#especially for ven...i need to flesh him out more cries
madeimpact · 1 year
Headcanon: Telling Roxas and Ven apart 101.
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Ven's face is ever so slightly slimmer. Roxas got Sora's round cheeks.
Although their hair both spikes into that distinctive style, Roxas's hair is a little thicker. Ven's is more wispy.
Sora's birthmark and chest scar are mirrored on Roxas, and he's slightly more freckled than Ven.
Ven also has a chest scar from the creation of Vanitas, but it's more prominent and oddly X-shaped...almost like there was more malice in its creation. If you saw them standing side by side, and knew which scar belonged to which boy, you'd be able to tell them apart instantly.
Roxas can usually be seen a little dinged up from Struggle or skateboarding injuries.
Ven's eyes are an aqua blue. Roxas's are Sora's shade of pure ocean blue. They're very similar, but in the light you can catch the differences.
If the anime blond you're looking at is doing the standard anime elbows-up pose, it's Ven.
Less headcanon and more canon detail, but Ven wields his Keyblade backhand. Roxas double wields, though he adopts Sora's hunched stance when he's only holding one Keyblade.
Ven smiles more. :')
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( Thank you @gravitasfatum for the forbidden identical twin knowledge!! )
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brainyxbat · 7 years
Ticklish Leafwoman
Summary: Venus is feeling depressed, and Finn's not having it. He wants his little, green angel to be happy. Fandom: Epic (Blue Sky Studios) Couple: Finn x Venus (OC) Genre: Humor, Romance Rating: G(PG?) Warnings: Does OC x Canon count? Tickling too, in case you couldn’t tell by the title
Venus Woods laid face down on her bed, feeling blue. She was on her way to Leafman training with her twin sister, Mars, and big brother figure, Nod, when Tracy approached her without the two noticing. The blonde bully said something to Venus that emotionally injured her so harshly, that after she was left alone, the tiny girl walked back to her hut without Mars and Nod realizing that one of them was suddenly missing. As she laid silently, Tracy's words echoed in her head: “Nobody likes you, Venus. Ronin let you join the army because he feels sorry for you, not because you're a good warrior. Not to mention Finn, that handsome boy toy of yours; he actually thinks you're a hideous little mushroom, but won't say it out loud to spare your feelings. He prefers pretty girls like me. You're an ugly witch, who's going to die alone.” Finn was everything to her; she would die for him. Did he really think the way Tracy said? She didn't make a sound as tears fell down her cheeks, dampening her pillow. Although, she did wonder if anyone knew she was gone... or cared. At the training grounds, Mars and Nod arrived on their respective hummingbirds, and met up with Ronin and Finn. “Good morning, sir,” Mars greeted the general. “Morning, Ronin,” Nod added more casually. “Where's your sister, Mars?” Ronin asked the pale redhead after looking at either side of the two. “Oh, she's right...” She was about to respond, only to see that her little twin sister was nowhere to be found. “What the...? That's weird; she was right behind us, wasn't she, Nod?” “Yeah, I thought,” The brunette boy looked around for the little green-eyed girl, “Maybe she's sick?” Mars shook her head. “We would've known sooner.” Finn's worry for Venus grew. She was everything to him, and he didn't know what he'd do if she was in any kind of danger. She was his princess, his angel, his reason for living, the apple of his eye, you name it. He didn't know what he'd do without her in his life. “Sir?” He turned to Ronin. “If it's alright, I'd like to check on Venus. She might just be running late.” Ronin was hesitant to just let him leave in the middle of training, but he saw how genuinely concerned he was for the girl he adored more than anything. “You may go, Finn.” “Thank you, sir.” Finn sprinted to his bird, and with a snap of the reins, he flew to his girlfriend's home. He hoped that she was okay; Venus never missed training, at all. She was occasionally late, although not on Nod's level, but she never ditched altogether. There had to be something wrong with her. After landing his bird, Finn ran to the familiar hut that he visited a thousand times at least, and after he listened for any signs of his precious girlfriend, only to hear none, he gently knocked on the door. “Venus? Are you okay, sweetheart?” “Go away,” He heard her sweet little voice, and it sounded sad. “Come on, Ven,” He gently insisted, “I'm here for...” “I SAID GO AWAY!!” She suddenly screamed, before a harsh thump on the door made him jump back. “Why would you want to be with an ugly mushroom like me, anyway?!” “What?!” Now Finn was confused. He never thought she was ugly! He thought, no, knew that she was the most beautiful girl in all of Moonhaven. “When did I ever...?” “Just leave me alone!” He heard her flop down on her bed. Finn softly