#especially since half of the secrets not even Ilya knows about himself
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adxmanial · 8 months ago
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new campaign, new blorbo
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fanficimagery · 5 years ago
Ba-by Vlog doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Summary: Imagine being part of the inner circle of friends that's known as the Vlog Squad. You've known Zane the longest, but his friends became yours instantly when introduced. You've been there for them through all their ups and downs, so you're not exactly surprised when they insert themselves into this next chapter of your life.
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Words: 4.7K Warnings: Language.
For the passed few weeks you've felt like utter crap. You've had no energy, you were constantly nauseous, and the small bean growing in your womb caused a big fight with your boyfriend of three years that ended with him walking out on you.
Your friends have been calling and coming over to check on you, but you weren't in the mood to hang out, especially while they filmed their bits because it usually involved something outrageous and you didn't want to chance being hurt.
But apparently, Zane has had enough of your excuses.
[unlock ur door. omw.]
You had sighed at his text, but did as you were told. Then falling back on the couch, you awaited his arrival.
Fifteen minutes later, your front door is being opened.
"Baby," Zane groans. "What is you doing? It's three in the afternoon, you're still in pajamas, and you look like death."
You smile weakly at him. "Love you too, bitch. And I'm tired. I haven't been feeling well."
"Well get up and get showered. We're having a kick-back at David's and everyone misses you."
"I don't know, Zane. I honestly don't feel so good."
"It's because you've been cooped up alone all week. Now come on!" He steps around your couch and grabs your hands, he then yanking you into a standing position.
The moment you get your bearings and inhale deeply, you get a whiff of something that upsets your stomach. Gulping down the sudden rush of saliva in your mouth, you lean back with a grimace. "Zane, is that- why do you smell like bacon?"
"Because I got hungry. Duh."
"No, Zane," you say, stepping away from him and covering your mouth and nose with your hand. "I can't- back away. "
You cough and gag, and turn to rush out of the room. You've barely made it to the bathroom, falling to your knees and throwing open the lid to the toilet before barfing your guts out. You stay there until you're done vomiting, only to flush the toilet and fall back on your butt.
Zane is standing in the doorway, expression curious. "Y/N, what's going on?"
Shakily wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, your eyes tear up as you meet Zane's gaze. "I-I'm pregnant."
A beat passes and then the most brilliant smile takes over his expression. "Oh my god! My baby is having a baby!?" Weakly grinning, you nod and then stand to rinse your mouth out at the sink. After doing so, Zane pulls you into a careful hug. "Is that why you haven't been hanging with us?"
"Yeah. Well that and the fact that Dillion split after hearing the news. Apparently having a baby was too much for him."
Zane tenses and when you pull back to look at his expression your heart softens towards your friend. "I'm going to kill him."
You huff. "No you're not. He's long gone by now. Probably went back home to his mother in Texas."
"I can't believe that asshole!"
"What's done is done. Let it go."
"The others are going to be pissed, Y/N. I can't believe you kept all this bottled up."
"Let me tell them," you say. "The pregnancy has to be kept under wraps until after the first trimester is over, but the news about Dillion.."
"Yeah. Okay." Zane glances around and then, "Why wait until after the first trimester? How long is a trimester?"
"I'm a bit superstitious," you shrug, smiling sheepishly. "The first three months of a pregnancy are crucial. This is the time where chances of a miscarriage happening are at its highest. I don't want to tell everyone I'm pregnant and then something happens, and then everyone is walking on eggshells around me."
Zane hums. "I get that. But three months? I'm gonna die keeping this secret!"
"Shut up." You playfully swat at him, but then quickly backpedal when you get a whiff of bacon again. "Jesus. I've only known about the peanut for three weeks and he's already turned me against bacon. I really hope he or she doesn't make me eat weird shit."
"I don't know about you, but I'm excited to see you hormonal and crying at every little thing."
"Fuck my life," you groan. "This is gonna be a tough three months. Our friends are gonna be suspicious as fuck."
"Yeah they are. Now go get dressed and drive your ass to David's. I would drive you, but I don't want you barfing in my car."
"And if I barf at David's?"
Zane shrugs. "Food poisoning? If they ask about your absence, just admit to the breakup and make up an excuse about not processing it as quickly as you thought."
"You know what? That's actually not a bad idea."
"Don't gloat. Now get going. I'll be there in half an hour."
"You better or I'm gonna stir the pot and convince the boys to fly out to Texas to confront Dillion."
"God you suck. Go. I'll be there."
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The first three months pass fairly easily. The morning and afternoon sickness is easily remedied by your doctor, and now the sonogram picture weighs heavily in your hoodie pocket.
Zane has been a good friend through it all, he helping you keep the secret while keeping your friends all focused on what a dillhole your ex had been. But now it's time to come clean and you're on your way to pick up Zane who had asked beforehand if he could document your pregnancy.
As Zane settles in the passenger seat, he mounts his camera to the dashboard. "Are you ready for this?" He asks.
"Not really, but I'm tired of making excuses for not drinking and sleeping all the time."
"Alright, so just like we planned." He turns the camera on and after giving you a reassuring nod, you paste on a smile before both of you look towards the camera lens. "Hey guys, Zane here and today's video is going to be a little different. As you can see, Y/N is here with me and I'm sure you've all been wondering where she's been since she hasn't been in anyone's vlogs."
You wave at the camera. "Hey guys. Sorry for going awol on you, but I'm back and I've got some news to share."
You grin over at Zane and he practically beams towards the camera. "We're pregnant, bitches!"
You snort and swat at him. "I'm pregnant. Zane's just super excited and has been a great help these past few months."
"Girl, whatever. That baby is gonna be calling me daddy. Just you wait and see."
"God I hope not."
