#especially since the police scanner is reporting 3 dead
fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
what the fuck, there's an active shooter on my old campus right now where several of my friends still are and the guy's still at large
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dealersofatlanta · 6 years
Part 1:Chapter 3 (pt. 1)
(X and Heiress, Tiana will be introduced in the other half of this chapter)
Year: February 3rd 2011 
Omari: age 26
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I stood by my car watching Ace come through the gate. “Aye my nigga” Ace said smiling. He had been in jail for 2 years after killing Mamas crazy ass boyfriend. “You been working out nigga?” I asked him. My brother was almost as lean as me. He laughed. “I had nothing better to do man” He told me. “How was Mama?” He asked me. Our mom had been diagnosed with a mental illness, she had to get admitted. I been paying for her care. I shrugged. “Good I guess, she still want nothing to do with us” I told him. He slowly nodded. “Uh you heard anything about J?” He asked me. I shook my head. “Nah, Her aunt reported her as a runaway, she been missing since you left. I tried to ask around and shit but they aint seen her” I told him. He sighed. “Well what’s next?” He asked. I smiled. “Demetri wants you to start your training, he still wants to hand shit over to you”.
 “Yeah girl you already know” My nigga Teej was caking on the phone with some girl he met a week ago. I smacked the back of his head. “Business time nigga get off the phone” I told him. He sucked his teeth in. I pulled up my sweats that was sagging, as we walked into the basement. Over the years Demetri grew as a father figure for me, always watching out for me and taking care of me, he looks out for me like his son along with his son X. We like brothers. Then I met Teej. He wanted in, after he seen my whip. Teej, and K.C and Slim are my main niggas. My riders. X and Ace, Demetri are my family. “Welcome home Ace” Demetri greeted him. Ace smiled and dapped him up. “Thanks for real fam, for putting money on my books and getting me out sooner than later” He said to Demetri. “Only the best for my boys” He told us. “Aight lets get to business” He pulled out a map. Demetri planned a big heist on the Eastside. He wanted there merch, they had been stealing from us for a minute especially since they got more men and crews then us. “Ace ima get you trained by my trainer Jai, he the best assasain on my team, I heard you never miss a shot, I need that on my team. Get set up and meet him upstairs, and Ace here’s the keys to the Lambo I just got you, my men only have the best” He said to him. Ace ran upsairs cheesing. “Aight so O, I need you to get everyone together and Im putting you in charge of the plan, I have a deal I need to set up” He left me downstairs to orchestrate everything. “Teej, you always late for this you need to be on time, K.C get Joe and Nash the heads up to get getaways cars set up. Teej I need you to get the guns and start scoping the place out. Ima get Slim to hack into they cellphone and emails to see when they about to drop the merch. Demetri came back downstairs. “O, let me holla at you right quick” He said. I followed him upstairs. “I need you to drop of some money to my daughter Tiana, she lives on the east side” He told me. I looked at him crazy. “Daughter?” I asked. He nodded. “Yes, I had been unhappy in my marriage and I stepped out on Keish, got my side piece pregnant. She’s 14, I will give the address I just need you to handle that for me. I nodded.
