#evan perters x reader
Welcome To Easttown
The flayings of Easttown pt. 1
Summary: The BAU travels to Easttown for a case
Warnings: Death, graphic descriptions of death and flaying, swearing,
WC: 1.2k
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Joyce Davidson awoke suddenly at the sound of her phone ringing. After getting only a few hours of sleep, she groggily felt around her nightstand for her phone. Once she grabbed it, she finally opened her eyes to see who was calling:
Groaning at the early call, she answered.
“Sorry to wake you but we got a case. It’s pretty urgent.”
Gaining the ability to speak, Joyce quietly replied, 
“I’ll be there in thirty.”
Hanging up the phone, Joyce was finally able to read the time on the screen of her phone.
Begrudgingly dragging herself out of bed, she made her way toward her bathroom for a shower and to brush her teeth. Fifteen minutes later, she was getting dressed, putting on a bit of makeup, and grabbing her keys. She grabbed a breakfast bar before heading out her door and locking it, making her way to her car.
Exactly thirty minutes after Penelope called her, Joyce Davidson was opening the doors of the bullpen to be greeted by her bustling around.
“Everyone’s at the round table except Rossi and Morgan, they’re both a few minutes away.”
Walking up the stairs toward the debriefing room with Penelope, Joyce looks over at the files in her hands and asks,
“How bad is it?”
Penelope looked frazzled.
“On a scale from one to never wanting to leave the safety of my tech cave ever again, I’d say it’s never wanting to leave the safety of my tech cave.”
Joyce said nothing.
“Five women in Easttown, Pennsylvania have been found dead. Their bodies were found naked, with the exception of the latest victim who was found fully clothed, though the clothes were not hers. And here’s the real kicker, each of the victims had been flayed.”
That had brought everyone's attention up to Penelope.
“Flayed, was that the cause of death?” Emily questioned, flipping through her file to find the medical examiner's report.
“No. The cause of death was blood loss, which the flaying contributed to, but, the M.E. report concluded that the flaying was most likely just a way to torture the victims.”
“So they were alive,” JJ stated. Penelope nodded in confirmation, though no one really needed her to.
“Could it be the unsub’s signature?” Derek questioned. 
“It’s possible, however, flaying was historically used either as torture, as Garcia said, or as a form of execution. Though most sources state its origin in the middle ages, In Kleine Kulturgeschichte der Haut, author Ernst k. Jung provided an essay of flaying dating back all the way to the Neo-Assyrian, the king actually seemed to gloat ab–” 
“Reid.” Hotch interrupted his face as serious and stone-cold as ever. Reid stopped in his tracks, mouthing a sorry and awkwardly pulling his lips into a line.
“Easttown’s a tight night community, with the last time a murder happened being a few years ago. Nothing like this though. The plane ride's short so we won’t have time to debrief until we get there. Their chief was very insistent that we come, so, wheels up in twenty. ”
After the short plane ride, the BAU arrived in Easttown. Walking into the police station, the team of seven was met by the chief of police. He extended his hand toward Hotch, who took it.
“Agent Hotchner, Chief Carter, thank you so much for coming. We really need your help. The chief said dropping Hotch’s hand as he began introducing the team.
“No problem. These are agents Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, Jareau, Davidson, and Dr. Reid.” The aforementioned agents (and doctor) nodded their heads in greeting.
“Nice to meet you all,” said the chief before turning, “Follow me, I’ll let you guys get set up.
The seven followed him into a conference room with white boards set up. Chief Carter then left them to do their job while he went back to his office. The team quickly debriefed before Hotch told them their assignments.
“Prentiss, JJ, Morgan, I want you guys to go to the latest victim’s house, talk to the parents, see if you can find anything. Rossi and I will go to the scene, Davidson and Reid, I want you to stay here and work on the geographical profile.”
They nodded their heads in acknowledgment to their tasks, Davidson and Reid setting up at a corkboard while the rest of the team was leaving. 
Twenty or so minutes had passed and Reid and Davidson sat in the conference discussing different aspects of the case.
“The fourth victim, Maisy Ware, lived three miles from where her body was found, Rowan Huffman was found four, Maddie Bernard 5.”
“Chester is small, he can’t be too far.”
