#especially cap hatfield ugffffff
charliehoennam · 4 years
better luck next time.
A/N: request was made by @h-a-j-i-m-e-ru​ for our lovely Douglas Cleary and can be found here. Hope y‘all enjoy it! If you liked my work, please show support by reblogging. Sharing is caring!
Warnings: bodily injury, probably poor horse-riding knowledge 🤣 it’s just kinda fluffy, i didn’t proofread so sorry if there are any mistakes.
Paring: Doug Cleary x gn!reader.
Word Count: 1,345
Credits to @h-a-j-i-m-e-ru for the gif 😚
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Let’s face it: horses were never really your thing. You always thought they were fascinating creatures and admired animals. Growing up in the city only ever really allowed you come across cats, dogs and sometimes squirrels. Doug, on the other hand, loved them. Always did, even when you first met him in the foster home you’d shared when younger.
When he came into some reward money he and his siblings received from the FBI, he decided to use the money to invest in a lifelong passion. He found a little patch of land, got him a nice family home and horse ranch that would finally be one he didn’t just work on but also owned this time. After his troubled time growing up as a petty crime thief and being in and out of prison, he knew his record wouldn’t let him get a normal job. But having this once in a lifetime opportunity, he was happy to finally have something he could finally call his. A place he could truly call home.  
How you guys worked out so well was a surprise and a mystery, fitting into each other like two opposite puzzle pieces and completing the final grand image.  
“Goddamn you and your smooth-talking mouth, Douglas Cleary. I can’t believe you got me into this. ”
He knew you weren’t as serious as you were nervous, judging by your nervous laughing. He thought it was adorable how your cheeks were shaded pink with anxiety.  
“Hey, I only suggested it. You’re the one that agreed to this and I told you didn’t have to.”
“The things we do for love.”
With a smile and his hands on your hips, his lips pressed warmly against yours.  
“You sure you wanna do this?”
“I’m sure, just first-time jitters is all.”
“Just try to relax and remember all the tips I gave you. And if you have any doubts or questions or just wanna stop, I’m gonna be beside you the whole time so all you gotta do is say so.”
His reassurance was too touching to back out now. If anything, it made you want to do this even more now.  
Your nerves began to dwindle down as he led you into the stables. Although you had visited this place often with Doug, it never ceased to amaze you with its’ magnificence. Not the well-tended stable. The splendor belonged entirely to the earthly creatures, so grand and strikingly majestic in every shade. But there was one that seemed to warm up to you rather quickly.  
Dolly was already sticking her long snout out the second she caught scent of your smell.
“Look at her, she’s already looking for you.” Doug chuckled adoringly rubbing just above her muzzle.
“Easy now, girl. Easy. You’re just itching to go out for a run, ain’t ya?”  
Your heart filled with admiration watching how passionate Doug with his horses. How infectious it was. It was almost as if he could read their minds sometimes. Maybe there was some mutual feeling to them. After his life of being constantly misunderstood and feared for his past - living the life he had been dealt as a child of the system that failed him - it was no surprise he related to them so much.  
Dolly’s dark black coat glistened brightly under the sunlight as she relished in the warmth. Everything seemed to be going well; the Andalusian underneath you seemed calmer than you were, but your anxiety had winded down quite a lot as she embraced you on the saddle. Doug may have been part of the reason. He was still guiding Dolly around in circles, letting you get more comfortable with her.  
Once you felt confident enough to literally take the reins, Dolly trotted around the enclosed field following your directions. You could understand why Doug enjoyed this so much. It was so much more than you imagined, having understated the level of trust required to mount the animal. Not just on your behalf, but on behalf of the horse too.
Your lips could not snap back to normal from the wide grin you had on. It refused to drop once you felt the freedom and the wind in your hair as Doug cheered you on; the trust placed in you; the pride that swelled in your chest having overcome a fear you never really knew you had at all. Everything had been going better than expected...until you landed hard on your shoulder in the dirt. Due to the lack of experience, you had no clue what scared Dolly enough to knock you right off her back. Whatever it happened, she certainly did not like it.  
The landing didn’t hurt too much in itself. What did hurt the most was your ankle. In the middle of the confusion, it had gotten caught in the stirrups while Dolly dragged you along for a few good yards until Doug was able to calm her long enough to help you out. Initially, you didn’t feel the extent of your injury – thank you, adrenaline – until you try to stand on your feet. The pain shot up your leg instantly as you limped towards the ring, using the wooden fence to help you walk. Doug could tell something was wrong so he focused on getting Dolly back in the stable as calmly and quickly as possible. He scooped you up effortlessly in his arms once he’d raced back to you.  
“Shit, darling, I’m so sorry! Something must’ve spooked Dolly.”
“It’s fine, I’m alright” you say, trying to pull a reassuring smile. “Just my ankle that’s a little bent out of shape.”
“I got you, sweetheart. Just hang on now.”  
Setting you down on his couch, he carefully slipped your boot off and gently rolled the pant leg up enough to examine your ankle.  
“Shoot, honey. It’s swelling up real bad. I think you might have broken something.”
“I’ll be fine, Dougy. Don’t worry. It’s really not as bad as it looks.”
“You sure? ‘Cause it looks bad to me. I think we oughta get you to the hospital.”
“I do not need to go to the hospital. It’s just a little sprain. Get some ice on it and I’ll be back on my feet in no time.”
“The hell you are! I ain’t lettin’ you walk to nowhere, not with your ankle lookin’ like a grapefruit!”
“Quit being so dramatic, babe. Can you get me some ice?”
“No, I cannot. I’m sorry.”  
You frowned as he grabbed his keys and tucked his wallet inti his pocket before scramming around the house, looking for your identification and any other document you might need.
“What are you doing, Dougy?”
“I’m taking you down to the hospital to get it checked out.”
“I told you, I don’t need no dang hospital.”
“Well, I ain’t ask you now, did I? And unless you wanna run away, which I doubt you can, you’re going to the hospital.” He assured firmly as if you had no option, carrying out the door and down the farmhouse porch.
“It’s just sprained. I don’t need no doctor to tell me what I already know.”
“You need proper medication for it. And last time I checked, you’re not a doctor so I’d rather be safe than sorry.”  
It was already too late; you were set in the passenger seat of his truck while he jogged around the front to hop into the driver’s seat.
“Can you stop making a big fuss about this?”
“Can you shut up and let me take care of you for crying out loud?”
His smile and jokingly tone let you know he wasn’t serious. Well, not completely. He did want to take care of you, but he found your stubbornness rather amusing. You weren’t fully convinced until he leaned over and planted a kiss on your lips, hand under your chin to tenderly hold you in place.  
“I got you, honey.”
Consider yourself convinced.  
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