#especially my theories concerning Mr. B and ways to save V's life etc etc that we'll likely never see in canon but which are hinted at
elvenbeard · 1 year
Self-promotion fic-update-tag-post for "Love is Stored in the Olive Jar (working title)"
Okay, so, I am currently writing this post-Sun-ending fic that I think some of you started reading (currently the first 5 chapters are published, 6th is being edited as we speak).
I got a lot of very positive feedback on chapters 1-3, but not much/ nothing anymore on 4 and 5, and my perpetual self-doubt has been creeping in about my ideas and writing actually really sucking and people losing interest because I'm too long-winded, something about the content was extremely off-putting (or just downright boring), or I'm mischaracterizing Kerry, along with many other potential reasons and doubts.
But of course there's a million other possible reasons, like, people just not seeing it because text (especially long text) tends to get buried, they're too busy to keep up, or they're waiting til it's finished before reading. But yeah I'm in this thought-spiral now where I'm like "do I even wanna continue posting it, do people even care?" and I've come to the conclusion... there's a solution to my concerns the writeblr community taught me (that you should def also adapt for your fics!!)
REPLY to this post here (with anything, an emoji, a short "hi" or "here!" ) if you want to be tagged by me whenever I post a new chapter so you don't miss out (if you want to be tagged with a specific url that's different from the one you reply with, maybe put it there, too).
I have been kinda consistently posting a chapter each week now, usually Tuesdays, and I might not be able to keep that up forever, but would like to stay on my roll. And, knowing that there's maybe at least one person here who is actively reading this and wants to be notified, will maybe help me not lose steam like I did on so many other projects in the past that just got lost in the void somewhere along the way.
First chapter of the fic in question if you'd like a reminder - following chapters, if they exist already, are always linked at the end of the chapter. It is a rather angsty fic, given that it mostly follows CP2077 canon events, but I can promise that there will be a happy ending.
Feel free to like this post if you wanna, but I will only tag people in future fic updates that leave a reply. Reblogging is also appreciated, obviously, to help spread the word xD
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