evelinawood · 3 years
I could list my accomplishments
I could list my failures
At the end of the day it wouldn’t matter
I’m simply a soul having a human experience
The highs, the lows and all the in-betweens
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Life has no guarantees
It is what we make it
Little steps when you’re committed to growth
Lead to big epiphanies if you’re paying attention
- Evelina Wood 2021
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evelinawood · 2 years
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I first posted these words in 2015, and each year I repeat the post hoping somehow that the connection, the unity and the love would find its way back into the heartbeat that is America.... we all make a choice every damn day in how we treat each other, how we connect and how we love...
As we come to the 21st anniversary of a horrific day etched in the memory of America, I look back and remember how all Americans stood together, worked together and were united for a short time. I remember how we joined together in understanding and brotherhood, loving and looking out for each other. We said hi, held doors, remembered manners, respected each other and CONNECTED. Race didn’t matter, political affiliation didn’t matter...
Today, 21 years later, I am saddened and heart-broken that we are even more divided then ever. Each year the division has gotten worse. I see our country distracted by technology, the media and hate toward one another.
May all of us remember how the peace, brotherhood, unity & LOVE felt in those weeks and months after 9/11/01. May we find our way back to that feeling of love and brotherhood without a national tragedy, but instead because we are all American and most of all, because we all are HUMAN.
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evelinawood · 2 years
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That frustration you feel? Give it to me
That ache in your heart? Let me be your salvation
That doubt you have? Let me kneel before you and remind you just how strong you are
Let me adore you and help you pick up the pieces when you feel like you’re falling apart
Let me cherish you so you can feel my love seeping into every part of you
Let me worship you the way you worship me
© Evelina Wood 2022
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evelinawood · 2 years
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Who I was years ago scattered in the winds of those I chose to surround myself with
I let them rip me, tear me up and leave me in tatters, thinking I deserved the devastation
I thought I had to prove I was worthy of affection, love and intimacy
So very naive and trusting, I rearranged everything for them
I let go of all the hopes and dreams I had etched in my heart
Hoping that one day I could make them see, make them feel what was between us
What I didn’t know was that their addictions were in charge of the mass destruction thrown at me
I’ve learned, I’ve grown, and I rediscovered the girl I once was
I am now a force to be reckoned with
The years of pain and struggle have forged me into steel
I will no longer beg for attention, affection or intimacy
I will stand up and step away, middle finger high in the air
No looking back, I know there’s nothing for me there
© Evelina Wood 2022
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evelinawood · 3 years
Within me lies two archetypes who are constantly battling each other.
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I am an Ice Queen at first glance. Cold, blunt and seemingly without warmth. Head held high, focused and unapproachable. Some might even call me a bitch.
Layers of ice have formed a fortress around my heart and soul. Around a tiny ember that was buried underneath the ruin and ashes of who I was. Each wall erected from a painful lesson I had to learn about being too much, and for always wearing my heart on my sleeve...
Insecurities, doubts and anxiety began to quickly fuse together, molding themselves into bricks of cold and ice around that tiny little spark. The Ice Queen quickly came to power and erected those walls to shield and to protect what was left of my heart, what was left of me.
Underneath the cold exterior, deep within the ice fortress lies the Phoenix. She is my heart and soul. The tiny spark that the Ice Queen saved.
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The Phoenix is full of fire, passion and courage. A badass who slays her dragons and rises again and again no matter the challenge. The Phoenix now burns so bright that nothing but the Ice Queen stands in her way.
The Phoenix is my fierce love, loyalty and devotion. The Ice Queen is my self-preservation, ego and pride.
The Ice Queen refuses to let even a few of the layers of emotional cold and ice melt away, lest she risk losing it all once again.
The Phoenix fights to break loose every single day, to fully come into herself. Yet, her full warmth and power remain stunted and trapped until the Ice Queen decrees that she is truly enough to be released from her icy cage.
It is all or nothing; it is always ice or fire that I feel. I long for both to find a balance....
© Evelina Wood 2021
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evelinawood · 3 years
You can spend days, weeks, months and even years mired in the grief of all the what ifs and what-could-have beens. But one day, it will all suddenly hurt less as the burden of grief falls away. You’ll slowly stand, your head held high. You’ll dust yourself off and move forward. The mantle of all that held you back will disintegrate behind you; it will no longer shackle you in place. You’ll never forget, but you know you’ll never be on your knees begging to go back in time ever again. You won’t understand acceptance until it changes you forever.
©️Evelina Wood 2021
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evelinawood · 4 years
I wrote this on my website two years ago, before the tenth anniversary of one of the most painful events in my life. Some days still absolutely hurt more than others, but every year around this date I fall apart a bit.
I don’t know how you feel about the Other Side, but I am a firm believer that it exists. There’ve been too many synchronicities over the years, not just with Justin’s death, but others in my family I was close to, for me not to believe that those we love who have passed away, somehow communicate with us when we need to feel them the most. The other night I was listening to Octane on SXM like I do every night and a song came on that I’d never heard before... it literally stopped me in my tracks.
As I listened to the lyrics, I knew I was meant to hear this song at that moment in time.
In these moments of lost in torment
When the vast skies don't seem to call to you
When the weight of this world press down
And the stars have fallen like tears
I am with you always
From the darkness tonight to the morning
I am with you always
From the life until death takes me
Monuments build to remembrance of me
The monuments fade and fall in decay
The memories of all that remains
As far as east is from the west, remember
I am with you always
From the darkness tonight until the morning
I am with you always
From the life until death takes me
Missing you and loving you always JLB... 5/25/75 - 2/17/2009 ❤️❤️❤️
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evelinawood · 2 years
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I’ve lost my way many times in these four decades… the journey has been everything from enlightening to soul-rendering.
I’ve torn myself to shreds
Ripped apart pieces of myself
Tossed them away
As if they were worthless
Just to please others and to fit in
I lost myself trying
To be what I thought I had to be
Wearing masks and facades
That never quite fit
A pile of scraps lying before me
They are all that’s left of who I once was
I’ve been stitching them back together
Lesson by lesson
My patchwork
Made of heartache, shame, fear and grief
My vulnerability laid bare to all
I am restitching myself back together
Rediscovering my worth
Finding my value
Learning I am more than my accomplishments
I don’t need a pedestal
I’m only human
I don’t ever want to be perfect
These lines of thread I’m using
To stitch myself back together
Show the imperfections
The points where I broke
The edges jagged and threadbare
They’ve been patched
With love
For myself
I am becoming who I was always meant to be
© Evelina Wood 2022
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evelinawood · 7 years
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I am a contradiction inside and out... One minute I'm listening to Garth Brooks and The Judds, then Five Finger Death Punch and Pantera are blasting through my speakers.... I'm introspective and quiet or I am loud and wild... confident and courageous or self-defeating and anxious... I can be serious in one minute and silly a moment later... I can rage like a hurricane or whisper as quiet as a breeze... I love hard but will walk away with no regrets when I need to... I am a strong and independent woman packed within a little 4'11' frame...
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