 6 months later: July 6th, 2011
 “Ever since I can remember I been poppin my collar, poppin my collar, poppin collar ever since I can remember I been working these hoes so they better put my money in my hand” I sang along to Three 6 Mafia bumpin as I sat in my truck waiting for my nigga Teej to pull up. “Man where is this motherfucker” I said to myself. I heard music blasting. I seen Teej pull up, he was blasting Rick Ross “Boss”. I sucked my teeth in. I grabbed my glock and put it in my back pocket. I got out my whip, and locked it. “Nigga you late!” I said. He turned off his car and got out. He laughed. “Man sorry, I was getting some play play from my shawty” He told me. I rolled my eyes. “Man fuck love you supposed to focus, we got a big drop, Demetri blowing up my phone” I told him. He pulled up my sweats that was sagging, as we walked to the meet up. We was meeting my mentor and our boss Demetri. He was more like a father figure. I was kicked out at 17 and he raised me like his son along with his son X. Then I met Teej. He wanted in, after he seen my whip, He was selling stolen phones at a Texaco across from Cascade. Demetri had us meet him in Bankhead to meet these niggas to get some more pills. He said niggas been going crazy over these Xanz he recently started selling. He wanted to cop more, but he wanted the best kind, word on the block a nigga named Pharaoh only had them. He was in Zone 1. Demetri ran all of Atlanta, but Westside was our major selling Turf. When we got over to the spot. We see Demetri in the middle of the deal. He looked over at us and waved his hand over. “Yall late” He said sternly. As soon as he looked at us, I could see the nigga that he was meeting with pull out his gun. It felt like slow motion. “Demetri!” I yelled grabbing my gun. The nigga shot multiple shots into Demetris body. I see him drop to the ground. Teej started shooting back, the dealers niggas hopped out the whip and started shooting back. Our crew shot them before they could shoot back. I ran over to Demetri and grabbed his body to safety. I pulled out my phone and called Sharita. The number 1 rule was to never call 911 but to call Sharita. She ran an underground hospital in her basement for our crew only. I was shaking waiting for her to answer. “Mari whats up?” She asked. I was breathing hard trying to keep Demetri with me. “Demetri is shot, its bad Rita. Real bad” I said. “Calm down Omari, Q and Sammy it’s a code 1 boss down!” She yelled. “Stay calm Omari, we are on the way” She hung up. I heard more shots and I see one of our boys hit the ground. “Teeej!” I yelled. Demetri grabbed at my shirt as he was struggling to breathe. “Hold on D, man help is on the way” I told him trying to keep it together. Teej ran up to me holding his chest. He was shot. “He good?” He asked. I shook my head. “You good?” I asked. He sat down against the wall breathing hard. We were in a car garage. I was praying hard, I didnt want to lose my bestfriend and the man I looked up to. My phone rang. It was Sharita. “Omari listen to me, we just listened on the cop scanner and the police are 7minutes away, you got to meet us away from there or you will get arresred and Demetri will die” She said. “Teej, is down too” I told her. “Go Omari!” She yelled. “Come on Teej we got to go”. He got up holding his side. He tried his best to help me. Demetri was going in and out. I got to my car. I tried to get Demetri in the car. Teej dropped to the ground and Demetri went limp. He started closing his eyes. “D! Come on man” I yelled. I heard the police sirens. “Go O!” Teej yelled. I shook my head man. “I can’t leave yall!” I yelled. He shook his head. “Ima be fine, man we both can’t go down, this was my fault anyways”. Sharita was calling again. I looked at Teej. He waved me off. I got in my car and sped off. I met Sharita at the address she sent me. “Wheres D?” He asked. I looked at her with watery eyes. “He didn’t make it” I told her. Q and Sammy sighed deeply.
 4 days later: August 10th, 2011
 The cops arrested Teej, after they took him in to the hospital. Demetri was pronounced dead the scene. The niggas who killed him was dead as well. Teej killed them. 3 of our niggas died. At the funeral everybody showed out. We all loved Demetri even though he was ruthless he was loved. He gave everybody a chance. At the end of the funeral we had a big meeting. “Okay so Demetri had handled everything just in case something like this were to happen” Maxwell his bodyguard and best friend said. He pulled out a letter. “He leaves 10 million placed his son X’s, he wants X to go to college and get a degree and learn the business. He leaves $10,000 for Keisha Demetris Wife, he says he knows that you been cheating on him, and going behind his back. He leaves 10million for his daughter Tiana once she turns 18 who he concieved will still married to Keisha. He says he’s sorry for not telling X sooner, but he needs him to watch over her now. $50,000 to her mother Melissa, who he is sorry he never stepped up sooner. Omari he wants you to take over the business and make smarter decisions. He knows that you will accomplish more than he ever could. Ace he leaves you with the gangs the Ace of Spades. He says you are now the leader and he need you to watch over Zone 4-6 he also leaves you guys 100 million dollars to split evenly. He knows you will create an empire, the house is you guys. He needs you to take care of Ace, X and Tiana. He says yall are family now” Maxwell said. “$10,000 fuck D, he can rot in hell for all I care. I birth that nigga his first son and he do me like this! Trifflin ass mother fucker!” Keisha yelled leaving. X stayed to himself. Tiana was crying in her mother’s arms. I sighed looking at Ace my little brother. “So, we knew who killed D yet?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah somebody from The Eastbound crew, we will handle that later we got to get Teej out of jail and shit” I told him. He shook his head. “My trigger finger itching” He said. I sighed. “It always is, crazy ass” I said getting up. I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I made moves without D all the time but now I got to completely shit was weird. “You got this youngblood” Maxwell said to me.
