hugueslouisrey · 9 months
Meaningful, Useful & Benevolent Communication Example - Vanish (Reckitt Benckiser): Me, My Autism and I by Havas London (Awarded at Eurobest 2023)
Garment care brand Vanish has unveiled its Channel 4 Diversity in Advertising Award campaign titled ‘Me, My Autism and I’. The ad campaign is based on the findings that autistic girls are three times less likely to receive a diagnosis than boys and the process can take up to two years longer. Created by Havas London, the short takes viewers through a day in the life of a 15-year-old autistic…
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uroosahmad · 6 months
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Eurobest Umzüge ist eines der zuverlässigsten und erfahrensten Umzugsunternehmen in ganz Berlin, Deutschland. Wir sind seit über einem Jahrzehnt in diesem Geschäft tätig und haben Tausende von Übergängen schnell und sicher durchgeführt. Unser Unternehmen „Eurobest Umzüge“ bietet umfassende Umzugsdienstleistungen an, darunter Privatumzug, Büroumzug, Seniorenumzug, Firmenumzug, Miniumzug und Fernumzug. Wir haben hochqualifizierte und professionelle Umzugshelfer in unserem Vorstand, die in der Lage sind, jede Art von Umzug problemlos zu bewältigen. Worauf wartest du? Nehmen Sie Ihr Mobiltelefon und rufen Sie uns unter 3045084000 an oder klicken Sie einfach auf den untenstehenden Link, um mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen.
Ihr zuverlässiger Umzugshelfer für einen reibungslosen Umzug in Berlin: Umzugsunternehmen Berlin
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madstars-festival · 2 years
Creative Spotlight: Drago Mlakar, Creative Director at andGustav
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Drago is a Creative director & partner at andGustav. He started working in advertising in 2006 as  a junior copywriter. As a copywriter, he won gold at the Eurobest young creatives competition in 2014, Drago was also part of the First intake for the young lions creative academy in 2012.  It was a successful career. However, he was not satisfied with that and moved to a new position as a creative director, why? Hear from him and about his participation in MAD STARS. Also, listen to Drago’s advice for young creators.
I was surprised by your move to change the position who had been on the verge of success. What motivated you to make this decision? Were you afraid of change?
Hi, I’m a copywriter that became a creative director, but I still love working as a copywriter. I was the overconfident, loud,  funny (a smart ass) guy in high school, with a lot of dumb ideas. Once a counsellor said that I should look into advertising, and I did just that. Through the years I've built a solid career, won some awards and at the moment I’m a stay at home dad that works late evenings and early mornings with other studios, agencies and I’m a creative advisor for a local DDB office in Zagreb. My days are mostly  spent on long stroller walks, swings in parks, cooking, changing diapers, bubble baths and  lullabies. Beside all that I’m a long distance runner and a sci-fi enthusiast.
What are your proudest achievements ?
In 2012 I was a part of the first young lions creative academy in Cannes and one of my classmates told me that when you are in advertising there is only Cannes, but when you are in Cannes there is only gold. It took me a decade to win a bronze lion, so now I'm in the club, but I still have to win a gold one :-)
The other thing that I’m really proud of is winning gold at Eurobest  young creatives competition 2014. Me and my creative partner Luka Bajs were standing on a stage together with the industry greatest’s, it is still a fond memory.
But the other thing is that I was able to work for some of the best local agencies, with the best creatives, so I could learn a lot. 
Getting familiar with strategy got my game to a whole new level. It is easier to create successful campaigns when you understand how the clients sees the world.
You were part of the MAD STARS 2022 jury, how was that?
I loved it. You get to see some of the best and some of the worst campaigns  produced. the fact that MAD STARS is a free to enter contest, people really send everything that they did. And it is amazing. I am always surprised by both -the best and the worst cases.
Do you have any advice for young creatives?
Sir Hegarty said advertising is 80% idea, 80% execution and I agree fully. But judging young creatives I will look for the best idea with the best potential. If you want to impress me, impress me with a great idea not with a polished design - although  among all the great ideas, the ones with great execution will stand out more.
Your campaign should be smart, but I should also talk to my heart. your solution should make me feel something. and be creative. go crazy.
There’s a lot of talk in the industry about NFTs, web3, Metaverse and Defi. In your opinion are these just hype or will they truly impact the creative industry. How do you see the industry evolving in the next 5 to 10 years?
I’m not a big fan of social media and all of the ways we are trying to evolve it. It can be good for business, but I think it’s really bad for most other aspects of our lives (or maybe I'm just old). But it does open a lot of creative ways to communicate. A lot of good can come out of it. But will it last? I don’t know. I am afraid it will. Once it is on the internet it is forever.
