#eva samková
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Eva Samková je královnou snowboardcrossu, potřetí zvedla glóbus nad hlavu
Eva Samková je královnou snowboardcrossu, potřetí zvedla glóbus nad hlavu

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Jágr, Kreuziger, Hradilek, Samková a další. Dobro ve sportu táhne
Už jste to asi zachytili. Po úspěšném zápase nebo turnaji věnuje slavný fotbalista / hokejista / tenista dres do dražby, vyberou se peníze a předají se opuštěným dětem nebo psům. Kolorit, řeknete možná. Faktem je, že sport patří mezi nejefektivnější nástroje společenské zodpovědnosti.
Pár čísel. Roger Federer, fenomenální tenista. Jeho nadace podpořila 277 tisíc dětí zejména v Africe. Zadejte do Googlu heslo „Roger Federer Foundation“ a vypadne na vás 34 tisíc odkazů. Kajakář Vavřinec Hradilek vybral v kampani „Sportovci hrdinům“ skoro tři čtvrtě milionu na nemocnou Boženku. Roman Kreuziger přestoupil do nové stáje a věnoval staré dresy do aukce. Z výtěžku poslal plzeňský tým malé cyklisty na soustředění. Reportáže napříč mediatypy. Hokejisté Sparty darovali krev a vyzvali fanoušky k tomu samému. „Sparťanská krev“ se objevila například v hlavním zpravodajství České televize.
Sportovní CSR táhne. Vědci renomovaných univerzit na to píší mnohastránkové studie: sportovci představují vzory, které lidé následují. Jsou úspěšní a mají neomezený přístup do médií. S nulovými až minimálními náklady dokáží ovládnout mediální prostor a strhnout sebe, firmy, kolegy i fanoušky. A nemusí k tomu použít jen tradiční média: například Sportovci hrdinům ovládli sociální sítě – jen přes Facebook oslovili miliony lidí. (Třeba Eva Samková se líbí 187 tisícům fans.)
Firmy investovat musí, ale pro řadu z nich se ze sportovního dobra stal produkt kombinující charitu a efektivní marketingový nástroj. Win win. ČEZ přišel s kouzelně jednoduchou myšlenkou a aplikací EPP – sportuj a za každý krok / otočení kola / minutu přispíváš na potřebné. Zapojila se spousta sportovců. Natočili krátké video (většina z nich na mobil), sdíleli ho. Koukněte třeba na Jardu Jágra, kterého postoval i Český olympijský tým. Sazka systematicky podporuje Olympijský víceboj, jehož je zároveň titulárním sponzorem. Firma šíří sport na základních školách a je vidět – v Blesku, na titulce Deníku a Lidovek… Příklad ze světa: Nestle Healthy Kids, tedy děti hýbejte se a jezte správně. 23 800 odkazů v Googlu. A 6 milionu zapojených dětí po celém světě.
Společenská zodpovědnost a sport je velké téma, jen ho zvednout. Můžete nasbírat skvělé plusové body. A ještě efektivně pomáhat. Nebo obráceně, to nechám na vás.
Saša Kliment
Autor je komunikační konzultant, někdejší šéf komunikace Českého olympijského výboru a fotbalové Slavie.
Text vznikl s využitím inteligentního monitoringu společnosti Media Tenor. Foto: YouTube.
#sport#charita#csr#olympiáda#roger federer#sparta#eva samková#čez#epp#cyklistika#roman kreuziger#nestle#sazka
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Czech Woman A Day (37) : Eva Samková (snowboarder, olympic medalist)
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Another two medals for the Czech Republic.
Bronze thanks to Eva Samková (Snowboard Cross)
Silver thanks to Martina Sáblíková (Speed Skating - 5,000 m)
Congratulations girls, you were amazing!