pushed the door open, surprised that it was unlocked, and as he walked in, he saw his petite girlfriend face-down on her bed, quiet as a firefly. Her long, two-colored hair was spread out on her back and leaf bed covers, so her face was completely hidden. Her Leafwoman armor was lazily laid on her sister's bed, as she was wearing her pajamas: green shorts and a black tank top. He took off his own helmet, revealing his long, orange hair, and set it with hers. “Venus?” The only response he got was her muffled, inaudible voice. “Come on, babe. I don't think you're ugly at all.” When she was quiet, he sat on the bed by her left leg, and stroked her soft, silky hair. “You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen.” Her reply sounded like “No, I'm not.” “Yes you are,” He insisted, and she didn't say a word. “Whoever told you otherwise is wrong.” Nothing; she didn't budge. “Venus, you know me. I would never say anything that awful about you. I love you so much.” He ran his gentle hand along her back and shoulders over her thick tresses in a comforting manner, as he leaned down and kissed her head by her ear. She still didn't move a muscle. When he soothingly scratched her neck, he was surprised at her squirming and muffled protests, and her shoulders suddenly hunching up to her cheeks for a moment. He smirked as an idea hatched in his brain; if this doesn't cheer her up, then nothing will. He lowered both hands to her head, brushed her hair back, then started tickling her neck with his fingertips. Her shoulders shot back up, as he smiled at hearing cute, albeit muffled giggles from his girlfriend. He heard and felt her legs kick, and her small hands trying to shove his away, but due to his training for the Leafmen, he was too strong for her. Her tiny fists pounded the bed when he moved his tickling fingers along her back, her giggles growing louder. Finn had a feeling that Ronin wouldn't exactly approve of this silly, childish behavior, but he wasn't there with them, so what was the harm? Plus he wanted to see his lovely princess smile again, and snap her out of her depression. And this seemed to be doing the trick. Among her giggles, Venus struggled to roll over, so he saw her face. Her flushed cheeks seemed to have tearstains on them, and the pale skin around her squeezed shut eyes, including her green facial markings, looked red, as if she had been crying earlier. That broke his heart, and urged him to keep going. “Finn, stohohohop! Hehehehehe!” She tried to curl up for protection, but his hands were already on her flat stomach, tickling over the thin, black fabric of her shirt. As he scribbled his fingers on and in between her slender ribs, Venus squirmed wildly on her bed, trying to protect herself. Finn's heart swelled at seeing his favorite girl smile, even if it was against her will, but this would make her grin on her own. “Eheheheheahahaha!” Her giggles sprouted into laughter. “Stohohohop ihehehet!” Her struggling made her shirt push up to show more of her stomach than usual, including her belly button. Upon noticing this, Finn dove one hand to her bare belly, as his other hand moved along her shoulders and collar bone, tickling her soft, pale skin. “Fihehehehehenn!” She laughed, her cheeks blushing deeper. Deciding that she had enough, he drew his hands back as she panted, while still giggling and hugging herself. “Hehe, th-thanks,” She stuttered, “I... I needed a good laugh.” “What were you so sad about?” He asked her in concern. “Well... before I could head out, Tracy came up to me, and said that nobody likes me, and that I'm going to die alone.” Her tiny bottom lip started trembling as she recalled the emotionally painful moment. “And Ronin only let me in the army out of sympathy for me, n-not confidence in my abilities. And...” A lump grew in her throat as she struggled to keep explaining. “A-and that you think I'm hideous,” She finished with a heartbreaking sob in her hands. “Oh, Venus,” Finn pulled her into a hug, and stroked her hair as she cried in his chest, “I absolutely do not think that. Tracy was wrong about your sister's weight, and she's wrong about you overall.” He kissed the side of her head. “Trust me, sweetheart; you're the most beautiful girl in all of Moonhaven. No one, especially not Tracy, compares to you.” Despite his sweet words, she was still sobbing. It always took a while for Venus to recover from any case of depression, no matter how bad. He started lightly rubbing her sides with his fingers over her shirt, and smirked at her slim body twitching, and her shoulders shaking with already hysterical giggles. Without a word, he started tickling up and down her sides. Her squeal was muffled, before she burst into a fit of laughter. “Gyaahahahahaha! Fihehehenn, nohohoho! Nohohohot myehehehehe sahahahahahaha!” She fell on her back again, trying to protect herself as he leaned over his struggling girlfriend, and continued her playful, harmless assault. Her sides are her worst tickle spots out of them all; even pokes drove her to hysteria. Her