I think our industry got obsessed with being first and thinking more about how to do it instead of what to do.  From the advertising perspective, I look at  NFTs, web3, Metaverse and Defi as a medium, not as an idea in it self. It can, and it should be used to transmit a message, but I also think, that we as an industry are always looking for the new thing, where  we can charge a premium on it, when things are at their beginning, we can say we are the experts, and that it is a must have for brands - another thing to sell to the client. I am sure that some good work will be done in the field, and I hope, I am able to be a part of it. But I can’t stop seeing the Metaverse as a stupid way for us to live our lives, obsessing every second if we are interesting enough for people to notice …   Go outside, take a walk, be bored. It feels great.
You've also made the switch from Junior Copyrighter to Creative Director. Could you tell us a bit about that move? and what advice you have for creatives who are seeking to switch roles? 
I wasn’t a simple switch, it wasn’t a straightforward process, I had to work hard for my promotion. It took a decade to reach the title of creative director. The position is more than just a title on your card, it brings more work, more meetings, more challenges ... So I would say always be careful what you wish for :)
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jjppaacc · 2 years
Places: BYCS — November 2020 - Now Freelance Availability — Now Isobar — January - December 2019 Cross & Gunn Freelance Art Direction — September 2017 - December 2018 180Amsterdam — February - August 2017 Hoick Studios — October - December 2016 Edinburgh College of Art — 2013 - 2016 London College of Communication — 2012 - 2013 Moments: Cannes Young Lions Highly Commended (2018) Golden Saw top 3 Dutch creative teams (2018) Eurobest Integrated Competition Honourable Mention (2017) 3x Young Dogs competition winner (2017-18) Cycled across Europe (2016) Design Week’s top 5 D&AD New Blood (2016) YCN commendation (2016) Exhibited @ Pissed Modernism (2016 & 17) Best up and coming — Graphic Design Festival Scotland (2015)
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palabrastextuales · 7 years
5 campañas de publicidad que nos soprendieron en el segundo día de eurobest
Sí, eurobest es un evento inspiracional y fresco, lleno de ideas para los que nos dedicamos a la comunicación, pero tiene una gran parte centrada en campañas de marketing y especialmente, de publicidad. Hoy desgranamos algunos de los anuncios presentados aquí que más nos han soprendido -de este último año pero también de anteriormente. 
- Por apelar a la diversidad y las diferencias.
Diesel - Go with the flaw
- Por luchar por lo que significa ser una chica
Always - Like a Girl
- Por romper esterotipos entre hombres y mujeres
Heineken - The Cliché
- Por apelar a la emotividad ( y la relación padre-hijo)
Gillette - Go Ask Dad
- Por abrirnos el apetito
Lurpak - Freestyle
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fungi-maestro · 2 years
Sigh. Not enough people are insane for the same characters and stories I am. I'm going to need everyone to immediately become obsessed with all of the things I like and stop posting about anything I don't care about. At once.
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trunk--slamchest · 5 years
One of the advantages of night shift is that I can be a massive retard blasting eurobeat
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bizznessaintdead · 6 months
06 62 82 42 83
Sinclair Mason Advertising Leeds
Module Advertising London
GGK Brussels
GV/Company Brussels
TBWA Brussels
JWT Paris
Duval Guillaume Antwerpen
Gyro Paris
More&Me Paris
Quad Productions
DDB Paris
BETC Paris
Publicis Bastille
Publicis Étoile
Arte Documentaires
Hungry & Foolish
Les Argentins
Dallas Antwerpen
Trouble Antwerpen
Aprile Production
Too Late To Die Young
10.7 Prod
Bien Fait Pour Vous
Five Spirit
Stretch Club
Bold & Elegant
Dentsu Creative
Thierry acts as Creative Advertising & Social Copywriter.
Thierry was too young to be the first man on the moon.
So he decided to be copywriter in advertising.
After first advertising experiences in the UK, Thierry began his career in Brussels (quite like on the moon actually).
At GGK Brussels or GV Company/TBWA, he really started to be in love with concepts, writing and… champagne.
Resolutely multicultural minded, Thierry joined JWT Paris.
Collaborating there with DeVilloutreys/Courtemanche/Winckler as ECDs and CEO, Thierry really enjoyed contributing to the digital turn taken by the agency.
He created and produced ad campaigns for great clients like Volvo, Post-It, Swissair, Ikea, Smirnoff, Rolex, BMW, KitKat, Lipton, Mövenpick, Reporters Sans Frontières, Rowntree, Nokia amongst lots of others. And digital campaigns for Nestlé, BMW.
Prestigious clients for whom Thierry won awards in New York festival, Eurobest, Creative Club of Belgium,  Club Des Directeurs Artistiques, Epica, Meribel. Or awards in digital such as FWA (Favourite Web Awards) or Webby.
