#ev is constantly telling him to leave her alone but if an ever did walk away she'd have a breakdown 👍
boygirlctommy · 9 months
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my 2 ocs andoras and everin <3 yes they hate each other yes they spend every waking moment hanging out ^_^ they are very normal and healthy 👍
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Outside of the fox
Chapter 18 of ???(I've entirely lost track)
2577 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
Jin departs in the late afternoon of the day after the holiday, not before Namjoon convinces him to go for coffee with him. Not that it seemed to take that much convincing. 
The bear swore it was only as friends, but the little blush crept onto his cheeks whenever the others brought up the doctor.
Taehyung never actually leaves... 
He doesn't even attempt to go home for the remainder of the time off from work, in fact, he doesn't even leave to fetch his own clothes. The first Monday back at work arrives and you find him waiting for you at the front door in a pair of Jungkook's slacks and Jimin's shirt. It's been odd having him around, especially now knowing that he was your boss. He had also monopolized a lot of Jimin's time so you hadn't exactly gotten a chance to talk to the redhead alone much either. 
It didn't stop you from catching him staring at your lips every time he zoned out. 
"So do you ever intend to actually go home?" You ask Taehyung, glancing sideways at him as soon as he pulls away from the drive. 
"I don't know what you mean." He shrugs, although a smirk plays at the corner of his lips.
"I mean, you must have your own home and your own clothes to return to at some point." You make a point of tugging at the slightly too-short sleeve that was slowly creeping up his wrist. 
"In theory, I must... But everything, before I walked through that door on Solstice eve eve, is a blur. I don't think I was ever alive before Jimin."
You can't help but roll your eyes. The pair had been sickeningly in love since the wishing party. And yes it was cute, but it also cause your stomach to bubble as you watched them fawn over one another so easily. 
Your late husband had never been so openly affectionate with you, and you knew you could've had JImin's attention like that if only you hadn't closed yourself off so hard. It seemed it might be too late to try and open yourself up more now, each member too preoccupied with another. You were happy for them, but sometimes it made you question if you should have moved out.
Namjoon was constantly texting back and forth with Jin, it was like you'd caught a naughty child with his hand in the cookie jar every time you went near him to find him on his phone. He would immediately shut it off and fling it across the table. He'd smashed his phone in at least two places so far from misjudging the distance. The poor device never stood a chance against the kitchen floor. 
Yoongi and Hoseok had claimed inspiration had struck and hadn't taken themselves out of the studio in days for anything other than water and food. Hoseok did make a point of sitting close to you for the short periods of time when they did surface. And you had noticed a distinct increase in Yoongi scenting you as he glided past you on his way in and out of the house. It made you jump the first few times, now it just makes your cheeks feel a little too warm. 
"Y/N? Did I lose you somewhere?" Taehyung's voice breaks through your thoughts
"Sorry?.." You blink away the memories and try to focus back on him. 
"Where did you go?" He asks
"Nowhere, sorry."
"Did I make you jealous? Talking about Jiminie like that? Do you want me to tell you about how I thought I'd died and gone to heaven the first time you walked into my office building?"
"Oh shut up." You roll your eyes.
"I'm serious..."
"You ignored me completely."
"You took my breath away."
He pulls into the parking lot outside of the office building, saving you from dignifying that with an answer. You glance around nd see all of your colleagues clambering from their own cars, each looking a little depressed over the prospect of returning to work.
"Is it a good idea I'm seen getting out of the boss's car?" You half-joke.
"You eat lunch with the boss every day... I think it's late to be concerned about being seen with me." He laughs. "Hardly anyone knows I'm actually the boss anyway. Why do you think I still get harassed some days?"
You remember then how you had never actually seen the jackass that was making him uncomfortable after your interview day, you had just assumed he had moved on careerwise. Now it made sense that perhaps Taehyung had taken more drastic steps. 
Taehyung locks the door and wraps an arm around your waist to direct you into the building.
Your day at work is dull, nothing new happens, and everyone was still emotionally hungover from their excessive family time (some may have also been physically hungover, but you thought it more polite not to ask...).
Taehyung does finally admit that he needs to go and fetch some of his own clothes as he spent most of the day pulling Yoongi's boxers away to stop the ever-encroaching wedgie. So you walk home like you normally would. 
The house is dark when you pull up. You assume that maybe everyone else is still at work and Kookie's asleep so you creep through the door trying not to wake the bunny in case he is passed out on the couch. 
To your surprise, there is no Jungkook insight. instead, Namjoon is standing at the dining table which has been reduced to just two chairs and covered in a white tablecloth. A candle flickers in the middle of the setup and fairy lights are draped around the room creating an ambient glow.
"I'm sorry Joon, I didn't realise you had plans... did I miss it in the group chat?" 
Usually when the boys had individual dates planned they posted it so everyone else could make themselves sparse.
"What? Oh... no. This is for us, for you..." He swipes at the back of his neck anxiously.
"For me?" 
You walk further into the room and take in his smart clothing. A simple white button-up under a light brown blazer with matching slacks. 
"Well, I was hoping... If you wanted... Maybe we could get to know one another better?" He stutters as he asks. 
He leans over onto the breakfast bar to pick up a bouquet of flowers you hadn't noticed before and holds them out for you to take. You sniff the flowers and hold them close to your chest, hoping that Namjoon can't see how warm your face has gotten.
"As a friend?.. or as a... date"
It seems like a stupid question, with the specific design he had gone for, but you had been known to read a room wrong before.
"As a date if that's okay? If it's not I can turn the lights on and get rid of the candle. We can completely forget this ever happened." He says gesturing so close to the flame he nearly knocks it straight over. 
"A date is okay." You nod, "But I am going to change out of my work clothes first."
He takes the flowers back and puts them into a vase as you head up the stairs. But you hesitate on the first step.
"Joonie?" You ask
"Did you cook..?"
"No, Yoongi helped."
You sigh in relief and head up to change. Joonie is so amazing in so many ways but you weren't really looking to get food poisoning in time for your second day back at work.
You find a cute little dress amongst tan dress amongst your things that would match Namjoon's outfit nicely. It gives you pause for a second, maybe you are trying too hard but you shook the thought away and threw it on anyway, not allowing yourself to back out. 
The smell of food from downstairs was making your mouth water and you decided it was best not to allow yourself to think too hard for fear of locking the door to your room and not returning downstairs. 
Namjoon is placing a plate on each side of the table as you walk back down into the main room. He pulls a chair back for you and gestures for you to sit down. He bumps the table with his knee as he slides in opposite you. 
"We made pasta, Jimin said you told him you liked pasta," Namjoon said.
"I do, thanks." You take a bite, it's delicious, concrete evidence that the bear had had substantial help. 
"How was work today?" He asked.
You talked about your day for a little while in between mouthfuls of food, and soon the main course was gone, plates emptied. Namjoon shares some anecdotes about his morning filled with meetings with his editor, nothing unusual in his day. 
Your hand rests on the table and you watch as Namjoon's eyes flicker to it a couple of times, his own hand slowly inching across the table towards you. Eventually, he makes his move locking his fingers with yours.
"Is this okay?" He asks, not making eye contact. 
You don't answer, simply use the opportunity to squeeze his fingers so he will look at you. He visibly relaxes when you don't reject his advance, his thumb rubbing at your absent-mindedly as you just look at one another. Your eyes flit accidentally to the adorable little freckle below his lower lip more than once. He must notice because he startles a little and pulls his hand away. 
He coughs and excuses himself to fetch dessert from the fridge. Your hand feels cold at the loss. 
He places a small gateau in front of you both with two forks. You wait until he takes a bite before picking up the fork that was meant for you. The cake is gorgeous and decadent, it clearly took a lot of effort to make something this nice.
"When did you have time to plan all of this?" You ask in between bites.
"I've been trying to set this up for over a week. Honestly, I thought you'd caught me the day I launched my phone across the room..." He says sheepishly.
"Oh! Is this what you were doing? I thought you were texting Jin!" You exclaim.
"How often do you think I talk to the doctor?" He asks.
"A lot... Do you not talk to him a lot? You sure talk about him a lot..." You tease. 
You watch as his cheeks tinge and he struggles to stop himself from smiling. 
"I guess I do... But I don't want to talk about him right now." He says, holding out his fork with the last bite on for you to eat. 
You take the bite from him happily licking your lips when the cake is all gone.
"What do you want to talk about?" 
"I want to talk about you, about us, about the pack going forward." He says.
Your stomach drops at the mention of the future. He takes the plate over to the sink allowing you to stew in your thoughts as he rinses the remains from the porcelain. When he comes back over he offers you his hand and you take it, not sure what to say yet. 
He leads you out into the backyard where the furniture is still set up with pillows and blankets. He takes a blanket and drapes it around your shoulders before settling next to you and placing another blanket across both of your laps. You offer him the other half of the blanket around your shoulders before he can reach for his own.
His body heat next to you is warmer than any blanket could ever be. The two of you sit and watch the stars in complete silence for a short while. The looming conversation weighed heavily on your heart as you waited for him to start talking.
"So... I don't want to push anything. I really really don't, but I want to know where you are at. I know that Yoongi talked you through our intentions, and I know Jimin finally made his move. I just need to know what you're comfortable with because I'm going a little out of my mind." He admits.
Your heart beats even faster, you hadn't realised everyone knew about yours and Jimin's kiss, although you probably should've guessed. It's hard to be put on the spot like this but at the same time, you understand where Namjoon might be coming from. You were giving these boys nothing to work with, and most of them had been very upfront with you about the way they felt, even if you didn't always quite believe them. 
"You're not pushing. I've been thinking about it a lot. Watching everyone this week, all so touchy and in love with one another, it made my heartache." 
You don't turn to face him, choosing to focus on a star far in the distance. You can feel his gaze on you.
"If that's what you want, you need only ask." He whispers leaning in a little closer. 
"I think it might be what I want..." You admit.
When you finally meet his eyes, his face is mere centimetres from yours.
"Then go ahead and ask me, because I am going to go insane if you don't tell me I can touch you." He says.
You can feel his breath ghosting across your lips. You're not sure if it's the proximity or the wine you'd had with dinner but your mind goes cloudy, and the only things you can see are his eyes pulling you into him.
"Touch me Namjoon." You breathe.
Immediately his hands are around your waist as he pulls you onto his lap. His pillowy lips find yours and he kissed you gently, his fingers drawing circles into your back as your legs settle on either side of his. The blanket that was across your legs falls to the ground, neither of you caring to pick it back up as his heat radiates through your body. 
Slowly the kiss gets more intense and you find yourself naturally grinding down onto him. He moans underneath you and bites down on your bottom lip. His mouth travels down from your lips along your chin to the collum of your throat, he nips along the exposed flesh as you wrap your arms around him.
It's when his tongue licks over your scent gland that you finally come to your senses, feeling how hard he is underneath you, startling you away a little. The second you pull back he stops, hands coming to rest on your hips, him breathing heavily with his pupils blown as he looks at you properly.
"Sorry, I took that too far..." H apologises, moving to release you from his grasp.
"No!" You exclaim holding his hands in place. "Just no one has ever done that to me before..."
"Oh, okay, I shouldn't have assumed, it's just something most hybrids I know have done, licking a scent gland is usually reserved for horny teenagers." He looks sheepishly at the hickey he had just started to leave behind.
"I didn't... I didn't really fool around as a teenager, and my husband... he was human."
"Your... husband?" Namjoon looks especially confused, and that's when it occurs to you that none of them know... Not even Jimin is aware of where you really came from 
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foxyanon · 7 months
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Summary: Title inspired by Eve by Precious Pepala, and I did take a little inspiration from the movie The Devil All The Time. It’s a short one and a song fic, so enjoy.
Pairing: Masema Dagar x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+, MDNI
TW: manipulation (its Masema), implied smut, religious themes
Word Count: 1621
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Wheel of Time nor do I own any of the images used.
Dividers by @arcielee
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Lock me up and throw away the key
'Cause there’s something wrong with me
Something inside you told you this was wrong, but he treated you so well that you didn’t realize until it was too late. Not that you’d want to leave, because you did love him. At least, that’s what you’d tell yourself when the old you, the independent you, made her appearance inside your own mind. That version of you still lived within your soul and she wanted out, or did she?
Throw me in a padded cell
Feel like I'm falling from heaven to hell
You met Masema on a perfect day, the sun filtering through the trees on your hike on a small stretch of the Appalachian Trail. You were so caught up in the sounds and beauty of nature that you hadn’t been paying attention to where you were going when you ran into the most handsome stranger you’d ever seen. His duo colored eyes caught you off guard, his strong hands wrapped around your arms to keep you from falling over. He smiled and you knew you were a goner, introducing yourself with a silly grin and apologizing for nearly sending you both off the path. He simply laughed that it wasn’t a big deal, but that you could make it up to him with a dinner date. You should’ve said no and walked away, but his eyes had ensnared you and you were lost.
Found the apple of my eye
And I want to take a bite
Whirlwind romance would be an understatement to describe the relationship you found yourself in. From the moment you met, Masema constantly swept you off your feet and you were on cloud nine with him. He was charming, charismatic and oh, so romantic. He opened doors for you, always held your hand whenever you crossed the street and lavished you with attention and gifts all the time. All flowers and honeyed words, you couldn’t see that it was textbook lovebombing. Maybe if you had seen the red flags then, you would have run away but you know that would be a lie.
Maybe you can call me Eve
Standing here under the forbidden tree
His kiss was all-consuming, the way he devoured you and all rational thought from your mind. His touch was hot and demanding, causing your head to spin whenever he so much as brushed your cheek with his fingers. You didn’t realize you had started pulling away from your friends, too caught up in Masema and the way he made you feel so damn good. They tried staging an intervention at one point, but Masema had convinced you that they were trying to pull you apart. That he loved you and he would never hurt you, and heaven help you because you believed him without question.
Father, forgive me for I have sinned
This love isn't holy, but I’m too far in
Despite having been together for weeks now, you and Masema hadn’t been intimate once. There were plenty of times you both got close, but he always pulled away, claiming he was waiting until marriage for such things. You respected his wishes, even if you wanted nothing more than to lose yourself in the carnal pleasures he would bring about within you. Instead, you contented yourself to heated make out sessions and just dealing with your own pleasure when you were alone. Not that you could do that often, since Masema rarely left you alone for extended periods of time.
Father, forgive me
'cause I don't know if I can change
You hadn’t been particularly religious before, but that all changed with Masema. He was heavily involved in his faith and the church, spending every Sunday at the church. You were skeptical in the beginning, the first real sign of resistance on your part but Masema’s silver tongue convinced you to go just once and try it. If you had been a stronger woman, you wouldn’t have caved so easily to his sweet face. You would have seen his smile for what it was, the kind hiding a forked tongue and fangs. But you weren’t and you went with him, sitting in the front pew as you listened to him passionately give a sermon. After that day, you never missed on of his services, always thrilled to hear him speak and really connect with the congregation.
This hurts me like hell
Feel like the angel who fell, fell for the devil
Masema proposed after only six months of nearly non-stop dating, the day he asked the question one of the happiest days of your life. He took you out to your favorite restaurant, wining and dining you and treating you like his most cherished possession. After dinner, he took you back to the place you both met before the sun set, his hand in yours as you both made your way along the path. Lanterns lit the little area he had set up, your favorite dessert in the picnic basket he brought and roses waiting on a blanket just off the trail a little ways. The whole thing was beyond romantic and never had you been with someone so considerate as him. Naturally you said yes when he asked, being swept up in one of his passionate kisses and feeling euphoric from the high only he provided.
God only knows what mother would say
If I brought the devil to dinner one day
Planning for your wedding started pretty much immediately since you were desperate to finally be with him and you set a date for only a few months later. However, you realized only after the planning process began did you realize you hadn’t introduced him to your parents. So, a few days later you were at your parents house having dinner when you told them the joyous news. You thought they’d be excited, but you were wrong. They tried talking to you alone, but Masema refused to leave your side, claiming that whatever needed to be spoken should happen in front of both of you. Your mom tried convincing you that this wasn’t like you and your dad outright told you that Masema wasn’t a good man. You weren’t hearing it and promptly left, unaware that would be the last time you’d see your parents.
She'd pray for deliverance
She'd pray for his grace
Even without all your friends and family, your wedding was a lovely affair. The whole church was in attendance as you walked down the aisle to pledge the rest of your life to the one who held your entire being in his hand. The ceremony was done in the chapel and the reception in the basement of the church, which meant no alcohol was involved. Not that you cared, Masema spun you around the makeshift dance area on the dingy blue carpet and that was a greater feeling than being inebriated. That night when you two made it to the hotel for your honeymoon, you both practically ripped each others clothes off and went at it like wild animals. After a year of heated touches and teasing, he finally gave in to your desires and had you on every surface of that room. If you had thought he had his hooks in you before, they only dug in deeper when you felt him inside you for the first time as be brought you pleasure no other ever had before.
'Cause I'm not the angel they want me to be
After your wedding, Masema convinced you to move somewhere new and start fresh when he was offered a position to be a pastor in a small church in the middle of nowhere. You agreed and soon you two were living in an old Victorian era farmhouse in some small mountain town. The chipped white paint on the exterior and wrap-around front porch were your favorite features, but due to how remote you were, you had to give up more than a few luxuries. You loved it, even if you didn’t have all the modern conveniences of your old apartment, like central heat and air or even high speed internet. Even though you you missed your hometown and being social, you had Masema and that was all you needed now.
Father, forgive me
'cause I don't think I wanna change
Because of your shared beliefs, you didn’t believe in contraception and thus, it wasn’t long before you ended up pregnant with the first of many. You were both thrilled, having wanted to start a family and raise them up properly with your religious beliefs. If you spent any time at all alone with your thoughts, you would have remembered that you didn’t want to end up a barefoot and pregnant housewife. But you never did, constantly chasing after small children or doing work for the church, seeing as you were the pastor’s wife and busy teaching impressionable young girls what their role would be in this life.
This hurts me like heaven
Feel like the angel who fell
Many years later, you still lived in blissful ignorance with Masema and your children. You didn’t know about how he had driven away your exes, or how he been deliberate with his actions as he manipulated you and molded you into his perfect little love. Whenever you’d start to resist him and his ideas, he simply showered you in more gifts and attention, making you forget all about whatever rebellious thoughts had rattled around your mind. You never could break free of his grasp, but you realized that you really didn’t want too. After all, you were in love with the devil and he loved you too.
Fell for the devil
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Taglist: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @gemini-mama @whitedarkmoonflower @valeskafics @mrsarnasdelicious @synintheraven @bouncehousedemons
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
darius martin x female reader having their first kiss and getting together at midnight on new years???
Happy New Years: Darius Martin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy headcanon (okay look, ik I do a lot of fluff but it’s cause I lack it irl)
Summary: What happens when you spend the New Year with Darius Martin?
Word Count: 755 (rough estimate)
Supreme Speaks:  HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL!!! BRO I'M SO HAPPY WITH THIS ONE, i hope everyone enjoys it as much as i did writing it. Darius is husband #3 in AEW for me so i was happy to do this. thanks to @hooks-martin for requesting this and i hope it lives up to your expectations. i also hope everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: None really....literally none
Taglist (DM if you want to be added): @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @diabloguapos @sheinthatfandom
FIRST OFFF This man is ENAMORED of you
As soon as he saw you, in his head: “she will be mine” (like on the amazing world of gumball)
This energetic man became a shy puppy when you first locked eyes until you introduced yourself
Instantly became friends with you and started to keep tabs on your likes/dislikes and facts
After like a month of being friends, he asked you on a date
And that one date became two, three, and four more dates
He even got you a Christmas present and so did you (nothing big)
However, the only thing is that you two are taking it slow…Per your request
Meaning you’re not exclusive/official…yet
In Darius’ eyes, you were the one, he never felt this way towards someone before
All his friends and his brother could see it in how he talked about your dates, and how he immediately smiled when you texted him
Dante: Do you have her saved as “Future Boo” or “Wifey”?
Darius: Leave me alone -_-
However, he didn’t want to make you feel rushed or uncomfortable
In retrospect, you were the same way; you really liked him and all your friends constantly teased you
Ruby: what’s next, you’re gonna learn how to flip to impress him?
You: I know how to do a cartwheel
Eddie (quietly): barely
You were ready to take it to the next level but didn’t know how to say it, so everything was still
That all leads up to New Year’s Eve
Darius was gonna keep waiting until you said something about the next stage
That was until his younger brother got in his ear
“Bro, she likes you but she’s scared. If you keep playing it slow and not taking the lead, she’ll move on to the next person. Just tell her how you feel, soon.”
With this motive, Darius came up with a plan to confess at the AEW New Year’s Eve party at the hotel
He dressed up in a suit, waiting for you to arrive, and waited for what seemed like forever
Around 11:30 PM, he noticed that you never walked in
Confused, he asked Ruby where you were and she said “She went to her room cause of her social battery going low, but…I think she wouldn't mind seeing you” She also told him your room number
He put down his drink before leaving the party as the Lads cheered for him
He got on the elevator and went up to your floor and proceeded to knock on your door once he found it
The door opened to reveal you with your party dress still on, as you were too lazy to take them off (and you spend too much money on it only to wear it for one hour)
As if it was the first time he saw you ever, he thought you looked absolutely beautiful
Inviting him in, you explained you just got tired of being around other people
Just as he started to spew words about leaving, you reassured him that you didn’t mind his company (you actually preferred it)
11:50 PM, You two decided to watch the ball drop; sitting on opposite sides of the couch
Darius, with Dante’s words echoing in his mind, decided to make the first move
11:55 PM, He scooted closer to you and softly approached your hand
You, with a smile, intertwined your fingers with his
11:56 PM, you put your head on his shoulder
11:57 PM, he starts to say, “I’m really happy that we have this connection together. You've made my life better ever since you entered it”
“Me too, I’m happy I met you.”
“I’m happy I was able to spend the last part of this year with you. It only made me realize that…I want to start off next year and many more with you as my girlfriend.”
11:58 PM, “I’m serious, sweetheart. I have never felt this way about anyone before. And I can’t see starting my year off better than by calling you mine.”
“Yes, mine”
11:59 PM, With a big smile, you said, “Well, you have to ask before it’s too late”
Looking into your eyes, Darius asked, “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?”, emphasizing ‘my’
As people were counting the last few seconds of the year, you said "Yes, I will"
With the ball dropping and fireworks going off in every direction, you whispered, "Happy New Year"
"Happy New Year baby"
And you started a new year by kissing your new boyfriend
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
how the evans would act when they have a crush on u ^^
How The Evans Act When They Have A Crush On You & How They React When You Tell Them You Like Them Too
Award for the longest title goes tooooo... me!
Two other requests-
Could I please request how the Evans would react to their best friend (reader) admitting they're in love with them? 
Heyo! I’m not sure how this would go but how would the Evan’s react to a nervous/insecure reader confessing to them?
-I hope this is satisfactory, even though I don’t think it’s what you two wanted<3
Enjoy! :)
-Would always just be interested in you
-Wanting to help you, watch you, talk to you, just constantly be around you
-But he’d also be insecure whether he was annoying you, so occasionally he would make himself invisible and just watch you
-Whatever hobbies you had, he’d love to watch you do them, paint, draw, write, play games
-If you played any instrument he would love to lay on your bed and listen to you, no matter how good or bad you were
-He would leave little sweet messages on the chalkboard and leave little post-it notes for you to find
-They would have fun little facts about birds or other trivial stuff but you would find them cute
-The occasional fact about something romantic, like ‘Every time you kiss somebody, your heart beat increases by 10-15 beats per minute’
-He might go a little far and leave a message like ‘Your dress looked pretty’, which you would find creepy since you didn’t know Tate was a ghost
-He thought of ways to tell you how he felt but because it seemed like your family was gonna live in the murder house for a while, cause you were all settling in well, he didn’t want to risk losing his friendship with you, since you were the only ghost with whom he really got along
-You walked down to the basement and said his name in a sing song voice, “Tateeeee”, “Come out come out wherever you are!”
-He showed up and you asked him if he wanted to go out on a real date
-He was obviously nervous, because you didn’t know yet that he was a ghost, but when he hesitated and you looked upset, he said yes right away
-You ran up and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush and laugh, and whilst you were at school, he got some things ready and got candles and a table cover so make your kitchen look like a restaurant
-He ordered McDonalds delivery and got your chicken nuggets under a serving platter for effect
- “We are dining on, nuggets of the chicken”
-Although you were a little disappointed and wanted to go out on a real date with him, you found his effort cute
-He definitely played footsie with you under the table the whole date
-Definitely walked you to your room
- “Well… this is me…”
- “Just wanted to make sure you got home safe”
-Kissed you
oh my god I got so carried away
-You would first meet Kit when you first come and move to Massachusetts
-One day you want to venture out and get an taxi to go to town, only a few minutes later to realise you don’t have your wallet
-You awkwardly tell the driver that if takes you back home quickly, you can get money and you will pay him right away
-But since Boston men aren’t usually so sweet, he just kicks you out, leaving you to wander the motorway alone late at night, far away from your home and hoping to quickly find somewhere to go
-Eventually you stumble upon a gas station, and as you walk up, a hand appearing on your shoulder makes you automatically turn around and push whoever touched you to the ground
-The man in blue uniform gets up slowly with his hands up defensively, “Hey hey, didn’t mean to startle ya, miss”
-You apologise, feeling stupid for this kind of encounter, but he doesn’t seem to mind as much as you’d think
- “It’s always nice to see a woman able to protect herself”, he smiles
-He offers to drive you home, and you thank him dearly, explaining to him that you don’t have a car yet, having only just moved here
-He offers to take you to buy one, knowing an awful lot about cars, and to convince you further, tells you that any man working in a car salon will try to sell a single lady a piece of junk for a high price
-You agree, thinking that the offer is sweet, and he takes you to buy yourself a car, to make the date even more fun, Kit tells you to pretend you’re an old married couple
- “Miss Walka over here needs a car, good Sir”
-At some point while looking at cars, Kit holds your hand and you don’t even notice
-He negotiates a good deal with the salesman, and you get a car together
- “Your husband just got you an awfully good deal, Madam, he’s a man who deserves a good meal and a cold beer if I’ve ever seen one”, the salesman laughs, signing the last of the papers before handing Kit the keys to your car. “Oh, he’ll get more than that”, you say to tease Kit, before smiling at him sweetly. Kit blinks at you, before turning back to the salesman and shaking his hand. As the two of you walk away, Kit looks at you in disbelief, the thought of your dirty words clearly plastered in his mind. “Did ya mean what you said back there?”. He says, as he opens the car door for you. “Whatever do you mean?”, you act stupid. “I was just pretending to be your wife, Mr Walka”
-When he has a crush on you, he gives you sooo many compliments
-Little dirty innuendos
-Would definitely call you and talk to you late night on the phone until one of you fell asleep (house phone if they had them)
-He’s the kind of person to tell you that he got a visit from a cute dog earlier at the gas station and it made him think of you
-Every time you go to get gas from Kit, he gives you only a little amount, so you have a reason to keep coming back
-One time when you go get gas from him, you forget your wallet again, and he teases you about it
-He lets you off and pays for your gas
- “I owe you, Mr Walka”
- “How about a date?”
-You smile at how confident he is, and nod excitedly, having been waiting for him to ask you for a while now
-Kit winks at you and waves as you drive off, completely melted inside about finally getting his girl
-Even though he’s always confident, he’s still a little shy and awkward around you when he sees you in class
-If all of his friends are in a class messing around, throwing stuff, being loud, and you walk it, he tells everybody to shut up because there’s a lady present
- “Hey careful, make sure you don’t throw it at her”
-It’s not until he sees you at a huge party, that he’s confident enough to go up to you
-Even though he’s more than happy to flirt, he’s just not confident enough to do that last step and ask you out somewhere
-He’ll bring you a drink and  talk and flirt with you, and you’ll definitely get the hint
-He slowly lifts his arm up and stretches it over you, trying to do the classic yawn move, hoping you won’t notice or mind. You look over at him and narrow your eyes in fake suspicion.
