#especially his relationships on empires and his builds and aaaa
bonesandthebees · 1 year
Chanting: Phil pov, Phil pov, PHIL POV. Bee, I am vibrating with excitement, you have no idea. I am buzzing. I am living. I am rusty on the Stars analysis. Oh damn. I’m going to need to pull both versions of the chapter up next to each other aren’t I? And maybe cross reference some stuff. Oh I am going to have so much fun with this. Thank you! I was not prepared and this might have just made my night. (who am I kidding, it definitely did).
Anyway... Constellations on his face. Oh, I just noticed chapter 13 is named “Constellations in the Ice”. Fair, Cave 4 was kind of a pivotal moment. Also, while rereading chapter 13 I remember how important that chapter was, like plot-wise, but also character development-wise. We get the introduction of Quackity, the start of Phil being able to pull waaaayyyy more shit cuz there are fewer witnesses with influence to question what he’s doing, the first time “little bird” is used, Wilbur going into paranoid, fully shutting Tommy out mode and of course a life-changing field trip. (or just a father-acquiring one (however accidental or unaware Wilbur might be of said fact)).
So where do I start? Worldbuilding, of course. Yes, one of the most influential planets falling to a hostile takeover by one of the biggest empires in the galaxy would screw up the market. Especially, when they decide to hold out on everyone Blaziphane-wise. Other notable worldbuilding bits include: the empire having a back stash of Blaziphane. Something I never realised could have been a driving force to negotiate and something that could have worked in Wilbur’s advantage if there was no back stock. Honestly, the added pressure could have gone both ways. I wonder if that’s the reason Phil and Techno suddenly start pushing for a deal to be made. Like it could have been because things were really dragging out, but maybe their back stock was getting low or close to being too.
And then there’s Cave 4. They made the cravings the day before their revolution. They made them to leave something which proved they were there in case they died. See this is why different pov’s are fun sometimes. There’s no way we would have otherwise known that. Also, is this the final revolution where they take the planet of the one before that where Phil goes to prison and meets Techno? Do they already have Techno?
Also, I’m cutting of this ask here because I have so much to say, it’s going to be a few of them.
aaaa I'm so glad you enjoyed spruce!! I was definitely excited to see what your takes on it would be when I posted it bc your stars analysis was always top notch (ofc all your analysis is but you know what I mean lol)
so glad you noticed the title!! I was struggling with what to title this for a bit, and then I thought 'constellations on his face' would work well bc it directly references phil's thoughts in the chapter about wilbur's freckles looking like stars, but also was a parallel to the og chapter title :)
chapter 13 of stars was one of my favorites to write despite it not having any 'build-up' moments to it. it was, like you said, just a lot of really important developmental moment, but I would say none of them were earth shattering themselves.
fun fact! little bird was something I came up with while writing chapter 13 way back when! it wasn't a planned thing, I just decided to have phil call wilbur that on a whim and it became such an important thing in their relationship. still so happy about it
oh yeah the fun bit about writing that was definitely adding in more worldbuilding bits about the stuff going on that wilbur and tommy didn't know about. the backstash of blaziphane was definitely a huge part of the reason they were able to drag negotiations out for so long, but yeah it wasn't going to last forever. luckily, because of how young zephys iv is as a planet and how a huge majority of the population were part of the original mining colony, they're more familiar with how to treat illnesses and wounds without access to blaziphane than planets that have been wealthier for longer might be. they're very good about rationing blaziphane usage whenever they can, which also bought them more time.
also in total honesty, they didn't make the carvings in the ice right before the revolution. I realized after you said this that that's definitely how it came across, but this was actually about a month or two before phil got sent to the nether and met techno. the miners had just finished mining out cave 4, and it became a tradition for them to carve their names into the wall when they were done with a cave as evidence that they survived. then when the next cave got emptied out, you had another list of names on the wall, and if you went to compare the two... there'd be names missing.
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gheysnakeredacted · 3 years
*rotates MythicalSausage inside my brain*
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wyrdle · 3 years
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Various Dragon Booster doodles (I have scribbled SO MUCH AAAA). If you’ve not gotten tired about my ramblings of this niche interest, some write up below the cut
Anyway. In order of appearance:
My design of Zulay. She’s a great street racer and the badass leader of the Dragon Eye crew, which I headcanon to be much more organised and larger before her death. Word and Abyll are some of her right hand men. It’s her evil project, which unfortunately (Or fortunately, in the eyes of Dragon City) slowly dissolves post her death due to inadequate leadership of grief-stricken, gear empire building, single dad Word. He really was just warming the seat for Moordy to take over. Personality wise, I like to think of her as the more street smart between Word and herself. In fact, she shows him the ropes on how to manipulate others and market his gear. (Think popular jock x eccentric nerd evil couple haha). Is it bad that I really like the thought of the two of them being an evil power couple? One’s the gear expert, the other the tactician. Zulay used to be the one to iron out evil plans, present day Word is just trying to fill the gaps, and has picked up quite a bit from his wife. Lmao together they were too competent as villains, that’s why the show nuked her and had Word take a 16 year long hiatus until Dragon Booster could be a thing. (Psftttttt)
Assortment of doodles of various DB pairings.
Assortment of Word and Moordryd and their messy messy messy father son relationship, with hints of affection and care.
Word getting stuck in the shadow track and Moordryd attempting to get him out. I like to think it’d be extremely hard to break out of the illusion, especially if Word’s biggest fear is losing Zulay and Moordryd. What he experiences in the shadow track is so idyllic, getting Word to face/accept that he can’t control if the two die etc.
I might make a sideblog for my DB shenanigans........ eventually. Just so I can ramble away haha.
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