#especially when someone has just expressed a lack of expertise or an uncertainty and that's why i was stepping in
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astrolovecosmos · 5 years ago
Ascendant + Midheaven
Ascendant: Impressions 
Midheaven (MC): Reputation 
Impression is what we see, feel, read, what is expressed to us. 
Reputation is built and destroyed based off deeds, actions, success, but also sometimes rumors/gossip. 
(If you have an intercepted house/double sign and your chart is offset, please send an ask for other Ascendant and MC combinations) 
Aries Ascendant: Known for bluntness, giving off a forward impression. The self is very important - coming off as selfish to some but possibly empowered to others. Focus on the self can also mean a struggle to balance self wants vs. other’s wants, especially with a Libra DC. This person faces many challenges that require them to reanalyze the self, relate to others, and think about others. Capricorn MC: While the Aries Ascendant gives off a self-centered or maybe self-conflicted vibe, this person’s reputation is heavily based on their career success. This isn’t so much in a “predictive” manner but that they may put a lot of weight into what their career is. Aries and Capricorn are both ambitious signs. This makes for a go-getter person who is focused on what they want to achieve. There is a push and pull between expression of individuality through the Ascendant and wanting to stand out in a positive way, that aligns with their society. They want to contribute to society. The points, sharing the same mode walk through lessons of Cardinal, mutable, fixed. With Aries vs Capricorn in these placements there is a lesson to help others, do favors for others to build up integrity. This isn’t just for reputations sake but to better connect the self with others.
Taurus Ascendant: A calm expression that desires harmony, contentment. Down to earth individual who connects easily with others. Sensuality and comfort are so very important to them. Aquarius MC:  Who finds fulfillment in the unusual. There is a desire to stand out. Ambition can be intellectual or it can be in connecting with people. While the Ascendant is welcoming their reputation can surprise. Many may have heard of them, talk about them, the collective can manifest in abundance of people knowing them and/or in their own goals of helping society or a community. Themes of attachment and detachment exist. Taurus highly attached to expression, especially if we get into things like artistic expression. Possessiveness of Taurus can also exist, likely not in surface level relationships but in how they approach others perception and their perception of others. Ex: they may have a hard time letting go of the fact that someone’s impression/idea of them has soured.They admire or hold onto those who like them/admire them. To say they cling to what others think is entirely too simple. It is more about a fixed nature in self expression and view of self. Whereas the Aquarius MC wants to be free of all this. There is a goal to rise above reputation, gossip, status. Traditional vs. non traditional is a struggle in how they approach the world, others, success.
Gemini Ascendant: Talkative, energetic, observant, maybe even intimidating. What a range of impressions and a self that is varied, changing. Pisces MC: We see a very fluid person in terms of the public sphere. Emphasis on healing, service, spirituality, and creativity but defining this person is hard. A vague standing when it comes to reputation or status. Maybe frequently unknown or forgotten about (which before you get offended could certainly be used as a strength). All mutable signs are flexible but with these two you get a person hard to figure out. Despite first impressions or gossip, it is the self that causes and has the most confusion. This is an individual who has a level of uncertainty or instability within. A desire to learn about and connect with others exist from the ascendant. A desire to help others from the MC. Whereas the ascendant may be all talk the MC is built upon caring and healing others OR connecting on an emotional or deep level. A focus on people and the contrast of relating others to the self vs. feeling or even becoming like another is important to an individual with this dynamic.
Cancer Ascendant: Protective shell of toughness or possibly shyness. Approaching the world emotionally. There is a sense of vulnerability about the self that is not shown but at times makes them a slave to their moods. Expression is cautious. They reflect family or community values and traditions.  Aries MC: A very ambitious placement. Their influence on others and actions surely build up their reputation. Here the Cancer Ascendant shell must be broken at times to leave a mark. Maybe it is because of the hesitance or shyness of the ascendant that when this person makes a move or succeeds it stands out so much. I would be careful of thinking this person’s “rep” or how they are perceived is in the hot-blooded stereotype of Aries. It is more how they take the lead in public situations, through decisiveness, seizing opportunities, and sharing their passion. There is a lesson between wanting to preserve and protect the self vs. the need to be open and to put themselves out there. With the strong emotions of Aries and Cancer, this person is sure to leave a mark that is felt wherever they go.
Leo Ascendant: Loud, outgoing, warm, even if a little shyer they still shine with individuality and creativity. The self should be celebrated, self expression is part of being, and they approach others with friendliness and generosity. The world is a stage and sometimes they fall into thinking they are the center of the universe or at least have enough self-respect to make themselves a priority. Taurus MC: Solid determination and thought out goals, with the Leo ascendant this packs a punch when dealing with others and in the public sphere. There is a level-headed approach to the outside world and despite their flashy ascendant might not call a lot of attention to themselves in the workplace or in their personal community. Having a status that is steady may be one of the most common highlights of this dynamic. They can be patient when it comes to their career and dealing with outsiders but the strong desires of their ascendant can cause not so much an impatience but self-doubt towards their dreams or recognition. There is a struggle between wanting influence and wanting material success. There is a desire for security from the MC but the bravery and even risk taking side of the Leo ascendant can threaten this sometimes. Change can be a fear when it comes to their career or the outside world but their Leo ascendant which is confident in the self can help them conquer this.
Virgo Ascendant: Practical approach to life, see’s the world as a place to analyze and sort, and can be humble towards the self and/or is constantly looking for ways to improve the self. They can have a subtle and/or earthy appeal, they sometimes give off a worried or uptight vibe but their flexibility, patience, and calmness can still make them approachable. Gemini MC: The Virgo ascendant is all about fine tuning the self and is focused in this regard, but the Gemini MC is scattered in their career and ambitions. They are likely known as talkative or just as someone easy to talk to. This person may struggle to find what they are good at or what they want to do in life. They can get frustrated with the changeability of their public standing. Taking their focus in self and applying it to their ambitions is a lesson. The flexibility of mutable placements overall can be a strength when times are tough, making it easy to move on and leave behind a bad job or the ability to take on multiple jobs. But save the day job for the 6th house, with the MC they find fulfillment through learning, mental stimulation, and basing their goals around new information and curiosity. Their ascendant may always feel dissatisfied with the lack of depth and expertise. Embracing adaptability, communication, organization, observation, and cleverness as their core strengths is important. As for the opinions of others, there is a lot to say about the whimsical and fast moving Gemini MC, good thing, only the feedback of the Virgo ascendant matters.
Libra Ascendant: Charming, social, likable, promising for making a positive impression. Here the ascendant is always trying to relate to others. While the Aries descendant has a desire for independence and separation, the ascendant still wants to make others happy. Cancer MC: Here ambitions are turned more inward and have a focus on the domestic sphere. The MC stands for what others see most clearly. It stands for the public. With this in mind, their reputation is still very important to them in their immediate community and/or neighborhood, especially their family’s reputation. They may prefer to take the safe route when it comes to the public. Despite their control and charm in social situations they hide their private lives. Libra’s evasiveness can help out with this goal. With the Libra ascendant wanting to find their partner, soulmate, teammate as well as to influence socially - the IC with a cooler domestic life and great need for stability from those closest, the DC wanting to stand on their own, form bonds with those who accept individuality, give them independence and decision power - to the Cancer MC who focuses on family/loved ones as well as emotional control in the outer world; we see the circle of cardinal energy deeply caring about others but also wanting to take action for the self. With the Libra ascendant and Cancer MC this action is most seen being spent on others.
Scorpio Ascendant: Let’s skip over the intense gaze, mystery, magnetism and get to the point of living privately. This person is aware of the depth of self but this is not shared openly. There is a great desire to master the world and themselves. Power plays a role in their approach to life but so does a great want to get to the depth of people, beliefs, the physical, the intangible. Leo MC: The Leo MC wants to run things or even be in the spotlight. They don’t just want a good reputation, they want to be well known. This is a clash with the secretive, behind-the-scenes Scorpio ascendant. The Leo MC excels in many industries but has a special creative knack, self expression being key to building up their reputation and network. Maybe they are known for their fashion, a dark humor, or art. Creativity is a great way to channel the passionate and intense energies of the ascendant. Through the leadership and generosity of this MC combined with the perception and compassion of Scorpio they can make powerful, positive impacts in others’ lives. Scorpio’s fear of vulnerability, inadequacy, betrayal, and abandonment makes it hard for them to extend themselves, to come out onto the stage. With an Aquarius IC who may have unconventional family bonds or possible detachment in their closest bonds + care of self combined with the needed security the Taurus DS craves - a really good support system helps them reach their full potential. But they may not always have this support. So with the Leo and Scorpio dynamic, this is really about empowerment. Fuel the courage to go after their ambitions.
Sagittarius Ascendant: Open, carefree, and friendly persona. With an exploratory approach to the world, a willingness to learn, there is a philosophical view on life and even more so introspection. To find meaning in who they are and/or in life is important. Virgo MC: Practice makes perfect is their approach towards career, success, drive, the public. Mastering their craft is important to them however with the ascendant’s big picture approach and impulsiveness this can be a challenge. Taking the self and reputation seriously is a lesson, the ascendant tends to be more relaxed in how others interpret or receive them. They may not take life too seriously, at least not when younger. Figuring out what is worth devoting to, what is worth focusing on will be a journey in life. While the MC is precision and practicality and the ascendant big dreams and instinct, there is a combined drive to leave a enlightened or life-changing mark, something that makes things “better”, to heal or to serve or to shed light.
Capricorn Ascendant: Steady and highly practical approach to the world. There is a private feel about them and sometimes a rigid feel. Confidence and action in their decisions can show. Libra MC: The overly pragmatic self can conflict with the want to connect and possibly the artistic love the MC may have. Their reputation may be built upon looks, talent, or their relationships. But the ascendant has a desire to be known off personal success, integrity, maybe even hardship. The ambition from Libra exist on a much lighter plane of tact, beauty, pleasantry. It may be more that the ascendant recognizes all their own hard work and gets frustrated when others do not. A mind for justice can form, but the ascendant is prone to trusting only their own judgment and the MC to finding it hard to make a decision or come to a verdict. The MC indecision in career can frustrate the ascendant who solidly wants to forge a path with meaning and tangible success. This person may feel like they have something to prove due to the dynamic. With this combo they are on a mission to ultimately prove things like self worth, inner authority, decision making, and self love to themselves.
Aquarius Ascendant: Known to stand out in their individuality, independence, and visionary approach to the world. Can be social and charismatic but still has a “cool as a cucumber” vibe. Scorpio MC: With possible dispassion from the ascendant, the MC still wants to dive in deep to what they do in life. Career must be connected to their passion and bring real emotional fulfillment. Reputation may be built upon how they make others feel. Scorpio known for rawness and intimacy finds a hard lesson through the self/expression that wants to separate. But the ascendant is all about humanity and humanitarianism, MC about impacting people on an individual level. Here we see the possibility to become a guide, healer, innovator.
Pisces Ascendant: A receptive self, a vague expression, changeable. The self here is very "bendable". Before we label them as "soft" their flexibility allows them to adjust to many different vibes and situations - even taking on a hostile persona. Sagittarius MC: Wants direction and thinks about the future, something their ascendant might want to avoid. Adaptable and quick like the ascendant but there is a strong desire to make sense of the world, especially in a moral or philosophical way whereas the ascendant exist in a unclear space. May build their reputation off of knowledge, risks taking, and entertainment. Their reputation at times can see or feel like a facade because of the highly fluid expression and self. There may be a desire to be known for their beliefs and righteousness, their healing and enlightenment. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is a hurdle for this combo. Displaying their kindness, open mind, and generosity is a lesson, along with evidence (really more so to themselves) that they help others or love others. The ascendant can easily give affection and compassion but their lack of boundaries can be interpreted in many, many different ways. The MC who takes a more fiery approach to the outside world can display a scattered, insensitive, and self-focused reputation. A lack of boundaries or unwillingness to assert the self combined with an impulsive or even reckless ambition makes it hard to take in and reflect on their personal bonds or how they want to make a difference. This ascendant and midheaven is a powerful duo in making a spiritual impact or in bringing a deeper knowledge to the world. The self finding direction in their ambition and interactions with the outer world.
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vibing-and-writing · 5 years ago
A Grove of Trees
A/N: hi!! Apologies for my inconsistent posting but life has been a crazy time recently!!! Anyways, here is the piece I will be submitting for @gingerwritess​‘s writing challenge for the prompt “a grove of trees”. Congrats on 4,000 bby!! I hope you enjoy this fic!!