- “Didn’t you come here with a movie star? Surely you get handsome men bringing you drinks all the time?”, he says, motioning to the drink in your hand.
“You calling yourself handsome?”, you tease him. Kyle laughs a breathy awkward laugh and nods. “Well yeah”
-When you do ask him for a date, he insists that he take the initiative to plan what you two do
-Clearly wanting to make a good first impression, he’d take you somewhere interesting
-Aquarium, in which he’ll make up clearly fake facts about the fish just to make you laugh
-Bowling, just so he can tease you about how much you suck
-Mini golf, so, even though you know how to play, he can wrap his arms around you and help you put
-And if he does take you to the movies, you aren’t spending a dime
-He’ll also wrap his arm around you not-so subtly
Franken Kyle
“Whatcha doin there, hm?”. Kyle leans into your ear and whispers.
“Just in case you get scared, you can cuddle up to me”
“Kyle we’re watching the Lego movie”
-You’re a witch at the academy, and with Kyle’s very slow progress to getting better, both Zoe and Madison are getting slightly tired of having to constantly take care of him
-But you don’t mind, finding his Frankenstein state cute
-Whenever he stumbles into the kitchen by himself you always help him make food
-If he’s ever struggling with anything, he usually comes to you, knowing you’re the most patient out of them all
-Then, one night, all the teens in the academy go to a party, while you lay in bed
-But when the rain starts to get really heavy and the first thunder growls, Kyle rushes into your room, before slowly knowing and peaking his head out, clearly scared
-You let him come and lay with you, rubbing his back to calm him down
-Although no real words are spoken, it’s from that moment that you decide to take on all responsibilities relating to Kyle, the good and the bad
-He’s admired you from afar for a very long time, ever since the first time you joined the circus
-You were incredibly flexible, and always showing off to everyone and practicing on stage
-He would always come and watch you practice, cheering you on more than anybody else
-You called Jimmy ‘my cheerleader’
-It made him blush every time
-Amazon Eve always told him to just ask you for dinner, but the only thing that stopped him was the thought that you wouldn’t want to go out and be seen with a freak like him, especially since your body looked so normal that you didn’t have to hide anything
-Eve and Paul reminded Jimmy that it’s him who’s always the most confident in going out into the real world, and he mustn’t be scared
-When they all plan to go to a diner together, as a protest to being shunned from society, you find his leadership charming and happily go with them
-Even though you all get kicked out, you calm Jimmy down and take care of him when his dad beats him up
-You wipe the scars on his face and tell him how brave you think he is
- Trying to gain confidence, you take a deep breath before making the move. “Maybe the two of us should go to that diner”. Jimmy looks up at you, as if he expects you to keep talking. When the nerves hit you all at once, you begin rambling. “You know cause if the two of us go and they’re okay with that then maybe we can start going with the others one by one, and then you know we’ll ease our way back into society and stuff”. You laugh a breathy laugh, but Jimmy says nothing. With every silent second passing, your heart begins to break. But luckily for you, Jimmy speaks up. “Wait, are you asking me out? Like… on a date? To the diner?”. “What if I were?”, you quietly reply. He smiles wide and pulls you closer to him, “I’d love that”.
-James is definitely the least subtle
-Constantly giving you compliments, kisses and gifts
-Opening every door for you and listening very carefully to everything you say
-He doesn’t want you to even think about another man, so he overwhelms you with every way he can show you he likes you
-I can imagine him organising a big ball or event at the hotel just so the two of you can dress up and go together
-He is also the most confident out of them all, although he is a softie around you, he has no trouble asking you anything he wants to you
-He’ll kiss your hand a lot and you’ll eventually get the hint
- “I would be most delighted if we were to make our relationship more official, and vow fully loyalty to one another”
-You agree and he is over the moon
-Once the two of you are in a relationship, the compliments, kisses and gifts don’t stop
-He will give you your space without him, but when the two of you are in the same room together, he treats your precious time together as if it’s sacred
-He will approximately 43 seconds into your relationship begin planning how he’s gonna kill you
-You can tell Kai likes you when he’s harsher on you than he is on other members of the cult
-He’ll be pissed at you for being a distraction for him
-He’ll definitely tell you when he’s impressed with you, when you murdered somebody or helped him plan something
-Even though he definitely would not want it
-If you proved to be smarter than him in any aspect, he’d be furious
-You’d be sat on his sofa while he’s talking to you about having to kill Sally because she’s getting in the way of him winning city council
- “Samuels looked at where she lives, and it has no back doors, no nothing, it’ll be impossible to get in her house without smashing windows and causing attention”
“Why don’t you get Ally to go to her first? If Meadow convinces her to go to Sally to talk about the cult, then the front door will be open”. Kai looks at you with angry eyebrows. “We’ll sit in the car and wait for a few seconds, she’ll let Ally in, won’t lock the door straight after her, and then let them talk for a minute before we just walk right in”
-His ego won’t let him take suggestions from somebody below him, so even though he wants to be proud of you for being smart, he’s mad
-He’ll sit for hooours trying to think of any other solution he physically can think of, to not go with what you suggested
-Around the cult, he’d treat you like everybody else though
- “Y/N’s idea was brilliant, Ally just walked in and they walked straight to sit down, she didn’t lock the door”
-He’d praise you to encourage you to think of ideas, which he would later be mad that you have
-You’d find out how he felt about you during pinky power
-After being suspicious that he may have feelings for you for a while, you realised this is the only way to truly find out how he feels without him trying to manipulate you
-He’d ask you about something deep, and you’d latch on after he finishes a sentence to ask him your question
- “I have a question for you”
“Go ahead”
“How do you feel about me?”
Kai stays silent and continues to look you in the eye, taken aback by the question but not wanting to show it.
“When you’re with me, how do you feel?”
“I think you have real potential, you’re strong-”
“I’m not asking the Divine Ruler, I’m asking Kai, Kai Anderson”
He takes a deep breath before unintentionally breaking eye contact for a few seconds to think. You wait anxiously for the answer, and with every second passing you know what it will be.
“You’re special”, he starts, looking you in the eye again. “You’re valuable to the group, and to me. And I think you’d be a great… mother”. The last catches you off guard, not expecting Kai to be a family man or to think about this with you.
“You… you want me to… have your children?”
“I think our children would be indestructible, strong, powerful, decisive. They would be the seed of the better future”. Although it was a little forward for somebody you’ve never even kissed, you were beyond flattered, knowing how specific Kai is with traits in people.
“Let’s make a baby”, Kai says.
“Whoa whoa”, you laugh and unlink your pinky with his. “We’re not even dating, Kai”
“Why date if children is the ultimate purpose?”
“Then don’t look at is as dating… look at it… as getting to know the mother of your future children”
-Kai would love this and you’d soon end up dating
-And have like 6 kids
@milly-louise  @amourtentiaa  @kitwalker02  @tatestripedsweater  @therenlover  @maria-akira         @tatesimper  @thxc0untessesgl0ve  @mossybank  @ahsxual  @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess  @mrs-march-ahs-biggest-fan  @kitwalkerangel  @kitisagoldenretrieverboy @darlingkitt  @blackbat2020@elaineygrace @kaiandersonskoolaid  @undeadcortez @whiiiiplaaaaash
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whereisten · 4 years
A Jaehyun fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Jaehyun is new to town and wants you to show him around. But the truth is, he has known you for a while..
Pairing: Lucifer!Jaehyun x female reader
Other Characters: Husband!Kun
Genre: angst, smut, horror
Warnings: cursing, alcohol use, cheating, stalking, obsession, possessiveness, smut: breeding kink, unprotected sex, nipple sucking, size kink, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), multiple orgasms, c*eampie, pregnancy, character death.
Word Count: 8.9K
(A/N: okay ummm...this is influenced by stories told in the Bible, I hope I do not offend you with my interpretation, Jaehyun in this is a huge stalker!! This isn’t love, he’s obsessed and it’s unhealthy. But I hope you guys enjoy❤️ THANK YOUUU ARI FOR PROOFREADING THIS FOR ME I LOVE YOUUUU❤️❤️❤️❤️😭)
Long ago, there were two beings on Earth, Adam and Eve. They were created by God and tainted by Lucifer, the serpent. The serpent found himself in love with God’s creation, Eve, for she bears a striking resemblance to his first love, Lilith, whom God cursed and sent away. 
God’s most beautiful angel, Lucifer, fell in love with Lilith even though he was forbidden by God to do so. He tried to fight for her in a war against the angels of Heaven, but was struck down to Hell where he could rule the dark. He saw Lilith become a demon. Her beauty had gone away as God made her ugly and it hurt Lucifer to even look at her anymore.
And so, Lucifer turned to Eve and loved her instead, polluting her mind, body, and soul and thus, causing her to be cursed by God as well. She was hidden by God from Lucifer. He grew angry and decided to continue to defy God by living on Earth and causing havoc on both small and large scales.
He went by the name of Jaehyun now, a strikingly handsome bachelor with a mansion on the outskirts of a popular city. He stayed on Earth at the exact point above hell where his throne rested so he could cause evil to run through the city unstopped.
He never forgot about Eve. After all these years, his soul still yearned for her. He cursed at God for hiding her from him and for taking not one, but two of his dearest loves away.
He would walk through the city and see all the couples enjoying each other’s company. They’d laugh and smile and he’d wish nothing but pain for them. If he couldn’t be happy, why should they?
Then one day..he saw her..he saw Eve.
You were packing away fruits, placing the oranges in an organized pattern so they wouldn’t fall to the floor of the supermarket. He saw you, delicately picking up the spoiled fruits and placing them into the bin to throw away later. You had a small smile on your face that made you look sweet and your fingers were soft, gentle. You looked at each fruit with adoration in your eyes, like you treasured the round balls of nectar as if they were made of gold.
He walked closer to you, still staring intently.
He wondered how you could exist, how you were here with her face, her body, her hair..you were her. It didn’t take long for him to notice the sparkling ring on your wedding finger. But he didn’t care about that, now that he had you, he would never let you go.
Even if you didn’t sound like Eve or looked at him the way she did when she was in love with him, he had to have you.
“Hello, can I help you, sir?” You turned to the man you noticed had been hanging around you for a bit too long.
Your voice was heavenly, it was the best thing he’d ever heard.
You were looking at him, awaiting his answer when you placed an apple onto the shelf. You didn’t see that placing it in that exact spot would cause for another to fall. But Jaehyun already knew.
He quickly knelt down beside you and caught the green apple as it fell.
You looked down at him and gasped. How could he move so quickly.
He stood up straight, still locking eyes with you. A smile creeps across his face.
“Here.” He hands you the apple as you look down at it still in shock.
“Oh..thank you.” You chuckled and took it from him, then started to walk away after feeling..odd.
He walked towards you. “Umm..excuse me, miss? I’m new here, and I just want to know..where can I find the best coffee?”
He looked down at your name tag.
“Y/n..” he says quietly.
His voice is smooth and nice, just as nice as his perfect face, you thought it ought to have been carved by God himself. His jawline was perfect and his eyes were magnetic, you couldn’t look away.
However, you should’ve. You were married after all.
“Oh..hmm about five blocks south, you’ll find Johnny’s Café, it’s quite nice actually.”
Jaehyun wanted to ask you to join him, just so he could talk to you, just so he could get close to you and have you firmly in his grasp, never to let you disappear again. But he didn’t, he decided to wait, if he scared you away, that would only make it worse for not only him, but for you as well. The last thing he wanted was to hold you against your will just because you resembled her.
“Thank you, y/n, I’ll see you next time.” He walked close to you and nodded slowly. As if hypnotized, you never let his eyes go while you nodded.
He walked by you, leaving you breathless and almost star struck, but who was he? Why did he have this interesting glow about him that made him stand out from everyone else?
Later that day, Jaehyun followed you home. His black Lamborghini wasn’t discreet to say the least, so he had to trail behind a few hundred feet. He could see you jamming out to music in your car as you left work. 
You were adorable and happy, he loved seeing you like this.
He parked far away from your house, he walked over in a long black trench coat and watched as you went inside. You were greeted by a man that looked like...Adam..
His eyes grew into glowing red orbs, he tried hard to hold back his horns and nails.
“This is God’s idea of a joke, isn’t it?” He spoke to himself. Not only were you the exact replica of Eve, your husband was an exact replica of Adam.
You hugged your husband, Kun, hard and smiled widely, happy to see him after a long day at work.
The door clicks shut and Jaehyun stands there with steam escaping his hot ears. He had to figure out how to get rid of Kun.
[The Next Day]
You’re lugging around a large box of lettuce through the aisles when you see him..again.
“Hello, y/n, do you need help?” 
You stare at him. “W-what are you doing here?”
He was handsome, you had to admit, your heart couldn’t stop beating like crazy when he showed up. He was stylish in his turtleneck and jean jacket. He smelled refreshing like amber and honey.
“What? A man can’t shop for groceries?” His dimples peeked through as he smiled and tilted his head.
“Oh-no it’s just, two days in a row?”
You furrowed your brows when you sensed something wasn’t right.
Jaehyun could tell that your heart rate was rising because of his presence, you looked around like you were nervous.
“I know, it’s weird, right? But the truth is..I just wanted to see you again..” he said huskily. You felt your chest weaken.
You put the box down and turned to him. “Oh so you’re one of those creeps? Well, I’m flattered but..I’m also married.”
“That’s alright..” he gave a small smile, his dimples showing through again. You turned away. 
“So...what are you looking for today?”
“A friend.”
“A friend?” You chuckled.
He swayed from side to side and looked up to the ceiling. “Okay, I’ll get to the point..there’s a..korean barbecue place that I wanted to try..are you free after work?”
He was so strange but had an aura about him that you couldn’t ignore. His features were sharply defined and his eyes never let you go. You should’ve been creeped out but you weren’t, for he was warm and intriguing. Lately, you felt like Kun was so busy with work. You’d get home and wait hours for him, your friends were busy as well as they were either taking college classes or travel king constantly.
Sometimes, you felt you were alone, so why not start something new.
You hummed before answering. 
Jaehyun watched your cute expression, the way you looked to the floor and stuck your hands in your apron.
“I guess..I am free after work.” You nodded.
Jaehyun nearly jumped up and down right inside the store. He grinned from ear to ear.
“Just don’t pull any moves, I’m married okay?”
You teased and felt your face become warm.
“I promise I won’t.”
The two of you went to dinner at the Korean barbecue place Jaehyun wanted to try. He was enraptured by you, caught up in your presence. He was so in love and you had no idea.
You told him about places to visit in the city and he told you about where he had come from. He made up a city and a backstory to relate to you, telling you that he had investments that started from his grandparents and that’s how he made money.. He’d do anything just to keep speaking with you, even if it meant lying.
He fought hard to hold back his naturally glowing red eyes and goat-like horns. He had to remain normal so you could become his soon enough.
And when you left him and went home, he stayed outside of your house once again, using his elevated hearing skills to listen to you speak with your husband.
Kun was talking to you about some new project he had in a city about two hours away. You stayed silent, disappointed that he would be gone yet again for a business trip. Kun was the senior architect and had to present, he couldn’t skip out on these trips as much as he wanted to.
“Listen, baby I’m sorry but you know how it is.”
Kun stepped into the bathroom as you brushed your teeth. He took his shirt off as he was about to shower.
You spit water out into the sink and look at your reflection, you were trying hard to hold back your anger. Kun stood behind you and watched you through the mirror with a concerned expression on his face.
“If I knew you were going to be gone all the time, I wouldn’t have married you..”
Kun scoffed. “Don’t say that, you know you don’t mean that, y/n.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and smirked through the mirror.
His hand went to your breast and cupped it.
“I mean it, Kun, how is this supposed to work when we have a family? I want us to both be present for our kids.” 
Kun kissed along your neck, he knew you were ticklish. 
You started to giggle. “Kun..stop, you’re distracting me.”
“Ahh baby, did you just say “our kids?” Are you trying to tell me something?” He squeezed your breasts gently
You turned to him and kissed his lips. His other hand reached under your frilly nightgown, bunching it up at the waist, and to his satisfaction you wore nothing else under it. 
“Should we start right now? Should we have a family?” He brushes his clothed erection into your back as he presses his fingers over you already dripping folds. His deep voice always got you like this.
You gasped and looked at him through the mirror. Soon you were gripping the edge of the counter and crying out his name as he fucked you from behind. He grabbed your hair, pulling your head back so you could look at him through the mirror as you came all over his girthy cock.
Jaehyun heard it all, he imagined it was him bringing you to sweet paradise like he did long ago. He listened to your moans and imagined it was his name you called as your eyes rolled in the back of your head.
It pained him to have to pleasure himself as he imagined all that he would do to you. He was Lucifer, after all. He could have anyone in the dark world pleasure him without even asking twice, but he didn’t want just anyone. He wanted you, and soon he would have you right in his grasp.
[1 Month Later]
Jaehyun was a regular customer at the supermarket you worked at, he’d come in at least once a day. You found it odd that he always knew when your breaks were, so he’d bring you coffee or a snack.
If he didn’t visit during his break, he’d wait for you outside so you’d go to a new place for dinner together after you clocked out.
You spoke about everything. He seemed so smart as he knew about every detail in history and taught you about the world and why things were the way they were.
You watched him intently, your eyes grew when he told you something so interesting, your heart started to race. Like the presence of aliens or ghosts and witches. They all existed and Jaehyun told you all of the evidence as you sat there, stunned.
And then, it was his turn to ask questions.
He finally asked about your husband, even though he knew everything about him.
He knew that he had a short temper sometimes but your fights would either lead to make up sex or him sleeping on the couch. He had watched you every night since finding you. He didn’t sleep, for even the thought of closing his eyes and losing sight of you made him sick to his stomach.
“My husband, Kun, is an architect. He works really hard, but he loves me and I love him. He’s really sweet, I never stop thinking about him. We got married about a year ago, and I couldn’t be happier.” You smiled as you looked down at your hot pot as thought of Kun.
“Ahh..that’s nice..he seems like a supportive partner, during your first year of marriage, have you fought a lot?” Jaehyun tilted his head while smirking.
“Nope! We don’t fight at all, we’re pretty chill, you know?”
You were lying to him and he didn’t like that, but he swallowed hard and smiled nonetheless.
“I see..” he nodded.
He realized that he’d have to work harder to get you to stop thinking about Kun. He’d have to sabotage your current relationship if he ever dreamed of being with you soon.
Killing him would be too easy, he’d have to make Kun so bad, that you’d run to him for relief.
[A Week Later]
You kissed Kun goodbye and wished him well for his trip. He quickly kissed you back and walked through the front door without a hug.
“Honey?” You called out to him. “Where’s my hug?” You pouted.
He threw his hand up and continued to walk towards his car. “Sorry, baby, gotta go!”
He had been acting strange these past few days, but you knew he was stressed so you brushed it off. You had had sex the night before but he wasn’t as gentle as he usually was, you could tell something had upset him as he choked you for the first time. You didn’t mind it, you were just surprised by how...different he was.
Little did you know that it was Jaehyun that was making his daily work more difficult. Kun’s important documents and files would go missing right before a presentation, his coworkers weren’t showing up for work, and his boss was always upset with him for some reason. He was starting to dislike his job and he wasn’t sure why, for this was his passion, but lately, everything seemed to be going poorly.
Kun was having difficulty sleeping as well. He’d have disturbing dreams of a place with fire and monsters with sharp teeth. He’d sweat and pant, and eventually be jolted awake in his bed, every night at 3:23 A.M. he’d go downstairs and watch something on TV or write down a few project ideas.
The lack of sleep definitely contributed to his poor mood, but he didn’t tell you for some reason.
Jaehyun watched Kun speed off. He smiled to himself, knowing that his plan was working, he was getting frustrated at work and began taking his anger out on you. 
[Four Days Later]
You continued to spend time with Jaehyun. You lost track of time as you watched him speak. His dimples were adorable, his voice was intoxicating and you loved staring into his deep brown eyes.
He watches you play with your wedding ring as you nod and smile at him. His smile was like a blooming garden, his laugh was like heavenly trumpets. The two of you were flirting now, and he could tell from your heartbeat that you weren’t really listening to him, instead, you were fantasizing about him. The glances turned into stares.
You watched his lips and licked your own, your face was hot, but you furrowed your brows and looked down at your ring.
What were you doing? Were you getting emotionally attached to him? You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t hurt Kun.
You got up from your seat. “Well, it’s late.. I should go.”
“Noo.. don’t leave yet.” Jaehyun stood up and touched your hand. The disappointed look in his eyes ate away at your heart. You were developing a nice friendship, but a part of you was afraid that it was becoming something more, something that couldn’t be.
“You look stressed. Do you want a drink?..we can visit that new bar in town.” Jaehyun bites his bottom lip.
A drink did sound nice, it had been a while since you and Kun went out to a bar together and sometimes you did miss the atmosphere, you were young after all, everyone else in their early twenties went out.
Jaehyun smiled to himself as he saw you contemplate your options. He knew you were worried about Kun, but he also knew you needed to have some fun.
So you agreed.
The two of you went out to a bar and drank. You laughed and joked around all night. Jaehyun pretended to be affected by the alcohol, just so he could make you laugh and see your beautiful smile.
He dropped you off home at about 1 A.M after you sobered up a bit.
You turned to him and licked your lips. “You know, Jaehyun, if I weren’t married to Kun..I would date you for sure.” You giggled and leaned in close. And all Jaehyun could think was “yes.” He wanted to feel your plump lips so badly, he wanted to caress them and make love to you to relive the best days of his life, but now was not the time.
He backed away and held your hand while searching your eyes. “Y/n...you should go inside now..”
You sighed, nodding as you opened the door to quickly leave before you could embarrass yourself any more.
You go into your house and to your surprise, Kun is there, his face red and stern as he sat on the loveseat in the living room. The room was dark, lit only by a small night light in the corner and the moonlight from outside. 
Kun was nearly fired by his boss during his trip. He was upset and frustrated, but what made matters worse was when he went home at 10 PM to see that you weren’t there. Then time went on and you still didn’t come home.
You smirked and put your bag down.
“Babyyyyy.. I missed you.” You start to crawl over his lap slowly.
He can tell from the drawn out tones in your voice that you’re drunk. He winces and turns away.
“Where were you, y/n?”
“Out with a friend..we had some drinks and talked.” You straddle him, placing his crotch in between your legs as you kneel over him. You then lean down and kiss his collarbone.
“Why are you home so late? Is it because you didn’t think I’d be home early?” Kun growled out. He wasn’t amused in the slightest by the way you were acting.
“No, baby, I just wanted to hang out with someone for a little bit, you know? I’m so lonely when you’re not here.”
You try to kiss his lips but he flicks his head to the side.
“Who’s this “friend?”
You gulp and straighten your body. You pout as you look down at him. “Baby, kiss me..don’t you miss me too?” You take the straps of your dress down before unhooking your bra and throwing it to the floor.
Jaehyun watched through an open window behind the loveseat as you kneel over an angry Kun. His eyes glow red and his horns grow out of his head as does the straining member in his pants. You in your drunken haze never noticed the pair of crimson eyes outside.
Kun doesn’t touch you or look at your breasts with nipples begging to be sucked. He wanted to take them into his mouth badly, but he was more focused on another issue at hand.
He wrapped his hand around your throat. “Tell me..their name.”
You smirked. “His name is Jaehyun..but we’re just friends, baby, I promise.”
Kun thrusts himself into you from below, grinding hard against your covered opening. You whimper and move your hips to rub your slit against him.
“Well..stop being friends with him, no guy just wants to be friends with a girl..he wants to fuck you..”
You grind down onto him harder, he squeezes his hand and grips your thigh.
“He doesn’t, he’s really nice and helps me at work sometimes.”
Kun digs his nail into your thigh causing you to cry out in pain. He digs into it so deep, he sees blood from your leg run onto his thumb.
But you reach under your dress and pull his boxers down. You still wanted him in your aching core badly, the pain only added to your yearning.
“Y/n.” He says sternly as he watches you align yourself with his hard cock. You sink down onto him slowly and let out a loud moan as it passes through the sensitive skin and rests deep in your core. You adjust to him quickly as you had already been built up by dry humping him before.
He squeezes your throat again.
You move up and down. “Yes..” you call out before licking your lips.
He grabs your waist with both hands and lifts you off of him.
“Kun!” You cry his name after being left empty.
“You’re not gonna get out of this so easily. If you want my cock, tell me you’re done with him.”
“But, baby..”
Kun shakes his head. “Don’t. I’m your husband and you should really take into consideration how I might feel when you spend time with men, when you fucking drink alcohol with men like..like some kinda slut.”
You gasped. “Slut?” 
Kun nods. “Look at you, you’re just thirsty for any male attention. I work my ass off for a few days and you’re already looking for a replacement.”
“Kun, that’s not true.” You felt your chest rumble, as if you were about to burst into tears.
He flips you over onto the couch. “I’m your husband, aren’t I?”
You nod.
“Then do as I say, don’t go out with Jaehyun again.”
Before you can protest his thrusts into you hard and begins to choke you again.
He goes hard and fast as you mewl. 
“Baby, slower, please.”
He bites your nipple and looks down at you to see your body tremble with each rough thrust he gives you, your lips parting to let out the most heavenly moans, your round breasts moving up and down, your legs bent and spread across the loveseat.
“You’re all mine, right?”
“Yes..fuck, yes.” His thumb on your clit makes you dizzy.
“Then I’m gonna breed you, would you like that? Gonna fuck you so hard and get you pregnant.” Kun grunts into your ear.
Jaehyun grimaces outside of your window. Kun, or Adam rather, hadn’t changed at all. He still believed in a woman’s subordination to her husband. He believed from the beginning of time that a woman should lay under her husband, not above.
And now, he was trying to make you his by breeding you, making it impossible for you to break the link between the two of you. But Jaehyun had to make sure that didn’t happen, he had to stop him before he could do this to you.
[Three Days Later]
It’s been three days since that night and you hadn’t shown up to work. Kun made love to you day and night on your time off, he felt threatened by the presence of another male in your life and felt it necessary to remind you why you married him in the first place.
He cooked breakfast for you and bought you nice things. You even went to the movies and ice skating. You enjoyed the time off and Kun’s company, it finally felt like things were getting back to normal. You were happy.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, was furious. He knew where you were, but he couldn’t believe that you had forgotten about him so easily. He didn’t want to get violent, but maybe he would have to.
A few days later, you finally return to work and as usual, Jaehyun was there to bring you a cookie.
“Hey! Where have you been?” He asked as you put bread up on the shelves.
“Oh..I took some time off, Kun came home early so we had a little vacation..thank you for the other night though, I really had a great time.” You finally looked up at him and noticed the slightly crazed look in his eyes. His lips were tightly shut.
“That’s great. Would you like to go out again tonight?” He asks sweetly.
You sigh and shake your head. “Umm...Jaehyun..I can’t..do this..”
His smile starts to fade.
“I-I can’t pretend that we are just friends when I’ve had thoughts about you that I shouldn’t have. I’m married and it’s..really not right for me to get emotionally involved with someone.”
Jaehyun chuckles. “That’s nonsense! We are just friends.”
“But we’re not. Look..it’s best if we end this now, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t come to my work place anymore.”
Jaehyun screams internally. You were really doing as Kun said by cutting him off. Was he that disposable?
A smile still rests on his face. 
“As you wish..” he nods and leaves after handing you the cookie he brought.
You swallow hard and sigh. That was harder than you thought it would be, but it felt right. It felt like you could finally focus on your marriage with Kun.
Your day at work ended as it usually did. You closed up and walked to your car, but as you got closer you noticed a figure standing beside it.
It had two red eyes and horns peeking out of its skull.
You slowed down. “Hello?” You called out into the empty parking lot.
The figure stepped out of the shadows and under a street light, that’s when you squinted to make out its familiar features. The red eyes and horns had disappeared.
He stood there creepily in a long black coat and black pants. His face was unreadable and he stayed silent.
You walked closer. “Jaehyun, what are you doing here?”
“You know..” Jaehyun scratches his head and laughs.