"Uh," he scoffs. "Rude!"
"Shut up. You still love me." He hums and you take over explaining the next bit. "Anyway, today's the day I'm finally telling my friends, but we're only going to record the ones I think we'll get a reaction out of."
"Josh Peck, obviously," Zane muses. "Then David, Natalie, and Jason."
"Carly and Erin."
"You also wanted to record Kristen, but she, Scott, and Todd are still on tour."
"I know." You pout. "I'll tell everyone else, but I'm not sure they'll be as excited and I don't want to record them and have it be awkward."
Zane laughs. "I can just picture Ilya blinking and not knowing what to say."
The two of you laugh and then taking a moment to calm down, you say, "So yeah. That's what we're doing today."
"Oh! Show them the sonogram."
"Oh yeah." Pulling the picture from your pocket, you hold it up to the camera and Zane helps you so the camera can focus on the image. "That right there is the little peanut. I seriously can't wait until I can find out the gender. Zane wants me to do a gender reveal party, but I don't know."
"Uh.. were doing it, baby. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."
"I swear it's like he's the pregnant one sometimes."
"Mhm. So, viewers, sit back and relax, and let's get to telling people we're having a baby!"
"Oh my god. You're too much."
Instead of turning the camera off, Zane lets it continue to record with promises to chop down the footage when in edit.
Then as you're driving over to meet Josh at the hotel he's currently staying in while he's in town for a few photoshoots, Zane gets you talking to the viewers about your current situation and why he's taken it upon himself to help you out. You end up crying when talking about your break-up, but Zane cracks a few jokes that soon have you laughing.
At Josh's hotel, you grab one of the gift bags from the trunk of your car and Zane leads the way up to Josh's room. Once there, immediately seeing the camera, Josh's eyes narrow.
"What's going on?"
You and Zane laugh. "Nothing. I got you a present just because and Zane wanted your reaction."
"Uh huh. I'm not gonna open it and be attacked by bees, am I?"
"Okay. Good." Josh leads you towards the couch and you take a seat next to him while Zane sits across the two of you. "So what's the occasion?"
You shrug and hand over the bag, but before josh can open it, you say, "All of you guys have supported me while I've been going through this post-breakup funk and I just.."
"Just open the goddamn present!" Zane urges.
You snort and in retaliation Josh sluggishly pulls the ribbon off the bag handles. When Zane makes a noise of aggravation, Josh laughs and then pulls out the tissue paper. He reaches for what's inside and he's barely fully opened it before a beaming smile blossoms. "No!"
"Yes," you laugh, tears already filling your eyes.
"Really?" He asks, then reads the personalized indie aloud, "Plot Twist! Coming January 2020."
"Oh my god. Congratulations!" Josh hugs you, clearly excited. He gets even more excited when Zane hands over a sonogram. "Look at the little peanut!" He coos. "How far along are you?"
"First trimester is officially over," you say.
"Yeah? Who else knows?"
"Well besides baby's deadbeat dad, I was the first," Zane says. "And you're second."
Josh's smile falters, his gaze subtly darting to the camera before settling back on you. "It's okay to ask. Zane's documenting the good, the bad, and the ugly."
He takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "So I'm guessing Dillion didn't take the news well?"
"You'd be correct. We were having problems before I found out the news, but a surprise pregnancy really wasn't in any of his future plans."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine," you assure Josh, wiping tears from your eyes. "He took some time to think about what he wanted to do and baby Y/L/N will be solely mine when he or she is born. Dillion plans to sign away all his rights."
"Oh man." Josh reaches in for another hug and you sniffle into his shoulder. "Whatever you need, just let me know. I'll help you out as much as I can."
"You really don't have to, but I appreciate the thought."
Zane turns the camera off, setting it aside. "Okay so that's one friend down," he muses. "Who's next?"
"I don't know. Lets see who's available?" You bring forth your phone and immediately start texting your friends, side-eying Josh who keeps smiling at the onesie in his lap. You receive a few texts back, grinning. "So Carly and Erin are at David's. Looks like I can kill four birds with one stone."
You then bid Josh farewell, promising to keep him updated with your pregnancy and to call should you need anything. You let Zane take over the driving and end up at David's in no time. But instead of heading inside, Natalie waves you over towards the Tesla where they're getting ready to leave. So after grabbing four gift bags from the trunk of your car, you head on over while Zane rearranges everyone in the Tesla. Carly and Erin are moved into the back seats, Natalie is seated with you in the middle, and Zane sits in the passenger seat while David drives.
"Okay so what's the big deal?" Erin immediately asks as Zane films everyone present.
"Just hold on a few more seconds," you say while passing out the gifts. "You all have to open them at the same time. Well not David because he's driving, but I'm sure he'll know soon enough."
"Enough chatting and open the gifts!" Zane says.
The girls all laugh at his anxiousness, but they open the gifts nonetheless. You see when they pull out the onesies and unfold them, grinning as you see Natalie read hers and it takes a moment for it to click: And so the adventure begins. January 2020.
"Shut the fuck up!" Erin screeches from the back seat. "You're pregnant!?"
"What?!" David's head snaps in your direction as Zane cackles, but then he quickly stares back towards the road. Instead, he looks to Zane. "I'm gonna be an uncle?"
"Is this a joke?" Carly asks
"Nope. The eggo is preggo." You pull out the sonogram and pass it around. "I'm now four months along."
"Look at Natalie," Zane laughs. "She's crying!"
"You better stop those tears right now!" David jokes, glancing at his best friend-turned-assistant. "You're gonna make the pregnant lady cry!"
"Too late."
"I'm sorry!" She laughs, wiping her tears. "It's just- you're pregnant." Natalie beams, her excitement shining through her eyes. "We're gonna have a baby!"
