#especially if its chrom
sieglinde-freud · 7 months
been thinking about the tharjabelle family unit a lot. i think maribelle spent five thousand years scraping through ye olden baby names textbooks in her family’s library and was like “We shall name our daughter Noire! It’s a lovely name, a reference to your love of the dark arts and [wikipedia etymology section] while still being classy. Just gorgeous. Now, what shall we name our son?” and tharja goes “brady.” mari’s like ???? fym brady what the hell is that and tharja goes “oh its traditional plegian” “Oh, really!? 😄” “no”
#ann plays awakening#domestic tharjabelle i am molding you in my mind#i still have no idea why on earth maribelle named her son brady#there’s nothing wrong with that name. bradys one of my favs#but im lookin at maribelle and im thinkin ur kids name should be remington charlesworth von themis the fourth#or some shit#i mean this positively#i love maribelle#but i can only conclude she was NOT the one who named him#she wouldnt…#unless its like a nickname. what could brady be short for#i dunno. bradworth? thats not a name.#maybe its his#WHATEVER anyways tharja named him. in my head <3#also and these tags r j becoming my tharjabella hcs extended edition#but also idk i think maribelle wouldnt actually mind if brady was a plegian name. i think she’d like it actually#in game she seems not all that knowledgeable about plegia and is rather hostile#for obvious reasons. i wouldnt like the ppl that kidnapped me either#but i think taking a plegian wife would let her want to learn more about it and especially since later on chrom starts to bridge the gap#between their nations a bit more and by the end of the game while im sure things arent GREAT theyre probably on the way to gettin better#and i just think she’d want tharja to feel more at home in ylisstol so the whole gesture would j be sweet :)#not sure how much tharja would actually care but she’d probably appreciate the effort#wish i had more info on house themis but whatever. i’ll start makin shit up idgaf#fuck you awakening world building
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mayordeas-clone · 3 months
recently been in love with the idea of f!morgan and lucina qpr and have enjoyed developing it in my headcanons. i decided to leaf through the fe awakening artbook (which i will tirelessly remind everyone i have) to see lucina and morgan's supports and maybe build something off of that.
turns out f!morgan can only support with lucina if lucina is her mother 🥲 BOOOOOOO
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toestalucia · 7 months
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i need to grab the sprites again (all of them this time) but these r so cute LOLLLLL
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starscreeam · 1 year
fire emblem awakening IS camp actually
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toweroftickles · 3 months
Three-Sentence Drabbles: Ticklish Dads
This was supposed to be a cute, wholesome little tribute for Father's Day, but obviously that's no longer the case. I never seem to have inspiration for holiday-themed compilations until too late. It's also surprisingly difficult to cram setup and payoff into a three-sentence limit (not to mention varying grammatical structure in a way that's coherent), so as per usual I kind of cheated with quotations and inserts.
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Chrom, Lucina, and Inigo
"H-Heh-Ha-Ha! Stop that...Ha-HaI'm...I'm g-hoing to...be....Ngk...your f-ha-ther someday, and...Heh...I-I...order you to...Heh-Heh Ha-Ha!" Chrom laughed and jumped around in his creaking wooden chair, while Lucina turned blue and scurried in a tornado of panic around the war room table.
In his right hand, Inigo was holding a rigid yellow quill, and its purpose was twofold: to tickle the father-daughter pair at intervals, and to scrawl the results of his "research" in a small red leather notebook.
"Sheesh, you two, get a grip...you're always so on edge," Inigo grinned as he chased Lucina around the room like an exuberant toddler, menacingly waggling the feather toward her, desperate pleas of "No, keep that away from me!" jostling his eardrums.
For those unaware, in Fire Emblem Awakening, Inigo has canonically tickled Lucina and Chrom just to make them smile. ^^
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Ellie and Joel (Game)
Sure, Ellie knew that her awful dad jokes weren’t all that funny, but at least she was trying to ease the tension, and Joel’s irascible stone face was really getting on her nerves…especially now that her backup plan wasn’t working either.
“URRRGH, shit; you’re seriously not ticklish?!” she griped, jabbing her index finger repeatedly into Joel’s lower back like an impatient kid with an elevator button.
Ellie quickly regretted her impertinence when her guardian wordlessly picked her up by her armpits and shoved her against a brick wall, and soon, she found herself kicking her legs, cursing, and giggling uncontrollably above the ground as rough fingers squeezed into her belly over and over, no matter how much she yelled…maybe Joel did have a sense of humor after all.
Ok, so not every dad on the list is ticklish, but I wanted to write about him pulling an Uno Reverse Card on Ellie. XD
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Jake, Kiri, and Tuktirey Sully
"Huhuh, Huh-Ha...Heh! Heh HAA HAA HA...Qu-hittit! Ah-Hn-Hn Hng-Hng Hng!!" Jake Sully laughed loudly and futilely attempted to shield his armpit among the grass.
"Hihih! T-hickle tickle tickle tickle tickle," Tuk giggled sweetly, scratching her dad's belly button with her impish finger while he thrashed around.
The olo'eyktan had slipped from his mount and landed in the midst of the direhorse herd, and now, surrounded by curious baby calves, his whole body was being lashed by their long, fleshy tongues...his stomach, his underarms, his feet...everywhere...but rather than restraining their pets, his two daughters had decided to gleefully join in the tickle torture, and were poking Jake wherever their wicked little hands could reach.
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Johnny and Dennis
One of the first skills a young vampire learned was to control bats, but despite the tutelage of his mother and grandfather's combined centuries of experience, Dennis was rapidly losing control of his "training swarm."
A torrent of the little beasts (over a hundred of them) careened around the castle's dining hall, upending candlesticks and chairs as they went, until they eventually dove headlong into Jonathan like a blast from a fire hose and carried him high into the air.
"WhoaAAho, hohohohohold it, YAAaHahaaaaThatssouncomfterble, NG! Wha - Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Hehelp me down!" the incomprehensible syllables blurted out of Johnny's mouth at a warbling pitch and his body twisted into noodles...dozens of the bats were swarming inside his clothes...but his wife and son were too busy giggling to assist.
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Naruto and Boruto Uzumaki
Naruto stood rooted to the training courtyard ground, iron and resolute, taking body-blow after body-blow with nary a flinch as his son's practice dummy.
This test was one of Boruto's strength, to see if he could force the immovable to move, but Naruto remained steadfast for a long while, until the boy’s knuckles dusted across his abdomen one too many times and he shuddered in place.
“HHEHH; Heehee-Heehee Hee, Quihit it!” the Hokage snickered like a little kid, slightly embarrassed and frustrated that he (like many other "tough" adult ninjas) hadn’t quite outgrown a ticklish tummy yet - a fact which delighted Boruto.
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Kass and His Kids
Of Kass’ five daughters, Cree struggled the most with playing his bandoneon, always fumbling with it and letting it slip through her feathers (but in her defense, it was difficult for the bird bard to teach her properly while the rest of his chicks used him like a jungle gym).
“No, you gotta squeeze it really hard,” Kotts instructed during a slow glide down off of her dad's shoulder, continuing as she landed behind him: "...liiiiiiike......this!"