 What if he doesn’t live in Chester and only comes here for his victims? Joyce questioned aloud.
“It’s possible, but flaying takes time and a place to do it. If he didn’t live here he would have to own a property or something here to be able to bring his victims to and flay them. Coming here, taking someone, bringing them back to where he lives, then dumping them back here would be too risky.” Reid said.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Reid and Davidson continued to talk about the case. In the middle of his sentence, Reid was interrupted by two voices.
“I’m telling you I’m right.”
“Mare, come on, he was totally checking you out, even I picked up on that.” The man punctuated his sentence with his eyes shooting up at the other two people in the room. The woman, Mare, and the man stared at Reid and Davidson, them doing the same before Mare spoke up.
“Who the hell are you two?”
Reid and Davidson looked at each other with widened eyes, their mouths open a bit. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Joyce spoke up.
“Um, I’m Agent Davidson, this is Dr. Reid, we’re with the FBI.”
“The FBI?” The man asked.
“The Behavioral Analysis Unit. Your chief called us in to assist on the recent flayings here.”
The man stood there, looking grateful that they were getting help, whereas the woman looked annoyed.
“Chief didn’t tell us he was bringing anyone in.” And with that, she left the conference room, presumably to talk to Chief Carter.
The man she left behind stood there a bit awkward, staring a Joyce and Spencer, them staring right back. After what seemed like an eternity, he cleared his throat and spoke.
“She doesn’t always take well to people on the outside working on her cases, she was the same with me. That’s Detective Sheehan, I’m Detective Zabel.” He gave the two of them a small smile, holding his hand out for them to shake. Joyce took it happily, a “nice to meet you” exiting her mouth, while Reid pressed his lips in an awkward line and waved. Detective Zabel looked a bit perplexed but dropped his hand quickly.
“Uh, anyway, I guess I’ll leave you two to do your job. If you need anything from the case my office is just down the hall to your right, the third door. It’s labeled.” He turned to walk out the door, making it a few steps past the threshold before pausing and reentering the conference room. Joyce and Spencer had already turned back to their board, not expecting him to be back.
He flashed them a smile, this time it showed off the dimples in his cheeks.
“Welcome to Easttown.”
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 2 years
Tate Langdon x grunge! witch!reader x Violet Harmon
Okay so I was thinking, what if a girl around Violet and Tates Age moves in with her single mother. At first they plan on scaring them away as usual but they take interest to this girl. So they watch her for a while and end up liking her and then reveal themselves to her and they all end up falling in love? And now they protect her and her mom from the others.
Anyway got this idea while listening to paramore lol -
Sincerely, an actual witch <3
A Little More Warmth (Tate Langdon x Grunge Witch!Reader x Violet Harmon)
Summary - Reader moves into the murder house with her mom, unbeknownst to either of them, two specific ghost are keeping a close eye on the young witch. After readers monthly full moon ritual, she finally meets the ghosts whom are infatuated with her.
It's been 3 months since Y/n and her mother started living in the murder house. The young witch spent most of her days in her room, either preparing her alter and crystals during the full moons to let them charge their energy, or she was reading new ways to continue her practice of witchcraft. Y/n wasn't aware of two sets of eyes watching her though, you'd think someone who indulges in the art of witchcraft wouldn't be so oblivious to two ghosts practically stalking her every move around the house, but who are we to judge?
The two ghosts in question, Tate Langdon and Violet Harmon weren't the types to harm any new families that stepped foot in the murder house, instead, they were the type to stir the pot a bit. It started with things going missing, like Y/n's phone or her favourite crystal; black tourmaline. Then it slowly started escalating, Y/n's mother would wake up to new scratch marks on her arms. Sometimes Tate would take it a step further; without the recognition of Violet, and he would leave dead crows on Y/n's alter. Which, in turn, resulted in the young witch sageing her room in an attempt to cleanse the negative energy. It went on like this for a couple of weeks, until Tate got bored and gave up on tormenting them after he realised they weren't going to run out of the house, screaming like a pair of headless chickens.
