#especially my ninth grade one woah
dulcegal · 4 months
man being gay is hard
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not-me-haha · 2 years
If only....
NINTH CHAPTER : You're not 17?!
It was lunch period and you were beyond happy to see Jungwon at the library. So you grabbed your bag and let Alisha know that you weren't going to join her for lunch today. She gave you a smirk after hearing that you were going to meet Jungwon and said that she was cool with it.
Walking towards the library you were preparing yourself and thinking of what to say to him. Well that was of no use because the moment you walked in you knew you weren't damn prepared.
He was waiting casually, arranging books while he was at it and looking fine as hell. Your heart beat faster as you walked in towards him.
"Hey" you said walking closer to where he was standing. "Oh Y/N hi" he greeted pleasantly.
You smiled and continued, "Your clothes, I actually slept wearing them so I couldnt dry them I'll return them once they do." Now you didnt lie, you did infact fall asleep in them and they were just so damn comfortable. But your main motive was that it meant you could meet Jungwon again.
"Yeah dont worry about it. So does it hurt? Your neck?" Jungwon asked pushing some of your hair strands to get a better glance of the wound. He saw the band aid you put over it and it looked as if it was healing well.
"It doesnt really hurt unless you touch it" you said sitting beside him.
"So what do you want to know?" He asked.
"Why are you being so straightforward?" You said giving him a light chuckle.
"Well now you're being straightforward asking me that" He said returning your chuckle. "I thought you wanted to know but you were hesitating" he continued.
"Well yes but I dont just want to know, I want to find out. That's how I like it" you said smiling. "So show me what do you do, what do vampires do?"
Hearing that Jungwon got up and lent you a hand to help get up. He held your hand and asked you to shut your eyes. You did as he said and once you opened your eyes you were outside the school!
"Woah what?!" You exclaimed your jaw dropping. Jungwon smiled at your cute reaction. "How did you do that?"
"Teleporting, its basic vampire shit."
"There's nothing basic about that" you said laughing.
"Well if you want to know this is nothing there are some higher grade vampires that can teleport between dimensions."
Your eyes widened at his statement. They must be super powerful, you thought. "Wait what grade are you then?"
"Special grade" he responded. It seems well, special but Jungwon was too humble while saying that. "Sounds fancy, what does it mean?" You asked.
"Fancy? It sure is. There are ten basic grades, majority of vampires fall in that category, based on their power and strength ranking from 1 to 10. Above those ten there are three other grades in the order, higher grade, special grade and universal grade. These grades are especially hard to obtain. It's either pure talent or raw strength. If I had to introduce myself to any other vampire I would say I'm a Level 2 Grade Master."
You looked at Jungwon fascinated. Ofcourse he was super powerful, you had seen him fight Yoonjae and his vampire friends all at once as if it was nothing. He used his wits and strength together. But with all this overwhelming power and recognition he managed to stay on his toes and he was so down to earth it made you think- GOSH HE'S PERFECT!
"So I guess I'm lucky that I met one of the most powerful vampires" you say giving him a proud smile. "But aren't you too young? Wait- dont tell me you're not 17?!"
"I'm not as powerful as you think I am and I am certainly 17 just not human years" he mumbled the last part and looking away from you. "Not human years?! How old are you then?" You asked almost yelling. "I'll tell you on my birthday" Jungwon said smirking. "And when is your birthday?" You questioned bringing his gaze back to you. "In two days" he said.
"So what now, we skip school?" You said giving him a slight smirk.
Masterlist hehe
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