Warnings: N/A (just witch tingz) 
Summary: When Bucky is sent on a stakeout to investigate ‘suspicious activity’, he meets someone unexpected instead.  
Witch!Reader X Bucky Barnes 
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The day Fury told him he would be doing a stakeout, Bucky could feel the back pain coming already. Sam could call him an old man all he wanted, it still wouldn’t change the fact that Bucky hated stakeouts. Specifically stakeouts like this one that involved staying in a tiny hut in the woods, watching a cabin that has had, according to Fury, “suspicious activity” going on inside. Fury had refused to tell Bucky what “suspicious activity” had been happening, only that some of the plants of the cabin’s garden looked like something out of another realm. The plants overgrown, scoring the walls and fence of the garden, but well-loved by what seems to be a woman who only comes out once a month. Bucky found it hard to believe that one woman in the middle of the woods had caught the attention of SHIELD, so much attention that he had to be sent on a stakeout but nonetheless accepted the mission with a promise of a month-long vacation by the end of it.
It was two days into the stakeout that Bucky suggested he sneak into the cabin, but Fury strongly suggested against it saying “It’s too risky with how little we know.” When Bucky had asked about a background check on the woman, Fury said that not even their high-tech cameras could capture more than an extremely blurry picture, so blurry it couldn’t be traced. It was mysterious, to say the least, and by day three Bucky had just about had it. With a near-constant combination of a headache and back pains, Bucky was done. Putting his Avenger status to good use and a small argument with Fury, Bucky stood at the door of the cabin with strict orders to only engage if absolutely necessary. 
Bucky’s eyes settled into a glare, assessing his surroundings with expertise. The worn door has sigils and signs written with different colored chalk in a language he can’t recognize, but he goes to knock on it either way. Before his hand can touch the wood, the door swings open with a gentle whoosh. Hiding his surprise with a frown of his lips, he walks into the area with trepidation, senses on high alert. The cabin looks lived in, glass jars stand proudly near the windows, more sigils drawn on the sills. A counter is near the back of the cabin, a small cash register makes it home, with a tip jar and bell next to it. The walls are nearly filled to the brim with jars with different labels, some saying ‘protection’ or ‘luck’. Dried herbs are strewn on the rafters of the ceiling, filling the room with almost too many aromas as Bucky holds back a sneeze. Two signs near the cash register say ‘don’t see me? ring the bell!’ and ‘please don’t steal’, both seemingly hand-drawn with uneven smiley faces. Bucky walks closer to the counter with bated breath, his shoulders un-tensing without his permission as he rings the small bell. 
The twinkling of the bell seems to make the cabin come alive as Bucky hears a muffled voice come from below him. “I’ll be right up!” Bucky doesn’t bother hiding his surprise when he hears the voice. Hearing some crashes and stomps his shoulders tense up again, but he nearly jumps in surprise when he realizes his back and head don’t hurt anymore. 
There is a flurry of movement from behind the counter, a small creek being heard from what seems to be an opening in the floor. Bucky takes a step back as a woman stands in front of him behind the register, a bright smile on her face. Bucky goes to speak before he’s interrupted by the woman. “Welcome to Grove Of Trees, how can I help you?” She says it softly but with an air of confidence as if she already knows why he’s there. Heat starts creeping up his neck and cheeks, but not because of the lack of air conditioning. This woman is beautiful, though he tells her later that it’s not enough to describe her. Bucky had seen plenty of beautiful women in his 100-something years, but none of them shined as she did. Her lavender sundress only enhanced her features, the flowers in her seemed like they belonged there. Putting on his signature ‘scary face’ as Sam called it, he tries to think of something to say to her. Her expression seems to change from investigative to understanding as her eyes widen slightly. 
“Oh, so you’re the one that they called…,” she trails off with uncertainty. She even gets on her tippy toes to throw a glance over his shoulder, her eyes questioning as they land back on Bucky. Bucky looks at her slightly bewildered, his senses feeling dulled and on overdrive at the same time. “The one they called?”, he asks, thoroughly confused. The woman shakes her head, fixing her face with a small smile as she starts grabbing some vials from one of the many shelves. “Nothing for you to worry about, I’ll just have to consult the cards again, you know how finicky they can be,” she says, voice sounding similar to the bell he’d rung when he got here. Trying to ignore the calm feeling invading his senses, Bucky tries to think of the things he does know: this woman is a potential threat, this appears to be some sort of shop, and this woman is… glowing? “Mhm, yeah, for sure,” he replies with a nod, trying to sound like he understands what this mystical woman is talking about. The woman grabs a small teacup from behind the counter and a tea kettle (where she got it from he has no idea) and starts pouring some of the liquids from the vials. When Bucky gives a slight raise of his brow, she gives him a small quirk of her lips. “Your back and shoulders are tense, no? This tea should help relax you a bit,” she says, her voice soft and calm. While her voice draws him in like a siren, Bucky tries to keep his senses on high alert, reminding himself this woman is a threat. 
“Thank you, but that’s not why I’m here,” Bucky says, trying to keep his face from relaxing too much. Her expression seems somber at that, the room seeming to lose a bit of its luster, and he feels his heart sink. Bucky soldiers through the air of disappointment. “I’m investigating some suspicious activity in this area.” Her expressions seem to go from bad to worse at that, her brows furrowing, the warmth in her expression fleeting. 
Looking Bucky up and down, her eyes widen a bit in recognition before she starts putting away the vials again. “Fury sent you here didn’t he? Blessed be, how many times do I have to tell him I’m not going to be his next Avenger,” she says, grabbing more vials before waving her hands in various directions. The plants seem to stand at attention, many of the herbs on the ceiling floating gently into her hands. Her motions are quick and agitated, brows furrowing more as she continues. “How dare he, after I was kind enough to send him and his stupid lab a sample of my plants, which are my mother’s by the way, for him to send me another agent.” 
She stops her rant to look at Bucky then, who is stood in a bit of awe and confusion a growing trend as her expression softens. “At least they sent a cute one,” she mutters to herself, unaware of Bucky’s super hearing. Bucky’s blush makes its home from his ears to his neck, the woman’s words affecting them more than they probably should. She slides the teacup closer to Bucky, expression calmer as more light filters through the cabin windows. “You might as well drink it since it’s been brewed. I’m sorry to have wasted your time,” she says, her expression apologetic, if not a bit embarrassed. 
Bucky snaps out of his confusion then, mentally cursing out Fury for making him do a stakeout for no reason, especially when the woman was clearly not interested. “‘S not your fault, Fury doesn’t normally take ‘no’ for an answer,” Bucky says gently taking the cup in his gloved hand. She gives a small huff then, her expression growing less exasperated. “He likes to think I don’t notice those cameras flying around, but I just don’t need that responsibility. I’m just a flower girl in the woods,” she says, her hands blindly grabbing a vial before bringing it up to her nose. Bucky looks at questioningly before she tips the vial in his direction, a distinct smell of eucalyptus wafting at his nose. “I don’t know anything about flowers, but I can see why Fury wanted to recruit you,” he says, his shoulders relaxing as he lets the aura of the cabin envelope him. She looks at Bucky questioningly, her eyes shimmering. “Why do you say that, handsome agent?” Her tone is a bit mischievous, her smile growing. Bucky lets his lips quirk into a smile as the blush returns to his face, his heart thumping in his chest. “We don’t have anyone on the team who is like you,” he says genuinely. The room seems to get a bit brighter, but she looks disbelieving. “Don’t you have the Scarlet Witch?”, she proposed. Bucky gave her a very obvious once-over, wondering how this woman didn’t know she was the most vibrant being he’d ever seen. Wanda was an amazing person but Bucky’s instincts were telling him this woman was more than what he’d seen today. “You seem to be more than just a flower girl in the woods,” he replied, the blush still present on his cheeks. Her eyes move away from his, her hand fiddling with the vial as her face grows flustered.
Suddenly her eyes widen and her posture stiffens, the room brightening as if a light bulb had been turned on. “Oh this makes much more sense…” she says to herself. Bucky looks at her questioningly before she straightens her back and looks at him directly in the eyes, narrowed but not maliciously. Learning from the past couple of minutes, he resigns himself to the fact that this woman will probably never make full sense to him. Many emotions show quickly over her face from confusion to surprise to understanding. Seemingly settled, she looks at Bucky almost appreciatively. 
“You can tell Fury he’ll see me very soon,” she says, her voice confident. Bucky stares at her for a moment before replying tentatively, “You’re not joining just ‘cause Fury is pressuring you right? You don’t owe him anything.” Shaking her head she gives Bucky a soft look, her posture relaxed but sure. “No, you could say I have a good feeling about being an Avenger,” she says, a smirk on her lips. Bucky stares at her for a moment, trying to figure out this enigma of a woman. A sigh escapes his lips as Bucky looks at her consideringly, “If you say so.” Turning his body to leave, he feels something warm touch his hand. His head snaps towards the source, the woman now a couple of inches away, no counter between them. 
“I’m assuming I’ll be seeing you again,” she says, the contact bringing back the blush to his cheeks. Bucky tries to get rid of the haze in his head, struggling to get back any semblance of control as his heart beats loudly in his chest. “I hope so,” he replies, his voice too eager for his liking. 
She gives him a sunny smile, her eyes crinkling, and nose scrunching as she drops her hand from his. Before Bucky can be disappointed at the loss of touch, she says, “Have a good day, handsome agent.” All coy and happy, Bucky couldn’t help but smile back, the blush on his cheeks coming back full force. Continuing towards the door, all he can muster is a small wave before he walks out into the woods. 
Not far from the door stands a very smug Nick Fury, complete with a SHIELD jet waiting behind. Bucky’s smile drops from his face, a frown taking its place. “Mission completed Sarge, time for that vacation,” Furt says, his tone overly cheerful. Feeling his headache coming back already, Bucky points an accusatory finger at Fury. “Why would you send me on a useless stakeout when the woman was clearly uninterested,” he asks, already having an inkling to what the answer is. Fury gives him a small nod before replying, “She ended up saying yes didn’t she?” He says it as a rhetorical question, but not without promptly waking into the jet. 
Bucky heaves a sigh before looking back at the cabin. Focusing his ears he can hear more clangs and crashes, the vibrant woman inside doing God knows what. A smile takes its place back on his face, his heart beating faster at the thought of seeing her again.
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patriotsrising1 · 4 years ago
The Power of Soft Power
The Power of Soft Power
What I have tried to do in these writings is to encourage “soft power”. What is soft power? Well, a look at our enemies will tell us. Antifa and BLM burning down cities and attacking people is hard power. The media covering up their crimes is an example of soft power. The fear Antifa and BLM generate in people to control them is also soft power. Saul Alinsky's “Rules for Radicals”  is a manual on how to weaponize soft power. Let's go through them and see what we can learn. Remember “soft power” is still power!
“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
This rule shows the power of organization. The militia will never have as much money as the Wall Street vampires, the DNC, or the corrupt GOP politicians. This lack of money can be countered by organization. The North Vietnamese communists were super-organized, it was the only way they could fight the super-wealthy United States. Even now, they are far more organized that we are, I personally feel too many conservatives are “waiting to be saved” from the evil of the DNC. My response has been the same from the beginning. Get off your ass.
2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
What he is saying is stick with what you know. The limitation of this is lower level people in Antifa and BLM don't really know much at all, they just how to be violent. The leadership of Antifa and BLM, admittedly trained Marxists, know how to use these useful idiots. To counter the enemy, every militia member needs to be trained and encouraged to think for themselves. They need to know who, what, when, why, and how of what they are doing. This is the “Ethical Indoctrination” I mentioned earlier that was used by Evans Carlson's Marine Raiders in WW2.We need our people to be of better quality than their people. Therefore, the training must be intense and thorough so as make them as comfortable and secure in whatever challenges they face. Ethical Indoctrination has be coupled with competent training!
3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
Every group has a weakness that can be exploited. In the Vietnam War, the US Marines were far superior in training and firepower than the North Vietnamese Army, but the US Marines (by law) could not fight the North Vietnamese in American universities where Marxism held sway and they could not fight them in the communists propaganda outlets of CBS, NBC, ABC, The NY Times, etc. These places were “outside” the expertise of the Marine Corps, which is why the communists put so much effort into taking over them. On a positive note, while lefties are experts on establishing narratives, their thinking has almost nothing to do with reality. We are experts on the real world and that is where we should be the most active. However, we are in a total and desperate fight to save this republic, but we are being beaten by the left because they are good organizers.