#personal#czech team#eva samkova#martina sablikova#czech republic#winter olympics#pyeongchang winter olympics#pyeongchang2018#snowboard cross#speed skating
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In a different light: sports portraits lit by drone
In a different light: sports portraits lit by drone

Eva Samková, Olympic gold medallist in snowboard cross, riding Pepin

Maxim Habanec, skateboarder
Because the scene was lit by drone, I could place the light source virtually anywhere, which gave me great freedom and the possibility of thinking about photography in a completely new way
Jiri Kralovec

Martin Fuksa, canoeist

Alex Choupenitch, foil fencer

Tomas Hertl, hockey player
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In a different light: sports portraits lit by drone
Czech photographer Jiri Kralovec has produced a series of unique portraits of athletes lit by remote-controlled drone. The photographs required many hours of testing, a specially-trained crew and custom-made equipment. The series captures each athlete performing their favourite sport other than the one in which they compete professionally
Eva Samková, Olympic gold medallist in snowboard cross, riding Pepin
Continue reading... from Blogger https://ift.tt/2VWh7Y7
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In a different light: sports portraits lit by drone
Czech photographer Jiri Kralovec has produced a series of unique portraits of athletes lit by remote-controlled drone. The photographs required many hours of testing, a specially-trained crew and custom-made equipment. The series captures each athlete performing their favourite sport other than the one in which they compete professionally
Eva Samková, Olympic gold medallist in snowboard cross, riding Pepin
Because the scene was lit by drone, I could place the light source virtually anywhere, which gave me great freedom and the possibility of thinking about photography in a completely new way
Until I pulled the shutter, I couldn't be 100% sure what the final photo would look like. The whole series required a slightly different approach than I was used to, and most of the portraits took hours to produce
Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/mar/07/in-a-different-light-sports-portraits-lit-by-drone
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Tuto sobotu 8. srpna odstartuje největší longboardový závod v Česku Red Bull Feel the Wheel, který se pojede v boulích a klopenkách bikrosové dráhy v Benátkách nad Jizerou. Účast slíbili olympijská medailistka Eva Samková nebo skejtr Max Habanec. V exhibiční jízdě se divákům ukáže i zpěvák a zkušený longboardista Ben Cristovao.
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Nová sportovní etapa snowboardcrossařky Evy Adamczykové
Nová sportovní etapa snowboardcrossařky Evy Adamczykové
Olympijská šampionka Eva Samková po zlomenině kotníků, bez účasti na OH v Pekingu, ukončila úspěšně studia, vdala se a po měsících rehabilitace se vrátila k tréninku, jezdí i na sněhu a přihlašuje na závody Světového poháru s novým příjmením Adamczyková. Konečně zase začíná dělat to, v čem patří mezi nejlepší na světě. “Takhle je to za mě správně, když začínáte novou životní etapu.” (more…)

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In a different light: sports portraits lit by drone
Czech photographer Jiri Kralovec has produced a series of unique portraits of athletes lit by remote-controlled drone. The photographs required many hours of testing, a specially-trained crew and custom-made equipment. The series captures each athlete performing their favourite sport other than the one in which they compete professionally
Eva Samková, Olympic gold medallist in snowboard cross, riding Pepin
Because the scene was lit by drone, I could place the light source virtually anywhere, which gave me great freedom and the possibility of thinking about photography in a completely new way
Until I pulled the shutter, I couldn't be 100% sure what the final photo would look like. The whole series required a slightly different approach than I was used to, and most of the portraits took hours to produce
Continue reading... from Photography | The Guardian https://ift.tt/38woDM2
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Samková v bráně, Erbanová v útoku. Olympijské medailistky pomáhaly florbalem
Samková v bráně, Erbanová v útoku. Olympijské medailistky pomáhaly florbalem
Medailistky z olympijských her v Jižní Koreji vyměnily svá sportovní náčiní za florbalové hole. Rychlobruslařka Karolína Erbanová a snowboardistka Eva Samková na turnaji v Benátkách nad Jizerou ukázaly, že to umí i v kolektivních sportech. Eva Samková si dokonce na sebe navlékla brankářskou výstroj.
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Eva Samková LIVE: Ukázali jsme světu, že snowboardcross je zábava
Eva Samková LIVE: Ukázali jsme světu, že snowboardcross je zábava
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Italy's Moioli Secures Olympic Gold in Women's Snowboard Cross
Italy’s Moioli Secures Olympic Gold in Women’s Snowboard Cross
Italy’s Michela Moioli claimed her maiden Olympic title after winning the women’s snowboard cross event at Pyeongchang 2018.
