#estie 001.
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Reggie: It might Reggie: I do have a way you can make it up to me though
Estie: i am, i’m really really sorry reg Estie: i should have just stayed so we could talk, it was stupid of me Estie: i can apologize in person if that would help
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Estie & Hunter | Nashville Farmer's Market
It had been several months since Estie had settled down in Tennessee. The small town she had chosen seemed like the perfect place to escape the spotlight of a very public outing of her private life back in California. But there had been one person from her past life that had found out she was in Tennessee and that was Hunter. He had easily been both her best friend and a source of part of the pain she had gone through with her, now, deceased ex-husband, but clearly she didn't blame her friend. She just swore up and down to herself that she would never openly admit to him what life had really been like with Matthew.
Grabbing the keys from the cup holder and her purse, Estie easily slipped out of her black Jeep Wrangler. It was her first time going to the Nashville Farmer's Market, but word on the street had been nothing but good reviews on the variety of food options, and the idea of taking home some fresh produce didn't seem to bother her either. But first, she had to find...
"Hunter?" Walking towards the man, Estie let a warm, inviting smile slip over her face. She hadn't seen him in quite a while, but having a little taste of California back in her life was nice, even if it did remind her of all the other parts of a not so fairytale life she just wanted to be rid of completely.
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It had only been a couple of months since Estie had moved to Briar Waves and escaped her past. The verdict had been in her favor, rightfully so, but she still couldn’t remember the details of that night, and it was something that was going to haunt her no matter where she went. Yet, staying tucked away in her quiet, little house on the edge of town wasn’t going to do her any good, and with a determination, she hadn’t felt privy to in a long time, Estie put on a pair of blue jeans and a cardigan and coat and decided to head down to the local pub.
Quietly slipping inside, the young woman found a spot down at the end of the bar. Drinking hadn’t always been her favorite thing to do, until after things at home started to go downhill, and now a glass of wine or the occasional shot of something stronger didn’t bother her, “I’ll have a glass of Chardonnay.” Hearing the annoying rumblings of her stomach, she blushed softly, “and a menu...” With a weary smile to the man behind the counter, she quickly set her focus on something else.
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The serenity of the nothingness of sleep -- if Reggie dreams, he rarely remembers them when he wakes -- is banished and replaced by a quick all encompassing panic that fills his body as suddenly as air encounters difficulty reaching his lungs. Half-awake, half-asleep and all instinct, his body jerks as he attempts to shove the sensation away at the same time the sensation speaks to him in a voice he knows as well as his own.
It provides little comfort as pressure increases, both of his hands moving blindly through the pillow-induced dark. One knocks the ashtray on the bedside table clean off, a shattering sound ringing out amidst the struggle as his other hand finds a wrist that he grips hard. The second she falters, fight or flight kicks in and he's on her just as quick as he wrestled her off of him, breathing in a gulp of air as he squints at the sudden flood of light to his pupils.
He pins both her wrists down easily with one of his larger hands, the other yanking the pillow from her so it was in his grasp just like she was, his face close to hers as he holds it in the air like a threat of the same wake up call she had gifted him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He snarls, knowing there wasn't enough time in that day or any day to cover that extensive list.
closed starter for @reggiellewellyn
Nine times out of ten, Esther wakes up before Reggie when she stays over at his place. He's a night owl, and he likes sleeping in. Sometimes, in the morning, when she opens her eyes to find herself curled in towards him, and he's the very first thing she sees, it fills her with this insanely bitter emotion that's somewhere between longing and resentment. Sometimes she watches him for a few minutes, wishing she could crack his skull open and see what he's dreaming about in there. Sometimes she thinks about smothering him with one of his pillows.
In fact part of her feels like maybe she's only half fucking with him when she straddles his hips, grabs a pillow, and puts it over his deceptively sweet little sleeping face. It doesn't take him long to start waking up, and there's so much obvious strength in his grip when he gets a hold of one of her wrists that she actually presses down harder for a second, taking out her anger, because she knows he's gonna have her off of him in three more seconds. "Stop struggling," she tells him. "Let it happen!"
