#especially if your ads are well-written and well-optimized.
savelockwoodandco · 1 year
In all honesty, I don't think Lockwood and Co will be saved. There is too little hope for me. Especially since the petition is no longer really progressing. (although I still hope for a miracle)
Hey Anon! Thanks for your honesty and for sending this in, because I'm sure there are many, many people out there who feel this way too.
First off, in case anyone is feeling guilty for not being optimistic -- there's nothing to feel guilty for. Like all Save the Show efforts, we're up against some pretty big odds, and that can be incredibly daunting. Add burnout to that, and it's easy to see how people end up there. It's why we encourage y'all to take breaks and rest -- there's nothing like unending, 24-hour-a-day efforts to make one want to throw up their hands and throw in the towel.
However, I (your humble tumblr mod) think looking at the rate of growth of the petition as evidence of Failure is taking the wrong tack.
In the first five days or so -- even up to the first week, what we saw was Exponential Growth; people who'd seen the show were finding the Organization efforts and getting involved; fans of the books who had no idea that the show had even been made were discovering, watching, and joining our ranks. The petitions blew up because no one had signed them yet. The growth was huge and rapid because, well, we were starting from zero.
Fast forward to today, two weeks + a day and a half later, and we're not seeing thousands added to our ranks every day -- because that'd be impossible. Despite what social media platforms like to say, not everyone is on social media -- in fact, vast numbers people aren't, including those who watch and love the show/books.
The petition still grows every day, which is great news -- it means that we have more people than just a one- or two-hundred die-hards. A few hundred die-hards is what every fandom has and, to be frank, it's not enough. The die-hards are the wonderful graphics makers, the video editors, the johnny-on-the-spot organizers (and, in a small way, the mods of this tumblr/twitter), and they're so, so important.
But far more important is the layman that comes in much larger numbers, watching and supporting and signing but not spending every day tweeting. Every show to do well needs a broad audience, and with our slowed but still steady growth, that's what we're demonstrating to CF, Stroud, Cornish, and the streaming networks we're reaching out to. The votes in our awards and polls shows greater numbers than just a handful of devoted fans, as does our ability to have trended for 16 days straight, as do the many, many articles that are written and are still being written about #SaveLockwoodandCo. We don't just have the core of a hundred people -- we have the layman as well, and our stats demonstrate it.
If you're worried because we're not growing exponentially, I can confidently say to not let that worry you too much. Every campaign loses exponential growth -- that's not a problem, that's just math.
We're thrilled to hear that you hope for a miracle, Anon, because hope is a very, very powerful thing. We hope for a miracle too -- in that a miracle to us would be the show immediately picked up, given an unlimited budget, and filming starts next Tuesday.
But we don't think that the show being saved is a miracle -- we don't think it's unlikely at all. These things take time, and with time very naturally comes worry and uncertainty. If we do nothing, then guilt makes a home with the worry and uncertainty, and that's not good for anyone's brain.
It may not be renewed tomorrow; it may not be for another month or three. But, as a fandom, we're passionate, creative, and invested, and we're being supported (not led, luckily, but supported) in big and small ways by the cast, crew, and creators.
If you can't muster up optimism and faith today, Anon, that's totally fine -- feel free to lean on ours, if you want. We all spend worried and anxious moments every now and again in this fight for the show -- that's not a failure; that's just life. But good things are happening every day. Eventually, those good things will spin themselves into a ball with the greatest thing of all -- the announcement of the show being saved.
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missfrieden · 2 months
Tech as a father Chapter 44
Happy Bad Batch Eve my fellow clone simps.
Also adding, if you guys ever encounter a (?) behind a word, it just means I was not sure about how it is written or if the context was used right. Or I simply forgot to check it again and make sure. Even with my old trusty google translate, it can get messed up. And no, I will not be using an AI to spell and grammar check.
Chapter 44: Testing Hunter’s patience
Tech carefully made his way to the machines, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the progress of the reconstruction. His mind was working in overdrive, trying to find ways to subtly prolong their efforts without arousing suspicion. With Orion snuggled securely in the carrier on his chest, he knew he had to be extra cautious.
As he approached one of the machines, Tech discreetly made a few adjustments, ensuring it would work just a bit slower than its optimal speed. It was a delicate balance between slowing things down enough to extend their time here and not causing any noticeable disruptions. Tech couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for manipulating the situation, again, but he knew the importance of spending more time with Amanda and Orion. He wanted to cherish every moment they had together, even if it meant bending the rules just a bit. With his modifications in place, Tech continued to keep a close eye on the progress, ready to make any necessary adjustments if things started to look too suspicious.
Hunter stepped in to the Havoc Marauder, not entirely surprised to see the parents sitting on the floor, and yet it seems they forget that this should be quiet the secret and should be discreet. “Tech, why exactly is one of the machines suddenly a tad bit slower?” Tech glanced up at Hunter, his hands carefully washing Orion in the baby bathtub. He had hoped his subtle adjustment to the machine's speed would go unnoticed, but it seemed Hunter had picked up on it, of course he would it makes a slightly diffrent sound. "Well," Tech began, choosing his words carefully. "I noticed that the machines were running at maximum efficiency, and I was concerned that it might lead to early wear and tear. Slowing them down just a bit should ensure they last longer and reduce the risk of breakdowns."
Tech was known for his meticulous attention to detail, and this explanation seemed reasonable enough to deflect suspicion. He hoped it would be enough to satisfy Hunter's curiosity and allow him to continue spending precious time with Amanda and Orion. “It makes sense, count yourself lucky, but not again.” Hunter sighs and leaves them to play happy family in secret.
Amanda quickly scooted closer to Tech. “Sure just because of the wear and tear?” She asks amused and with a raised eyebrow. Tech turned his attention back to Amanda, their faces now close. He spoke in a hushed tone, aware of the sensitive nature of their situation. "No, it's not just about wear and tear," he admitted. "I slowed it down to buy us a bit more time, more time for us to be together." His gaze softened as he looked at Amanda, his love for her evident in his eyes. “I actually did it twice as of now.” Tech knew they had to be cautious, especially with the Kaminoans growing suspicious, but he couldn't help but prioritize those stolen moments with Amanda and Orion.
Amanda's laughter was a soft, melodic sound that filled the compact space of the Havoc Marauder. She couldn't help but be amused by Tech's ingenuity. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to his in a quick, tender kiss. "You never cease to amaze me," she whispered against his lips. Tech smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him at her words. "Well, I do try to keep you guessing," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness. Amanda chuckled softly, her fingers gently tracing the contours of his face. "Your exceptional mind is truly something," she said with a fondness that only deepened her affection for him. "But remember, we have to be careful. The Kaminoans are watching."
Tech nodded, the seriousness returning to his expression. He knew the risks they faced and the need to tread carefully. "I won't forget that," he assured her. "We'll continue to be cautious, for Orion's sake." Amanda leaned in for another kiss, their lips meeting in a soft, lingering embrace. It was a silent promise between them, a commitment to protect their secret and cherish the stolen moments they could steal away from the watchful eyes of Kamino.
As the kiss between Tech and Amanda deepened, they momentarily forgot about their surroundings. However, Orion's growing fussiness quickly brought them back to reality. The infant, seated securely in the baby bathtub held by Tech, began to show his impatience by splashing the water with his tiny hands. Tech broke the kiss and chuckled, looking down at Orion. "Looks like someone wants attention," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. He gently cooed at Orion, trying to soothe him. "Alright, little trooper, we're almost done here." Amanda smiled, understanding that parenting, even in secret, required constant attention. "I'll finish up with his bath while you get him a clean diaper and some clothes," she offered. Tech nodded appreciatively and leaves to gather the belongings.
Amanda continued to bathe Orion, speaking softly to him as she gently washed his delicate skin. Her heart swelled with love for their son, and she cherished these moments they stole away from the complexities of their lives on Kamino. Amanda carefully lifted Orion from the baby bathtub, wrapping a soft towel around the squirming infant. "I'll be quick," Tech said as he headed to the improvised changing table, where everything was neatly organized for Orion's care. As he got distracted just watching them. But Tech couldn't help but pause again and admire the heart-warming scene before him. Amanda, while waiting for him, was showering Orion with kisses all over. The baby responded with joyous cooing, babbling, and gurgling sounds, clearly enjoying the affection lavished upon him by his mother.
