#especially since uh the city im from gets bomb raid alerts every day or every other day often multiple times a day/night
mothmvn ยท 23 days
i wish people approaching users with fundraisers as a "one on one, from me to you, personally, please" request would make the bare minimum effort of reading about the "you" they're addressing, so that i could, like, actually connect with them the way they're trying to. pretty sure theyre sent to a list of people from the notes of posts or something, blanket sending copy pasting the same message, while using emotionally manipulative language directed at no one specific person (but a presumed unaffected, western audience). i dont want to close my inbox, but boy is it grating. anything to acknowledge "we're having a similar War Problem, i see you as a ukrainian and i will maybe even share your fundraisers in turn".... not a chance bruv
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