"Uh excuse you," Zane scoffs. "You are not having a baby. We're having a baby," he says while gesturing between himself and yourself.
"Wait, what?" Carly exclaims and you sigh.
"You really need to stop telling people that you're my baby's father." Without even having to look around, you know your friends are curious about who the baby daddy really is. "This pregnancy is why Dillion and I broke up. He intends to sign away his rights."
"Oh fuck him," Erin immediately huffs.
You crack a smile and let Natalie grab your hand to squeeze. "Hey. Whatever you need, all you have to do is ask. We're here for you."
"Yeah," David says. "That kid of ours is gonna be spoiled as fuck."
The entire car laughs and you flash them a smile. "Thanks, guys."
The camera gets turned off and Zane turns around in his seat. "Okay so where are we going because our last surprise for the day is Jason."
"Uhh, nowhere in particular," David says. "I just wanted to drive."
"Well drive on back to your house because we need to get Jason's gift and take it to him."
"Oohh. What did Jason get? Or did we all get the same thing?"
"No. Josh got a onesie that said plot twist and the due date beneath it. You guys got the adventure onesies, Jeff got a shirt for Nerf that proclaims Nerf the cool older cousin."
"Todd, Scott, and Ilya got bottles of Vodka, but the label on them says do not open until I am born. January 2020."
"And Jason?" David wonders.
"Jason got the most heartfelt gift," Zane chuckles. "Even I teared up when Y/N showed me."
"It's because I actually do have a father/daughter relationship with him. I know it started off as a joke, but it actually cemented into a familial bond. So I framed a sonogram in a picture frame that says hello, grandpa on top and I can't wait to meet you on the bottom."
"Dude," David says. "He's gonna cry."
"Counting on it."
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Walking into David's house, you can't help but smile at the all the pink and blue. It's the day of your baby's gender reveal, Natalie having set it all up since she was the one entrusted with the envelope from the doctor.
Out back there's a chalkboard where everyone's writing their names under whether they think the baby is a girl or boy, pink and blue cupcakes, pink and blue candy, and pink and blue balloons.
Everyone's dressed in white and the way the whole reveal is going down is that everyone will split into two groups and stand on either side of you. Then armed with confetti cannons, they're going to pop them so that the colored confetti arches over you. All the while, David and Zane are going to be recording and taking pictures.
"Wow. You've gotten fat." The words surprise you, however, the person they come from doesn't. Jonah.
"I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?" Those within hearing distance snort and laugh, and you grin at your friend. "Don't fuck with me, Jonah. My hormones are up and down, and my comebacks are meaner."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't mess with preggers. I got it."
You shake your head in amusement as he walks off, one hand resting on your hip and the other absentmindedly rubbing your stomach.
"Wow. You've really popped." Jeff joins you then, expression soft as he gently hugs you in greeting. Out of everyone, he was the one to surprise you the most. He had taken it upon himself to change your diet after finding out you were pregnant, and even got you exercising to keep you and baby as healthy as can be. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm good," you tell him. "I'm really excited to find out whether I'm having a son or daughter."
"Do you have a preference?"
"Nah. As cliché as it sounds, I'll just be stoked as long as he or she is healthy."
Jeff grins. "Nerf's little cousin is going to be perfect. Just you watch." Your baby kicking startles you and makes you wince, and you rub the spot you felt it at. Jeff continues to watch you. "You know, I never understood why people are obsessed with touching someone's pregnancy belly, but now I think I understand."
You chuckle at him. "Do you wanna feel? Baby is kicking right now."
He glances at you in surprise before slowly nodding. Then taking his hand, you press it to where the baby is more active and watch his facial expression showcase his awe. "That's freakin' crazy, man."
"Try being the one experiencing it. The first time I felt the kick, I started crying. Not because I was happy, but because it freaked me the fuck out. Jason had to console me." You laugh as you remember calling Jason to ask him if what you felt was normal. He obviously wasn't a woman, but he was married before and experienced everything with his now ex-wife.
"Hey! If Jeff gets to rub the belly, so do I!" Heath marches up, swatting Jeff aside and placing his hand where Jeff had his. Seconds pass and his eyes widen. "Holy shit!"
"I know."
"Alright, bitches, gather 'round!" Zane shouts, recording. Next to him, David follows with his own camera. "If you haven't written down your name under whether you think the baby is a girl or boy, do so now. David's decided to make things interesting."
"Yes because finding out the gender of my baby wasn't interesting enough," you deadpan.
"Shut up. Yes it is," Natalie says, coming up beside you and shoving Heath away from your stomach.
"So the way things are going down," David starts, "is that whoever guesses the right gender wins a thousand dollars."
Your friends cheer, with the exception of Natalie who can't play because she already knows what you're having, and after the hype has gone down it's time.
Standing out in the middle of the back yard, you wait patiently as your friends split up. Heath, Mariah, Natalie, Corrina, Josh, Jason, and Matt stand on your left while Scott, Kristen, Carly, Erin, Todd, Jeff, Jonah, and Ilya stand to your right. Everyone anxiously waits with their cannon in hand, and then Zane and David count down.
"Three.. Two.. One!"
The cannons pop.. and pink confetti rains down.
There's screaming and shouting, and tears immediately fill your eyes as you laugh joyously. Erin, Matt, Todd, Josh, Jason, and Jonah are more excited than the others- they being the ones who had guessed you were having a girl.
"Baby, you is having a baby girl. How are you feeling?" Zane asks, camera in your face.
"Like I'm gonna barf," you laugh. "Holy shit. I'm having a girl!"
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For the last hour and a half, you've been washing and folding baby clothing for the umpteenth time, and repacking your hospital bag. Lately you've been in the nesting stage and your friends found it rather hilarious.
