#eve ; a woman who is danmed
we-with-ribbons · 5 years
"...." Eve sighed as she sat down and pondered how to react.
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"Mmm it wired how even know humanity's both their playthings still "
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
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".....whats....a chicken nugget?" Eve asked felling rather silly
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
".... I....why is their so many versions of them here "
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
Starter call?
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
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" what's a masochist?"
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
akahangyaku said: “Cuz it’s my life calling.”
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" is that so? "
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
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"..... Why are you guys horny on main..."
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
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" I suppose that it's about time we talked master. " eve said as she stood in front of her hosts father. It was weird. The difference between her and her host we're still thier but as her spirit organ was used to help Olga's new body heal the memories they both held started to fade and merge. And eve wanted to at least talk to him at least once before eve no longer exists.
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
" hand-holding....." Eve looked down at her hands for a moment as her chest hurt. While yes it wasn't technically romantic it could be taken as such. Unfortunately for her, that action brought heart ace.
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" I'll retire early tonight....and maybe sleep in tomorrow "
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
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" i don't get it what else can you ride other then a horse?" Eve asked.
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
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A happy eve for your dash before I throw out some angst...... I hope I don't get spicy depression.
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
Eve and olga.
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Beserker eve with Olga is open and cheerful. Because in a sense she's free. She is free to be human. To feel. To learn and grown without guilt.
Eve accepted her actions and moved forward to do something she saw as good.
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Ruler! Eve is another story. She knows that she's no saint. She knows her actions cause gods wrath on all the people who came after. Her actions we're not forced she was talked into eating the fruit and accepted. Many cultures state women are evil by nature due to her.
Eve isn't a proper saint it's more of a title she earned in Christian belief with her husband. Her husband was the saint and was tempted by evil by her.
Adam and Eve are not called saints in ordinary reference, historical or scriptural. But they may be called saints on their feast day, which is the vigil of Christmas, because we know from sound Catholic tradition that they repented of their great sin, lived lives of holiness and are now in Heaven. Adam is the father of the human race. Eve, his wife, was formed from Adam’s body. All of us have descended from these two. Adam was created in a state of paradisal innocence, with no human frailties or weaknesses. Adam sinned by disobeying the command of God not to eat a forbidden fruit. The whole human race inherited original sin because of Adam. Adam personally repented. Adam lived for 930 years
Again Adam is the person many consider the victim and yet eve holds the title of the ruler and was summoned.
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If she had hurt the man she was made for who's to says she won't hurt the next person she cares about.
It's because if this that eve is cold. Distant. Her belief is that she holds no right to her tittle.
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
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Please like if you want a eve in your inbox giving your muse a hug !
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
We will face the odds against us and run into the fear we run from. (From Kibō to whoever you feel)
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" i suppose that would lead to suicide since most fears are fears for a reason. " eve said as she played with her dress. Her bare feet felt cold against the stone floor of the base. " but.... I believe the term is 'you do you ?' Right?"
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
Bond Levels
A strange and unusual summons eve possesses the body of olga to be a servant. In her battle mode, she can transform into her battle-dress from Magical Energy to enclose her. Under her gloves she has Command Spells engraved on her hand meant for olga for her servant self. 
The servants true name is Eve the first woman. 
Level 1
Height/Weight: ???  
Source: History / biblical text. 
Alignment: chaotic-evil 
Gender: Female
Eve requests to be called a different name due to personal dislike of her decisions. 
Level 2
Eve knows that she's not a proper servant due to the half formed merged between her and olga. Because of this eve tries her best to keep the body of the director away from unnecessary danger while coming up with a reasonable plan. 
Level 3
Eve can be a caster or ruler but it seems berserker fits due to the many tales that have been told about her. Maybe it was because she hasn't heard God's words words unlike her husband she wasn't as close to God as he was. While she can no longer go home to edon she did grow to care for her family. Once she heard Olga's plea to be loved and live, eve decided she would help. Because of this eve grew to learn about chaldea and wanted to protect it. 
Level 4
Eve starts considering being summoned as a proper after growing to love chaldea and the servants there. while she remembered her life and Olga's eve can't seem to hold a grudge. If asked why she'll often smile and walk away. 
" master what's the point of being angry if you have but one life to live?" 