All six athletes were in contention for much of what was a thrilling big final but Moioli pulled away late on to triumph.
French teenager Julia Pereira de Sousa Mabileau won the silver medal, while defending champion Eva Samková of the Czech Republic had to settle for…
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Current Odds to win Women's #Snowboard Cross Lindsey Jacobellis #USA +350 Michela Moioli #ITA +400 Chloe Trespeuch #FRA +500 Eva Samková #CZE +500 Charlotte Bankes #FRA +800 Nelly Moenne Loccoz #FRA +800 Faye Gulini #USA +900 Meryeta O’Dine #CAN +2000 #PyeongChang2018
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Toyota’s #StartYourImpossible Boosts Olympic Athletes, Mobility Future
Television coverage of the 2018 Winter Olympics around the world will feature a range of inspiring spots from Toyota as part of its #StartYourImpossible campaign and “Mobility for All” theme, which kicked off in October, when Toyota held its first Mobility Summit in Athens, just ahead of the Winter Olympic trials.
More than 50 athletes from 20 countries supported by Toyota will compete at the Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games in PyeongChang. Among them are Toyota employees who have been able to continue training and practicing at the highest level while working at the company in Japan.
As a Worldwide Olympic Partner and a Worldwide Paralympic Partner, the campaign reinforces Toyota’s core values and aims to inspire its customers and 370,000 employees worldwide to help create a society where mobility is an opportunity for people to achieve their dreams.
The global “Start Your Impossible” campaign focuses on the importance of movement—in addition to its own research and development efforts, the automaker last year donated $5 million to the American Center for Mobility in Michigan and introduced a new mobility vehicle concept at CES in January—and what great things humans can achieve even after fighting the odds to move again.
It also crystallizes Toyota’s shift from being an automobile company to being a “mobility company.”
“I can’t think of any better stage to announce our evolution as The Human Movement Company than the pinnacle of human movement, The Olympic and Paralympic Games,” stated Jack Hollis, group vice president and general manager, Toyota Motor North America. “At Toyota, we believe that movement is a human right. With the ‘Start Your Impossible’ campaign, we aim to inspire people and as a company, aspire to solve challenges and create solutions to mobility barriers that limit human potential.”
The global corporate initiative aims to inspire Toyota employees, partners, and customers and connect them with the company’s core beliefs. In an age of accelerating technological and environmental developments, “Start Your Impossible” marks Toyota’s commitment to support the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable society in which everyone can challenge their impossible.
Toyota believes that mobility goes beyond cars; it is about overcoming challenges and making dreams come true. The “Start Your Impossible” initiative reflects these values and highlights the company’s goal to provide freedom of mobility for all. “We want to share this thinking with all stakeholders, including consumers, so that we can approach this challenge together,” said Toyota President, Akio Toyoda, who has spent time meeting the Olympic athletes the company is sponsoring, even working out with some while discussing what challenges they’ve overcome to get to where they are today.
“I have a profound respect for sports, which have a unique power to offer hope and purpose and inspire us all to never give up,” Toyoda also commented. “It is exciting to watch athletes from all over the world compete on a level playing field, where anything can happen. This concept, when carried over to society, means a place where everyone can participate and contribute, where people turn their weaknesses into strengths with optimism and a fighting spirit―and a strong and determined desire to improve and be better.”
The Japanese automaker has invested heavily in technologies and services that can help people get around, from robots to advanced wheelchairs. Its R&D into artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicle systems will not only build self-driving cars but technology and systems that can assist the elderly and disabled, such as its wearable mobility device for the blind.
Below, watch the campaign’s inspiring ads running on TV and online, featuring stories about individual athletes and the spirit of mobility and triumph that connect Toyota and the Olympics.
Regarding the hero spot for the campaign, above, Toyota states: “We want to make movement better for everyone, whether you’re 1 or 100 years old. As the Worldwide Mobility Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we believe that when we are free to move, anything is possible. ”
“Frozen“: Winter has given us so many great moments. That’s why here at Toyota, we are renewing our commitment to hybrid, electric and hydrogen vehicles to create a sustainable future with ever better mobility for all. Because we believe when we are free to move, anything is possible.