Just after you've placed the hospital bag atop the changing table and have taken a seat in the rocking chair, a rather intense cramp causes you to lightly groan and cradle your stomach. You've been cramping since early morning, but you're still two weeks away from your due date so you think nothing of it.
Natalie soon enters the room, smoothies in hand. "Let me guess," she says, "you've been washing again."
You grin tiredly. "I feel so restless," you tell her, accepting your banana drink. "Thank you."
"No problem." Natalie then takes a seat on the floor, her back against the open door as she glances around the nursery. Each piece of nursery furniture was purchased by your friends and assembled by a professional. David, as a present afterward, got a mural of the entire gang painted on the wall and peering down into the crib. Half the group thought it was creepily hilarious, but you found it rather endearing. "So what's on the agenda tonight?"
Still rubbing your stomach, you hide your grimace behind the smoothie cup. "I, uh, I actually think I need to go to the hospital."
Natalie's head whips in your direction. "What?"
"I've been cramping all morning and thought they were Braxton Hicks," you admit. "But they've only gotten more painful and closer together."
"Holy shit, Y/N. Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because if you freak out, I'm gonna freak out. So stop freaking out!"
"O-okay!" Natalie quickly stands, taking a moment to center herself. "Has your water broken?"
"No." Your voice wobbles, but you quickly gulp down the knot forming in your throat. "Am I- do you thinking I'm overreacting?"
"Nope. But whether these contractions are the real deal or not, I rather have the nurses look you over and decide themselves."
"Yeah. Okay. I'll just- I'll grab the bag." Natalie walks over to the changing table and shoulders the bag's strap. She then walks over to you and helps you out of the rocking chair. "I'll drive and you make the phone calls to everyone."
You hiss in pain. "Sounds like a plan."
          - X - X - X - X - X -
Waddling back and forth in your hospital room, you mentally curse your option to not have an epidural. Natalie has been a trooper, calling and texting your friends to let them know this was the real deal. You can't have too many people in your room before the actual labor takes place, so everyone plans to visit for a few minutes and then rotate with the others. For the birth, though, Natalie and Zane were staying.
"Knock! Knock!" The door opens and in walks David, Jeff, Zane, and Jason.
"Oh fuck you and your dumbass smile." The boys all laugh and Natalie hides her smile behind her phone. After all, she's been the sole target of your mean remarks since you've been admitted so she's just happy to see someone else targeted. "God I hope your daughter doesn't inherit your meanness."
"I'm so sorry," you tearfully apologize to David. "But if I hear your laugh one more time, I'm gonna punch you in the face."
"Aw baby," Zane coos. "Have they given you anything for the pain?"
"She decided against the epidural," Natalie advises them.
"Wait, what?" Jason asks. "Seriously?"
"I heard stories," you mumble. "The cons outweighed the pros, so I told the doctor I didn't want it."
"God you're brave," Jeff huffs. "I've heard horror stories."
"Not. Helping," you grit out when yet another contraction hits. Hissing, you stop pacing and bend over the side of the bed. Natalie rushes over and starts to rub the small of your back as you start to cry.
"And that's our cue," David says. "We'll send in the next group. Erin and Mariah are super stoked."
"That's because they're not the ones pushing a baby out of their vagina!"
Zane sticks around, planning to record part of the birth, but also knowing full well that he and Natalie are to stay near your head. You don't plan on having any vagina shots on film or picture.
          - X - X - X - X - X -
Thirteen hours.
Thirteen long excruciating hours and baby Wren Y/L/N has finally entered the world.
Natalie and Zane held your hands throughout the entire birth, letting your insults slide off their backs when their encouraging voices grew aggravating. Natalie took pictures and videos for Instagram when baby Wren was placed on you directly after being pulled out, and Zane excitedly cut the umbilical cord when asked if he wanted to. Baby Wren was then taken away to be cleaned up, weighed, and measured, and your friends gave you some privacy for the after birth and clean-up.
Now your two friends are dozing on and off in some recliners the nurse had wheeled in, and you're curled on your side as you stare at your sleeping baby in her bassinet right next to your bed.
A gentle knock sounds on the door and it opens to David's grinning face. "Can we come in?"
"Yeah." You tiredly wave him in. "Just be quiet."
The rest of the gang enter behind him, pink balloons and teddy bears in hand.
"Oh my god. She's adorable!" David gushes, already filming Wren as she sleeps. "Jesus, Y/N, you're a mom."
"Total MILF," Todd giggles. Kristen rolls her eyes and swats him upside the head. "Ow! What? I was joking."
"Whatever. Keep it in your pants, Toddy. I doubt Y/N is looking to get pregnant anytime soon."
"Try never," you muse. "Giving birth fuckin' sucks."
"But it's totally worth it. Right?" Mariah asks, touching Wren's tiny hand.
"Can we hold her?" Jason asks.
"Yeah. Go ahead. The nurse should be back in, in a few. It's close to her feeding time anyway."
Jason picks Wren up, gently cradling her in his arms. Seconds pass, and David and Jeff start to snicker at Jason's sniffling. "You're already loved so much, you have no idea. Welcome to the Vlog Squad, kid."
Everyone softly laughs and then take turns holding your baby. She grunts and yawns, and sucks on her tiny fist, and she has everyone wrapped around her tiny finger in a matter of minutes. As your own eyes then start to droop, they flutter back open when you feel a weight settling next to you on the bed.
"Hey, David."
"Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Like I pushed an eight pound baby out of my vagina and haven't slept in forever."
He chuckles. "Just wait until you're all healed up. You'll look back on this day and say it was all worth it."
"I don't know about that, D. There's still months of Wren waking up every three hours demanding the tit. I don't know how I'm going to handle it."