While she does grow angry and go into a berserker like rage when people talk about certain aspects of her past eve doesn't really do anything unless pushed. 
Level 5
Forbidden fruit of knowledge.   
Rank: C - A
Type: Anit-Unti (Self)
This noble phantom allows Eve to tap into magic all around her witch helps strengthen her and push past her body's limitations as well as give her knowledge about her surrounding area and to an extent her opponent.  Her attacks are often stronger and her fighting style becomes more berserker like. 
This noble phantasm is hard to maintain, not because of its power (it’s not that strong compared to some others), but because of how eating the fruit can lead to consequences regarding Eve's and olga's mind. It is in a scenes a double edge sword. 
While eve shares her body with olga it's easy to tell which one is in control. Eve has light blue eyes and is often extremely friendly to whoever interacts with her. Olga has orange eyes and has a bit of a snarky attitude with most people. Over time it seems that eve is slowly starting to allow olga to open up with others. 
Upon Summoning: “servant berserker! I'm -.... Oh sorry…. Yes i do look like olga …. Feel free to call me whatever suits makes you feel better  master!" 
Level Up: “oh ...well thank you!”
1st Ascension: “mmm i don't like clothes mutch but my host likes them so ...why not ? ” 
2nd Ascension: “! Master...thank you for looking after us...”
3rd Ascension: “....please continue to look after her…." 
4th Ascension:  “ thank you master for caring enough to help me know who i am.. Mmm? Why am i crying? ”
Battle Start 1: “on it.” 
Battle Start 2: “I don't like violence , but…” 
Skill 1: “as you wish, Master.” 
Skill 2: “hm…”
Skill 3: “ forgive me.”
Command Card Selected 1: “ yes.”
Command Card Selected 2: “hmm”
Command Card Selected 3: “good bye…"
Extra Attack: “grrr ”
Noble Phantasm Selected: “it seems as if my sins come back to haunt me...”
Noble Phantasm Selected 2: “ as you wish!”   
Regular Damage 1: “Gh-!”
Regular Damage 2: “Ah-!”
Regular Damage 3: “Nh~!”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: “nghhh–!!?"
Defeated 1: “ it's ...cold..is this what it's like to die again ?”
Defeated 2: “…oh ...it hurts ” 
Battle Finish 1: “lets go home master… "  
Battle Finish 2: “we did it master !” 
Bond Lvl 1: “please don't call me eve…. Or olga…. I'm nether "
Bond Lvl 2: “Master, what do you think makes a place home?”
Bond Lvl 3: “ ah…. Master who… who do I look like in your eyes? Am i eve or...olga? I want to be me…. But i promise to help her "
Bond Lvl 4: “…Eh? Master please tell me if I disappear would anyone care? I'm a woman who caused a lot of trouble so ...never mind.  ” 
Bond Lvl 5:  “master….chaldea is so nice. It's… nothing like edon but i want to protect it with all my being. I can see why olga loves this place but….it makes me sad that I'll be leaving soon. I hope miss olga is happy here ”
Dialogue 1: “it's so big.. And seems familiar” 
Dialogue 2: " heh..thank you..to be considered anything other than a servant even if im temporary is nice ”
Dialogue 3: “... Thank you for protecting chaldea the way you have. I was too weak to do so .” 
Dialogue 4: “ah...my body feels different like i'm almost whole...maybe I should go to the doctors and ask what's wrong ?”
Something You Like: “My likes ? I….id don't know i like dried fruit and a nice book... ”  
Something You Hate: “…...i hate shoes....” 
About the Holy Grail: “ i…. It seems too good to be true master..please be careful ”
If Lucifer is summoned: “…forgive me master ill be in my room " 
If Lovecraft is summoned: “ ah ...he's a dear friend to me...i…. I hope he finds happiness...hm? What do you mean i'm blushing! 
Birthday: “Birthday? Ah...let's go make you a cake master!”
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
💖 Marisbury and Olga Marie (happy family time) - an-x-ordinary-x-man
She didn't expect her father to grab her hand but it was nice. Maybe it was because he wanted to get her attention? Ether way Olga was happy, it wasn't often she got to spend time with him. " oh! Hello father!"
Did her voice squeak? It felt like it squeaked. At that moment she couldn't bring herself to care she was happy. She felt eve silent reassuring on her actions and that made her even happier.
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