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chouncazzodicasino · 12 days ago
Io oggi a lavoro, ordine sparso: - "Buonasera" (ore 11), - "Buongiornss", - "Essela", - "Buon pranzo" (voleva essere Buongiorno), - "Buon lavoro anche a te" (ad un bambino), - "Deve prelevare?" (non sono una banca o un atm), - "Arrivederce".
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gunesinkeyfininkahyasi · 2 years ago
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zelzele-hanim · 1 year ago
essela geçrkten arkaşlar ölejem
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the-bean-jar · 6 years ago
Character Intros
Here are summaries of each of my characters (so far) just to have some basic information about them on the blog. I’ve separated them into different groups based on what settings/stories I’ve planned for them.
Four Corners
(Set in modern day, in and around a public university in a moderately sized city)
Fionna: College sophomore, majoring in photography. Works for a local art and music magazine. Hobbies include drawing, hiking and/or wandering, making playlists for every possible occasion/mood, and hanging out with dogs. Excitable, outgoing, and impulsive. Kind of a walking circus. Sometimes gets a little too caught up in her emotions instead of thinking logically. Resident bisexual disaster, texts with a lot of emojis, probably going off on a tangent.
Essela: College sophomore, astronomy major. Also interested in robotics; generally a science nerd. Smart and well-educated, raised by successful and wealthy parents. Named after a fantasy novel character. Patient and polite but socially anxious and introverted. However, if she gets excited about something she's really into, she's likely to ramble energetically about it. Contains moderate mom friend potential.
Zander: Punk 20-something. Listens to a lot of Dead Kennedys and Fugazi. Grew from a fired up kid into a lukewarm young adult. Tends to be sarcastic and dry, but is actually fairly good-natured. Enjoys a good debate over coffee or a good argument over beer. Bit of a conspiracy theorist. Fairly hardcore but also a very loyal friend. Contains moderate dad friend potential but will deny it.
Jay: Local delinquent on the reform. Moved in with Zander after high school because his home life wasn't the best. Kinda quiet but actually pretty charismatic when he needs to be. A strange combination of the cool kid and the weird kid. Talented beatboxer. Would subsist entirely on sugary cereal if he could. Trying to get into less trouble but would probably be down to help someone steal a car or something. Best not to let him be bored for too long.
Space Squad
(Set in the future where space travel is common and contact with aliens is still relatively new and exciting but no longer groundbreaking. These three are a group tasked with various missions to far off planets.)
Eli: Tech guy of the group. Friendly and laid back, aside from the anxiety. A little awkward, both in demeanor and appearance. A big nerd and perfectly secure in this fact. Wants to get out and see the universe in spite of his nervousness. Curious and ready to learn. Good listener, cool with being rambled at. Often acts as a mediator for his teammates. Into video games and old movies. Might suffer from the occasional crisis of confidence, but he tries his best.
Kass: Muscle of the group. Small, cute, and ready to throw down. Also pretty likely to win if she does in fact throw down. Something of an athlete, grew up playing sports and such. Loves a good competition. Can be cocky but not necessarily one to brag. Acts first, asks questions later. Not the best at restraint. Good at getting others pumped up. Enjoys making combinations of food that are weird and terrible. If you're in trouble, she'll back you up.
Tennea: Leader of the group. The kinda girl that makes you think "I wish I was that cool." A little distant with a really tough shell to crack, but generally chill underneath the layers of bad bitch. Fluent in deadpan snark. Softer with those close to her. Probably has a fair amount of bottled up emotions. Both straight edge and rather vain due to a need to be in control of herself at all times. Giant sucker for cats and, oddly enough, snakes. Uses nicknames liberally.
Dungeons and Dragons
Aubrey: Halfling rogue. Quirky, upbeat, loves to joke and make people laugh. Started adventuring to see the world. Cooperative and very group-minded, sometimes to the point of neglecting to really think for herself. Has a hard time trusting wealthy people. Has the firm belief that those with power and resources should help those without and detests anyone that would take advantage of someone for being weaker. Currently traveling with a group on a quest to kill an evil vampire impostor. Lost her original adventuring group and assumes she's the only one of them still alive. Much better at dealing with other people's problems than her own. Usually tries not to think about the unhappy aspects of her life too much, almost always trying to maintain a positive appearance. Will be your ride-or-die.
