twisting-echo · 2 years
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Twisting-Echo's Sega Sonic Ship Chart
I want to start by saying that I was a weird kid and I'm a multishipper, so I like a lot of STH ships; there is no ship that I hate. Sadly, if I were to let myself be myself, this whole chart would become an unreadable mess of multicolored lines and curves.
This Is My Favorite: My favorites are Sonic x Elise (Sonelise) Knuckles x Sara (Knuxara/Knuxsara) Shadow x Maria (Shadaria) Tails x Maria (Taiaria/Tailsmari) Rouge x Topaz (Roupaz) Mephiles x Maria (Mephilia) Metal Sonic x Maria (Metal Sonmaria) Sliver x Blaze x Amy (Silvazamy) Silver x Blaze (Silvaze) Blaze x Amy Blazamy) Silver x Amy (Silvamy) Big x My friend @javelin505's oc
Chris Thorndyke x Dave the Intern (Davis) Eggman x Katella the Intergalactic Huntress (Eggtella)
I Like This: Vector x Vanilla (Vectilla) Cream x Charmy (Chaream) Fang x Elise (Fangelise) Bark x Maria (Barkmari/Barkaria) Bean x Sara (Beansara/Beanara) Espio x Elise (Espielise) Espio x Sara (Espisara) Espio x Molly (Espiolly) Jet x Elise (Jetelise) Storm x Maria (Stormaria) Wave x Sara (Waveara) Ray x Marine (Rayrine) Ray x Tangle (Rangle) Honey x Mighty (Mightoney) Omega x Maria (Omegaria) Cosmo x Tikal (Cosmikal) Shade X Tikal (Tikade) Tiara Boobowski x Madonna (Tiadonna) Tikal x Chaos (Tikaos) Maria x Gadget (Gadaria) Maria x Infinite (Infimari) Elise x Others 😏 Sara x Others 😏 Maria x Others 😏 Elise x Zor (Zorelise) Sara x Zaza (Zazzsara) Maria x Zavok (Zavaria) Sonic x Knuckles (Sonuckles) Sonic x Shadow (Sonadow) Sonic x Sara (Sonsara) Sonic x Maria (Sonmaria) Sonic x Amy (Sonamy) Amy x Elise (Amelie) Sonic x Amy x Elise (Sonamelise) Knuckles x Shadow (Knuxadow) Shadow x Amy (Shadamy) Shadow x Amy x Rouge (Shadougamy) Eggman x Ella (Eggella) Knuckles x Rouge (Knuxouge) Shadow x Rouge (Shadouge) Blaze x Rouge (Blazouge) Rouge x Amy (Rougamy) Blaze x Elise (Blazelise) Wave x Rouge (Wavouge) Wave x Blaze (Blazave) Elise x Maria (Marielise/Marelise) Amy x Maria (Amyria) Metal Sonic x Sara (Metal Sonsara) Chris Thorndyke x Sonic (Sonchris) Tails x Zooey (Tailsey) Tails x Amy (Tailsamy) Tails x Cream (Tailsream) Rouge x Manic (Manouge) Espio x Sonia (Espionia) Cream x Marine (Maream) Starline x Maria (Staria)
It's Okay: Chip x Maria (Chiparia) (They are so cute!) Chip x Sara (Chipsara) Chip x Blaze (Chipaze/Hot Chocolate) Chip x Amy (Chipamy) Chip x Topaz (Chipaz) Chip x Rouge (Chipouge) (Chip really likes the ladies) Espio x Shade (Espade) Tails x Cosmo (Tailsmo) Fang x Rouge (Fanouge) Shadow x Tails (Shadails) Eggman x Sara (Eggsara) Eggman x Elise (Eggelise) Knuckles x Amy (Knuxamy)
This chart belongs to @fini-mun
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venomomega196 · 3 years
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Here's my tier list of sonic shipping/couples/pairings.🤗😍
But then again This is my sonic couple tier list, I’m probably gonna get some bad comments of the coupes I ranked, but idc, this is just my opinion. I'l still waiting a hate comments.🗣
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samoirax · 2 years
Hi! I like your art its so beautiful! May I request a shipping fanart? If you could could you draw a picture of Espio x Sonia aka espionia. Its a real ship not fake lol. You can post it on Twitter if you'd like. They can be doing whatever. Thank you so much. Have an amazing day!
Thank you! Sounds interesting, but sorry, I don't draw ships. You see, I've always been neutral towards romance in both fiction and real life. I admire how people enjoy shipping and are passionate about their favorite characters being together, I fully support all the kinds of relationships (except for morally incorrect ones, of course) including LGBTQ+. Love is love! It's a shame I can't share this passion because I have no interest in romance. Unless it affects the plot... That's cool. Like in Star Wars.
Thank you for understanding and have a nice day, too! x
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