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Traian Basescu, din nou fara cetatenia moldoveneasca
Astazi, Judecatoria Chisinau a respins cererea fostului presedinte al Romaniei, Traian Basescu, de anulare a decretului lui Igor Dodon de retragere a cetateniei moldovenesti fostului lider de la Cotroceni. Hotarirea instantei amintite nu este definitiva, ea poate contestata in termen de 30 de zile. Deocamdata, Traian Basescu a declarat ca horarirea instantei trebuie respectata si nu a facut nici o referire la posibila contestare a acesteia, urmind sa se consulte cu avocatul sau.
UPDATE: Traian Basescu a inregistrat o cerere de apel pentru contestarea deciziei Judecatoriei Chisinau, a informat avocatul sau. In plus, fostul presedinte al Romaniei a atras atentia ca Maxim Lededinschi, avocatul prorusului Dodon, a primit cetatenia romana fara a locui pe teritoriul Romaniei – la fel ca si “cei 700.000 de locuitori ai Chisinaului, care nu trebuie sa se mute in Romania pentru a primi cetatenia romana”.
Reamintim ca, la 3 noiembrie 2016, T. Basescu si sotia sa au devenit cetateni ai Republicii Moldova, ceremonia de depunere a juramintul avind loc la Ambasada Republicii Moldova la Bucuresti. Decretul de primire a acestei cetatenii fusese semnat in iunie 2016 de catre Nicolae Timofti, fostul presedinte al R. Moldova. Insa imediat dupa ce la conducerea de la Chisinau a fost preluata de Igor Dodon, acesta a semnat (la 3 ianuarie 2017) un decret prin care i-a retras lui T. Basescu cetatenia moldoveneasca, motivind ca fostul presedinte Nicolae Timofti a incalcat legea atunci cind a semnat respectivul decret.
Pe larg despre respectivul decret si saga cetateniei moldovenesti pentru Traian si Maria Basescu, AICI.
Maxim Lebedinschi, reprezentantul Presedintiei R. Moldova, a revenit cu declaratia ca decizia de retrage a cetateniei lui T. Basescu nu este una politica, ci este argumentata prin faptul ca fostul presedinte roman ar fi ascuns date referitoare la punerea sa sub urmarire penala. El s-a declarat satisfacut de hotarirea instantei de la Chisinau si a declarat, potrivit independent.md: “Cum spuneau si romanii: Aspra e legea, dar e lege! Si nu conteaza cine esti sau ai fost, daca este o interdictie legala de a primi cetatenia Republicii Moldova, aceasta interdictie nu poate fi neglijata de nicio autoritate. Cei care vor incalca procedura vor fi penalizati asa cum a fost si in cazul actual”. Lebedinschi a mai tinut sa mentioneze ca, potrivit legii, “se interzice acordarea cetateniei persoanelor care se afla sub urmarire penala sau care au fost anterior judecati”. “La momentul in care dl Basescu a depus cererea si, respectiv, se examinau materialele, dumnealui figura in calitate de suspect in mai multe cauze penale in Romania, ceea ce este o interdictie de a primi cetatenia. La fel, temei de retragere a cetateniei este ascunderea unor fapte pertinente la momentul primirii cetateniei. Dl Basescu nici pina in ziua de astazi nu a comentat in ce mod a comunicat autoritatilor Republicii Moldova faptul aflarii sale sub urmarire penala”.
Acordarea cetateniei moldovenesti are mai mult decit o incarcatura simbolica pentru T. Basescu, intrucit dupa ce dobindise aceasta cetatenie, a fost ales presedinte de onoare al Partidului Unitatii Nationale (PUN) din R. Moldova, iar mass media de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului a afirmat, nu o singura data, ca fostul lider de la Cotroceni ar putea participa la alegerile parlamentare din R. Moldova, conditia fiind sa aiba cetatenia respectiva.