4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
For an example of using an evil Lefty institution's rules against them, watch this video. It is full of legal terms and concepts, but it shows that even a big corporation that screws over Conservatives on a regular basis, Patreon, can be damaged or destroyed by using their rules. WATCH THIS VIDEO DESPITE ITS HOW DENSE IT IS WITH LEGAL JARGON. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaFSHBTDj5Y
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
I would add that we can add false accusations of being a Nazi, homophobe, bigot, etc. etc. have also been effective in the past. It let's them justify their evil while maintaining the illusion that they are virtuous. However, their weakness is that they are totalitarians and do not have since of humor. This is why funny memes are an effective tactic to use against them, and why many Big Tech companies are censoring memes so as to protect them. Make and spread funny memes people, they are powerful soft weapons!
6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
This, I think is self-explanatory, but let's look inside the twisted mind of Lefties. In general, Lefties are, as individuals, pathetic. Because of this, they like to form mobs, both online and in the streets. Belonging to a mob gives them a sense of power that they would not otherwise have. All the virtue signaling they do is nothing more than white-wash on their internal tombs full of corruption and feelings of inadequacy. This is the basis of their being. We are not dealing with the great and the good, but pathetic individuals who can't wait to shout, “Witch! Witch!” (or “Nazi! Nazi!) and then see good people burned at the stake just to feel the rush of power. I said previously that we are better at reality and the reality is, these individuals are weak people and that fact should be exploited.
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
Again, this is self-explanatory. We can see how the term “racist” is being so overused and has been for so long that it no longer has much sting.
8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
I mentioned in the main body of this thread that we need to be creative. Here we see why. The more you hit someone and from different angles, the harder it is for them to respond. This works at both the tactical level and the strategic level, while using Hard Power and using Soft Power. Again we can look to the Vietnam War to see how operations on the battlefield where coupled with disinformation campaigns and subversion of the Universities and the media.
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
Thanks to their dystopian fantasies and their weak personalities, lefties are particularly prone to fear. The two major components of a lefty hive-minded insect is fear and hate. Use it against them. Every time the overreact with fear, use their excesses to show their evil to the world.
10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.” It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
What they mean by “reactions from the opposition” are really overreactions, or reasonable reactions that can be twisted into overreactions when Brian Stelter or Rachel Maddow talk about them on the news. This is a warning to us, always be on guard, always be the first to state your narrative and make sure you repeat incessantly to counter the propaganda machine of the Lefties.
11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
This rule explains why CNN and the rest were defending the riots as legitimate expressions of anger at the cops. That is why they pushed the “Defund the Police!” nonsense. The thing here, is that we don't really need to promote any negatives. However, things like Gun Control can be pushed back against.
12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
This is important, it means you have to know how to fix something. You can't just burn something down, you need to have a plan to replace it.
13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Again, self-explanatory, but you see this tactic being done everyday, especially online where there is no risk to Leftists since the Big Tech companies allow them free reign on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
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garc-i-a · 8 years ago
Partners in Crime
There is something that I have realized after learning more about Pentatonix once I joined the fandom. They are all skilled singers who are all capable of singing as solo artists without any trouble. In comparison to most vocal groups who cannot perform individually. Even though this is technically true, there is a little something else. A certain two are best as a duo than solo. I’m sure you can guess who I mean. And if not......Scott and Mitch, people.
Strictly talking about their working relationship (can anyone get what I am referencing here?) they just work best together. I mean we already know they can sing, oh I mean SANG, but there’s an issue when they try to do things alone. Let’s break it down, shall we? Let’s start with Señor Noodle!
Our lovely blond eyebrow denied baritone is a beast on the mic. And is just BURSTING with creativity. I mean that overgrown child came up with the name Pentatonix of all things and it is clever and relates to music. As well as creating one of the most popular parts of the 2012-2015 tours, chair girls. It is such a Scott idea, isn’t it (another reference)? Yet here in lies the problem with him. He is SO creative but doesn’t know how to progress. He is all over the place (ex. the only TWO videos on SF where Scott is by himself, he literally has no idea what to do and jumps from topic to topic or just does something random and uninspired). Let’s go back in time for this break down. 
For those who don’t know, Scott actually has TWO YouTube channels. One is Scott Hoying and the other (that we know) is scotthoying. The former is his first channel that he started when he was a freshman in high school. He barely uploaded on the page in the three years he used it. And the content was a little....uneven (?). There were music clips yet then there are videos where he is just goofing around. There was no set use for the channel. He abandoned it in 2010 (or more like forgot the password, I mean it is Scott we’re talking about). Then he created the one we are more familiar with. This was firmly dedicated to music. Even so, he didn’t have a format. He just uploaded covers and didn’t cement the kind of artist he wanted to be. This of course can be contributed to the fact that he was dealing with school at the time when he uploaded a bunch of covers. And then Pentatonix happened. Yet what about Vine?
He joined the site in March of 2013. Now it is apparent that he used it to boost interest in the band but also had a penchant for posting comedy content. This juxtaposition is jarring. He would go from making singing videos to posting random comedy bits in six seconds. For someone who is trying to make a brand, this uncertainty from viewers on what he was focusing on is difficult to follow. It seemed the only two common things that he had a constant focus on overall was his love of music and Mitch. (I may or may not have counted how many Vines that had Mitch in them or involved Mitch in some way, 47% of Scott’s Vines had Mitch in them). From there we can talk about Mitch’s end of this.
Our lovely unreal queen (of basically everything) is not just a singer but a force of nature. Sorry Scott but you are second best to her. Now Mitch kind of has the exact OPPOSITE deal compared to her other half. She doesn’t really put herself out there in terms of ideas or such. Now let’s get back in the time machine so I can explain better. Trust me I love this woman. But we need a few details before I get pitchforked. Back growing up, Mitch was insecure and uncomfortable singing. In the videos that we have of Mitch from high school (since any earlier seem to not exist anywhere, save for that stage performance where he was the water god) he basically regurgitated material and was also EXTREMELY low key about it and was never posted by himself. It was always by either a competition circuit or a friend. It was like Mitch was afraid of the reactions of others. Let’s continue onto Mitch’s Youtube.
Yeah, what Youtube? 1 video doesn’t not a channel make. Girl legit only uploaded ONE in November 2013 and nothing ever again. Mitch even addressed this in the 3 Year Channelversary episode saying that having a separate channel by himself would never work because he would never have the ideas or urge to upload regularly. The channel is just used to like videos every few weeks. Mitch didn’t have anything to showcase what she could do without the others. The closest we have to it is little IG/Snapchat videos of a few seconds. But nothing full out. The thing that Mitch suffers from is a lack of drive (or ambition if you will). Okay to the music careers!
So Scott is obviously someone in the R&B/Soul wheelhouse. Yet he doesn’t know how to stay on track to save his life (driving and getting sidetracked by a dog park, people). I honestly wonder if he has ADD. And I know it is not good to diagnose someone without expertise. Yet based off the way he acts, I’d say there is a real chance for it. I mean it is like his brain moves faster than his mouth (no filter) and he just can’t stay on topic. Based on this I don’t know how well he would do trying to get into that market as a solo artist. Being part giraffe with blond hair and blue eyes and a complexion to rival the bloodsuckers on Vampire Diaries, he sticks out with the demographic that kind of music leans to (African Americans). There are some individuals that are adverse to anyone trying to make it in that genre that isn’t African American, as well. He would be at a disadvantage or not taken seriously. Also he doesn’t know how to control himself and would be just a spastic noodle in interviews by himself. To contrast that cooked pasta is Mitch’s side of things.
She is into more of the EDM/Techno scene. And the otherworldly voice helps to create quite a unique sound. Yet, as I said, she lacks any drive to do anything. There is no effort to do anything. I am not trying to come for Mitchy. Again no fiery torches, please. She has great ideas and tastes but never implements them. They are just thoughts. Never anything set in motion. I attribute this to Mitch’s fear of rejection and thirst for approval. On the surface Mitch appears an unaffected individual, but we know is actually quite sensitive and bottles up pain. To go out and create something that represents him is a scary thing. Especially since Mitch’s anxiety at times has caused things to go south (almost leaving the Sing Off because it was so bad or not taking the boat in Hawaii the other day with the gang). Due to these matters Mitch cannot sustain a solo career. The music would be a back and forth of it ever coming out and Mitch would have trouble in interviews and red carpets all the time without someone there. Finally to what you all have been reading for.
With all these things, Scott and Mitch work to make up for the other’s failings. Mitch is the one that grounds Scott and keeps him focused and inspired. And Scott is the one to encourage Mitch and express how gifted his other half is and how much the public deserves to hear such beauty. Scott has the ideas to create while Mitch has the vocals and little tricks to basically do any crazy idea Scott comes up with. The two of them are able to combine what they love most about music to create material that they can both be proud of. It is the same for whatever endeavor they pursue. Together they are stronger. They are a team. Partners in crime.
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bardofsomerset · 7 years ago
“Together We Stand” - WiM 2016
In grand tradition, a year after it should have been posted, my most recent revvy musings.
WiM is a magical place, so obviously it comes together spontaneously through some undefined magic.
No? Well, then obviously the WiM Co-ordinator is a magical person who makes WiM happen through their undefined magic.
As I more than once had to tell the 2016 WiM Co-ordinator to go and lie down before she fell over because she was so ill, I don’t think this is true. WiM is put together by a team. A whole group of people working together behind the scenes so by the time WiM starts, it looks like magic. That team is made up of people like you.
I don’t, as a general rule, volunteer for things. I realise I’m writing this as a member of Rev’s National Volunteer Team, so obviously something went wrong somewhere along the line. I’m taking my article on WiM 2016 as a chance to think about why. For the last two years, my volunteering hasn’t just been confined to the national network. I’ve also been an active volunteer in the organisation of WiM; Rev’s annual week away. If someone like me can do that, I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to as well. Whether on the national team or an event team, Rev has something you can do.
I’ve mentioned before how it took me a long time to make it to my first WiM. When I eventually did go, in 2013, it was only because of a bit (or more than a bit) of nudging from a friend. It was a scary experience, but rather brilliant, and I enjoyed myself very much. Feeling quite triumphant about my successful attendance, I did the same thing next year. I saw no need to do more. I’d found somewhere I was comfortable and the idea of volunteering still seemed unnatural. Besides, no one needed me.
The next WiM, in 2014, was when I ended up on the National Volunteer Team, but that was entirely an accident. I wrote one piece for one concert programme and my ever encouraging friend had suddenly nudged me right into writing for Rev all the time. It wasn’t my idea. There wasn’t even a position waiting for me – they had to create a new one from scratch. That just shows you how eager Rev is to give new people a chance in whatever way they can. You don’t have to know what you want to do – just say you want to help; they’ll find you a place.
That same friend who nominated me to write for Rev also suggested, and I just kind of nodded (as I usually do) that 2015 would be a good time to try being on WiM team. After all, there were media positions on the team that were pretty similar to my new national role. I could write letters to people, which was one of my specialities.
I considered. Could I do it? It was theoretically inside my capabilities, but it was also a little outside of my comfort zone. I was still considering the day before the job application deadline. It really did seem quite a lot of effort. I was perfectly happy just attending WiM as an attendee. I thought I might not bother.
That evening, I received a Facebook message from that year’s WiM Co-ordinator. She wasn’t the person who normally nudged me into these things, but she was (and still is) a friend. It seemed that just because I didn’t think they needed me, it didn’t mean they didn’t want me. She said, “I was just wondering if you are considering applying for a position on team this year. I’d really love to have you on my WiM team! Would be great to have your local knowledge and awesome writing skills.”
What can you do when a friend says something like that? When I expressed my uncertainty, she said, “I’d love you to be on team but no pressure, it has to be the right thing for you.” She was being far too understanding. There was no way I could say no.
My first ever WiM job was Press and Sponsorship Secretary. I had to send letters to businesses asking them if they’d send us free stuff because we’re a charity and letters to local media asking them to tell the world we were putting on a concert. It was a job I could finish before WiM even started. I felt quite satisfied with myself as I typed and sent out my e-mails. Absolutely none of the people I contacted replied, so the success of my first WiM role can be debated, but no one was angry at the lack of sponsorship and I was able to spend the week of WiM itself relatively chilled.