Tech's heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of love and contentment as he watched the precious interaction between Amanda and Orion. He quickly activated the camera on his goggles to capture this precious moment, silently vowing to keep it as a cherished memory. Amanda continued to dote on Orion, smiling at her son's delightful responses. She couldn't help but express her love and adoration through kisses, knowing that every stolen moment with him was a precious gift. She whispered lovingly to Orion, her words filled with both tenderness and sadness, "I need to give you enough kisses to last until I can see you again, my sweet boy." She continued to pepper him with affectionate kisses, savouring every precious moment with her son, even as her heart ached at the thought of their inevitable separation.
Tech couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow as he watched Amanda and Orion together. He knew that their time together was limited, and the uncertainty of when they would meet again weighed heavily on both of them. But for now, they cherished these stolen moments, knowing that their love would bridge any distance that separated them.
Tech quietly and efficiently emptied the portable bathtub, knowing that Amanda wanted to make the most of her time with Orion, leaving the diaper and onesie by her side. He carefully stored it away, making sure it was ready for their next use. Tech wanted to give Amanda all the time she needed with their son, knowing that these moments were precious to both of them. As he finished tidying up, Tech couldn't help but steal glances at Amanda and Orion, capturing these moments in his memory. He longed for the day when they could be together as a family without the constant threat of discovery. Until then, they would cherish every stolen moment.
Tech's memory flashed back to that pivotal moment when Orion had come into the world, and he had been there to tend to Amanda and their new born son. He remembered the overwhelming rush of emotions he had felt at the time, the mix of joy, relief, and love. It was a memory etched into his mind. Seeing Amanda now, holding Orion close to her skin, brought back that flood of emotions. He couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for those early days, even though they had been fraught with danger and uncertainty. Seeing how Amanda has moved Orion, now only clad in a diaper in her tunic, does something to him. How she experiences skin to skin again since months.
As he watched them, Tech was reminded of the incredible strength and resilience that Amanda possessed, as both a Jedi and a mother. She had managed to protect their secret and care for Orion under the most challenging circumstances. Tech quietly approached, not wanting to disturb their moment but needing to be close. He placed a gentle hand on Amanda's shoulder, a wordless gesture of support and love. In this stolen moment, they were a family, and nothing else mattered.
After a moment Tech sits down before Amanda, watching her bond so easily with Orion. And the same feeling like before rushes through him again. “Amanda? Will you marry me?” He blurts out before he was even able to logically think about his question, but he knows this is what he wants, no matter the distance.
Amanda blinked in surprise at Tech's sudden question. The tranquil moment they were sharing with Orion nestled in her tunic had been so peaceful quickly dozing off not aware or interested how important this moment is for his parents and tries to latch on Amanda’s breast in a sleepy haze. Tech’s proposal took her off guard. She looked into Tech's eyes, searching for sincerity, and then her lips curled into a soft smile.
"Tech," she began, her voice filled with warmth, "you know I love you, and I love Orion. I've loved you since the moment I met you. But marriage... it's something I never thought I'd consider, especially given the circumstances. But now, here, with our son, and in this fleeting moment of peace, it feels right. Yes, I'll marry you." With those words, they sealed their commitment to each other, a promise made in the quiet of their hearts, a testament to their love against all odds. Orion, still sleepily trying to get something to eat, mostly out of instinct, seemed to sense the significance of the moment as he bites down with a gurgle and a yawn. As Amanda and Tech shared their sweet kiss, little did they know that Wrecker had overheard their heartfelt exchange. His eyes gleamed with joy, and a wide grin spread across his face.
"Ha! I knew it!" Wrecker exclaimed, unable to contain himself any longer. "Tech's getting married! This calls for a celebration!" Wrecker's jubilant outburst, while slightly embarrassing, couldn't dampen the joyous moment shared between Tech and Amanda. It was a promise of a future filled with love and happiness, a future they would build together as a family. Tech sighs and turns to look at his brother. “Could you be excited a bit quieter?”
Tech's reminder brought Wrecker back to reality. He immediately realized the importance of keeping their secret intact, especially given Amanda's status as a Jedi. He nodded enthusiastically but still couldn't help himself from grinning. "Right, right, Tech. Lips sealed!" Wrecker said, though his enthusiasm was now masked by a more subdued expression. Tech and Amanda shared a knowing look, understanding the delicate balance they had to maintain between their personal happiness and the Jedi Order's rules and expectations. Their secret remained safe for now, known only to the members of the Bad Batch.
“You think we can ever be alone? Just you and me? With Orion?” Amanda's question hung in the air, filled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty. Tech glanced at her, his expression equally conflicted. "I hope so," he replied softly, reaching out to gently stroke Orion's soft curls. "We'll find a way, Amanda. No matter what, we'll make it work." Their determination to protect their secret and be together, even in the face of challenges, was evident in their eyes as they leaned in for another kiss, cherishing these stolen moments of happiness.
“You two got to be kidding me?!” Hunter's stern voice cut through the tender moment, and Tech and Amanda reluctantly pulled away from each other. Amanda's expression turned serious, and Tech looked sheepishly trying to look serious, mindful of the situation. "We're aware," Tech replied to Hunter. "We've been cautious. We know the Kaminoans are suspicious."
Crosshair, always the blunt one, added, "If they find out the truth, they won't just take the kid. They'll come after you, too, Amanda." Amanda nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know, but I can't just abandon them. The Jedi are my responsibility, and Tech and Orion..."
Hunter interrupted, his voice firm, "We're not saying you should abandon them, but we need to be smarter about how we handle this. Tech, you have to be careful, too. Don't let your guard down." Tech nodded, acutely aware that their secret was a delicate balance they had to maintain. "We'll be cautious. It's just... It's not easy." Wrecker chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, well, this is the Bad Batch. Nothing's ever easy." Despite the seriousness of their conversation, a faint smile tugged at the corners of Amanda's lips. "You're right about that," she agreed.
“So what do you say Hunter do we have your blessing?” Tech looks up at Hunter. Who first looks confused down at his brother. “Mandalorian traditions now?” Tech nods and pushes his goggles up. “Exactly, it is official when the leader of a clan gives their blessing, according to the costums of multiple clans.” Hunter pinches his nose and sighs. For someone as intelligent and thrives on logic, Tech acts rather illogical. “And? What do you say Hunter?” Tech asks again. “Yeah, what is it leader?” Echo nudges Hunter. “Okay, I know what ever I say it will happen, with or without my blessing!” “So you tell them no? Like that ever stopped them, and that little ass kicker there is the proof.” Crosshair raises an eyebrow with an amused tiny grin. “Yeah Hunter! Just think, if you say no there is another Orion joining soon maybe?” Wrecker grins widely motioning to Amanda and Tech sitting still on the floor. And Orion still trying to get something to eat from Amanda.
Hunter sighs and shakes his head rubbing over his face. A motion that only can be described as an older brother who has been overruled by all four of his younger ones, unless maybe Echo, in something he should not even have a say in. “Okay, okay! I give my blessing but please, by the maker be more vigilan.! An no more babies for now!” “You getting soft old man?” Crosshair sarcastically asks. “Maybe” Hunter smiles. Just seeing how happy all are, is worth it. Just Orion who gets fussy because he is hungry seems not so happy at the moment.
Chapter 45
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd
How will I survive knowing tomorrow is the third last episode? So many questions and no answeres. Instead I have even more questions? I am a grown woman, nearing my 30s. Why am I so obssesed and invested in it? I know why, but... well no but. I am just a fangril, clone simp whatever. Can't believe it is over soon. My doc will have a fun one with me again when I gush about my favorited (presumed) dead clone again.
okay rambling done, sorry.
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b9horpet · 9 months
#codetober 2023. 10. 14.
The dilemma was: should I take the hard route and reimplement something for learning purposes or bite the bullet rapier and use a library that implements it way better than I ever could.