Violet was the first, out of the pair, to show herself to Y/n. She was more anxious about the girl screaming at her for playing tricks on her and her mother than the young witch screaming about Violet being a ghost. But, to her surprise, Y/n welcomed her into her room and asked her every question that popped into the girl's mind. How did you die? Was it painful? Did you do it for love? Was it a suicide pact? The list went on, you couldn't get Y/n to shut up even if she wanted to. Though, Tate on the other hand, it took him till recently for him to show himself. It wasn't because he was scared or anything like that, it was actually because he didn't know how to feel about his partner's newfound friend. The last person who befriended Violet, had a very unfortunate fate all because Tate was jealous of their friendship.
It had now been 5 months since Y/n and her mother were living in the murder house, Violet was close with both the young witch and her mother. Violet felt more at home in the house with her newfound connection with the single mother and her daughter, than when she was first living here. All she hoped, for now, was for the other ghosts to stop plotting their deaths and for Tate to stop lurking in the shadows every time the two girls were together. Y/n slowly started to let Violet more into her little world, she taught the awkward girl all about what certain crystals meant and their properties, how to invoke her deity and their powers. She even taught Violet how to harvest her energies and turn them into something positive.
Without realising it, Violet was unintentionally replacing Tate and he was not pleased. He hated feeling left out, he was always the one to make himself known to anyone that was new but his girlfriend beat him to it and it just pissed off the blonde haired ghost. So, he devised a plan to make Y/n like him more, but he didn't even stop to think about how things would turn out for all three of them in the upcoming weeks.
Tate first showed himself to Y/n on a random Sunday morning, she had just gotten out of the shower and was heading to her room when he interrupted her. "Hi, I'm Tate. I'm dead, wanna hook up?" The smug look on the dead boy's face was quite evident, but it was soon wiped off as soon as Y/n looked at him with a small smile and said "no" so innocently before walking back to her room. The blonde was stunned, he stood in the hallway for a good 2 minutes before he huffed and vanished into thin air. It was going to take a lot more than some smug comment to win Y/n over and Tate knew he had to think of a better way for her to like him.
Every day, Tate would leave small gifts for Y/n in her room, hoping she would like them and slowly open up to the idea of them being friends but boy was he wrong. Every gift he left for her would soon be put in the trash can, discarded like it meant nothing to her. Tate was hurt, why did she like Violet more than him? He decided to turn to his girlfriend for help.
Violet was sat in Y/n's room while the girl was at school, she was admiring Y/n's collection of butterflies and beetles that were preserved and put in a frame, it was an odd collection to have but Violet loved them, and she was in awe of Y/n's collection. Tate sat down beside his girlfriend, his whole mood was off and Violet could tell. She turned towards him, confused as to what he was so upset about. "What's wrong?" Her voice was so soft, if the room wasn't pin-drop quiet; Tate doubts he would've heard her. He shrugged his shoulders, the slight scowl on his face deepening. "Why doesn't she like me? Have I done something wrong?" Tate knew his voice was going to betray him if he continued talking, so he just stayed quiet. Violet was confused for a second, not understanding where all of this was coming from; and then it clicked, Tate was upset because he couldn't swoon the new occupants like he usually does.
With a sigh, Violet prepared herself to tell the blonde hair ghost why Y/n didn't like him very much. "Do you remember those pranks you pulled when they first moved in? The dead crow?" Tate could only nod his head, his shaggy blonde hair falling over his eyes. "Well, that offended Y/n. You hurt her feelings, so she doesn't want you invading her space." Violet was cautious with her words, scared Tate would blow up on her for accusing him of hurting Y/n's feelings. But instead, the young boy got up and walked out of the room, his shoulders slumped as he dragged his feet against the floor.
Tate wasn't around much anymore, Y/n knew it was affecting Violet's mood; so she took it upon herself to find the boy and sort their differences aside for the sake of Violet. It took Y/n a little while to find Tate but when she did, she felt bad. His figure was hunched over in a random corner in the attic, this usual green stripped sweated hung on his frame loosely; he looked so fragile. Y/n slowly made her way over to Tate, careful not to startle him. "What do you want? Thought you didn't want to be around me?" It didn't come out harsh, more like choked sobs. Y/n's mouth went dry, who knew she could hurt someone to this extent, who even thought ghosts could feel pain?