“I think we should grab something to eat.”
“Jaehyun..” you looked to the side and away from his somber face. You were just a few feet away from each other now.
“We’ll just be eating, we don’t even have to talk.” Jaehyun stepped forward and pleaded.
He didn’t want to lose you, he couldn’t lose you, not after all this time when he had finally gotten so close.
“I can’t, Kun is waiting for me.” You looked up at him with wide eyes.
Jaehyun felt his body tremble whenever you looked at him like that.
He suddenly leaned forward and kissed your lips hard. You fell into him for a brief moment, but then realized what was happening. You quickly bit his lip and pulled away.
“Jaehyun!” You rubbed your lip. “What the hell?!”
He licked the blood on his lips and frowned after your warmth disappeared.
“I’m sorry, I just-“ he reached out for you again but you backed away and opened your car in a rush.
“Leave me alone! I never want to see you again!”
Jaehyun only watched as you scurried into your car seat and locked the car doors.
He banged on the window hard, you jumped from the sound for you were terrified by him. You saw a dark flint in his eyes that you’d never seen.
Tears ran down your cheeks as you put the car in drive.
You sped out of the parking lot and away from him.
“I’ll never let you go, y/n, now that I have you..I’ll never let you go.” He whispered to himself.
[1 Month Later]
The honeymoon feeling you felt with Kun soon dissipated as things went back to how they’d usually been. He spent his time at work and would come home upset, some nights he didn’t even speak to you. He looked sleep deprived and when you asked him about it, he’d have a fit and say he’s fine.
Some nights he wouldn’t look at you, you couldn’t remember the last time you had made love.
He was always short with you, but lately, you found it increasingly difficult to deal with his negative mood. Is this really who you wanted to be married to?
Jaehyun had been messing with him, he’d purposely make every day difficult for him. Kun couldn’t sleep most nights, but when he did, Jaehyun made sure to fill his mind with dark scenes to scare him. Sometimes he’d throw in false images of you making love to a faceless man. It gave Kun the feeling that he was walking in on you cheating on him. He would wake up from these nightmares but they felt so real, he couldn’t ignore how upset they made him.
Kun was paranoid, he felt like someone was out to get him and he didn’t know who it could be, but he didn’t trust even you as much as he did three months ago.
Then one night, you came home late because of a terrible thunderstorm and traffic. You were only about an hour late, but Kun was already home and steaming on the couch.
“Where were you?” He asked as soon as you entered the house.
You exhaled loudly. “Oh, so now you speak to me.”
“Yeah, I’m speaking to you, I’m asking a fucking question.”
You raised your brows. “And who are you to talk to me like that?”
“I’m your husband, or did you forget that when you fucked him tonight?” Kun bit back as he sat up in the chair.
Your face wrinkled as you placed your bag down.
“What are you talking about?”
“Jaehyun..do you think I’m some kind of idiot? I know you’re still seeing him.”
You scoffed. “Wowww Kun.”
You walk away to the kitchen to get some water.
“No, don’t “wowww” me, tell me I’m lying!” His voice started to raise, he walked into the kitchen after you.
“Kun..you sound ridiculous right now, I’m late because there’s a thunderstorm, or do you not hear it just like you don’t hear your phone ringing when I call you?” You asked sarcastically.
“If you’re gonna be late, you should tell me.”
You gulped down your water. “I don��t have to report anything to you! You’re not my king or whatever you think you are.”
“I’m your husband! And you should treat me like a king because look at this house, you wouldn’t be in it if it weren’t for me.”
Your eyes widened. “Are you really holding the house over my head? Wow Kun, you’ve really hit rock bottom, haven’t you?”
Kun chuckles. “Maybe Jaehyun lives somewhere nice, why don’t you go to him since I’m not your king.”
“Okay, here we go again, why are you so insecure, Kun?!” 
The two of you went back and forth that night. You broke down in tears as Kun said hurtful things that left you stunned. 
“I want a divorce!” You yelled and stormed out.
You jumped into your car and drove away, you didn’t know where you were going to go, but you knew you needed to be away from him.
You dialed up Jaehyun who had heard the entire conversation from outside of your house.
“Hello?” He said with the faked tone of confusion in his voice.
“Jaehyun..I need to see you.”
You drove to his house.
It was an incredibly large mansion, and when you went inside, the walls were lined with gold and red velvet curtains. It looked beautiful, unreal almost.
You wondered how Jaehyun could live in an expensive place at such a young age.
Jaehyun looked at your magnificent face as your mouth dropped open.
“Investments.” He smirked.
You laughed and looked back at him. His eyes were warm, his smile was bright.
He could tell you had been crying so once in the foyer he steps close to you and searches your wet eyes.
He runs his thumb along your cheek as you gaze up at him.
“What happened, love?”
You shook your head. “It’s Kun..we fought, I just..I don’t know, Jaehyun, I don’t think we can make it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, y/n..”
“I love him, I really do but..” you look to the side and sniffle.
“Is he controlling, y/n?”
Your eyes flicker up to him. You nod slowly.
“Is he the reason why you stopped hanging out with me?”
You nod again.
Jaehyun purses his lips. “Y/n..he’s threatened by you, he doesn’t want you to be independent now that you’re married. He wants to control you and that isn’t a partnership. That isn’t love.”
Your eyes brim with tears once again. “Jaehyun..I don’t want to think about him right now...I want to feel loved, can you do that for me?”
Jaehyun’s dark soul nearly escapes his body. “Of course.” 
You place both hands on his head and kiss him slowly and sensually. You both close your eyes as you fall into him more, his arms wrapping around you to bring you closer to him. He wants to become one with you, feel you, smell you, to be completely enraptured by you for eternity.
Time stood still and your heart fluttered as it was finally being satisfied by something it had craved from the first moment you met Jaehyun.
He too felt everything slow down to a crawl, your lips tasted like the sweetest fruit, your hands were soft like plush blankets.
He pulls away to breathe, his hot breath hitting your now swollen lips. “So beautiful” he whispers into them, then kisses you again in the dim lighting of his house.
He takes you into his arms and carries you to one of his many bedrooms.
“I will take you higher than the heavens themself, just give in to me.” He whispers softly.
He lays you down gently onto the fluffy bed and watches as you relax into it, your hair looking gorgeous as it lays against the white sheets, your neck just begging for soft kisses or hastily made bite marks, cute nose and round, swollen lips. He looks into your wide eyes and smiles. “You’re stunning.” He kicks his shoes off and crawls over you.
You giggled and held him by the hem on his shirt. “Jaehyun...kiss me.”
He leaned down and kissed you as you asked. He was transported back to when your name was Eve and the two of you made love in the garden. Your lips taste the same as hers, your skin feels the same, your touch and everything else was the same. Jaehyun was more than pleased to finally be experiencing your love again.
You start to take your pants down your legs and eventually kick them off. Jaehyun takes his clothes off as well, then watches you take your hoodie off to reveal your breasts.
Without hesitation, he lays his tongue flat against the perky nub, coating it with his spit. He then swirls his tongue around it while he massages the other breast that he hasn’t tasted yet. 
You moan and run your fingers through his hair.
His fingers press onto your thigh, then work their way to your sensitive skin between your legs. You tremble as they brush lightly against it.
You arch your back, telling him silently that you want him to go further. He sucks your nipples harder and listens to another moan leave your beautiful lips.
He takes two fingers and uses them to part your folds. He circles his fingertips around your entrance to collect the liquid that has formed from you being so turned on already.
He kisses the skin in between your breasts.
“You taste so sweet.”
He pushes his fingers into you slowly, your legs widen a bit to adjust to him. His fingers are long and slender, but it doesn’t take much time before his knuckles hit your most sensitive part.
“Jaehyun..” you exhale.
His fingers glide in and out of you slowly, he curls his finger tips to press right onto the fleshy spot that makes your head spin. He flicks his tongue across your breast as his fingers work on your needy area.
He looks up at you through low eyes, your dainty fingers grasping onto the sheets tightly.
“So-so close.” You whimper.
His fingers move faster, pressing onto your clenching walls as you get closer.
He then kneels and looks down at you as his fingers still move back and forth.
He licks his lips and lowers his face to the apex of your open legs. He flicks his tongue across you slit now, combining the action of his tongue with his finger to drive you crazy.
He moves his tongue in circular motions onto your clit as his finger moves in faster and presses onto your g-spot harder.
His long tongue flattens onto you repeatedly. 
You cry out his name one final time before cumming onto his fingers. He continues to rub his nose onto your clit and lick inside you as you climax and shake.
You try to push your body up away from him, but he holds your waist down firmly and continues to eat you out.
“Jaehyun!” You look down at him to see his eyes, almost with a glint of red in them, looking up at you sternly.
He places a kiss onto your folds then crawls over you to face you. He licks his lips. 
“Y/n, my love, I will never force you to bow down to me, you are my queen, you always have been. I will not lose you like I did so long ago.”
You’re slightly confused, but you nod and kiss him. He lays down beside you and takes your waist into his hands as his tongue now dances with yours.
He brings your body over on top of his.
Your skin becomes littered with goose pimples as he runs his hands up and down your thighs.
You kneel over his intimidating length and take in a sharp breath while running your hands along his chest and abs. He, too, was magnificent, like a painting or sculpture come to life.
He takes your hand in his and watches your naked body above him. 
He remembered the first time you made love, you rode him that time too, bringing him to his most memorable orgasm of all time.
You sink down onto him slowly, your head falling back instantly.
You couldn’t stop your pussy from clenching around him as he stretched you out so well and stimulated you just from being halfway in.
He pushes up into you to help you. You feel his cock buried deep inside you, running against your silky walls and pressing onto your sweet spot once more.
He curved into you so perfectly. You bite your lips and swivel your hips as you move up and down. He grabs your ass and brings it down onto him. 
He groans when you quiver around him and it is a low sound that you’ve never heard before, it’s almost animalistic.
But it’s hot, and pushes you closer to the edge.
Jaehyun watched your body shimmer in the low, warm lighting of the room. Your face is adorable, your skin is soft and glistens, you smell like vanilla. He wished he could have you like this forever, gliding down onto him, your breasts moving up and down as you whimper and moan from the feeling of his cock stretching you out.
You are his Heaven.
He thrusts up into you harder. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room as does your groans and cries.
Jaehyun fits you so perfectly, you’re on the brink of tears, you're weak and ride him sloppily as you chase your high.
Jaehyun knows this and flips you over onto your back in a swift move. He places your legs onto his shoulders and pushes into you. His hips slap against yours as he kisses you again.
He uses his ability to grow even more while inside you.
His eyes glow red but your eyes are closed as he fucks into you from above now.
“Jaehyun..fuck..” Tears escape your eyes. Your pussy clenches uncontrollably around his cock.
He runs his palm onto your belly and feels his cock twitch in the pit of your stomach. “I’m so deep inside you, do you like feeling me? Do you want me to release deep inside you?”
He moves faster.
You arch your back. “Fill me up, please, I want you inside me so badly.” You whimper out.
Jaehyun licks his thumb and places it onto your clit. He licks your breast again and sucks hard.
You cum hard and shake.
He climaxes as well, cumming deep inside you as you let out a stream of curses. You had never orgasmed so hard, but something about Jaehyun has you trembling for several minutes. He was able to deliver pleasure just as he was able to deliver pain in the underworld.
He rubs his thumb along the side of your sweaty face while watching his cum leak out of you.
“My love..would you like me to fuck you again?”
His voice is gravelly, but confident, for he already knows the answer.
You nod and within a few milliseconds you’re on your chest with your ass up in the air. Jaehyun pounds you into the bed and has you calling out his name several times that night.
You fall asleep after climaxing many times. You felt amazing, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. Jaehyun held you in his arms and cuddled you to sleep.
“Y/n..I’m happy you’re mine now.”
[The Next Day]
Jaehyun woke up to see that you left him, you had snuck out and drove back home.
You left a note for him explaining that you couldn’t be in a relationship with him for your heart belonged to Kun. 
“Thank you for being here for me, I am sorry for coming to you during my weakest moment. I hope you will respect my wish to not see you again, as I must remain steady in my marriage to Kun.
With Love, Y/n” 
Jaehyun crumbles up the note and sets fire to it in his hands. His horns grow large and his eyes beam red, furious is an understatement.
How could you do this to him? He made love to you, gave you the best love you’d ever had and you still went back to him.
He would make sure to ruin Kun, for if he couldn’t have you, no one else should.
[3 Months Later] 
Jaehyun was still hurt by you leaving him that night, but he knew there was nothing he could do. A part of him wanted you to be happy, but a part of him wanted to destroy Kun so he could have you all to himself.
He had planned to get rid of him until he discovered that you were pregnant. He wasn’t sure if the baby was his or Kun’s, but he did know that if he were to kill Kun you would potentially lose the baby from devastation. He couldn’t do that to you, he couldn’t cause that pain even if he was satisfied by Kun’s death.
So he watches you from afar, imagining once again that it was him preparing for a baby instead of Kun.
The two of you looked happy, maybe it was the child that was making things different.
Either way, he hated seeing you so happy without him.
[8 Months Later]
You give birth to your son. You and Kun raise it together and take turns watching it during the night. 
One day, Jaehyun visits you while you cradle the baby at home alone.
You open the door and your smile falls.
Jaehyun, however, smiles harder when he sees your pretty face, glowing from the post pregnancy hormone changes.
Seeing you like this makes him want to get you pregnant all over again.
“J-Jaehyun?” You hadn’t seen him since that night, but he still looked good.
“Y/n..it’s been so long, hasn’t it?”
Something about him being there after so much time made you uneasy.
“Well..can I come in?” Jaehyun gives a half smile.
You nod and let him in.
You hold your baby and sit in a rocking chair. “So..what brings you here?”
“I’m here to see my child of course!”
Your brows furrow. “YOUR..child?”
Jaehyun smirks and steps closer to you. He smiles to himself as he looks at the baby.
“Come on, y/n, did you forget how many times I buried my seed into your beautiful cunt that night?”
You shook your head. “Don’t speak like that, please. I was weak, I-I was sad and broken..”
“Of course, but you loved it, you loved all of it.” He looked up to the ceiling and shut his eyes.
“I can still hear your moans right now.”
“Kun is the father, Jaehyun..this isn’t up for debate.”
“And if he’s not?” He tilts his head and looks back down at you.
“Well, he is. I’ll raise this child with my husband, regardless of who the biological father is, we have no place for you in this house.”
“Tsk tsk...keeping me away from my own child? Y/n..that’s not very nice of you, my love.”
“Don’t call me that!” Your voice rose slightly. “We had one night together, I don’t want to be with you, I will never be yours.”
“You’re already mine, y/n, you always will be, don’t you understand, after all these years?”
You shook your head. “Jaehyun.. you’re crazy. I’d like you to leave.”
You reached your hand out to grab your phone.
Jaehyun sees that you're nervous and chuckles to himself. “Oh..y/n..you’ve really made me upset. I guess I will just have to embrace my nature.”
He shuts the front door as you stare intently.
You always had a fear that the baby might be his, but how did he know you were pregnant in the first place?
[Two Days Later]
Jaehyun summons Lilith.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure?”
She appears to him with a slim body and dark hair this time. Her face is perfect like one of some celebrity, but God cursed Jaehyun’s vision so that when he looks at Lilith, he can only see an ugly monster. 
“I need you to take it.”
Jaehyun demands as sits on his throne in Hell. He tosses an apple in the air.
“Seduce the man and come back with the baby.”
“And what do I get out of it?” She places her hand on her hip.
“Nothing. But if you don’t do it, I will rip your fucking head off.” He looks up at her slowly. “Is that a good enough reason for you?”
Lilith scoffs then goes to do as she is told.
She appears to Kun who is half asleep on the couch in the living room. It’s his turn to watch the baby, so he can’t sleep completely.
“Hey there, big boy.” She says smoothly and crawls over him.
“Who—who are you?”
“My name’s Lilith.” She zips her leather jacket down to reveal her bare chest. “You look lonely, sweetheart.”
Kun is hypnotized by her, he doesn’t know if he’s awake or asleep, but he does know that he wants her badly. 
“Do you want to fuck me?” Lilith asks with doe eyes as she looks up at him and pumps her breasts.
Kun nods and soon finds himself enraptured by a succubus, burying himself into her and thus falling into her trap as you, his wife, lay sound asleep in the room above.
Once Lilith brings Kun to an extraordinary climax, he falls asleep.
She then walks upstairs slowly to the baby room.
Her appealing looks disappear and she transforms into her true being, a disturbingly ugly monster with grey skin and long legs and arms. Her bones crack as she grows to about 6 feet 6 inches tall, her black hair falls out onto the floor and her jaw protrudes as her eyes glow red. She smells like rotten eggs as green liquid oozes out of her pores and eyes.
She stares at the baby sleeping soundly in its crib.
You, however, wake up from the crackling sound.
“Kun?” You murmur.
You get up and walk to the baby room.
You nearly pass out from the stench and feel your legs grow weak when you see the ghastly being standing over your baby.
“Hey!” You call out, but when the thing turns around, it already has your baby in its arms. A wide creepy smile filled with about twenty sharp and misshapen teeth creeps across its face.
You start to cry. “Put him down!”
You run towards it but it disappears.
You grasp the crib and look into it, shifting the blankets around before looking under it.
Your baby was nowhere to be found.
You let out a painful scream that Jaehyun, and even your neighbors could hear and fell to the floor.
Kun finally woke up and ran upstairs. He consoled you as you cried uncontrollably.
[One Month Later]
The police and everyone in the neighborhood helped you to search for your baby, but nothing happened. 
You tried to explain that night so many times, but nothing made sense and people just thought you were crazy.
Even Kun. He left you soon after the incident, the heartbreak was too much for him and he didn’t trust you. So he left you, moving further away and starting a new life without you as the divorce papers started to process.
You were alone, you couldn’t deal with the loss of your child. You sat alone at a pond and cried until you couldn’t cry anymore.
Jaehyun knew your time was running out, he knew you’d pass and eventually come to him to live with him in the dark world.
Your heart breaks and you die of sadness at the edge of the pond.
Your soul slips away from your body. 
Jaehyun is there watching as you stare down at it in confusion.
“Hello, y/n.”
“Where am I?”
“You’re with me now, where you should be.” He smiles as he goes to take your hand, but his hand passes through.
Jaehyun looks in confusion at his hand.
“Can you see me?” You ask.
“Of course I can. I should be able to touch you too, but..” he turns away and looks at his hand which is still vibrating like it had just been shocked with electricity.
“What’s happening?”
He turns back to you, but you’re gone.
“Oh, Lucifer..” a male voice calls out to him.
“You thought you had it all figured out, didn’t you? You would have her die then bring her to hell to live with you forever..”
“Winwin?” He recognizes the angel in front of him.
“I wish I could say it’s nice to see you again, but it really isn’t.”
“What the hell is going on? She’s mine!” He grows angry, his eyes becoming red and his horns growing out in harmony with his black wings.
“No, she isn’t. She belongs with us, remember God will always win.” Winwin smirks.
“No..no they can’t do this to me again!”
“Of course they can! Goodbye, LuLu!” Winwin then spins and disappears.
Jaehyun curses and shouts loudly, so loudly that the heavens can hear him. You can hear him, but now you realized who he really was and why he was so infatuated with you. It broke your heart that he went to such lengths to hold onto you, but now you knew that he was nothing but evil.
Jaehyun could feel you, he could sense you everywhere and sometimes he could see you, but he could never touch you again. He would have to live eternally as a tortured individual that lost his love 3 times.
“Well, at least you have the child.” Lilith looks at her nails as Jaehyun thrashes about in hell.
“What will you name him?”
Jaehyun smooths his hair back and walks to the crib that the baby sleeps in. “His name..is Cain.”
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kojinnie · 3 years
With The Exception of You
I dislike everyone in the room.
Pairing/Character: Reiner x Reader (she/her), Porco Galliard
Tags: SFW, fluff, college!au, Reiner Braun is a jock who is tired of his own friends, secret relationship
WC: 3.2K
Summary: Reiner had agreed to be in a discreet relationship with you, but after six months and with the arrival of Porco Galliard around you, he couldn’t help but to mark his territory.
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Reiner couldn’t seem to fathom the butterflies wreaking havoc in his stomach. It came out of nowhere, as it often happened to be. Once in a while, he could feel his guts twisting as his chest filled with overflown emotions at odd times. Reiner hated it when it happened, because as much as he wanted to convince himself that he wasn’t self-aware of his image, those feelings could potentially strip himself off of his cool guy status.
Reiner had come to realize that such strange feeling often occurred caused by the sight of you.
It could be anything. Things so mundane, so simple. Like the way you twisted the pen in your fingers, the way you squinted your eyes at the blackboard during a lecture, and how you hastily scribbled things on your leather-bound notebook.
Or maybe it’s the way you sighed deliberately loud when someone uttered a dumb, sexist remark in class with no trace of shame, after they tried to debate your sound, well-researched opinion, and how you’d resolved it with a sarcasm that could disintegrate a man’s ego. Reiner sat on the corner of the classroom, disguising his chuckle by clearing his throat, finally coming to experience what they had called butterflies-in-your-stomach all along. 
At that point he had found himself painfully and helplessly in love with you.
He was well-aware of how different the two of you were. Reiner was the athlete, admitted to the uni through football scholarship, and you were the hard-working academician that mostly kept to yourself – hard to approach, hard to tame. Reiner hated how stereotypical he was – tall, buff, blonde, jock, with cheerleader exes and a DM full of thirst trap from his assembly of admirers. Reiner once wished he was anything but a cookie-cutter of everything you had been appalled of.
Reiner could feel every ounce of confidence he had ever had shriveled around your presence. It’s the way the two of you almost collided to each other at the campus hallway, and the way you threw an acknowledging, formal smile at him before striding away that made his heart ached. He wished you’d run to him and shriek his name with affection, but Reiner realized you were not one of his cheerleader exes, and not that he wanted you to be one. You were an anomaly he had yet to understand. A misplaced figure sticking out of his history of penchant for conformity.
“I really like you.” one day he finally said. Never had he been weak on the knees for a confession to any girl before, but this one occurrence? He did.
He didn’t know how he mustered the courage, but after hours, days and weeks he had spent trying to know you – learning your favorite song, accompanying you for book hunting, baking your favorite muffins, texting you good morning and good night – he finally got you alone, in the campus library, only five minutes before closing time.
You laughed at first, because the confession sounded ridiculous to you. The last thing you needed was a horde of girls sending you anonymous hate comments on Insta because you took the campus’ most eligible hunk off of the market. But he didn’t laugh along, and that was when realization hit you.
“So, is that why you’ve been following me around?”
Reiner furrowed his thin, almost non-existent brow, “What do you think?”
“I thought you were just bored with your jock friends,” you scoffed, “because you know, I’d be bored out of my ears too if all I ever heard all day is insecure men constantly praising themselves.” you glanced at Reiner, trying to discover even the slightest amusement on his hardened face to no avail.
“Reiner, are you serious?”
He sighed, couldn’t believe his ears. The first time ever Reiner caught you being stupid beyond recognition, “For the millionth times, yes.”
“You’ve only said it once, though.”
“For fuck’s sake,” the jock grunted, but there was a slight smile arose from his face, “I like you, really much. Times eight hundred ninety-eight thousand.”
“So would you be my girlfriend?”
And you said yes, after three minutes of hesitation, you said yes. With a laughter. Because the absurdity of you being with someone like Reiner was lurid. Yet still, you were in no capacity to lie when his good morning text had been the most unsubstantiated text you looked forward to every day.
You wondered why? It’s just text. But maybe, you tried to convince yourself, it’s because of the effort he put, of trying to wake earlier before you every morning although he was hardly a morning person. Or it’s the way he listened to your kind of music although he was practically tone deaf, and returned to you the next week with his analysis on why your favorite band’s first album was their masterpiece and that sadly they never outdid it with any of their following albums.
And maybe, it’s the sight of the topless Reiner in the football field, after a home match. The way he was quick to run to the side of the field with his Captain instinct, lurching himself towards the start of a brawl between the two teams’ players, heated by animosity over the match result. Reiner was strong enough to break at least ten muscular jocks apart from throwing punches at each other, and with his deep, stern, authoritative voice, he commanded them to “Stop it. Fuck off.” You remembered immediately leaving the bleachers and found the nearest toilet because you needed to breathe and that you felt things simmering in your nether area. You never felt like that before to any of your exes.
Reiner knew the mutual pining between the two of you was evident, and so he was left puzzled when you said, “But please don’t tell anyone yet.” He asked why, but you only shrugged your shoulder with an answer that gave very little explanation, “I just don’t feel like having people talk about us.”
Reiner trusted you, because at first, he thought it was for modesty, you were not a fan of the limelight, evidently. Or it’s for practical reason, you don’t want to be burdened by society’s expectation on how two adults in relationship should be. Reiner could make 1,000 excuses for you that would justify your terms and conditions, so he went with what you wanted, because he was so hopelessly into you.
Nonetheless, still he enjoyed holding your hand in the dark alley of the campus – away from all the prying eyes, or the girls that’d giggle walking past the beautiful giant. Still he liked to have you sleeping naked in his embrace, making lazy circles with his calloused digits on your small back, at the emptiness of his dorm room when his roommate was home early for Christmas. Still he enjoyed teasing you at unassuming place, at the quiet library, studying together in silence for the upcoming exams, he’d be sitting next to you, leaning to his chair and slithered his right hand underneath your sweatshirt, to playfully and quickly unclasped your bra, only for you to smack his stomach in annoyance. He liked you, and he liked how you scurried to the restroom to fix your bra. He liked to be with you, no matter in silence or in noise.
However, after six months, questions started to throb incessantly inside Reiner’s mind. Even after all the time you had spent together, why must still he go alone to the football team soiree? Why would you let his team mate thought that Reiner was single, and promised him chances with girls, left and right? Why were you unfazed to see the girls sliding into his DMs? And when you put on that tight, backless black dress on New Year’s Eve, why would you put it for your friends’ party, and not for his eyes only? Why would you color your lips with the blood red Chanel lipstick Reiner gave you, and smile at other people that’s not him?
Reiner could not make sense of you. He pondered, he wondered and he became jealous. He’d look at you intently and see whether there was any trace of other man on you that he had not recognized? He’d become quiet and his friends thought he had gotten sensitive over nothing. The captain had become agitated, irritable and his head was hardly in the game – all with seemingly no reason.
Reiner began to think that he knew the reason why. He thought it’s the boy you’d met at the Academic Writing class, with stupid name and equally stupid undercut. Porco Galliard, you said his name was. In an instance his name had become a staple in your conversation. When Reiner asked you out for a dinner, it’d be like, “Ah sorry babe, I got this assignment with Porco.” A trip to the zoo? “You know, Porco have this funny experience with apes.” A night out in his dorm? By the point Reiner had a half-boner forming already seeing you in your lounge shorts, you’d be giggling and stayed busy with your phone. Reiner asked, “What’s so funny, babe?”
“What’s so funny, babe?” he asked again, because you didn’t seem to hear the first time he asked you. Distracted, you showed a stupid meme on your phone, “Porco sent me this.”
Porco here, Porco there. Reiner was sick of hearing that dumb name.
He had tried to look up for his background, and he hated to find that all that ever came up about him were amicable. His friends knew him, said he was chill, said he was smart as fuck, said he had a cool family, said he turned down a track and field scholarship for law school. Porco Galliard is a cool dude, they all said.
At certain point Reiner had grown to be furious, and the more your text messages became sparse or the more you spent your Saturday nights without him, the more he set his mind to do something about the two of you. He had become so sick of hiding and he wanted the whole world to know that you were his. Especially that guy with a name that sounded like her mother hated giving birth to him.
So came that day. You hadn’t been replying to his texts since morning, and only did so after chains of messages he left.
[you | 11.35] oh my god reiner!!! I’M SO SORRY, i left my phone uncharged all morning. i’m heading to cafeteria rn, it’s muffin tuesday 😵👅
[reiner | 06.37] good morning baby
[reiner | 07.49] you awake now?