So i bit the bullet rapier and instead of trying to code it myself I added another library to the project. Which is rapier physics engine written in rust. The bevy plugin was already provided by the crate so the only thing left was adding the systems and the necessary components to the code.
I'm pretty excited because it's the first time i've used a physics engine not written by me (thus having more features and a better performance). Little sad though, but making the project's end goal a priority instead of the potential learning was the right decision here.
What do you think is your strongest skill in terms of programming?
Finding and fixing bugs is what I'm very good at. Especially crash bugs, where you can inspect the core dump like a crime scene. Tracking backwards what could've possibly happened that led to this exact point. At one point in my career when the new trend was adding some buzzword title like 'ninja' or 'guru' to your profile I considered writing coredump necromancer in my bio for doing post mortem debugging so often and especially well.
Optimization, most commonly runtime performance tuning. Not my strongest but pretty much up there. The lower level it gets the more exciting the challenge becomes. Fiddling with register utilisation and vectorisation is really hard, add the memory access patterns and cache collisions to it and I'm ready for the challenge!
Reverse engineering. Who needs source code when you can disassemble anything? Best if you do it beforehand and extract the necessary information without executing a single instruction. I'm still learning this, but I'm significantly better at it than most of my peers in similar positions.
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splashink-games · 1 year
Using Poppets to Explore the World(s)
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Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk is a first-person dungeon crawling JRPG. Using puppets created by her apprentice Luca, the Dusk Witch Dronya explores the Labyrinth under the town of Refrain.
What awaits in the labyrinth is a plethora of worlds, monsters, and levelling up!
Spoiler warning for the story and postgame below the cut!
So I've been wanting to play Labyrinth of Refrain for a long while now. Probably about as long as I've waited for the N1RV Ann-A release, but this one's actually released so- Here we are, I guess.
To clarify, unlike all the bad reviews, I only had one crash and it was cause the game was trying to use my stupid integrated graphics instead of my actual gpu so there's that. Never had an issue with stability.
To start with gameplay, it's what you'd expect from a game of the genre. There's a lot to take in heading into it: puppets, pacts, covens, the dungeon exploration. As someone who's played Mary Skelter and Etrian Odyssey, I thoroughly enjoyed the mechanics.
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I think the classes felt a little shallow, with some being obviously better than others. By the end of the game, I was thinking of ditching Marginal Maze (the mage class) altogether while having a team of Gothic Coppelias (crit-focused class) and Aster Knights (the all-arounder) instead because their skills are immensely useful for long fights. Or choosing Aster Knights over Shinobushi (DEX-based class) because the Knights can tank better. As an aside, the resistance skills in the classes felt like filler, simply because I could just have equipment to increase them and I could have much better skills instead.
The most interesting mechanic to me was the Pacts and Covens. I didn't think it'd be so satisfying to have that many units attacking. Plus the different effects of each pact and formation are interesting, though the formations are also a little lacking since there's only so many ways to form your brigade. The pacts having the magic was also nice, since I could mix and match the skills with the puppets.
I had an issue with the magic/Donum not being all too useful until late in the game. And even then, I wouldn't use it unless I had a particularly difficult or a boss fight ahead of me. Two things stood out to me for this, one being that I couldn't restore Donum in the labyrinth and two being my attacks were just stronger than the skills most of the time.
The dungeon exploration was fun too! Albeit the red damaging spots were annoying. The breakable walls added a cool thing to look out for in each floor. Mud exits were extremely useful, despite it being kinda bad for farming mana.
The game itself wasn't so hard, but I don't think that's a huge problem. On normal, the fights and dungeon crawling offered an adequate amount of challenge while still letting me breeze through. I think my fun focused on optimizing my puppets and enjoying the story.
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Speaking of story, it was wonderful and I'm glad it didn't flop for me since I poured over 70 hours into it. Well, I guess I wouldn't have poured time into it if the story flopped. And for all its missteps, the story does a fantastic job of developing its characters including all their flaws and relationships.
The Dusk Witch Dronya is a great look at a character who gives no shits to get what she wants, but despite being a ruthless person, she still has a soft side for Luca. We get to gradually understand her goals and uncover her history with various characters. Her relationship with Luca and Isara are especially well-written, I think. With Luca, Dronya's both a guardian and mentor despite her actions towards the child. And with Isara, an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers? An unrequited love, enough to care for her orphaned child.
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The narrative twists itself at the end, revealing an array of information that changes how you look at things. Luca is a soul witch. Dronya is a puppet. The Funas are also puppets. Furia, who you hear from some characters earlier in the game, is Baba Yaga and rightfully assumes her role as the main villain again.
The game, while it hides a lot from the players, is still able to tell a cohesive story while developing characters.
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As for the art and music- well I kind of drowned out the music in all honesty. It happens when most of the battle music is the same and you're focused on getting through to the next story point.
The (Japanese) voice acting, however, was very nice. At times a little overacted but I thought the voice cast matched their characters.
The art is in the usual anime-style and its quality is top-notch. I liked seeing the motifs between the characters shown in different ages (Luca, Dronya, Marietta).
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The 100% wasn't too hard to do and it was all new content! The hidden bosses had some annoying quirks, like needing a specific pact to make the fight easier, but overall offered a level of difficulty that was nice! I didn't even need to fully optimize my puppets for it.
The post-game story was also refreshing. I'm a pushover for good(?) endings. It lets you tie up some loose ends in the alternate timeline and find out a little more about Mezzaluca.
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For those looking for a good story and a lot of unit optimizing, this is a game for you!
As always,
Enjoy gaming!
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jahid-75 · 11 months
12 SEO Mistakes To Avoid For Better Search Engine Rankings
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In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business or website. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in improving your website's visibility and driving organic traffic from search engines. However, many website owners fall prey to common SEO mistakes that can hinder their chances of achieving better search engine rankings. In this article, we'll explore the twelve most critical SEO mistakes you should avoid to enhance your website's search engine performance.
Understanding SEO Mistakes
Importance of Search Engine Rankings
Securing higher positions in search engine results is vital as it leads to increased visibility and higher organic traffic. Websites that appear on the first page of search engine results have a better chance of attracting potential visitors, which can ultimately translate into more leads and sales.
Impact of Mistakes on Website Performance
Making SEO mistakes can have adverse effects on your website's overall performance. Your website may rank lower in search results, resulting in reduced organic traffic. Additionally, your site's credibility and authority may suffer, affecting user trust and engagement.
Keyword Research Errors
Choosing High-Competition Keywords
Targeting extremely competitive keywords can be challenging, especially for new or small websites. Competing against well-established websites with a higher domain authority can make it difficult to rank well for such keywords.
Ignoring Long-Tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords may have lower search volumes, but they often indicate more specific user intent. Ignoring these keywords means missing out on potential customers looking for precisely what you offer.
Keyword Stuffing
Keyword stuffing, the excessive use of keywords in content, is a red flag for search engines. It not only annoys readers but also leads to penalties from search engines, hurting your rankings.
On-Page Optimization Blunders
Poorly Written Title Tags and Meta Descriptions
Title tags and meta descriptions are essential elements for on-page SEO. If they are poorly written or irrelevant, users and search engines may not fully understand the content's context.
Neglecting Header Tags (H1, H2, H3)
Header tags provide a hierarchical structure to your content, making it easier for search engines to understand the content's organization. Neglecting these tags can result in confusion and lower rankings.
Missing Alt Text for Images
Alt text helps search engines understand the content of images on your website. Neglecting to include alt text means missing out on a valuable opportunity to optimize your content for search.
Thin or Duplicate Content
Having thin or duplicate content can harm your website's rankings. Search engines prefer unique and valuable content that provides useful information to users.
Technical SEO Pitfalls
Slow Page Load Speed
A slow-loading website frustrates users and negatively impacts SEO. Search engines favor faster websites as they offer a better user experience.
Ignoring Mobile Responsiveness
With the majority of internet users accessing the web through mobile devices, mobile responsiveness is critical for SEO success. Websites that aren't mobile-friendly may lose valuable traffic.
