#eu nao sei como vc é meu char
rhiezus · 4 years
Special Q&A with Moon Nayoung.
now that you’re not an actress anymore, the world is dying to know: what is moon nayoung doing?
what a pesky devil of you. it’s not like i’m very busy but it’s not i want to be busy, so eating well, sleeping well, travelling, picking different hobbies, spending a lot of time on youtube. i’m unemployed, but gladly.
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do you ever plan on acting again?
noo, i loved acting but that phase of my life is over. i am ready to be myself and no else for quite some time. i encourage acting though, it’s an exercise and it was an experience.
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we saw your cat a lot on your social media, what’s is their name?
oh, when we started this i was crossing my fingers thinking: please talk about my cats. in all forms expect physical, i’m a cat. so i found manwol in a shelter, she looked me in the eye suspiciously and i thought “she is testing me”, so i took her home to complete her task. she is always watching me, i don’t know if like a affectionate way, however she is very jealous of the people around me and for that reason i think we identify with each other. i don’t remember my boyfriend’s cat names though, he has many and they just keep adding, i just call them what i feel like calling them and they always answer, it’s like an unspoken connection.
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when are you and keun getting married though?
it’s that a thing you’d like to see? think we should live it for the world and charge a few to enter the livestream?
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what’s the most used app on your phone?
it’s between my yoga app, subway surfaces and piano tiles. people often underestimate how good i am with phone games, not that i am bragging but i’ve had years of boredom and that adds to the experience.
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we heard you like cooking, what’s your favorite dish to cook right now?
my favorite thing to cook... is spaghetti, there is like a hundred ways to do them differently and i love noodles. garlicky spaghetti, vegetable spaghetti, crock-pot spaghetti, the famous carbonara... there is baked spaghetti, it’s one of my favorites, chicken spaghetti, there is even a million dollar spaghetti that’s great and super easy. but last week i aced the tagine, it’s from maroccos. fun fact is most people think the word tagine is the meal itself but tagine is actually the cookware used to cook the meal. the reason for using a tagine is to make a dish tender and bring out its natural flavors. 
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what’s the place you want to travel the most?
i would love to go somewhere on the american continent, because their food is rich and it’s very different from asia but at the same time i don’t like travelling for long periods and spending too much time on a plane. i would like to see mexico or argentina, maybe even cuba too. 
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which of your friends are you most proud of? and why?
i don’t have that many friends, it’s not that hard to choose between them. the one that most accomplished things this year was bonghu, but that’s mainly because she got pregnant and i admire her nerve. she is a great friend, mom, person, woman and all in general so that makes me proud. 
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what’s the song you sing along when you hear it?
ring ring.
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who is the last person you texted? and what as the text about?
it was my friend group, i send a bear emoji with a blinking heart. i can’t recall what was the conversation about, it just called for a cute bear emoji.
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how is your morning routine? 
i wake up, look into my phone for like fifteen minutes to an hour (there is no in-between), i go pee and take a shower, do my skincare, feed the cats, cook breakfast, eat breakfast, go jogging or hit the gym. now in quarantine i would do yoga at home, but since it’s better now i just go jogging again. and that takes about my whole morning.
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who was your first celebrity crush?
i think it was patrick swayze, but also harrison ford. 
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what’s on your mind like right now?
this. i mean? what else? i don’t know. 
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what do you spent way too much money on?
masterclass online classes! i find it so interesting even though i know i don’t have the vocation of being a professional in that area, i mean... it’s just so great. i started paying for gordon ramsey’s classes, because i love that man but now i think i’ve even seen natalie portamn, anna wintour and even usher’s classes. 
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what’s the most cringy worthy thing you’ve seen someone post on social media?
i’m not one to judge cause all i have are cats and food, and that’s the most cringy worthy you can ever get on social media but i hate when people do this long captions like, no one is gonna read it and they know it but they just do that too sound smart and meaningful. i mean there’s nothing you can really say that can’t be said in private, right? i don’t know.
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what was the last show you binge-watched?
finished you a few days ago, don’t know if it was worth it, but i did it anyways. there was stranger too, season two was very well done.
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what is your favorite item of clothing?
my favorite item of clothing? hm, i think is black high waist pants because one) it’s comfy. two) it’s cheap. 3) it goes with anything in your wardrobe. 4) and with any weather or mood.  
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what are you passionate about?
i think... i’m passionate about just living, i mean. focusing on the present feeling and go from there, you know?! no need to be anxious about things you can’t see, while being responsible about the things you do right now and just work with that, like, make your lemonades. 
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what’s the best part of your 20′s? what are you taking from this age?
hm. there is a lot of figuring out, from yourself and from others, nothing is certain and everything is fragile but also soothing and exciting. like there is many things i wanna do but also i don’t feel like doing, it’s a contradictory age that’s just hard to understand. i was not one to feel nostalgic or regret things, but as you get older you start to do that and you have to remind yourself that is a way to learn and be better. so for me, the best part is truly looking at yourself differently everyday, changing is inevitable so you have to keep remembering who you are and what you stand for in order to keep going. i hope that i am taking a better person from this. also make good friends, that’s probably the best advice and best part of your 20′s.
