#especially lately bc I've been back in writers mode
anniemal2004 · 7 months
my mum kicked my sister out again and she came to stay with me again and I love her, I really do, but fuck man. I feel like a whole week of my life has been wasted and I'm kind of annoyed about it
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 2 years
i have a question ab transformers and im too scared to google it bc of what i think ill find but is there anything in canon that tells you if transformers reproduce??? and like how? do they have some sort of build-a-baby or smth??? sorry i know its late and this is absurd but its been plaguing mind for 4h now and i had to ask
Fjgng you're right to be afraid of what you'll find. There... Is a sea of fics out there.
The fandom has an extremely well curated Wikipedia, so if you're up for something more in depth, read through this article or browse through other ones.
Anyway, this is an excuse to ramble about Transformers >:) but I'll give you info on just the medias I've consumed, or know enough of.
The answer more broadly, there are cannon forms of reproduction, not sexual, per say, but the Transformers writers have a. Well. Long and weird relationship with Cybertronians having sex and especially pregnancies (yeah, you heard me right-)
To start off:
1. In one of the really old TF comics, we have a couple formed of a human woman (Cover Girl) and Brawn. They are married and also, they have a child. ...the child is not adopted. I don't if it's stated how they got there, but y'know.
2. In Beast Wars, we get protoforms.
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In multiple continuities, they are basically the first stage in a robot's life. Kind of like infants. All they need is a spark (soul) and alt mode code (what they transform into) in order to develope into a fully grown Cybertronian.
The weird thing with this tho, is that you'll have characters such as Cheetor, who have been here from the start, and they'll be treated like the teenager of the group (although he IS the child appeal character), but then you'll see the ones who come along later, such as Silverbolt, who are immediately treated as an adult with full agency. Sigh.
But that's not all on reproduction in this show.
You have Rattrap at some point talk about... Bars on their home planet where waitresses walk around tits out, basically.
There are also some sex jokes, if I remember correctly. The femme fatale character takes a rod to cut it, her boyfriend cringes, and another one calls her emasculating.
For less cannon stuff that still sprung out of here; the official artists who worked on the show made a 3D render of Dinobot (main character) with... Dinobot Jr. Out on full display.
Also, at some point during the show production, someone decided to play a prank on someone else in the studio by submitting a pornographic parody of the episode script they should have originally given. Why does the fandom know this? It was leaked way back in the day before the episode aired.
Anyway, can you imagine being some poor fool thinking you're getting some exciting leaks to read and instead you get smacked with porn of the character who's literally inspired after Hannibal Lecter- also he transformers into a crab.
3. In Transformers Animated, protoforms make another return.
They basically work about the same way as they do in Beast Wars, except this time, we get Sari.
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She's a protoform that somehow landed on earth, and her father, a human, touched it, which caused her to imprint on his DNA and become a hybrid.
In this show we also get several instances of objects being hit by the power of a Cybertronian relic, and making them come to life. Now, I don't know if they count as Cybertronians, since they are random ass earth objects, but they have a consciousness. Also, the same relic has been shown to be able to bring back Transformers from the dead. So.
Ok. So. I received this ask forever ago, I'm so sorry for not getting to it. I've gotten busy and I can unfortunately feel my cognitive dysfunction kicking in, so I'll try to just get this done, but it'll be less detailed from now on and kinda disjointed.
Plus I was a while into writing this part and I lost the progress-
So. IDW1. The comics. They are a mess and weird.
Also, I read these years ago and I don't really remember the details.
You have hot spots on the home planet or moon. That create sparks (from the ground). Sparks can also pop out from Cybertronian relics, such as The Matrix.
Titans (HUUUUUUGE Cybertronians. They turn into cities or battle ships) may also carry hotspots that make robo babies.
Sparks harvested from this sort of thing either become cold constructs or forged. I'm not going to go into technicalities, but basically cold constructs are sparks who were taken and placed in a premade body and forged were allowed to develope naturally. If they are having trouble, a blacksmith may help them along by shaping their body. Or so I recall, at least.
I think I remember a mention in the comics about "A turbofox in heat". Turbofoxes are Transformers animals.
IDW1 also... Sports a lot of allusions to pregnancies. And. Pregnancies in general.