"You'll figure it out. You always do," David says. "And when you're feeling overwhelmed, call someone. Everyone loves you and Wren, and I'm sure you'll have no issues finding a babysitter."
"Yeah. I guess you're right." Wren lets out a brief cry and you glance over at her, only to be met with Jeff's panic-stricken expression. "Quick! Someone snap a picture."
Your friends all laugh at Jeff, which only upsets Wren even more. She cries louder, but the sudden knock on the door and a nurse walking in causes your friend to sigh in relief. "Feeding time!"
"Alright, losers," you muse, slowly sitting up, "that's your cue to leave. Jeff, hand over Wren."
Jeff walks over and cautiously passes you the baby, he then lingering to brush his thumb over her brow. "She really is something, Y/N. Congratulations."
"Thanks, Jeff." As your friends all walk out with quiet reminders that they'll be back later after you've bonded more with Wren, you stare down at your baby tucked into the crook of your arm. "Well, kid, I would say it looks like it's just you and me, but I'm pretty sure all your aunts and uncles would say otherwise. Grandpa Jason was right. You have no idea just how loved you already are."
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takadasaiko · 5 years ago
Love Me Twice: Chapter Ten
Summary: Liz re-introduces Tom to her team and Red and Cooper discuss where it's all heading.
Chapter Ten
When Liz had said that her team was a good resource for intel and backup, Jacob had assumed that had meant for her. He could take leads that she passed along and run them down in ways that a federal agent couldn't. He hadn't expected her to walk him into where she worked to speak to her team directly. At a federal black site. Below ground level with limited escape options. None of this was setting well, but she brushed off every argument that he made.
"They know you."
Jacob bristled at that even as he followed her into the lift that would take them down to what she called the War Room. "But I don't know them."
"You don't remember them. There's a difference." The doors squealed closed and she turned towards him. "I'm not going to let anybody hurt you."
"You know my line of work isn't exactly legal," he pointed out.
"They're not going to arrest you either. They know about St Regis."
Jacob turned to stare at her. "You told them?" he demanded.
"I think Reddington did? It just sort of became common knowledge in our circle after you got out and after… well once you and I figured things out."
The doors opened and Jacob fought the urge to run. What good would it do? He was stuck in a black site with a bunch of federal agents that knew he was a covert operative. Despite Liz's optimism, he had no idea how this could end well.
One of those agents looked up from his desk, eyes focused on Liz and started for them, talking the whole way. "Agent Keen! What's the news you couldn't share over… the… Holy crap. Tom?"
"Hey, Aram. Surprise," Liz offered with a struggling smile.
The other agent - Aram - stood there gaping. "How? When? Why didn't you…. you know what. It doesn't matter." Without warning he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Jacob's neck. "You're alive."
Jacob jerked backward at the sudden contact, stiff and ready for a fight. It took a moment for his mind to process that Aram had hugged him. Why a fed was hugging him, he had no idea. All he knew was that he had no interest feeling any more contained than he already was in this place.
"He doesn't remember," Liz explained as Aram startled back, pulling his attention around.
"Doesn't remember… what?"
Liz pursed her lips together thoughtfully, gaze shifting towards the main part of the room. "Let's talk in Cooper's office."
It was surreal as Liz made introductions that her team didn't need. While he only recognized them from the file Tremblay had given him, they knew him. What's more, Aram wasn't the only one that seemed happy to see him. Cooper - an assistant director of the FBI - greeted him with a warm handshake and a promise to both of them to help get to the bottom of all of this. Ressler - one of Liz's partners and the one that had been with her the longest - was more awkward, but managed a quiet "welcome back." The only one without much to say was Park, but as far as Jacob had seen she'd joined the Task Force after his supposed death. She looked as confused by the whole interaction as he felt.
"Have you told Reddington?" Cooper asked, and there was something layered beneath the face value of the question.
"No," Liz murmured, "and for now, I'd like to keep this between us."
"I thought you trusted him," Park popped off.
"It's complicated. He and…. the woman I believed was my mother are locked in some sort of war, and until we find out why, I think my circle of trust extends to the people in this room."
Ressler turned to look at her. "Believed to be? What did I miss?"
"Tom's… employer hired him to protect me and he ran a DNA test on her. It was secure. She matched to Katarina Rostova, but there was no parental match with me."
A quiet settled over the group as they digested the new information before Cooper's gaze landed on Jacob. "The person that hired you must have known who you are."
Jacob pulled in a breath, steadying himself to open up to the feds. "Looks that way. All I have is an alias: Brigitte Tremblay. She's gone dark, though, soon as Liz and I ran across each other. She hadn't returned any of the calls."
"I can trace the number," Aram offered. "Might give us something."
"It's a place to start," Cooper agreed. "Aram, work with Tom to get any information he has that might get us a lead on Brigitte Tremblay. If she's slipped up in any way, I want you to use it to ID her. Ressler, Park, catch Keen up on what we uncovered on The Collector."
Jacob watched as Liz perked up at that. The name obviously meant something to her. "You found something with him?"
Park flashed her a grin. "More than something. It's good."
"Let's go." Liz started out the door, but paused, turning towards Jacob. He must have looked like a deer in the headlights for the way her expression softened and she reached out, her touch against his arm gentle. "I trust them. You can too. I promise."
"I've never known cops to have my back," he confessed softly. "Especially feds."
"Well this fed saved your life a few years ago and you still owe him a favour," Ressler chuckled, halfway out the door. "Don't think I'm not calling it in sooner or later now that you're back."
Liz smiled and let her hand drop. It brushed Jacob's and he felt a shiver pass through him. His fingers started to close, holding her hand there, but in the last second he stopped. She didn't, though, and her fingers closed around his, giving a reassuring squeeze and held his gaze.