The young girl sat down beside Tate, her ripped knitted sweater feeling tighter around her body, it felt like it was restricting her movements. "Look, I don't hate you. You just hurt my feelings by messing with something that I put a lot of my time into." There was a thick silence that coated the air between them, Tate felt worse than he already did. It was only supposed to be a little prank, he didn't mean to actually hurt her feelings. A warm hand slipped into Tate's, his palm felt just a slight bit sweaty but Y/n didn't care. He lifted his head and turned in her direction, before he could even bring up what she was doing; she just mumbled a quiet "Don't even say anything, Langdon." A lopsided grin etched on his face, it was nice to just be in the presence of someone even if they weren't all that fond of you in the first place.
The pair lasted like this for 10, or so, minutes before they heard footsteps bounding up the stair to the attic. They both knew it could only be one person, Violet Harmon. Within mere seconds, the brown haired girl was in front of the duo, a stupid grin spread across her face. Before either of them knew what was happening, Violet tackled the pair to the floor, her body splayed across them. Quiet giggles falling from her lips, Tate tried to wiggle out of her gripped but was then met with another body putting pressure upon his own. The boy gave in and let his head fall back against the hard wood floor as the two girls lay upon him, if he could die all over again he would be satisfied that his death was due to cuddles.
Weeks passed by and Y/n had inevitably fallen, not only for Violet but for Tate too. The pair brought so much joy and happiness into her life but dare she admit that to either of them. She learnt a lot about them both, like how Tate died after shooting up his old school; which just so happened to be the one she went to. Y/n also learnt how Tate had gotten Violet's mother pregnant, and boy was their conversation heated.
”wait.. Explain to me again what you did?" There was a pause before Tate explained it all again "I got Violet's mom pregnant but I had my reasons, it wasn't for me it was for another ghost.." His voice wavered a little towards the end, scared of what Y/n was going to say. "You.. you did it with a human...you...YOU MADE A BABY WITH A HUMAN?! YOUR MOM GAVE BIRTH TO HIS KID?! EXCUSE ME??" Y/n couldn't comprehend what she was just told, how on earth was it even possible for a ghost to impregnate someone? Tate kept looking between both Violet and then back at Y/n waiting for either of them to start speaking, but he was only met with silence.
Soft giggles broke the thick air, it wasn't those of humour more like the ones when you can't believe how stupid someone is. "You literally created the antichrist.. What the hell were you thinking? Don't you understand how dangerous that was?" Y/n's voice slowly started getting more louder towards the end of her outburst, the two ghost just sat there sulking, as if they were two toddlers being scolded for taking something that didn't belong to them. Tate couldn't look at the young witch in the eye, he felt ashamed, dirty. With a huff, she left the pair alone; Y/n couldn't deal with looking at either of them in that moment, she needed to take a breather. Hours went by without Y/n talking to the pair of ghosts, they felt disappointed to have left it get this far so they went to go look for her and apologise for the stupid mistake they let happen.
Faint knocks filled Y/n's room, she didn't need to be a psychic to know who it was. The door slowly creaked open, revealing the two ghosts she was supposed to be mad at, but we both know she loved them too much to be annoyed with their presence. They walked over to her bed and sat down, Tate looped his arms around her frame, as did Violet. Words didn't even need to be spoken to understand how sorry they were. "If you came here to apologise, please don't. I handled the situation wrong, I could've been more mature and spoke to you both normally but I only reacted the way I did because.. I love you both so much it hurts." Y/n never intended on those words leaving her mouth but now they couldn't be unspoken and she would just have to deal with being rejected.
But instead, she was met with Tate kissing the crown of her head and Violet snuggling closer to her. "We love you too, way more than you think. We didn't mean to annoy you or piss you off, we just thought it was better to tell you than to keep it a secret. We're sorry, Petal." That godforsaken nickname made Y/n's heart do flips, how did she get so lucky to have, not one but two people love her this much? A soft smile spread against her lips, now she knew how it felt to be truly happy. The trio spent the rest of the day in bed, cuddled against each other as the soft sound of Hairspray Queen by Nirvana danced around the room.
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sleeplessincairo · 4 years
‪peter: hey dad, you love me right?‬
‪tony: yeah...‬
‪peter: what if i did something bad? like REALLY bad?‬
‪tony: peter, what did you do?‬
‪peter: are you sure you’d still love me though?‬
‪peter: whoops, gotta go, dad!‬
‪tony: PETER-‬
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