[reiner | 08.15] sleepyhead 😪💤 see you today pretty
[reiner | 10.23] i got practice today until late. see you tonight? my room?
[reiner | 10.55] are you in class rn?
[reiner | 11.36] wanna go together?
[you | 11.45] haha noo a lot of people there
[reiner | 11.45] who r u going with?
[you | 11.55] with pockooo haha we got class together after lunch
Pocko. Is that an endearing term you came up with for the jizzhead? Reiner thought, pissed off beyond compare. He paced restlessly in his room, trying to figure out what did Porco have that he didn’t have? Thinking of how his undercut made his head looked way bigger for his neck, just like sperm; and it made Reiner mad angry. “Fuck you, Jizzhead”, he hissed, kicking the pile of dirty laundry on his dorm room.
The cafeteria was bustling busy when you arrived with Porco. The two of you immediately joined the line for lunch and the muffin. The man was busy babbling about yet another stupid thing that he had done back in high school, but your mind was darted on the muffins that were sold off fast. You looked around and almost everyone you disliked were present – mostly Reiner’s jock friends and their girlfriends. The prospect of one day going public with Reiner and having to spare days in your life to socialize with these loud people made you squirm. Not that you were completely against it, you were just… enormously reluctant to do so. Also, what would they say about you? You barely existed for them, evident by how they just greeted Porco with huge affection, yet pretended like you were invisible despite the fact that you were talking and standing close to him.
Your mind was elsewhere, between eyeing the muffin and managing your detest towards the it crowd, you weren’t even listening to the small talk that Porco was having with some of the jocks, until the mention of your name spilled out of Porco’s mouth, “Hey, have you guys known ___ before?”
You blinked with surprise, and they looked at you unenthusiastically, “Ummm, no?” one of them said.
Porco stared at them in disbelief, as if not knowing you was a big sin, “Get to know then! She’s cool, she’s really into—” but even before Porco could finish his words, they averted their attention elsewhere, pulling out their phone like it was the most important thing in the world, and talked amongst themselves. How fitting, because the first thing they talked about as an excuse for ignoring you was to talk about Reiner, “The captain’s been grumpy. Haha. That man. What’s up with him?” You cringed, because you knew there was no weight in talking about Reiner that must be done at that time, that moment. They just wanted a reason not to be roped into talking to you, obviously because you didn’t think you were cool enough or some other shit excuse only them and their bobbleheads understand. So, conveniently throwing out Reiner’s name was an effective way to basically say ‘haha look at us talking about the coolest guy in the campus so you know we’re in this cool clique unlike you’. You read them too well. You couldn’t even be amused anymore.
Porco looked embarrassed, he smiled at you awkwardly and stayed silent, until one of the girls threw their attention back to the man dirty blond undercut, “Anyway, Porco, do you know Reiner?”
“Ah, I haven’t had the chance to.”
The girl frowned rather dramatically, “Oh my god, we all should totally hang out together with Reiner, right? He’s like—super cool.” her question was obviously in exclusion of you. You rolled your eyes and turned away to see new text from Reiner appearing.
[reiner | 12.15] im going there
[you | 12.16] convenient. right in time. your cool friends are all here and you can sit with them and be cool with them or whatever I guess haha
You immediately pulled your phone to your chest; you could feel your heart thumping. Is this it? Is this it? The question became menacing in your head, because you were not sure on what Reiner was planning to do. The line to the muffin was still far away, and it would be stupid to run away.
[reiner | 12.17] idgaf about em
[reiner | 12.19] i want u
You could hear the girls were still talking about Reiner. Reiner this, Reiner that. You were nowhere to lie that you could feel your chest heat up with annoyance. The way their squeaking voice praised Reiner’s body, Reiner’s personality, Reiner’s wit. For the first time, you knew you were experiencing jealousy, vibrant and up-close.
“You know what? One time, Reiner thought that the way I did my hair was so cute that he wanted—”
Just in time, one of the boys raised his voice, “Oi Reiner!” and in unison the jocks erupted, welcoming his arrival like they were in some goddamn party.
You could see Reiner walking towards the line you were in, his face was hardened and his walk was swift. You immediately turned away to look at the opposite direction, not wanting to see him.
“Yooo Reiner! Where have you been? We’ve missed you dude,” one of them said. You cringed at how they all tried so hard to sound cool, “have you met Porco, by the way? And his friend—”
“—hey, what’s her name again?” one of the girls chimed in, asking Porco instead of asking you directly, as if you were not there. At that point, Reiner was standing not too far behind you, and you pretended like you were too busy with your phone, hoping the floor would engulf you instead.
“Is she like, deaf or something?” the girl whispered to Porco with a jeer, before getting back to Reiner, “So, Rei, I’ve got this party—”
“—yo Capt, do you know that—”
“—have you heard about the news, dude? Like—”
The way all these people tried to suck up to Reiner was so pathetic and incessant, they all chirped like hungry birds all in a matter of couple of seconds. You hated them and you hated the situation.
“—come on, Capt, that would be awesome—”
“—oh my gosh, Rei—”
“—you must try it, Rei—"
“Shut the fuck up,” Reiner said. Rather abruptly. His voice was cold and deep, like he couldn’t give a damn in this world about any of them. Surprised, they all dropped quiet in an instance. You looked over your back at him. Reiner was staring at you, and at you alone, not even at the Jizzhead he had grown to hate so much, “you all talk too fucking much.”
You snorted, suppressing a laughter to escape from your mouth. Clearly, it was too audible, that the girls were now looking at you with complete disdain.
“Babe,” Reiner said, staring at you, while you were still facing the opposite direction, “babe, what are you doing with this Jizzhead here? I can bake you muffins remember? If you want it so much.”
Your surrounding fell deep in silence. Everyone was either confused or surprised. Murmur started to sweep over the crowd, most audible was: ‘Who is Jizzhead?’
You scoffed, finally turning your back, although still closing your mouth trying to prevent the laughter and the embarrassment to display itself.
“What the hell?” one of the girls asked in dismay, obviously she was one of the girls sliding into Reiner’s DM and sending him bikini photos by the pretense of ‘Rei, you should join us for summer holiday!’ when all she wanted to do was to show her tits.
“Shut up,” Reiner said to her, baffling the girl to complete silence, “and stop sending me your beach photos. They’re ugly.”
An uproar of restraint laughter was heard throughout the cafeteria.
“Babe,” Reiner said again, this time extending his arms toward you, gesturing for you to come closer, “now you know why I need you, right? My friends are fucking whack.”
Few laughter was starting to break. Yet Reiner was unfazed.
“Reiner, what—”
“—yo dude, what the hell?
“—who is she?”
“—are they dating?”
“And listen here, you hag,” Reiner now turned his attention to the girl who called you deaf, “she’s got a name. Her name is ___, and she’s my fucking girlfriend.”
Embarrassed yet amused, you finally let out a small chuckle, “Reiner, please you’re humiliating me.”
“Whatever,” he shrugged off. Reiner now turned his attention to Porco, “and listen here you, Jizzhead. You can be nice to her but keep in your fucking mind, she’s mine.”
Without hesitation, Reiner pulled your hand and yanked you closer to him. You stared at him for a second, eyes broadened and heart thumping, “Reiner, what are you gonna do—”
“—shut up.” he said, cupping your face with his gigantic hands, and pulled your face roughly to him, before landing his dry, chapped lips to yours. He had gone sick of pretending, and doing things in secret. So there Reiner Braun was, hungrily, longingly, sloppily devouring your lips with his mouth, so deep, so thirsty of your taste. He finally showed the world who the true owner of his heart was. You.
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light-yaers · 3 years
Fools in the Darkness: Chapter Three
Darkling x Reader
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Warnings: Death, violence, drugs (Parem), NSFW and sexual content. This content is explicit and 18+ at some points.
A/N: I keep saying to expect a slow down soon and I MEAN IT. I can’t sustain this any longer and to be honest, be ready for fic writing to come to a halt for a few weeks time in the next months-- I have a university dissertation to be writing, but instead I’m doing this! PRIORITIES. Thank you all for reading, fr.
Fic Masterpost
Word Count - 3.6k
Chapter Three
“I thought he was a respectable General,” Inej whispered, finishing the last of her whiskey with a small frown.
“He plays the role well,” You replied sadly, before looking at Brekker. He was deep in thought, a scowl constantly present on his thin lips. “I’m only one person who knows the truth,”
“Then why tell us?” Kaz spoke suddenly. “Why share this with people you’ve just met?”
You took a moment to ponder your reply. Why were you telling the lackies at the Crow Club? The Dregs of the Barrel? Kaz Brekker and his band of un-merry men and women? Growing up in Kerch meant you already knew their names, despite not living in the country for most of your adult life. News travelled fast, especially when it concerned Ketterdam.
Maybe it was intentional that Inej found you that night, wandering the lush establishments at Fifth Harbour and riling up bouncers because of your appearance and obvious lack of kruge—or maybe it’d been fate.
“Why do you believe it?” You asked in return. “Why do you believe the word of a woman you’ve just met?” Kaz’s jaw clenched in response. He looked down at his desk, probably beating himself up over his prior question, even though it was a good one.
“Your Kefta,” Inej spoke up softly. “From afar, it looks like common dress, but up close, behind the mud and dirt, you can see the intricate embroidery,” She raised her tiny hands to your Kefta, placing her fingers on the stitched details—the winding winds of a Squaller, white threads against a deep black.
“You said you weren’t Second Army,” Kaz spoke up once more. “Yet you were in the Little Palace, being trained by the Darkling himself,”
“I never went on an army mission in the many months I was at the Little Palace,” You replied. “I was grateful at first, until I realised it was simply another way for me to eventually trust Kirigan, to worry about him,” Inej frowned at you then, showing you large and caring eyes. Kaz, however—he looked pained.
“But, what about—,”
“Do you wish for me to continue, Mr. Brekker?” You interrupted him, hearing the want and confusion in his voice. He swallowed down his words, forcing his gaze onto your eyes. He nodded once. You smiled slightly, readying yourself. “My sister’s funeral was held two days later...”
The Little Palace, 1 Year Later
The flames licked at her skin at first, until she was a light—bright, a star, burning so ferociously in a way that mimicked her personality when she was alive. Your sister, your last remaining family, the last love of your life.
She was burning. And there was nothing you could do but watch.
The funeral was a silent and small affair, but you hadn’t expected it to be anything more. If you were still out in the cold, harshness of Fjerda, it would have been even smaller than the reception she had at the Little Palace—
You stood on your own, closer to her burning flames. Behind you stood two Inferni; twins, a brother and sister. They looked at your sister solemnly, despite not knowing you or her. Maybe they felt your pain. Maybe they didn’t want to ever feel your pain. Beyond them stood the Heartrender, Ivan, the one who’d put you into a death state two days prior. And finally, behind him—
General Kirigan of the Second Army.
He donned his Kefta today; a menacing black and grey that only emphasised the broadness of his shoulders. His hands were clasped in front of him, his expression blunt and eyes reflecting the raging flames of your sister’s pyre. As much as you didn’t trust him, refused to trust him, he’d put all of this together.
He’d brought her back from those frozen wastelands. He’d arranged for her body to be cleaned and donned with lavish silks. He’d gathered the Inferni to light her pyre, after you’d denied wanting to light it yourself with a torch.
You stayed perfectly still as you watched her burn, too afraid that moving would only cause you to fully break down. You didn’t want that; you didn’t want another reason for those here to look at you oddly. Kirigan strolled forward then, slowly, gently, as you stayed facing the pyre.
“Let us leave you, now,” He whispered into your ear, so close it made you shiver. You nodded once, but not at him; at your sister. Slowly, one by one, the Grisha left you and your sister, until you were completely alone.
You don’t know how long you stayed out in that acre for, watching the acrid smoke rise into the air and the flames begin to die down, searching for her face within piles of ashes.
It was hours, most likely. The sun had been high in the sky when the pyre was lit, but now it was descending down, down, down the horizon, casting a pink glow over the lavishness of the Little Palace grounds.
And then, the fire went out.
The flames dissipated into nothing more than black smoke.
Then, it seemed almost pointless to stay standing there, frozen like a statue and looking at the last remaining substances of who your sister was. You glanced up at the sky for the first time in hours, indulging in the glorious sunset on the last eve of your sister’s presence on this Earth.
You kissed two of your fingers, placing them above the once flaming pyre. It was still incredibly hot, her ashes retaining the heat of the fire. And then, you left. You didn’t cry, you didn’t collapse, you simply walked back to the Little Palace, entered through the main doors, and then stopped—
And when you stopped, you almost couldn’t take it. You almost couldn’t stand the quiet, the air, the feeling of eyes watching you wherever you went, so close to falling to the ground where you stood and just giving up—
General Kirigan’s door clicked open as you stared at the floor. He rounded the corner of the frame, landing his eyes upon your slumped shoulders and laboured breaths. He took a few timid steps forward, but you hadn’t even noticed him yet, not until he cleared his throat.
You flinched immediately, hitting his eyes as a spike of anxiety was rammed through your heart. He’d scared you, and it seemed he knew he had. He frowned at your reaction, stepping forward once more. “It was a beautiful ceremony,”
You didn’t know what to say to him, nor did you have the energy or will to want to speak to the Darkling that stood before you. But there was a part of you that was grateful for his words—for his company amongst the winding corridors and scowling faces of the Grisha here at the Little Palace.
The only thing you were holding onto was Kirigan’s earlier promise.
“Tea?” He spoke again, this time prompting you to scoff involuntarily. You looked at him with an odd expression, one that was trying to work out his motives. From the small glimpses you’d got of Kirigan around other Grisha, you knew it wasn’t customary for the General to share tea with them.
“I could go for something stronger,” You said breathily, though you weren’t being entirely serious. Kirigan didn’t seem to get your joke, however, as he gestured to his chambers.
“Will Ravkan rum suffice?”
You’d lost count at the fifth, or maybe it was the sixth, but it was easy to just keep topping up your glass when Kirigan placed the bottle on the table between you. Sometimes it was him refilling the glasses and sometimes it was you, but neither of you particularly cared.
You were on the brink of being too drunk to stand, too drunk to know what you were saying, but perhaps—too drunk to care. It was the perfect relaxation tactic after the funeral. You’d almost needed this, even if General Kirigan wasn’t the person you’d imagined being sat opposite you.
“Where do you go all day?” You asked, your words not yet slurring, but getting close. “A few Grisha have said it’s unusual for you to attend training,” He smiled at your question, tapping his rum glass.
You’d had one day of training so far, put on hold for the funeral today. Kirigan had attended, but it’d been obvious that other Grisha were on edge by his presence. All except one—a Sqauller like yourself, by the name of Zoya.
“I don’t just oversee training. I’m in charge of many aspects of the army. Tactics, movements, squadrons,” He sipped his drink. “But you already know my reasoning for wanting to shadow your training,”
You nodded once, humming to yourself without realising. You looked at your hands then, twisting them out in front of you and pinpointing the various lines and indents, the length of your fingers, the curve of your nails.
“You didn’t wear your Kefta today,” Kirigan said, almost in a whisper. You flicked your gaze to his eyes. You’d woken that morning to a knock upon your door—a guard had handed you the intricately designed blue Kefta and then left, leaving you almost speechless.
You’d decided against wearing it, however, sticking to your usual clothes of a blouse and woven trousers, kept up with braces.
“I don’t feel like a Squaller yet,” You replied. “Not a proper one,” It was sad, the way that Kirigan looked at you. It almost made you move your gaze away from his deep eyes, but you couldn’t make yourself do it after alcohol was swimming in your system.
“It’s the blue, isn’t it?” He said, and the smile on his lips was an indication of his joke. You reciprocated his expression, feeling a small bubble of giggles in your gut.
“The blue is lovely,” You replied sarcastically, causing a laugh to burst from the General’s lips. You didn’t realise this man could laugh, could chuckle, could—well—feel.
A comfortable silence fluttered over Kirigan’s chambers. This was the second time you’d been in his room. His décor was so much different than the cream and gold walls of the Little Palace itself; with all dark wood furniture and stained walls. In the centre of his office sat a large circular table, topped with a map of the countries. In the middle—the Fold was indicated with an intricate wooden structure, painted a matte black.
You fluttered your eyes around the room, taking everything in. You inhaled, smelling the wooden scent of the furniture and the musty leather of the chair you sat in, mixed with something sweet that resembled an aftershave. You stared at the paintings and skimmed over his trinkets. Everything seemed to suit him perfectly.
When you turned back, the General was already looking at you.
“I’ll commission you a different Kefta design,” He said it so smoothly that you were reminded of the annoyance it had given you before, but with rum running through your veins all you felt was relaxed. “One that’s more suited to you,”
“You don’t have to do that,” You replied, feeling small under his colossal gaze. He smiled at your reddening cheeks.
“A glorious Kefta for a glorious storm summoner,”
Saints, the way he looked at you was almost too much. His eyes skimmed your skin, traversing your jaw, your nose, your lips, before falling back to your wide eyes. He was regarding you openly and you weren’t looking away—you were taking it full on, perhaps spurring him on to continue.
This was just the rum, it had to be. This wasn’t the General Kirigan you’d ever imagined.
Saints, stop.
“I should go,” You said then, rising yourself from the leather armchair. Kirigan copied you, exhaling at the same time he dragged his eyes off of you.
Your goodbye was as unceremonious as the walk back to your chambers. You staggered a few times, needing to clutch onto the spiral staircase for dear life, but by the time you were back at your room, you were ready to fall asleep immediately.
You lay in bed, your eyelids prepped for immediate rest, but your mind wouldn’t be quiet. In fact, it was yelling at you—screaming, crying, pelting you with warnings—
Stay away from General Kirigan. Do not indulge him.
All you could was laugh at your cautious mind, telling it that it was overreacting, before you were drifting off into much needed sleep.
You still didn’t don the Kefta the next day, sliding down to the training courtyard silently, as if hoping that no one would notice you being there. It was useless to want that, however, considering you were a face that Grisha here didn’t recognise, dressed in clothes instead of your respective Kefta.
You stood to the side while everyone gathered, chatting away before the instructor came forward. “Hand to hand combat is just as important as your abilities,” He said bluntly, flicking his eyes around the colourful group. “We’ll focus on that today. On strengthening your hits, your blocks, your stances,”
You almost smiled to yourself—you knew hand to hand combat. Very well, if you said so yourself. Growing up in Novyi Zem, defenceless and out in the open, you’d adapted quickly to being stealthy, as well as having a mean hit. Hand to hand was something you knew better than your own Grisha abilities.
“Get in pairs,” He continued, and that’s when your face dropped. You glanced around helplessly when everyone started pairing off, giggling and chatting and knowing each other after so long. You felt like a sore thumb; someone who wasn’t wanted.
Suddenly, she bombarded before you—Zoya Nazyalensky. She’d made herself known on your first day, most notably with her dirty looks and the scowl on her jaw, but now? She was beaming, smiling so wide and happily that you almost didn’t recognise her. She gripped your bicep excitedly. “Let’s pair up together, two Squaller’s against the World,”
You had a feeling Zoya wasn’t usually this chipper, but you had no choice but to accept her as your partner.
“Zoya,” The instructor prompted. “You and your partner, front and centre,”
Oh. So, that’s what she wanted.
There was no way to back out now, as Zoya dragged you to the centre of the courtyard. She removed herself to stand opposite you, and that’s when her face changed—back to the dirty looks she’d given you before, the obvious dislike and want to crush you just for funzies. You got the feeling that Zoya felt she was the only Squaller worthy for the Little Palace.
You simply had to prove yourself, then, in front of the other Grisha.
“Fight to defend yourselves, not to attack,” The instructor said, his eyes mostly on Zoya. She dipped into a stance and you followed suit.
Saints, please make this fight the least amount of humiliating that it needs to be.
Within seconds, she was moving. Her first swung through the air swiftly, but you jutted your elbow up to stop her forearm, whacking back with all of your force. Zoya gasped from the interruption, but it allowed you to jab your knuckles into her ribs.
You punched forward, hitting her right in her ribs and causing her to stagger back slightly from the hit. Her brows only furrowed more as you continued your back and forth, a hit—a block—a stance—a hit—a block—it was endless and incredibly draining, but the more you fought, the more Zoya became frustrated.
She’d been wanting a quick fight; something to show that she was superior. Little had she known that you were a fighter, more so with your fists than the winds.
You stepped back to the edge of the circle, breathing deeply, arms out in front of you ready to block her hits. Your hair was in your eyeline, the braces of your trousers slipping from your shoulders, but you wouldn’t stop for a second to pull them back up.
Zoya’s cheeks were blotched with colour, her mouth ajar as she inhaled and exhaled deep, long breaths, trying to get oxygen back into her system. You could see the anger creeping onto her face with every second that passed. You were reluctant to storm forward to hit her, knowing that that would give her the blocking advantage, so you stayed put, counting down the seconds until you’d be free of this pointless and embarrassing fight.
At that second, the doors to the Little Palace were pulled open. Zoya and yourself took a few seconds to peer towards the creaking doors, as General Kirigan strolled towards the training session strongly, with a purpose, no hint of a hangover on his stubborn jaw.
Zoya’s face upturned into a smile at his arrival, but you were a few seconds too late at returning to the fight. Zoya’s hands were brought together immediately, summoning her power as you were helplessly bombarded backwards by winds—
You landed on your back with a thud, hearing the subtle laughs and chuckles of the observing Grisha. You didn’t care though; if you cared about every small battle, every time you fell, then you would have died of humiliation by now. You simply got yourself up again, glancing upon the questioning face of Kirigan as he stared at Zoya—
Then you brought your hands together—
And you summoned the storms that you were used to summoning. Maybe it was overkill, as the entire courtyard was encased in circling winds, or maybe it was needed, just to get Grisha like Zoya off of your fucking back. You spurred the winds on, tightening the funnel and tensing your muscles to keep it contained, even if it was large.
Zoya’s hair whipped around her as she watched your storm appear from nothing. Her eyes landed upon your own, sending you a clear and precise message—fear. She’d never seen a storm such a this, not even by her own hand.
“How?” She yelled, frustration laced within her words. But, you weren’t done with her yet.
You attempted a move you’d never done before, summoning the winds to your hands instead of the surrounding courtyard—you struggled against their power, but when you felt confident in your aim and execution, you let them loose.
Winds rushed forward, hitting Zoya directly in her gut and slamming her backwards; just as she’d done to you. She hit the floor harshly, laying there for a few moments as she fought against her winded lungs.
You allowed your storm to dissipate then, flicking your eyes over the shocked faces of the other Grisha, before allowing yourself to land upon the face of General Kirigan—
He was already staring at you, the way he’d done the night before. His lips were curled into a small smile, his eyes peering into yours and only yours, as if he didn’t care about the ruckus that you’d just created during the training session. He looked just as speechless as your fellow Grisha, but with a higher level of understanding and appreciation—
He looked like he’d never tire from seeing you summon these storms.
Zoya curled herself up from the floor painfully, grunting through the discomfort as she forced herself to standing once more. She went to storm forward, her face twisted with red rage, but the instructor came between her and yourself.
“Enough,” He said, eyes skimming over the prying gaze of the General.
“Do that again and I’ll send you above the cloud-line without a parachute,” Zoya threatened openly, but you couldn’t help but smile.
“I don’t think Squaller threats work on other Squallers,” You replied, gaining a few scoffs and huffs from the Grisha who surrounded you. You weren’t expecting one of them to be Kirigan, however, as his gently bobbing chest hit your peripheral. He was silently chuckling, moving his gaze between yourself and Zoya like a tennis match.
Zoya was wounded, that much was obvious. You would have felt bad if she hadn’t effectively asked for it. She’d been looking for a fight, and that’s exactly what she’d got—it wasn’t your fault that you fought better than she thought you would.
Kirigan regarded you then, getting your attention by raising his hand out before him. He motioned you over with two curling fingers. You shot a look at Zoya and the instructor once, before obeying the General’s orders. He tilted his head down as you approached him, keeping his expression light and soft.
“I see you’ve met Zoya,” He said, amusement certainly on his lips. You stared at him bluntly.
“We’re the best of friends. Can’t you tell?” You replied, but you kept your voice quieter. You were all too aware of the prying eyes of the Grisha in the courtyard, muttering to each other as to why the General had made another appearance at training.
He smiled wider, glancing back at the Squaller and then back to you, letting out a small huff of laughter. You were once again astounded that this man could laugh; every time he chuckled or the bob of his shoulders was shown, you found yourself paying too much attention to the boyish way he sounded, the soft curve of his jaw as he was smiling, the carefree way his hands flinched as he chuckled.
“Can you ride?” He asked then, changing the subject. You nodded at him once. “Good. We ride tomorrow, together. I want to show you something,”  
He strolled off then, without giving you a chance to reply. You watched as his arms draped by his sides and his broad shoulders were even broader as they arched across his back. You swallowed to cut off your thoughts, choosing to focus too closely on the sound of your heartbeat beneath your ribs and the subtle ache of your limbs after fighting Zoya, instead.
You watched until the General was back inside the Little Palace, the black glint of his uniform still etched in your peripheral— even when he wasn’t around.
Tag list: @callitdreamland @bxnnywxtts @elleatrixlestrange @stargirl76 @tartiflvtte @musicconversedance @eprilin @luminous-99 @brynthebulldozer @katedrexel @blackbirddaredevil23 @auggie2000 @not-so-quite-human @notawritergettingtherethough @thinkingth0ts @gabbien @tarkanelima-blog @hxgreeves @super-nannai @epistrofh-twn-ypogeiwn-poihtwn @sonnensplitter @fire-in-her-veinz​
Once again, I’m sorry if your tag doesn’t work-- I really don’t know why they don’t work!
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yourmcu · 4 years
Body Pillow
 Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Natasha finds you cuddling a body pillow. In your dream, it’s actually her you’re cuddling. It’s Christmas Eve too.
Word count: 1,600
A/n: I’m takin a long time to post but I’ll get em out soon! I hope! thanks for 200 followers btw :))
Warnings: fluff, sleep talking
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It’s not a surprise to anyone in the compound when they find you sprawled on your favorite sofa in the lounge. Of course you had a room, but you just love it so much that you’d rather sleep there most of the time. Especially after or before your favorite holidays.
Bidding Sam and Bucky good night as they're the last ones to turn in, you ask Friday to dim the lights and to turn on a Netflix show. If you’re ever wondering why no one stays with you for a movie night or something it’s because you’ve had too many already, and most of the time you don’t mind being alone anyway.
After two or three shows, you finally fall asleep.
Few hours later, Natasha walks across the lounge to get to the kitchen, not all that fazed when she sees a lump shaped like you on the sofa. Though she stops in her tracks when she hears a faint voice coming from your direction.
She decides that she’s just hearing things, or you probably saw her come in then drifted back to sleep.
When she’s about to return to her room, you speak again.
She decides to reply this time. “Yeah?”
You don’t respond back immediately. So just in case, she walks up to the sofa to see if something's wrong.
Your hands are wrapped around the side of the body pillow and it's slightly bigger than you. The whole blanket is wrapped around you as well, so Natasha could only imagine how comfortable you are in your sleep.
“You give the best hugs, Nat,” you murmur, still fully asleep, oblivious of the same redhead witnessing it in real life too.
Everyone knows you’ve developed a lil something for Natasha. Does she know? Yes... and no. She refuses to believe you like her that way. If you do, she wants to hear it from you, not from the testosterone of the team.
But seeing you so adorably vulnerable and cute, in a way, it makes her heart flutter.
“I do, huh?” Natasha chuckles from above you and leans down to kiss your hair. “Too bad you’re gonna have to get up soon.”
“Aww, no,” you whine, snuggling closer to the crook of her neck.
Natasha just stands there and tries to process it - you, her teammate and close friend, is dreaming about her. It’s normal, right? Even she has dreamt of the others, including a weird one where Tony and Bruce were riding unicorns-
She flinches when you make a movement, but you just make yourself more comfortable on the pillow, sighing contentedly.