At least at first. Right until concert day. You see, the media team (of which Press and Sponsorship Secretary is part), are more generally responsible for things like concert programmes and tickets at WiM. These things become more important when the concert is only a few hours away. Especially when you don’t even have a final set list yet. It’s difficult to print programmes when you don’t actually know what’s going in them.
I mentioned in a previous article how I ended up preparing a PowerPoint, folding more concert programmes than I humanly thought possible (why did we not print them until an hour before the concert?) and arranging some biscuits all in in the one half hour of free time we had on concert day. Well, plus during half a rehearsal that I ended up skipping (I knew the songs as well as I was going to by then). It was a bit ridiculous, but it wasn’t just me. There were three of us on the media team. There’s another important lesson – when you’re volunteering with Rev, there’s always someone there ready to help and support you.
My position was overseen by the Media Secretary and she didn’t mind that no one responded to my sponsorship requests. She did compliment my letter writing and made herself available whenever I had questions. I didn’t have to be alone. As I added words to someone else’s pictures on the PowerPoint, there was a feeling of satisfaction at seeing the work being completed. Half the joy of WiM is making the impossible seem possible.
For reasons best known to herself, nudging me onto the National Volunteer Team and helping me on WiM team weren’t enough for my friend. When WiM was over, she told me that I should be Admin/Treasurer at WiM 2016. As we have established previously, when she tells me I should do something, I generally end up doing it. Admin/Treasurer was a leadership role, bigger and more important than Press and Sponsorship Secretary. I’d be in charge of e-mailing all WiM attendees, of managing their payments and making sure they knew where the church was and what kit they had to bring. I would be the one who made the signup forms, then sorted the information they gave me. It was all very important.
Again it was a job I could mostly do before WiM even began. Again it required plenty of writing but little face-to-face interaction. Unlike other leadership roles, I wasn’t responsible for a team of my own. The only other member of WiM team I had to collaborate with was the WiM Co-ordinator, with whom I shared an identical taste in books and therefore could work with well. When we weren’t too busy talking about lady knights and militant librarians. She also rapped the plot of Macbeth to me at one point. It was a perfect partnership. Still, it was quite a lot of responsibility.
Luckily, I again had support, both from the WiM Co-ordinator and the National Finance Administrator. Payments couldn’t be made for WiM without the National Finance Administrator’s access to the Rev bank account. Guess who the National Financial Administrator was in 2016? If you guessed the same person who had been my supervising Media Secretary and who had convinced me to come to WiM in the first place, you’d be right. Yet again Rev proved I didn’t have to do anything alone. Even better, I didn’t need to do any of the mathematical half of my job, which was what had almost put me off applying.
One of the most important things for me to decide was the WiM budget. My guidance said I needed to consult with the National Finance Administrator and the WiM Co-ordinator to decide how much money we had to spend and to inform the team. I couldn’t attend the Forum where the budget was first discussed, but NFA and WC put together their first draft and sent it to me for any improvements I thought could be made.
As the NFA is a qualified maths teacher and the WC is a structural engineer, they’re both reasonably familiar with working with numbers. I am a writer. Maths is not particularly my area of expertise. The only numbers I worry about are word counts in my stories (which I’m not very good at sticking to anyway). I told them I was sure they knew what they were doing and gave it my stamp of approval. See, being on WiM team is easy. Just delegate or ask for help.
Making signup forms proved a trickier responsibility for me as WiM Administrator. Trying to figure out all the information we needed to know and how to frame questions so they would fit in the limited format of Survey Monkey took some experimentation. However, it was the sort of puzzle I enjoy. Then there was repeatedly e-mailing the WiM Co to make sure she approved of the form before I sent the link out – she wasn’t always the quickest at responding to messages.
When WiM actually began, my main role became making sure people had filled in their medical forms (to the extent of texting one person at eight in the morning because she was staying at a hotel and needed reminding to bring her form back to the church). Please be prompt filling in your medical forms, to save administrators headaches and reduce the chance of you dying in a sudden and unexpected emergency.
There were elements of WiM that didn’t go to plan. The WiM Co became ill on the very first day and by Sunday had been reduced to enthusiastic gesturing as her main mode of communication. Her voice had completely gone, which is awkward when you’re at a choir event anyway, let alone when you’re meant to be instructing people. It was time for the rest of the team to help her instead of the other way round.
Then I woke Thursday morning with a tickle in my throat. By evening it was fuzziness through my whole head. When we did a sound check on Friday, I spent most of it sitting down. Even during the concert, I ended up leaving stage during the last number as I felt myself swaying where I stood. I do recommend not being ill at WiM if you can help it (or at least plan ahead and bringing all possible cold, flu and sore throat medication with you).
During my time of illness, I ended up with a somewhat unexpected role, not connected to administrating or treasuring. On Friday, the National Co-ordinator and National Finance Administrator (a former WiM Co in her own right) were discussing buying our current WiM Co a present to thank her for her hard work. This is a WiM tradition, but they wanted to make sure they bought her something she would like, as opposed to a plant that might die two days later (NFA is not horticulturally minded and had not managed to preserve her own WiM gift).
For some reason, despite the fact that the WiM Co had been coming to WiM for over ten years whilst I’d only been there for three, NFA decided I was the best person to pick a gift. It must have been the identical taste in books, because I was sure there were people who’d known the WiM Co longer and better than me.
What followed was a long trek down the narrowest streets of Norwich with the NFA, poking our heads in every gift shop we saw as I looked for the craft shop I was sure I had seen earlier in the week. We walked past it several times, only to eventually buy the gifts from the shop next door. Dragonfly cushion and Norwich colouring book in hand, the NFA phoned her husband to discuss whether it was a good idea to spend an extortionate amount of money on a cushion with a badger on it. Don’t ask. By the time we returned to the church, my brief surge in energy had disappeared and I was ready to curl up and be ill again.
Other than that shopping trip, my memories last few days of WiM 2016 are blurry at best. I do vaguely remember that I left the moneybox full of our profits in an unlocked room in the church whilst we all went to the pub. That wasn’t my proudest moment. This is why being a WiM treasurer is better than working with money in the real world. You aren’t fired for something like that. Everyone continued to be lovely and supportive and took over my job whilst wishing me a speedy return to health.
WiM ended with me receiving the best thank you card ever for my administrative help (it was gold and fancy and had a quote from my favourite Shakespeare play on it). There’s no risk of not feeling appreciated when you volunteer with Rev. Despite the illness, WiM 2016 was pretty successful for me.
This year, I decided something a bit different at WiM. I’m not going for a job that’s all sitting behind a computer and no human interaction. I’m going to be on the environment team. This will involve me actively being nice to people and socialising, which is even more unnatural to me than volunteering in general. Still, it’s people like my previous bond group leaders who made WiM a comfortable enough place that I was willing to keep coming back and trying new things. I hope I can do the same thing for someone else.
Trying to push yourself and find the skills you never knew you had is right there in Rev’s Aims and Values. It’s a fundamental part of the choir. Whether it’s music or other performing arts, concert tech or concert decoration, publicity or social activities, catering or paperworking, we have a place for you. There are positions open on the national team at this very moment and if you’re not sure what you can do, you can always e-mail to say “I’d like to be helpful but don’t know how.” We’d love to have you. Why don’t you give it a try?
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bluebookweb · 8 years ago
According to a Recent Study/Survey … Midyear 2017 Edition
Isn’t 2017 just flying by? This midyear edition of Modern Restaurant Management (MRM) magazine’s research round-up features news on restaurant lines, food waste, berry lovers and the rise of gastronic tourism. 
Line in Wait
A survey of U.S. consumers has found that one in ten people have “knowingly jumped ahead in a line for a restaurant or café to avoid a long wait”. The survey was conducted by QikServe.
The survey found, perhaps unsurprisingly, that 93 percent of consumers have left or simply walked past a restaurant due to long lines. But one in twenty respondents to the survey also admitted that they had “lied about having a reservation or used someone else’s name to get into a restaurant to avoid a long wait.”
Two-thirds of respondents felt that they would be more inclined to wait if restaurants provided the ability to order via an app while they waited. A majority also felt that would wait if restaurants provided entertainment while they wait, clear communication or alerts about how long their wait will be, or an opportunity to earn greater loyalty rewards.
“We expected to find that most people would avoid a restaurant due to long lines, but we didn’t think that so many people would adopt tactics such as cutting in line or even more deceptive tactics to beat the line up,” said Daniel Rodgers, CEO, QikServe. “This really drives home the fact that society is becoming less and less tolerant of waiting for their food and drinks, and that hospitality operators need to seriously consider how to reduce waiting times by offering more convenient and varied options for ordering and payment.”
Another interesting question revealed that, although a majority of respondents would usually pick restaurants with shorter lines, a third of people would potentially choose a restaurant with a longer wait if they had an active loyalty program there.
“This tells us that hospitality businesses should explore options for improving loyalty and ordering convenience to ensure they cater to the full range of consumer expectations,” added Rodgers.
To see the full survey results,  click here.
Food Waste on the Brain
Waste not, want not.  Or so the cliché goes.   But whether it’s parents admonishing children to clean their plates or commercial food enterprises extracting maximum output from the plants and animals that comprise the food supply, there’s a renewed sensitivity to issues of food waste and sustainability. That’s the clear conclusion of a new nationwide survey from Coast Packing Company and Ipsos Research, conducted in mid-June among more than 1,000 consumers.    Each year, U.S. consumers, businesses and farms spend nearly $220 billion on food that goes uneaten, according to Food Business News.  Of the 63 million tons of food wasted annually, 16 percent occurs at farms, 2 percent at manufacturers, 40 percent at consumer-facing businesses and 43 percent in consumer homes.  Food waste accounts for 21 percent of all fresh water used in the U.S. and occupies 21 percent of landfill volume. Coast Packing, the largest supplier of animal fat shortenings in the Western U.S., queried consumers on whether attitudes around food waste, sustainability and the importance of minimally processed food have changed over the last five years.
When compared with the population as a whole, younger respondents and women tended to be more concerned about sustainability, food waste and minimally processed food than they were five years ago.  The overall percentages of being “more involved” in these issues were significantly higher than the incidence of being “less involved.” Some 42 percent of the sample said they were more interested in minimally processed food today than they were five years ago.  Interest in minimally processed food was highest among four demographic segments: women (46 percent), millennials (43 percent), Midwesterners (47 percent) and those with a college education (46 percent).  On the issue of food waste, women, millennials and Midwesterners expressed the highest levels of concern (36 to 37 percent) vs. five years ago.  In the area of sustainability, women and millennials likewise showed a similar high level of concern (37 to 38 percent).   With nose-to-tail dining growing in popularity – in part in response to concerns about food waste and sustainability – the Coast/Ipsos survey also asked consumers which parts of a cow they were open to eating: bone marrow, fat (in the form of suet or tallow), heart, kidneys, liver, sweetbreads (pancreas/thymus), testicles, tongue and tripe (stomach).  Liver (27 percent) and tongue (23 percent) topped the list; sweetbreads (11 percent) and testicles (7 percent) were least popular.    According to the survey, men and college educated respondents are consistently more adventurous eaters.  Perhaps not surprisingly, older folks (those 55 and above) are more open to liver than younger consumers.  While a greater number of respondents indicated that they are less likely to engage in nose-to-tail consumption than those who expressed a likelihood of doing so, the various parts of the cow do have their fans, especially heart (18 percent) bone marrow (17 percent) and kidney (14 percent).  Millennials and those 55+ indicated a relatively greater openness to consuming beef tallow and suet.     “As a supporter of sustainable agriculture and nose-to-tail cooking, Coast Packing ensures that no part of the animal is wasted,” said Eric R. Gustafson, CEO, Coast Packing.  “Why burn more rainforest to grow palms for palm oil when we can use already available, minimally processed animal fat instead?   We’re heartened by the survey’s finding that concerns about food waste and sustainability are growing, and we’re especially pleased that a substantial number of consumers are more interested in minimally processed food than was the case five years ago.”
Restaurant Projections
The National Restaurant Association projects that the restaurant-industry sales will reach $798.7 billion in 2017, or gain a 4.3 percent over the industry’s estimated sales of $766 billion in 2016. A gradually improving economy will help the restaurant market sales to grow further in 2017, even as restaurant operators face continued margin pressures, a tightening labor market and some lingering consumer uncertainty.