 3 months later: November 5th 2011
 After the funeral, we tried to get Teej out, but Demetri Scott was a well-known drug kingpin. The cops tried for years to catch him, and at the worst possible time the judge we normally had on payroll, was reinstated and a new judge was at Teej’s trial. Teej was sentenced to 10years for not snitching. It was a minor sentence that what they were going to give him, but our lawyer bargained the best he could. Teej, had mentioned how he was seing this shawty or whatever but shit just wasn’t going to work out. I took it upon myself to tell her, so she wouldn’t think he just dipped. I see her walk in from getting off the bus. She seemed like she had a lot going on, but she was very pretty. I got out my car and debated about saying anything. “Man fuck it” I got out my car and jogged up to her. “Hey”.
 Naomi: age 20
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I rushed into work. I put my shit up and ran to the time clock to clock in. I worked at Forever 21. I know not the best job, but I just needed the money to make ends meet. I was full time back stock associate. I didn’t have to try too hard to look cute coming into work. I would work 7 days a week and go to school 5 days a week. Even though I’m only 20 years old I plan on being a millionare before 30. I know thats wishfull thinking, but I know God has a big plan for me. I just feel it. I hadn’t heard shit from Teej my boyfriend well ex in a while. I had seen he had gone to jail on the news for killing somebody. I was hurt and confused at first. But I wasn’t in love with him really. Before I could even go sit in the back, I heard someone yell out to me. “Hey” I heard. I turned around to see a tall fine ass guy. “Hey, my name is Omari” He said. I slowly nodded. “Um okay” I said turning back around. “Um my bad, I just seen you walking, and you are very beautiful” He said. I looked down and smiled. “Thanks” I said. “Yeah um, I know this shit is weird, but can I like take you out maybe we can kick it or something?” He asked. I laughed. “I’ll think about it” I told him. He smirked. “Name?” He asked. “Naomi, Naomi Richards” I told him. He pulled out his phone, and it seemed like he was texting something. “Okay and your number sweetheart?” He asked. I laughed. “You smooth as fuck its 678 890 6754” I said. “I get off at 8 tonight” I told him. The fuck he came from I thought. He licked his lips at me. “Ima call you”. He said before leaving. “Who is that?” My friend Valentine asked. “Girl, I don’t know but he can definitely get the business” We started laughing. “Didn’t you just get out of a relationship though?” She asked. I shrugged. “Girl he went to Jail, I’m not riding or dying for nobody I aint in love with, we were just kicking it ya know” She nodded. “Got it”.
 Work was kind of slow, my manager Jessica allowed me to leave early so I can catch my train. My phone vibrated.
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  I was kind of nervous to meet up with Omari tonight. Uhh why did I agree, I thought to myself. I was walking down the street almost near my house. I lived in College Park, Atlanta. I was 20 years old, living with my gay cousin Teddy and my Auntie Vi. My parents moved back to Michigan after I graduated from Highschool, I wanted to stay in Atlanta.
 “Baby girl don’t you ever get too comfortable, (comfortable) yeah to left to the left if you want to leave be my guess you can step, feeling irreplaceable listen to Beyoncé’, well okay I’ll put you out on your b-day” I sang along to Lil Wayne- “Comfortable”, while I was doing my hair in the mirror. It was 7:45 and I wasn’t trying to do too much but I wanted to be cute still. “I'm not saying this to shake you up, I'm just saying this to wake you up
It’s all good when we making love
All I ask is don't take our love
For granted, its granted. My love for you, is real.