"I trust you," he whispered and her lips quirked up.
"Don't let Aram get sidetracked with Doctor Who." One more quick squeeze and she was gone, following her partners out the door and down the stairs.
Jacob turned to Aram. "Like the British scifi show?"
"We totally marathoned the Fourth Doctor one time when we were waiting on some intel to come in a few years ago. There was the one where K-9…" He grinned sheepishly past Jacob at his boss. "Right… We can, uh, cover that some time when we're not trying to find the mystery woman that knows where you've been the last two and a half years. Of course. Just, uh… follow me. We'll get started."
Jacob nodded numbly, not bothering to correct him. He knew where he'd been the last two and a half years. It was the previous ten he was worried about.
"Before we get started," Park said as she paused at her work station, turning to look directly at Liz, "did you know? Because last I heard your husband had been brutally stabbed to death in a home invasion that turned out to be Federal Marshall after some secret of Reddington's. Didn't Cooper ID him?"
Liz did her best to push down the instinctive desire to go on the defensive at Park's tone. "I found out the night before last. He's been… trying to come to terms with the fact that he was married… had a family and a life that he doesn't even remember."
"Sounds rough."
"It has been. And yes, Cooper ID'd him."
"Not just that, but we all saw him flatline," Ressler pointed out. "Hell of an accomplishment to fake all of that."
"It is, but we've seen doubles before. Sinclair manages it pretty convincingly. Tom told me about a Russian-based program he came across during his time with Halcyon that surgically altered people to look like their targets. It does happen."
She didn't like the look Ressler gave her, almost like he thought she was stretching it.
"Yeah, but who would have those kinds of connections and resources to put it together so fast?" Park asked, shaking her head.
That, Liz had an answer to. One that had been battering around inside her mind since she saw Tom hanging in Katarina Rostova's warehouse, but she hadn't dared to admit out loud yet. "Scottie Hargrave."
Ressler blinked at that. "Tom's mom? Why would she?"
Liz risked a glance over to make sure Tom was distracted with Aram. "She has means and motive."
Ressler didn't look convinced. "Motive for faking his death?"
"If she thought it kept him safe, yeah. I could see it. She thrives on control and there was something…. strangely resolved when she took Agnes a coupe of years ago. She said she'd already mourned him once. I didn't… catch it then, but it was weird."
"That's screwed up," Park managed and Ressler snorted.
"Welcome to the Keen family drama."
Liz shook her head, unable to deny the statement. "Tell me what you guys found on the Collector."
Park lit up at that. "Michael Kowlaski was actually Viktor Petrov. While his paperwork says that he was American-born to Polish immigrants, the identity for Michael Kowlaski was farmed. All the paperwork, the credit history, everything was manufactured."
"Like a shelf company for a person," Liz murmured and Park nodded.
"Exactly like that."
"How did we get to the name Petrov?"
"Aram worked through the night going through photos linked to the Kowlaski ID," Ressler explained. "Cooper recognized one and was able to confirm that it was actually Victor Petrov, a KGB officer known for his intelligence work. Everything started to fall into place."
Liz leaned back against Park's desk. "Okay, so we've got the who and the why -"
"You mentioned that in the debrief," Park said. "The Sikorsky Archive. Petrov's last words. Do you know what it means?"
"All I know is what I've been told. It's a blackmail file that the woman that posed as my mother says she's being blamed for stealing and that she thinks Reddington knows who really has it."
"So another dead end?"
"No… maybe not. I had a PI follow Ilya Koslov -"
"Not Reddington, by the way," Ressler offered and Liz tried to ignore Park's confused look.
"- and she found that Koslov was obsessed with the Archive."
"So he's our next best lead?" Park asked, shaking the confusion from her expression.
"Seems to be." Liz closed her eyes, working through the pieces of the puzzle that made up this case. It was huge. Expansive. Pieces looked like they'd fit and then were part of a completely different puzzle altogether. This, though… she thought they were onto something with this. "The Collector always has two demands: a new secret to carry on and a favour. I know we recovered a jumpdrive on him. Has Aram cracked that yet?"
Ressler shook his head. "He's still working on it, but I think that's what had him here all night. His program's cracked pieces."
"It's German… Something about Bonn, but other than that, we don't know yet," Park agreed.
Liz risked another glance over to Aram and Tom, the tech genius looking like he was in the middle of a long-winded explanation of something that probably could have been said a fraction of the words he was using. Tom, to his credit, was patiently nodding along that he was following. The two had always gotten along well, so it was good to see that even with his missing memories Tom was able and willing to listen through.
"Then I say we focus on Ilya," Liz finally said.
Ressler quirked a ginger eyebrow. "Hasn't he gone into hiding?"
"We'll find him," Liz answered confidently. "We have to."
Park shifted where she was. "If Rostova isn't your mother and Reddington isn't… whatever the latest thing you thought he was… why?"
Liz pursed her lips, working through each word as she let them fall. "Because Reddington used us to get to here. He used us to get to The Collector to kill him. He tried to steer me away from this woman, but he never gave me a clear reason why. He uses us, and just once, I'd like to have more pieces of the puzzle than he does."
There was a moment of silence between the three partners before Ressler nodded. "Okay. Let's find Koslov."
"Uh, guys?" Aram called over. "Mr Cooper just called down. Mr Reddington is supposed to be coming by with intel on The Collector. I know you said…"
"Guess that's my queue to leave," Tom said and his gaze shifted around to Liz. "How about this: give me a lead to track down on this Koslov guy and I'll start in on the groundwork."
He gave her a small, lopsided smile. "I promise I'll come back. Here, gimme your phone?" He reached a hand out and she held it out to him. He punched in a number. "Saved just above the pizza delivery guy."