Obviously she’s giving you a good time in your head. Natasha believes she could do better though. If you ever ask her to cuddle, she’d make sure. Am I really jealous of myself right now?
The opening and closing of bedroom doors shake her from her thoughts. She clears her throat and walks back to the kitchen to wait for Wanda so they could make breakfast together. It the day before Christmas, after all, everything has to be special today and the next day.
Wanda enters the kitchen moments later, still a bit groggy from her slumber but she’s in a mood to make a good breakfast. As the pair gets started, they hear a yelp that sounded like yours from the lounge.
“Ow! Tony!”
“Wakey wakey,” Tony teases, defending himself from your playful punches. “For gosh sake, you need to stop having sleepovers by yourself here - you sure you don’t want that sofa in your room?”
You grumble and walk out of the room to get dressed, taking your blanket and body pillow with you.
The lounge and kitchen starts to get occupied by the inhabitants of the compound. One of them being you, out of your pajamas and in a casual Christmas sweater. You greet them with the usual good mornings including Natasha.
“Good morning,” she drawls out. “Sleep well?”
She's curious on how you’d react. But of course you don’t think much of it, you don’t know that she knows what you dreamt about.
“Yeah, it was... nice,” you try to play it cool, avoiding her eyes to pour yourself a glass of eggnog. I mean, look who’s asking. And the fact that she was just about to kiss you in the dream before Tony so rudely interrupted-
“Bet it was,” Natasha smirks after Steve grabs your attention to point out your favorite comic strip on the newspaper, thinking you didn’t hear her.
You chuckle at the Christmas-themed edition of the comic but your gaze returns to Natasha not long after because you did hear her. Maybe she was just being Nat but yeah, the dream was nice. Too nice to be real. You sigh and sip on your drink, getting lost in your own world as Tony loudly rambles about a party to the group.
It was just you and her, so many blankets, watching movies. You don’t know or remember what film specifically, everything was a blur except the way she held you.
As a kid you never got that much affection physically, so every hug from your friends means a lot to you. Well, especially the ones from Natasha.
You couldn’t bring yourself to admit how you feel for her. The men constantly tell you to do it, that it wouldn’t hurt to try, but you’d rather have a close and friendly relationship with Natasha rather than an awkward one just because she didn’t feel the same about you.
The thing is, you don’t know if she shares those kinds of feelings. That’s what Bruce was nagging to you about. ‘You won’t know until you try, until you tell her-
“Y/N, you with us?”
Your hand involuntary twitches as you snap back to the room. “Sorry, yeah. What’s up?”
“Well, instead of a usual party, we’re gonna have a movie night,” Tony says, stealing a piece of food from your plate. “Thoughts?”
You sent him a look but chuckle, “haven’t we already had enough of those?”
“But it’s Christmas!” Tony insists. “And we’re watching Die Hard.”
Steve frowns. “That doesn’t sound like a Christmas movie.”
“Alright Cap, it may not sound like a Christmas movie to you but it’s one of the best.” Sam jokes and plays the movie once all of you have settled.
The theater room is dim and composed of two large sofas, one in front and one just behind it, and a table filled with food. You're one of those who occupied the second sofa behind along with Clint, Wanda, Vision and Natasha. The rest fought for a place up front, which took a while to be honest.
“Hey Nat,” you mutter, eyes not leaving the screen but you do see her from the corner of your eye claim the spot beside you, the one at the edge of the sofa. She gives you a warm smile and makes herself comfortable.
An hour into the movie only the men seated at the front are fascinated by the fighting scenes. Well except for Clint who's seated at the other end, pointing and asking Sam questions about the plot. Wanda and Vision are half asleep leaning on each other, you and Natasha are the only ones calmly watching, probably because you’ve both seen it many times.
You make a sound when Hans Gruber appears on screen again. “Did you know that’s the same guy who played Professor Snape?”
“What?” Natasha chuckles.
“From Harry Potter,” you reply, smiling to yourself. Then you turn to her, “have you watched any of those movies?”
“I’ve heard of it but, no.”
You tilt your head at her, slightly surprised. “You should watch them with me sometime. I prefer the original source material but the films are good on their own.”
You wish you could photograph the way Natasha smiles at you. She’s all smiles today. I wonder why. “I’d love that.”
A loud explosion echoes throughout the room along with yells that sounds like Tony’s and Clint’s, making you yelp and scoot closer to Natasha. She wraps an arm around you instinctively.
“Guys, turn the volume down,” she calls out. Silent chatter fills the room once it turns into a more calmer scene, and Tony told Friday to lower the volume. “You okay?” 
Her arm is still wrapped around you and you want nothing more than to hide yourself in the pillow you’re hugging out of embarrassment. “Yeah... m’good,” you manage to say while holding a yawn. Natasha tugs the blanket more snugly over both of you.
“You can sleep if you want,” she speaks softly. “I think they’re planning on watching all the Die Hard movies until dawn.”
“That’s crazy,” you breathe out. Your eyes are starting to droop and your yawns became frequent. 
You know that cozy feeling when the room’s cold and you have a warm blanket over you? That’s one of your favorite things (the other one being Natasha).
There are only four of you left on the back sofa since Clint moved to the front. At this point your head rests on Natasha’s chest while she plays with your hair, and one of your arms loosely wraps around her waist. You exhale, falling asleep entirely.
Natasha admires how adorable you slept on her. “I hope this is better than your dream,” she murmurs, gently planting a kiss on your forehead and getting drowsy herself.
You snuggle closer to her, as if it was to say, it is.
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Dear Evan Hansen
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You may have seen some ~online discourse~ about the film Dear Evan Hansen, an adaptation of the 2016 Broadway musical, and you might have wondered what all the hubbub is about. I mean, it’s a feel good story about a senior in high school, Evan Hansen (Ben Platt), who has some pretty severe anxiety and depression. While trying to fulfill an assignment from his therapist to write a letter to himself, his letter gets picked up by another student, Connor (Colton Ryan) - and later that day, Connor kills himself. Connor’s grieving parents and sister Zoe (Amy Adams, Danny Pino, and Kaitlyn Dever) are desperate to learn more from the boy they think was Connor’s best friend - after all, Connor’s suicide note was a letter addressed to “Dear Evan Hansen.” And, as you can imagine, Evan tells them about the unfortunate mistake and sits with them in their grief as they struggle to pick up the pieces of their lives. 
Just kidding! He lies to them, repeatedly, elaborately, expansively for months, constructing an entire false friendship with Connor that never happened, and ingratiating himself into the wealthy nuclear family he never had, in large part because he wants to get into Zoe’s pants! THIS IS THE PROTAGONIST OF THE STORY. Oh, and it’s a musical so there is a lot of singing and crying and singing WHILE crying and sometimes crying and not singing at all. But the #inspiration, you guys. 
Things I liked:
Pretty much everything but the story and Ben Platt’s performance. The supporting cast is stacked, and all of them do a great job at elevating material scraped directly out of a diaper worn by someone who just chewed their way through a copy of the DSM-5. 
A couple of the songs are damn catchy - “Waving Through a Window” and “You Will Be Found” are standouts for a reason - and here’s the thing, Platt sings them well. But as you’ll discover, there’s a lot more to a movie musical than just singing your part. 
Stephen Chbosky, the man behind every deep thought I and a lot of people in my generation had in 2006 after he wrote The Perks of Being a Wallflower, is a pretty good director. I particularly enjoyed the fanvid-type cuts in “Waving Through a Window” in conjunction with the lyrics, and his use of interstitial shots to flashbacks (and sometimes flashforwards!) is a neat little bit of shorthand that I thought was used sparingly enough to be effective. 
Amy Fucking Adams. She’s holding on so hard, so desperately to the idea of who her son could have been, rather than the reality of who he was, and she is full of such deep pain that is masked by an almost endless supply of patience with Evan and relentless positivity. All this made me want was Enchanted 2 even worse than I already did. 
Super into everything Zoe wears - the costuming department did a great job, and now all I want to do is live in mom jeans and baggy sweaters.
Did I Cry? I teared up a couple of times because I’m not a completely heartless bastard and when Amy Adams offered Evan Connor’s college money, my heart broke for the lie Evan had thrust upon her, and Julianne Moore’s song got me good, because she’s just a single mom to Evan who is doing her goddamn best. 
Things I hated more than the time I dropped a frozen gallon container of fruit cocktail on my pinkie toe in my parents’ garage and it turned black and I thought it was gonna fall off:
Ben Platt is 28 years old. He originated the role of Evan Hansen on Broadway, so in many respects it makes sense that he plays the role in the movie, except for the one kinda sorta important thing where he looks like a wizened old crone standing amongst a sea of children doing his best twitching, cringing Hunchback of Notre Dame impression. If you want someone to convincingly play 20 years their junior, hire Paul Rudd. Otherwise, please don’t ask me to believe that this supposed 18-year-old has crow’s feet. 
And that twitching nervous energy is a huge part of the black hole at the center of this film - he’s playing to the cheap seats and walking through the halls of his high school like a wet chihuahua. It’s an excruciating acting choice to watch - he doesn’t just have anxiety, he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown seemingly every second of every day. Like honestly, where is only-mentioned-never-seen Dr. Sherman, because this young man’s meds are NOT WORKING DR. SHERMAN. 
There’s such a lack of self-awareness on behalf of the writing, directing, and performance by Platt. There’s one song, “Sincerely, Me,” that offers the only glimpse of commentary about what Evan is doing, by pointing out the malicious ridiculousness of him writing a series of fake emails as proof of his and Connor’s friendship. 
Also what high schoolers email this much?? I know this was written in probably 2014 or so, but has a bitch never heard of a text? Even a DM? This whole plot is constructed around the premise that high schoolers are just constantly, constantly emailing each other. 
Everything - and I mean EV-ER-Y-THING - about Evan’s relationship with Zoe is so creepy and disturbing that with a soundtrack change, this could easily be a horror movie. He attempts to get her to like him by describing to her all the things her brother noticed about her - oh wait, I’m sorry, all the things HE noticed about her while he was skulking in the shadows following her around for years, watching every move she made, and it ends with him singing repeatedly “I LOVE YOU” because following a girl around and never having a conversation with her or knowing her at all is love, right? This was clearly written by the same people who chose “Every Breath You Take” as their wedding song because Sting is hot and they never actually listened to the damn words. 
And it gets about 10 billion times worse when Zoe goes to Evan’s house alone, takes him up to his room, and sings “I don’t need reasons to want you” and that was the moment I was that person I hate in a movie theater and I pulled out my phone to Google who wrote the music and lyrics to the musical (we were in the back row of the theater no one was behind me THIS WAS AN OUTRAGE EMERGENCY) and of motherfucking course it was written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, 2 men who heard about meeting an actual human woman from a friend one time but otherwise are unfamiliar with the concept. 
Lastly, enormous serial killer vibes from Evan sending unlabeled flash drives anonymously through the mail with no note in an attempt to right his wrongs. That’s not catharsis, that’s how the next installment in the Saw franchise starts, with Evan in a Billy the clown doll mask showing up on the screen and asking if you want to play a fucking game. 
Also, I know it’s not possible for the narrative to justify this in a way that could be satisfying based on Evan’s actions, but what is with this thing where single working-class mom Julianne Moore is turning down rich people’s money for Evan to go to college? Like, obviously we can’t have that happen in the movie but in real life, fuck your pride! Take those rich people’s money!
I also know how movies work but nothing annoys me more than a giant group of high schoolers all getting beeps and boops to indicate text notifications all at the same time because I don’t know a single person under the age of 55 who keeps their ringer on. That shit is on vibrate AT MOST, and I feel like that’s a millennial thing. 
The emotional climax of the film is obviously Evan’s WAY TOO LATE confession, but the idea that it’s prompted by Connor’s family suddenly getting a lot of internet hate is, frankly, laughable. If Sandy Hook taught me one thing, it is that no tragedy is immune from trolls who live only to cause other people devastating emotional pain on the internet. That shit starts day 1. Apparently no one involved in this production has ever been on Twitter?
Also it feels like there should have been a dog somewhere in this movie and there was no dog, so points off for that too. 
Perhaps Dear Evan Hansen isn’t nearly as deep as it aspires to be. Perhaps it’s a morality play, a simplistic message of “Don’t lie, kids, lying is bad!” Major studio movies wrap themselves up with a nice bow at the end so everyone can feel good about themselves and leave with a happy ending, but the moronic cruelty on display here makes that feat feel impossible. We’re left with Evan in an orchard, reading Connor’s favorite books and staring into the big blue sky with all the self-actualization he’s earned now as a lil treat. And if Evan Hansen looked like an actual 18-year-old, it would be a lot easier to extend more empathy to him and his not-fully-developed prefrontal cortex, but it’s a little harder with this fully-grown, weathered man who was old enough to remember seeing Liar Liar in theaters. 
Dear Evan Hansen, 
Get some actual help and a haircut and maybe you can grow up enough to have an actual healthy interaction with any other living person, ever.
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valdomarx · 4 years
Anon requested: Person A thinks that a proposal would be a great way to get out of a jam. Person B thinks it is a sincere proposal and accepts. Realizing it wasn't done from a genuine place leads to some upset.
In Jaskier’s defence, it had seemed like a good idea at the time.
“Marry me, Geralt!” he called, jogging over to his witcher, a little out of breath.
Geralt’s face pinched into something cross and Jaskier was sure he was about to be told to fuck entirely off.
“It’s the Belleteyn festival tonight,” he explained quickly. “I might have, erm, sown my seed a little more widely than would be advisable in the town.” Geralt scowled. “And there may have been some, ahem, threats against my person made by the local lord.“ Geralt’s scowl deepened. “But we can smooth it all over if we’re wed tonight. There’s some local custom -- forgiveness of past indiscretions for newly married couples on May Eve.“
Geralt was still glowering but he hadn’t said no yet. Jaskier pulled out his strongest move: He ducked his head, looked up at Geralt from under his lashes, and licked his lips. Geralt’s eyes followed the movement of his tongue almost imperceptibly.
“So marry me? Here. Tonight.”
It had been a lovely ceremony, as fake weddings go. There had been music and wine, dancing and merriment, and Geralt even allowed some of the local girls to braid flowers into his hair.
They’d only had enough coin for one ring, a simple silver band, so Jaskier had taken that and he’d given Geralt his father’s signet ring. He’d never have parted with it for anyone else, but it was Geralt. He knew without question he would keep it safe until this ruse was over with.
Perhaps there really was something magical in the air at that time of year, or maybe it was an evening spent at an increasingly raunchy celebration that did it. But after the festivities were over and the townsfolk returned to their homes, Geralt took Jaskier back to their campsite in the woods, laid him down on a bedroll with indescribable tenderness, and fucked him within an inch of his life.
It was everything Jaskier had been quietly fantasising about for years, except more because it was Geralt and even Jaskier’s profoundly vivid imagination couldn’t match the reality of his witcher, every glorious inch of muscle straining and taut, eyes blown wide with lust, taking Jaskier apart and piecing him back together again.
The next morning, Jaskier woke slowly, feeling the telling ache of a night well spent. Geralt was already up, packing up camp and loading their bags onto Roach.
“There’s oatmeal in the pot if you want breakfast,” Geralt grunted. “We should get going soon.” He turned back to his work.
Right. Okay. They just... weren’t going to talk about it then. Back to business as usual.
Jaskier shouldn’t have been surprised. Of course Geralt would be as pragmatic about sex as he was about everything else. A way to get some relief, to meet a need. No expectations.
Hell, it had taken Geralt over a decade to admit they were actually friends. Jaskier felt stupid for even hoping for more.
Sleeping together had been a one time deal, it seemed. Too bad.
Jaskier realised he was still wearing the ring a few hours later. He should take it off, get rid of it. Maybe sell it at the next town.
He should ask Geralt for his father’s ring back too. But it seemed somehow rude to ask, too needy.
And he... well, he sort of liked catching glimpses of it decorating Geralt’s finger, like a tiny piece of Jaskier was with him wherever he went.
Jaskier found his thumb rubbing over the silver band around his own finger over and over again. It was silly, he knew, but he liked the feel of it. He would keep it for now.
After that, things got weird. At lunch, Geralt tried to persuade Jaskier to eat the last of the apples, as if he didn’t know their supply was running low. And at dinner, Geralt hunted and prepared two squirrels for Jaskier instead of the customary one. Jaskier would eat just about anything in a pinch, but charred rodent was not something he felt the need for seconds of.
Everywhere they went, Geralt kept trying to foist food on him. Did he think that Jaskier was weak? That he wasn't able to keep up without extra supplies? Jaskier was, admittedly, not as young as he used to be, but he thought he still measured up pretty well in the fitness department. He didn’t love the implication that he was falling short in some way.
At night, Geralt would lay out their bedrolls close together. Close, but never touching. When he laid down, Jaskier could feel Geralt’s breath on the back of his neck, and his chest ached with want.
He waited every night for Geralt to sneak an arm around his waist and pull him close, or to lean forward and whisper an invitation in his ear. Jaskier would be on him in a second.
But he never did, and every night Jaskier berated himself again for being so foolish and tried to push the thoughts from his mind. It was hard being so close and yet so far from what he truly wanted, but he wouldn’t force Geralt into a situation he wasn’t comfortable with.
After a week of this Jaskier was truly beginning to lose his mind, and it was a relief when they came upon a small town where they could rest for the night. Jaskier could go out, find some company and distract himself from the hopeless longing settled in his bones, even if only for the night.
When he announced his intention to look around the town, Geralt said he would come along too. That wasn’t ideal for Jaskier’s plan of distraction, but he’d make it work. He always enjoyed Geralt’s company anyway.
There wasn't a lot going on in the town, but there was a pretty barmaid in the tavern, a cheerful red-haired lady with exuberant freckles and strong curves. She flashed a smile at Jaskier the moment they walked in.
Perfect. He smiled back, ordered two drinks, and set to flirting outrageously with her. She giggled and teased back, not seeming intimidated by Geralt‘s presence, even though he was growing notably testier as their interactions became more charged.
When she reached over the bar to twirl a finger through Jaskier’s hair, Geralt actually growled.
She backed off and looked at Geralt. “Didn’t mean any harm,” she said. “I’m just being friendly. Unless...” She looked down at their hands on the bar, apparently noting their rings, and then back to Jaskier. “Unless you’re spoken for. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Oh, it’s nothing like that,” Jaskier said with a laugh, just as Geralt said, “Yes, actually, we’re married.”
Jaskier stared at Geralt. Geralt stared at Jaskier. The barmaid held her hands up in the universal gesture for “none of my business, nothing to see here” and backed away to wipe down a table.
Every muscle in Geralt’s neck was tense and throbbing, and Jaskier had no idea what to say.
“Geralt,” he began, carefully. “is this about the other day? The ceremony? Did you... Did you think that was for real?”
Something pained flashed across Geralt’s face, an expression more raw than any Jaskier had seen on him before. Then he stood, turned, and bolted from the tavern.
“Geralt!” Jaskier called, getting to his feet. “Geralt, wait!”
By the time Jaskier was out of the door, Geralt was already disappearing down the dirt road, not turning back.
Ahh, fuck.
Jaskier left the girl at the tavern with a hurried apology, pausing only to throw their various possessions into bags and to load up Roach before heading out after Geralt. He knew bugger all about tracking, but he knew the direction Geralt was heading, and after that he relied on Roach’s instincts. She at least seemed confident in what to do.
He caught up to Geralt less than a mile outside of town. He was sat alone in a copse of trees just off the road, staring at the leaves.
He didn’t flee as Jaskier approached, though he didn’t turn to look at him either. “Geralt? I’m sorry. I was thoughtless. Please don’t be mad at me.”
Geralt stood slowly and turned to face him, though he avoided making eye contact. “It was a misunderstanding.” Geralt’s face was carefully blank, a look Jaskier recognised from times he was trying very hard to hide his emotions. “A wrong assumption on my part about the seriousness of the ceremony at Belleteyn.”
“Holy hell, Geralt.” Jaskier’s mind reeled. Geralt thought they had really been getting married, and he had been okay with that? “Does that mean... Would you actually want to be married to me?”
“It was stupid,” Geralt gritted out. Anyone else would have thought he was angry, but Jaskier knew him well enough to see he was hurt. “To think it was anything more than a distraction.”
No no no, that wasn’t right at all. Jaskier tried to take Geralt’s chin in his hand but Geralt turned his face forcefully away.
“Is that why you’ve been acting strange?” Jaskier thought back on it: the gifts of food, the aborted attempts at closeness, the feeling Geralt’s eyes on him constantly, checking his well-being.
“I thought...” Geralt wouldn’t meet his eyes. “I thought you wanted things to be normal. Like they always were.”
“If I were married to you for real, I wouldn’t act like everything was normal!” Jaskier exploded. “Damn it, Geralt. I’d kiss you every morning and hold you every night. And I’d tell everyone we met -- everyone -- that I was the luckiest person on the continent, because this is my husband, the one and only Geralt of Rivia, and he’s the best man I’ve ever met.”
Jaskier shut his mouth. Too late, though. Too late to take any of that back.
Geralt’s brow was pinched, though it didn’t quite look like a frown. It almost made him look thoughtful.
Finally he looked at Jaskier raised an eyebrow. “Every morning?”
Jaskier felt all the fight leaving his body in one grand sweep. Geralt let him push him to his knees on the ground and allowed Jaskier to flop into his lap. Jaskier brushed a strand of hair from his face. “I’ve thought about kissing you every day for years,” Jaskier confessed.
And then he saw it -- one of Geralt’s oh-so-rare smiles. Not the forced grimace he adopted when he needed to look nonthreatening, or the tolerant lip twitch he’d give Jaskier when he was trying to be funny. No, this was a genuine Geralt smile, more precious than gemstones, the kind that lifted his entire face and reached his eyes.
Geralt threaded a hand into the back of his hair, brought their faces closer, and kissed him. At the touch of their lips every part of him went boneless, held up only by Geralt’s arms and a determination to make as much bodily contact as he possibly could.
His head was spinning by the time they pulled apart for air. Geralt’s eyes were sparkling, and Jaskier could have lost himself in that sight for the rest of his life and considered himself a lucky man.
Geralt leaned their foreheads together. “Will you stay with me?” he asked, very quietly. “Even if all I can offer you is charred squirrel and sleeping beneath the stars?”
“Always,” Jaskier promised, without a shadow of a doubt. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”
Through the good and the bad, the injuries and the pain, the plenty and the lean times. Through it all, he wanted to be with Geralt.
Jaskier took Geralt’s hand in his and slotted their fingers together. Their rings lay next to each other, the elaborate gold of Jaskier’s crest shining against Geralt’s pale skin and the smooth silver encircling his own finger like an embrace.
It was all startlingly clear. “Marry me, Geralt,” he said, his heart welling over. “For real this time.”
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shuahoonie · 4 years
holidays with tom [tom holland]
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!reader 
SUMMARY: life isn’t exactly back to normal. with another lockdown in place and the holiday season is vastly approaching, you and tom are stuck in quarantine with each other the problem? there was supposed to be at least 5 of you in that house and tom is the last person you want to be with. shouldn’t be too bad right? 
WARNINGS: in no particular order swearing—err foul language lmao, sexual innuendos, things get heated but not that much??? exuding sexual tension but also fluff??? alcohol consumption, a series of bad decisions??? idk writing this made me experience the 5 stages of grief tbh lmao it’s not that bad I promise lmao
WORD COUNT: 6.9k! 
A/N: hello and happy new year! I was supposed to post this during Christmas Day but guess who got into a writing rut—yet again. I didn’t want to abandon this because I actually had fun writing it. I hope you all had a festive and safe holiday. I know things have been hard but I still hope you guys enjoyed the holiday. 
2020 has finally came to an end and we’re all ending it the same way when the pandemic started—staying at home, hopefully following the appropriate health measures. I can only hope that 2021 is a brighter and hopeful year for all of us.
stay safe, sending u all my love. 
gif credits: @underoos-shield​ 
vanessa’s masterlist | taglist form 
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Two hours. It’s been two hours since you found out that you were going to spend your holidays alone. You were aware that you weren’t going to spend your holidays with your family as you normally would, embracing the fact that working in a different country whilst in the middle of a pandemic was going to be challenging. 
Working in the film industry, constantly visiting sets while still living in a pandemic means that you threw away your chances of being home for the holidays. However, you weren’t entirely the only one who shares a similar struggle. 
“We should still do something for Christmas, you know,” Tom muttered as he watched you lay down on the sofa, your head is supported by the armrest. 
See—it should’ve been you, Ophelia, Alex, William, and Tom in that AirBnB, not just you and Tom.
The five of you reside abroad, however, you all had to fly to Los Angeles for work. You all collectively knew that it would be irresponsible to fly home for the holidays and it wouldn’t make any sense as you would all fly back for work anyway. 
The five of you had a brilliant idea of renting an AirBnB for the holidays since you were all in each other’s personal and work bubble anyway. Obviously, the three of them bailed as they’ve decided to stay with their partners instead, leaving you and Tom alone—which is the last thing you’ve wanted. 
“There’s just us two, Tom,” You replied as you sent a lengthy text to Ophelia, telling and reminding them about what happened between you and Tom.  “I’m not entirely sure if it’s worth anything if we did plan on doing something remotely festive.” 
There are four more days till Christmas and if you were being honest, the last time you felt festive was on the 18th of December...of 2019. 
“Surely there’s something we can do, right?” Tom’s optimism still shined beneath him. “This year has already been shitty enough, we don’t need to feed more into that.” 
The three dots bubble immediately popped up on your message thread with Ophelia as soon as you sent your passive-aggressive rant. Your focus was now on your phone. 
Suddenly, Tom’s face appeared on top of yours—his face was definitely close enough that it’s not CDC approved. He was standing on side of the sofa, both of his palms planted against the armrest as he loomed over you. 
“What do you and your family do during Christmas?” He dared to ask as if he wasn’t towering over you.
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “Uh—give each other personal space?” You answered out of sheer reflex. You always had a problem with keeping your mouth shut, especially when it sounds rude to other people. In your defence, being unable to do so has helped you put people back in place. 
To be fair, you were used to people standing at least 6 ft away from you ever since the pandemic started. 
Tom’s cheeks went bright red. “’m sorry,” He apologized, giving you a shy smile and scratched the back of his neck. You muttered a quick apology too, for acting so rashly. 
You rose from your position and sat upright instead. “Well, we never do anything special during Christmas,” You said as you threw your hair into a bun. “We usually just go to the movies on Christmas Day because that’s the only thing you can do back when life was normal.” 
Tom nodded understandingly as if he was taking this into account. Now you were curious. 
“Do you guys do anything special for Christmas?” You asked him. 
“Well, on Christmas Day, we would usually just lounge around the house and use it as a chance for me and my family to catch up,” Tom replied. “However, on Christmas Eve, my mum always made sure my brothers and I would have this scavenger hunt to look for our gifts—It’s really fun, actually.” Tom smiled sadly. 
You could easily see how Tom was genuinely broken about not being able to be around his family over the holidays. Heck—he really just misses his family. But who wouldn’t? Britney Spears didn’t sing the line “my loneliness is killing me” for nothing. 
“I’m sorry,” was all you could say. Aside from biting your tongue, being able to easily comfort people was one of your weaknesses too. 
“Oh, there’s nothing to be sorry about, darling.” Tom quickly dismissed the genuine heartbreak he was trying to hide. “We’re all making sacrifices and we chose to be responsible for the benefit of other people.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You said softly. “We’ll just try our best to make something out of this holiday season. I mean—we have to or else we’ll welcome 2021 with a fresh face of misery.” 
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“I’m sorry!” Ophelia pouted at the screen as they mindlessly walked around their partner’s place, something that most people do when they’re on the phone with someone. “I genuinely forgot about what happened between you and Tom.” 
“Well, Ollie, it seems like you weren’t the only one.” You replied, adjusting your glasses. Tom seems to be genuinely fine around you, no awkward tensions or anything. If anything, it’s just you who feels weird around him. “But I guess that’s a good thing right?” 