“Magic“: If you will it, nothing is out of reach.
“Runner“: We never know when we’ll face our toughest journey. But our biggest challenges always bring out our best.
“Lanes of Life“: 6 women. 6 journeys. 1 gold. The race to the podium begins long before the starting line for six Olympic snowboardersEva Samková (Czech Republic), Lindsey Jacobellis (USA), Belle Brockhoff (Australia), Chloé Trespeuch (France), Carle Brenneman (Canada) and Isabel Clark Ribeiro (Brazil).
Mobility Unlimited Challenge: Toyota’s $4 million prize, announced in November and concluding in 2020, supports radical improvements in the mobility and independence of people with lower-limb paralysis through smarter assistive technology.
Athletes’ Stories:
As part of the Mobility For All campaign, Toyota is highlighting the mobility stories of Olympic and Paralympic athletes, including Tatyana McFadden, the world’s leading wheelchair racer; Rami Anis, a Syrian swimmer and member of the Refugee Olympic Team at the 2016 games; and Brad Snyder, an American Paralympic swimmer and former captain of the US Naval Academy swim team.
“Good Odds“: The odds of winning a Paralympic gold medal are almost 1 billion to 1. This film—which Toyota ran during Super Bowl LII in the first ad slot post-kickoff—follows the journey of Lauren Woolstencroft, who beat the odds to win eight Paralympic gold medals. The Canadian alpine skier and electrical engineer was born missing her left arm below the elbow as well as both legs below the knees. She began skiing at the age of 4 and began competitive skiing at the age of 14.
Woolstencroft commented on Instagram: “It’s been a great experience partnering with Toyota on this ad – Toyota believes that mobility goes beyond cars with a vision to reduce barriers and increase access in order to build an inclusive society in which all people can participate. I’m honoured to be a part of this movement!!”
Tatyana McFadden: Few athletes in history have come from so little to accomplish so much. Born with a hole in her spine caused by spina bifida, she spent the first six years of her life in a Russian orphanage with virtually nothing, not even a wheelchair. A member of Team USA and a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, the wheelchair racer has won 17 Paralympic medals in multiple Summer Paralympic Games still overcomes challenges like blood clots. “I give every race 100 percent,” she said. “Whether I’m up top or not, I know that I gave 100 percent and I really do enjoy all of it and working hard for it and trying to change the face of marathoning for wheelchair racing, to help it grow.”
Sudarshan Gautam: After losing his arms, Sudarshan managed to find a world of possibilities that could be accessed by using his feet—including scaling the treacherous slopes of Mount Everest.
“Thin Ice“: When you’re dancing on thin ice, every jump is a leap of faith. This film follows the story of Team Toyota Athlete Ashley Wagner, a Team USA figure skater who overcame the traumatic effects of six concussions to win an Olympic medal.
Rami Anis: An Olympic swimmer who lost his home when he fled war-torn Syria, but never lost his dreams.
Michael Milton: The six-time Paralympic gold medal skier beat bone cancer and kept himself in the race even after his leg was amputated, becoming Australia’s fastest skiier.
Seun Adigun: Bringing the first Nigerian bobsleigh team ever to compete at an Olympic Winter Games was an impossible goal for many, but not for Seun Adigun.
Brad Snyder: War veteran and five-time Paralympic gold medalist swimmer overcome what seemed impossible after being injured in Afghanistan and permanently blinded as a result.
Tyrone Pillai: South African Paralympian helps kids choose their lives. “Mobility to me means freedom, means choice. You can choose to be the person you want to be.”
Barbara Buttrick: 87-year-old World boxing champion Barbara Buttrick tells how she broke barriers in the ‘40s and ‘50s when boxing was generally thought to be an exclusively male sport.
Michael Milton: Six-time Paralympic gold medal skier and Australian hero Michael Milton tells how he was able to defeat bone cancer and keep himself in the race even after his leg was amputated.
Zola Budd: Two-time world cross-country champion and South African legend known for running barefoot encourages young athletes to take it step-by-step and never give up
The post Toyota’s #StartYourImpossible Boosts Olympic Athletes, Mobility Future appeared first on brandchannel:.
