#ethical spoiler alert though: if you’re one of those people who gets nauseous when you see other people vomit
gothicprep · 4 months
there’s a class of, like, youtube guys who masquerade as film critics and they’re the most predictable people alive. they act like they’re in some sort of political prisoner situation where they can only watch marvel and star wars. or 20th century indiana jones.
i agree with them in broad strokes that the state of blockbusters rn is abysmal. but it’s like there’s some sort of bad media critic hive mind that they parrot. whenever they want to talk about a well written woman in the films, the flicks, they always default to either sarah connor or ellen ripley. maybe the bride if they’re feeling spontaneous.
my good bitch. lydia tar is right there.
it just overwhelmingly seems to me that they have a poor media diet and their bias towards the most accessible things ever is holding them back. if I had several hundred thousands or millions of YouTube subscribers, and I made my name on film reviews, id promote lesser known stuff I like.
that said… I think I’ve recommended “triangle of sadness” on here before, but if you’re new to film festival palm d’or stuff, it’s a lot of fun and not at all alienating. it has its fair share of third act problems, but it’s a great time.
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