The Association also projects that the restaurant industry’s workforce will grow slightly to 14.7 million in 2017. Restaurants will remain the nation’s second-largest private-sector employer, providing jobs and careers for about one in 10 working Americans. 
Table service remains the largest segment in the industry, but quick service sales growth rate will be higher. Food and beverage sales in the table service-restaurant segment are projected to reach $263.0 billion in 2017, or up 3.5 percent from 2016. Quick service and fast-casual sales are expected to total$233.7 billion in 2017, or a 5.3 percent gain over 2016’s sales volume.
Product Recall Anger
A product recall can cost a company millions of dollars, not including lost sales and damage to brand reputation. A new survey commissioned by Marketpoint Recall, and conducted online by Harris Poll among 2,081 U.S. adults aged 18 and older, examines Americans’ views on company crises and product recalls. The study found that 85 percent of Americans would get angry when a company has a crisis or issues a product recall.
How a company handles a crisis or recall can also impact public opinion extensively. The study revealed that in the event of a crisis or recall, over 3 in 5 Americans say a slow response time from a company to correct the recall or a refusal to acknowledge that there is a crisis would make them angry (63 percent for both). Additionally, 60 percent of Americans said a lack of communication from the company to consumers would make them angry.
“When a company isn’t prepared for a recall or crisis scenario, it escalates the problem tenfold, not only harming the brand’s image, but negatively impacting customer loyalty,” said Peter Gillett, managing director, Marketpoint Recall. “Our survey revealed that if a company takes too long to address an issue, or doesn’t have the proper tools to communicate with customers around the globe, it risks damage beyond repair. In order to calm and reassure customers, quick and clear communication is essential.”
Americans also cited the following issues involving a crisis or product recall that would make them angry:
Language barrier between the company and consumers (i.e. company correspondents/call centers don’t speak English) (32 percent)
Infrequent status updates on the recall (30 percent)
Company’s lack of activity on social media (11 percent)
Having a plan in place, along with access to global communication channels is vital for a business to survive and thrive after a crisis or recall. Marketpoint Recall offers the tools, expertise and a centrally managed team to guide businesses through emergency situations. Marketpoint Recall’s START Program establishes a central team and processes, and briefs executives to ensure they are ready for a potential crisis. This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of Marketpoint Recall from June 16-20, 2017 among 2,081 adults ages 18 and older. 
Very Berry in Love
Life is sweeter when sharing the berry joy! Driscoll’s, the leading brand of fresh, delicious berries, has unveiled the top 10 berry-loving metropolitan areas in the U.S.
Boston, Hartford-New Haven and Minneapolis-St. Paul claimed the top three most berry-adoring markets in the country, according to syndicated category data reported by The Nielsen Company* and based upon the highest weekly store sales of fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. The Twin Cities also emerged as the raspberry consumption capital of the U.S., with families enjoying 132 percent more fresh raspberries per household than the national average annually.
Consumers within these top 10 berry-loving markets, including Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Buffalo/Rochester, Denver, and New York City among others, consume nearly 400 million pounds of fresh berries, or more than 25 percent of America’s total berry consumption.
With national retail sales for all fresh berries continuing to grow at 7.6 percent and leading all produce category sales over the past five years, Americans continue to discover the berry joy. 
Very Dairy in Love
Dairy foods are a core and cherished part of the American diet. Even as non-dairy alternatives expand into new territories, so do the animal milk-based originals, according to market research firm Packaged Facts in the report 2017 Forecast: Culinary Trend Tracking Series. 
Packaged Facts forecasts that in the months and years ahead, consumers will gravitate to products that display the wholesome characteristics of dairy, such as cultures and connections to animal welfare and farming traditions—elements that point to safety, nutrition, and sustainable food production. 
Consumers will also continue snacking on dairy foods that provide protein, calcium, and probiotics to promote good health. To that end, more savory options will beckon from the dairy case, calling out to be eaten at any time of day and to be paired with salads, sandwiches, meat snacks, and savory munchies. Packaging promoting portability and portion control will make our busy lives easier, and allow for more convenient access to these healthful dairy foods.
With increased consumption also comes a broader array of flavors and styles of dairy foods, meeting today’s mandatory call for flavor adventure in every daypart, from breakfast to snacking, treating to entertaining.
On that note, here are five of Packaged Facts’ key insights for inspiring consumers when purchasing and cooking with dairy:
Leverage dairy foods’ heritage to connect with consumers seeking traditional, old-fashioned and authentic-feeling experiences with full-fat cultured dairy.
Explore more savory flavors for dairy products that are positioned and packaged for snacking or mini-meals.
Support consumers’ seeking to experiment in the kitchen with flavored butter or cheese with recipe resources, video clip series. Culinary experts as educators, like celebrity chefs or popular cooking authorities, will inspire consumers.
More foods are going portable to be eaten away from home; what products can be packaged for easy access, grab and go, or airline travel? Three-ounce package sizes of cheese, cottage cheese or skyr are great for planes.
Dairy foods add a wholesome and nutritious angle when baked or cooked into other foods. For instance, call out the notable dairy additions loud and clear in sweet baked goods, cookies, snack cakes and bread. Name farms or regions of sources, and indicate nutrients from dairy ingredients. 
‘Will Fly for Food’
OpenTable announced the findings of its “Will Fly for Food” survey, pointing to growing interest among Americans in culinary travel. According to the survey, two-thirds (66 percent) of Americans would select a travel destination based solely on its culinary offerings, while more than half (52 percent) have already traveled to the country of origin of their favorite cuisine.
 “Americans are redefining their travel bucket lists not by where they want to go, but by what they want to eat,” said Caroline Potter, Chief Dining Officer, OpenTable. “While traveling, they’re also not afraid to experiment with local cuisine, and make more adventurous dining decisions.”
 “When in Rome” – An Appetite for Authentic and Local
Travelers are experiencing leisure destinations via their palate, with a majority (58 percent) “significantly” associating a destination’s culture with its culinary scene and dining customs. When deciding on where to dine, nearly 8 in 10 (78 percent) Americans prioritize restaurants that offer “authentic, local flavors.” Further underscoring a strong desire to dine like the locals do, fifty-two percent of Americans say they’ve flown to the country of origin of their favorite cuisine, and nearly 9 in 10 (87 percent) admit they feel more inclined to make adventurous ordering decisions while traveling for leisure.
 Dream Dining Destinations – A Top 10 Look
Vacation planning is not something Americans take lightly, especially when it comes to food. An impressive three-fourths (75 percent) of Americans have booked a reservation in advance of a leisure trip. As far as where they’d like to book their next dream foodie trip, the beloved “City of Lights” – Paris, France – takes top prize, followed closely by Florence, Italy. Rounding out the top five dream dining destinations are Barcelona, Spain; New Orleans, Louisiana; and New York, New York.
 The top 10 dream dining destinations cited by American diners in rank order are:
New Orleans
New York City
San Francisco
Culinary Passport – 25 Fly to Try Dishes
Just in time for summer travel, OpenTable has curated a list of must-try dishes from dining destinations from around the globe. Those hoping to stamp their culinary passport with new and exciting “dish-tinations” this season might find the below well worth the flight:
 Bangkok – Coconut and turmeric curry of blue swimmer crab at Nahm
Chicago – Spinach margherita deep dish pizza at Gino’s East
Dublin – Whole split lobster at Lobstar
Florence – Tagliatelle al sugo at Trattoria Sabatino
Guanacaste – Trilingual ceviche at HiR Fine Dining
Hong Kong – Sunday brunch dim sum at Duddell’s
London – Sunday roast at Roast
London – Meat fruit at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal
London – Afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason Diamond Jubilee Tea Salon
Los Angeles – Zucchini lasagna at Plant Food + Wine  
Madrid – Jamón joselito at TATEL Madrid
Melbourne – Sticky pork belly at Red Spice Road
Mexico City – Mole madre at Pujol
Munich – White sausage and pretzel at Wirtshaus zum Straubinger
Montreal – Disco poutine at Deville Dinebar
New Orleans – Oyster po’boy at Emeril’s New Orleans
New York City – Porterhouse steak at Keens Steakhouse  
Oranjestad – Scallops tempura at The Kitchen Table by White
Paris – Steak frites at Le Relais de l’Entrecote  
San Francisco – Roast chicken with bread salad at Zuni Cafe
Shanghai – Double boiled fish maw soup, crab claw, sea whelk in coconut at Jin Xuan
Singapore – Beef buah keluak at Candlenut
Sydney – Wood-roasted moran family lamb at CHISWICK
Tokyo – Kobo rainbow sushi at Itamae Sushi Edo
Vancouver – Chilled seafood platter at COAST
The survey was conducted online by more than 3,400 OpenTable diners aged 18 and older across the US from April 14 through May 16, 2017.
More on Culinary Destinations
According to new research commissioned by Booking.com, the global leader in connecting travellers with the widest choice of incredible places to stay, nearly three quarters (69 percent) of Canadians would travel somewhere known for its food and drink. With the joy of trying local delicacies often becoming one of the highlights of any trip, it’s clear Canadians have developed this taste for travel.
So, which destinations should be top of mind for those looking to sip, savour and sample their way through their next vacation? According to over 118 million real reviews from global travellers on Booking.com, the top Canadian cities for a salivating gastronomic experience are Vancouver, with its west coast charm and healthy treats, followed by the flavourful Quebecois cuisine ofMontreal and thirdly the Nova Scotia Capital of Halifax, known for its fresh seafood and award-winning wines.
Top five cities in Canada endorsed for food
Globally, Asian and South American flavours were favourites in the top ten foodie destinations, with Greece, Australia and Spain not far behind[iii]. Hong Kong, with its famous dim sum, Sao Paulo with Brazilian barbeque and Tokyo, whose restaurants have accrued more Michelin stars than New York and Pariscombined[iv], top the list.
Top 25 cities globally endorsed for food by Booking.com travellers
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tokyo, Japan
Athens, Greece
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Melbourne, Australia
Bangkok, Thailand
Granada, Spain
Las Vegas, USA
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Singapore, Singapore
Warsaw, Poland
Porto, Portugal
Valencia, Spain
Florence, Italy
Milan, Italy
Sydney, Australia
Krakow, Poland
Istanbul, Turkey
Lisbon, Portugal
Munich, Germany
Copenhagen, Denmark
Seville, Spain
Brussels, Belgium
Rome, Italy
Gastronomic tourism
In the last year, almost one in ten (eight percent) people have travelled to fulfil their hobby of fine dining and seven percent for their passion for wine. However, with 79 percent of travellers between the ages of 18 and 34 considering travelling somewhere that’s specifically known for its gastronomic delights[v], it seems globally millennials are leading the way for gastronomic tourism. In fact, one in ten have combined their love of street food with travelling, compared to only four percent of those travellers aged over 55[vi].
Pepijn Rijvers, Chief Marketing Officer at Booking.com commented,”Culinary travel is an ever-growing trend, with travellers planning trips centred on taste-inspired exploration and seeking to fully immerse themselves in the local culture, of which food plays a huge part. Not only are people looking for luxury gastronomic experiences, but also sampling local and street food. 
 Consumer Food Trends Drive Need for Better, Healthier Food Solutions
D In a recent Harris Poll study, 64 percent of American consumers reported that they try to eat healthier on any given day,1 showing they are increasingly aware of their eating habits, according to Dow Food Solutions.
As consumers become more conscious of their diet, they have begun looking for alternative food options including vegetarian and gluten-free options. The study found that more than 70 percent of American consumers consider plant-based proteins healthy,2 echoing the growing trend of vegetarian and vegan diets. In addition, one in five Americans now actively try to include gluten-free foods in their diet.3
“Major companies are continuing their efforts to reinvent themselves by providing healthier food options,” said Chris Spontelli, North America marketing manager, Dow Food, Pharma & Medical. “Our WELLENCETM portfolio meets these food industry trends to help manufacturers and brand owners create the products for which consumers are asking.”
Americans are also reducing fat in their diets, with 47 percent of respondents reporting that they try to avoid consuming fat.4 Over 60 percent of Americans have been cutting back on foods higher in saturated fats for more than a year,5 and 33 percent of consumers would be more likely to buy a product if it includes a “low-fat” claim.6
Wine Love Grows
US demand for wine is forecast to reach 1.2 billion gallons in 2021, according to Wine: United States , a report recently released by Freedonia Focus Reports. Sparkling wine is expected to outpace other demand segments due to the popularity of bubbly beverages with millennials being introduced to the wine market.