Brevity: Tiefling ranger. Quiet, a bit socially awkward. A little intimidated by interacting with people she doesn't know, stemming from her rough upbringing. Can be rather blunt and tends to speak in a short and direct manner. More interested in direct actions than promising words. Not easily impressed but deeply respectful and protective of those that do impress her. Rules that she interprets as illogical or unnecessary have a decent chance of being ignored. Has a tendency to get rather fixated on things. Stubborn but patient. Understands that the world is constantly changing but often grows pessimistic. Bit of a mess, but a badass mess.
Rowan: Half-orc cleric. Grew up in a temple of Lathander, encouraged to leave and travel so she could see the world rather than being cooped up in the temple all the time. Naïve and eager to learn and experience new things. Devoted to helping others. Can get into trouble or even act reckless due to a lack of understanding the gravity of a situation. Adores cute things and most animals. Always tries to see the good in people and hasn't really learned how to tell when someone isn't trustworthy.
Cairyn: Elf warlock. A member of a noble family, but ran away from home to live her own life. Gained her powers from an Archfey basically on accident, currently just sorta rolling with it. Artistic, drawn to dark and weird things. Pretty goth. Has the presence of someone important or intimidating but lacks the personality to actually back it up. Aloof and not that great with people, and not at all inclined to be nice to anyone she doesn't like. Selfish and honestly kind of a brat. Hasn't learned how to be responsible and often acts on impulse instead of thinking things through. Opposed to the "high class" lifestyle but also still feels as though she's above the "common" lifestyle. Would be the last person to willingly call someone her friend.
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selfishbastardk · 4 years ago
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yarimkalanlar · 4 years ago
kulağımda o ses essela....
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ilknurx61-blog · 4 years ago
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empreendedorvg · 5 years ago
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O criador do termo, Tim O’Reilly (2005, p. 31), que conceitua o termo como: [...] mudança para uma internet como plataforma, e um entendimento das regras para obter sucesso nesta plataforma. Entre outras, a regra mais importante é desenvolver aplicativos que aproveitem os efeitos de rede para se tornarem melhores quanto mais são usados pelas pessoas, aproveitando a inteligência coletiva. Veja que é uma abordagem muito inteligente, pois preceitua a web como uma plataforma de compartilhamento de ferramentas desenvolvidas. Ao serem utilizadas, esselas ferramentas geram informações e o sistema entra em um processo de Melhoria continua. O conceito ainda aborda a interatividade entre sites, redes sociais, blogs, etc. O que reflete as grandes transformações que vivemos atualmente. Gostou? Acesse nosso blog para mais conteúdo. #web20 (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtCW_uhMKl/?igshid=fozc4wjk6jtc
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islamievlilikfan · 5 years ago
Erzurum Ezanı
New Post has been published on https://www.islamievlilik.net/erzurum-ezani/
Erzurum Ezanı
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  Es-Selamü Aleykum, sevgili okurlar,
Erzurum’a uğrayanlar bilir. Yani doğrudan duymuştur.
Ezan bittikten sonra üç mısralık salavat-ı şerife daha okunur.
Esselatü essela, aleyke ya seyyidene ya Resul Allah,
Esselatü essela, aleyke ya seyyidene ya Habib Allah,
Esselatü essela, aleyke ya seyyidene ya Hatem el-Enbiya.
Akşam ezanı hariç bütün ezanların sonunda bu salavatlar okunarak Peygamber efendimiz Muhammed Mustafa (s.a.v.) yad edilir.
(5:12 den sonra başlıyor.)
Çok ilginçtir, dünyanın her yerinde aynı ezan okunurken (İran hariç) böyle bir farklılık yapılıyor. Ben olsaydım, bu işin fetvasını vermezdim. “Ezan olduğu gibi okunacak. “derdim. Ancak benim haddime değil. Neredeyse 800 yıllık bu geleneğe bir çok alim ve evliya şahit olmuş ve karşı çıkmamışlar. Demek ki bir sebebi var.
Bunun sebebini çok merak etmiştim soruşturdum ve iki rivayete ulaştım.
1. Selçuklu hükümdarı Aladdin Keykubat Erzurum’a uğradığında, ezan okunduktan sonra kendisine methiye yapıldığını duymuş. Ezan sonunda kendisinin bu şekilde anılması hoşuna gitmemiş. Çünkü islam şiarı olan ezan bir sultana mal edilememeli. Müezzini çağırmış ve sormuş: “Neden böyle okudun?” diye.