Lack of XML Sitemap and Robots.txt
An XML sitemap helps search engines crawl and index your website more efficiently, while a robots.txt file guides search engine bots on which pages to exclude from indexing.
Broken Links and Redirects
Broken links and improper redirects create a poor user experience and affect your website's authority in the eyes of search engines.
Neglecting User Experience
Confusing Navigation
A well-organized website with clear navigation enhances user experience. Difficult navigation can lead to high bounce rates, negatively impacting your search engine rankings.
Intrusive Pop-ups and Ads
Excessive and intrusive pop-ups and ads annoy users and can lead to penalties from search engines.
Unfriendly Mobile Experience
A poor mobile experience, such as unresponsive design or small fonts, can deter mobile users and affect your rankings on mobile search results.
Neglecting Local SEO
Inconsistent NAP Information
Inaccurate or inconsistent Name, Address, and Phone (NAP) information across different platforms can harm your local search visibility.
Not Claiming Google My Business Listing
Failing to claim and optimize your Google My Business listing means missing out on local search opportunities and potential customers.
Lack of Localized Content
Neglecting to create location-specific content can hinder your visibility in local searches.
Black Hat SEO Techniques
Keyword Stuffing
Using black hat tactics like keyword stuffing can lead to severe penalties from search engines.
Hidden Text and Links
Hiding text or links from users but not search engines violates SEO guidelines and can result in penalties.
Cloaking involves showing different content to search engines and users, which is highly frowned upon by search engines.
Neglecting Analytics and Monitoring
Failure to Set Up Google Analytics
Not using tools like Google Analytics means missing out on valuable insights into your website's performance and user behavior.
Not Monitoring Performance Metrics
Failing to regularly monitor and analyze key performance metrics can lead to missed opportunities for improvement.
Overlooking Social Media Integration
Importance of Social Signals
Social media activity and engagement can impact search engine rankings. Ignoring social media integration means missing out on potential SEO benefits.
Failing to Share Content on Social Platforms
Promoting your content on social media can amplify its reach and attract more traffic to your website.
Not Optimizing for Featured Snippets
Understanding Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are concise answers that appear at the top of search results. Optimizing for them can boost your organic visibility.
Tips for Earning Featured Snippets
Providing comprehensive and well-structured content can increase your chances of appearing in featured snippets.
Disregarding Backlink Quality
Focus on Quality over Quantity
Having high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites is more valuable than having numerous low-quality backlinks.
Avoiding Link Farms and Spammy Sites
Linking to or from link farms and spammy websites can harm your site's reputation and rankings.
Ignoring Algorithm Updates
Importance of Staying Informed
Search engine algorithms change frequently, and staying informed is crucial to adapt your SEO strategies accordingly.
Adapting to Algorithm Changes
Adjusting your SEO techniques based on algorithm updates can help maintain or improve your search engine rankings.
Lack of Content Promotion
Importance of Content Distribution
Creating excellent content is not enough; promoting it through various channels is essential for better search engine rankings.
Utilizing Social Media and Email Marketing
Leveraging social media and email marketing can significantly increase the reach of your content.
By avoiding these twelve SEO mistakes and implementing effective strategies, you can significantly improve your website's search engine rankings. Remember to conduct thorough keyword research, optimize on-page elements, prioritize technical SEO, focus on user experience, and stay informed about algorithm updates. By continuously refining your approach and staying consistent, you'll pave the way for better organic visibility and success online.
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The Comedian - The Superego
“And then, if I were to go, ‘it’s just another doomsday device!’, would that be crossing the line—?”
He was milling. Back and forth, shuffling his shoes against the underfoot shag…again. Drifting.
“Adobo…?” A crimson red crescent bounced impertinently against an LED screen. “Mooshu…?” They would be eating dinner in her office tonight, it had been decided, but getting there was half the battle.
Trajes’ bottom lip pursed, itching at a spot behind his ear where the elastic of his performance mask burrowed into the skin. His hair remained stoic in its over-prepared masse despite the motion. “Why do they call it that anyways—? Mooshu…if I wanted to ridicule moo-beasts I wouldn’t need to name a dish after them—! Just get me a forklift, a plunger, and two trolls with too much free time on their hands, ahh—?”
She pursed her lips gently, chuckling under her breath. The young man’s small grin emerged further. “I’m not one to know that. It’s rated not too poorly, and less venomous than some other foods you’ve tried eating before.”
“Good point…— Hmm, oh, what about wontons—? Have you ever sung a wonton a swan song—?”
“Never. Perhaps on my next park visit.”
The boy unfolded himself onto the lavender suave lounge just next to him, kicking his feet as she silently made the decisions for him, as always. A hand went to the lavender agenda set on the wooden side table beside her, unclasping a black string from around the button that held it together.
“How did it fare, though?” Her face-paint contorted slightly before she put her head down, checking the notes of their most recent appointment. “We agreed you would try to write some parody of a memory that was quite fond to you.”
“Oh, yaaas, well, y’see—! I brought a few friends to it, including one of my relatives that you directed me to—!” Hands went to knees, sandpapering the bony bumps. Trajes tended to do this when he got excited, but she could already tell he was deflecting. “I might’ve made some friends—! A bit of a dull night for the rest of the audience though—. There was a blood-pusher stoppage in the middle of my monologue on the Battle of the Gnashing Grasses—. Total mood killer, but I pushed through—!” An expectant blink and a slow pause was enough for him to hum and reconsider for another moment, before he added once again: “Well, it was, well, I had a bit involving the first time I discovered hair glitter—?”
She’d written most in short-hand, ineligible to those who didn’t know the style. Her bum shoulder made the scrawl especially peculiar. “And, how did Ashter react? You’ve said before you were interested in connecting with him on a deeper level.”
“Well, he was…confused, and uncomfortable, but he came—!” His tone bounced with uncertain optimism.
“Do you think based on his reaction he wants to pursue your connection as a mutual friendship?”
“Aaheh, I don’t really know—.” Trajes ran a hand bashfully through his hair apologetically, staring towards her with a small smile. “He doesn’t outright hate me—? He has a lot of friends and doesn’t need me, but it’s like you said: ‘You have to control your impulses, young man, or you’re going to get into huge trouble—!’ Sorry, I might be paraphrasing—.”
Trajes Faurux was impulsive; she’d wrote an article in the Alternian Alternative Medical Stratagem seven solar cycles ago to that end. Giving him patience had taken a few sweeps of grueling focus. A fun pastime in her retirement, but seeing progress, seeing the pupa break, was a reward in and of itself.
“Good, good. Keep viewing the pros instead of focusing on the cons. The only way you can have the confidence to build a relationship is if you have confidence in your own abilities.” Her high heel of one leg pumped open air, and her pen waved betwixt two fingers.
“You’ve…gosh, you’ve helped me so much Superego, y’know—? Like…—” Trajes laughed with another sweep through his hair, hugging around himself. “I know you’ve sacrificed…so…so much for me, and… snf—“ He wiped away the forming tears with the edge of his sleeve. “—I have…I’m making friends, and having success, and…snf…and one day, I really am going to pay you back, I promise—!”
She sat back and looked to him again, lips soft and forlorn, but fully formal. “My role in your life, Trajes, is as an anchor, not a trader. While your therapy has the chance to be helpful for patients similar to you in the future, do not split your attention with that worry. I’m already quite well off. Mead?”
Trajes’ mouth squished together, puckering, before he nodded queerly. Something was on his mind, but as she poured him a paper mug of the liquor, he stayed silent about it. She’d known him long enough to get a sense of his body language too: shoulders tight, legs tensed.
“And yes, that includes what we mentioned before…I’m not your lusus.”
“You’d ought to be, though.— You might as well be—.”
“I ought to decide what I ought to be, dear. If I were 30 sweeps younger-“
“I’m sure there’re other coddling laughsassins around, right…—?”
“Sure, for the right price.” The Superego’s eyelids narrowed and she smirked. “But I did not insist for your datasets in the drone inventory to be deactivated out of a need to coddle you. I recognized it was necessary, therapeutically. I have made you self-reliant for a reason.”