As a freelancer since november 2015, Thierry collaborated with multi-awarded agencies like DuvalGuillaume in Antwerp, DDB Paris, Publicis Paris or BETC. 
And recently with Sébastien Zanini at Gyro Paris, to write and produce the latest international film for Oxford notebooks brand.
2018 Shortlist Epica Awards - Vattenfall For France
2016 Epica Awards Bronze Copywriting & Storytelling - Oxford Cool Robot
2016 Epica Bronze - Homes, Furnishings & App. - Oxford Cool Robot
2014 Jury Club Des Directeurs Artistiques
2012 Grand Prix Radio du Club des DA - Trouïsmes Polo
2011 Prix New York Festival Print - Kellogg’s Special K
2011 FWA Site Of The Day - BMW 1 Series
2009 Epica Silver - Nestlé/Extrême
2009 Prix Club Des DA - Web Site - Nestlé/Extrême
2009 Meribel Cyber Cristal Europe - Nestlé/Extrême
2009 Webby Awards / Nestlé Extrême
2008 FWA Site Of The Day - Nestlé/Extrême
2005 Prix Club des Directeurs Artistiques - Print/outdoor - Microlax
2001 Club des Directeurs Artistiques Radio - Malibu
1999 Eurobest - Lipton Ice Tea - Cantona Water Polo
1992 Creative Club Of Belgium - Sarma
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sporunyildizi-blog · 7 years
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2017 eurobest jürileri açıklandı Cannes Lions Genel Müdürü Jose Papa; eurobest jürilerinin, her yıl etkileyici bölgesel yeteneklerden ve küresel yaratıcılık liderlerinden oluştuğunu, yarışmanın Avrupa’daki yaratıcılığa öncülük ettiğini ve bu yılki başkanların, en iyi fikir ve yetenekleri arama geleneğini sürdüreceğini söyledi.
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proyectovisual · 7 years
"Heat is Life"
Atlantic  - @LeoBurnett
AWARDS • Cannes Lions • OneShow • Eurobest • LIA
Source: @Behance
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hugueslouisrey · 2 years
Havas Group Collects 59 Shortlists at 2022 Eurobest Awards
Havas Group Collects 59 Shortlists at 2022 Eurobest Awards
17 campaigns from Havas Media Group, Havas Group, Havas Creative, and BETC Group are shortlisted for this year’s Eurobest Awards Eurobest, the most prestigious pan-European honour for creative excellence, has announced their 2022 shortlist and Havas Group has received 59 recognitions which are linked to 17 campaigns coming from Havas Media Group, Havas Group, Havas Creative and BETC…
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sleepbabyarchie · 5 years
A blog about Thierry Brioul.
06 62 82 42 83
Sinclair Mason Leeds
Module London
GGK Brussels
GV/Company Brussels
TBWA Brussels
JWT Paris
Duval Guillaume Antwerpen
Gyro Paris
More&Me Paris
DDB Paris
BETC Paris
Publicis Bastille
Publicis Étoile
Hungry & Foolish
Quad Productions
Les Argentins
Dallas Antwerp
Thierry acts as Creative Advertising & Social Copywriter.
Thierry was too young to be the first man on the moon.
So he decided to be copywriter in advertising.
After first advertising experiences in the UK, Thierry began his career in Brussels (quite like on the moon actually).
At GGK Brussels or GV Company/TBWA, he really started to be in love with concepts, writing and… champagne.
Resolutely multicultural minded, Thierry joined JWT Paris.
Collaborating there with DeVilloutreys/Courtemanche/Winckler as ECDs and CEO, Thierry really enjoyed contributing to the digital turn taken by the agency.
He created and produced ad campaigns for great clients like Volvo, Post-It, Swissair, Ikea, Smirnoff, Rolex, BMW, KitKat, Lipton, Mövenpick, Reporters Sans Frontières, Rowntree, Nokia amongst lots of others. And digital campaigns for Nestlé, BMW.
Prestigious clients for whom Thierry won awards in New York festival, Eurobest, Creative Club of Belgium,  Club Des Directeurs Artistiques, Epica, Meribel. Or awards in digital such as FWA (Favourite Web Awards) or Webby.
As a freelancer since november 2015, Thierry collaborated with multi-awarded agencies like DuvalGuillaume in Antwerp, DDB Paris, Publicis Paris or BETC.
And recently with Sébastien Zanini at Gyro Paris, to write and produce the latest international film for Oxford notebooks brand.
Luxury & Beauty Experience.