One harsh pinch around his waist, and Kass fell down helpless on the flight platform in a heap of laughter, a wide open target for the army of five teeny soldiers that hopped and bounced all over him with their iron talons and fluffy wings, grinning and squealing…he wasn't sure how many more tickle attacks he could take in one day!
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Miguel and Gabriella O'Hara (Earth-TRN1042)
This one’s for @trrickytickle, who was the only one to offer me a suggestion for this comp. 😂
Every Miguel O'Hara throughout the vast multiverse was always tethered to some type of “spider” in one way or another, and young Gabriella...skittering slowly along the living room floor, all four limbs splayed out and giggling excitedly...certainly looked the part.
“Hmm…must’ve been my imagination…could’ve sworn I heard a little bug crawling around somewhere…” Miguel smirked and politely pretended not to see or hear her (not even when her tennis shoes squeaked on polished hardwood), until she cried out “Spider attack!” and dove onto him with insectoid hands.
"AHH-HA No no wait wait wait wait wait; Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!" Miguel's raspy laugh broke out as soon as those sharp, unclipped little fingernails nibbled his stomach, for that was his jubilant girl's superpower - tickle torture! - and no weapon was powerful enough to stop her reign of terror…well, except maybe the big raspberry he blew right on her squishy tummy.
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Mufasa and Simba
Like all cubs, Simba firmly believed he could take his dad in a fight despite their 600-pound size difference, but his illusion was quickly broken by the set of jaws that lifted him up by the scruff of his neck, and the lion prince had no other recourse than to struggle wildly, swiping and pawing and wagging his tail at Mufasa's belly.
“Hn-Hn, Heh-Heh Heh-Heh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!” That voice wasn’t just deep, it was subterranean, and Mufasa's booming laughter always drew big smiles out of his mate and cub alike.
Collapsing into one another, the king and his son tumbled down the grassy hill until they were both exhausted, warm and safe in a snuggle of dandelion fuzz.
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Phoenix and Trucy Wright
For her 13th birthday, Phoenix Wright scrounged together enough dough to buy his little magician a new Hans Moretti Sword Box, and he'd even agreed to let her practice with him...with the provision that she use floppy toy weapons, of course.
"Now just hold still dad, I've gotta get this right!" Trucy announced and shoved a wobbly rubber sword into the box's open slot.
Its hard tip bent against Phoenix's spleen, causing him to warble "BaAAaah, that tickles!" and rattle inside his felt-lined prison.
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Ashley and Richard Robins (Trace Memory/Another Code)
Ashley’s bond with her father was still tenuous, even after all they’d been through...so many questions unanswered and lost years irretrievable...and so she spent most of her vacation in awkward, divorced silence with him, usually draped over the couch and moodily leafing through a book.
But one afternoon, as she laid there on her stomach and doomscrolled through Instagram, Ashley suddenly felt a nerve-tingling scratch along the bottom of her bare foot, and with a loud and involuntary scream, she whipped around and pulled her knees into her chest, her cheeks the color of strawberry jelly.
“DAaaA-aaaad!” she whined, full to bursting with angry embarrassment, but instead of letting her socially-awkward father mumble an apology, she angrily hopped up and tickled under his arms until he slid down to the floor in fits of anxious laughter...it surprisingly made her feel better.
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Will Taylor and his Dad (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)
“Hey, dad, you're gonna be at the game on Thursday, right?” Will asked with a twinge of trepidation in his voice (he didn't want to seem too concerned) as he carried the soccer ball under his arm.
Smiling, his father teased the blonde boy “Oh, you think I forgot…huh, you think I forgot?!” and suddenly wrestled him down into the sunny campsite grass in a merciless flurry of tickling fingers.
Will had been lonely and missing his dad terribly these past few weeks, but as he lay there squeaking and laughing helplessly (and despite his struggle to tickle his dad back through that heavy three-piece suit), all that heartache slowly melted away.
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Aang and Kya
Ankle-deep in the Nan Shan River (for familial waterbending lessons), Katara was struck from the heavens with a brilliant idea, and while Aang was distracted, she knelt down delivered wicked whispers into the ear of her young daughter, whose grin grew wider and wider.
At the direction of Kya’s wildly-flapping limbs, bubbles and seaweed and soft nodes of jasmine ice all gently coalesced into swirling, semisolid eddies that snaked beneath the water and wrapped themselves around Aang’s lower legs before he noticed them, and suddenly, the Avatar went cross-eyed and began to dance around in the whirlpools like a caffeinated monkey.
As father and daughter both failed to contain their hysterics, Katara stood there snickering at her own clever prank, beaming with pride at her little girl...but in her mirth, she failed to realize that Kya might want to try out this "traditional Southern Water Tribe technique" on her next.
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Vander, Vi, and Powder
Vi and Powder plopped down on the elder sister's bed and angrily wiped their bruised, stinging cheeks and damp lips, only marginally comforted by Vander's tree-trunk arms around their shoulders...though the thing that really hurt most was their pride.
"That's what you get for taking on boys twice your size...you learned your lesson or do they need to whip your hides again?" their guardian teased the girls and tussled their hair, and Vi (who was clearly trying not to smile) answered by twisting her left elbow into his ribs.
"Ha-ow! Oi, so you think you wanna scuffle, eh?" Vander laughed and quickly immobilized the sisters, who shrieked like tea kettles and kicked ecstatically in his embrace, unable to escape the smothering bear-hugs and armpit-tickles that bombarded them.
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fe-fictions · 7 months
I may have sent this one in pre new year, but could you maybe write some Frederick angst with hypothermia (in honor of the freezing weather; the angstier the better). No pressure, of course, and happy new year!!! 🥳
(It's starting to warm up, so here's one last freezing story before we welcome a stupid hot spring U V U / )
The village in the high north of Ferox was besieged by Risen. It wasn’t a terribly difficult job to dispatch them, on their own.
It was the weather, the sheer number of civilians, and the swiftly sinking sun that was creating a whole host of dangers and threatened your plans.
Frederick tried his damndest to keep things in line, barking out echoes of your orders to those who couldn’t hear your voice over the howling winds.
The civilians who could pay attention to him and focus outside of screaming in fear at the sight of the undead, were able to get somewhat organized into a barreling crowd, rushing towards the back of the village. Getting them as far from the fight as possible was key.
“Sumia!! Get me a number on what’s left-- we’re losing daylight and I need a body count!” Your orders cracked across the field like a whip, demanding the attention of those wh ocould hear you. Frederick was fighting up ahead, ready for the battle to shift towards its end.
It was never that Risen were particularly powerful or challenging; it was always the numbers.
Whoever summoned them, they did everything in their power to tire out the Shepherds so they might pick off a few from their ranks.
It was particularly distressing between the civilians, the snow, and the never-ending hoarde of monsters.
“I’ve got two dozen left to the southeast, and another 14 to the direct south!”
Well, almost never-ending.
“That’s not bad…we can rout them quickly if we keep pushing them away from the village!!” You realized, “Frederick, I need you in the backline, protecting the gates with Stahl and Sully. I’ll take the mages, and we’ll clear the Risen in the field. If any stragglers get near-”
“They will be dispatched.” Frederick confirmed, giving you a curt nod before pulling Hebert around and galloping back into the town.