Liz found herself echoing the smile. "Good. Let's get you out of here."
They walked a thin line with Reddington. That wasn't new, and for the most part Cooper had reconciled himself to it. There was give and take. He gave them terrible people that needed to be taken off the streets and that they wouldn't have had access to without him. In return, he took what he wanted. Sometimes it was a piece of information or access, and then sometimes the price was higher. Sometimes he used them in ways that Cooper found very difficult to see as anything but a betrayal to the very woman that Reddington had surrendered himself for. His actions had forced her into more compromising positions, put people she loved at risk, and consistently left her in the dark on issues that directly affected her without even a hope that he'd reveal the answers to her someday.
Despite all Reddington had done - and for every veiled motive, every secret he had kept about Elizabeth's past, he had quite literally saved her life and career time and time again - Cooper couldn't blame Elizabeth for not wanting to offer up the fact that Tom was alive. Reddington's secrets had, they had thought, cost her husband his life two and a half years before. He was alive, but far from whole, and her wish to protect him from the chaos that Reddington brought into her life was understandable. It was the reason that Cooper had given them a good headstart before calling Reddington into the Post Office.
Reddington didn't like being summoned, that much was clear. He helped them at his leisure and on his terms, despite the fact that, theoretically, he worked for them, but that afternoon Cooper had no patience for his antics. He'd used them to lure a Blacklister out and, when Cooper had refused to hand him over blindly, Reddington had had him shot down in the street.
It was nearly time for Cooper to pack it up and call it a night when Reddington finally strolled into the Post Office with a reminder that he's not at the FBI's beck and call, even though his immunity agreement did have some wording that leaned heavily in that direction. He continued on and on, casually taking a seat across from Cooper with his hat in his hand and Dembe lingering at the door. Cooper lost track of exactly what the point of the story was, but it had something to do with a woman from Beijing that he'd met while smuggling political refugees out of the country. By the time the story wound down, Cooper had already had to send Charlene an apologetic text and a promise to pick up dinner of her choosing on his way home.
"I'm sorry, Harold, was there a reason you called me in when I should be at Marcel's having the most exquisite Lobster Timbale that I've ever tasted?"
"Victor Petrov," Cooper said simply, not bothering to point out that if Reddington had come when he'd called that he could have been out long before his reservations.
"Ah," their often complicated CI managed. "You've put a name to the legend."
"I'm not going to waste both our times asking you exactly what you thought you'd keep Elizabeth from finding out about her mother," he stated firmly, "but I do need to know what Petrov was trying to move through Mr Krause. Aram's working on the encryption, but so far we've only gotten pieces. You said that Petrov was connected to the Cabal."
"He was," Reddington answered, his voice serious now.
"I'm not a fool. We may have decimated their stronghold in the United States, but my guess is that they have a further reach. You handed us this Blacklister and so far, without details of what was being transferred, we've gotten nothing from it other than a dead former KGB operative and another dead end." He paused, taking a risk. "Does Bonn mean anything to you?"
"Is that Krause's final destination?"
"We believe so."
Reddington tilted his head to the side and Cooper straightened his spine. He was already asking for less than they'd been promised on this. Finally, the other man relented. "I already suspected that Petrov had re-aligned himself with his old allies in the Cabal. If he's orchestrating deliveries to Bonn, then it's not just a smaller faction he's trying to reach out to."
"How many factions are you aware of?"
Reddington sighed, and for a moment Cooper thought he was going to try to slip around this. Apparently it wasn't worth the effort. "Originally? Many, but there were key players housed in the United States, Russia, China, and two in Germany: one for the East and another for the West."
"So Petrov was trying to make contact with one of the factions in Germany?"
"There's only one left. With the fall of communism in Germany, the Cabal lost its foothold in Berlin. Bonn is all that's left, but Harold -" he caught Cooper's gaze and held it, and in that moment his voice was deadly serious - "if this is more than an attempt to make contact, if the faction in Bonn is using someone like Petrov to move information Stateside, this is bigger than either of us could have assumed."
"Perhaps you shouldn't have killed the man with the answers then."
"What's done is done. Aram mustcrack that encryption and he must do so quickly."
"Or what?"
"If we wait to find out, it will already be too late."
Notes: ** insert dramatic music here **  
I feel bad for poor Tom right now. Everybody in this story knows more than him and he's just not okay with that.
Next Time: When Tom's search for Ilya continues to run into dead ends, Liz takes matters into her own hands.
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bluebellhairpin · 6 years ago
The Girl Who Knew The End {8}
Thorin OakenshieId X Fem!Reader Where Your Familiar Lies
Chapter Seven // From Enemies, to Friends, to Lovers
Chapter Eight // (You're Here!)
Chapter Nine // Too Close, But Not Close Enough 
A/N: Thranduil spills some tea. Be warned. - Nemo
Summary: Mirkwood holds secrets. Everyone knows that. Who would've guessed some were about (y/n)?
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The night came and went, as did the morning, and you soon found yourself on the road again, however on horseback, which was much better then having to walk. And before you knew it, Gandalf was abandoning the Company to go up to the mountains.
Thorin was being nice and sweet, keeping you close as you and the other dwarfs made the journey through the darkness that was Mirkwood forest. Needless to say, you still managed to get lost. Which you found disappointing since you tried your best not to do that.
Mainly because you didn't fancy getting caught in the webs of a group of giant spiders. But hey, there you were, hanging upside-down in a mess of tangled web-work, Bifur on your one side and Oin on your other. Naturally Bilbo was nowhere to be seen, even so you hoped he’d come back soon, this one spider was creeping you up in a very wrong way.
As you hung, you started to think.
What Did Azog mean by 'earth-shiftier’?
