#ethics are atrocities’ stands just the same. idc at all if my companions ‘like’ me compared to if /I/ like them. are they worthwhile? if not
ziracona · 2 years
i dont even mean this to be rude to anyone but ive always genuinely wondered why so many people like/wubbify solas when he is so disagreeable? i would love to hear someone's explanation but im always afraid to seem like im being a dickhead when im rlly just curious. ive just never found him worth disagreeing with all your other party members ; _ ;
Well, almost all your companions have the worst politics on the planet, so I wouldn’t care if he argued with them. Like do I care if he argues with a bunch of xenephobic imperialistic religious oligarchy worshippers who stan war crimes? No. I’d worry if he liked the chantry or anything really to do with it. And the only worthwhile ones he got along with well. I guess he argued with a Bull a lot? But eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ everyone argued with Bull a lot so what’s new. Qunari get a raw deal. And he’s one of the only ones decent to Cole. Like, he’s one of the only ones pro-mage at all, and who cares about elves and other minorities, and generally doing the right things. He likes Blackwall and Cole. As for the others, Cassandra gets better I guess but she’s high key too sold on Chantry cult shit and has some real bad morals especially in regards to any non-human species or Mages. Like she’s /sooo surprised/ the Avvar actually stick to their word and help. She also doesn’t tell Mages how to reverse Tranquility because it ‘might be too dangerous and she had to be sure UwU’. Vivienne is a huge bigot to all non humans and to mages. Sera is a bigot to elves. Dorian is pro slavery. Varric is the world’s most infuriating self-righteous and judgmental centrist and a fake friend who committed 18 atrocities against me personally that’s not hyperbole either except maybe the 18 idk I haven’t actually counted them. Bull is complicated and goes through so much determinate character development it’s hard to comment. And Solas gets along very well with Blackwall and Cole who are the other two most ethically sound characters (he also is fine with both other warriors too weirdly, assuming you don’t sacrifice the Chargers? Idk why he liked Cas so much but 🤷🏻‍♂️). IMO he’s an incredibly likable character till Trespasser threw his entire existing character through a wood chipper to make something horrible instead. If you mean post-Trespasser idk what to tell you though idk who would stan that either.
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