With the push to clear the remaining enemies, but made it easier to work around the rest. He charged back to the gates, rallying the civilians that were struggling to escape the hoard and shepherding them to the chief’s home, the furthest back in the village territory.
It was the safest place they could be, while the army handled the rest of the battle.
It wouldn’t be until two more hours before the battle finally ended. The cavaliers had successfully kept the bastards from the villagers, and had hurried as many civilians as possible into the safety of the chief’s home. It was quite cramped, but it was indeed protective of the innocent people.
“Lieutenant!!” Chrom’s voice cut across the billowing wind, frost and ice piercing any exposed skin with no mercy. The snow seemed to be getting worse, making it harder for Frederick to spot the prince…especially with the white cape and blue clothes that seemed to blend into the landscape.
“Milord! Is it done?”
“They’ve been cleared- I think we’re all right. The only problem is the villagers- we found multiple out in the field trying to escape from Risen. I don’t know how many more there are. Robin and the others went into the forest to try and recover people spotted running away, but they’ll need help.”
“They went deeper into the forest?” Frederick repeated when the Exalt crunched his way over, the snow halfway to their knees. A knot of worry lowered his brow, feeling a stirring in his chest. 
He had been militant in educating you on the dangers of winter weather; especially given your Plegian constitution; the desert environment couldn’t have been more different from Ferox. You weren’t exactly built for the snow, but with education and plenty of precautions taken, you would be fine.
He wasn’t sure how well that would hold up if you were navigating the frozen tundra alone.
“How long ago did they start the search?” He demanded, looking back into the crowd milling about inside the bursting house.
“It was little over a half hour, I believe.” He thought hard, eyes narrowed against the snow. “We need to organize a search party to make sure everyone comes back safe. Are the horses handling the cold well enough to work through it a bit longer?”
“Hebert is still strong enough to carry on; I’ll inform the pegasus riders and the rest of the cavalier squadron what we need to do.”
The Shepherds quickly rallied around the Exalt when he informed them of the situation. The chieftain managed to pull together focus among his citizens, asking if anyone was missing.
A few families were missing siblings or cousins, some friends and some more prone to panic than others.
But it was fewer than a dozen. How far could they have wandered that Robin and the others weren’t back yet?
“Frederick, take my flare spell; it’s the last one I’ve got, but I assume you’ll want to wait to return until everyone’s accounted for.”
“I will make certain we have saved everyone.” Frederick promised, taking the small tome into hand and tucking it into his cloak. 
The search party left the warmth they craved to return to the bitter cold. Even in those few minutes of planning their search, the wind grew much faster and biting.
It did not settle the pit in his stomach any less.
“The wind is too strong for voices to be heard over it; save your strength and don’t send up any signals unless you or the civilians you find are in immediate danger! Am I understood?!”
“Sir, yes sir!!”
And with that, they burst into the unforgiving snow once more. The knight could only hope that you were safe and healthy, returning with as many villagers as you could manage.
The alternative would be unthinkable.
If you were struggling with snow blindness before the storm got worse, it was completely impossible to see, now.
Between the wind whipping your hair about your face, and the ice crystals forming on your lashes, it was a miserable challenge just to put a coherent thought together.
A sliver of panic was setting in, but you were determined not to let it show. Not when you had a child in your arms, shivering violently against your chest. You held them tightly, having them underneath your coat and buttoned in to protect against the cold, but even with the woolen interior that Frederick had sewn in, you were finding it difficult to maintain either of your temperatures.
If the child had been a little older, perhaps you could’ve gone farther and gotten closer to the village before you lost sight of everything, altogether.
But there was little time to regret it. Your limbs were growing more numb by the second, and all you knew was to keep moving forward. 
One of the many navigational skills Frederick had taught you was to focus on the moss on the southern side of trees; it always grew on the southern side.
That didn’t seem right.
The fog in your brain was getting thicker. Heavier, much like your limbs. With a shaking gasp, you tried to take in more air; each breath filled your lungs with ice.
The child’s squeal vibrated against your chest, startling you; it seemed like you’d lost your balance. With a staggering few steps, you fought to stay upright, the wind beating into your body making it far more difficult than it should ever be.
“S-sorry…sorry…” You mumbled, tightening your grip on the little one. At least, you thought you did. You told your fingers to press into their small body, but…you weren’t sure if that mental command had traveled to your hands.
You couldn’t feel them anymore.
The pain of your struggle onward was getting harder to focus on. The numbness was worse. You kept apologizing. The word “sorry” left your mouth again…and again…
Where was the village? No…where were the trees? It was all so white…so blinding…
You felt the child jolt in your arms; someone had called your name. It must be loud, because the child started squirming, shouting back.
It was hard to hear even that much, though you could vaguely feel the vibrations of their voice against your chest.
“Gods, Robin!! What the hells happened?!”
You kept hearing a voice, but you didn’t recognize it. There was a flash of brown hair that came into view, and a big, blob that appeared to be walking on four sticks.
The young one squirmed from your arms, just as a pair of large hands came to your shoulders. You couldn’t feel them squeeze, but you felt the world suddenly stop.
They must have caught you. There was a frantic, muffled noise in front of you…was that their voice? Gods, you were so tired.
That was just about the last thing that crossed your mind, before the blinding white tilted into darkness.
Hebert was whinnying with great displeasure, having to go back into the punishing cold. Frederick understood the feeling well, but he was far more worried about locating his missing wife.
It hadn’t been long after he’d prepared the Shepherds for the search before he heard the panicked wails of a young mother; her little boy hadn’t come back.
He’d been separated in the panic, trying to get all the civilians away from the battle. He was too young to be out there alone; no way he could find his way back in all the madness.
That, and the storm was so bad now, that little one would surely be dead if he wasn’t found.
Frederick prayed to every god he could think of that you had found the boy, and the pair of you were quickly on your way back to the village.
“Onward, Hebert!! Faster!!” He snapped the reins, pushing as fast as he could go. It was a grueling process; the hopes of spotting the black coat in this sea of ice were becoming dashed with every passing moment.
After ten minutes, there was still no luck. Frederick’s heartbeat quickened, the dread creeping in with every slam of Hebert’s hooves into the ground.
It wasn’t fast enough.
Every second you were out there, the chances of survival were slipping away. They were going to run out of time to get you and return to the village.
If things got any worse, they’d have to go back empty hande.
He searched the ky for a flare, flistened for someone shouting they’d found you. But of coufres, no signs came to suggest you were found.
That would be far too easy.
Frederick dug his heels in, prssing further into the white and prayed for your safety.
He bore the brunt of the ice for twelve more minutes…when he finally had a breakthrough.
A single, dark blot against the horizon.
It was moving slowly, moving away from him…but it was no doubt a person. He He pressed forward despite Hebert’s whinnied protests, the wind picking up speed and blowing at the poor beasts’ side.
“A little farther Hebert. We’re almost- you!! You, there!!”
He shouted out at the sight of the distant figure. They did not seem to acknowledge his voice. 