He nodded absently, taking a small sip of his mead politely, the reminder of how much effort he was sitting on his think-pan. It was honey and metal on his tongue. “I’ve got two more gigs lined up—. Zaldes would’ve liked one of the locations, actually—.”
“Hmm? Is it near his grave-site?”
“…yeah—. Umm…yeah, there’s a rebellion re-enactment going on in the woods where—.” He didn’t need to fill in the rest, she knew, and as Trajes trailed off she scribbled more. “………might visit him before—. Figure it’ll settle my nerves —! What do you think—?”
The Superego shook her head. “That symbolism is not mine to interpret. What do YOU think?”
“I think…he’d appreciate it- oh!”
Ugh. The doorbell. Just when they were possibly getting somewhere again.
“Oh, Supergo, I think our stuff is here—! It was wontons and mooshu, right—?”
“And lobster soup for myself. Wait there Trajes, I’ll take care of this.” She stood up, all eight foot tall, leaning her weight onto the cane she grabbed from behind the chair. In younger years she would’ve ruffled Trajes’ hair on her way, but weaning him from the small affections was a strategy to make him independent. As she strode to the door though, the last sentence she’d written in dark orchid was the same as it had been before.
Still suppressing.
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web3o · 2 years
5 Ways to Boost Your Search Engine Ranking
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You have a beautiful website with great content to share, but are people finding it and visiting it? Even with the rise of social media, organic search remains a critical driver of website traffic and it is not going away anytime soon. That is why it is critical to boost your search engine ranking so that people can find you easier than your competitors. That is the goal of search engine optimization (SEO).
Whether you know the fundamentals of SEO or this is your first article, this list will provide you with a game plan for improving your search engine rankings. So, if you're still wondering, "How do I improve my search rankings?" read on...
1. Conduct keyword research
To find the best targets for each page on your website, use search data and research your competition. Start with the pages that have the most content and are useful to your customers, depending on the size of your website and the resources you have available. Examples include your top one or two product/service pages or a well-written blog post that provides detailed information your customers seek.
Choose which phrases you want your pages to rank well for.
The pages you select should have a clear message that is focused on a single subject. This is where you find out what keywords your customers are using to search for this topic. There are numerous tools available to help you discover how people search (Google keyword research tool and you'll find advertisements or lists of free and paid tools). This step could be the subject of a separate blog post, but if we had to pick the most important piece of advice, it would be to choose a phrase that is specific and relevant. It will be several words long if it is specific, and it will appear multiple times throughout the page if it is relevant. Remember, instead of using insider terminology, focus on what your average customer might search for.
2. Create informative copy that people want to read.
You are the most knowledgeable about your field. Create helpful content that includes keywords and synonyms to help Google and other search engines find your website. Include your keywords throughout the page to improve your search engine ranking, but don't overdo it. Check that it is still readable for your visitors. To create clear and compelling messages, we recommend using the Storybrand process.
3. Use page titles to assist search engines and users.
The title tag, or meta title, is read by search engines as an important indicator of what the page is about. Because your title tag is also the blue link that everyone sees on a search engine results page, include the keywords that users search for. This title is distinct from the bold heading that everyone sees on your website, which is typically the heading tag described in the following step. As a result, if it aids in increasing clicks, you can write one title for the search engine results page (SERP) and a different heading for your webpage.
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4. Include internal links to other pages
You'll frequently find yourself referencing other topics that you've already published while writing copy for the page. Internal linking is the process of selecting a phrase and adding a hyperlink to the blog post or page being referenced. These links will entice some users to visit your other pages, but more importantly, search engines will crawl these links as well. Anchor text refers to the keywords that you hyperlink. This provides context to the user and search engines about the page you link to, so it is critical to use meaningful keywords in the hyperlink.
Tip: Read your copy after you've finished writing it and actively look for opportunities to link to other pages. This is especially important if you have new content you want people to read. It is best to create an internal linking strategy that groups and cross-references all of your site's great content. This can be difficult but rewarding in terms of search engine rankings.
5. Page speed and mobile-friendly design
It's no secret that mobile users are increasingly visiting your website. Make certain that your website is mobile-friendly. Optimize the images, code, and content to ensure that each page loads quickly. Slow websites will lose visitors, and search engines will notice. As a result, having a fast website will boost your search engine ranking. When it comes to how to make your website rank, you need great content, but website design and development are also important.
Begin by improving your search engine rankings.
If you can check off all five items on this list, your website is on its way to ranking well on Google as any of them will help you improve your search engine ranking.
At Web3o Solutions, we can assist you in getting started on this list or taking your SEO to the next level with our advanced SEO services. It takes time and dedication to achieve high search engine rankings using effective SEO techniques. What's holding you back now that you've devised a strategy?
Contact us to GET STARTED!
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shosiblog · 5 days
What is Ad Copy in Digital Marketing?
In the competitive world of digital marketing, crafting compelling and effective ad copy is crucial to capturing your audience's attention and driving conversions. But what exactly is ad copy, and why is it so important?
Understanding Ad Copy
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Ad copy refers to the text or written content used in advertisements across various digital platforms. This content is designed to persuade, inform, and motivate potential customers to take a specific action, such as clicking on a link, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. Ad copy can be found in search engine ads, social media ads, display ads, email marketing, and more.
Importance of Ad Copy
First Impressions: Ad copy often serves as the first interaction a potential customer has with your brand. A well-crafted ad copy can create a positive first impression and pique interest.
Engagement: Engaging ad copy captures the attention of your audience and encourages them to interact with your ad, increasing the likelihood of clicks and conversions.
Conveying Value: Effective ad copy communicates the unique value proposition of your product or service, helping potential customers understand why they should choose you over competitors.
Driving Conversions: The ultimate goal of ad copy is to drive conversions. Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or downloading an app, compelling ad copy motivates users to take action.
Key Elements of Ad Copy
Headline: The headline is the most prominent part of your ad copy. It should be attention-grabbing and concise, clearly conveying the main message or benefit.
Description: The description provides more details about your offering. It should be informative yet concise, emphasizing key features and benefits.
Call to Action (CTA): The CTA is a critical component of ad copy. It directs the audience on what action to take next, using phrases like “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Sign Up.”
Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords helps ensure your ad reaches the right audience, especially in search engine marketing.
USP (Unique Selling Proposition): Highlight what sets your product or service apart from competitors. This could be a unique feature, pricing, or special offer.
Tips for Writing Effective Ad Copy
Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is key to writing ad copy that resonates. Tailor your message to address their needs, preferences, and pain points.
Be Clear and Concise: Digital ads have limited space, so it’s important to communicate your message clearly and concisely. Avoid jargon and focus on key points.
Highlight Benefits: Focus on the benefits of your product or service rather than just the features. Explain how it solves a problem or improves the user’s life.
Use Strong CTAs: Use clear and compelling CTAs that guide the audience on what to do next. Make the action sound easy and beneficial.
Test and Optimize: Regularly test different versions of your ad copy to see what works best. Use A/B testing to compare variations and optimize based on performance data.
Examples of Effective Ad Copy
Search Engine Ad:
Headline: “Affordable Web Hosting - Get Started for Just $1/month!”
Description: “Reliable web hosting with 24/7 support and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Sign up now and get a free domain!”
Social Media Ad:
Headline: “Transform Your Home Office”
Description: “Discover our ergonomic office chairs designed for maximum comfort. Shop today and enjoy 20% off your first order! #HomeOffice #Comfort”
Display Ad:
Headline: “Boost Your Fitness Routine”
Description: “Try our new range of protein supplements. Natural ingredients, great taste. Order now and get free shipping!”
Ad copy is a fundamental aspect of digital marketing that plays a crucial role in engaging your audience and driving conversions. By crafting clear, compelling, and targeted ad copy, you can effectively communicate your value proposition and motivate potential customers to take action.
Best Digital Marketing Course in Palakkad
Ready to master the art of writing compelling ad copy and other essential digital marketing skills? Enroll in the Best Digital Marketing Course in Palakkad! Our comprehensive course covers all aspects of digital marketing, from SEO and PPC to social media marketing and beyond. Learn from industry experts and gain practical skills to elevate your marketing game.
Transform your career with the Best Digital Marketing Course in Palakkad. Join us now!