A lot of metaphors for pregnancies. Character is in a coma for 9 months. Another one gets a body upgrade and the entire thing is reminiscent of birth- an actual Cybertronian being mpreg with an organic alien------
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^btw there was no narrative significance for this last one to happen
And. One of the main writers had... two? fanfics before he started writing cannon works. Telefunken and Eugenesis. Robots giving birth- to be fair, from their chests, from what I've heard. But the entire thing. It's. It's yeah.
Kiddies pop out of the ground. They are given one or two mentors. Mentors help them along to find what they want to transform into and their future jobs.
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Earthspark, the Nickelodeon show, has come out pretty recently and I haven't watched it, but I think it has 3 robot kids as main characters! From what I know, they also popped out of the ground, except this time on Earth.
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^also this one is canonically non binary sob
Transformers: Prime
I thiiiiiink they say Cybertronians pop out of The Well Of All Sparks? Which is a hole in their planet. Don't remember it being explored much. In the movie, a bunch of sparks fly out of it by the end, but I think it was a sort of- everybody gets revived! Yay!
The live action movies. Are also. Trippy
The ones directed by Micheal Bay are shit, but I gotta talk about them. You've got robots being sexual and creepy. But you also have sparklings. They pop out of goo eggs- I don't remember if in these movies energon or other relics posses and bring to life - I think they do tho.
However, that's an occurrence in the Bumblebee movie.
PS: I thought I posted this before I was done and I had a heart attack
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
The Apartment: part 5
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▪️for parts 1-4, click here
pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x fem! reader
rating/warnings: swearing, angst (?)
synopsis: You knew that living with your three best friends, Kuroo, Oikawa, and Bokuto, would be a wild ride. It’s never a dull moment with those three. Let’s just hope you can keep your huge crush on Kuroo a secret when he is only a room away.
a/n: hi friends✨i hope you all are doing well:)) just a friendly reminder to eat something today and stay hydrated 💕 as always, my inbox is open for anything and everything so feel free to reach out:) and the taglist for this fic is still open if you’d like to join✨ okay, enjoy xx
Five: best friends
“Okay do you have all your bags?” You asked. Bokuto nodded, holding a backpack and small suitcase.
“Yes Y/N.”
“And your phone? And your pillow, because I know you hate hotel ones. And-“
“Y/N calm down you’re going into ’mom mode’,” said Kuroo. You rolled your eyes.
“I just wanna make sure he has a good trip.”
“Akaashi will take care of him, don't worry,” smiled Kuroo.
“Do you not want me to have a good trip?” pouted Oikawa. You put your arm around him and smiled.
“Oikawa, I wouldn’t mind if you didn’t come back.” You joked.
“I fucking hate you,” he growled, pushing you away. You laughed and ruffled his hair.
“I love you both okay, now get out of here, Iwa and Akaashi are probably already outside,” you smiled. The four of you gathered for a group hug. Oikawa was off to his mini getaway with Iwa and Bokuto was joining Akaashi for his writers conference. The apartment would be just you and Kuroo.
“Hey, Y/N,” called Bokuto. He pulled you aside and whispered something in your ear.
“Remember what I told you.”
You sighed, remembering well what Bokuto had told you those days ago. You nodded.
“Farewell my lovely apartment! You two better not burn the place down while I’m gone,” said Oikawa.
“No promises,” smiled Kuroo. He pushed Oikawa out the door as Bokuto followed.
“Bye you two, we love you!” You cheered. Kuroo shut the door behind Oikawa and Bokuto, leaving you alone with him.
“You act like they’re never coming back,” laughed Kuroo.
“Not my fault I’ll miss them. I don’t remember the last time I went more than a week without them,” you explained. Kuroo nodded.
“Wanna grab some food after class?” Asked Kuroo. Your face felt warm.
“Uh yeah that sounds good.” You and Kuroo both had a lecture together today for your marketing course.
“Just give me 10 minutes and we can head to class,” you said. Kuroo nodded. You went inside your room and saw that Oikawa had left something on your bed. You picked it up and it read: “I suggest you use this before it expires”. You turned the card over, and saw that it was a coupon for 10% off a purchase at Party City. You groaned and threw the card away.
“Dickhead,” you mumbled.
“Who, me?” said Kuroo. You jumped.
“Kuroo oh my god you have to stop sneaking up on me like that,” you ordered. Kuroo laughed and sat down on your bed.
“Hurry up I don’t wanna be late.” You sighed and grabbed your jacket and shoes from your closet and slipped them on.
“Fine then let’s go.”
You and Kuroo walked a couple blocks to campus. Your lecture hall wasn’t too far away.