Ophelia forced a smile but they couldn’t, for the life of them, say anything about it. 
“Oh my god,” You sighed “Seriously, Ollie?” 
“It’s just—how could he forget?! You were literally on top of him as I recall and that very much left a permanent image on my mind. I—You know, I really tried my best to forget that ever existing in my mind. So really, if anything, it’s your fault.” Ophelia rambled on. 
“I—I wasn’t on top of him. That’s absurd! I was merely pressed against him” You said defensively, in which Ophelia just laughed atrociously. “Why am I friends with you again?!” You asked rhetorically, bewildered by the fact that you two lasted this long. 
“First of all, that is a hate crime. Second, I’m cool—like everyone wants to be my friend and you should be glad that I gave you the privilege to be even on a nickname basis as me.” 
You rolled your eyes at them. Despite the never-ending banter, you were grateful to have Ophelia as your friend. 
“But seriously, Y/N,” Ophelia said, “You can always just stay with me and Ericka. She’ll be glad to have you over for the holidays.”
“Ollie, as much as I love spending time with you two—I can’t stand being a third-wheel, especially when it comes to the both of you. You two are inseparable when you’re together.” You replied. “I appreciate the offer though.” You smiled at her. 
“I’m just saying—” Ophelia replied, shrugging her shoulder. “Unless you and Tom really want to have the house by yourselves.” They sang teasingly.
“Ophelia!” You gasped. 
“What?” They feigned innocence. “I gave you an option to stay with us! Plus, I know Alex and Will are would’ve asked you to stay with them if they had any idea what happened between you two.” 
“I can’t leave him!” You started to whisper “Tom seems genuinely bummed being here. I can’t just do that to him.” 
It’s as if a light came on inside them. Ophelia started to smirk and you recognized that smirk from anywhere. For christ’s sake, their eyes twinkled like Christmas lights. It drove you nuts. “I fucking knew it.” 
“You like him don’t you?!” They teased, but all you could do was blush. 
“I do not!” You denied it as you could still feel the burning heat emitting from your cheeks. 
“His tongue is that good huh?” Ophelia decided to pry even further. They clearly find enjoyment as you squirmed your way out of this conversation. 
“Bitch, I am ending this call.” That was all you could say. Even if you did find a smart retort, it was no use, especially with Ophelia. They can see right through you and there’s no point in trying to hide it. 
“Honestly, Y/N, we’re living through a pandemic. If there’s any time to make any rash decisions, it’s now. Go get that dick, bih—” 
You drowned out whatever Ophelia was trying to say with your goodbyes and proceeded to end the call. The one time you asked your friend to be serious and they come up with this. 
So—what really happened with you and Tom? 
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It was two years ago. You were at a party that you didn’t even plan on attending. However, you were dragged by Ophelia and their partner, Ericka—your new friends in the area. You couldn’t say no to them, they were your first friend in LA! 
You thought about it though, saying no. But when you got a message from your friend back in Canada sending a photo of your boyfriend ex-boyfriend (the same guy who had ghosted you ever since you moved to LA), swapping spits with another girl, you suddenly had the strong urge to drink until you die of alcohol poisoning.
You were burning with anger that you really felt tears pricking your eyes. You were so close to crying or punching someone—whichever comes first.  
One thing’s for sure, though, you weren’t going to cry over a man. So what did you do? “Ophelia, where’s the booze?!” You asked your friend whose eyes nearly popped out of their head. 
Well, you weren’t really going to punch a stranger. Though you felt this burning sense of violence, it’d be much more satisfying to punch the living daylights out on your ex. 
“Y/N, honey, are you alright?” That line always puts on the waterworks, no?  Ophelia was clearly concerned about your newfound thirst for alcohol. 
You furiously wiped the tears off your face. “Um just found out my boyfriend—er ex-boyfriend, who stopped talking to me as soon as I moved here, is seeing someone else now? I don’t know, am I allowed to feel angry when I don’t even know if we’re still together as soon I moved? Fuck—” You tried to explain as you wiped every tear that left your eyes. 
“Oh—of course, hon.” Ericka who handed you a drink. You weren’t exactly sure what it is, but you knew it has alcohol in it and that’s all that matters. You gulped the entire thing and you wanted more. “Y/N, you need to slow down.”
“Are you sure you want to stay? I mean we can crash at our place, eat take-outs, watch movies and be totally disconnected from the world.” Ophelia suggested, but you shook your head furiously. 
“No, I—I’m ok.” You answered “I can’t let the both of you be stuck in misery with me. I need this. I’ll get drunk and if I'm up for it, I’ll hook up with someone. It’s not a healthy coping method but I really want this night to be a series of bad decisions. I don’t want to be myself, even just tonight.”
 So that’s what you did. You were going from one drink to another in record time. Both Ophelia and Ericka kept an eye on you, just in case someone tried to take advantage of your drunken state. 
You were talking to some guy you met in the kitchen, one thing led to another and next thing you knew, you were making out with this dude in someone’s bathroom. Ophelia and Ericka were drunk enough to pester the guy you were making out with but not drunk 
As you were propped on top of the sink and your legs wrapped around his waist, you felt every bit of his lips explore the side of your neck as his hands explored every inch of your body. With his hand under your shirt and his fingers tracing every part of your skin, it just reminded you of how lonely you were. 
Here you were, a thousand miles away from home, all alone just so you could do the one thing you really love. Your family would sometimes call to check up on you but it just wasn’t the same. Your ex tried to guilt you into staying in Canada, but you couldn’t do that. You love what you do and you love yourself too. 
You were willing to risk everything, even if happiness came at a price. 
Now you were crying, and the guy you were making out with definitely noticed. 
“I’m sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” He asked as he pulled down your shirt. 
“No—no, I’m just—” You tried to calm yourself down. “I’m not sure if I want to do this anymore.” 
“That’s alright,” He mumbled wiping the tears off your face. “Do you want to talk about it? You seem rattled.” 
“It’s just I’m so tired of pretending everything is alright—that I’m okay being alone, that I don’t need anyone. But it’s just so hard because I’m—” You sobbed “I’m so fucking lonely. I’m so tired of being alone.” 
The guy tucked the stray piece of hair behind your ears as he carefully wiped your tears with his thumb. He was just silent as he listened to you sob. 
“I’m sorry, I know you definitely didn’t come to this party to watch a complete stranger cry over something stupid.” You couldn’t even look him in the eye, you were embarrassed as this was the first time you felt really vulnerable—especially in front of a stranger. 
“No, you’re alright.” He tried to console you “I think that’s the beauty in strangers, no? You can act and do whatever you want in front of them because there’s a slim chance you’ll ever see them again.” 
You were definitely drunk enough that trying to make sense of who the person was a struggle enough of itself. You tried your best to look at the guy but your vision was getting hazy and you could feel your head thumping that focusing made you feel like you want to crack your head in half. 
A loud knock on the door caused you two to jump. “I’m coming in,” Ophelia yelled and opened the door. Ophelia looked at the guy for a while, trying to make sense of who he was before their eyes widened. “I remember now—You’re Tom Holland.”
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Imagine your surprise when you found out that you were going to work with Tom Holland for a while. You tried your best to avoid Tom at work but of course, that didn’t work out. He never brought up what happened between you two and you assumed he probably forgot all about it.
You tried to rationalize that he meets a lot of people every day. Surely, one failed hook-up wasn’t worth remembering (especially with alcohol involved) and you held on to that. 
At least that’s what makes you sleep at night and also one of the reasons why you considered spending the holidays with him. However, you were also expecting your crew friends to stay with you and not just Tom. 
“Y/N, did you like the gift? It’s from me and Ericka!” Ophelia asked. It was the next day and you two were just chatting on FaceTime. You were sorting out your closet out of sheer boredom. You figured if you were going to stay here for three weeks, the least you could do was sort your clothes out. 
You stared at the neatly wrapped box that Ophelia and Ericka dropped off earlier this morning. “I haven’t opened it yet.” You said as you showed them the box. “I wanna open it till Christmas.” 
“Oh my god, just open it. Christmas doesn’t exist this year, babe.” Ophelia waved their hand, encouraging you to open it. 
“Fine,” You gave in. You opened the box and saw a very lush and well-made lingerie set. “Ophelia, what the fuck” You gasped. You held out the lingerie in front of the camera. 
“Y/N, I definitely outdid myself this time.” Ophelia sighed happily, staring at the screen. “Try it on!”
“Ollie, this is gorgeous but when am I ever going to use this?” You asked holding it out on your body and looking at the mirror. 
“Uh—you’re stuck at home with your failed but also potential hookup,” Ollie suggested, wiggling their eyebrows. “Who knows what might happen?”  
You rolled your eyes at them. “Bold of you assume that something might happen.”
“Something won’t happen if you don’t try that one,” Ophelia said. “C’mon, I wanna see.” 
You shook your head and went out of frame in order to strip off your clothes. You tried on the lingerie—it’s a black lace teddy with a very exposing back. IT fit you perfectly—it accentuated your figure and definitely showed off your boobs. You weren’t really fond of showing off your body but you still tried your best to show it to your friend. 
“What do you think?” You asked, stepping back to the frame. 
“You look gorgeous, babe!” Ophelia squealed. “I knew I made the right choice with black.” 
“I still don’t know where I should wear this though—” You were stopped mid-sentence when your door swung open. 
“I know what we’re doing this—Oh shit. I’m so sorry,” Tom stood there, frozen, his eyes widened and immediately shut the door. 
You couldn’t even say anything. You were frozen in shock.
“Was that Tom?” Ophelia asked from the call, briefly forgetting that you were talking to them through FaceTime. 
You nodded slowly, unable to talk.
“What did he think?” Ophelia asked excitedly. 
You snapped out of this haze. “Ollie,” you groaned. “I think he was mentally scarred. 
“What do you mean scarred? You look great!” Ophelia said, appalled. “If he doesn’t think you look banging in that lingerie then it’s his loss.” 
“I gotta go, I need to change.” You said, bidding Ophelia goodbye. “Thanks for the gift, Ollie. Tell Ericka thanks too.” 
You ended the call and changed into comfier clothes. You couldn’t help but wonder how on earth you’re going to face Tom now that he’s seen you practically naked. Well, it’s not like that’s a new sight. He did see you with your bra on when you were making out in the bathroom that one time. But still! 
Are you actually going to spend your Christmas in your room?
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It was the next day and there are only two more days till Christmas. You spent the entirety of last night in your room after the incident between you and Tom. 
You were about to make yourself some coffee when you found Tom in the kitchen, making tea for himself. You stood there frozen, wondering if you were going to proceed to the kitchen or just run back to your room since Tom hasn’t noticed you—
“Oh—good morning, Y/N.” So close. 
You smiled at Tom and said, “Good morning, Tom.” 
You grabbed a coffee pod and waited for the Keurig to make your coffee. You leaned back against the counter and fiddled with your phone—all in the hopes that things move quickly and for this awkward tension to be over. 
Honestly, why were you so worked up about it? People have seen you in a bikini before and that’s no different from lingerie. If anything, lingerie is itchier and has lace. You should be able to feel confident in your own body and you shouldn’t have to mind what other people think of it. It’s yours alone and it’s your opinion that should matter—
“I’m terribly sorry about last night, Y/N.” Tom apologized, sincerity was written all over his face. “I should’ve knocked and I just got so bloody excited about what we can do over Christmas—but that’s no excuse for what I’ve done. What I did was incredibly intrusive and you deserve a proper apology.”
“Tom, I—”
“I wanted to apologize last night—over dinner—but you didn’t come down to eat, so I figured you didn’t want to talk. “ He rambled on. 
“But even then I should’ve asked you to come down and eat dinner because that’s what any decent human would do! And yet I didn’t. God—I’m just doing one wrong thing after another—” 
“Tom, listen to me.” 
“Hm?” He finally snapped out and looked at you in the eyes. 
“It’s okay. It was an honest mistake and you sincerely apologized, and for me, that’s enough.” You smiled softly at him. “So—what’s this thing you planned over Christmas?” 
“I was thinking we could do both our family traditions over the next two days. My family and I usually do a roast dinner and open our Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve. Then on the 25th, we can watch movies all day just like you do with your family.” Tom grinned, clearly satisfied with his plan. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s a great idea,” You smiled “However, I don’t think we have any ingredients for a roast dinner and we don’t really have Christmas stockings. Well—I don’t have any Christmas stockings and stocking stuffers.” 
“That’s true,” Tom mumbled “But I have to do the food shopping anyway. We’re running low on food and I couldn't really book one of those online delivery things that most groceries now offer.” 
You nodded. “Okay, so I guess I have to get the house sorted then.” 
When you two first arrived in this AirBnB a few days ago, it had already been decorated for Christmas. It had a massive tree in the living room decorated with stunning and intricately-themed ornaments. Christmas garlands were wrapped around the stair-bannisters and foliages were placed by the fireplace and the tables. 
All you really had to do was clean the place—do a bit of vacuuming and get things nice and neat for Christmas. It didn’t take you too long to do it too. It had only been a couple of minutes since Tom left to do the food shopping and you prayed to the gods that he doesn’t get too much attention whilst out. 
You figured you might as well do some last-minute shopping while Tom was out, so you can grab gifts for him as well. After all, this whole thing was orchestrated by Tom and you don’t even have anything to give him for his stockings. 
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You arrived at your AirBnB a tad later than Tom. He was in the kitchen putting things away when he saw you walk through the door. 
“Ah, I was wondering whether I spooked you with my plan,” Tom commented, making you chuckle and roll your eyes. 
“Trust me, I would’ve made it very obvious if you did.” You replied, earning a laugh from Tom. “I went out to do my last-minute shopping. Granted, it’s not ideal since we’re still living through a pandemic, but there’s not actually that many people where I went to considering it’s the Christmas rush.” 
You made sure to hide the stuff you bought using the handmade tote bags that a friend gave you for your birthday. No retail bags, no clue. “How did you survive the groceries? I bet it’s busy out there.” 
“Yeah, it was.” Tom chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Remind me to never do that again for Christmas.” 
“Sure,” You said, “That is if I spend another Christmas with you.” You said jokingly, hoping that Tom didn’t find that rude. 
“You’ll never know,” Tom shrugged. “What if you liked our Christmas this year and you’d be begging to spend Christmas with me and my family in London,” Tom smirked, playing along. 
“Yeah, right.” You scoffed playfully, crossing your arms. “If anyone’s begging, it’s going to be you.”
Tom stepped closer, “Wanna bet?” He whispered, a teasing look in his eyes. “Whoever has the most fun during our respective holiday traditions would have to spend the holidays with them next year.” 
“Oh, you’re on, Holland.” You took a step closer. “We will both film our holidays for the entire two days and then we’ll ask Ophelia, Alex, and Will to vote whoever looks like they had the most fun.”
“Okay,” Tom nodded “But no editing! We’ll give them raw footage so there are no chances of tampering.” 
You laughed but you agreed anyway. “Of course, we’ll give them hours of footage. The least we could do is make them sit through hours of content after they ditched us all alone on the holidays.” 
Tom gave a broad smile. “Let the festivities begin.” 
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It was the 24th of December—Christmas Eve. You spent the entirety of last night wrapping Tom’s presents for later. Not that you despise Christmas, but it’s been a while since you were actually excited to celebrate it. It was pretty clear that the magic of Christmas dies once you grow up. 
Today was different; you were looking forward to whatever Tom has installed for tonight. 
You went downstairs to make some breakfast only to be greeted by Tom blasting Christmas music and preparing some ingredients for breakfast in the kitchen. 
“Good morning, Y/N, happy Christmas Eve,” Tom greeted with a huge grin. “Say, hi to the camera.” 
“Oh, we’re starting this early, huh?” You asked, putting your hair into a loose ponytail. 
“Why of course, we have to make the best out of this,” Tom said, holding the camera to your face. “I made you coffee.” Tom handed you a cup of coffee. 
“Are you using my love for coffee as an advantage?” You tried to hide your smile while drinking your coffee. 
“Obviously not,” Tom feigned his innocence. “I obviously did not know you were obsessed with coffee—it’s not like I don’t see you on set without one.” He mumbled in which you definitely heard, giving him a smack on the head. “Ow! I’m kidding.” He laughed.
You rolled your eyes at him. “So, what’s for breakfast?” 
“We’re going to make french crèpes,” Tom replied and propped the camera on the kitchen island, facing the two of you. 
“Do you know how to make french crèpes?” You asked, washing your hands. 
Tom blinked, almost trying to decide whether he wants to be honest or impressive. “Do you know how to make french crèpes?” He returned the question. 
“Oh honey, my mom resents me in the kitchen.” You replied, taking a sip from your coffee. “But you know, I manage.” You murmured.
“That’s giving me a lot of hope, darling, thank you.” He said half-heartedly. 
“Shut up,” You nudged him playfully, rolling your eyes. “Tom, honestly, most of the footage is just us bantering for 20 minutes.” 
“To be fair, that’s part of the fun.” Tom smiled. “Okay, I think you just mix all of these in a bowl. Start with the dry ingredients first.” He said, looking at the recipe on his phone.
“Okay, that shouldn’t be too hard,” You commented pouring the ingredients into the bowl. As you started all of the ingredients together, you noticed small lumps forming in the batter. “Tom, did you sift the dry ingredients by chance?” 
“You were supposed to sift it?” He asked, completely clueless. 
You nodded slowly. Panic was now clearly painted on his face. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.” You tried to reassure him. 
It was not fine. The first time you two tried to pour the batter in the pan, you burnt the entire thing. It’s not even the cute, lightly burnt crepe. It was activating the smoke alarm-burnt crepe. 
The next one was pancake-like. The next one after that had pocket flours on the crepes because you two didn’t sift your dry ingredients beforehand. You ran out of the batter when you two finally got the consistency right—you managed to get one proper crepe from the entire batter. 
“I feel like Sam would probably curse me out as soon as he finds out I fucked up a simple crepe,” Tom said, delicately filling the crepe with creme and berries. “My brother’s done so well in culinary school.” He cut a piece with his fork and brought it to your mouth.
“Well, you can’t have everything.” You said taking a bite out of the crepe. “This is better than the last one.” 
Tom nodded, taking a bite of it himself. “It’s not as tasty as Sam’s but I’ll take it.” 
“Now, I’m curious as to what your brother’s cooking tastes like.” You commented taking another bite from the crepe. 
“I guess I’ll just take you home to London to find out,” Tom teased with an annoying grin. 
“As long as I’m being fed, I’m fine with it.” You remarked. What in god’s name are you are you two playing?!
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The day rolled by very quickly. It was already evening when you finished wrapping the presents for your friends. You plan on dropping it off tomorrow before you persuade Tom to glue yourselves on the couch for the entire day. 
You grabbed all of Tom’s gifts—Christmas stocking included— when you went downstairs, only to be greeted by someone yelling at Tom through his phone. 
“I did everything right, Sam. I don’t know why you’re yelling.” Tom yelled back at his phone. His back was turned against you as he was putting away the pots and pans that he used. 
You quietly walked up behind him and said calmly, “Why are you yelling?” 
Tom probably jumped six feet away from you, making you laugh. You always forget that he gets scared easily. “Holy shit, don’t scare me like that, Y/N.” Tom breathed out, putting a hand over his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” You said whilst laughing. “I promise I won’t do it again.” Tom rolled his eyes, murmuring something about you being insincere about it. 
“Please do it again!” You heard, whom you assume is Sam, say from the background. You looked at Tom’s phone that’s propped on the island and saw his brothers on FaceTime. 
You beamed at them. “Any recommendations?” You asked, hearing Tom groan behind you. 
“Well, he hates—” 
“This is the last thing I want in 2020, for my brothers and Y/N to conspire against me,” Tom said loudly on purpose, drowning his brothers' voices.
“Tom, don’t be rude. Let your brothers finish—” Tom put his hand against your mouth. 
“I’ll call you guys later,” Tom said “Wave goodbye, Y/N.” He used his free hand to grab your hand and forced a wave towards his brothers. The call soon came to an end and you could only roll your eyes at Tom. You seem to do that a lot around him. You also do a lot of that when you try to hide your feelings towards a person you like but that’s beside the point. 
“So are we going to have dinner first or are we going to do presents first?” You asked fixing your Christmas sweater, a gift from your parents since you and your family usually wear matching sweaters for Christmas. “Or are you the type to wait until Christmas Day to open presents?” 
“We can do the Christmas stockings after dinner tonight, then do the presents tomorrow, if you’d like,” Tom answered with his arms crossed. 
You shrugged, telling him it doesn’t matter since you don’t really go all out on Christmas. Your family on the other hand—the house is always full of people, especially since most of your extended family are usually around during the holidays. You had this ongoing game you made for yourself whether or not you’ll be able to greet everyone with the number of people in the house. 
You could only guess how quiet your family’s Christmas is going to be. You definitely needed to call your parents later. 
“Is the sweater that itchy, Y/N?” You heard Tom ask, breaking away from your thoughts. 
“Huh?” You asked, confused. You didn’t even notice that you’ve been scratching yourself subconsciously. 
“You’ve been scratching yourself since I saw you.” Tom said, chuckling. “It’s a cute sweater on you.” 
You smirked. “That reminds me—I got something for you, Tom.” Tom raised his brow as you grabbed the bag you stashed behind the tree. “Actually my parents got this for you. A little thank you gift apparently for having the tolerance to stay with me over the holidays—as if you had a choice.” You mumbled the last part. 
Tom curiously opened the bag and there revealed a matching sweater such as yours. This year’s sweater was green and had red tinsel all over it, probably the reason why you’re itchy. The real kicker is that—
“No way,” Tom gasped “It lights up?!” He asked laughing. It lights up. 
“Yeah, I don’t recommend turning that on. I did it earlier and I’m pretty sure I was about to combust—it’s a real fire hazard.” You replied, enjoying the genuine joy that Tom is showing on his face. 
“Oh but we have to turn the lights on when we take pictures,” He commented as he put on the sweater. “Thanks, Y/N.” He said softly, surprising you with a hug. 
It’s the first real physical contact that you two had ever since that night when you made out and you were pretty adamant that people were just making up this notion of having butterflies in their stomach—they weren’t. 
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Tom’s roast dinner went surprisingly well. You kept teasing him that it’s Sam that you had to thank because you knew that Tom wouldn’t last in the kitchen without his brother’s instructions. Tom pouted the whole time. You eventually had to tell him 
“It was sweet.” You told him as you helped him clear out the plates. 
Tom was confused. 
“I don’t think I’ve known someone that went through hell and back just to make a great effort Christmas dinner —even if it means getting yelled at by your brother.” You said, smiling softly at him. “I mean it’s just us two, really. We don’t even have to do this.”
“Think that’s the reason why I wanted to do it,” Tom replied. Now you’re confused. “It’s because it’s the two of us—that’s why I wanted to do it.” 
As soon as you heard those words come out of Tom’s lips, you tried your best to stay calm. To say that you weren’t overwhelmed with emotions would be a huge lie. For someone who couldn’t hold their tongue, you were speechless. Tom’s giving you a run for your money and you weren’t exactly thrilled about it. 
After dinner, you and Tom opened your stocking presents. The presents were pretty tame at the start—you both got each other socks, which was hilarious but greatly appreciated. You love socks, especially comfy and cushiony ones. You came to learn that Tom does too, which prompted you two to wear the socks immediately. 
You got him candy canes, he got you chocolates. You also snuck in those small, in-flight alcohol bottles in there too—which he ended up loving. He got you those 10-pack skincare face masks, in which you let out a huge gasp, making him laugh. 
“Oh, we have to use this at some point!” You exclaimed happily “Like, we need to have a spa night—where we just watch movies, doing face masks, eating takeouts. Oh, that’s the dream!” You sighed happily. 
“We still have two weeks left till we go back to work, I'm sure we can find the time to do that,” Tom said with a permanent smile on his face, watching you with pure joy made him feel like he accomplished something big. 
You got him one of those Instax polaroid cameras—true, it was a bit too much for a stocking stuffer especially since the box definitely stood out against the stocking, but you figured he’ll like it. 
“Darling, this is too much but I’m thankful,” Tom commented as he took out the camera from the box. “I can’t wait to use this and keep memories using it—why don’t we start right now?! Let’s take a photo of us and our matching sweaters!”  
Tom took a lot of photos of you two, in the end. A couple of overexposed photos, one with the matching sweaters, one with your faces pressed against each other, one with your faces way too close to the camera, and one where he gave you a kiss on your cheek (he asked if that’s okay, of course, you said yes. it’s not like he hasn’t kissed you before— still no conversations about that, by the way). It was a good thing you got him at least 3 boxes of those 20 pack films in his stockings as well. 
The real kicker was Tom’s “small” stocking present for you. He got you this dainty, gold necklace with a crescent moon charm. You were pretty sure it was expensive because of the teal box it came with. 
“Stop,” You gasped “Tom, now this—this is too much.” You stressed out. “I can’t have this. Nope, you have to return this.”
Tom shrugged as if it was nothing. “You deserve it. Darling, you deserve something nice after this shitty year.” 
“Tom, I’m serious. This is too much.” 
“I’m serious too, Y/N. Keep it, please. I’d be offended if you don’t.”
After the roller coaster of emotions due to the stocking presents, you gave your parents a call to wish them a merry Christmas. They insisted to do a video call because they wanted to see Tom in the family sweater—which your mom wouldn’t stop gushing about. 
“I think your mum loves me,” Tom whispered closely in your ear. He didn't have to try too hard. With the laptop propped up on top of the coffee table, you two were sitting close together on the living room floor—knees touching, maximum close skin contact. CDC would never approve. 
“Yeah, I think it’s the accent,” You mumbled jokingly. 
Tom moved his head to take a good look at you, smiling. You could feel his eyes burning your skin. Why does he have to look at you like that? Why does he have to be this close?
The initial video call with your parents turned into a whole family reunion when you found out they set up a group call with your extended family. Imagine the dread and fear in your eyes when you heard your one aunt ask, 
“Finally, Y/N, is that your boyfriend?” 
Your eyes widened as you stuttered to say your defence, making Tom chuckle. You frowned at him and nudged him saying, “Don’t laugh, tell them no or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“No, unfortunately, I’m not,” Tom replied, laughing. “However, I do believe we make a cute couple, don’t we?” He teased, earning an earnest yes from your mom. 
You could only wish for the floor to swallow you whole. 
As the clocks rolled to twelve, it was officially Christmas. You and Tom figured you might as well start opening gifts again because Christmas Day is going to be a drag for the two of you. 
“Okay, start with this.” You said as you handed him a gift bag. You didn’t give him a lot of gifts for the actual Christmas Day because you went all out on the stuffers. 
“Pyjamas?” He asked with a grin. You made a signal for him to give you a minute. You ran to your room and changed into pyjamas. 
“Not just pyjamas, Tom, but matching pyjamas!” You exclaimed, laughing. “I saw it and figured we should do this for my day.”
“Sick!” Tom laughed. Tom got into his pair of pyjamas as well and of course, he didn’t forget to pull out his new polaroid camera to take a photo of you two. “Shit, I forgot to film our entire Christmas Eve.” He said as he saw the camera that was still sitting on the kitchen island from earlier that morning. 
You shrugged. “I’m pretty sure you’ll win either way. Just that content from the breakfast crepes was enough to secure your place.” You said jokingly.
“All I’m hearing is that you’re going to spend Christmas with me in London next year.” Tom sang teasingly. 
“Yeah, maybe bringing you to our big Christmas holidays is a bad idea.” You wondered out loud. 
“I like your family,” Tom commented with a smile “and I think they will love having me there for the holidays.” 
“That would be a nightmare.” You mumbled to yourself. 
The rest of the night dragged on. You and Tom finished the rest of your gifts—you got him a watch, he got you a vinyl player. You two managed to watch the first Harry Potter film before you called it a night. 
You were about to head into your room when you heard Tom say, “Mistletoe.”
“Hm?” You hummed, confused. He placed a finger under your chin and gently tilted your head. There you saw a mistletoe hanging by one of the light fixtures. 
“How did that even—” 
“Can I kiss you?” Tom asked, cupping the sides of your face. 