Growth will be restrained by baby boomers dropping out of the wine market, as they are among the most valuable consumers of wine. Additionally, beer and distilled spirits represent major competition to wine, as they have lower price points and are more accessible to the average buyer.
The Importance of Loyalty
U.S. consumers hold 3.8 billion memberships in customer loyalty programs, according to the 2017 COLLOQUY Loyalty Census, featuring for the first time COLLOQUY’s traditional audit coupled with consumer survey research. The 3.8 billion tabulation shows that membership growth continues, but has slowed to 15 percent compared to the 26 percent growth rate achieved in the 2015 Census when total memberships were 3.3 billion.
“The membership growth slowdown signals the U.S. loyalty market is maturing and retailers need to up their game on how to attract and retain members within their loyalty programs,” said Melissa Fruend, LoyaltyOne Global Solutions partner and COLLOQUY Census author. “In order to improve loyalty marketing, brands must optimize the overall experience by creating more personalized and relevant experiences for their best customers.”
The new consumer survey research from the 2017 Census shows that 53 percent of U.S. consumers identified “easy to use” as the main reason for participating in a loyalty program, topping “gives me great discounts” (39 percent) and “easy to understand” (37 percent), among other reasons.
Conversely, the top reason given for abandoning a program was “it took too long to earn points or miles;” a concern cited by 57 percent of respondents.
Additionally, the COLLOQUY Census shows that 51 percent of Americans still trust loyalty programs with their personal information.
The latest COLLOQUY Census scratched beyond the surface and analyzed motivators that drive consumer loyalty behavior. The survey research shows that across all sectors the top motivator is, I love the brand, company, retailer or service – purely emotional.
In other key Census results, the retail sector accounts for 1.6 billion reward program memberships, making it the largest slice of the loyalty pie. The biggest driver for active participation within retail is that the program is “easy to understand.”
Notably, grocery program memberships dropped to 142 million, compared to 188 million in 2015, continuing a downward trend in three consecutive Census reports. The 24 percent decrease is due in part to mergers and acquisitions within the industry.
Memberships in the financial services sector continued an upward trend, rising to 664 million versus 578 million in 2015. Cash back incentives led the pack when respondents were asked why they participate in financial loyalty programs.
The travel and hospitality sector, covering airline and hotel programs, plus restaurant, car-rental, cruise line and gaming programs, accounts for 1.1 billion memberships, the 2017 Census shows.
One of the most dynamic loyalty sectors, identified as other/emerging, covers online-only offerings, entertainment, daily deals, point aggregators and card-linked offers. Census research shows U.S. consumers hold a total of 462 million memberships in these evolving programs, and this sector accounts for 12 percent of the U.S. loyalty market.
Understanding Consumer Behavior
In today’s highly competitive, omni-channel market, companies are realizing the path to success hinges on their ability to understand consumer behavior. Retailers and manufacturers can unlock significant competitive advantage by leveraging consumer insights to make category decisions and create localized merchandising assortments. The JDA Voice of the Category Manager survey, conducted by JDA Software Group, Inc., reveals findings from nearly 100 professionals responsible for category management and merchandising activity in North America. The report revealed that most companies lack the ability to mine and leverage important customer data, and are therefore failing to meet evolving shopping demands. As such, respondents indicated that their No. 1 investment priority in the next five years is big data and predictive analytics (41 percent), followed by investment in customer-driven data science (37 percent.) 
“The fact that manufacturers and retailers plan to prioritize investment in big data and predictive analytics over the next five years is a true testament to the transformational impact that the modern shopper is having on these sectors,” said Todd McCourtie, senior director, solution strategy at JDA. “Companies are realizing that the path to success in today’s omni-channel market is to analyze and react to consumers’ preferences and behaviors, ultimately truly understanding how, why, and in which manner they wish to shop. Data-driven technologies can help companies make more informed localized merchandising decisions that, in turn, enhance the shopping experience for the customer and improve the brand’s bottom line.”
Driving consumer insights with data and analytics
Currently, companies have access to volumes of essential data about their customers’ shopping preferences and behaviors. Where companies fall short is in their ability to derive actionable insights from this mountain of consumer data. While respondents on average stated that they are somewhat successful in mining consumer data to generate usable insights (82 percent), less than one-fifth (17 percent) feel they are highly successful in their ability to leverage the data to derive actionable insights 
In fact, when asked to identify which processes respondents felt they lacked the most proficiency in, nearly 70 percent indicated that they are most behind on leveraging predictive analytics for improved pricing and merchandising—two capabilities that are of paramount importance for sustained success in today’s customer-centric world. Additionally, nearly 60 percent of respondents claimed that they are also behind in leveraging geographic and socio-economic data for targeted promotions and offers.
For manufacturing and retail survey respondents looking to improve merchandising, pricing and promotional efforts, the top two behaviors they’d like to gain additional insight into were the modern shopper’s path to purchase (67 percent) and price sensitivity (53 percent.)
Localizing assortments to reach the modern shopper
The modern shopper has transformed the ways retailers and manufacturers operate and maintain profitability, as shoppers expect merchandise assortments to meet their needs from the first attempt. Survey respondents cited personalization and localization (68 percent) and increased development of digital technologies (62 percent) as the top two priorities they plan to implement within the next year to reach modern shoppers. Omni-channel retailing also remains a high priority, with nearly 60 percent of respondents citing it as one of their top two priorities.
Effective assortment localization is dependent on a company’s ability to identify the key product attributes that drive local preferences and demand in each category. The survey found that companies are best able to evaluate the success of their localization efforts by measuring an increase in sales (37 percent), increased visibility into stores (21 percent) and improved inventory levels (21 percent.)
Key investment priorities
With increased focus on localized assortments, technology investments are top of mind for both manufacturers and retailers. Unsurprisingly, the top two priorities driving the need for new technology solutions are automation as a means to do more with less, and consumer insights as a tool to support increased localization, dynamic pricing and improved merchandising.
Interestingly, from an investment perspective, respondents had varied opinions on which mobile technologies would be most beneficial to their business:
26 percent indicated augmented reality technology that provides shoppers with personalized information while shopping;
25 percent deemed the ability for customers to leverage beacon technology (Internet of Things) via mobile device for increased self-education on products;
21 percent identified in-store mapping for easy self-navigation around stores; and
19 percent believe location-based mobile coupons would be most beneficial.
Manufacturer vs. retailer point of view
Less than half of manufacturers and retailers feel they are successful in their ability to mine data to generate usable insights, though respondents from both sectors agree that there is more to be done when it comes to better understanding and addressing the needs of the modern shopper, and both groups have identified areas for improvement. For example, the majority of manufacturers surveyed (83 percent) see themselves lagging when it comes to leveraging predictive analytics for improved pricing and merchandising, whereas retailers report feeling behind on analyzing big data to recognize consumer preferences and demand trends (59 percent.) Both sectors agree that their ability to leverage geographic and socio-economic data for targeted promotions/offers could be improved, with 60 percent of manufacturers and 59 percent of retailers citing this as a weak spot. Further, both retailers and manufacturers cited path to purchase and price sensitivity as the top two behaviors they would like more insight into surrounding the modern shopper.
Additional interest in beacon technology and augmented reality was reported by respondents, though neither sector is planning to prioritize investment in these technologies in the next five years.
“Retailers and manufacturers that want to stay on top will need to be able to implement personalized localization at scale and with speed. While this will require some organizationwide changes to policies and procedures, as well as the adoption of technology solutions to help automate processes, it is a necessary evolution for those responsible for merchandising decisions. The success of a company’s merchandising strategy, both today and in the future, hinges on how companies leverage these data-driven insights to better serve the modern shopper’s ever-changing needs,” concluded McCourtie.
U.S. Pork Industry Expanding
Strong profitability and rising global demand create a strong incentive for U.S. pork processors to expand capacity. The impending increase in demand for hog supplies will create favorable terms for producers, while intensified competition among processors could lead to a short-term compression in packer margins, according to a new report from CoBank.
“U.S. pork packing capacity will increase eight to ten percent by mid-2019, when five processing facility construction projects are complete and fully operational,” said Trevor Amen, an economist with CoBank who specializes in animal protein. “Hog production is expected to increase two to four percent in both 2017 and 2018 to meet the demand for more supplies, with the bulk of the increased production coming from small to mid-size pork producers in the Midwest.”
Three new state-of-the-art pork processing facilities with the capacity to process more than 10,000 hogs per day are currently under construction. Two of the facilities are being built in Iowa and one in Michigan. Two smaller plants with daily capacities of less than 5,000 head are being renovated in Missouriand Minnesota.
“As each of the new projects comes online, hog supplies will adjust upward,” said Amen. “Transitional market conditions such as these typically come with increased price volatility over the short term, and bargaining leverage will shift in favor of producers as the expansion of hog supplies catches up with processing capacity.”
However, lean hog prices may soften until a new market equilibrium is established and an increase in exports fills the demand gap, added Amen.
Exports Will Play a Critical Role  The success of this substantial increase in processing capacity and hog production hinges largely on continued global demand for U.S. pork. While exports in 2017 are up 15 percent through April, total annual exports for the year are expected to increase five to eight percent, with an additional increase of three to six percent in 2018. Exports have been a boon to the industry, but the potential risk of export disruption carries severe consequences.
“Continued global demand for U.S. pork will be a critical factor as the market adjusts over the next two years,” said Amen. “Domestic consumer demand has been very strong and we expect that to continue. However, prospects for a further boost in domestic demand are limited. Therefore, export markets will have to absorb the production increases.” U.S. producer access to foreign markets will be critical to preventing a domestic supply glut as well as deterioration in margins for both producers and processors.
Processing Facility Upgrades to Continue  To remain competitive, processors must continuously upgrade or replace existing facilities to implement new technology, including automation and mechanisms that ensure compliance with stricter food safety standards.
“Historically, initial losses in new or expanded plants are inevitable and packer margins are typically narrower than pre-expansion,” said Amen. “But margins improve and normalize following the transition period and processors are better positioned with efficiency gains and an improved ability to customize production.”
Longer term pressure could persist for older plants as aging technology inhibits efficiency gains. Eventually, the cycle of replacing older infrastructure will reach its next phase and new investments take the place of retired capacity.
Dairy Alternatives Market
The report “Dairy Alternatives Market by Type (Soy, Almond, Coconut, Rice, Oat, Hemp), Formulation (Plain & Sweetened, Plain & Unsweetened, Flavored & Sweetened, Flavored & Unsweetened), Application (Food, Beverages), and Region – Global Forecast to 2022″, published by MarketsandMarkets™, the Dairy Alternatives Market was valued at USD 7.37 Billion in 2016. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.7 percent from 2017, to reachUSD 14.36 Billion by 2022. The base year considered for this study is 2016, while the forecast period is from 2017 to 2022. The global Dairy Alternatives Market is expanding with considerable growth potential over the next five years. The growth of this market can be attributed to the growing inclination toward vegan, especially plant-based food, growing lactose intolerance among a large section of the population, and rising demand for various innovative dairy-free applications.
Soy milk estimated to be the largest segment, by type, in 2017 
In terms of type, the soy segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the Dairy Alternatives Market in 2017. Soy milk and its products are experiencing steady demand in industrialized countries and occupy a significant share of the Dairy Alternatives Market, especially in Asia-Pacificregion. The popularity of soy milk can be attributed to the plethora of varieties, in terms of flavors, blends, fat content, and formulations offered by leading dairy alternative manufacturers. The rising awareness about the nutritional benefits of soy-based products, along with their easy availability, is driving the soy milk market growth. In addition to being lactose- & cholesterol-free, soy milk is also a good source of essential amino acids (high-quality protein), potassium, fiber, and B vitamins which are required for growth. Overall, the market for plant-based dairy alternatives has witnessed significant growth in the last couple of years, due to a steady decline in the consumption of cow milk.
Flavored & sweetened is estimated to be the largest segment in 2017 
The flavored & sweetened segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the Dairy Alternatives Market, in terms of value, in 2017. Flavored & sweetened dairy alternatives such as dairy-free yogurt, milk, and frozen dessert alternatives are available in the market to cater to the changing consumer demands and for manufacturers to increase their product offering. Incorporation of flavor enhances the palatability of dairy alternatives such as soy, rice, and oat milk. The widely available flavored plant-based products in the market are vanilla and chocolate, followed by other flavors, such as peach, strawberry, blueberry, and mango. Companies have launched new products with fruit flavors to gain consumer base and increase their market share. The increasing diabetic population has also led to changing dietary preferences, which has further facilitated the rise in the number of different formulations to suit their needs.