Rolex // Elizabeth Arden // Hermés // Vacheron Constantin // Tudor // René Furterer // Le Tanneur // Lierac // Piper-Heidsieck // Mövenpick //
2018 Shortlist Epica Awards - Vattenfall For France
2016 Epica Awards Bronze Copywriting & Storytelling - Oxford Cool Robot
2016 Epica Bronze - Homes, Furnishings & App. - Oxford Cool Robot
2014 Jury Club Des Directeurs Artistiques
2012 Grand Prix Radio du Club des DA - Trouïsmes Polo
2011 Prix New York Festival Print - Kellogg’s Special K
2011 FWA Site Of The Day - BMW 1 Series
2009 Epica Silver - Nestlé/Extrême
2009 Prix Club Des DA - Web Site - Nestlé/Extrême
2009 Meribel Cyber Cristal Europe - Nestlé/Extrême
2009 Webby Awards / Nestlé Extrême
2008 FWA Site Of The Day - Nestlé/Extrême
2005 Prix Club des Directeurs Artistiques - Print/outdoor - Microlax
2001 Club des Directeurs Artistiques Radio - Malibu
1999 Eurobest - Lipton Ice Tea - Cantona Water Polo
1992 Creative Club Of Belgium - Sarma
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architecture-ljmu · 6 years
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Luminary Lecture Series   JAMES HILTON Chief Creative Officer at Native : for transformative design   Wed 23 Jan @ 4.30 pm Lecture Room 1, JLADB   James on Native: 'if ever there was a Bauhaus for the 21st century, this is it'  James works with international brands to create transformative design at the intersection between physical and digital, to achieve extraordinary results. Native’s business is about making and the making of business. Prior to Native, James co-founded global digital agency AKQA, creatively leading it for over 20 years as one of the world’s most awarded agencies. He also founded the experimental design studio Atelier Strange, and custom motorcycle brand Death Machines of London. James will talk about finding inspiration, the role of design and technology, how design makes life better and the redefinition of advertising. He is interested in the irrelevance of the term ‘digital’ and mass-market design enlightenment, in removing silos from client businesses so they use their combined budgets to radically improve people’s lives. James writes in the design and marketing press on creativity in business and design innovation and has given talks including at Oxford University; TEDx; BAFTA, London; Contagious, New York; Adobe Summit, Barcelona; It's Nice That, London; Tech Open, Berlin; Eurobest, Hamburg; NEXT, Berlin.
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cdigitalss · 2 years
Joe La Pompe advertising, publicité
Joe La Pompe advertising, publicité
Joe La Pompe advertising, publicité – Piano Lessons Tear Off flyer / Vol à l’arraché? “Masked to unmask copycats.” THE ORIGINAL?R.Alzuguir Piano Lessons – 2004Source : Cannes Lions SHORTLISTAgency : Ogilvy & Mather (Brazil) LESS ORIGINALMusicBox Piano – 2007Source : Eurobest AwardsAg : F&Bodenfors (Sweden) LESS ORIGINALPiano Lessons – 2022Source : PrintMagAD : Onur Kece (Australia) Be the…
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manuhigueras · 2 years
Instead of buying one and getting two. You´ll pay two and get one.
In Europe, over 400.000 bars will face bankruptcy. When we lose our bars, we lose a cornerstone of community. 
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mrsulaimankhan · 7 years
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#ThisAbillity ‪#intersectionality #inclusivity #diversity #RightTheRatio‬ #creativity #disability #eurobest‪ | #ForTheLoveOfCreativity 💜 — Thank you Cannes Lions and eurobest for making my first ‬eurobest Festival of Creativity‪ experience a wonderful one in London last week! I loved every second.‬ ————————————— As Founder & CPO (Chief Purpose Officer) of ThisAbility, I’m so honoured to have been invited to speak on a diversity panel and to host a workshop with my very good friend (and advisor) Mark van der Heijden of Wanderbrief during the festival, as well as humbled to be in the company of such amazing people. ————————————— Also, I throughly enjoyed the entire three days of the festival and just absorbed as much as I could. It was fantastic to meet old friends and make lots of new friends as well. ————————————— Thank you to the entire Cannes Lions and eurobest team for an incredible 3-day adventure at ‪#eurobestLDN and thanks for all your support with accessibility during the festival. You’re the best! ‬I very much look forward to collaborating with you again in the future to push creativity further together too. Chat soon! 😃 ————————————— As my hero, Cindy Gallop, best said: “Shared Values + Shared Action = Shared Profit (that’s financial profit and social profit).” ————————————— ————————————— #ONWARDSandUPWARDS. 👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿 ————————————— #create #creative #WorkHardAndBeNiceToPeople #BeBraveAndDrivenByPurpose #DontBeADick #BeBoldBeWildBeFearless #FistBumpsOnlyPLEASE #adventure #adventures #NewAdventures #AdventureIsCalling #IAmNOTAnInspirationIAmJUSTLivingMyLife #superabled #IAmSuperabled ‪#‬MuscularDystrophy (at Victoria House Basement)
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