#especially in Ma/ss Ef/fect (one of its greatest flaws tbh)
undead-potatoes · 8 months
Going through my Ma/ss Ef/fect tag and seeing SO MUCH of the discussion around Bi/owa/re's treatment of queer characters (and by extension queer fans), remembering how this was a whole thing every single time a new game came out bc they seemingly never learned
And then juxtaposing that up against B/G3 where this just... wasn't a thing? To remember all the turmoil around this shit and feel such an overwhelming sense of relief that every character is available to any gender or race, instead of gating off romances for especially queer people or the less "conventionally pretty" player races. Ideally we'd have a bigger variety of queer identities among the LIs (like lesbians or ace characters etc), but not having to worry as a queer player whether you will get the short end of the stick again is just so nice? for once?
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