#especially if u played ow1 a decent amount!!!
chaos-and-cookies · 1 year
Idk if yall remeber since most of u dont follow me for ow (at least anymore?) But a while ago i said ow2 fans are way worse than ow1 fans. And um, i found proof that i wasn't exaggerating. Turns out, crazy ow1 ph@rm3rcy stans snaked their way into the dev team and are actively undoing a bunch of writing holy shit?? I knew something was sus during the valentines event and they were coupling character pachimaris as popular ships instead of the heavily hinted canon ships??? Ex ph@rm3rcy pachis and mch@nzo pachis coupled together thru out the hanamura map instead of AnaRein or GenCy. But for all of this to be happening is fucking insane??? I don't even like any mercy ships but jesus christ how are u gonna undo all of the ow1 teams work just to shoehorn in ur fav ship to please stan account WHAT 😭 LIKE?? As u all know i hate chu and jeff but my god. This is a whole new level of fuckery lmao. And other comments are right about this writer team! In spawn interactions are awful now! Most are so out of character or annoying (ex mei saying "scanning... yes this is a place!" Like huh??? Or kiriko just... being a character lbr.) Overwatch 1 interactions made u wanna know more about the plot/lore. Overwatch 2 interactions make u wanna strangle half of them or stare at a nonexistent camera at best tbh. Idek how blizzard is ok with this??? I'm actually at a loss of words at how big a fuckin snake u gotta be to do this kinda shit. And sure i shouldn't believe everything i see on reddit especially from a ship post but no it makes sense especially if u still play the game like i do?? Its actually so immature to see that grown ass men are acting like this in blizzard hq and i rly hope someone is able to stop it cuz... ICK. 😬
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