Baby if you don't love me
Somebody else will, so baby girl
Don't you ever get too comfortable” I continued to sing into my flat iron as I bumped my bangs. “Well somebody is happy” Teddy said. I smiled. “I got like this date tonight” I told him. He smirked. “Ooh with who?” he said sitting on my bed. I shrugged. “This guy I met at work today named Omari” I said spraying my Sweet Pea perfume from Bath and Body Works. “No last name? Girl we need a last name to find his Facebook” He said. I groaned. “Dang I know, to make sure he aint got no baby mama drama, no bitch. I mean he has a car” I told Teddy. “Ehh, but what kind of car? I’m tired of these bummy niggas. I mean we both aint got no car either but if me and my nigga ain’t got no car, oh helll nah” He said. I started laughing. “Shut the fuck up, but you right though”. He pointed at me. “Imagine being cold cause yall both walking, bitch no mam” I was laughing hard as hell. My cousin always had me dying. My phone rang. I see it was Omari. “Hello?” I answered. “What up shawty, I’m outside” He said. I smiled. “Okay, I’ll be out shortly” I told him. I hung up the phone. “Okay, I’m gone Teddy Bear” I said to him. He smirked. “You getting some dick tonight?” He asked. I shrugged. “Mmm I got class in the morning so maybe” I said smirking. I rushed outside so Omari wouldn’t have to wait too long. I walked up my drive way and got in his car. He drove a 2012 Lexus. He must be rich or something. I thought. “Hey beautiful” He said smiling at me. “You must have done this before this can’t be your first time” Drakes “The Real Her” softly played as I was putting on my seatbelt. He had his iPhone on the aux. “I’m shocked, a nigga that bumps Drake” I said to him. He smiled. “Yeah man, he be doing the damn thing” He said. I laughed a little a nodded. “I’m glad actually, I just got the CD, this is best one yet” I said. We went to Camp Creek to eat Chipotle. It was cool outside, it was about to be fall so we wasn’t cold or too hot, so we decided to sit outside alone to talk and eat. “Favorite Movie?” I asked. He started to think hard. “Man, I don’t know that’s tough, I’d have to say Juice” He said. I smiled. “Juice why Juice?” I asked curious. He shrugged. “Shit dope, Tupac went hard on that one” He told me. I smiled. “Yeah, I agree” I said. “Mmm let me guess your favorite movie is love & basketball?” He said. I laughed. “Okay the movie was good but no I have so many it’s hard to pick” I told him. “I can agree with that as well, so tell me about yourself, how old are you?” He said looking at me seriously. “I’m 20, I’m in school for Fashion and Design, I live with my Aunt and my cousin Teddy he’s like my best friend, I of course work at Forever 21, I work full time and go to school full time this is the first time I been out in a while actually” I said to him. He nodded smiling. “Dang 20, I’m old then. I’m 26, I am a business man. I have a brother named Ace, my dad died when I was 7, my mom is in a mental facility right now” He told me slightly smiling. I nodded slowly. “Wow, um is she okay?” I asked. He softly smiled. “Um last I heard she was fine” He said. I nodded. “You ever been to Star Night?” He asked. I looked at him crazy. “It’s this place that I know downtown where you can ride this 4D space ship ride for up to 3hrs, it’s a little pricey but whatever, it’s like you’re really in outer space, they close @12am” He said. I smiled. “I’m down” we got up and threw our food away. “You sure now, you know you got class?” He said playfully. I nodded. “Yes, I’m sure” I said. He grabbed my hand. We got in the car and listened to some more Drake. “Word on road is that clique about to blow, you aint got to run and tell nobody they already know, we’ve been living on the high, they’ve been talking on the low, but it’s cool know you heard it all before, that’s why I ask you how you mean, how you mean what you heard about the team?” We rapped together in the car. He had his hand on my thigh swerving through traffic. He was fine as hell, making me feel some type of a way. He had the mentality of a boss. I liked that. We pulled up the place, it was empty as hell. “Um is it closed?” I asked. He smiled and shook his head. “For everybody else but not for us” He told me. He grabbed my hand again. He banged on the glass door of the facility. The door opened revealing some nerdy guy. “Wazzam fam” He said dapping the guy up. “Aye this my patna, Slim he works here, and he works for me” He said. I smiled. “Hi, I’m Naomi” I said. He gave me a head nod. “Wazzam”. We walked inside. I could tell it was a Nasa Muesum, something of the sort. We walked into a big room with a space ship looking thing. Slim gave us some our 4D glasses. “Ima give you the keys O, you know how to turn it off” He threw him the keys. Omari dapped him up. “Aight be safe fam”. Omari grabbed my hand as we walked into the mock space ship. He pressed a button, and quickly sat down. “Seatbelts baby girl” He told me. I buckled myself in. It felt like we were lifting off like a plane. I felt turbulence and shit. “Woah what the fuck” I said holding on to Omari. 10 minutes later a sign popped up signaling we can take off our seatbelts. He pulled out his phone and started playing Drake again. He leaned over me slowly and undid my seatbelt. He licked his lips looking at me. I instantly was turned on more than I was before. “Uh um what type of business do you do? Is this your business?” I asked him. He laughed a little. “I will eventually tell you, in due time if you want to stick around” He said. I grabbed his chin closer to me and we started making out. This nigga had me in a fake space ship, listening to Drake. Yeah he can get the draws. He stopped the kiss and grabbed my hand and bought me to the back of the ship. He had to have planned this because it was a pallet on the ground with Rellos and Wine, and snacks. “You smoke?” He asked. I nodded. “Duh” I said laughing. We talked for an hour smoking and drinking. “You got any other men you got lined up?” He asked me. I shook my head. “I was talking to one nigga but he in jail, I guess. We wasn’t serious but I was feeling him” I said smoking my blunt. “You feeling me?” He asked. I shrugged. “You aight” I said smiling. He drunk henny from the bottle and put it down. He started kissing me again. I normally don’t have sex on the first night but oh well.
