decided against it. You leave for four months and suddenly you lose sight on everything. “Hey if I let you inside of my head can you just like fill it with everything I missed?” Shinsou chuckled and continued down the hall. “Doesn’t work like that Y/N.”
Well why not? You think you know someone’s quirk and then they tell you that’s not how they use it. 
Shinsou finds it in him to briefly and quickly fill me in on everything that has happened to the hero course students at UA. My mouth was open the whole time I’m surprised it didn’t catch flies. To think that a group of villains had set its sights on students here at UA. Well according to Shinsou they still have those sights set on these concrete walls. “That’s horrble.”
Shinsou lazily knocks on the door to class 1-A and we wait until it slides open. Standing there is Aizawa in all of his black clothed white scarfed glory. His eyes left in a sleepy haze. It was kinda scary in my own opinion. I’ve seen much worse. “Oh good you’re here. Let’s speak out here.” He walked out and closed the door behind him keeping us in the hallway. “Majikku Y/N its good to see you again. Did you remember you came here?”
Before I could get a word out he turned to Shinsou. “How are you feeling? Working on what we talked about I hope.” Shinsou nodded holding his arm in his hand. “Yes of course.” I felt in a very awkware and tense situation. I was getting some real weird vibes from this situation. The spoke on and I found myself trying to get to the bottom of this meeting. “Okay um Aizawa, why are we here exactly? Sorry to interrupt.”
Aizawa sighed and gestured us closer. We walked up to him, my ears perked up and interested. “The faculty and I have come to a definitive decision that the two of you be moved to class 1-A.” My shoulders tensed and my posture stiffened. I totally understood their interest in Shinsou but I wasn’t sure where I stood. “No offense sir but I haven’t worked for a spot in this class.”
“You got in on recommendations and you have a quirk don’t you?” I nodded. “Then you have a spot in this class.” I looked at Shinsou as soon as Aizawa turned to slide open the door once more. He walks through and turns back to the two of us standing in the hall. “Well are you coming or not?” Shinsou makes the first move and walks through the door. I tediously follow behind him not uttering a single word. As soon as I do I make eye contact with the first years of class 1-A. I remember a handful of them from activities during the first week of school. There’s so many eyes on us and it’s almost discomforting. I could feel the competition in the air. 
“Welcome the newest student to class 1-A.”
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