-Hünkarım. Biz devleti selamette tutan sultanımızı ezandan sonra böyle anlarız, diye cevaplamış.
Buna karşılık Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat şöyle ferman verir.
– Ben bu zamana kadar methiyelere layık sultan sadece Peygamber Efendimiz Muhammed (s.a.v.)’i bilirim. Bundan sonra sadece Resul-Allah’ a medhiye yapılsın.
2. Bir diğer rivayet ise şudur. Erzurum’da kıble, tam güneye denk gelmektedir. Yani Kabe ile aynı meridyendeler. Bu da şu demek: Bütün namaz vakitleri kabe ile aynı saate denk geliyor. Onun için ezandan sonra salavat getiriliyor(muş.) diye duymuştum. Amma…
Erzurum’da Kıble tam güney olsa da Erzurum ve Kabe aynı meridyende değiller. Erzurum’da kıble 184.2 derece. Yani Erzurum’da ezan Mekke’den 17 dakika kadar önce okunuyor.
Neyse! Benim öğrenebildeklerim bu kadar.
Ha bu ara, Türkiye de kıblenin Kabe ile en yakın meridyende denk gelen yerler: Trabzon, Erzincan, Tunceli ile Ergani ve Viranşehir.
Hayır dualarınızı esirgemeyin
Mustafa Erol
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3d10fire-damage · 6 years ago
27, 28, 41, 43, and 45 for both Essela and Fionna, por favor!!
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad? 
Fionna - She gets sad when her friends are unhappy and she doesn’t know how to make them feel better. Creative blocks probably also bum her out a fair bit. Both things make her feel a little useless. Wouldn’t say she cries regularly but if she’s really upset it’s an inevitable thing. She would prefer not to cry in the presence of others but she’s Not Good at hiding her feelings. She’s normally an upbeat person so it’s kind of unusual when she’s sad. She’s quieter and more reserved, less spontaneous, and generally... not as colorful.
Essela - Failing makes her sad, especially when it’s at something she feels she should be good at. Disappointing others, also, what with the sense of pressure to do well she’s internalized. Because of said pressure and the resulting anxiety, she could maybe benefit from crying things out more than she allows herself to. And she certainly hides it as best she can, to avoid embarrassing herself. When she’s sad she’s liable to get lost in thought and kind of just go through the motions.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Fionna - She isn’t afraid of many things and tends not to realize what she IS afraid of until the moment she’s directly dealing with it. Her biggest fear though is probably being alone and not really connecting with anyone? Loneliness is something she’s dealt with before and she is Not a fan. Plays into perhaps her main insecurity. When scared, she gets a little jumpy and talks too much a lot. Just ramps up her energy a little more.
Essela - Again, the fear of failing and letting people down. But she has a scientific mind, so even if she’s presented with something scary, she can usually reason her way out of being too scared. Really hates being startled though, so things like jump scares in horror films aren’t good for her. Fidgets a lot when she’s scared, gets a little paranoid.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Fionna - IDs as bisexual. Attracted to a wide range of people and body types, not really picky in that regard. She’s pretty open, I guess? Like, fellow creative types are great, smart nerdy types are great, and even straight up weirdos are fun, in her opinion. A nice smile is always a good thing. In terms of a relationship, she needs someone that’s patient with her and that’s willing to ride along with her being kind of a walking circus. They really just can’t be too serious, that just wouldn’t work.
Essela - Really hasn’t thought about it much? IDs as straight until certain things happen, I’ll say. Like, that’s Point A, and Point B is her coming to terms with being bi and demisexual. Drawn to confidence and people that make her laugh. In a relationship she needs someone that can help her not get stuck in her own head, to be reassuring when she needs it. Also preferable if it’s someone willing to listen to long explanations of things, girl can rattle off facts for days.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Fionna - Pretty casually religious, nothing too serious or devout or anything. Probably hasn’t gone to church since she was little. Religion, to her, is a thing that can be good for people but can also be misused, it’s really a case-by-case thing. Honestly doesn’t think about it much.
Essela - She and her family are pretty secular. It’s not something that was really carried down through the generations, and they just don’t participate in it. Regardless, she tries to be respectful of others’ beliefs or lack thereof. Honestly a little wary of people trying to convert others, but generally just stays in her lane and doesn’t concern herself with it.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Fionna - Other people see her as something of an eccentric, a crazy artist sort. See her as a bit of a goof, maybe even a ditz. She can draw attention to herself without entirely meaning to, and this is sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad way. This is similar to how she sees herself, but she frames it in a generally positive way, because to her, being weird and goofy is fun and a good way to be. But she can occasionally lapse into a more negative view of herself, where she’s more of a spastic freak. It’s all in the framing.
