bottlepiecemuses · 4 months
Virtue Signalers Cheer One Jewish Girl Who Faced Injustice In The Past, While Booing Another One In The Present Facing Current Ones
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Again as people said before people like dead Jews over alive Jews because they want someone to pity and to feel sorry for while not actually do anything of substance to help and even better they show more sympathy for their enemies who lie about them. People just want victims to pity rather than people who are willing to fight back from being oppressed but like zero tolerance school idiots they condemn only the one who hit back harder. Seriously, these people are people with main character syndrome who think they are the good guys because they believe modern society could never become as corrupt and cruel as past society. Guess what injustice can appear over and over again but in different forms. When you are cheering on mobs trying to harm this girl then you are on the bad side.
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