Asia-Pacific is estimated to be the most lucrative market for dairy alternatives 
In 2017, the Asia-Pacific region is estimated to hold a significant share of the global Dairy Alternatives Market. The major drivers for this significant share are the increasing consumer expectations for innovations and availability of healthy dairy-free food products. The Asia-Pacific market is driven by countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The primary driver for this region is the increasing consumer demand for lactose-free food products coupled with abundance of soy-based dairy-free products. The Dairy Alternatives Market in this region is currently undergoing a dramatic transformation in response to rapid urbanization, diet diversification, and liberalization of foreign direct investment in the food sector. Also, the rising income, purchasing power, rapid growth of the middle-class population, and the increasing consumer awareness about health & fitness are driving the Asia-Pacific market growth.
 Canadians Love Protein
Results from the newest Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) report Canadians are consuming more of their calories from protein than they did over a decade ago. Fat consumption amongst adults increased slightly and there was a small decline in carbohydrates consumption.
According to Dr. David Ma, PhD, Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Guelph: “While there are some differences in consumption since the last survey in 2004, the data shows Canadians are generally consuming carbohydrates, fats and protein within recommended ranges. We need to eat these in the right proportions of total energy to reduce risk of chronic disease and to provide enough essential nutrients.”
The report notes that for children and teenagers, the percentage of daily energy intake from protein increased one per cent (from 14.6 per cent in 2004 to 15.6 per cent in 2015). For adults, it edged up from 16.5 per cent to 17.0 per cent. This still lingers at the lower end of the acceptable range of 10 to 35 per cent of calories set by the Institute of Medicine.
“The data is encouraging as the previous national survey showed Canadians were consuming protein at the lower end of the acceptable distribution range,” said Dr. Stuart Phillips, PhD, Director of the Physical Activity Centre of Excellence (PACE) and McMaster Centre for Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Research. “Protein is essential for all tissues in the body, providing amino acids that are important for growth and development.  Protein is particularly important for older people to help slow muscle loss.”
“Based on my research, consuming even more than the recommended amount of high quality protein, from nutrient-rich sources such as pork, beef, lamb, dairy products and eggs throughout the day, combined with regular exercise, helps prevent the loss of muscle tissue as we age,” he adds. 
Many Canadians consume an abundance of foods, but many do not obtain the nutrients they require for good health. Meat, for example, is a compact source of many nutrients that are essential for good health and life. These include: protein, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B12, thiamin, vitamin D, niacin, and riboflavin.
“Research shows that diets with increased protein and reduced carbohydrates may help prevent type 2 diabetes by facilitating weight loss through increased satiety, increased thermogenesis, and muscle retention,” said Mary Ann Binnieof the International Meat Secretariat Nutrition Committee and a Canadian Meat Council spokesperson. “This is especially important given the number of Canadians diagnosed with diabetes has tripled in the past 20 years.”
Baking Ingredient Market Growth
According to the latest market study released by Technavio, the global baking ingredients market is expected to grow at a CAGR of almost 6 percent during the forecast period.
 This research report titled ‘Global Baking Ingredients Market 2017-2021’ provides an in-depth analysis of the market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends. This market research report also includes up to date analysis and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.
Baking ingredients are used to improve the quality of foods while baking by enhancing the texture, taste, color, and moisture content of the foods. The growing disposable income and the increasing demand for convenience foods and healthy foods are some of the key parameters that are expected to drive the market during the forecast period. Product recalls, the negative effects of baking ingredients, and stiff government rules and regulations are some of the major challenges that are hindering the market growth.
 Technavio’s analysts categorize the global baking ingredients market into eight major segments by product. They are:
Flavor and flavor enhancers
Baking powder
Fat replacers
The top three segments based on products for the global baking ingredients market are discussed below:
Global flavor and flavor enhancers market
Flavors are additives that are added to food products to give them a specific smell and taste. They can be derived naturally or artificially. Natural flavors are made from various natural sources like herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, and others. Flavors only add taste and have no nutritional value.
According to Manjunath Reddy, a lead food research analyst from Technavio, “Flavor enhancers are used in different kinds of food products like savory snacks, condiments, and prepared foods. They can be derived from either natural sources or artificial sources. Monosodium glutamate is a common example of a flavor enhancer. Salt is a natural flavor enhancer. Its usage is recommended in moderate and controlled amounts.”
Global sweeteners market
Sweeteners provide a sweet taste to the food products. They can be either natural or artificial. Sugar is the most common natural sweetener. It is rich in calories and is also known as a nutritive sweetener. High-fructose corn syrup is another example of a natural and nutritive sweetener.
“Most artificial sweeteners are low in calories or non-nutritive. They are synthetic sugar substitutes but are made from natural sources like herbs and sugar. Mostly they are sweeter than regular sugar. Thus, small quantities of artificial sweeteners can provide extreme sweetness,” says Manjunath.
Global colorants market
Food colorants are the pigments, dyes, and substances that provide color to the food items. They are added to food and bakery items to impart the desired color to these items and improve their appearance. Colorants can be natural colorants or artificial colorants. Some of the commonly used natural colorants are caramel carotenoids, betacyanins, anthocyanins, and phenolics.
Changes in food regulations and growing consumer demand for clean-label products in Europe and the US are creating a significantly high demand for natural colorants. This has increased the need for different natural colorants like tomato-based colorants. Favorable food laws for natural colorants in Europe will increase the demand for natural colorants in the continent.
 Food Sustainability Report
DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre), the authority on trade, enterprise and commodities in Dubai, today issued a report on food security as part of its Connected Thinking thought leadership programme, titled “Sustainable Food Supply: the Key to Feeding the World”. 
Food security has emerged as a growing concern in many parts of the world, with a rapidly growing population, development challenges and climate change. DMCC’s report seeks to underline the need for stakeholders across the supply chain to adapt and address these concerns, as well identify benefits and opportunities. 
Sanjeev Dutta, Executive Director of Commodities, DMCC commented: “As the world’s population continues to increase, and emerging markets continue to improve economically, hundreds of millions of new consumers every year need ever-greater supplies of food.”
The report summarises the five key factors that companies operating in the food trade supply chain need to consider when looking expanding internationally, whilst ensuring optimum trading capabilities. The top consideration is location whereby the report highlights the importance of finding a city with world-class seaports, airports and road infrastructure. Additional considerations include expertise, partners, resources and regulations. 
Recognising these key factors, the report goes on to highlight the importance of Dubai and DMCC given its strategic location and the major role they play in shaping the future of the global food supply-chain. 
Sudhakar Tomar, Managing Director at Hakan Agro, a specialist food business based in the DMCC Free Zone goes on to explain these points in the report: “Propositions such as a stable government, freely convertible currency, a strategic location with convenient time zone, great infrastructure, no taxation on profits or personal or company income, no foreign exchange controls, no restrictions on capital movement and freehold ownership of property, all put Dubai and DMCC at a distinct advantage in the evolving global food supply chain.”
“Dubai and the UAE are perfectly positioned at the centre of the world, acting as a bridge between North and South, East and West. Around 90 per cent of the country’s food is imported, so the foundations of a global food supply chain hub have already been in place for decades. The Emirate’s recent advances and innovation and technology further cements its strong position in shaping the future of the global food supply-chain,” Sanjeev Dutta, Executive Director of Commodities, DMCC, concluded. 
Furthermore, the report highlights other key challenges within the industry such as the ever-changing consumer demands, climate change, and reduction in water supplies. It explains how addressing these factors through technology, innovation and sustainability initiatives may help tackle the expected population growth in the next ten years and its implications on the supply and demand of food. The GCC is expected to see food imports grow to over $50 billion by 2020 from $25 billion in 2004. 
The DMCC is at the epicentre of global trade and has been increasing and improving its platform and services to the food industry over the last few years. It most recently launched the DMCC Food Trade Group, which currently has over 50 member companies, which focuses on building trust and confidence amongst traders through uniting food companies from around the world. 
To access a full copy of the report, click here.
Cookout Costs
A cookout of Americans’ favorite foods for the Fourth of July, including hot dogs, cheeseburgers, pork spare ribs, potato salad, baked beans, lemonade and chocolate milk, will cost slightly less this year, coming in at less than $6 per person, says the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Farm Bureau’s informal survey reveals the average cost of a summer cookout for 10 people is $55.70, or $5.57 per person. The cost for the cookout is down slightly (less than 1 percent) from last year.
“As expected, higher production has pushed retail meat prices down,” said AFBF Director of Market Intelligence Dr. John Newton. 
Competition in the meat case is making grilling for July 4th even more affordable for consumers this year, Newton noted.
“Retail pork prices also declined in 2017, largely due to more pork on the market and ample supplies of other animal proteins available for domestic consumption. Lower beef prices are most likely putting downward pressure on pork prices,” he said.
AFBF’s summer cookout menu for 10 people consists of hot dogs and buns, cheeseburgers and buns, pork spare ribs, deli potato salad, baked beans, corn chips, lemonade, chocolate milk, ketchup, mustard and watermelon for dessert.
With regard to drivers behind the moderate decrease in dairy prices, Newton said, “We continue to see stability in dairy prices because of the improving export market. Chocolate milk will be a little more affordable this July 4th, in part because some retailers are promoting it as a sports recovery drink superior to other sports drinks and water.
He also noted the retail price of American cheese has declined due to very large inventories and a lot of competition in the cheese case.
Newton said retail dairy and meat prices included in the survey are consistent with recent trends and are expected to continue to be stable. The year-to-year direction of the marketbasket survey tracks closely with the federal government’s Consumer Price Index report for food at home. A total of 97 Farm Bureau members in 25 states served as volunteer shoppers to check retail prices. 
A Taste for Tea
Technavio analysts forecast the global tea market to grow at a CAGR of more than 4 percent during the forecast period, according to their latest report.
 The research study covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global tea market for 2017-2021. The market is segmented on the product (black tea, green tea, fruit/herbal tea, and instant tea), packaging (loose tea, tea bags, and bottled and canned tea), and distribution channel (supermarkets/hypermarkets, independent retailers, convenience stores, and specialist retailers). The market is further segmented based on geography, including the Americas, MEA, APAC, and Europe.
Many tea manufacturing companies have introduced several flavors in tea, ranging from fruity flavors with a tinge of fruity smell or flavor additive to chocolate, thus creating a large portfolio of choices for the customers. This diversification in flavors has helped in attracting the millennials, who visit cafés regularly and follow a café culture. In India, flavoring tea with different spices such as carom seeds and star anise has become a trend. These spices add their flavor and medicinal properties to the tea, adding value to the beverage.
Technavio food and beverage research analysts highlight the following three factors that are contributing to the growth of the global tea market:
Increased demand from millennials in developing economies
Numerous health benefits
Growing usage of green tea in beauty and skin treatments
Increased demand from millennials in developing economies
The developing economies of the world are flourishing because of improved economic indicators and foreign investments, leading to abundant employment opportunities. The improved economy and increased job opportunities have made premium brands and varieties of tea more affordable for young consumers aged between 18 to 34 years, who are also called millennials.
Atul Kumar, a lead non-alcoholic beverages research analyst at Technavio, said, “The millennial generation, being accustomed to technology and innovation, is eager to know everything about different tea variants, such as their source, processing techniques, serving methods, and other aspects. The millennials are also interested in experiencing tea from different perspectives such as heath and cultural, by experimenting with varied brewing techniques from different regions.”
Numerous health benefits
Tea has a high capacity to absorb oxygen radicals in the body, which helps to destroy free radicals that are harmful to the body. Tea can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease in both the genders as well as is effective in curing type 2 diabetes. The compounds in green tea are very effective for processing blood sugar.
“Weight loss is believed to be one of the main benefits of having tea. Generally, green tea is believed to aid in weight loss. Japanese medical researchers have found out that tea can decrease the loss of teeth by changing the pH balance inside the mouth. Tea also offers health benefits such as improvement in the immunity of one’s body by stimulating the immune cells,” adds Atul.