laughs were heard throughout the entire tree- maybe further. As he wiggled his fingers over every inch of ticklish flesh that he could reach under her shirt, he carefully sat on her legs, so she couldn't kick. When he reached up to her smooth, bare armpits, carefully pushing her arms up, a fresh new set of tears fell down her red cheeks, only these were of laughter instead of somberness. “Fihehehehenn, pleheheahase stohohop!” She begged through screams of laughter. “Ihehehe-I'm gohohoing tohohohoho...!” Finn quickly stopped, as she hugged herself again, panting and giggling as her skin tingled from the ticklish feelings lingering. “You okay, Ven?” He asked her. “Y-yeah,” She nodded, “Um, thanks again.” “You're feeling better?” He wanted to make sure his angel was truly cured of her depression. “I don't have to tickle you again?” “No!” She squeaked, tightening her grip on herself. Finn chuckled as he picked her up, and set her in his lap in a comforting embrace. “Venus, if Tracy, or anyone tries to put you down, don't let them. You're stronger than them.” “O-okay,” Her voice was a little low in volume once again, like normal, with her head on his shoulder. “I... I love you.” “I love you too,” He kissed her forehead over her bangs, “Forever and always.” Venus shifted herself, so she was face-to-face with Finn, and planted her little lips on his, her hands on his cheeks. He gladly reciprocated, with his hands on her shoulders over her soft hair. They separated after a few seconds, and he rested his forehead on hers. “Don't ever change, Venus. Don't listen to anyone who pressures you to. You're perfect the way you are.” A shy smile grew on her face. “Don't you change either, Finn. You're perfect too.” She pecked his lips. They stayed quiet for a few seconds, before Finn spoke up. “Um, I-I bet that Ronin's wondering where we are. We should....” “Right!” Venus jumped down, and grabbed her armor to change in her dressing stall. Finn put his helmet back on his head as he waited patiently for her to finish. After a couple minutes, she came out in her armor that made her look tinier, with her hair in a low ponytail draping down her back, and her helmet on her head. “Okay, let's get to it!” The couple rushed outside to where their birds were waiting, but Finn stopped Venus before she could reach hers. “I'll take you there. You need a little rest.” She blushed deeper. “Thanks.” They hopped on the saddle, her sitting behind him with her slender arms around his waist, and they headed for the training area. Finn smiled when he felt Venus rest her head on his back as he flew his bird carefully. He loved his green-haired princess, and will for the rest of his life. Soon, they arrived at the training area, where Ronin was waiting for them as Finn landed his bird. “Where have you been, Venus?” Ronin asked her, his tone strict but genuinely concerned. “I... had a personal dilemma,” She replied hesitantly, “But I'm better now, thanks to Finn.” She glanced up at her boyfriend with a smile. “Alright, as long as you're not in any danger. Just don't let it happen again. You may go to the archery targets.” “Yes sir,” She nodded, and made a beeline for that area. Finn smiled as he watched Venus run off. She was truly amazing.
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
A stupid plan and a secret revealed.
The matriarch of the Autumnpaw tribe knocked softly on the door next to her bedroom.  Her’s was a pale grey, as she had asked.  Jack’s a soft blue, a few shades lighter than his skin.  She was memorizing things now, wanting to make memories as long as she could.  The laughter of her family, adopted and blood alike.  The way Zakin held her hand, and smiled up at her.  She knew he loved his grandmother, they all loved her.  She loved to watch Tarja babble and squeal at her, Nielka ask her questions as she was finally allowed literacy.  Her family loved her, cared for her, and she for them.  She was Muuka and Muuai, Muuge and Muuki.
Mother, Grandmother, Auntie and Sister.  
She knocked again before she heard the click of the door.  The rooms were sound proofed, only the door itself allowing sound.  Her head was lowered in respect as the tall and broad Jocamo stood in the doorway.  Usually this time of day he would be out helping his nephews with training or other things on the farm, but he’d taken the day to himself, not wanting to be out in the rain.  Vol and Venya had decided to take Xiao and the children, Nielka included, to the Shrine and the Vale of Blossoms for the day.  The house held only Pahre and Jack, eerily silent for the packed residence. 
When she looked up, her face met Jack’s with pain and anguish that she could not hide any longer.  He said nothing as he let her in and closed the door.  His hand gestured to the sofa near a window, a soft thing, but he liked to sit and read as he looked out over the fields and mountains that surrounded him.  Pahre did the same, moving to sit and stare out of the window, Jack moving a chair so he could listen, still not saying a word.  
“I want to die.”