Did you actually Agree to marrying Thorin Oakenshield?
Was Bilbo ever going so show up to save you from the spiders?
The answer to your last question was 'yes', since the hobbit then decided to make an appearance, and your second question was also answered when Thorin was set free; the king instantly setting to work finding then freeing you.
Now you were left wondering about your first question. As you and the Company decided to try to leave the spider-filled spot, you found yourselves surrounded by elves. Ones that would lead you to the jackass known as Thranduil.
You were searched, swords and daggers taken from your possession, and then to be shoved in the direction of these elves residence.
You had to admit, you felt you might not enjoy this, especially with how Legolas kept looking at you.
Later, much to your surprise, you were taken away from the company and with Thorin towards Thranduil.
As you were taken along the wooden walkways you couldn't help but look around in awe. Mirkwood was beautiful. It made you sure that Erebor would be completely breathtaking.
As you approached the foot of what could be described as the throne room, Thranduil rose from his elevated position to sneer down at Thorin.
"Dwarfs in Mirkwood forest. Why must you taint the area further?" he asked, tilting his head to look at Thorin with more distaste then before. "With a dwarrowdam no less..." his voice trailed off as be finally looked at you, eyes widening as a look of shock reached his narrow features. "Ilya-nya?"
You looked up at him, confused beyond words, especially since you had no idea what he just said. Thorin looked at you, also not understanding, however due to not knowing how Thranduil seemed to know you.
"Pardon? Have we met before?" you asked, quirking an eyebrow up at the elf as his face morphed from shock to surprise to hurt.
"You don't remember? Have you really forgotten me (m/n)?" you laughed as his questions, earning an even more hurt look from the taller king.
"You've messed up Thranduil, sir." you started, looking up at him again after shooting a look back at Thorin. "(m/n) is my mother. My name is (y/n), not whatever gibberish you just said."
"Mother?...” you nodded as he seemed to soak in your words. You looked over at Thorin, he only shrugged. He mustn't know what Thranduil was on about either. "Is she still alive? Did she have anymore children? Where does she live?" he then asked, boring his eyes into yours with a sort of desperation.
"Um, she's alive. I think. Last time I saw her she was." he nodded as you spoke, walking back up to his throne as you continued. "She does/doesn't have more children. And she lives back in (hometown). Which isn't here-''
"I know that." he said, looking between you and Thorin. "At least she took a better fate than l initially thought.”
"Sorry, l still don't follow-"
"She was an earth-shiftier, I'm guessing like you are. Beings - usually humans - that with training can switch between different worlds, usually their home-world and a select few fictional ones." Thranduil explained, almost nonchalantly.
"So she's not here to protect me?" Thorin asked, moving to stand between you and Thranduil.
"Of course not." he scoffed. "How she ended with such low-lives like you all, I'll never know. But do know this; she won't be traveling with you now she's here with people worth her time."
"Excuse me! Why? You can't do that!" you yelled.
Thranduil waved his hand at you."You're (m/n)'s daughter. (m/n) was my wife, Queen of Mirkwood, mother of my son and heir, Legolas. My Star. As you are her child you are mine too. An elfish Princess, despite your short stature. And no child of mine will be seen with dwarfs." he redirected his last words at Thorin, Venom lacing each word with little effort. It almost made you sick.
"Thorin is My One! I wouldn't dream of ever leaving him. Not for a fancy title, any riches, or anyone; no matter who they are." you said, biting into Thranduil before Thorin could even open his mouth. "He and the company are my family, and family means we stick together-”
"Even through Dragon-fire? Through the horrors of Erebor and the danger of orcs?" Thranduil asked, standing again from where he was once sitting. "you are young to this world, (y/n). You know nothing of what would come for you if you went with him." Thranduil was, by now, very close. He was a fast walker and slow talker.
"She stays with me, as she wishes." Thorin said, almost growling at the elf as he stood closer to you. Thranduil stood tall.
"Then she is doomed to fall. Just. Like. You." he said in reply to Thorin, waving a hand at the guards nearby as he turned to you. "Rot here. l can wait forever for you to change your mind. Then we'll see where your loyalty lies." With that he turned away, and you and Thorin were taken down to the rest of the company.
The cell you were put in was opposite Thorins, which you were grateful for.
Now you had time to think.
An earth-shiftier could, basically, travel between their world and fictional ones. Your mother was one too, and she became the lost Queen of Mirkwood. She'd spoken about a time before she met your father, a where she met a man that treated her like a queen. Now you realize she genuinely was, and Legolas was your elder half-brother.
“You alright (y/n)?” Thorin asked, leaning up against the bars of his cell to see you clearer in the darkness of yours. “Don’t worry about what that oaf said. I won’t let anything hurt you while there’s breath in my lungs.” You smiled lightly at his words.
“I know, Thorin. I guess that worries me as much as his words do.”
“You shouldn’t listen to him. He cares about no one but himself, his every word is a lie. He should know better than to doubt my ability to keep you safe.”
“And yet,” you started with a breathy laugh, “I still know I need to protect you instead. I know what happens to you, and I’ll still do anything to keep you safe. Something is going to have to give, Thorin.” You had stood to look at him, and you could tell Balin was listening in.
“No such thing will happen. We’ll both be safe once we get to Erebor.” you hid a cringe but turning away. He was so hopeful.
“And yet, as much as I want to believe you, I still feel one of us won’t make it.”
Series Taglist: @pigeonsbones @captainrainbowpanda @thorins-queen-of-erebor @theabandonedchocolate @violentmommabear42 @jumpingmanatee @pixierox101 @lilith15000 @persassyismyspiritanimal (Some tags still aren’t working and it’s really a n n o y i n g me. I’m so sorry. - Nemo)
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