Growing usage of green tea in beauty and skin treatments
Green tea has catechins, which make it anti-bacterial. It is, thus, used in curing acne and regulating hormonal imbalances. The main benefit of green tea in this regard is that it protects one from skin cancer due to its anti-oxidant properties. It contains several antioxidants as well as enzymes, amino acids, and phytochemicals like polyphenols along with vitamin B, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and caffeine.
Green tea is found helpful in flushing out toxins from our body, thus doing natural detoxification. It aids in healing blemishes and scars, reduces inflammation, and enhances the skin’s elasticity.
Lemon Pricing Up
Runzheimer, a relocation and business vehicle data provider, recently performed their annual study based on their goods and services pricing.  Runzheimer’s data showed that the average price of lemons is up over 18 percent from this same time last year. This significant year over year increase could take a bite out of profit margins, which may translate to a higher price point next time you stop at your neighborhood lemonade stand.
Runzheimer collects goods and services costs across the U.S. and Canada for the purposes of calculating living cost comparisons across locations. Such comparisons are used by organizations that relocate employees to new work sites, calculating cost-of-living allowances.  Other organizations use Runzheimer’s data to create geographic salary differentials when creating competitive compensation strategies across labor markets.
The study includes prices from almost 100 communities across 65 major metropolitan areas.
The data collected includes a regional breakdown which demonstrates the change in prices based on specific regions of the country:
Percent Change
13.1 percent
18.7 percent
20.2 percent
19.4 percent
 The northeast region of the U.S. experienced the smallest increase year over year (13.1 percent) while the south experienced the most significant increase (20.2 percent).
Food as Convenience
With 29 percent of consumers saying they will drive more in June as compared to the previous month (2017 NACS Consumer Fuels), and U.S. gas prices at the lowest level for the summertime since 2005, convenience stores are ready to welcome a wave of consumers traveling near and far. In support of the summer season, Tyson Convenience released results from a national consumer survey conducted with 1,000 U.S. adults aged 18+ to help retailers understand which prepared foods customers prefer for making their trip more enjoyable, regardless of the distance.
 “Busy summers and convenience stores go hand-in-hand for meals and snacks on-the-go,” said Rob Ramsey, senior manager of convenience channel marketing for Tyson Foods. “Consumers use convenience stores as their summertime home to keep them refueled and not slow them down.”
Survey findings include:
The number one reason (51 percent) American adults purchase food at a convenience store is to satisfy a craving.
Americans love breakfast. Many (48 percent) would like to see a breakfast station serving waffles, biscuits, breakfast meats and baked goods at a convenience store.
Breakfast sandwiches are so popular that more than half of Americans (51 percent) would purchase one at their local convenience store if they wanted to have breakfast for dinner. On the other hand, pizza rose to the top of later-in-the-day prepared foods to cross over to breakfast, with (45 percent) of Americans interested in eating pizza for breakfast.
Americans prefer to eat their snacks with two fingers (47 percent) while shying away from using any utensils.
“Hearing directly from consumers on what they want and expect from a convenience store can be invaluable for retailers, especially during the busy summer season,” Ramsey said. “These survey insights, like having breakfast offerings served all-day in unique, creative ways, give retailers feedback from consumers on how to merchandize prepared food offerings to attract consumers in the summer.”
Ben & Jerry’s Top Flavors
National Ice Cream Month News: Ben & Jerry’s Top Ten Flavors Revealed
Currently, Ben & Jerry’s most popular fan favorites in the U.S., based on sales, are:
Half Baked 
Cherry Garcia
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 
Chocolate Fudge Brownie 
The Tonight Dough 
Americone Dream 
Phish Food 
Chunky Monkey 
Strawberry Cheesecake 
Salted Caramel Core
Meal Kit Popularity
Traditional grocery is in a current state of massive disruption with Amazon’s recent purchase of Whole Foods and the meal kit subscription market reaching $1.5 billion. In fact, one in four Americans has tried a meal kit – with Millennials and Generation X consumers 321 percent more likely to purchase them (Nielsen) and most likely to share and discuss their customer experience on social media. 
“As it is for many businesses built on the web, social media is integral to the success of meal kit businesses,” said Jenifer Kern, CMO of Tracx. “Social media shapes overall reputation, how they build their brand, expand their reach, and interact with consumers. Meal kit businesses are not just social media darlings, they rely heavily on social media marketing to drive customer acquisition and retention.”
In its inaugural Social Sentiment and Performance Report, Tracx, a robust social media management and analytics engine, conducted a social listening study on the two leading meal kit delivery competitors in the industry: Blue Apron and HelloFresh.
To measure their brand health and reputation, Tracx analyzed nearly 350,000 social conversations, posts, and interactions, sentiment and engagement across the top 14 social networks from May 14th through June 12th, 2017. (Note: To make it a direct comparison, Tracx excluded all posts containing “IPO” and “public” and sponsored ads.)
Key findings from the report include:
Female Millennials Dominate: 66 percent of Blue Apron’s and 79 percent of HelloFresh’s social activity comes from female consumers with Blue Apron attracting a wider age range (18-54) vs. HelloFresh’s 25-34 range.
Instagram is King: Both brands use Instagram as a major social media platform – 75 percent of HelloFresh and 61 percent of Blue Apron’s social activity occur on Instagram. Blue Apron has broader social coverage as it’s also active on Facebook, forums, blogs, Flickr, etc. 
Share of Voice (Winner: Blue Apron): Blue Apron leads in terms of conversation volume with more than 6,000 conversations vs. HelloFresh’s 4,400. Blue Apron also leads in mention volume with more than 7,400 mentions vs. HelloFresh’s 3,000.
Interactions (Winner: HelloFresh): HelloFresh takes the reigns for number of interactions with over 170,000 interactions vs. Blue Apron’s 144,600.
Sentiment (Winner: Blue Apron): Blue Apron tops HelloFresh in positive sentiment, and pulls in less negative sentiment than HelloFresh.
Positive posts about Blue Apron are about the business and meal delivery services; those about HelloFresh consist of clean, healthy eating and fitness.
Negative posts about Blue Apron and HelloFresh driven by customer service and delivery issues. HelloFresh sees more disappointment after receiving the kit.
Engagement (Winner: HelloFresh): Across all social media, HelloFresh edged out Blue Apron with a 74 percent overall engagement rate vs. Blue Apron’s 65 percent. On Facebook, HelloFresh boasted a 99 percent engagement rate vs. Blue Apron’s 82 percent.
Mobile Insights
Verve™ announced a newly published study on the state of location-fueled strategies and campaigns among brands and advertisers active in the mobile marketing space.
Pursuing the Mobile Moment, a June 2017 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Verve, explores how mobile advertisers in North America use location data in their mobile-marketing campaigns: examining how location data informs their advertising efforts, what challenges they face, and what benefits they have received.
Highlighting the ways location intelligence drives insights — helping organizations to better understand their customers and enabling them to deliver on the “mobile moments” needed to win, serve, and retain digitally-empowered customers — the key findings in the study include the following.
Location data both increases ad relevancy and drives consumers in-store. 74 percent of the advertisers surveyed recognize location’s value in increasing the relevancy of their messaging specifically to deliver on “mobile moments”— the moments when consumers receive information in context and in their moment of need. Additionally, nearly half the respondents value location data’s omnichannel usefulness in driving incremental in-store visits.
Many advertisers struggle to use insights to contextualize consumers. Among the respondents in the study, 38 percent have difficulty contextualizing historical insights about consumers and are unable to target them granularly (37 percent) — suggesting that they are not able to take advantage of the unique characteristics of mobile in the effort to maximize advertising value for the consumer. 
Focusing on location-based marketing efforts has helped mature companies increase ad relevancy. Organizations that both matured their mobile marketing and focused on their use of location data are more likely to increase the relevancy of their ads served to consumers. In addition to increased relevancy, these more mature organizations experience increased targeting efficiency, ROI of their marketing technology investments, and overall brand awareness.
“It’s not enough to point to the successful outcomes that leading global brands are achieving with location-powered mobile marketing; we have to strive for even deeper insights into what advertisers across the spectrum of mobile-marketing maturity are experiencing,” said Julie Bernard, Chief Marketing Officer at Verve. “This new study provides a wealth of insights along these lines. The research provides a lens onto how a wide range of advertisers are building strategies that leverage location intelligence, the ways they are encountering and overcoming location-data challenges, and what we’re additionally understanding about how fostering maturity in all these efforts also helps drive improvements to the advertiser’s targeting efficiency, marketing technology ROI, and brand awareness.”
The new study is available for download here.
Clean Water Stats
Access to clean drinking water and the nation’s water infrastructure are major concerns for Americans across the country, according to “Perspectives on America’s Water,” a new study. A total of 6,699 American adults shared their views on water-related topics in this comprehensive online study conducted on behalf of Nestlé Waters North America by the global market research firm PSB in May 2017. The study, the first of its kind to gather both the opinions of the U.S. general population and those of experts in the field, found that water is viewed as themost important natural resource in Americans’ daily lives, more so even than clean air (87 percent compared to 81 percent). Yet, 61 percent of American consumers and 66 percent of experts characterized water problems as a crisis or major issue for the United States.
The study found that two in three Americans (66 percent) believe their own community’s clean drinking water is at risk, while 59 percent say a major overhaul of U.S. water infrastructure is needed to avoid that possibility. City-dwellers are especially likely to fear their community’s clean drinking water is at risk (70 percent versus 63 percent in rural areas). There is almost universal agreement (96 percent) that if the United States does not proactively invest in the country’s water infrastructure system now, it will end up costing more in the long run.
“The takeaways from this study are clear to us: Americans care deeply about the state of their drinking water, and they believe investments in infrastructure and innovation are needed now,” said Nelson Switzer, Chief Sustainability Officer at Nestlé Waters North America. “It’s our hope that these insights will accelerate the pace of conversation and jump-start concrete actions needed to address our shared water challenges. At Nestlè Waters we believe that access to safe and secure drinking water is a fundamental human right and we know we all have a role, responsibility and obligation to contribute to making this a reality.”
Concerns About Cleanliness and Safety  Many American consumers and experts question whether the tap water in their home (36 percent and 30 percent, respectively) and schools (40 percent for both) is clean and safe. Parents with school-aged children under the age of 18 are more likely to worry; 45 percent of this group question the safety of the tap water in their schools. Government officials polled worry the least, with only 16 percent who say they question the safety of water in their homes.
There is also a widespread concern among Americans that water supply issues will become more pressing within the next decade. Forty-two percent of Americans surveyed believe water will become less available in the next 10 years, and two-thirds (66 percent) believe water crises will have widespread consequences for individuals, businesses and the United States overall. 
Most Believe Climate Change Will Increasingly Impact Access to Clean Water  Nearly three-quarters (71 percent) of respondents say climate change has had a great deal or somewhat of an impact on access to clean drinking water, by reducing the overall amount (41 percent) and quality (38 percent) of water available. About half (51 percent) say the impact of climate change on access to clean drinking water will increase over the next 10 years, but improving infrastructure (59 percent) or developing innovations for purifying water (58 percent) could help mitigate this impact. Experts are especially likely to say climate change is impacting clean drinking water (76 percent) and are more likely than American consumers overall to say this impact will increase over the next 10 years (58 percent).
Broad Support for Infrastructure Improvements and Funding  Americans surveyed support investment in infrastructure to address both the causes and effects of water-related issues. In terms of specific infrastructure improvements, Americans believe it is necessary to prioritize early detection systems that identify contamination in the water supply (64 percent), more efficient water collection and purification methods (52 percent) and infrastructure to increase water access, quality and capacity (48 percent).
To accomplish this, Americans expect cross-sector collaboration from government at all levels, as well as businesses and environmental organizations. American consumers expect local (71 percent), state (71 percent) and federal governments (65 percent) to play a role in ensuring people have access to clean drinking water, as well as consumers (39 percent) and businesses (35 percent). Experts are especially likely to see opportunity for consumers (45 percent) and businesses to be involved (40 percent).
“As the leading bottled water company in the United States, we have knowledge and experience in water management, water efficiency, source water protection and collaboration and problem solving,” said Switzer. “But we know we can accomplish far more together than we can alone. That is why we are committed to using these insights and skills to engage with our employees, suppliers, communities as well as non-profits, policymakers and other stakeholders who care deeply about the sustainability and the security of America’s water supply to drive innovation and collaboration to ensure a clean, safe and secure water future for generations to come.”
  According to a Recent Study/Survey … Midyear 2017 Edition posted first on happyhourspecialsyum.blogspot.com
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