He looked surprised, tilting his head as he looked at her.  He waited for her to speak, the woman staring out the picture window that all of the rooms had.  She reached out to touch it, knowing it was not a real window, but magic made.  Her’s was a real window.  It was glass and had a place to sit in it.  She believed the mage had called it a bay window.  It had yellow and green curtains, not very sheer, but not heavy.  Vol’raka had ordered them especially for her, as all the furnishings were what she wanted.  He’d told her to make this her home, a place for her to raise her daughter, her grandchildren, her family.  Only Jack and Nielka’s rooms were their own.  She had been ok with that.  
“Jansevet hurt me, made me bear my children.  They were the only light in the dark void for twenty three years.  I had to nurture them in secret, show them love and affection away from his gaze.  I love my children, but my soul aches.  I have tried herb and magic, prayer and begging to Torcali to ease my burdens.  Jansevet destroyed my ability to love, to be happy.  This place, it is beautiful, my sons, your nephews, they have given me all they can, freedom, love, happiness, joy, grandchildren.  Yet…”  The woman, crying, curled up as if a child, unable to contain her pain any longer.  “Nothing makes me happy, Jocamo.  Nothing I have tried.  I want the pain to stop.  I cannot even fight to see my youngest daughter given to someone as a mate.  I do not have the strength to go on.”  She looked up, tears in her eyes as he stood and sat next to her, bundling her in his arms as she cried like a babe.  He knew she needed it, and he did not say anything.  He let her cry herself to sleep as he held her, wiping her tears as he put her to bed beneath his own covers.  He waited for her to wake, thinking.  His books held little, she had apparently tried everything that they listed to help with melancholy.  He spent the hours that she rested watching her closely, thinking hard about his actions.  He did not do anything halfway, and this would be no different.  She woke when the sun was setting, confused as to why she was in bed, Jack’s bed, and he was watching her so intently.  
“I have thought on your words.”  His voice was a deep rumble, soft and comforting even as she knew the mon was careful with what he said.  “I know your wishes, and I will abide by them.  Your daughter will be of marriageable age in four years.  Sixteen summers.  I will take part of your pain, the physical hurt.  I cannot take the mental, that is something your mind and soul will never let go.  Yet I desire a favor from you.”
Pahre looked at the Loa-bound male as he strode to her, his body moving with a grace that his nephew, Vol’raka also possessed.  “First a secret, then my request.  Vol’raka is not my nephew, he is my son.  He does not know, nor does anyone except Xiao Chun, and now you.  I have no intention of telling him, I am blood bound by my mother to never be the one to tell him.  Because of this, I feel a duty to this little Tribe of Pandaren and Trolls.  I have been seeking a mate, one I will make a move on in the next few weeks, if all falls in place and the time is right. Yet, I do not believe they will want to bear me children.  I will make you a deal.  Four years, four healthy children.  You know my secrets, you know my abilities as druid and those given me by Claw Hunter.  You provide me with what I am wanting, I will speak to Vol'raka about arrangements for Nielka's marriage in four years.”
“I do not love you in the way a husband loves a wife, I cannot.  You are a close friend to me, and that is special in my heart.  That I can give you.  You can raise your children to adulthood and them I will end your suffering."
Loa, he hoped she didn't catch the wording.
"Four healthy children, four years with the pain in my body and I will see my youngest married."
"Then my Loa and I will relieve your suffering."
He let her consider for a bit, eyes looking her up and down.  She was beautiful for a woman with such sadness in her eyes.  She’d begun to eat well, and had some of the light back in her eyes.  Her hair had begun to grow back, full and dark black as her son’s.  Sapphire eyes, he wondered if they would override his own amber.  She was well built, tall, pure blooded Zandalari, and therefore, her magic was strong.  She was also intelligent.  All of these things would be good qualities in their hatchlings.  That was Claw’s take.  Jack didn’t love her, he was honest about it with her, and himself.  He had eyes for another.  She was young enough to have healthy children.  That was what mattered to them.  
“I accept.”  
Jack nodded, giving her a small smile and kiss on the cheek.  “I will come to your bed in the mornings and tend you.  You will want for nothing, in care and anything I can provide to ease the process.”  He had to be clinical about it.  “I am not forcing you to do this.  I know what was done before.  
“I have never felt gentleness in that way, Jocamo.”  She turned red, she’d never really enjoyed any pleasures of the flesh.  They had always been rough experiences with pain and no thought to her wants.  It was simply lay down and bear children.  She accepted that this would be the same cold act, and knew what she was getting into.
“I will make sure your needs are met, Muuka’dim.”