“Robin?! Is that you??” He shouted louder. The distance was quickly closing, and the blot turned into what was without a doubt your coat. The patterns on the sleeves were purple; there was only one person it could possibly be.
“H-help!! Help, please!!” 
A small body was running towards him, forcing Hebert to a stop. Frederick quickly closed the distance with his dismount, finding a small child trudging towards him with a complete lack of balance and coordination. The poor thing must have had his limbs half frozen.
“You must be the child that went missing.” Frederick found it hard to speak over the weather’s howls, but the boy acknowledged him, welcoming the knight’s hands as he lifted him up, placing him on Hebert’s saddle. Quickly, he unclasped his cloak, draping it around the boy. He seemed lucid and sound, and looked warmer than he would’ve thought.
“I-I don’t need much help-- it’s her. She needs it.” The boy pointed back to the figure who he’d looked away from.
The figure that had turned slowly, clearly confused. 
The fear struck him like a lightning bolt.
“Gods, Robin!!” He sprinted to you, grasping your shoulders. You didn’t acknowledge him at all. "What the hells happened??"
Your eyes were glassy; skin pale, lips blue. Well past blue.
You were on You looked on the verge of death.
“It’s all right, I’ve got you.” He bit back the panic, fumbling the flare from his pocket and launching it into the sky. The magic made the bright red sigil impossible to miss.
It was the one saving grace they had.
“Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ve got the boy. You did brilliantly.” He said, tearing his scarf from his neck and wrapping it around your neck.
It bothered him more when you didn’t react to his actions.
You blinked, a slurred “Sorry” falling from your lips. Then your knees buckled. A strangled noise escaped him when you suddenly fell, the whole of your body weight coming against his hands. He nearly dropped you into the snow. 
“Dammit…!” He growled, finding the strength to lift you to his chest, carrying you back to his restless horse. The others would arive soon- surely they’d seen the flare by now, hovering bright and shining in the sky.
He had found you. He was bringing you to safety…but this was only the beginning of teh battle.
With a twist of his heart, he turned Hebert around and started the race back to teh village.
This was a battle you could still lose.
It was a merc that some Shepherds had met them halfway back to the village; Frederick had you wrapped up in the cloak with the boy, trying desperately to retain some of your body heat. When Sully and Maribelle caught up to him, they had her pulled from Hebert and placed into a village cart, its wheels carefully grafted to handle the snow far better than poor Hebert’s hooves could.
It mdae the return much easier; Maribelle was quick in administering first aide, focusing on yourr injuries and the frostbite nipping into your skin even as the ice turned her perfect curls into a frantic mop.
“She’s got hypothermia,” Maribelle deduced as they rushed through the front gates. “She’s losing her body emperature fast- she needs more than what I can do, and she needs emergency medics, now!!”
There was little more that needed to be said.
Frederick handed the boy off to his weeping parents, but had little tim eto accept their thanks; you were already being pulled frmo the cart and rushed to the cleric’s housewith the SHepherds’ best healers in tow.
He followed after them, Chrom and Ricken rushing with armfuls of blankets and enchanted stones to warm you quickly.
“Put her there, Frederick!” Lissa’s hand pointed to the pallet of blankets all but thrown together on the floor. The few beds were already filled with a mix of injured soldier and civilian alike.
You could only make do with what you had.
Frederick grit his teeth, following the command and lowering you carefully onto the blankets. His gloves were soaked through when he withdrew; your clothes were sopping wet.
“We need privacy-- Chrom, get those sheets up on the lines, here; fasten them so no one can look in.”
The prince did not dawdle, handing off the thicker blankets he and Ricken brought and started to fasten up the sheets around the clothes line hastily tacked up during the rush to protect the tactician’s privacy.
Frederick well understood what was happening, and had already begun to remove your clothes; the coat, sweater, scarf and tunic were difficult to peel away, but mercifully, your underclothes were not beyond rescue.
As soon as you were out from under your layers, he had you bundled tightly beneath the blankets, pressing the warming stones to your palms and your feet, and another to your chest. 
He fought to suppress the anguish in his heart when he saw the tips of your fingers and toes had grown discolored. Had hypothermia already set in?
Was it already too...
“Frederick, armor off, now!!”
“Yes, milady!”
The buckles were being undone just as Lissa darted to the floor beside you, strategically speaking healing spells over the more dire areas in need of repair.
Your breathing had yet to steady, and your pulse was still weak. Maribelle looked utterly frantic, working opposite the princess to try and stabilize your temperature.
Frederick’s armor was fully off, clattering off of him in lieu of his carefully setting it on its stand. There would be little time for procedure. Not when you needed him.
“Your clothes, are they-?”
“They are dry, milady. If it is not enough body heat quickly enough, I will take them off. Give me the order when you must.” His words were clipped, the knight wasting not a second longer before lifting the blankets and joining you beneath them.
Gingerly, cautiously, you were pulled into him, making sure not to hold you in a way that would inhibit the healers from getting to you.
He cradled your head to his neck, your nose like ice against his skin. You were still so cold…this was surely a nightmare, wasn’t it?
“Stay with her, just like that. Any loss of body heat could be deadly for her, at this point.” Maribelle instructed in a grave tone.
Frederick squeezed you closer. The thundering of his heart was deafening in his ears…surely, you could hear it.
The first thought you had when your thoughts finally came out of the darkness was that you were very, very warm.
That wouldn’t make any sense, considering the last place you were was in the middle of a raging blizzard.
Then your second thought was that you couldn’t really move. It felt like you were being held by someone. Was it the little boy? The child that-
Oh, gods, where was he?
You couldn’t quite form words, yet. Your mind was filled with fog. And your head hurt. Well, really, a lot of you hurt. As your consciousness started to come through the grogginess, you felt a shift around you.
Your vision was still blurred, despite rapid blinks attempting to clarify what you were looking at. Or rather, what you were looking for. All you could really see was the knitting of a thick, dark blue tunic…it smelled quite familiar. 
“Robin, can you hear me? Are you- Milady, I think she’s coming to.”
That sounded like Frederick’s voice. The hands that were on you retreated from your back, one gingerly cupping your cheek, tilting your face up.
Your vision went from the dark blue haziness into a much brighter, warmer shift of light. You found yourself looking up, into the blurry vision of your husband’s face.
You’d recognize that cowlick anywhere.
“Robin…you’re finally awake…can you hear me? A-are you…?” He sounded so fragile. What could’ve happened that would have him so worried? 
It did bother you, but there was a much more important matter at hand.
“Boy…t-the…the boy…”
“Thank the gods.” He breathed a heavy sigh of relief, holding you tighter. He pressed you to his chest, his other hand threading into your hair. He buried his face in your neck, and you could feel the grimace on his lips. “You’re all right…!”
“Fred…the child, he’s-”
“He’s all right. You saved him.” He spoke softly, his voice vibrating pleasantly along your skin. “I found you both, just in time. He’s with his parents, and you’re in the cleric’s home.”
The cleric’s home. 
“Lissa’s nearby. She’ll come to check on you in a moment. You were…it was touch and go for a while.”
Oh. That explained the tremor in his fingertips.
“What happened?”