Essela - Others see her as the Smart One, science nerd, quiet and maybe judgmental, like she’s somehow above them since she doesn’t open herself to people much. She sees herself as a woman of science, yes, but she knows she is not above anyone else. Her distance from others stems from her own neurosis rather than her ego.
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3d10fire-damage · 7 years ago
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made some of my ocs on this site
this is essela, fionna, jay, and zander. they cute
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3d10fire-damage · 8 years ago
Tell me about all your OCs!! If they're in original universes or part of shows or whatever, which ones know each other, and give me a basic description at *least*! I must know.
yikes this got long
okay so i have two sets of them, the four dorks are from a thing tentatively titled Four Corners (which switched genres a while back oops) which is basically like… these four high school kids all meet each other and start to change each other’s lives and such because i’m a sucker for squads like that
Zander is a sorta pessimistic angry guy, his mom was basically a huge abusive bitch to him and his dad so eventually they separated and his dad moved them away to raise his son alone. And by moved away I mean they’re Australian and moved to America. Zander as a result kinda hates everything but wants to do good by his ol’ dad. He’s into the punk scene and probably believes certain conspiracy theories
Fionna is kind of a walking circus. She’s super into art of all kinds but probably spends the most time with photography, and works for a school(?) magazine. She’s generally very excited about most things but has trouble focusing on one thing at a time and can get really carried away with her emotions. But on a normal day she’s a damn ball of sunshine. I struggle to get her hair right whenever I draw her
Jay is… a weird kid. His family isn’t really… attentive and they don’t really know how to deal with him (i’ve pretty much settled on having him be on the autism spectrum but i would be lying if i had all the details down). He bases his life largely around characters from shows and comic books, and he has this like uncanny ability to get away with stealing things. From the beginning I had him as this sorta young master thief that just DEFIES Murphy’s Law almost always. He always dyes a streak of his hair teal and wears primarily hoodies. Sometimes I call him my tiny hoodlum son
Essela is the smart one™. She LOVES astronomy and space, but is also learning robotics here and there. Her parents are rather wealthy and actually moved to America from India, and they have some lofty expectations for their daughter and it really bugs her sometimes. She tends to be anxious and shy but sometimes she’ll get caught up in something she’s hyped about and will go on and on about it without realizing. More than once she’s been mistaken for Jade Harley and/or Connie Maheswaran
the other set of OCs i have is usually referred to as the Space Squad. imagine a future where space travel and exploration has been hella advanced and humans are beginning to go out to other planets to see who and what’s out there. now imagine a program that basically trains people to do this professionally, and sends out small groups of people to explore planets and meet other life forms and whatnot. this is one of those groups
The narrator is Eli, a tall lanky guy with an afro and an unfortunate amount of social awkwardness. There are many things that make him nervous but he also wants more than anything to travel space and see all the new places and learn about them. He’s a bit of a tech dude and he likes video games, but also digs a morning jog. He probably listens to Weezer a lot
Eli’s best friend is a girl named Kass. Her full name is Kassandra but she 100% does not go by that (and DEFINITELY not Kassie either. who even is that?) She’s this small ginger that is ready to fight, and has a good chance of winning. She’s into athletic stuff and basically takes no shit. No one really understands how she and Eli are such good friends because they’re really different but that never stopped them. She’s largely the reason Eli is enrolling in the space exploration program along with her. One of her hobbies is making really fucking weird food combinations
Finally there’s Tennea, who is assigned to lead the group. You ever see someone with a badass sidecut and cool piercings that makes you go “i wish i was that cool”? That’s her. She’s rather aloof though, standoffish even, at least if you don’t know her. Fluent in sarcasm (as well as English and Spanish because ever since I read The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao I thought it would be interesting to have a Dominican character, also go read that book it’s rad). I would say she’s a control freak but mainly just in regards to herself. Like she lowkey will freak out if something pertaining to her personally is out of her control. Don’t tell anyone about this but she is a huge sucker for cats… and snakes
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3d10fire-damage · 8 years ago
since i’ve been met with moderate success with this method, send me asks?
(especially about my OCs maybe? will put their names in the tags)
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