Jack was one of the few allowed into the house where Xiao, Aret, and Ven lived with Vol’raka and their daughter.  He wandered in during a time where they were having a quiet breakfast, the dominant alpha of the tribe welcoming his uncle to sit.  “Pahre is..” “A few weeks along.  She is beginning to experience baby sickness.  I have ordered her teas and Hae will make some crackers to help.”
“Congratulations are in order then.”
“There is one part of my bargain I need your help on.”  Jack picked up a few berries and put them in his mouth, chewing for a little bit.  “You need to find a husband for Nielka.”
“Nope.”  that was all Vol said as he fed Tarja a few bits of eggs.  “I will NOT marry her into someone’s family that She does not love.”
Xiao nearly choked on his food at Vol’s reaction, staying quiet mostly otherwise as he grinned for a few moments before finally speaking up. “Why is there any reason to not just let her find someone she loves?” He asked as he quietly trailed off, seeming to want to say more. After some likely mental prodding from his mate, or perhaps even just anticipating it, he spoke up again. “... How long have you been bedding Pahre? I didn’t see that coming.”
“Two months.  She and I made a bargain to keep her alive.  She has Melancholy.  I believe healers call it depression.  She wanted me to end her life.  Now, she is bound to me for four healthy hatchlings and must live until her youngest is marriageable.”  He waited, hoping the little pandaren would get it, hear the specific language.  “I am not in love with her Xiao Chun.  I do not bed her for enjoyment.  I bed her to grow your little tribe with more children.  It cannot be only you four creating life.  Tribes need offspring, flocks need hatchlings.  My Nephew is the dominant male, but if I can breed children for this family, I will.  Pahre is young enough, and Obviously she brings strong children.”  Aret looked very uncomfortable.  “I am sorry, son, but this needs to be shared.  I am trying to keep your mother alive for as long as I can.”
Xiao furrowed his brow, a few things catching his attention. “First, why can us four not create life? We plan on doing just that. I am going to become a female, Janaret and Vol’raka are going to father my children once we’re married. Venyabi is in the possibilities as well.” He paused a minute before continuing. “Second, if she wants to die, why would she be willing to wait… twenty or so years?” He asked while climbing into Aret’s lap, wrapping his arms around the prelate and engulfing him with fur and cuddles to try and make him feel a bit better; having sensed his discomfort.
“Because I have only...one child and she is long dead.  She died of old age a hundred years ago.  I too want children, but the one I set my eyes on as mate I doubt will bare me any.  So I seek out a female who is able, and this time she is willing.  I think she enjoys the act a bit now.  As for why she will live twenty years, she…"
"Mama won't consider them hers, they will be motherless and Uncle's alone."  Aret looked up at the one who looked so eerily like his own mate.  "You will make her want to be a mother again."
"Yes.  Four years at least has been bought.  That buys time for me to figure out how to make her love life again.  I can take the physical pain from her, the emotional hurt, the pain in her soul, that I cannot heal."
Xiao bit his lip, looking at Jack with uncertainty. “Is it just that you want to raise babies? Or… do you wish for a connection to a child of your blood in general? Also, how does Xath feel about it? We know he is the one you’re after. Venya, Vol, and Aret told me they scented it on him, so you don’t have to be coy about who you are after.”
“I want to raise children and have a connection to them.  I have had a child ripped from me, one who died.”  He didn’t note that those children were different, not just his daughter.  “Xath…  He doesn’t want it, but the deal was made before.  I did what I had to do, Xiao Chun.  They would scent me on YOU too.  Do you have an issue with me seeking to father children again in my life?  You will not give me children because I do not wish to die.”
“Smart, because I would kill you.”  Tarja snatched a piece of mango from her father, stuffing it in her face.  “There is a reason we are going to Kun’lai until I am sure you are pregnant Xiao.  I will kill someone Raptorblood and I might consider a threat.  Namely, Jack and Jura.”
Xiao shook his head. “I don’t have an issue with it, I just… wonder if it’s the raising you want or the connection.” He paused, as if leaving the sentenced unfinished. Jack alone would hear Xiao’s voice in his head. “Jack, if you want a connection to one of your children, Vol’raka is right here…”
He cleared his throat again a little. “Does Xath’s opinion change things at all?” He decided to say to try and fill the silence as to not be suspicious.
“I CANNOT BE THE ONE TO TELL HIM.  We went over this.  I am bound by geas, Xiao Chun.”