“A 3 hour lecture never gets easier,” you sighed. Kuroo patted your shoulder.
“Come on Y/N, don’t you just love getting all that knowledge thrown at you.” You rolled your eyes.
“Marketing is boring, even a nerd like you could agree,” you joked.
“Okay fair,” smiled Kuroo. The two of you reached the lecture hall and took a seat next to each other.
“Hi Kuroo! Mind if I sit here?” a voice said. You turned to see a girl standing next to Kuroo.
“Oh Calie, hi, yeah sure,” said Kuroo. The girl joyfully sat down next to Kuroo, causing you to clench your fists.
“Uh Calie, this is my friend Y/N, Y/N this is Calie, we have organic chemistry together,” explained Kuroo. The girl flashed you a dazzling smile. Great, she's pretty and smart. You shook her hand firmly.
“Wait aren’t you guys roommates too? That must be so fun living with someone like Kuroo,” giggled Calie. You gave her a sarcastic smile. I already hate this bitch.
“Yeah we’ve been friends forever so I definitely get my fair share of Kuroo.”
“Well you’re probably so sick of him, mind if I borrow him after the lecture?” She asked. Calie wrapped her hand around Kuroo’s bicep. You had to stop yourself from beating the shit out of her.
“Well actually-“ you began.
“Sure that sounds fun. You don’t mind right, Y/N?” said Kuroo. Is he being serious right now?
“So I’m supposed to grab dinner by myself?” You whispered, without thinking. Kuroo’s eyes widened. Calie gasped.
“You can come with us! I’d hate to leave you all alone,” She smiled.
“Yeah come with us,” said Kuroo.
“No no it’s fine, you two have fun. I’d rather be alone anyway,” you muttered. Before Kuroo could reply, your professor had walked in and began his lecture.
Your lecture felt longer than normal. Probably because all you could focus on was Calie’s giggles as she whispered with Kuroo throughout the whole 3 hours. Kuroo was always good with the ladies. His confident nature caused girls to be drawn towards him. Yes, you liked him too but you liked all of him, not just the surface level of Kuroo.
You tried to contain your annoyance with Calie and Kuroo. It was obvious she was flirting with him.
“See you next week,” said your professor as he wrapped up his lecture. You got up from your seat and began packing up your things. You didn’t look at Kuroo and headed right out the door.
You began walking back to your apartment when you heard Kuroo call after you.
“Wait Y/N-chan!” You turned around to face him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to hang with me and Calie? She’s really nice once you get to know her,” he said. You almost rolled your eyes.
“No it’s fine. I promised I’d FaceTime Oikawa now anyway,” you lied. Kuroo raised an eyebrow.
“Well if you say so. I’ll grab dinner with you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah sure. Make sure you have your key to the apartment or else I’m locking you out,” you said. Kuroo laughed and nodded.
“Bye Y/N!” cheered Calie. You gave her a wave and watched as Kuroo ran back towards her.
You walked back to your apartment, upset. Kuroo had every right to hang out with other girls but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It was just another reminder that Kuroo might not share the same feelings as you.
The apartment felt weird being so empty. All dark and quiet. You threw your keys on the counter and plopped onto the couch. You checked your phone and saw a plethora of texts from Oikawa.
i've been in the car FOREVER -sent 5:35pm
my legs are cramping -sent 5:40pm
do you think if i asked Iwa to stop for a bathroom break he would be mad? -sent 5:41pm
bc we just stopped 30 minutes ago and i said i didn’t need to go -sent 5:43pm
but now i do -sent 5:47pm
update: he stopped for me🤩 -sent 6:01pm
y/n answer me -sent 6:37pm
im bored -sent 6:38pm
you better be buying that maid costume -sent 6:40pm
that coupon expires soon -sent 6:41pm
btw bokuto forgot his pillow but he told me not to tell you -sent 6:52pm
oops -sent 6:52pm
wyd -sent 7:03pm
You laughed at your phone. Good to see you weren’t the only one missing your friends.
well im currently sitting alone in the apartment as kuroo ditched me for some girl -sent 7:15pm
HE DID WHAT -sent 7:18pm
maybe im being dramatic but he’s kinda on a date with some girl from his organic chemistry class -sent 7:19pm
i bet she’s ugly -sent 7:19pm
no she’s gorgeous -sent 7:20pm
im gonna beat his ass
how dare he -sent 7:20pm
it’s fine
maybe it’s better im alone rn anyway
gives me time to get over him -sent 7:21pm
come on hun
don’t say that
don’t give up -sent 7:25pm
idk toru
i feel like it’s never gonna happen
especially when he could have someone like her -sent 7:27pm
bokuto said it best: kuroo would be stupid not to like you -sent 7:28pm
i guess he’s stupid then -sent 7:30pm
okay Iwa and I got to our hotel but I’ll talk to you later okay love? -sent 7:33pm
bye shittykawa -sent 7:34pm
why do you hurt me? -sent 7:35
You set your phone down and checked in the kitchen for anything worth eating. You weren’t in the mood to go out anymore.