Understanding and creating effective ad copy is an essential skill for any digital marketer. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your skills, the right training can make all the difference. Embrace the power of persuasive ad copy and watch your digital marketing efforts soar.
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mediaheights · 5 months
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PPC advertising solutions like Google Ads are incredibly effective when it comes to helping you reach many of your marketing goals.By Mediaheightspr.com
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shopperbuild01 · 8 days
Create Your Online Shop: Mastering Product Descriptions
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In the digital age, the importance of having an online store cannot be overstated. As you embark on the journey to create your online shop, one of the most crucial elements to focus on is mastering product descriptions. This guide will provide you with essential tips and strategies to craft compelling product descriptions that not only attract customers but also improve your search engine rankings.
Understanding the Importance of Product Descriptions
Product descriptions serve as a bridge between the customer and the product. A well-written product description can provide all the necessary information, answer potential questions, and persuade the customer to make a purchase. Additionally, search engines use these descriptions to understand what your page is about, which influences your ranking.
Key Elements of Effective Product Descriptions
1. Know Your Audience
Before you start writing, it’s important to understand who your target audience is. Consider their needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailoring your descriptions to speak directly to your audience can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.
2. Use Clear and Concise Language
Clarity is key when it comes to product descriptions. Use simple, straightforward language to convey the benefits and features of the product. Avoid jargon and overly complex sentences that might confuse the reader.
3. Highlight Benefits Over Features
While it's important to list the features of your product, focusing on the benefits can be more persuasive. Explain how the product can solve a problem or improve the customer’s life. This approach helps to connect with the customer on an emotional level.
4. Incorporate Keywords Naturally
For SEO purposes, it’s crucial to include relevant keywords in your product descriptions. However, avoid keyword stuffing, which can be off-putting to readers and penalized by search engines. Instead, integrate keywords naturally into the text.
Writing Compelling Product Descriptions
1. Start with a Strong Headline
The headline is the first thing a customer sees, so make it count. It should be attention-grabbing and informative, providing a clear idea of what the product is.
2. Tell a Story
People love stories. Crafting a narrative around your product can make it more relatable and memorable. Describe how the product was developed, its unique selling points, or how it can be used in everyday life.
3. Use Sensory Words
Engage your customers' senses by using descriptive, sensory words. This technique helps to create a vivid image of the product in the customer’s mind, making it more appealing.
4. Include Social Proof
Customer reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content can add credibility to your product descriptions. Highlighting positive experiences from other customers can reassure potential buyers and encourage them to make a purchase.
Formatting for Readability
1. Use Bullet Points
Bullet points are an effective way to list features and benefits. They make the information easy to scan and digest, which is especially important for mobile users.
2. Add High-Quality Images
Images play a crucial role in online shopping. Include high-quality photos that showcase the product from different angles. Consider adding a zoom feature or 360-degree view to give customers a better look.
3. Optimize for Mobile
With a significant number of users shopping from their mobile devices, it’s essential to ensure your product descriptions are mobile-friendly. Use responsive design and keep sentences short and to the point.
Mastering product descriptions is a vital step when you create your online shop. By understanding your audience, highlighting benefits, incorporating keywords naturally, and formatting for readability, you can craft descriptions that not only attract and engage customers but also improve your search engine rankings.
At ShopperBuild, we understand the importance of compelling product descriptions in driving sales and boosting SEO. Let us help you create your online shop with product descriptions that convert.
In conclusion, when you create your online shop, remember that mastering product descriptions is key to your success. With ShopperBuild, you can ensure your product descriptions are top-notch, helping you to stand out in the crowded online marketplace.
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attitudetallyacademy · 4 months
Why C++ Still Matters in Today's Computer Science Landscape
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In today's ever-evolving world of technology, where new programming languages seem to pop up every year, you might wonder if learning an older language like C++ is still worth it. Well, let's dive into why C++ remains a crucial language in the realm of computer science, especially for students eyeing a career in digital marketing.
Foundation of Programming Languages: Understanding C++ provides a solid foundation for grasping other programming languages. Its syntax and concepts are fundamental to many modern languages, making it easier to transition and learn new ones. This foundation is invaluable, especially when diving into more advanced topics in digital marketing where scripting and automation play a significant role.
Performance: C++ is known for its speed and efficiency. In digital marketing, where data processing and analysis are paramount, having a language that can handle large datasets quickly is indispensable. Whether you're analyzing user behavior, running complex algorithms, or optimizing marketing campaigns, C++'s performance can make a substantial difference in the efficiency of your processes.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): C++ is one of the pioneering languages in object-oriented programming. Understanding OOP principles is crucial for building scalable and maintainable software systems, a skill that is highly sought after in the digital marketing industry. Many marketing platforms and tools are built using OOP principles, so having a strong grasp of C++ can help you navigate and leverage these tools effectively.
Legacy Systems and Libraries: While newer languages have emerged, many legacy systems and libraries are still written in C++. This means that even in modern digital marketing environments, you may encounter C++ code that needs maintenance or integration. Having the ability to understand and work with legacy code can set you apart in the job market and open up opportunities to work with established marketing platforms and technologies.
Versatility and Cross-Platform Development: C++ is highly versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications, including desktop software, mobile apps, and even embedded systems. In digital marketing, where campaigns need to reach users across various devices and platforms, having the ability to develop cross-platform solutions can be a significant advantage.
Career Opportunities and Specializations: While newer languages like Python and JavaScript have gained popularity in certain areas of digital marketing, such as data analysis and web development, there is still a demand for C++ developers, particularly in specialized fields like game development, high-frequency trading, and system programming. By adding C++ to your skill set, you can position yourself for unique career opportunities and stand out in a competitive job market.
In conclusion, while it's essential to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in digital marketing, overlooking the significance of C++ would be a mistake. Its role as the foundation of programming languages, its performance benefits, and its relevance in object-oriented programming make it a valuable asset for any aspiring digital marketer. So, whether you're considering enrolling in a programming course, seeking training at an institute, or joining a coding centre, don't underestimate the importance of learning C++ in shaping your future career success.
Suggested Blogs:
Python programming language
JavaScript plugins
computer science fundamentals
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gtabloggerperfect · 6 months
How Snagging Inspections Can Save You Money in the Long Run
When it comes to property ownership, the adage "prevention is better than cure" holds especially true. Enter snagging inspections—a proactive measure that not only ensures your property is in optimal condition but can also translate into substantial long-term savings.
Unveiling the Purpose of Snagging Inspections
Snagging inspections, often conducted before the final handover of a property, are designed to identify and rectify any defects or issues in construction. This meticulous examination aims to catch potential problems early on, offering a comprehensive overview of the property's condition.
Early Detection: Nipping Issues in the Bud
The primary objective of snagging inspections is to detect and address defects during the construction or finishing stages. From minor cosmetic imperfections to more critical structural concerns, the early identification of issues allows for timely intervention, preventing these concerns from escalating into larger, costlier problems post-handover.
Quality Assurance: Protecting Your Investment
Investing in a property is a significant financial commitment. Snagging inspections act as a safeguard, ensuring that the property you acquire meets the promised quality standards. By addressing and rectifying defects before occupancy, you safeguard your investment and avoid the potential financial implications of post-handover repairs.
The Financial Impact of Timely Snagging Inspections
Understanding how snagging inspections contribute to long-term financial savings is essential for property owners. Let's delve into the key aspects that showcase the financial benefits of this proactive approach.
Avoiding Post-Handover Costs: A Stitch in Time
The old saying "a stitch in time saves nine" resonates with snagging inspections. By identifying and rectifying defects before the property is handed over, you avoid the often exorbitant costs associated with post-handover repairs. This not only saves you money in the immediate term but also establishes a foundation for a property with fewer ongoing maintenance expenses.
Enhancing Property Value: Long-Term Appreciation
Properties that undergo snagging inspections and subsequent corrective measures tend to retain and increase in value over time. A well-maintained property is inherently more attractive to potential buyers or renters, contributing to its long-term appreciation. This enhanced value translates into a potentially higher return on investment should you decide to sell or lease the property in the future.
