sivatherium · 2 years
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cleeeffa · 11 months
You know i dont think i've ever thought of an american character as posh before meeting p*te campbell
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wiiwheel · 4 years
you can literally point out everything wrong that the tories have done in their last 10 years of governing this country and some blue idiot will still say "it would have been worse if Jeremy corbyn was elected!" ok but girl... he wasn't. your bumbling incompetent etonite was.
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joestrummen · 3 years
im so mad that i got called a centrist tonight by a girl who i know thinks she’s a leftie even though she publicly defends etonites
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anarchoturtleus17 · 5 years
dent the borders of power
Boris Johnson is our Prime Minster, and I’m not going to leave this as a shocking short-sentence opening, because we expected this.
We expected it when the leadership race first took off from the stands, when its contenders were baked in their Etonite ovens - racisim and the right in digestible format. We expected it, because Johnson is only the product of a larger entity: the neoliberal force forever preying on the tattered remains of our public sphere.
In this space, little remains but the vacant visions of the past rebranded as the reality which never changes.
The dominance of this force is why we can’t seem to forge anything new. It’s why we’re giving up our green spaces, letting go of public ownership, and underfunding local government - whilst many councils operate through old white men, remaining anything but the participatory dream we need.
So, while we have the intense weight of Boris Johnson, and all he represents, which have no counter balance from below.
But look beneath the surface, peel away the stifling scab of austerity and you will find the tough as anything community strength that still exists, somehow, in the wounds of our current politics, in the tender tiredness of where we’re living now.
There are food banks run entirely by volunteers, on volunteer money. There are kids sharing exam resources on the digital commons. There are teaching assistants becoming local councillors, kids questioning economic truths their parents cannot name, and five people blocking Johnson’s motorcade speaking truth to power without saying a word.
There is an entire wave of people, working, tirelessly, to reconstruct a sense of collective effort. Yes, it’s subtterean, seen only in small spaces and never on the front page news. But it exists, and that’s all I wanted to say. There are still people trying to dent the borders of power.
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bobwelder · 6 years
Продадим остатки сухие смеси Vetonit KR, Кнауф –Унифлот
Продам строительные материалы с объекта, Шпаклевка etonit KR предназначена для выравнивания стен и потолков во внутренних, сухих помещениях перед последующей окраской или оклейкой обоями. Кнауф -Унифлот предназначена для заделки стыков гипсокартонных КНАУФ-листов (ГКЛ), КНАУФ-суперлистов (ГВЛ), КНАУФ-суперпола (элементы пола из ГВЛВ) и перфорированных плит КНАУФ-Клинео с кромкой 4ПК и КНАУФ-Акустика с кромками 4ПК и 2ФК/2ПК.... Читать дальше »
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joestrummen · 3 years
feels weird to know at least one etonite took part in a sherlock zine
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