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A szürke ötven árnyalata. Így fognak kinézni a szlovák sportolók a 2018-as téli olimpián
Amennyiben a 2018-as pjongcsangi téli olimpia ünnepélyes megnyitóján a szlovák sportolók után fog tekingetni, akkor fekete-fehér egyenruhás, csicsmányi népi motívumokkal díszített sálakba és sapkákba öltöztetett sportolókat keressen. A szlovákok ismét a hagyományokra alapoztak az...
Amennyiben a 2018-as pjongcsangi téli olimpia ünnepélyes megnyitóján a szlovák sportolók után fog tekingetni, akkor fekete-fehér egyenruhás, csicsmányi népi motívumokkal díszített sálakba és sapkákba öltöztetett sportolókat keressen.
A szlovákok ismét a hagyományokra alapoztak az olimpiai egyenruhák megalkotásakor. A többi sportoló közül a szlovákokat a csicsmányi népi építészet motívumai fogják megkülönböztetni. A motívumokat a sportolók sálain, sapkáin, kesztyűin és szvetterein is megtaláljuk majd.
Más színt akartak
81 nappal a téli olimpiai játékok hivatalos megnyitója előtt hivatalos prezentáción mutatták be a szlovák képviselet tagjainak ruháit. Az egyenruhákat egyelőre még egyetlen sportoló sem próbálta fel.
A színes kombináció nem éppen a legszerencsésebbre sikeredett. A szürke, a piros és a fehér különböző árnyalatai dominálnak benne. A hivatalos megnyitón a szlovák sportolónők fehér ruhában lesznek, míg a férfi sportolók feketében.
„Sajnálom, hogy a Dare 2b nem nem volt képes méretre varrt kollekciót bebiztosítani nekünk. Az olimpiai játékokra készülő sportolók megérdemelték volna. Sajnos az eladásra kínált kollekcióból kellett választanunk, ezért néz ki az egyenruha úgy, ahogy kinéz, és nincs benne sok a nemzeti színekből” – mondta a Szlovák Olimpiai Bizottság (SOV) helyettese, Boris Demeter.
„Nem hinném, hogy az olimpiai egyenruháknál állandóan a fehér, kék és a piros színeket kellene használnunk. Úgy gondolom, hogy az a nemzeti szimbólum, ami a sportolóknak a mellkasán lesz, kötelezni fogja őket arra, hogy a lehető legjobb teljesítményt nyújtsák. Szerintem nagyon szép kollekciót sikerült kiválasztanunk” – vélekedik a SOV elnöke, Anton Siekel.
Fotó: SME – Gabriel Kuchta
Fotó: SME – Gabriel Kuchta
Fotó: SME – Gabriel Kuchta
A csehek elégedettek
A szlovákokkal ellentétben a csehek rendkívül elégedettek az olimpiai küldöttségük egyenruhájával. A kollekció legmenőbb darabja az a kétoldalas kabát, amelynek a külseje fehér színű, míg a belseje arany. Amennyiben a cseh sportoló aranyérmet szerez az olimpián, elég, ha kifordítja a kabátját, és rögtön arany színben fog pompázni.
Ehhez az ötlethez a snowboardos Eva Samková nyújtotta az inspirációt. „Azután, hogy 2014-ben Szocsiban aranyat nyert, kifordította a kabátját. Akkor azt mondtuk, hogy ez egy remek dolog, és még egyszer meg kell ismételnünk” – mondta az Alpine Pro vezérigazgatója, Václav Hrbek.
A cseh sportolók egyenruhái közül további érdekességnek számít a „raškovka”-nak elnevezett sapka, amit a síugró Jiří Raška győzelmének 50. évfordulója alkalmából terveztek. A kollekció egyik további motívuma a százas, ami a Csehszlovák Köztársaság megalakulásának századik évfordulójának állít emléket.
Forrás: Sme.sk/Körkép.sk
Nyitókép: Sme – Gabriel Kuchta
#2018-as téli olimpia#cseh sportolók#csicsmányi népi motívum#egyenruhák#Főoldal#pjongcsangi téli olimpia#szlovák sportolók
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