Rice. We have rice. Well, rice it is.
You took out the rice cooker and began to prepare your sad dinner.
Why didn’t I just go with them?
As the rice cooked, you sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. You put on ‘Gilmore Girls’, wishing your friends were there to watch it with you.
It was late. Close to 11pm. Kuroo still wasn’t home. You laid on the couch, basking in your loneliness. A little dramatic yes but you hated being without your friends. It was a weird concept that they had friends beside you.
You heard keys jingle outside the door and you felt a wave of comfort come over you, knowing it had to be Kuroo. You got up from the couch and peaked at the door.
“I was starting to wonder what happened to you…” your voice trailed off when you saw that Kuroo wasn’t alone.
“Hey Y/N! Oh my gosh your apartment is so cute!” said Calie. Your jaw dropped and you looked over at Kuroo.
Your expression had to be screaming: “are you fucking kidding me right now!?”
“Oh uh thanks,” you muttered.
“Is it cool if Calie stays for a bit? Her roommates are having people over and she doesn’t know them too well,” explained Kuroo. Hmm I wonder what that’s like.
“You don’t have to ask me, it’s your apartment too,” you said plainly. Kuroo raised a brow.
“Just checking…”
Calie walked around your small apartment, admiring all the decorations that you had up.
“Aw isn’t this the cutest photo!” She said. She picked up a picture of you and Kuroo. It was when you had gotten dressed up together to take graduation pictures. Your smile was the brightest it’s ever been. Holding your diploma as Kuroo wrapped his arm around you. In the background of the photo you could see a faint image of Oikawa and Bokuto.
“Yeah I love that picture,” Kuroo smiled. Kuroo took the photo from Calie’s hand and looked at it.
“Best friends, right?” He looked at you. Your heart sank.
“Yup, best friends,” you whispered with a dull smile. Kuroo smiled and showed Calie to his room. You tried not to react. You walked over to your room, locked the door, and curled up onto your bed.
Is best friends all we are ever gonna be?
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @tetsoleil @cloudswritings @foxyyychan @tamaguchi @jessie9008 @bitandbytes @yeehawnana @166cm @bigchaosenergy @tumbledor3 @captain-janeway @answer-the-sirens @simpletype @ysatrap @stinkybitch1919 @bokutory ]
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flying-elliska · 3 years
sorry if this is like. the weirdest question ever but i thought you would be an ok person to ask. i've recently gotten into writing again and discovered that the hardest part of writing characters different from me isn't when they have a marginalized experience i don't know (ex. writing poc as a white person), bc there's research and guides available for that, but rather when i have an experience they don't (like writing straight or neurotypical ppl as a mentally ill queer person) 1/2
so i was wondering if you ever had the same problems or any advice on how to write characters with more “mainstream” lives when you can’t remember how to connect to that pov? it’s fine if you don’t, i just have a lot of respect for you as a writer and a person and i value your thoughts! sorry i wrote so much :/ 2/2
oh don't apologize, i love love love questions about writing, especially the weird ones ^^ and this is truly a fascinating question. it did puzzle me a bit at first because the thing about the mainstream perspective is that it's, well, everywhere. and it's absolutely an experience in itself too ! like as queer people we've grown up surrounded by straight love stories, and so on. so it made me wonder why exactly you have that difficulty, and whether i also sometimes encounter it (maybe a little at times).