“When I found you…you were unresponsive. The boy had actually run from you to come and get me. It was right when I’d gotten to you, that you collapsed. Your hands…you were frostbitten, and you’d been walking the wrong way, and…and you were delirious.”
You raised your hands to his chest, fingers curled into his tunic. They did not seem to be frostbitten any longer, at least. They were stiff and sore, but they weren’t discolored.
“I don’t remember much, I’m afraid.” Your voice was hoarse, despite the best attempts to clear your throat. Frederick stroked your hair, an attempt at comfort for the both of you. “But I’m…so glad you found me.”
“I would not have lost you to the winter.” He murmured, “I refused to. I know how much you hate the cold.”
“Ha.” You pressed your face into his chest, snuggling as close as you could. His hand tightened on your waist, and you were acutely aware that his calloused fingers were pressed to your skin. “Um…am I…?”
“Your clothes were utterly soaked through. We had to undress you, but rest assured, it is just the two of us. Lissa was kind enough to prepare some privacy for you while treating you.”
“I see.” You were too tired to be embarrassed. Given the circumstances, you weren’t surprised that was the course of action taken. “Well…thank you. For coming to my aid.”
“Good wife, I will not hesitate to do so. Just as you do the same for me.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You curled your arms around his back, hugging him as tightly as you could.
You pushed your leg between his, all but wrapping yourself around your husband with the energy you could spare.
He had been so worried. You could feel the remnants of the stress in his form, how he had yet to fully relax despite cradling you so closely.
It was his favorite place to be, in the best of circumstances. Having you close in his embrace was a luxury that you had not been afforded since the Plegians first struck.
Perhaps being put in mortal danger wasn’t so bad, if this is what awaited you on the other side. Though you were careful not to speak of such a thing while your husband doted on you, remarking here and there about how utterly frightened he’d been at the thought you’d been lost in the snow.
Instead you simply lavished in his warmth, rising from your delightfully cozy nest to be examined by a tearful Lissa, and later to enjoy a bowl of hot stew lovingly prepared by your relieved comrades.
It would be a few days before you were back on your feet, but Frederick was with you every step of the way to make sure you recovered fully (and you were sure to give him as much physical comfort as possible in that time…there couldn’t have been enough hugs and kisses in the world until he was confident you were all right).
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felikatze · 5 months
I forgot did I ever ask for chrom facts? I remember asking for Roy and Marth facts. Anyways If I already have then tell me facts for a character of your choosing
This one is surprisingly more difficult as i've made so much unhinged Chrom content that i need to remember what is blatantly my five layers of headcanons and what isnt. uhm.
Chrom's base Falchion (legendary sword passed down for generations) has the same might as an iron sword. It's an unbreakable iron sword.
Despite Robin being the literal self insert, Chrom is the only character force-deployed on every map, and the only character with convoy access
Chrom (and male Robin) is the only dad in awakening to have a child associated with him. All other kids are associated with the mother instead.
Chrom is very clumsy. When he was a kid, he smashed a wall while training, and it never got fixed, so he and Lissa presumably covered the incident up by moving shrubbery over the hole.
This smashed wall is a legitimate plot point as it allows Lucina to inflitrate Ylisstol Castle and stop Chrom from being permanently wounded by an assassin
Speaking of Lucina, he really like. Post timeskip he's like, 25 MAX, and father of an Infant, so when a like, 18yr old girl shows up and says he's her dad. He's just like. Ok. My daughter now. Truly dad of the year. All his shortcomings as a father are External Circumstances he had no influence over ok
Literally all Chrom seasonal units are so mad to be seasonal units. Chrom hates wearing anything besides his stupid onesie. My respect tbh. I get it.
I'm a firm believer he has resting bitch face. The Autism Stare
I fear if i say more I'm going to get into deranged headcanon territory. I've written enough fanfic abt him tbh.
My fav thing abt his characterization is that he sees himself as a tool of violence yet deeply admires pacifism. It's like. He loves peace in theory. When its personified by his sister. But he just. doesn't know how to put it into practice.
This is especially notable in his first meeting with Gangrel, where Gangrel has a hostage and is demanding Emmeryn negotiate. And Chrom just immediately gets aggressive amd escalates the situation into a fight. Yeah sure he was being goaded, but the guy has a surprisingly short temper!
It's a very inch resting dualism and I am a total sucker for everytime fanworks do more with that than the game does. Bcuz most FE protags. Love peace obviously. But they see violence as the means to the end, they still see themselves as holier than thou, whereas Chrom really doesn't. Death is death. Gives him flavor.
It's blatantly obvious in his behavior and skills that he was NOT meant to be the leader. Most FE protags had their parents die to become king, but he had his SISTER die. He would've been behind any of HER heirs (if she had any) in the line of succession and probably only ran a militia because he never expected to be king at all. He can't negotiate for shit on a political level, only convince people on a personal one. He's very blunt and honest (...autism swag...), and not cut out for intrigue, as well as easily manipulated.
For real he would he fucked without Robin.
Can you tell I love him and think about him a normal amount. Chrom my wife
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i think chrom’s biggest issue (coming from a polite chrom disliker who’s not a fan of him but does like certain aspects of him and could like him more if he was presented differently) is that his flaws aren’t treated as flaws. his hypocrisy, as highlighted by that Chrom Enjoyer take for example, is one of these things. hypocrisy is a very fun character trait! i love hypocrites! however, his hypocrisy isn’t highlighted at all by the game AS hypocrisy; he’s never challenged by the narrative for the decisions he makes, from assisting in leaving plegia to get swallowed by a power vacuum as the person who took down its ruler without looking back at the people past gangrel, to abandoning his kingdom to fight in another continent’s war shortly after taking the throne, to criticizing someone for holding one life above many only to attempt to do the same for robin — not learning his lesson after emmeryn and ESPECIALLY not as a ruler. (and it’s not ‘the people of now vs the people of a hypothetical far off future,’ it’s very much The Future Vs. Robin specifically to the point that GDQ’s awakening run even framed it like that when polling for what ending to do). none of this is pointed out! and even if fans explore it (although if it’s only done by chrobin fans that’s also limiting if you don’t like the pairing), it can be very frustrating when it’s not done at all in game and especially with awakening’s particular storytelling and themes. so saying he’s a hypocrite, while enough for people who dig into that fan content, might not be enough for some people who don’t like that the protagonist doesn’t have any of his flaws really acknowledged as flaws as the game goes by and fans have to do it to flesh him out more past a certain point because he doesn’t really grow as a person or leader past ch10! that’s why i don’t like him, at least. i’d like him a lot more if they delved into that a lot more
anyways i didn’t come in here to write a chrom essay i do enough of that in my friends’ dms when i wax poetic about awakening still weekly a decade after first playing it i came in here to advertise THE DRAMA CDS because they are REALLY GOOD and if YOU want complexity to YOUR CHROM then DRAMA CD 2 is TRANSLATED and AVAILABLE for YOU. seriously please read it it’s the most i’ve ever liked chrom because he gets exactly what i wanted from the main game — challenged by the people around him in a way that he has to learn and grow from. it takes place around ch10 and it’s about some of the Shepherds getting separated from the main force as they’re fleeing Plegia. it’s literally so good please no matter what side you’re on re: Chrom please read it it’s good for him and everyone else involved
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crownconstellation · 3 months
emmeryn is such a fascinating awakening character, especially now with her young self in heroes providing extra padding & insight into her….