In his mind, Xiao would hear the pain that caused him.  Jack bit it back.  “It does, but he has not accepted my offer.  He wants to, but his heart is too hurt.  Patience is a virtue I have.  The Darkspear boy also poses a problem.  And the elf, Coren.  Xath must choose me as his mate before I will put forward the prospect of bearing fully before him.  I will not force anyone to give me what I want.  You go to Vol’raka willingly and with want and love.  I taught all of my nephews and nieces that.”  He didn’t like Naddja for that reason alone.  “I will do what I need to further this family, even if it is something I must.  She is… Cover Aret’s ears…”  
Vol shook his head.  “He’s old enough, he doesn’t need his  eyes closed to this.  Family business that concerns him.”
“Fine.  She is not cold in bed and the baby is conceived.  It is done.  I don’t want to snap a friend’s neck or sic a loa on her.  IF or WHEN Xathaneal accepts, I will hope to all Loa and spirits that I, or SOMEONE has rekindled her lust for life.  Until then, she is Muuka’dim.  I will guard her life, for she carries my daughter.”
Xiao winced a bit, shaking his head before just blurting it. “Jack, if you want more children, by all means. If you want the experience of raising a child from birth, then have at it. If what you crave is just a connection to a child of your blood?” He looked to Vol now. “Vol’raka, my Lok’dim, I am sorry for not speaking up sooner. I didn’t know how, but the opportunity has presented itself. Jack is not your uncle. He is your father… Jack, if you want blood, you have blood right here” He bit his lip nervously now, staring up at Vol, letting his lover have time to react.
“Funny, Xiao.  He’s my mother’s brother.  They have the same coloring.”  Vol snorted, giving his daughter a banana and what Hae called a graham cracker.  “I look like that old cow unfortunately.”
“He’s.. He’s not joking.”  It was Venya who put down his chopsticks, looking at his, well.. Cousin it seemed.  “We… I didn’t remember until a few weeks ago.  You, Kit brought you, with Jack.”
Vol looked between Xiao and Venya, then at Jack.  He stood quietly, gave Tarja a kiss and walked to the one who had kept secrets from him his whole life.  Then he decked him with a right hook that stunned the older male and broke his nose.  With that he walked out the door as silent as he could.  Once he was outside, everyone could hear Raptorblood call out, sorrow filling his bellow and the air as he ran, his trail heading to the forests that he regularly hunted.
“Fuck.”  Ven sighed, looking at Jack and the rest.  He cringed, feeling the anger that was suddenly closed off from all of them.  “That could have gone better.”
Xiao gasped when Vol threw the punch, standing up to go after him only to see his mate go running off into the woods. He sighed and went back upstairs in silence. His gaze never left the floor, sadness overwhelming him and flowing into the link as he now silently sat on the bed and just stared at the floor with a blank look of utter sorrow and guilt.
Jack and Venya came up, Ven holding the door for Jack before closing it silently.  Jack sat in a chair far away as Ven moved to hold the pandaren in his lap.  “Talk to me?  Us.  Aret took Honor and Valor to find him.”
“He is angry at me.  Not you.”  Jack had fixed his nose, the skin still bruised.  “My son has a mean punch though.”
Xiao curled into Venya’s lap, going limp as he whimpered quietly. “I was the one who told him… he doesn’t like secrets… but look what happened when I told him.” His voice was cracked with pain and emotion, his words barely above a whisper as he couldn’t dare to look up at either of them.
“He’ll forgive you.  He’ll forgive Jack.” 
Ven curled around Xiao’s body as Jack spoke, his voice sad.  “I am no longer bound by geas.  I can talk to him, tell him things now.  You broke that.  You let me talk to him.”  Jacks head dropped and Ven turned his head up in shock.  “I can tell him..”
*”He’s crying.  Jack can cry?”*
Xiao looked up at Jack finally, nervous and sad at the same time. “So… you are glad I told him? Was breaking it good? I just… I couldn’t keep it from him anymore.” He whimpered, clinging to Venya a bit tighter now as he buried his face in that red hair, pulling it free if he had to.
Jack looked up, a smile he usually reserved for Xath on his face and relief in his eyes.  “This is a greater gift to me than you can ever fathom.  I was surprised you didn’t weeks ago.”  Jack smiled, tears still on his face.  “He is my son.  I can tell him so many things.  I can beg his forgiveness for not being able to stop my sister from trying to kill him, enduring so many things he was forced to tolerate.  I can call him my son in truth…”
“If I don’t kick your ass for it first!”  Aret was holding Vol around the middle, keeping him from running into the room in a fit of rage.  “YOU could have stopped her.  YOU could have saved me when she kicked me out at fifteen.  YOU could have told SOMEONE else.  YOU COULD HAVE NOT LIED TO ME FOR TWENTY FIVE FUCKING YEARS!”  