CITESTE si: Imigratie Canada 2018: Din 2 ianuarie, redeschiderea procesului de parenarea/sponsorizare a parintilor si bunicilor
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vezi sursa: http://ziarulzigzag.ca/2018/01/22/traian-basescu-din-nou-fara-cetatenia-moldoveneasca/ from Blogger http://ift.tt/2ndJoXW via IFTTT Like: My Library
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Reggie: Are you? Reggie: Don’t seem it
Estie: i guess we do Estie: okay 😔 Estie: i'm sorry i bolted
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Reggie: We’d have calmed down and figured it out like we always do Reggie: I know, it pisses me off seeing them but it’ll pass
Estie: that’s not what I’m saying, obviously not Estie: ofc i bolted, we had a huge fight and i was really shaken up Estie: [5 minutes later] Estie: i know u would. u know I’m not like Estie: [1 minute of stop and start typing] Estie: i just really hate the dms. I don’t like when other ppl talk to me that way. that’s all
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Reggie: [1 hour later] Reggie: Am I supposed to apologize every time some freak dms you? Reggie: Probably because you bolted from the fucking state Reggie: [2 minutes later] Reggie: I know I shouldn’t have said it. Just wasn’t thinking in the moment and I thought I was being funny Reggie: I’d take it back if I could
Estie: no but like Estie: it's bc of smth YOU said and just bc i like when u talk to me that way doesn't mean i like when strangers do Estie: it didn't seem obvious to me at all but thanks ig Estie: idk
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Reggie: Am I sending you gross dms??? Reggie: I’m obviously sorry about it Reggie: Why would we when we keep ending up back on this
Estie: bc they’re still sending me gross dms??? Estie: you’ve literally never apologized once, i feel like ur not even sorry for it Estie: we’ve barely talked
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Reggie: How are you still going on about this Reggie: It was a dumb fucking joke on a podcast that no longer exists from 4 months ago Reggie: I already said it was shitty. Im not going to have the same conversation with you 10 times about it, it’s fucking boring @estherclements
Estie: i don’t expect u to stop it from happening asshole i’m just showing u that it’s still happening Estie: just bc u can’t take it off the internet doesn’t mean u can’t say smth abt how it was shitty of u, idk Estie: i’m not gna sit here and block 50 ppl a day every time this resurfaces
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Reggie: And what do you expect me to do ab that? I dont control the internet Reggie: Block button exists Reggie: As u well know @estherclements
estie: it's making rounds again estie: [screenshot of an Instagram DM from @user387456 that says 'u the girl who pops pussy 4 bulk condom orders lol?] @reggiefalvey
#text thread.#thread.#ft. esther clements.#estie 001.#estherclements#personally estie i'd never let a 5'10 man away w/this#SJHGSFFSGHJK#.usfw
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He'd only been in Nashville for a small amount of time but he liked the location. Filming wasn't far away in Atlanta and he needed a place to stay when he had his days off so Nashville seemed like a good choice for him. There wasn't any paparazzi usually and the fans were pretty chill most of the time so it was a bit of a no brainer and he quickly secured a nice condo in the heart of the city, enjoying a taste of the life he had before X-men had catapulted him into fame ever since.
Hunter couldn't blame Estie for her slight confusion when she first saw him. The hat and sunglasses weren't staples in his life in Nashville but he really didn't want to be recognized too often while he was out with his friend. She'd been through enough, she didn't need rabid fans bothering them when they were just trying to relax. Grinning when her voice reached his ears, he nodded softly as he wrapped the woman in his arms and gave her a big hug.
"It's been a minute." The words were gentle as he pulled away from her. "How have you been? Enjoying Tennessee?" If the answer was anything but yes his concern for her would send him into a barrage of questions but he had to know. The last time he'd really seen her wasn't a pleasant memory and deep down he just wanted to make sure Estie was doing well. "Because I gotta say, I'm kind of enjoying this city a lot."
Estie & Hunter | Nashville Farmer's Market
It had been several months since Estie had settled down in Tennessee. The small town she had chosen seemed like the perfect place to escape the spotlight of a very public outing of her private life back in California. But there had been one person from her past life that had found out she was in Tennessee and that was Hunter. He had easily been both her best friend and a source of part of the pain she had gone through with her, now, deceased ex-husband, but clearly she didn't blame her friend. She just swore up and down to herself that she would never openly admit to him what life had really been like with Matthew.
Grabbing the keys from the cup holder and her purse, Estie easily slipped out of her black Jeep Wrangler. It was her first time going to the Nashville Farmer's Market, but word on the street had been nothing but good reviews on the variety of food options, and the idea of taking home some fresh produce didn't seem to bother her either. But first, she had to find...
"Hunter?" Walking towards the man, Estie let a warm, inviting smile slip over her face. She hadn't seen him in quite a while, but having a little taste of California back in her life was nice, even if it did remind her of all the other parts of a not so fairytale life she just wanted to be rid of completely.
#Hunter: Lord what will become of me once I've lost my novelty || Convos#Hunter and Estie: 001#Hunter: ft Estie
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