  Jade: age 19
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 I inhaled the blunt, as I sat and watched Davis play cards. “Yooooo uno my nigga! Uno!” He yelled. He looked over at me. “Baby go fix me a drink” He said. I looked at him high as fuck. “What?” I asked. “I said fix me a got damn drink” He said sternly. I got up and went over to the liquor table. I put his ice in his cup and bored him some grey goose. I stumbled from being drunk, and high. I passed him his drink. He smacked my ass. “Thanks” He said smiling. “It’s a shame you keep her all to yourself” His friend Deon said shaking his head. “Cause Im the only man that been up in there and I want to keep it like that” He said. His friend shook his head. “She got a baby face, nigga would pay high price for her, niggas like me” Deon said. Davis looked over at me. “She been making me a lot of money dancing though, aint that right baby” He said to me. I nodded slowly. Deon put a stack on the table. “$1500, one hour?” He asked. I got up feeling sick, I went towards the back. “Aye, where you going?” He asked me. “The bathroom” I stumbled. He nodded. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had been with Davis since I was 16, I fell for his charm, his money. I gave him my virginity and everything. He bought me anything I wanted. He then started getting me into pills, smoking weed, and selling me to men to dance for, sometimes hitting me if I don’t listen. Maybe this is love. I don’t know. I got myself together looking at the makeup I put under my eye. Davis had seen me smiling at the waiter earlier today when we went out to eat and punched me in my face. I heard banging on the bathroom door. “Baby come on out” I slowly opened the door. He grabbed my face softly and kissed me. “You know we been short on money so I need you to just fuck Deon for this 1500 real quick” He told me. I shook my head. “Noo!” I yelled. He sighed. “Go in the room and get undressed it’s just an hour” He said pleading with me. “I love you, I need this please Baby” He said. I nodded slowly. He gave me some pills. “It’s X” He told me handing me some liquor to chase it down. I slowly went to the room to get undressed. I cried silently to myself. I heard a knock at the door and quickly wiped my face. “Come in” I said. I see Deon come in then another guy I never seen. I shielded my body. “Um why is he in here?” I asked. Deon smiled. “My homie here wanted to join in” He said. I shook my head. “No, Davis!” I yelled. Deon smiled. “Davis went out for a while, we paid 3000 for you pretty girl” He and his friend started to get undressed I tried to keep my tears in.
 I laid in bed feeling dirty. After Deon and his friend left. I got up feeling crazy as fuck, high and geeking from the pill and being drunk. I got in the shower and cried to myself sitting under the shower faucet. “I heard the bathroom door slam. I jumped up. “Get out now!” He yelled. I quickly got up and turned off the water. I tried to grab my towel, but he snatched it from me. He held a belt in his hand. “Davis, what’s wrong?” I asked shaking. “You fucked two niggas?” He asked me. I nodded. “They said they paid you” I said. “But did you get my permission?” He asked. I shook my head. He came at me and grabbed my hair. “You aint nothing but a hoe, I can’t marry no hoe” He said. He unraveled his belt. “Davis, Im sorry” I said crying.
