#especially the ones from Irulan & Alia lmao
acabspocky · 3 months
I love the lil excerpts at the beginning of each chapter in the Dune series because 90% of them are just mfers throwing shade at each other.
They're more akin to high brow Talking Head scenes than they are to scholarly excerpts.
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emiliosandozsequence · 6 months
it's so funny because i didn't watch dune 2 yet so from what i've seen they just gave chani more agency? and maybe some extra conflict for drama reasons that's going to end up resorted quickly anyway and i just didn't mind that? flash my girl out more?? she's married into a crazy family but they're not ready for her anyhow! and now i'm scared because apparently i got it wrong? help?
okay so the reason i've been saying what denis villenueve did is racist is because he completely erased any real significance chani has to the story going forward and claimed it was feminist because he 'flushed her out', which frankly, idk how anyone who has read the books can read what he did as feminist in the first place when he didn't do that at all since all he did was make chani doubt paul as the mahdi and that was it. he made that One trait her entire character and isn't feminism about having a well rounded character?? not a one dimensional one?? anyway, i digress.
i wrote a post here about what later significance she would've had to the plot had denis villenueve kept her character as is (frankly she would've been more well rounded if he did that, but again, i digress), but after what he did with her character in this film, he completely took away all of her signifying character traits and gave them to jessica (supporting paul in his rise to power) and alia (paul seeing her in his visions/dreams) and irulan (paul choosing to marry her and, if i'm right in what denis villenueve is planning, be with her above chani).
anyway, idk about anyone else but all of that definitely reads as racist to me. everyone keeps saying to me 'oh but he was being feminist!! he gave chani more of a character!!' first of all, like i said: no, he didn't. and second, everyone is behaving as though we couldn't and shouldn't have had both a film where chani's significance wasn't erased and she got more of a personality beyond being in love with paul (and like i said, even then i think she has more of a personality in the books than people are giving her credit for). they literally did that in the dune miniseries that came out in the early 2000s, but for some reason denis villenueve couldn't figure it out in 2024?? yeah i don't buy it. especially when he loves the books as much as he claims. there's literally no reason for him to do what he did other than racism. there really just isn't. and the fact everyone who has read the books is going to see this movie and is not only just fine with it, but excited about it says a whole lot about them too lmao
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