#especially since homophobes ARE a variety of hater
New York isn't real. Just saw 2 women kissing on a crowded train and a guy looked at em and said "y'all can't do that at home?"
He got some weird looks and so he felt the need to clarify to everyone:
"I'm not a homophobe, just a hater."
Alice: Oh, so long as he's just a hater. . .I mean, I understand that he almost certainly meant "I just don't like PDA in general," or possibly "I just don't like happy couples in general," but really.
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Ok hi it's me! I have an unreasonable amount so please please please do not answer all of them if you don't want to!!! 6, 7, 17, 19, 34, 41, 42, 44, 45 for you my love! Again, please do not answer them all if you don't want to ❤❤❤ love you!! (I'm not afraid to be a simp for Ciara come at me haters)
GRETCHEN!!!!!! you wonderful darling💖🥺you have my heart.
Also of course I answered all of them because if there's one thing to know about human nature it's that given a safe space everyone loves to talk about themselves. And conversations with Gretch? Safest place ever😇
6. What is a fandom you will never write for? : Anything with minor (like underage not like small roles) characters. And I know technically the PJO characters are minors but they were minors when I was a minor and they've grown much since then. When I say minors I mean like actively. For example Julie and the Phantoms? Won't write for that Fandom. I just feel very uncomfortable and I'd want to age them up and that's not okay or safe especially as it's an active Fandom. The PJO Fandom has been around long enough (and gone through a variety of waves) that aging them up doesn't feel like I'm being gross? You know what I mean? Also I won't write for a fandom until I'm comfortable in it. But other than that I don't have a specific "I'll never write for these fandoms" gripe.
7. What is a ship you will never write for?: Again, minors. And ships with abusive/"evil" characters, not morally grey ones. Genuinely evil ones.
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?: To a certain extent yes. I mean I read a lot of advice posts but I don't actively think about any of them when I'm writing. I would hope that any knowledge I retain from reading and understanding them would translate into my writing. In saying that there are some things I will find advice for in the middle of writing. For example when I was describing Zoe's hair in EotH I read different advice posts about it and once I had written a description of it asked a black friend of mine if it was okay and sent her some references pictures so she knew what I was talking about.
19. Dead or overused tropes?: M I S C O M M U N I C A T I O N! We as a society have progressed past the need for this dumbass plot device. Especially in drama. It's only of good use in comedy and shouldn't be used anywhere else. Y'all know how I feel about this. It makes me bloodred with anger.
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?.....................................wattpad. I am a wattpad veteran through and through. After that it was Tumblr!
41. What is something you don’t like about your writing?: My inability to incorporate many elements of something at once, especially in a single scene. Also that I can't write for characters unless I can feel their essence.
42. Rudest review?: I have never gotten a particularly rude review (I really am lucky when it comes to comments which makes me eternally grateful). I guess the funniest one (and probably the most ludicrous) was a review in the tags of my "When Percy Jackson Loves" post that said "I like all of them except the fourth one" and I don't know if it was a race thing or a homophobic thing or just an I don't like this thing but that made me laugh as it was probably the most negative comment I've ever gotten. Which is pretty mild and means I'm absolutely spoilt with love! So thank you❤️
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?: As far as I know it doesn't (besides my own little sketches).
45. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?: As far as I know these don't exist either
But can you imagine?? I'd probably go into cardiac arrest. Like I can't even fathom that because I start freaking out when I get a comment I'd never survive if someone made fanfic or fanarts of my fanfictions.
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