like she inherited an entire country at nine years old. an entire country where everyone hated its rule, because her father had certainly earned his terrible reputation, and the people took it out on her because he was no longer around for them to blame. she had to reach out to her people and slowly re-earn their trust and prove that she could be a kind and capable person and ruler starting at age nine. and she wanted to prove herself as a capable ruler and an advocate for peace to the countries who were ruined by her father past her own. like, her lv40 child alt dialogue…
Father taught us that, as descendants of the Hero-King, we are to rule Ylisse and other kingdoms with force. Had Father not died so suddenly, Chrom would have followed in these footsteps and invaded our neighbors. I would never wish for such a terrible future as that. Perhaps now that I have succeeded to the throne we have a chance to change our fate. I will exercise my power to rid Ylisse of brutality. I wish for no army. And no war. True peace comes through dialogue, not force. And is it not my duty as exalt to enact this? I know change is far from instant. But bit by bit, my wish for peace will come true.
on top of all that she was given so much personal responsibility that she on-the-record considered herself more of a mother than a sister to her siblings. she and chrom were just six years apart and yet because of her responsibilities she (and frederick) ended up raising him and lissa entirely. she couldn’t be a sister. she had to be a parent. she couldn’t be a child. she had to be a ruler.
and then she died at age 25, willingly sacrificing herself to show there is always another option, both saving chrom from making a difficult decision and dooming him to the necessity of knowing that that he will someday have to step up to the plate and make these without someone making them for him, now that she’s passing the torch as a ruler and leader. and then awakening kind of stomped on that by making chrom not really grow past a lot of his aggression or inability to make hard choices as a ruler because he’s still willing to sacrifice the future for a single person to the end. sorry chrom
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emotionaldepravity · 1 year
Can you please do
yandere platonic marth x kid reader
yandere platonic male corrin x kid reader
yandere platonic male robin x kid reader
Sure! Platonic yandere is certainly something I haven't done much of.
-Marth very much regrets not being able to fully protect Tiki so he plans on making sure its different this time.
-You'd never be allowed to train in combat in any way. No matter how physically capable or magically inclined you seem to be, your growth will never be allowed. He is focused on keeping you away from battle.
-He and Caeda would forcibly adopt you so you can live in the palace. Though she would most likely be open to it, she doesn't know you still have a family to go back to. The way that he treats you better than their children bothers her slightly. She'd never tell him her real feelings.
-Corrin is immediately adopting you to be a part of his family as soon as he sees you.
-He is rather strong so he can protect you, but he encourages his siblings to do the same. However, if they seem reluctant to love you as much as he does, then he might cut them out of his live.
-He treats you better than Sakura or Elise, playing with you and spoiling you. If he has kids then he treats you better than them.
-He gets really happy when you call him "big brother" or "dad". Corrin would let you chose whichever you are more comfortable with saying.
-If you have parents, no you don't. Not anymore.
-Robin sees you being lost and alone and wants to be sure that you are put on the right path just like how his friendship with Chrom put him on the right path.
-He doesn't really trust others to take care of you. ESPECIALLY, if your family is still around. He doesn't have any good memories of his family (thanks to being an amnesiac and his dad being Validar) so he doesn't put much stock into those sort of bonds.
-He teaches you everything he knows. Robin believes in being able to rely on yourslef and others, and without strength he can't rely on you when you grow up.
-If he has children, he expects you to be extremely good friends with them. He wants you to be as close with them as he is with Chrom.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
ooh wait have you played three houses?? i saw you mentioned it in one of your recent posts and i got curious. can i ask what are your thoughts on it if you have played it?
also also, have you played pokemon scarlet/violet at all? i’d really love to hear your thoughts on it, especially with its latest dlc ^^ (super sorry i’m grouping two different games in this ask, i didn’t wanna send messages back to back, but feel free to only answer one if you want!)
Oh boy, more opportunities for me the spout nonsense and my odd opinions. I will gladly take it. Buckle up, anon and others reading, because I have a long history with both franchises.
I've been playing Fire Emblem since Fire Emblem: Awakening, then Fates, Heroes, and eventually Three Houses. My take: Awakening is still the best one, but maybe I'm biased. I remember playing it and marrying Chrom on accident, whoops.
Anyways, Three Houses was alright, better than Fates but not better than Awakening. I remember it came out, and I was actually upset because I was in another country on the US release date so I didn't get to play it until I got back. Even when I saw the trailers, I knew I was Golden Deers all the way. Odd, I know, most people prefer the other teams. Claude, Hilda, Marianne, Lysithea, my dears. OH, and before I go on, I just want to say, I hate the female MC. And no, it's not what you think, I only hate her because literally why does her outfit look like that compared to the male MC? Robin from Awakening was always the better protagonist anyways.
After completing the Golden Deers route, I decided I wanted to try and complete all the routes because at that point I disliked a huge majority of the characters. I tried Blue Lions next. At first I didn't really have much of an opinion on Dimitri, but he grew on me eventually, because how could I resist such a miserable brooding man that later gets a soft spot for one person (plus his design was kinda badass)? But I will admit, his behavior immediately post-timeskip was kinda annoying. I thought I would dislike Felix, but shockingly, I didn't, I actually liked him. And you know what? Dedue is CRIMINALLY underrated, he's literally probably the nicest and loyalest dude of all time. He got some hate for his race from some characters, and I actually got heated.
After Blue Lions, I knew I had to play through Black Eagles twice if I wanted the last two routes. However, here's the thing. In both previous routes, Golden Deer and Blue Lions, I had loathed Edelgard. But, I thought to myself, I just needed to try her route and maybe I'll change my mind... Well, I was wrong. Edelgard is probably one of the characters I HATE most in any franchise. And I tried so hard to like her, like I would give her gifts and answer dialogue truthfully, only for the relationship thing to go down. Like damn, okay. I just couldn't stand her. The others in her route were mostly fine, I liked Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Caspar, and Petra. But because of Edelgard, I couldn't even finish her route once and it's still uncompleted to this day.
Now... onto Pokemon.
Fun fact, I completed Pokemon Black and White when I was in first grade and couldn't read everything. Don't ask me how I did it, because I honestly have no clue. I've played every gen since then: Black and White 2, X and Y, Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Moon, Sword and Shield, Arceus, Scarlet and Violet. I did indeed preorder the game when it was announced, as I have done for the generations before. Where do you think my username comes from? In most pokemon games, I love collecting shiny pokemon. Shiny.
I was hyped for Scarlet and Violet since the first day it was announced. I lost my mind the day it was first announced and eagerly waited months for it. When it came out, I dropped everything for several days. As a regular fan, I always set this tradition for myself to defeat new pokemon games within or around 24 hours and of course, I did so.
The game itself has a lot of issues, namely the glitches and quality of the frames. But, it's on the switch, so that's to be expected. It felt really rushed in that aspect. I just feel like they could do so much better if they really wanted to, like on par with BOTW or TOTK (those games have bad frames too but at least they look a lot better). As for mechanics, I really missed the mechanics from Arceus, but at least Scarlet and Violet improved upon the poor excuse of the open area that was in Sword and Shield.