“Hm?” Tom was definitely giving you a run for your money. How can a girl with a speech turn speechless?
“Can I kiss you?” He asked more softly. All you could do was nod. For if you even dare to open your mouth, all of this would cease to exist.  
His lips gently touched yours and then soon moulded into one. It was soft, sweet—familiar. His lips were something you never thought about—at least not a lot but you craved it. You crave his lips, his touch, him. You were riding a new high and you thanked every single god that you were sober to remember this—because this, this is something you want to cherish. 
“You told me you’re tired of being alone,” Tom whispered against your lips. “You don’t have to be anymore. Not when you have me, not ever.”
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PERMANENT TAGLIST: @quaksonhehe @dark-infernal-instruments @trustfundparker @emsma11​ @tomshufflepuff​ @spider-babe​ @goodgirlgonetom​
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keisurou · 3 years
Hi, can you do an angsty fic for kuroo x reader? Doesn’t have to be nsfw if you don’t want it to be, but if you’re okay with it, please do.
forget me not (edited + rewritten ver. here)
(ft. tetsurou kuroo)
synopsis: your love for kuroo is like a forget me not - always there, but constantly overlooked.
This is very short and somewhat angsty (my heart hurts but I’m sure everyone has different tolerances for angst. I’m just a big baby). Thank you so much anon for giving me my very first request!! It was so much fun to write this. I hope you enjoy it :)
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When you first met him, you were insanely jealous of Tetsurou Kuroo. Being an overweight, chubby kid with your head always in books was hard enough. But it was worse when there was a smart and athletic kid as your neighbour, no less. You remember blatantly closing your front door in Kuroo’s face when he would stop by your house to invite you to play volleyball, right before muttering something about annoying know-it-alls who never gave up. You hated his idiotic face. Why couldn’t he understand that someone like you could never be friends with someone like him?
But he came by, every afternoon, the same dorky smile plastered on his face. And then on the eve of your twelfth birthday, you asked him to wait.
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In middle school, it’s hard to be friends with both girls and boys. You realised this very early on when the girls would shun you for hanging out with Kuroo and Kenma. Of course, you weren’t that fazed because the solution was simple: you could just hang out with the boys instead.
But as you rushed to meet them at the cafeteria, you heard the snickers of rowdy boys as they pointed and teased. Kenma looks uncomfortable, and you can’t blame him. You know very well how mean people could be and why sometimes being alone was much better than being vulnerable with someone else. It was why you and him clicked so quickly within days of meeting each other.
Kuroo stood up and waved, beckoning you over, the same dorky smile you were used to since elementary school plastered on his face. You hesitated only for a moment before walking over, but Kuroo had noticed.
“Don’t pay them any attention. They’re just dumb,” he said this loudly, his voice easily heard by those sitting at nearby tables. “You’re always welcome here. We both want you here,” he nudged Kenma then who jolted his attention from his food to us and quickly nodded in agreement.
It had been raining on the way home that day and the chill had seeped into your bones, but Kuroo’s words from earlier had already instilled a seedling of warmth in your heart in the form of a four leaf clover.
It was in your first year of middle school, when you finally understood what it meant to have all the hope in the word.
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In your first year of high school, you’re shocked at how many girls want to be your friend. You quickly find out it’s because of your close friendship with Kuroo.
“I didn’t expect you two to be so close! Can you introduce him to us? Pleaseee?”
It was always hard to say no, but Kuroo’s surprising popularity wasn’t what bugged you.
“Hey, Kenma,” you looked up from your book and stared at your friend as he tapped away at his game console. “Are people surprised when they see you’re close with Kuroo?”
“Huh?” He scrunched up his eyebrows and quickly glanced at you, almost as if to confirm he heard you correctly. “No. That’s stupid, why would it be surprising?”
Why, indeed.
It takes you almost a year to realise it’s because your personality doesn’t match his. Of course, you don’t come to this conclusion yourself. You had heard it amongst the many loud whispers that take place in the girls bathroom, and began to realize that it was true. You never really had understood the excitement that was associated with spreading gossip in the bathrooms, and you disliked it even more so when you heard your name being thrown around.
Girls like you aren’t meant for guys like Kuroo.
But who cares, right? That’s what you had told yourself then. After all, it was you, not them, who was close friends with him. And your silly little heart was content that way.
But in your final year of high school, Kuroo came to the rooftop of the school building where you and Kenma waited. It had been a tradition; every lunch, one of you would go buy bread for everyone. But that day, in the middle of spring, the cherry blossoms had bloomed, and Kuroo brought both bread and his new girlfriend to introduce to his two closest friends. You all exchanged pleasantries, you specifically avoiding eye contact with Kuroo, speaking mostly to his girlfriend, Akari, instead. You bonded quickly - it was hard to not like her when she was so open and honest and relatable. But even though you liked her as a person, your lips threatened to tremble when you and Kenma smiled at them both as you waved goodbye. The silence that follows their departure is deafening, because Kenma knows everything. He doesn’t say anything, because frankly, what’s there to be said? You don’t want to put him in an awkward position between you and Kuroo, so you take out your console and you both start playing together.
Soon, it’s the only thing you ever do during lunch breaks at school anymore.
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The mirror stands there, and you slowly avoid it, wrapping a towel around you before you pass it.
It really is a terrible thing, pointing out and magnifying your flaws in such a way that it's burned into your brain so you can never forget it.
Today, you were meeting Kuroo and Kenma for brunch after your lecture this morning. It was the perfect opportunity to skip breakfast.
The restaurant chosen was one they had frequented often. Kuroo and Kenma were already there by the time you arrived.
“So, what do you think?” Kuroo stared down at the box he had placed on the table and pulled at his collar. He was nervous and distracted, you could tell with the way he traced the outlines and shapes of his phone, wallet, and the envelope.
You realise within a moment that he wants someone to believe in himself - to tell him that he’s okay, that he’s doing great. That he’s making her happy. “It’s wonderful,” you break the silence first, and you can’t keep the awe from lacing your words even if you tried. It was such a beautiful gesture, you wanted to cry at the unfairness of it all. “Akari’s going to love it so much,”
Kenma follows suit and gives a nod. “It’s very much your style too. And your tastes match hers.”
There’s a light blush that dusts his cheeks and he clears his throat. Your chest tightens as you realize you haven’t seen this side of Kuroo in years. Since your high school graduation, probably. “Thanks guys. I’m so nervous,”
“Yeah, we can tell just by looking at you,” Kenma rolls his eyes and it lightens the entire mood of the table. It’s been a while since all three of you were able to joke and laugh like this. Like before - before Akari had come in and joined the group and all of a sudden, Kuroo had slowly begun to forget everything about you.
The waitress brings the menus around soon, and asks for your orders. Your stomach rumbles silently and you take a quick sip of your water. The thought of eating something and gaining weight makes you a little dizzy. You distinctly remember what happened the last time you stood naked in front of your mirror and you push the menu away. “Oh, I’m fine. I had a big breakfast,”
You let yourself forget about the reality of the here and now, and only for a moment, you imagine what you wished it was like instead.
You escape to a place where you’re finally enough for someone like Kuroo, and a small part of you jumps up to hold onto a slither of hope that dangles right above your fingertips. That one day, just maybe, it could be true.
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It’s raining when you receive the news. It’s not the light rain that we hope for on days we don’t want to leave the house - it’s pouring outside with dark thunderclouds. The sound of the rain beating down on your glass windows and doors is deafening.
“She said yes!”
Kuroo bursts in, laughing, his hair slick from the rain, and for a brief moment in time, you think he’s talking about something else. You’re transported to an alternate universe where he’s coming home to you. But then Akari follows suit quickly, her eyes bright and sparkling as she holds up her hand.
There’s a ring on her finger.
Your mug slips from your hands, but you don’t hear the shatter of glass. Instead you let out a delirious laugh, your hands coming over to cover your mouth because you really cannot believe you didn’t see this coming - god, you were so stupid. But what did you expect, really? This was real life after all.
They mistake your laugh for one of ecstasy and you find some relief in the fact that one of your closest friends now knows so little about you. Kenma comes around, his eyes worried as he sits next to you on the sofa. You didn’t even realise his arrival and you apologise before heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle and some glasses. You needed to numb the pain. They needed to celebrate.
Akari has already started recounting the entire scenario by the time you get back to the group and you realize you’re glad that you missed most of it. The unwelcome thought makes you feel terrible.
Kuroi drowns his glass, the telltale sign of his eyes being glazed over a clear sign that you needed to cut him off now. “You know,” he begins, staring right at you, his finger intertwined loving with his fiancée’s. “Up until I met Akari, I always thought it’d be you,”
Your heart stops. You hear a sharp gasp, and realize it came from you but you can’t bring yourself to even look at him. He mistakes your gasp as one of indignation and lets out a genuine laugh.
But he doesn’t understand that it’s the final nail on the coffin.
Akari stirs in his arms, and he carries her up bridal style, everything else forgotten, and claims that it was time to go home. He bids both you and Kenma goodbye and jokes about keeping an eye out for the wedding invitations soon.
You force out a laugh, but you’re so exhausted from pretending that you can’t help but wonder what would happen if you just didn’t.
Kenma shuffles awkwardly at the door after Kuroo leaves and places a warm, comforting hand on your head. His voice is soft as usual but missing the undertones of nonchalance that had quickly become a signature of his. “I know Kuroo said what he did, but you have to understand.. Kuroo, he.. h-he doesn’t really…” he trails off, his voice getting quieter and quieter. You know he means well - he wants you to move on and be happy with someone who loves you like all your friends.
You can’t help but take pity on him, and quickly offer an escape from the impossibility of trying to sugarcoat the ugly truth that continuously returned to tear at your heartstrings. “I know, Kenma. I’m not silly,” you chuckle and you hope he can’t hear the hollowness in it. Your voice strains with the effort to keep it even, and when you swallow, you can feel sharp needles stabbing at your heart. “Men like Kuroo were never made for women like me,”
And this time, you believe it.
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It’s 3am and I just finished writing this and my brain is an absolute mess. I’m half tempted to make a second part with a fluffy ending because I had to cut out so much stuff that I wanted to include, but I’m not sure yet. Sorry for any spelling/grammatical mistakes - this entire thing was written on my phone so I think there will be much more than usual but I will be going over to fix up all the mistakes tomorrow. Let me know what y’all think!! But for now, goodnight.
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tis the damn season
pairing: mob!bucky barnes x reader
warnings: none
a/n: this is the end and i’ll need therapy because dear god i hate it when any of my projects end. thank you so much for supporting it and reading. hope you enjoy xx
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There's an ache in you put there by the ache in me but if it's all the same to you it's the same to me ...
There was a sea of people, suitcases rolling everywhere, people hugging their loved ones and there she was, straight out of the airplane holding her worn out, beat up suitcase with her name tag on it. It was a cold day, one of those that reminded her of being by the window with her mother doodling on the fogged glass as the snow laid on the green grass of her childhood home yet there was no snow, just cold. She knew to walk through the doors that led to the arrivals but she stood back, almost as if the cold froze her to her spot. Returning to her hometown meant looking at the road not taken before, the road she couldn’t have taken. Nevertheless, in the midst of chaos of people coming back home for the holidays, she ended up being almost dragged into the arrivals hall.
Immediately she spotted Wanda and Pietro dressed in thick winter coats and hats who were holding a sign with her name. She put on her best photographic smile, walking over to the twins who rushed over to hug her tightly, something she missed dearly when she was away. 
     - Finally! - the brown haired girl hugged her best friend tightly. - You can never leave me again for this long. 
     - It’s only for a few weeks, Wan. 
     - Let me savour it. - she loosened up the hug, handing Y/N’s bags to Pietro who just shrugged off and started walking to the car. - I have so much to tell you. Remember Elizabeth, the girl I copied off for Maths? Well, she got married but she had a baby like 5 months later which doesn’t adds up. 
     - Shotgun wedding. - Pietro added. - It was so tacky, absolutely awful. I fell asleep for at least five hours.
     - Very good gift bags though. I took an extra one for you. 
The three walked onto the cold town she thought she’d never have the change to return to. The moment she woke up from what she thought was certain death, her father and the chief of police were already telling her they had set up a witness protection program for her, all the way in Massachusetts. It was nice, she liked the weather, the warm fall colours during October but she didn’t felt at home. She had a new name, new story, in this one she didn’t even have her father not that in reality she ever did. She sat in the passenger seat of Wanda’s car, listening to all the news she seemed to have kept locked inside her mind for when she returned. Her mind as going haywire about what she wanted to know about, she wanted to know about Bucky.
She knew he couldn’t be happy if he had discovered it which she guessed by now he had. Several times her father had told her he’d employed several men to try and find her and had even told her to stay away until Christmas. Of course the only reason he wanted her around was so she could drive him from the bar after he drank his weight in beer but she couldn’t help but do it, she promised her mum she would take care of her dad no matter what happened. Yet, she still wanted to know about Bucky. She wanted to know if he hated her, if he had put a hit on her head. It kept her awake at night, every night, bugging her like a bad memory. 
      - Are you sure you wanna stay at your dad’s? You can stay with me and Vision.
     - Of course she doesn’t want to stay with you. What kind of name is Vision anyway? - Pietro rolled his eyes.
    - HIS PARENTS WERE HIPPIES. We’ve had this discussion. - Wanda playfully threw a empty water bottle at his brother. - Don’t you want to spend Christmas with someone who will actually be in the house during Christmas?
    - I promised my mother, Wan.
    - C’mon. If it’s because me and Vision will be there, there’s no problem. Remember Michael? He still wants to go out with you.
    - I don’t want to go out with him.
    - Yeah, Wanda. Y/N liked James Barnes. - Pietro muffled in a laugh, receiving a death glare from his sister. - What? It’s true. 
    - Y/N does not like someone who wants her dead. Don’t you remember when one of his friends was on campus and he had a gun? 
    - What? It’s just like Mr and Mrs Smith and for one, it’s something I’m interested in. Good for her. 
    - What about you, Pietro? Where’s your girlfriend? - Y/N smirked, crossing her arms as Wanda parked in front of Y/N’s childhood home.
    - Which one?
    - You’re a lost cause. - she opened the passenger’s door, going around to retrieve her suitcase.
    - Call me if you’re alone during Christmas or Christmas Eve. Vision and I will come and set up a dinner with you.
    - It won’t be necessary.
    - Just call me, okay?
    - Okay, Wan. I’ll see you tomorrow. 
The red head smiled before driving away. Y/N stood on the cobblestones of her sidewalk waving goodbye before it was time to go meet her father. Her relationship with him was at best strained. When they didn’t find the shipment they wanted, he subconsciously blamed her along with constantly talking about how Edward could’ve died but he was luckily alive with a limp. She wished he had more than a limp but saying anything against his ward was absurd and completely forbidden. She was almost sure he’d spend more time at the hospital with him than her.  Nevertheless, she was here and as she stepped into her porch, there were no Christmas lights, no garlands. 
Flashbacks invaded her mind of sitting on the wooden stairs as her mother wrapped every surface she could in garland, wrapping the lights around the columns while her dad worked overtime. The two would then sit on the stairs with cups of hot cocoa, Y/N always preferring white chocolate hot cocoa with pink marshmallows and watched the lights go up for the first time. Every year she expected there to be lights after her mum was gone but they never showed. One year she tried to put them up but she soon came to realise the lights that held whatever sweet memories an object could hold were lost and gone. Everything was gone. She didn’t know why she expect it to be here.
Her keys jiggled as she opened the door to her childhood home. It was always messy, dusty, her mother’s yellow coat still hanging on the coat hanger the day she returned from the hospital. The house was a snapshot of that day, never changing, her father didn’t allow her. She knew why, she always knew why, she just refused to say it, she refused to say whom her father believed was the cause of her mother’s death. She refused to say it because she knew who it was and it wasn’t who her father thought it was.
     - Dad? - she left her suitcase against the entry wall, walking further into her house and into the kitchen, liquor bottles on the floor near the chair were her father was sitting, still in his uniform, shirt tightened over his beer belly. - Hey dad, how are you?
    - Y/N, darling, can you get some some of the liquor from the cabinet?
    - Sure, dad. - she turned around, reaching into the cabinet, right at the end of it where she kept a bottle with water which tricked him all the time. - How’s the precinct?
    - I think you know. 
    - You shouldn’t make catching him your target. Your target should be to protect innocent civilians.
    - What would you know about it? You failed us. 
    - I’m sorry. - she looked down at her shoes. - You know ... I smell snow.
    - You can’t smell snow, Y/N. There’s no such thing. 
    - C’mon... - she held his hands in hers. - We can make some hot cocoa, like mum used to do.
    - Your mother would’ve been ashamed of you. - she shook his hands away from her, pointing his finger at her. - You caused another officer to get shot, you have no integrity. I shouldn’t have put you in the case.
    - I didn’t. - she took a step back. - I told you I didn’t and you don’t believe me. Barnes didn’t try to shot me and Edward stepped in, you saw the report, the bullets don’t match up. He tried to shot at Barnes.
    - He’s the most experienced shot I know, if he wanted to have gotten Barnes, he would’ve.
    - He would’ve if I hadn’t stepped in front of it. 
She turned around, tears watering her eyes and making her vision blurry as she walked further an further away. She kept walking, away from her house, away from her street until she was the furthest from it she could. The wind blasted her hair in different direction, freezing through her thin, useless jackets. She could smell it was going to snow, she could always smell it, the smell of freshly fallen and there she was, having forgotten her jacket. It was late into the night, no establishment was open and all she could wear were her boots against the slight frozen layer upon the cobblestones. She should feel hurt but she found herself in a numbness of state, the image of waking up in a hospital room all by herself much clear in her mind. She continued to walk until a purple light lit up her face.
She looked upwards, the title of the old establishment she used to work in blasted into purple light. Now, she was a rational being, a true believer of think before you act  but she was cold and seemingly no longer held fear of her own death. Life is ephemeral and if she was meant to die, if fate was a thing then let it be. She went through the bodyguards entering the club that despite being almost Christmas Eve was filled with people. 
Meanwhile James was leaning against one of his club’s walls, cigarette hanging from his lips. Filthy habit he knew, but he did it when he stressed. It soothed him, yet it seemed like all self destroying things soothed him. His eyes lingered against the empire he had built which now seemed so stupid. All material things and a few kills to remember him by when he died. He wondered if they would even remember or if when he breathe his last breathe, he’d be erased as quickly as he came to be. No one remembers what came in between and James did not create the business, he just perfected it. Nothing surprised this old dog anymore until tonight. He thought his brain was playing tricks on him as he saw her pass through the doors, hair covered in a knitted hat yet as quickly as he saw her enter, the quicker he saw her leave.
     - Steve, follow her. - he immediately told the blonde who was happily chatting with his newly wedded bride. - Tell me where she stops. You better not lose her out sight or you won’t have any children.
Y/N was fast out, the moment she felt the warmth of the club. She no longer knew what she was doing, much too lost in whatever pain mixed with unresolved feelings she had. Nevertheless, she was out, and immediately calling Wanda. She was out on a date but offered to stay at her house and that was enough. She needed to sleep, consider what she was doing here and then return to Massachusetts. She could get used to being Elizabeth, the orphan girl who went to Harvard. She could be Betty, she could be someone on paper. She just didn’t know how to be Y/N anymore. She had to go back.
Wanda’s new place wasn’t thankfully too far and per usual she hide the key behind her petunia vase. Inside it looked exactly like what she believed her best friend’s dream home looked like but she deserved it. She deserved Vision, she deserved all this happiness and she wished she could stay behind and watch it. 
She stripped out of her frosted clothes, walking into the bathroom to take a warm shower. “It’s no use dwelling on the past, sweetheart. It’s already gone.” her mother used to tell her and she guessed she was right, what use was it for her to wonder what if? There was no what if. She was a dead woman if he knew, but Y/N was already dead even if she didn’t. The last name ended with her, the genetic tree of her ancestors ended with her and she guessed it fit, destroyer of trees and blood. 
She felt the warm water drip down her body and onto the porcelain floor of the shower, the foam making the air smell like wild daisies on a summer afternoon. It felt warm, it felt nice, thoughtless, to be only the essence of life without the obligation of thought.  Just seeing, living, greatly dissolving into the fabric of nature. Stepping out of the shower, thought evaded. She was expecting to see him, to look at him one last time before she was gone. Yet again, what use was to look into someone who’d she betrayed? It was no use. 
She involved herself in the white fluffy towel, walking into the kitchen to rummage through whatever Wanda and Vision had. Wanda was always a fun of tropical fruit so she knew she probably kept something yummy for her.
    - You’ve always toyed with probability, petal. - she turned around once she head that voice, heart clenched yet beating faster at the same time. - It is very dangerous for you and for you friend. Easy lock, windows open. 
     - If you’re going to do it, please do it outside where we won’t stain my friend’s apartment. 
     - Oh petal ... - he took the gun from the holster which was always close to his legs. She had been shot before, she didn’t feel it, it didn’t hurt. She closed her eyes, waiting for the sound but the only sound that came was his gun hitting the floor. She opened her sides, watching as he slide the gun over to her, it reaching her feet. - I thought we were done with you being afraid of me. 
     - James ...
     - Bucky. - he corrected her, still standing on the opposite side of the room. She stood there motionless but he started walking up to her. - You think I want to kill you.
    - The worse thing I have ever did was what I did to you. Besides, Wanda saw one of your friends on campus with a gun.
    - We always carry guns, petal. The question is what have you done to me?
    - I’ve betrayed you.
    - Have you? Because I don’t remember my shipment being intercepted not that it would, I lied to you.
    - You lied to me?
    - I never doubted your ... your affections towards me but I did doubt your loyalty to your father. I was surprised. 
    - Were you?
    - No, I lied. What I was surprised about what that you took a bullet meant for me. What the fuck were you thinking? You could’ve died.
    - I don’t know.
    - You ran away from me. I wanted ... I ...
    - What did you want, Bucky? - she cocked her head to the side, examining him and whatever his thoughts were doing to him.
    - I wanted you. I wanted to have been by your side when you took a bullet for me, I wanted you in my bed, not in my bar I hate watching other men ogle you. I wanted you to marry me and carry my child. I wanted to give you everything I have and some more, all of what I have and all of what I don’t have. I wanted you, the captain’s daughter. I adored you. 
   - You don’t know me.
   - I know you. You’re a terrible liar, can’t lie to save your life. Your heart ... - he stepped closer and closer to her. - Is on your sleeve. You might not know who you are or you might forget it but when you do remember I control everything but you control me. 
   - Bucky ...
   - I just wanted to see you’re alive and well. I’ll leave and promise you’ll never see me again if you want. 
   - You didn’t ask me what I wanted.
   - What do you want, petal?
   - I want you to kiss me. 
   - I know where that ends, petal. - he smirked, hand searching for hers. - Very tempting of you to do those things to me. 
It was cold, the sort of cold Bucky had began to hate, the sort of cold he felt whenever she left early in the morning to go to work but it was the sort of cold which mixed with sweet memories. Nevertheless, there he was, at another meeting, hearing whatever bullshit excuses Rumlow had to give him. Steve had been the one to suggest taking his territory rather than just off him yet taking care of a damaged business with an even more damaged partner was doing his head in. He stood against the new furnished couches of the bar, drinking his scotch as he heard Rumlow ramble and ramble about how he had good ideas. He had ideas, just not good ones. An hour late he was leaving the godless establishment to return home. He walked home as he always did during winter, watching the newly put up Christmas lights in the streets. His apartment wasn’t too far, having sold his previous one once Y/N moved back to Massachuts to buy one near her and then selling it once she graduated to buy another one. It was close to the bar and she liked it that way, constantly begging him not to go during Christmas and stay with her but business was business. Entering his home, the electrical fireplace was on and his heavily pregnant wife was barefoot, walking side to side and jumping into her dress.
    - Stop jumping, you’ll fall and hurt yourself. - Bucky smirked, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her body. - And we all know you can’t get up when you fall. 
    - So funny. - she playfully slapped him on the chest. - It’s almost as if this wasn’t your fault. 
    - How’s our little boy?
    - How do you know it’s not a girl? - she smirked. - Nice try, Bucky but you’ll only know when the baby is born. 
    - You’re killing me here.
    - Come on, we have to go to the twin’s baby shower.
    - Explain to me again why did your friend decided to do a baby shower after the babies were born?
    - So that she would tell us what size clothes they are. - she gave him a soft kiss, leaning against him. - You won’t be your usual grumpy, scary self. You’ll be good to the other dads. 
    - What will I tell the other dads when they ask me what I do?
    - You’re a business man. - she straightened his suit’s lapel. - Isn’t that somewhat true?
    - You’re lucky I adore you.
    - Come on. 
Bucky found it hard mixing both of their lifestyles, but he did it for her. God, he had done so much for her and he only wanted to do more for her. If someone had told him he’d beg the police captain to go to his wedding just to make Y/N happy, he would’ve laughed, yet Y/N deserved it. His father had pretty much set her aside once it came to light she was hanging out with him and he couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. He didn’t have many friends and those he had had completely relationships to the friends Y/N had, nevertheless he tried. He wanted to be the best husband and the best father he could possibly be. Bucky would lay sleepless every single night wondering how he’d do it. How would he go to profession day and tell kids about his job? He couldn’t or he’d traumatise them. Nevertheless, he worried. Y/N was going to be a great mum, the best mum even but him? He wasn’t so sure.
They reached Wanda’s place which was decorated with all sorts of baby blue decorations. 2 boys in one go. If Bucky suddenly had two kids, he would’ve had a heart attack. He barely knew he could be a good dad for one, imagine two.
    - Oh my god, you’re huge. - Wanda said as she opened the door. - How come it’s not out yet?
    - The baby’s stubborn like his father. 
    - More like his mother. - Wanda added. - Come see the twins.
There were two bassinets on the living room where Vision was frantically rocking them side to side, Pietro sat in the couch on his phone while most of the guests were still to arrive. Y/N looked over the bassinets, the two babies laying there wide awake which probably explained why Vision looked so overwhelmed. 
   - Why are they so big? - Y/N whispered to Bucky. - I can’t push something that big out of me. 
   - Well, think positive, at least you’re only pushing one out of you and not two. 
   - So that’s Billy and that’s Tommy. I think. - Wanda cocked her head to the side. - Well, Billy replies to his name and Tommy doesn’t.
    - Can I hold one? 
    - Sure. Bucky, do you wanna hold one? - Wanda asked and before he could reply, the redhead had already put a baby in his arms. James hadn’t held a baby, he didn’t know how to hold a baby yet there it was, a baby. - Aw, look at that Billy or Tommy likes you.
   - We’re still working on what colour we should dress one another so we know which one is which. - Vision added. - Pietro is still upset we didn’t name one Pietro.
   - Y/N you will name your baby Pietro if it’s a boy. 
   - Absolutely not. - she said as she cooed the baby in her arms. - They’re so beautiful. Congratulations. 
   - Yeah ... - Bucky handed back the baby to Wanda. - Do you think I can use your balcony?
   - Sure. 
Y/N furrowed her browns, putting the baby back in his crib before excusing herself. She gave Bucky some time before following him and there he was, leaned against the wall, cigarette hanging from the middle of his lips as his wild blue eyes observed the night sky. 
   - It’s a filthy habit. - she walked into the balcony. - What’s stressing you?
   - Nothing’s stressing me, petal.
  - You always smoke when you’re stressed so let it out. What’s wrong? Is it Rumlow?
  - Rumlow wishes he could stress me. 
  - Bucky.
  - You’re pregnant, petal. Like ... really, really pregnant.
  - We’ve established that. - she looked at her own bump. - You thought it was a food baby?
  - I don’t know, looking at Wanda’s kids ... we will have a baby in less than a month and I am going to be a father and I will screw it up. I’m not ready.
  - You’re stressed about being a dad? - she wrapped her arms around his neck, soft kind eyes looking at him. - Buck, everyone’s stressed with their first baby. You’re going to be a great dad.
  - I should get a new job.
  - Not this again.