  3 weeks later: December 14th 2011
  Ace: age 20
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 Since Demetri died, I been taking over things for O, developing my crew for my terf. Training hard every day, I felt good everybody knew not to fuck with me on the eastside. “Hustle, Hustle, Hustle Hard, Hustle Hustle, Hustle Hard closed mouths don’t get fed on this boulevard” I rapped riding around in my Lambo. I pulled up at my friend Deon bachelor party “Yoooo Ace what up blood?” He said dapping me up. “What up fam” I met Deon when I was in juvie. “This your crib nigga?” I asked. He nodded. “Yeah made a come up” He said. I smiled. “Aye I aint mad at ya bruh”. He smiled. “Well I got entertainment soon, for the niggas in my ball room” He said. I nodded and started to walk around the party, checking my surroundings. “Okay fellas we have a nice sexy treat for you in the ballroom” Deon said grabbing the mic from the DJ. I followed the niggas into the ballroom. It was dark, and a pole was set up. “Fellas get your money out and give it up for Sweet Caramel!” The DJ yelled. A spotlight was on the stage, and the music started. A girl with all white lingerie on came out. “This is for you, you my #1, spotlight big stage 50,000 fans screaming in a rage” Usher “Superstar” played. I was mesmerized by her dancing. “I’ll be groupie baby, cause you are my superstar, and as your number one fan, give me your autograph sign it right here on my heart” The song played. Niggas was whistling throwing dollars. She slid down the pole facing the crowd. I see her face, she looked very familiar. I got up closer towards the stage. “Now you know I how feel, your truly special, your love is legendary to me”. I could see her face clearly. Jade? I thought. Jade? My Jade? My heart dropped as she stood up there naked as fuck. I could feel my face getting hot, I wanted to kill all the niggas in here drooling over her and throwing money at her, she was better than this. She slowly crawled over towards me seductively. Our eyes met each other’s as the song ended. I knew instantly she knew who I was. “Damnnn give it up for Sweet Caramel” All the niggas cheered. She grabbed the money looking at me and she walked off the stage. “Now give it up for Honey Glaze, the baddest” He yelled as “Aint no way around it” By Future played. Deon came up to me. “How you are liking my mini strip club?” He asked. I forced a smile. “It’s dope, can we get private dances?” I asked. He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, ask my nigga Davis over there he takes all the payment for the girls” He told me. I walked over to this clown ass looking dude Davis standing by some big dudes by a room with a velvet rope. “Aye what up Patna, how much for shawty Carmel?” I asked. “500 for a dance, $2000 to fuck” He said. I clenched my jaw “To fuck?” I asked. He nodded. “Yeah” He said. I pulled out $500. “You can pick your song” he told me. He moved the rope and let me through. I went to the iPod that was hooked the speaker. I see a song I wanted to listen to, it was a song I felt was right. I sat in a room with hookah and liquor. She came out as the song played. She started moving to the beat. “Hey there pretty girl, you know exactly what got, I don’t blame you at all, you can’t resist it, especially when the lights so bright, and the money so right” Drake HoustAlantaVegas played. She danced in my lap. “Why are you doing this?” I asked in her ear. She ignored me and kept dancing. “And she danced to this song, and she dance to this sooong” Drake sang. “I been looking for you since I got out” I said to her. She slowly grinded on me. “You left me” She simply said. I put my hands on her hips as she moved. She slowly moved my hands. “You don’t have to do this J, I told you I would always make sure you straight” I said. “She just stuck in HoustAtlantaVegas” The song slowly ended. “Times up” She said before leaving. If she thought I was leaving her here she got me fucked up. “Times up player” Davis said. I walked out seeing 3 niggas was paying in bands. “Yall all trying to fuck?” Davis asked. The niggas nodded. “Which one?” He asked. “Carmel” One of them said. Davis nodded. “Aight”. I walked out the house and went to the car and grabbed one gun and put it in my pants in the back then I grabbed my silencer, I closed my trunk. I pulled out my trap phone. “O, I need back up” I said. “What the fuck you got yourself into Ace?” He asked. “Long story, I need back up and cleanup” I said. He sighed. “Aight send location”. I walked back into the house. I was checking how many men I had take out. Security was blocking the door still. I seen that Davis nigga icing his hand. “You good nigga? I asked. He nodded. “Yeah man just got to keep bitches in check ya feel me?” He asked. I slowly nodded. “Yeah, I want another Dance with shawty” I said. He shook his head. “She upstairs with 3 niggas right now it might be a minute” He said. I nodded. I went over to the stair case, everybody was too busy to notice me. I got upstairs and heard niggas laughing. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door. “We busy in here” I heard a nigga say. I knocked again. The door swung open. “Man, the fuck you want?” He asked. I pulled out my silencer and shot him in the head. I walked in and seen Jade pleading with the men as one of them is pinning her down. I shot them both. She jumped up crying. She looked at me, I seen she had a bloody nose. “I wasn’t bout to leave here without you” I told her. She stared at me in shock. I went through the drawers in the room, I found some basketball shorts and a big t-shirt. “Put these clothes on” I told her. She quickly put them on. I grabbed her face and looked over her face. “That nigga Davis did this?” He asked. She looked at me with tears and nodded. I grabbed her hand as we walked downstairs. “Yo where you going with my girl?” Davis asked talking to Deon by the stair case. “We leaving” I simply said. He shook his head. “You not leaving here with my girl nigga” He said. “Aye nigga, you might want to chill” Deon said to Davis. “Man I aint scared of him”. I pulled my gun back out, and I shot him in the leg. “Shit!” He yelled. “You been selling your girl, hitting your girl” I said to him shooting him again in his dick. “I’m sorry! Please!” He yelled. “Put your hands up!” I yelled at him. He was screaming on the ground. “Man fuck this you loud as hell” I said shooting him in the head. Deon jumped back. I shot security coming around the corner with their guns. “Yo chill Ace” Deon said. “He payed to run a train on me” Jade said. I looked at her. “Who?” I asked. She pointed at Deon. “Look I’m sorry, she just a bitch man, she aint worth it” He said to me. “You were in juvie with me, you was my homie, so you remember how I told you I had a shawty back home right?” I asked. He nodded. “Some girl named J something” He asked. “Jade” I told him. “Say hey to Jade” I told him. He looked at both of us. “Fuck, man I’m sorry”. I nodded. “Me too” I shot him in the head. Thank God for the DJ blasting music. I grabbed Jade and we quickly ran to my car. I threw my guns in my trunk under the mat and got in the car and sped off. “What was that Ace, what the fuck!” She yelled. “Jade a lot had changed since we last seen each other” I told her, speeding through 285.
 We pulled up at a condo. “What you need from here?” I asked her. I broke into the Condo. She ran upstairs. I looked around and seen pictures of Jade and that nigga Davis. She ran back downstairs with a book bag. “You got what you needed?” I asked. She nodded. “I just needed my journals and my cds” She simply said. We quickly went back to the car and headed to my place. We was silent the whole ride. We when pulled up at my house, she looked at the house then me. “You live here?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah” I said. She followed me inside. “You have 3 cars?” She asked. I laughed a little. “Yeah” I said. She sat down on the couch admiring my crib. I sat across from her. She looked at me as she played with her hands. “I thought you got locked up?” She asked. I nodded. “I did, I got out earlier this year. I been working with O and shit” I said. She slowly nodded. “Why were you with that nigga Jade?” I asked. “When you got arrested, you left me. Rodney tried to rape me, my aunt caught him and she tried to fight me so I left. I had no where to go, so Davis picked me up. I thought he was my knight and shinning armor or some shit, but he just was like a pimp and I was his hoe” She said wiping her face. I looked down. “I’m sorry for leaving, my mama man she was getting beat by Greg. I just wanted to save her but I should’ve saved you instead” I told her.  She started laughing.  “You did though” She said. I smiled. “I’m sorry you had to see that side of me, but this is my job I kill people I sell drugs I make money” I told her. She shrugged. “I’m not judging you Ace” She said looking at me. She got off the couch and came over to me. I looked at her. She leaned in, and we started kissing. I wasn’t used to feeling this type of way about Jade. I had feelings for her but, I couldn’t figure out what they were until I was in jail and she was all I thought about. “I don’t want you to think I’m trying to fuck or take advantage of you” I said. She shook her head. “Ace, I always been in love with you. I always wanted to kiss you” She simply said. I shook my head. “I don’t know man” I told her. She sighed. “I ain’t never felt this way about anybody it’s scary to me J, just give me time” I told her she nodded. I went to my liquor cabinet and took a shot. I kept thinking about her kissing me, and dancing on me. Man Fuck it. I walked back into the living room and kissed her back.
Supporting Characters:
Teej: (Dave East)
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Slim: Romeo Miller
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K.C: Lil Durk
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