Jack stood in as much anger as Vol’raka, father versus son making Ven cower a little.  “MY BITCH MOTHER TOOK YOU FROM ME WHEN YOU WERE MINUTES OLD.  I WAS LUCKY TO BE ABLE TO NAME YOU!”  Jack didn’t back down either as his mind put off the aura of pain.  “I did not want to give you up, We begged her to let us at least see you grow up.”
Xiao looked a bit relieved at Jack’s words, the man’s smile seeming to make his sadness ease ever so slightly. However, when Vol came in, his eyes widened at the scene unfolding. “Ohhh Celestials…” He murmured under his breath as he sat in Venya’s lap, peering out at the situation. This was not his fight, plus he had a Venyabi to comfort since he could feel the man reeling back. He moved to sit behind Venya now and wrap his arms and legs around him, peeking out from under his arm to watch the scene unfold while he ‘protected’ his mate with his touch.
“Is that why she shoved Raptorblood into my soul…”
“Your Loa is Claw’s son as you are mine.  She thought it was funny.”  
Vol stood, shaking as Aret held him back, calming down strangely quickly.  “I’ll be fine Arie.”  The Prelate believed him, letting the hunter go.  As soon as he was loose, Vol’s fist wanded right through a wall, slamming every ounce of his strength into the punch.  Aret stood in shock, Venya and Jack staring at the hole as Vol pulled back a bloody hand. 
“NOW I feel better.”
Jack watched his son walk away into the bathing room, jaw dropped as he turned to the hole in the wall.  “He inherited his temper from his mother.”
“You are going to tell me about her, you are going to tell me why you could not raise me alone.”  He moved to sit with his mates, making Aret kneel on the floor next to bed as Vol finger brushed his submissive’s hair.  “Go get your brush.”  He looked up at the elder, waiting as Aret came back, kneeling with a brush in hand.  The repeated motion would soothe them both.  
Xiao just watched in silence, biting his lip as Vol punched the wall. He moved in after his mate in the bathroom, letting him clean up and then come back out. Even still he followed, waiting for him to sit before reaching for his hand. “Let me heal it, please?” He asked quietly, wanting to feel useful in the situation he’d created.
“Her name was Mah’ouri.  Her skin had a soft, light blue tone, red-pink eyes.  I always told her they were the color of flowers.  She had ritual scarring over her forehead, hair always long and loose, a bright pink and purple color, not unlike your grandmother when she was younger.   She was a healer of some skill, tall and willowy looking even as she transformed into a tree.  She was only near twenty herself.  She was stubborn and had a temper, but steady.  If Mah’ouri knew you needed help, she would help you.  She had honor in her heart, a fire in her belly and she was an unmistakable beauty.  She was sought after by many a troll that lived in Zuldazar.  That's where I met her.  She was pure Zandalari, was who drew me to serve Gonk.  Loa, I loved her.  I fought for her love, so many chased her.  We wanted so many children.  She was SO happy when she knew she and I were going to have a son.  She felt it would be nice to name you after her father.  Volrak.  She wasn't allowed to choose, but I gave in to her.”
"She died from blood loss and they could not bring her back.  Her body was too wounded.  They tell me she gave you a kiss on the nose, and that was it."
Jack's head dropped as he sat in the chair again.  "I got to hold you for a few moments before she took you from my arms and told me that you needed a mother, I would not be allowed to keep you with me.  I begged her to let Un'lai and Dali raise you.  She would be able to feed you and Un'lai would protect you.  He was my greatest friend.  I could trust him.  I fought.  I fought her as hard as Claw and I could.  It wasn't enough and I failed you.  I still got to watch you grow, as much as I could.  I wanted to run away with you, but she sent Nazui and Kit to make sure I handed you over.  Nazui was the real watchdog.  Kit told me that she would be a second mother.  She'd keep you safe from harm as long as she could.  I owe that woman my life for protecting yours.  Venyabi, you saw me bring him, and you were not meant to see.  The tiger is out of the forest now.  You may never forgive me.  I never forgave my mother, and I still am not sure I forgive myself.  Xiao is right, I have wanted to have a connection to you, to tell you.  I wanted to be grandfather the day Tarja was named, father the day you were.  I.. I made that rattle for you.  When she killed Raptorblood for his soul, I found his body.  I let nothing of his life go to waste.  That rattle is bone of your Loa, his feathers, his hide.  The others, I have put with your mother's ashes.  The hide, makes up the ritual clothes I gave you years ago.  The beads, his bones.  Claw took care of the flesh.  It killed us, but we did what we thought was best.  I'm sorry, my son."  He covered his face, head between his knees.  "I can call you my son.. please..  don't take that from me."