  - Yes. I need to get a new job so the baby ...
  - Bucky, you don’t need a new job. - she interrupted him. - Your job won’t put the baby in danger because I won’t let it happen. I don’t know if you remember but I’m very good at deflecting bullets.
  - Deflecting? - he laughed. - You’re very good at catching them.
  - Either way, you’re going to be a great dad. Steve’s a great dad and he went parachuting without a parachute like an idiot. You take a parachute, at least.
  - I see your point.
  - James Barnes, in exactly five months you’re gonna be as good as a father as you could be. - she leaned against him, taking her opportunity to take the cigarette away from his mouth and tossing it out the balcony. Her eyes followed up to his face, intently on something. - What?
  - I smell snow.   
taglist: @lookiamtrying​ @mariamermaid​ @sebastianstansqueen​ @unmagically​ @buckybarnes1982​ @mela-noche​ @lowercasegenius​ @randomweirdooo​ @projectcampbell​ @sebbystanlover-vk​ @jevans2​ @hollarious​ @itsallyscorner​ @tcc-gizmachine​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @stuckysavedmylive​ @vicmc624​​ @sebstanfan123​​
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weasleysjoke · 4 years
Last New Year’s Kiss
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Seeing Reid in a suit at JJ’s and Will’s wedding makes you act up and tell Spencer your true feelings for him.
Warnings: smut, kinda rough sex (?, penetatrion with protection, oral (m receiving), aftercare
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: As always, a reminder that English is my third language so there might be grammar errors, I try my best.
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“Everything is fine. You are having a great time and you are good, Y/N.”
Even the image in the mirror knew I was lying.
If it weren’t for a stupid doctor looking sexy as fuck in a suit, nothing bad would had happened. But Reid just had to mess up with me, hadn’t he?
There were too many things leading up to this, but it didn’t make him less guilty.
For starters, I was sexually frustrated.
My job is complicated on his own and when I was home, I didn’t feel like going out to get a new hook up or whatever. I was always tired, and relationships are difficult to maintain while you are travelling all over the country. My calculations told me that I hadn’t had any type of sexual contact with another human in 3 months, last New Year’s Eve.
That leads us to the second reason that drove me mad. New Year’s Eve.
Flashback: New Year’s Eve
Spencer and I had always had a flirtatious relationship. Well, I flirted with him and made him constantly blush. He seemed so innocent and I loved that.
Everybody in the team teased us because of our weird dynamic. Derek and Emily always joked around about how we had to have sex and end the sexual tension once and for all.
So, New Year’s arrived, and we all went to Rossi’s mansion to celebrate, even JJ and Hotch left their kids with a nanny and joined us.
I was on my second cocktail with Emily at the backyard when Derek came back of God knows where with Spencer by his side. Spencer looked extra shy that night, maybe because he wasn’t comfortable in this type of environment, so I decided to make conversation with him.
“Hey, Spence. Come sit by my side, I will make you one of my special cocktails.” I wiggled my eyebrows and got to make him laugh and relax a little.
“How about we play some sexy games?” Derek shouted like he was a frat guy and made me cringe.
After some drinking games, the hot questions started to get hotter than ever.
“I have never had a threesome.”
Emily and I looked at each other and toke a shot.
“What was that?” Penelope asked looking accusingly to us both.
“What was what?” I responded innocently.
“I have no idea what she’s trying to say. And you, Y/N?” Emily followed me.
“No idea at all.”
“Don’t tell me you two had a threesome without me!” Derek pretended to be mad.
“We didn’t say anything…” I winked at him.
Spencer tensed by myside.
“I have never had a crush on someone on this team.” Derek seemed to direct this one towards me and I flipped him off.
Spencer and I were the only ones who took a shot. Our eyes met each other, he looked down immediately nervously.
Did he…?
“Well, I think I am going to leave you kids have fun on your own.” Rossi laughed and left towards his house. Hotch and JJ with Will left to pick up their kids.
Derek and Emily looked suspicious planning something in whispers and when Emily saw me looking at her she just winked at me.
“Ok, truth or dare, Y/N?” Morgan turned towards me.
“Are we college kids now?” I arched an eyebrow.
“Tell us your crush.” He smirked.
“Dare.” I answered.
I fucking hate them for doing this.
“I dare you to kiss your crush.”
“The way I hate you all so much right now.” I toke a shot and turned to look at Reid. “Fuck it.”
I crushed my lips against his closing my eyes to not see his reaction. After a few seconds not feeling his response, his lips started to follow mine making me feel more confident in what I was doing. As he opened a bit his mouth, I toke the chance to enter my tongue.
Holy fuck.
His tongue against mine felt so fucking magical and I couldn’t stop a moan from scaping.
The moment ended when we heard Morgan, Penelope and Emily cheering us up.
Spencer separated from me with his cheeks full of color and toke a lock of my hair behind my ear. “You are so drunk, Y/N. You are going to regret this tomorrow morning.”
End of the flashback.
We didn’t speak about that kiss ever again.
Of course I regretted that kiss.
I regretted it because I couldn’t stop myself from staring at his lips every time he started talking.
I regretted it because I couldn’t help but to touch myself while thinking of his tongue inside my mouth.
I regretted it because it made me realize that anything happening to us was impossible. He would have talk to me about it if he wanted to do it again but instead he ignored me the few days after and acted as if nothing had happened.
All of that leads us to the big reason of why I am standing in front of a mirror, looking at myself in one of the bathrooms in Rossi’s home.
We all had been called by Rossi after a stressful case telling us that Jennifer and Will were getting married at his house and that it was a surprise for JJ. Everybody had to be formally dressed and it’s known that I’ve only seen Spence on a suit once before at an FBI event.
So, here I am.
After the wedding, everybody was having dinner, but I couldn’t be there. Not with Spencer sitting in front of me and giving me looks. He was just there looking all hot, rambling stuff about weddings and licking his lips like he always did, looking straight to my eyes.
I wondered if he did all that on purpose. He must know how good he looks.
Obviously, everything started to be overwhelming, so I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom.
A knock on the door woke me up from my thoughts.
“Y/N, are you ok?”
Of course, it had to be him.
“Emily told me to come check on you. She said you were distracted the whole night and that you needed me to talk to you, what is this about?”
Of course, she fucking said that. Kill me now.
“Open the door, please.” Reid said with exasperation in his voice.
I sighed and opened the door. “Hey.”
He looked like his brain was going to explode of confusion. “What’s going on, Y/N?”
“I just feel weird today, sorry.” I responded avoiding his brown eyes.
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” He grabbed my chin and made me look straight to his face. “I thought we were friends; you can tell me everything.”
He sounded so worried.
I sighed again. “Spence…”
His hands fell from my face. “What?”
“I like you. Like, REALLY like you. More than friends - kind of like you.”
His eyes opened at its fullest.
His body didn’t make a move.
His mouth didn’t make a noise.
“It’s alright, Reid. I- I just hope this doesn’t change anything.” As I give him a sideway smile, I leave him there and go back downstairs.
I arrive to Rossi’s backyard and saw everybody dancing to the soft music and laughing. Emily saw me and came towards me.
“Hey, why such a long face honey? I thought I would have solved your Doctor trouble.” She smirked but it slowly faded as she saw I wasn’t returning a smile. “What happened up there?”
“I told him I like him more than friends.”
“That’s great, Y/N! Why the fuck aren’t you hooking up with him right now then?”
“He doesn’t like me back, Emily.” I look up to the sky to try dry the tears that were forming in my eyes.
“Y/N! That ain’t true. He always talks to Morgan about how much he wants you. And everybody sees the looks he gives you when you do literally anything.”
I furrowed my eyebrows. “That just doesn’t make any sense.”
I watch as Spencer goes straight to Morgan and starts discussing something with him. He seems frustrated.
“What did he say? His exact words.” She asked.
I keep looking at the discussion happening a few feet away.
“He didn’t say anything.” Spencer looked at our way and his eyes stayed fixed on mine. He was talking about me with Derek, I know it. “He just stood there in shock.”
Derek pushed Spencer and he started walking towards me.
“Do you mind dancing with me for a bit?” He said offering a hand and I just stood there looking at him. “Please?”
I toke his hand and we started dancing.
“Y/N, I haven’t stopped thinking about that motherfucking kiss since New Year’s Eve.” My heart skipped a beat at his words. “I have liked you since you started working at the bureau.” He continued, “You are stunning and that fucking kiss. Derek and Emily haven’t stop telling me how I had to make a move, but you never brought what happened up, so I just thought-.”
“You thought what, Doctor?” I smirked.
His grip on my waist tensed. “I thought that you didn’t like it.”
“Fuck, Reid. You are so damn dumb sometimes. I was the one that threw themselves to you. I was the one that kissed you. I had to touch myself so many times after your ramblings because you didn’t stop licking your lips.”
He smirked. “You had to touch yourself?”
“Fuck yeah, Reid. I hate you so much.”
“How about we go to my apartment and show me how you touched yourself?”
I wetted my panties right there.
I toke a deep breathe. “Let’s go.”
After a few goodbyes and a ‘get it girl’ from Penelope and Emily, Spence and I leave in his car. I could get mine tomorrow.
“You look fucking delicious, Y/N.” I blushed at his compliment.
I almost never wore dresses, but this was an special occasion. I was wearing a little black dress that hung in all my curves and revealed a little too much of my back.
His hand found my thigh and he started making circles with his thumb.
“If you look this delicious in it, I wonder how you will look with nothing on. Fuck, I am getting hard just thinking about it.”
“Spence, shut the fuck up or I’m going to make you pull over right here and make you fuck me in the car.”
He smirked at me and turned to look straight ahead. “Just a few more minutes, baby.”
We managed to arrive to his apartment building and when the elevator door shuttered, he pinned me to a wall. We started to hungrily kiss each other and a moan left my lips.
“It’s so much better than I remembered.” I said.
“Mhmm.” He agreed without leaving my mouth alone.
The door of the elevator ringed, letting us know that it was opening, and we proceeded to walk rapidly towards his door. He opened it quickly and turned to face me.
I didn’t hesitate for a second and jumped. He grabbed the back of my thighs and I embraced his neck with my arms loosely. He closed the door with his foot and walked to his bedroom, all while his tongue was still inside my mouth. When we arrived to the end of his bed, he sat me down on it and grabbed a handful of my hair making me moan and look straight to his face.
“Now, I want you to put on good use that fucking mouth of yours.”
I moaned again.
Fuck, he knows how to use his words on the sheets too. I am so wet right now.
I unzipped his pants and toke his boxers with it, his hard on full on display in front of my eyes. I couldn’t help but open my mouth and go for it, I wanted it so bad.
I started licking his length and circling my tongue around the top of his cock making him groan. His hand pulled my hair harder and a sound escaped my mouth. I bopped my head with my hand helping me to reach the base of his dick. As I continued doing movements with my hand, I sucked his balls making him moan outloud.
“Fucking hell, Y/N. Stop.”
I stopped. “You don’t like it?” I looked at him innocently.
“You know what you were doing, little girl, but now we have to get you started.”
He started stripping me off my clothes, first my top and bra. After sucking my tits, he went for the pants and panties, leaving me completely naked, laying on his bed.
He stood in front of me contemplating me like I was a piece of art.
“You are breathtaking, little girl.”
He sat on the bed, next to me, and pinched one of my nipples with two fingers.
“Now, I want you to show me how you been touching yourself thinking about me. If you are a good girl I may come and help you out.”
I felt really self-conscious, I’ve never done anything like this before. He felt that I was unsure, and he started stroking my thigh with one hand.
“You should never feel ashamed in front of me, Y/N.” He smiled sweetly. I sighed and smiled back.
I started to imagine his hands all over my body as I dragged mine to my stomach, travelling down slowly. As I reached my core, I started drawing circles around my clitoris making me moan imagining his long fingers in me. I inserted two fingers inside of me.
“Look me in the eyes, little girl.”
“Spence… I need you.” I started moving my fingers quicker.
“What do you want, baby?”
“Your cock, Reid, please.” I whined.
He straddled me and his lips attacked mine again. He dragged his tongue on my bottom lip and I opened my mouth granting him full access. He reached to his night table and grabbed a condom from the first drawer.
“Spencer, I need-.” I couldn’t finish because the full length of his cock was inside me. “Holy fuck.”
“Shit, Y/N.” He groaned. “You are so fucking wet, I slipped so easily.”
I moaned and a rough rhythm was settled. His hand went to my clitoris and started stroking it.
“I’m not gonna last long, baby.”
One second after, he left fully my body and grabbed my waist.
“What are you doing…?” I asked confusedly but with one movement he turned my body making me lay on my stomach. A ‘fuck’ left my lips.
He grabbed my waist and I arched my back giving him an easy access. He slapped my ass and inserted his cock at its full inside of me.
He continued roughly and slapped my ass again. My walls clenched as I reached my high making me follow just right after. He groaned while I screamed his name one last time. He left all his weight on me tiredly.
After a few seconds, he abandoned me and went to his bathroom. He appeared again with a towel and helped me get cleaned.
“Are you good?” He asked sweetly.
“Hell yes, Spencer. Don’t go all shy on me again, I know the real you now.” I smirked and he laughed.
“And you seemed to enjoy it.” He arched an eyebrow.
“I really enjoyed it. Fuck, that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
He smiled proudly and kissed my lips. I couldn’t stop a yawn from leaving my mouth and he laughed separating from me.
“Let’s get some sleep, little girl. Tomorrow I will be taking you on a date.”
I kissed him again and turned to sleep. He cuddled me and hold me tightly.
“I ain’t going to leave if you that’s what you fear. I am all yours, Spencer.”
“Good, because I’m not letting you leave my side ever.”
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thebigbadbatswife · 3 years
The Witching Hour - Chapter 1 - All Hallows’ Eve
Summary - When her friends dragged her to Gotham’s old cemetery for some Halloween ghost hunting fun, Y/N really didn’t think her life would end up changing like this.
Chapter Warnings - referenced/implied character death
Word Count - 3.3k
The cell phone on your nightstand buzzed incessantly as your friends continued to spam your messages. They had been doing so for the past hour or so. You were surprised that the damn thing hadn’t vibrated off of the nightstand yet. When it finally stopped, when you finally thought they had given up, you returned your attention to the document you had open on your laptop. Just as you were about to start typing again, your phone resumed its buzzing.
Huffing, you shut your laptop’s lid, placed it on the bed next to you, reached over and grabbed your phone off the nightstand. Over eighty messages both from your friends individually and within the group chat, begging you to come along with them to the old cemetery that sat outside of town. They wanted to go because it was Halloween and that meant it was the best time to go ghost hunting! And they wanted you to go along because of how you were usually drawn to this type of stuff. As well as how this type of stuff was also usually drawn to you.
Come on! For old time’s sake? Plus we’re going to have a much better chance at actually catching something if you come along!
The message was from your friend John, the ringleader of your group. The reason you and your friends had always gotten into trouble at school. Now he was trying to work his magic once again.
Only because I’m a meta with an uncomfortably close relationship with death…
As far as you knew, your powers were genetic instead of being caused by that arc reactor explosion that had given a lot of metas their powers. You were able to look past the “Veil”, as it was called, and see and interact with spirits on the other side. Not that you did so often or even liked to do. It creeped you out and you sometimes saw things that would certainly traumatize most people if they saw them. Not to mention the strain on your body and mind each time you did it. 
Why the obsession with the old cemetery now?
It had been years since John had mentioned ghost hunting, let alone the old cemetery. Back during your last year of high school, it had been all John could talk about. He was convinced that it was where the “cool” ghosts would be hanging out. None of you had ever actually gone because your last year had passed surprisingly quickly and before you all knew it, you were all moving to different parts of the country for college. In all that time it had never been mentioned again. Until now.
Ha! She finally replies! I knew you wouldn’t leave us to scream into the void forever!
The next message was from Tom, your oldest friend. Unlike the others, you two had known each other since kindergarten. If anyone was capable of talking you into going, it was probably him.
It’s been years since all of us were in the same place at the same time! Not to mention it’s Halloween and a full moon! I don’t think it could be more perfect!
Well, he wasn’t wrong about that.
You know you want to come! And don’t you dare lie!
He wasn’t wrong about that either. You were a little curious. The cemetery was on the outskirts of Gotham City. According to the internet, the cemetery had members of Gotham’s oldest families buried there. If you were to use your powers there to look past the Veil, there was a chance some of those people could still be hanging around. It would certainly be an unique opportunity to converse with them and, perhaps, attempt to help move on. Or maybe you would find inspiration for your next short ghost story. You certainly had been struggling with inspiration recently so maybe this was exactly what you needed.
Okay! Fine! I’ll come!
You scoffed as you hit ‘send’. Once again, Tom had talked you into joining them. A small part of you was convinced he was a meta with some sort of manipulation power.  
That’s great! ‘Cause we’re already outside your house!
John replied, causing you to roll your eyes. Of course they were already outside. Why wouldn’t they be?
You locked your phone, got up from your bed and slipped your phone into your pocket. You grabbed your jacket from your wardrobe and made your way out of your bedroom and down the stairs. You grabbed your keys from the bowl on the table, near the front door.
“Y/N? Where are you going at this hour sweetheart?” your grandma called from the living room.
“I’m going to meet up with some old friends. I’ll be back soon!” you replied. You didn’t tell her where you guys were going since you knew she would most definitely disapprove.
“Stay safe!”
“Will do!”
After your parents’ death, your grandma had not only raised you, but helped you learn how to use your abilities so that, should you choose to, you’d be able to use them. Not that she would approve of you constantly using them. Looking through the Veil could sometimes draw the attention of extremely unwanted creatures that were looking for a route to the physical world. You knew how to defend yourself from them, but that didn’t mean you really wanted to get into that situation to begin with. If you were going to use your abilities tonight, you were going to have to be extremely careful.
The entire drive there, your friends excitedly talked about what they could potentially capture on either video or audio. John was driving, Tom sat in the passenger seat next to him and you were sitting in the back with Rebecca.
A couple of hours later and the car finally pulled up in front of the cemetery. John turned off the engine and you all got out. Since it was pretty much pitch black out here, you all got out your phones and turned on your flashlights.
Tall stone walls covered in moss and vines surrounded the cemetery and an old rusted iron gate stopped the car from going any further. Threaded through the bars of the gate was large rusted chain with an equally rusted padlock. Even if you guys had the key, you seriously doubted it would have worked anyway.
“Are you kidding me?” asked Tom, as he useless pulled against the chain. “This is so unfair!”
“Uh, maybe we could try to scale the walls or something?” Rebecca suggested as she walked over to where the vines seemed at their thickest. She gave them a gentle tug. “Looks like it might hold our weight, if we go up one by one.”
Tom shook his head. “And get covered in spiders? Yeah, no thanks!”
Rebecca frowned as she used her phone’s light to have a closer look at the vines. “I can’t see any spiders.”
“That’s because you’re not looking in the right spots,” he replied as he walked over to her. He shone his own light up at the vines.
While you walked over to them, to get a better look at what Tom was trying to show her, John shook his head and walked back toward the car.
“See all of those tiny turquoise dots shinning back at us?” he asked her as he pointed above where there were a lot of tiny turquoise dots sparkling in the light.
“Yeah, they’re like little drops of moisture right?”
“You would think, but they’re not! Those are the eyes of all those horrid little spiders!”
Rebecca squealed and immediately backed away from the wall. “Tom! Why the fuck would you tell me that! Fuck! There’s probably going to be so many of them inside the actual cemetery! And now I know how to spot them!”
“I don’t think that’s going to be much of an issue considering we can’t get in anyway,” you said as you gestured toward the very locked gate. This whole thing was starting to feel like a massive waste of time.
“Oh! But we can!” John announced as he strode on over to you three with a large pair of bolt cutters in hand. He also had a backpack slung over his shoulder. As he cut the chain, John explained how he had swung by here earlier to see if there was anything that would stop you lot from getting in. When he saw the chain, he had gone to the hardware store, that was located in the worst part of the city, and bought these. “Only place I could find that had bolt cutters big enough for a chain like this!”
“Aren’t we like breaking the law or something right now?” Rebecca asked just as the cutters snipped through the chain and it clanged against the gate.
“Probably,” John replied very nonchalantly. “But we’re pretty much committed at this point now. Besides, look at this place! No one’s been here in years! I seriously doubt we’re going to get caught.”
The iron gate creaked loudly as it was pushed open and you all headed inside. The others walked ahead while you trailed behind. The way they were talking, discussing who was buried here and therefor who they could potentially “contact”, made you feel like you had time-travelled back to high school.
When you all got to the centre of the cemetery, John took the backpack off and opened it. It was filled with all sorts of equipment that was used in modern day ghost hunting. Voice recorders, emf meters, even a couple of high end night vision cameras. Damn, he had really gone all out for this. After the gear had been handed out, John began to give everyone directions as to where they were off to investigate.
Tom and Rebecca were going to be investigating the southwest of the cemetery, which was the newest part, John was headed up to the north, where some mausoleums were shaded by an old willow tree and you:
“And Y/N, you get the oldest part of the cemetery which is toward the east!”
“Right, of course, send the meta to the creepiest part of this place,” you said, playfully rolling your eyes.
“Well, you said it, not me! Good luck and we’ll meet back here in a couple of hours,” John replied. With that, you all split up and went your separate ways.
The cemetery was vastly overgrown. Most of the headstones were buried beneath the long unruly grass, brambles and vines. Every now and then your flashlight would catch a glimpse of the grey stone underneath. You also caught more glimpses of those glowing spider eyes and were doing your best to ignore them. You really hated Tom sometimes.
Thanks to all of the plants, you could barely see the path. The only thing that indicated you were walking on one was every now and then you could feel a stone slab shift underneath your feet.
The further east you walked, the darker and darker the cemetery seemed to get. It also seemed to get creepier and creepier, which was strange to you because you never really found cemeteries creepy. Instead you had always found them peaceful. A lot of people found you weird for that. There was also the feeling that something was watching you. The uneasiness that came along with that feeling was enough to prevent you from using either your recorder or your abilities. If there really was something watching you, you got the feeling that the last thing you wanted to do was attract its attention. After all, who knew what truly lurked here? Especially on the other side.
You eventually reached a group of mausoleums. Much like the rest of the cemetery, they were covered in bramble, vines and other plantlife. They were tall and the parts of them you could see, you could tell were certainly made of far more expensive stone than the rest of the place. This wasn’t just the oldest part, this was also the richest part.
You approached a few of the mausoleums and managed to clear away some of the plants covering the name plates. The majority of the names had been erased due to the elements, but not all of them. The names that were still readable were also names you recognised. Kane, Elliot, Crowne. Three of the First Families of Gotham.
You were about to approach another when you saw something large and black move, out of the corner of your eye. You spun around and shone your flashlight in the direction of the shadow, but there was nothing there.
“Hello?” you called out, which was probably a terrible idea, but it was the only thing you could think of doing. “Who’s there?” You waited for a reply, but no reply came.
Was your nerves making you see things? It couldn’t be a spirit; you weren’t using your powers. Unless… Throughout your life you had heard of non metas who had “seen” things in their peripheral vision. Sometimes they were spirits that had briefly broken through the Veil, other times it really was just people imagining things. Until now you had never experienced it before and you hated how impossible it was to tell which one it was.  
Turning on your phone’s screen, you looked at the time. You still had an hour before you had to head back to meet back up with the others. Turning the screen off again, you looked back in the direction you had seen the shadow move toward. Did you follow? It sounded like an awful idea, but the only other thing you could do was head back early and then wait around for everyone else, and that sounded incredibly boring.
‘ Okay, guess I’m doing this then,’ you thought as you began to head down the path, in the direction the shadow had gone.
You had previously thought that there was no way this cemetery could be anymore overgrown than it already was. This new part you were now walking through proved you wrong. Extremely wrong.
Branches hanging low off of trees and thorns from the brambles tugged at your clothing as you passed them. You had to keep an extra careful eye out on where you were stepping so that you didn’t trip over and injure yourself. There were more mausoleums, but you could barely make their shapes out through all of the greenery.
As you walked, that feeling that something was watching you increased tenfold and you found yourself constantly glancing back. Each time you looked you were met with the same result. There was nothing there.
‘ It’s just my overactive imagination ,’ you told yourself, but that did nothing to soothe your growing fear. What if the thing you had seen had been an actual person? And not a good person at that. This was Gotham after all and for some reason Halloween was when most, if not all, the psychopaths suddenly came out to play. Were you about to become another notch in some serial killer’s knife hilt? Oh, you really hoped not. That was not how you wanted to go.
Before your mind could lead you down a dark path of all the vivid ways you could be brutally murdered right now, the path came to an end. At the end of it sat a lone mausoleum. This one didn’t look nearly as old as the others nor was it as covered in plants like the rest. As you walked over to it you saw one of the large iron doors had fallen off its hinges and now laid on the ground.
Cautiously, you approached the entrance. When you were close enough, you shone your light on the name plate. The name ‘Wayne’ was engraved on to it. You got a feeling that that was somehow important, but you really didn’t know why. Nor why you were so drawn to it. Almost as if you were now on autopilot, you stepped inside the mausoleum.
The first two names you saw were Martha and Thomas Wayne. Even years after their deaths, you knew the names well. Before their untimely deaths they had been trying to use their fortune to help the city and its more vulnerable citizens.
The next name you saw, you didn’t recognise. Jason Peter Todd. You were shocked when you saw his death date. “Fuck, you were barely sixteen years old,” you whispered. That was... that was not fair at all.
The last name was Bruce Wayne. It stood out to you a lot more than the others had. Almost as if it was…. Glowing? What? That made no sense. Okay, you were definitely just seeing things now. To prove that to yourself, you turned your flashlight off. The name continued to glow, in fact now it was a hell of a lot brighter.
“What the fuck?”
You peered closer to see if there was any small lights or something similar causing it to glow, but there wasn’t anything. The name was actually glowing! Freaked out, you took a picture of it (without the flash of course), and sent it to Tom. A few agonising minutes passed before he finally replied.
Why are you sending me a completely black photo?
What? You checked the picture you had sent and, yeah, the name was definitely visible.
Can’t you see the glowing name?
If Tom couldn’t see it, then what did that mean?
What are you on about? There’s nothing there. Are you okay?
Was this somehow related to your powers? Is that why Tom wasn’t able to see it? If that was the case, and with each passing second it seemed to be, then he or the others couldn’t help.
Yeah, I’m fine. Nevermind.
Sighing, you checked the time before you shut off you phone and slipped it into your pocket. Thirty minutes before you had to head back. You were on your own. If this was related to your powers then what exactly did you do with it? Your grandma had never mentioned anything like this before, so you had no clue. You still felt uneasy and this new discovery had done nothing to help so you really didn’t want to peer through the Veil, unless it was absolutely necessary.
Would anything happen if you reached out and touched it? You sometimes got flashes of memories or feelings when you touched some items. Maybe this could be the same? You supposed the only way to find out would be to touch the stone. Cautiously you reached out and pressed the palm of your hand against the cold stone.
Images flashed through your mind. Movie tickets, a pearl necklace, a gun. There was the sound of the gun firing, a child’s blood chilling scream and the loud wailing of police sirens. Then it was over and you were brought back to reality, with far more questions than you had previously started with.
Before you were able to question or make sense of what you had seen, your phone vibrated. Taking it out, you saw a text from John, as well as several others.
Are you nearly here?
We were supposed to meet up fifteen minutes ago. Where are you?
Did your phone die?
It did, didn’t it. Unless you’re currently doing one of your meta things?
So what had simply been mere seconds for you in reality had been forty five minutes for everyone else. Which wasn’t all that unusual for you, but could certainly make people that didn’t deal with it daily worry. With that in mind, you fingers flew across your keyboard as you typed out your reply.
Yeah, meta thing, sorry. I’m on my way back now.
You turned your flashlight back on and walked back to the entrance. Before leaving, you looked back to where the glowing of Bruce Wayne’s name was now slowly fading away. Whoever he had been, he was asking for your help. You were sure of it and that’s exactly what you were going to do.
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