Navigating the Snagging Inspection Process
Engaging in a snagging inspection involves a strategic and thorough approach to maximize its benefits. Here, we outline the key steps to ensure a comprehensive snagging inspection process.
Professional Inspection Services: Expertise Matters
While a property owner may have a discerning eye, engaging professional snagging inspection services brings an added layer of expertise to the process. These inspectors are trained to identify even the subtlest of defects, ensuring a comprehensive assessment that leaves no room for oversight.
Detailed Documentation: Building a Case
During snagging inspections, meticulous documentation is key. Photographs, written reports, and correspondence with developers contribute to a comprehensive record of identified issues. This documentation serves as a valuable reference for negotiations with the developer and establishes a clear timeline of defects for potential legal recourse.
Conclusion: Investing in Peace of Mind
In conclusion, snagging inspections are not just a routine part of property acquisition; they are an investment in long-term peace of mind and financial prudence. By addressing construction defects proactively, property owners can circumvent the financial pitfalls of post-handover repairs, enhance property value, and establish a foundation for a sound and economically viable investment.
Ready to secure your property investment? Schedule a comprehensive Snagging Inspection with GTA Inspectors, the leading Snagging Company in Dubai. Ensure your property stands the test of time, avoiding costly repairs down the road. Contact us for a thorough assessment and invest in the longevity of your property today.
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techniver · 8 months
Why is my website spam score very high (60+)? I have been creating high quality content daily but it is not dropping.
A high spam score can be frustrating and detrimental to your website's search engine ranking and overall visibility. While consistently producing high-quality content is a great step towards improving your website's value, it's essential to address other factors that may be contributing to your elevated spam score. Here are some potential reasons behind your website's high spam score:
Spammy Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to yours. While high-quality backlinks from reputable websites can boost your SEO, acquiring backlinks from spammy or low-quality websites can have the opposite effect. These links can signal to search engines that your website is of poor quality or even spam, leading to a higher spam score.
Unnatural Anchor Text: Anchor text is the visible text of a hyperlink. Over-optimizing anchor text, especially with excessive repetition of keywords or phrases, can raise red flags with search engines and be interpreted as spammy behavior.
Thin Content: Thin content refers to pages with little or no substantial information. Search engines prioritize websites that offer valuable and informative content, and thin pages can be penalized with a higher spam score.
Keyword Stuffing: Keyword stuffing is the practice of excessively inserting keywords into your website's content, regardless of its relevance or natural flow. This artificial attempt to manipulate search engine rankings is considered spammy and can negatively impact your spam score.
Hidden Links and Text: Hiding links or text, such as using white or very light text on a white background, can be perceived as an attempt to deceive search engines and may be flagged as spam.
Excessive Pop-ups and Redirects: An overwhelming number of pop-ups, redirects, or intrusive ads can hinder user experience and be interpreted as spammy tactics.
Lack of Contact Information: Providing clear contact information, such as an email address or phone number, demonstrates website legitimacy and can help lower your spam score.
Domain Name Age and Length: Newer domain names and longer domain names with hyphens or numbers may be associated with spammy websites and can contribute to a higher spam score.
To address your high spam score, consider the following steps:
Disavow Spammy Backlinks: Identify and disavow low-quality backlinks using tools like Google Search Console. This informs search engines that you do not endorse these backlinks and want their influence minimized.
Optimize Anchor Text: Use anchor text naturally and sparingly, focusing on relevant keywords that align with the content of the linked page.
Enhance Content Quality: Ensure your content is well-written, informative, and provides value to your target audience. Avoid thin content and aim for comprehensive, engaging pages.
Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Integrate keywords naturally into your content, without sacrificing readability or keyword repetition.
Adhere to SEO Guidelines: Follow search engine guidelines and avoid deceptive practices like hidden links or excessive pop-ups.
Provide Clear Contact Information: Display your contact information prominently on your website to establish credibility and trust.
Monitor Domain Age and Length: Consider using a reputable domain registrar and choosing a domain name that is relevant, memorable, and easy to type.
Utilize Spam Score Checker Tools: Regularly check your website's spam score using tools like Moz or Ahrefs to identify and address any ongoing issues.
Remember, improving your website's spam score takes time and effort. By implementing these strategies and consistently producing high-quality content, you can gradually lower your spam score and enhance your website's overall visibility and search engine ranking.
Leave a comment if you have any further questions. And don't forget to like it to show your appreciation!
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reversedout-blog · 8 months
Scaling Your Business With Marketing
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Scaling your business can be a daunting task, especially if you’re starting out. There are so many things to consider: How do you get customers to notice you? Who’s going to handle all those orders? How do I hire people when I don’t have any money? All of these questions can be answered by creating and executing an effective marketing strategy.
In this guide, we will go over the top points you should cover as a part of your business’s marketing strategy and how to effectively put them to use.
Define your audience.
You have to know who your customers are, what they want and need, and how you can help them.
Develop a brand strategy.
The brand strategy is the foundation of your marketing plan. It’s what will help you scale your business and grow beyond what you’ve imagined. The brand strategy will be the reason why people choose to buy from you instead of a competitor, so it’s important to get it right before moving forward with any other parts of your marketing plan.
The brand strategy should define what makes your company unique, including:
What do we value?
Why do we exist?
How does our product or service benefit customers?
What do customers love about us/our product/service?
Create an online presence with content marketing.
Creating an online presence with content marketing is a great way to bring new customers into your business. Content marketing is the practice of sharing information about something related to your business in order to attract potential customers and get them interested in what you have to offer.
The first step in creating an online presence is making sure that people can find you easily when they search for what it is that you do. This means creating a website where all of your products or services are listed and providing contact information if someone wants more information before making a purchase decision. It’s also important that this website looks professional and is updated frequently so that consumers feel confident trusting their purchases through it.
In addition to having a professional-looking website, it’s important that businesses post their own content on other websites and social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter as well as Google+ (Google Plus). This will allow others who may not be familiar with your company to get more details on why they should buy from your business over a competitor’s. In addition, posting content on social media platforms gives you the opportunity to use keywords relating to your business; so people searching keywords related specifically to these topics will see results from pages related directly back to yours!
Make sure you are SEO optimized.
In this section, we’ll be looking at what it takes to optimize your website for search engine optimization (SEO).
What is SEO?
SEO is a way of optimizing your website’s content and structure so that it appears in the top results on search engines. When someone types in a certain keyword phrase into Google or Bing, their goal is to find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible. Optimizing your website means that you’re giving Google an easy answer about what you do, who you are, and why people should come to your website instead of someone else’s. The best way to optimize for SEO is with quality content written by experts who understand keywords and know how Google works.
Suppose you have a brick-and-mortar business but don’t have enough money or resources available yet to invest in advertising campaigns online. In that case, optimizing for organic traffic (i.e., free traffic) may be right up your alley! This kind of traffic isn’t guaranteed, but if done correctly, can bring huge returns on investment down the line when combined with paid ads later down the road.
Create and invest in paid digital ads.
Paid digital ads are a fantastic way to expand your reach and grow your business. They’re also one of the easiest ways to get started with paid marketing because they typically require little or no start-up costs. Here’s how it works:
You create an ad for your business. This can be an Instagram post, a Facebook ad, or anything else you want to promote through social media or search engine optimization (SEO).
You pay for advertising space on platforms like Facebook and Google AdWords, where people will see that ad when they search for something related to what you’re selling or post about it on their own pages.
Here are some examples of different kinds of paid digital ads:
Display ads are full-page advertisements that appear on websites and apps everywhere from BuzzFeed headlines to CNN stories (and pretty much everywhere else in between). These makeup most of the content we see online these days!
Social media ads usually appear within social networks like Facebook or Instagram—they might include videos or text posts with links back to a website/mobile app landing page where people can download products directly from ad display pages without ever leaving that platform. There are also opportunities such as promoting events/offers once users click the “Learn More” buttons located below each advertisement displayed within feeds’ content columns themselves, which then opens up promotional materials directly inside App Store listings.
Keep your website up to date.
Make sure your site is mobile-friendly.
Make sure you have a good call to action.