Vol listened, a hand in Xiao’s lap to listen before brushing Aret’s hair.
Xiao gently clasped his love’s hand and began to heal it; mists coating the wound and slowly mending the flesh back together. By the time Jack finished talking, Vol’s hand would only have some slightly discolored flesh where the swelling and broken skin once was. He looked to Vol as Jack finished, letting his love speak first, just offering what support he could through touch.
“Brother.  You are my mate and my brother.  That won’t change.”  Vol turned to Venyabi and put his forehead on his love’s forehead.  “My first, my brother, my mate.  Same as Aret will always be my boy, and Xiao my heart and the one who I lived for.”  He turned to Jack, his face full of sadness.  “It will take me time to call you father.  To truly call you father.  It will take me time to get over the lies.  I forgive you.  Mama Azu.. fucked her family over for her own ends.  I guess we will find out more?”
“None that I know.  You are loa-bound, like father like son.  That old bitch is probably laughing her ass off.”  
Vol moved Aret to sit in front of Xiao, the prelate holding his Little Master’s leg in comfort.  The younger knelt quietly, forehead to forehead to his sire.  “You taught me to dance, to bead, to pray to my loa.  Things fath… Un’lai said he had no time for because of his loa.  He gave you those things.”
“When Handali was not looking and my mother was nowhere near.  He had compassion and gave me everything he could.”
Xiao reached down to gently rest his hands in Aret’s hair, now playing with it gently as Vol had been. He murmured to him in whispered Pandaren. “I love you, my Ba’la… we will be alright.” He soothed him as he let the others speak, moving to wrap his arms around the large prelate since Vol went to go be with Jack.
Vol inhaled softly, eyes closed.  “Then it is your right to perform the ceremony in September.”
Xiao’s eyes lit up a bit, smiling at Vol’s words. “Lok’dim…” He murmured, such pride in his voice.
“Jack can perform both ceremonies.  The ceremony of commitment and the one of marriages…“  Vol stopped, smiling  as he held his head to Jack’s.  “My father can perform our marriage.”
Xiao grinned now, actually bouncing once or twice in excitement. “I know longer feel guilty for saying anything.”
Vol stood, moving to sit next to his mates.  “No need to feel guilty, my little love.  Other than next time, tell me sooner?”  He pressed his forehead to Xiao’s, then Venya and Aret.  “I love you, all three.”  His face turned to Jack, to his father.  They both just nodded.  They didn’t need to say words.  “Aret, seems we will share a baby sister.”
Xiao blushed a little through his cheeks, nuzzling against Vol’s forehead. “I wanted to, I just… I didn’t know how. I was afraid of how you would react. I knew I needed to, I wanted to. I simply could not think of a good time until this one presented itself.”
“It happened when it needed to.”  Jack smiled.  “I have picked her name.  If she lives.  I have not told Xathaneal yet what her name will be, nor that she is a girl.”  His face went back to serious.  “I fear he will not want to raise any other children, other than his own.”  Jack sighed.  “It is done.  It keeps her alive.”
Aret smiled sadly at that, Jack kneeling down to him and putting his hand on Aret’s shoulder.  “Your mother is a good woman, sweet and caring.  Your father hurt her soul.  I want her to live, as we are friends.  Perhaps, one day, she will find love again, Maybe I can get her to understand that loving does not mean hurt and violence.”
Xiao decided to stay quiet about the Xath stuff. He didn’t know the man that well, so he decided not to speak out of turn. However, when the conversation returned to Pahre he voiced his thoughts. “Is there really nothing we can do? I thought… hoped that being with a loving family, around her grandchildren, that it would be enough.”
“Sometimes the pain is overwhelming, Little Love.”  Vol kissed Xiao’s nose.  “From experience.  Sometimes it can be helped, sometimes…  it burns too deep.”  
Ven and reet nodded as they listened.  Jack smiled, standing up.  “He and I will talk.  In time.  He shares my bed now.  I am patient.  I am going to speak to an old friend in a few days to see if she knows how to help.  Iraia knows things.”
“Take her invitation with you?”  Vol kissed Venya’s head on the temple, Aret getting antsy for kisses too.  “Ok, Arie…”  The prelate was happy once he got a kiss on the forehead.  “My little family needs a little time.  Is Tarja in her room?”  Aret nodded.  “Go get her out of baby jail.  We have things to discuss.”  
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