Story and characterwise, I'm torn.
Here's what I like: (1) the multiple split routes, (2) certain characters.
(1) It made it feel like you really had a lot to do, and that combined with the open area of the entire map made it seem like a lot. It is a lot. So it's really fun to explore and try to complete everything. Even just walking about, you're bound to get distracted, lost, or find something completely new. I was just playing it a while ago after completing everything and there were still little secrets I didn't notice the first time around.
(2) Arven, my god, do I love a guy with mommy AND daddy issues. And he has a dog? I'm hooked. I didn't expect to get attached to him, but I did. I actually prefer his route purely because of the story within it with his companion. I didn't see that coming, and I was so worked up over it. Another character I like, Director Clavell. A good supporting professor, you love to see it. Wish he showed up more though.
Here's what I dislike: (1) the villains, (2) the gym leaders, and (3) other characters, (4) the leveling system. (5) I'll talk about the dlc last.
(1) We haven't had a good villain team in a while. Black and White was super memorable with N, X and Y's Lysandre with Team Flare was a joke, Sun and Moon's Team Skull with Guzma was actually good because they were funny and non-threatening, Sword and Shield with Team Yell was actual trash, and this Team Star being bad guys but not really bad guys was actually so boring. Let's roll it back to Team Aqua literally planning to recreate a great flood or Team Magma planning to create havoc with volcanoes, Team Plasma that wanted to liberate Pokemon, or Team Galactic that were going to harness the power of time/space/universe and their leader is trapped/died in an empty dimension. They don't make Pokemon villains like they used to, huh?
(2) The gym leaders are very forgettable this time around. Like, they don't play much of a role aside battling, and after that you don't really see them again at all. It's a shame, because some of them have potential for greater use and have really good designs. Not to mention, they were all weak as hell.
(3) The Champion was a let down. Geeta (I had to look up her name). I was iffy when I first saw images of her, I didn't like her design but I just decided to go with the flow and I'll probably change my mind. I didn't. She's as forgettable of a champion as Alder and Diantha were. At least we saw Leon in the SwSh a lot and we got to hear from characters about how strong he was. Geeta wasn't like that at all, her team was a joke. Nemona as a rival was annoying, she got on my nerves from the first few moments we met her. I think Penny had potential, but I just didn't like her.
(4) The leveling system was really annoying. What happened was, I tried to complete the other two routes first and save the gym leaders for last. However, when I did this, because I didn't have any gym badges, new pokemon caught wouldn't listen even if my other pokemon were like 20 or more levels above them. So I had to pause the other route, just to do some of the gyms that way I could actually use new pokemon. I know they tried the system to prevent people from just cheating the system by automatically getting high-leveled pokemon from friends, but it just got in the way.
(5) DLC so far... not a fan. I mean, it's something. It's there. It's a thing. But it has nothing so far that makes me like it. The rivals are meh, and the region confuses the hell out of me. I don't get why do Scarlet and Violet region of Paldea based off Spain, but then have a DLC with an island that's so very obviously based off Japan. They could've picked anything around Spain but go back to Japan when 4/9 of the regions are already supposedly based off Japan? Idk, it was kind of a let down to be honest. I haven't completed the dlc, so I still have to do that. The new map is small, but I heard the next dlc is supposed to be huge so here's to hoping that one is better?
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pieman1112 · 27 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
My OTP for Rebecca would be Chrom. Faty and I have sent ideas back and forth for years now building upon the relationship between the two. I love seeing new ideas she sends about just the little things that Rebecca and Chrom get up to. Especially when we get very angsty ideas with the two of them or when Rebecca's flirting turns Chrom into a blushing mess. It's very cute and can get some interesting stories out of it. Rex and Rebecca was a good ship as well, having the two soldiers play off each other and the ideas about the little secret dates they came up with.
For Hunter it would be Josephine. It was very interesting in writing Hunter opening up and trying to become more than just a super soldier with a single focus. Jazzy came up with really good concepts regarding how Hunter would fit in with a noble family and some of the history that would come of it lead to interesting plot points.
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I'm willing to go the full spectrum when rping shipping. Mostly it's just what the other person is comfortable with when writing. I don't have a lot of experience in writing NSFW so i usually just stick to SFW.
are you selective when shipping?
Not particularly, I'm down to ship either of my characters with anyone as long as we have talked about it before so I know that they want to ship. Hunter is a little more selective only in that because of the UNSC indoctrination, he sees himself mostly as a soldier and can't really see anything else. It takes a little bit before he can see that their is life outside of service.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I think that when clothing starts to be removed that's when it starts to enter the NSFW range.
does one have to ask to ship with you?
I would prefer it as if they don't ask I'm never going to get it. I am very dense and have missed real world hints that people were giving and in writing it is the same.
how often do you like to ship?
I'm fine with doing it everytime someone wants to as I think it can lead to more interesting story ideas and new stakes that could be given.
are you multiship?
Yes, I think that every story fits into its own little universe and that limiting your characters to one ship overall has you missing out on so many other stories or experiences.
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more-or-less, It's interesting to see different dynamics that come from different relationships but sometimes doing the strangers route first can lead to interesting circumstances.
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I haven't seen a lot of shipping in Halo as the games don't really focus on individuals in more romantic terms just as characters in a story trying to stop the destruction of the universe.
finally, how does one ship with you?
It's mostly just by asking or by coming up with little ideas to kind of build up a relationship between the characters. The more little ideas come in the more can be built upon it and the nicer it is to write for it.