- is it a problem of legitimacy ? as a person that has been 'otherized' in certain ways, do you maybe feel like your perspective on 'the norm' is less valid/adequate ? I especially have this when it comes to mental illness, I have these weird moments of anxiety about whether all the characters i write end up being mentally dysfunctional without me realizing it, etc - i don't think it's true, but the anxiety is there. and honestly i think the concept of 'mentally sane' in the society we live in remains somewhat nebulous and to be defined still. if you share these anxieties, it's good to remember that it's a proven phenomenon that marginalized people are forced, for reasons of survival and because they are socialized to the norm anyway, to quickly acquire insights into the experiences/minds/habits of privileged people ; and have been taught to see privileged people as human and complex in ways where the reverse is not necessarily true. This is why, for instance, women's writing perspective on men can have a depth and humanity that the reverse often lacks. in general i think as baseline that people can write really valuable things about experiences they don't share, the 'stranger's perspective' can be really interesting in itself because it forces you to ask more questions ; unless it has been blighted by privilege (which functions on a basis of seeing the other as inherently lesser and the atrophy of empathy). i really don't believe in the idea you should only write about experiences you know or have ; after all empathy + research + curiosity + imagination + questioning why things are the way they are, are a fundamental part of the writer's craft ; it's just crucial to be aware of how power can skew that. so i hope this reassures you a little if you struggle with this.
- is it a problem of interest ? ever since i realized i was queer, i have had this desire, more or less strong at times, to only consume and produce stories containing a majority of queer people. i was accused once of making too many characters queer in my fic (lmao i was so proud). and you know what ? i think that is abso-fucking-lutely fine. if people have an issue with that they can go back to the 99% of literature that caters to them. if you don't feel like writing about straight people but think like you 'have to' for some reason, please don't force yourself lol. and don't be ashamed to want to write about people who do share your experiences in that way, especially since we have been starved for representation for a long time. sometimes it's also just a detox phase you need to go through. i have had more m/f ships as of late and it almost feels fresh again to me lmao and focusing on queer pairings for a long time has given me a new way of looking at love and relationships and general which is great.
- is it a problem of connection ? ok so maybe you do want to write about those mainstream experiences but you just find it hard to be inspired for some reason. if you have checked that it isn't one of the problems above, i think the next step is to just look for the core reason of why you're writing these things in the first place. where's the issue, the spark, the zing, the problem, the crack, the fatal flaw, etc. Mental illness and queerness are interesting to write about, of course. but when you don't have that, you should still have other interesting things to write about. and you can go back to the universals. what is love ?how does sexuality impact people's experiences ? what does it mean to be mentally healthy ? what's the mind anyway ? how does our society affect those things ? how is the 'typical neurotype' qualified and why ? i have always believed anyway that true universals are made of an infinity of diversity, and not some sort of generic mold. so you can find a connection to an experience you don't have via an experience you do have. (again, as long as you're aware of power dynamics etc). will it always be perfect ? no, but it's still interesting to try. 'being straight' as an identity is not equivalent to 'being queer' because 'being straight' ties into heteronormativity as a tool of social control/oppression and therefore, heteronormativity deserves to be destabilized and written about in weird/new/original ways by queer people who don't entirely understand what it is to be straight ; this will always be more interesting and liberating than straight people writing about gays who 'are just like everyone else!!!!' uwu'. as a neuroatypical person i actually believe i have very interesting things to say about the nature of the mind and selfhood because i am constantly thinking about it in way neurotypicals don't ; i have experienced first hand how much of our selves are influenced by chemistry and how willpower is not everything in life and how the self can be a fluid thing. I choose to believe that i am not some sort of alien freak that cannot understand 'normal' people, but rather that i am a specific mode of the human species that just has a lower statistical recurrence, and therefore society is not adapted to me and i have to think about things that other people can ignore and that is thinking and writing material !!!!! the 'norm' is not more central, more human, more valid, more basic, more by-default, etc. and barriers between identities are often more porous than we think. even if you 'fuck it up' it's actually interesting !
anyway i think my point is, in general, this is not an area that you have to be super careful about ! experiment, go nuts ! write about straight couples as if they were gay ! imagine what it means for you to be mentally healthy/stable/thriving ! don't feel bad if you don't understand something, invent shit and it will still be interesting ! and like, you can still very much do research here. like there is a shit ton of love advice columns that mostly cater to straight people, stories full of straight people, books on love in general...you can study that just like queerness has been studied lmao. for the neurotypical thing in particular I have just started a book called "Explaining Humans" by Camilla Pang, a brilliant scientist who has autism/adhd/generalized anxiety disorder, and who basically created a manual of 'how do people work' through science and it's so interesting, there are a lot of things that are implicit and that they never really explain to you and you can kind of miss if you're neuroatypical and it's really fascinating.
good luck ! and please feel free to tell me more if this has made you think haha <3 thanks again for the question !
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