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who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
i don’t have many deep conversations, i am more the type that listens. but when i do it’s just thoughts, like now in this interview. so probably my last deep conversation is this, because you’re asking me things that are hard not to be deep about.
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best advice you received from someone.
advice’s can be fragile and change from time to time, so the only one i think is right is about being kind to others, that sounds basic but that’s because it’s suppose to be. 
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what’s the one food you can’t bring yourself to eat?
funny enough, i don’t like egg. like fried egg, i mean if it’s in the food and as an ingredient, i don’t really mind but as a meal itself... i don’t really like it. i don’t care for tofu either, i can eat it though.
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if you were in a band, what kind of music would you play?
i would go for r&b but it would become popular quick so i’d have to make it pop but with still a little r&b vibe, know what i mean? but i can’t really sing, or play any instrument.
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if it would have a movie about your life, what would be the title?
did you listen to folklore, the taylor swift album? i came across mad woman, and i really like that song, i think something like that... it doesn’t need to be something big and meaningful, just moon nayoung it’s fine. but i don’t want a movie about my life, there is many other important stories to tell.
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do you believe in astrology? 
i don’t really have an opinion. i’m a sagittarius, who are suppose to be really free spirits, curious and idealistic, which i don’t know if it’s me or not. so i think is funny but i don’t really care.
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do you consider yourself romantic? what’s the most romantic gesture you have done?
me? i don’t know. i don’t think i do things in name of romance, i do them because i want to. that sounds sooo bitter, but i swear it’s not! i may be a romantic though, but i am not hopeless, at least not anymore. cooking for your partner counts as big romantic gesture? cause i’ve done that a lot.
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what was your favorite book as a child?
peter pan and little women. i probably didn’t wanna grew up, right?!
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do you prefer baths or showers?
i like both, but i prefer showers because it takes less time and it’s more practical. cold showers in the summer all the way.
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tell something you learn that you wish more people would too.
pay your bills before due date, mark them on your calendar or something and try to pay them before it’s due. even if it leave you broke for a few days, if you take your time it will only make you more lazy and it will become a habit. 
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now leave us with a secret that no one knows about you.
there is not much people don’t know about me anymore and if there is, that’s the reason why it’s a secret, am i right? but maybe i call tell you that i already cheated on a text or something, cause that’s all i have for you. sorry.
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ghiblitalks · 3 years
ghibli, uma pergunta! supondo que eu e um player combinamos uma interação entre nossos chars e eu percebo certa expectativa do rumo que essa interação vai tomar a partir da resposta que o player vai me dando conforme vai andando a thread e EMBARCO nessa, sabe? porem contudo no entanto, durante a interação eu percebo que esse rumo inicial que tínhamos em mente pode não acontecer por conta da forma de como a interação ta caminhando... e eu meio que pulo fora ou simplesmente adio o tal rumo que +
+ tal rumo que a gente tinha como inicial. n sei se ta dando pra entender kkkkk mas é uma atitude "feia" a minha miar as expectativas do meu partner? pq eu pensei em duzentas formas de chegar ao rumo indiretamente pretendido, mas nao condiz MESMo com o personagem, nao faz sentido com a pessoa dele. se a interacao tivesse se desenrolado de outra forma, aí sim ele cairia dentro, mas dessa forma, com o player sendo FIEL ao personagem dele, eu preciso tbm ser fiel ao meu, entende? +
+ ta meio saindo como desabafo mas juro que nao é má vontade minha, eu realmente nao consigo dobrar o personagem pra corresponder a certa expectativa... enfim, vc me acha um player ruim??? tipo, combino com vc que vai acontecer A na thread, mas até chegar a esse momento A acontecem coisas, palavras sao ditas, que mudam todo o contexto e ai nao consigo fazer meu personagem ir ate o momento A KKKKKKKK MEU DEUS GHIBLI EU TENHO QUE ME TRATAR SERÁ?????
Então, colega cinzento, tô tentando entender direito o que rolou para poder te responder de acordo. 
Primeiro eu vou falar o que eu entendi da “treta”: você e o outro combinaram de rolar um desenvolvimento, mas ao decorrer das interações/turnos, as coisas passaram a caminhar para um outro rumo. Aí você e/ou seu parceire teriam de mudar muito o personagem agora para que as coisas voltem aos trilhos.  Disso tudo: nem você e nem o outro devem mudar qualquer coisa no personagem e no desenvolvimento que vocês planejaram sozinhos para atender desejos e expectativas do outro. Ambos devem ser fieis aos personagens de vocês. 
O que eu sugiro vocês fazerem é: conversem entre si em ooc. Sentem e resolvam o que fazer para chegar no ponto A se vocês querem mesmo que isso aconteça e se é uma conexão importante para o desenvolvimento de ambos.