Ensure that your user experience is top-notch.
Keep your SEO consistent and up-to-date.
Integrate social media into the core of your business model as much as possible!
Set up social media for your business.
Setting up a social media presence is a critical aspect of getting your business off the ground. There are many social media platforms, but these five are the most important:
Once you’ve decided on which platform(s) you’d like to use, set up accounts with relevant usernames and profiles. Then decide how often you want to post updates and what kind of content you want to produce for each account. For example, if your business sells jewelry online, then having an Instagram feed full of photos from different angles might be more effective than using Facebook’s Share feature. Keep in mind that both images and videos can help attract attention; however, posts without either tend to lose followers quickly because people aren’t interested in viewing them regularly enough for it to be worth their time (and yours).
Keep track of how often people comment on or share your posts so that they will continue doing so after some time has passed since the last update was posted – this indicates whether or not your audience enjoys what they see! Last but certainly not least… engage them! This means replying back whenever someone replies back at all; otherwise, they’ll think their comments aren’t valued by anyone else besides themselves.
Summary/How to put these marketing tips into action.
The key to scaling is attracting the right customers, which means creating the right content for the right people, posting it in the right places, and getting it in front of the right eyes.
To scale, you need to know what your business is about and how it’s different from the competition. It’s critical to define the problem before starting on a solution. If you don’t do that first, success won’t be as straightforward or attainable.
Next, set goals for yourself and your company. Don’t worry about other people’s goals—just think about what matters most. Being ambitious is important here—you have to have a vision of where you want your business to go in order for it to happen! But also keep things realistic; otherwise, when things get tough (they will), there won’t be any way out except quitting altogether!
We can’t get this point across enough so we’ll say it again: the key to scaling your business is attracting the right customers, which means creating the right content for the right people, posting it in the right places, and getting it in front of the right eyes. This can all be achieved by investing time and money into your online presence and social media platforms.
If your business is looking for help with its marketing strategy, feel free to contact us at Reversed Out Creative.
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At Reversed Out Creative, we understand the challenges and opportunities presented by AI disruption. Our team of experts specializes in web design, SEO, graphic design, and digital marketing services. Reach out to us through our contact form to learn more about navigating the evolving job market and embracing the potential of AI. Together, let’s shape a future that combines human ingenuity with the power of AI.
Original content source: https://reversedout.com/scaling-your-business-with-marketing/
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officewebmaster415 · 8 months
Advertise Holiday Let
In today’s fast-paced digital age, effectively advertising your holiday let, accommodation, or hotel is essential to attract travelers and maximize your revenue. Whether you’re a property owner, hotel manager, or a bed and breakfast proprietor, understanding the key strategies for successful advertising can make a significant difference. In this blog, we’ll delve into the art of advertising holiday lets, accommodations, and various lodging options, uncovering tips and tricks to make your property stand out in a crowded market.
Optimize Your Online Presence
To advertise your holiday let successfully, begin by establishing a strong online presence. Create a captivating website that showcases your property’s unique features, high-quality images, and easy navigation. Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as many travelers now use smartphones to search for accommodations.
Leverage Listing Platforms
Consider partnering with well-known vacation rental listing platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, Booking.com, or HomeAway. These platforms offer exposure to millions of potential guests, making it easier for you to fill your bookings calendar.
High-Quality Photos and Descriptions
A picture is worth a thousand words, and high-quality photos can significantly impact potential guests’ decision to book your property. Ensure your pictures accurately represent your property and its amenities. Pair these images with compelling, well-written descriptions to create a vivid image in the traveler’s mind.
Highlight Unique Features
Each property has its unique selling points. Be it a breathtaking view, proximity to a tourist attraction, or charming historic details, make sure to highlight these features in your advertisements. What makes your holiday let, accommodation, or hotel special should be front and center.
Price Competitively
Research your competition and price your property competitively. Consider offering special promotions, especially during off-peak seasons, to attract budget-conscious travelers.
Encourage Guest Reviews
Positive reviews from previous guests can be a powerful marketing tool. Encourage satisfied guests to leave reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor or Google, helping build trust and credibility with potential future guests.
Social Media Marketing
Engage with travelers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share engaging content, including photos of your property and local attractions, to keep your audience interested and informed.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Consider investing in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads to increase your property’s visibility in search engine results. Targeting specific keywords related to your property can bring in more potential guests.
Partner with Local Businesses
Collaborate with local businesses, such as tour operators, restaurants, and car rental services, to offer package deals or discounts to your guests. This adds extra value to your property and can attract more bookings.
Regularly Update Content
Keep your listings, website, and social media profiles updated with fresh content. Regular updates show that you’re actively maintaining your property and are ready to welcome guests.
advertising your holiday let, accommodation, or hotel is an ongoing effort that requires a combination of strategies. By optimizing your online presence, showcasing unique features, and offering competitive pricing, you can attract more travelers and increase your property’s occupancy rate. Don’t forget the power of guest reviews and partnerships with local businesses to enhance the guest experience. Effective advertising can turn your property into a sought-after destination for travelers from around the world.
Advertise Holiday Let
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prwirenow1 · 11 months
The Impact of Press Releases on Cryptocurrency Ventures
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In today’s rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape, the success of a new digital coin’s launch and user adoption depends heavily on how well it’s communicated. One of the most effective ways to communicate a new coin is through a “press release.” Think of it as a special tool that’s proven to work time and time again. In this blog, we’ll look at why press releases are important for communicating new cryptocurrencies. We will also look at how they help build trust, enthusiasm and confidence in a new coin within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Credibility Enhancement
A press release is the official announcement of your new cryptocurrency. It is a professional and authoritative way of presenting your project to the world. When you announce your new crypto coin through a well-written press release, it shows that you are serious about your project and you are committed to transparency. Investors, traders, and crypto enthusiasts are more likely to pay attention to your project if it is backed by a trustworthy announcement.
Creating Excitement
There are a lot of new ideas and developments happening in the crypto world every day. With so much happening, it is essential to make your crypto stand out from the crowd. To do this, you need to get people excited about your cryptocurrency. You can do this by sharing relevant news about your crypto at the right time. By doing so, you can get people interested and curious, especially those who may want to invest in your crypto or those who are already interested in investing in your crypto. When people are excited about your crypto project, they are more likely to join and invest in it.
Exposure and Visibility
Press releases have a much wider reach than many other forms of communication. They are sent to various news outlets and other websites on the internet. This means that more people will be exposed to what you have to say. When major news outlets share a press release, more people outside of the crypto community will be exposed to it. This can lead to more interest in what you do.
Community Trust
Trust is one of the most important factors in the crypto world. Investors and users of cryptocurrencies want to know that the projects they are investing in are real, organized, and managed by people who are well-versed in the industry. When publishing a comprehensive press release, it is important to include important information about your project, such as - Why you are doing this project, how your project works, who is involved in your project, what are your plans for your project, when you are transparent and open about all of these things, you build trust in your project. This in turn builds trust in your cryptocurrency and your investment.
SEO Benefits
Nowadays, search engines play a huge role in how people find information online. If you want your press release to be seen by more people, you need to make sure it's optimized for search engines. That means using keywords that people will look up when they're trying to find out about cryptocurrencies or something related to your project. Doing this will make it more likely that your press release will show up when someone searches online. That means more people will see your project and maybe even come to your site or page without paying for ads.
In conclusion, a press release should not be overlooked when launching a new cryptocurrency. It is more than just a news release, it is a strategy tool that affects how people perceive your project, ignites excitement, and builds trust. The potential benefits include increased trust, increased awareness, enhanced credibility, and increased online search engine visibility. With a well-written press release, your new cryptocurrency can lead to visibility, acceptance and success in the crowded crypto market.
PRWireNOW provides tailored press release distribution solutions designed specifically for cryptocurrency and blockchain ventures, commonly referred to as crypto PR services. With the help of this service, your press release will be more likely to be seen by a wider audience across multiple news sources and online channels. With the help of PRWireNOW’s experience in cryptocurrency communications, you will be able to maximize your press release’s potential to build community trust, increase trustworthiness, and ultimately help your cryptocurrency business succeed.
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