tagged by: @convxction
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
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dolphs-world · 1 month
Polar Pass ~ Finally, the Ideal Roster
Excluding what I have already discussed, there are 16 characters I would change. Starting with 3rd party characters and the Ultimate DLC: Crash/Cortex for (and Coco/Nina because I got rid of Chrom because I got rid of Roy) Pyra/Mythra and Rayman for Min Min. I have already gone over these characters but I'll add some more points. We already had Shulk representing Xenoblade, we did not need more. No one cares about Arms and replacing Min Min with Rayman makes a lot of sense due to reach of their limbs. Throughout this list a lot of replacements are going to be with some similar (and also a lot won't be). For other 3rd party reps I have taken out all of the Mii fighters. The Mii fighters are lame and the Wii series of games was already represented by Wii Fit Trainer, who is a character I don't like to play as but is a very unique addition to the roster. Instead I put in Professor Layton and Bomberman, because I love Professor Layton and I love my friend who suggested Bomberman, and Raiden. Not from Mortal Kombat, although another good choice, but from MGS. MGS kicks ass and I think a tactical super soldier guerilla warfare guy works against a robotic ninja. There needs to be more unique weapon based characters in Smash like spearmen, bombers, and cybernetic ninjas. Raiden is the second most unique character and star of his own game and that's why he's in. For Pokemon: Gardevoir for Jigglypuff, Smeargle for Pichu, and Oshawott for Roy (haha). You can keep Mewtwo, I understand how important they and that first Gen of Pokemon are. Keeping along with replacing Melee characters, Eggplant Man for Dr. Mario and Krystal for Falco. Capitalising on the Mario Movie and the fact that Wrecking Crew already has a stage in smash, and is much better than all the other one off games on NES, is why Eggplant Man is in. Krystal has an ice spear and Falco is mean. Fox, Krystal, and especially Wolf are also way more sexy than Falco. Last two 3rd party reps: Tetris for Isabelle and Eggman for Bowser Jr. . I'm sorry, Isabelle is still lame and Tetris is the best selling game. I do not have to defend myself here. Eggman? Why him above the rest? Simple, everyone else is too much like Sonic. Same thing with MGS, why put in The Boss or Liquid Snake when Raiden is really unique? Tails, Knuckles, Shadow? Too much like Sonic. Eggman is the most distinct and a good replacement for Bowser Jr. who relys on tech. Also, despite making up a lot of villains in platformers, there's not a single mad scientist in Smash (except for Cortex now but shhh). It's Eggman! Now, I'm sorry Mario/Yoshi/Wario, I'm sorry Metroid, I'm sorry Pikmin. No new reps for you. Paper Mario, Shy Guy, Ashley, Chozo, Bulborb. All great choices, the honourable mentions, but I don't think anyone else deserves more reps as bad as Zelda. Darunia for Young Link, Midna for Toon Link, Hestu for Robin, and Tingle for Corrin. Hey, did you know, FE has only sold twice as much as Pikmin? Did you know FE's best selling game has sold a comparable amount to the best selling Pikmin game? I understand, numbers isn't causal to influence and Metroid has similar sales to FE. But 6 is too many. Zelda deserves them WAY more. But why these characters? They are a good representation of species or beloved or really weird. Gorons and Koroks are really cool and show how much more there is to Zelda than elves and a Captain Falcon Clone. Midna is the best companion in any Zelda game. And Tingle is Tingle! There you have it, a roster that gives Zelda and Pokemon its do credits, has very a reasonable amount of 3rd party reps, gives a little more to MGS and Sonic, and shows off a more interesting side of Nintendo's history. The Ultimate Showdown.
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something ill tackle in more detail one day is that part of why awakening works despite its flaws and limitations, is the intimate scale of the story its telling- yes, at the end of the day theres wars and theres dragons but the specifics of those arent what matters. cheesy as it is to say, its a story about family through and through
like, the gangrel arc is about chrom losing his sister and coming into his own, the walhart arc is about him both living up to the legacy and connecting with lucina, and the grima part of the story is about what caused lucinas trauma and creating a better world for her to grow up
despite its technical world ending stakes, why you're invested, especially in the latter half, is what these events are doing to a family, the emotional repercussions of it all. especially given your character likely is either lucinas mother, has a family with lucina, or just does have a family in the background motivating you
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shiroandblack · 10 months
I don't know if the 07-Ghost fandom is dead or alive, but it's still one of my favourite mangas to this day and I wanna talk about how love is both a blessing and a harbinger of doom in this manga. Let's start with Vanessa Antwort aka Chrom's legal wife and queen (because sadly, Millea Klein was a concubine because she was 'too lowborn' to be the Queen of Raggs).
We know that Vanessa was deeply in love with Chrom, but Chrom was deeply in love with Millea. However, Chrom also didn't treat her badly at all. When Ayanami said that she was granted the greatest consideration, aka having the political power as queen and also having Tiashe/Teito (considering in this era his name was Tiashe, I will be calling him Tiashe here) kept away from her sight, he was correct. While yes, this was definitely for Tiashe's safety because she absolutely did not look fondly upon him, but I think this was considered a concession to Vanessa because Tiashe is basically a living reminder that Vanessa will never be the 'first' in Chrom's eyes. Also I imagine it would be deeply humiliating for a queen, who has yet to have any children yet with the king, to have a concubine's child, who until she and the king have a child is the heir to the throne, be paraded in front of her. So yes, I agree with the notion that she was treated well in Raggs. Especially by Chrom, who despite not loving her the same way he loved Millea, held a degree of fondness or friendship for her and I think treated her with the respect and dignity her status as queen warranted. I think that in another world where Vanessa was not in love with Chrom, this whole political marriage might've worked out well.
Now, we all know Vanessa and Wolfram basically helped start the Raggs war which saw the Raggs kingdom destroyed and its people displaced simply because of . . . Unrequited love. Wolfram, the Emperor of Barsburg, was deeply in love with Millea (who was originally born in Barsburg) while Vanessa was deeply in love with Chrom. Don't get me wrong, these two were manipulated to the high heavens, however it's also important to remember that they did choose to do these things despite knowing it was objectively wrong. So many atrocities in 07-Ghost were done in the name of love, but so many wonderful things as well.
The first example I can think of is Castor and Lazette, who while not a romantic relationship (I don't interpret their relationship as romantic, however if you do then it's your prerogative) is still a relationship full of love. Castor, a young heir to an old and wealthy noble house, died for Lazette, a character whose very species is considered inferior to Castor, nevermind social status. And we see him being moved enough by the depth of Kuroyuri and Haruse's relationship (I'm sorry if I got his name wrong it has been years, it's Haruse right?) to give Haruse another chance at life, instead of the poor, half-life Ayanami was able to grant him. And Labrador's entire past was a tragedy, but he sacrificed himself for love as many characters have done.
Now, let's consider what is arguably one of the most important love stories in 07-Ghost. Verloren and Eve. Of which the entirety of the plot of 07-Ghost wouldn't have happened without them. Verloren and Eve loved one another and when Eve died, it all came apart. It's ironic that despite Verloren acting as if Eve was murdered unjustly, he is in fact her murderer. Her death was unfortunate and dare I say it, almost accidental. She fell back and Verloren touches her to catch her, and we know that as the god of death, his touch kills everything. And because of this, he is obsessed with finding her reincarnation on earth to the point he basically kills people just to see if their soul is truly Eve's and he reincarnates time and time again, just to continue his search for her. And we find out that it's basically all for nothing, because Eve has reincarnated as the light in every human's souls, as the goodness in their hearts. I personally think that it's very fitting that someone as warm and empathetic as Eve had basically become the manifestation of human kindness.
So yeah, I find it beautiful that 07-Ghost shows the duality of love. How love, while generally a positive emotion, can also lead to something terrible. The worst crimes in 07-Ghost are all done in the name of love.
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flovverworks · 3 months
does akira link people with cats he knew? like all people? or not everyone fit the cats list in his mind XD i wanna know what cats he linked to chrom, einar and feiruz lol
>implying akira EVER TALKS ABOUT CATS HE HAS INTERACTED WITHHHHHH (aside from the ones that the old lady owns<3 my 1 dialogue in the intro<3333
i will not give u examples but i definitely think akira would do that......"oh very chrom"........cuz idk if akira has done it alrdy at the point ure at in main story, but the earlier parts+events especially they constantly compare ppl to cats LOLT_T 'like a stray cat inspecting u', 'tilting their heads like kittens' etc.......its very cute. but i feel akiras relation with cats are too one-time-only for him to keep a list like that,,,,,,T_^ they havent befriended many cats (to akiras despair)...........so its a lot more general behavior instead
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