Uma vez, eu e uma grande amiga (Haku, tchamo) decidimos fechar um casal, eles até viajaram juntos, só que nós duas vimos que por mais que fossemos grandes amigas, os bonecos simplesmente não funcionavam bem como ship. Ele era muito introvertido e ela extrovertida de falar com o trinco da porta. Ambos tinham um carinho enorme um pelo outro, mas amor e romance simplesmente não funcionaria. Eram duas personalidades muito fortes e conflitantes, além de que o personagem dela ainda era apaixonado por outra pessoa e ele não era do tipo de se apaixonar 3x no mês como a minha personagem. Eu e a Haku sentamos e conversamos, vimos que não seria legal a gente mudar todo nosso jogo, que envolvia mais pessoas, apenas por um casal. Deixamos X e Y como amigos e foi assim até o final da comunidade. 
Espero ter ajudado, amig. Qualquer coisa me chama no chat ou na ask de novo!
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Vcs precisam fazer alguma coisa para esse rp nao flopar. Mta gente em semi hiatus gente!!! (eu sei que tem gente que precisa, mas tao segurando personagem que talvez esteja ali pq o player 'cansou') Falo isso pq gosto do rp, nao to criticando nao. Quero tudo de bom para esse rp, mas sinceramente, ta lento. Precisamos fazer alguma coisa para ter mais personagem na dash que de hiatus
Então anon, eu entendo totalmente sua posição, viu? todas nós entendemos inclusive e temos a mesma chateação sobre o rpg assim lentinho como tá. Mas sobre o semi, infelizmente vou ter que discordar de você. Tem muito char? tem, sim, inclusive eu mesma coloquei chars meus atualmente ali e não por falta de interesse, mas porque as coisas na faculdade andam pesadas, porque eu preciso me reorganizar em outros aspectos e assim por diante, entende? o semi inclusive tá assim mais grandão porque temos players com seis chars, que é o limite, portanto foram parar ali todos. Nós estamos mesmo com menos chars, há um tempo atrás tínhamos em cerca mais de cem chars e o número diminuiu consideravelmente.
Só que a gente fez evento e logo a dash já desanimou, fizemos ask game como pediram, postamos bastante promo e estamos até mesmo de give away e não tá rolando muito resultado, entende? nós procuramos fazer sempre tudinho que tá no nosso alcance. Agradecemos demaaaais você vir aqui falar isso porque mostra que você se importa com o rpg e se você tiver qualquer sugestão do que seria legal, por favor manda aqui na ask que a gente sempre aceita sugestões de braços abertos!!
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hobitalks · 7 years
eu acho que o negócio de m/m em krp é por causa dos ships de boygroups que são bem mais abrangentes... na verdade, tenho certeza. eu tenho um amigo que é homem gay e ele vive reclamando de como os ships de boygroups e em krps são fetichizados, essa coisa de ter o uke e o seme, e a gente sempre vê fazerem, por exemplo, os chars com fc do baekhyun ser uke e "feminino" como se só porque ele é baixinho e tenha uma aparência mais delicada ele precise ser assim. ninguém nunca me escuta quando falo
não sei se minha outra ask foi, mas enfim, tambem nao sei se vc vai concordar mas eu acho muito ruin como os m/m acabam ficando heteronormativos, por isso nao aguento ver jikook e chanbaek, porque tratam baek e jimin como mulheres da relação SEMPRE, e isso ate quando usam eles de fc... sempre são os gays afeminados 
Eu super concordo com isso. Com tudo que você falou, na verdade kkkk. Mas vamos por partes. Eu também sinto que ships m/m no kpop são mais comuns; tipo nos fandoms é mais comum a galera shippando gente de boygrous do que de girlgroups (pelo menos pelo o que eu vejo), então eu meio que sinto que isso acaba se refletindo nos krps. Mas não tenho certeza, isso é só achismo meu mesmo kkkkkk. Em segundo lugar, isso de colocar heteronormatividade nos ships gays (nos krps eu não vejo tanto assim, mas como eu disse eu sou a pessoa mais perdida desse site, quase não acompanho nada; mas eu leio bastante fanfic e isso é algo que tem e pra caralhoooooooo, eu reviro os olhos que chego a ver meu cérebro), só parem, sério. Tem tanta coisa errada sobre isso. E eu já ouvi alguns comentários (não em relação a rp) sobre isso de feitichização por causa dos ships de kpop e... Na moral, esse assunto dá muito pano pra manga; além disso, fandoms de kpop tem seus lados muito escuros e bizonhos em que se encontram esse tipo de coisa kkkk (e eu sempre viro e saio correndo porque puta merda), então vamos voltar a discussão aqui pro assunto dos rps kkkk. Até agora eu não me deparei com esse tipo de coisa/ship nos krps que eu já joguei (ou talvez eu não estivesse prestando atenção), mas é, isso é bem... Não, só não.
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