#esp when it come to abc + angela like it makes me feel like
lobpoints · 1 year
honestly i’ve recently been brainworming about how even though carmen’s colour is obviously red, in LC her speech box is blue??? both the memories of carmen and angela are just his interpretation of her… i love how on the surface its a hint for the player that they are connected but if you dig deeper it is one of the main reasons he failed w angela!! he only ever knew the version of carmen that existed in his own head, he could never replicate her in her entirety, angela is blue just like his carmen, but his carmen is flawed by design…….
SORRY IF I ANSWER LATE SINCE THIS ASK MAKE ME SIT DOWN AND THINK(TM) A BIT but here are my thoughts on them though it super long and super incoherent since I dont know how to necessary connect points smoothly
On the topic of color coding I actually did talk with my friends a lot on how Carmen's color or at least one that has big impression on Ayin or an indication to their relationship or connection are all red but I didn't know if I was reading too deep in it
For example:
• her eyes
•The red hairband that is said in the artbook to be a present from A
• Bloodbath
And to specifically talk about Bloodbath it is also how Angela offered the manager champagne which resembles the color of her eyes after one of your employee presumably died which is an obvious call back to that one specific passage in Bloodbath but the alcohol that was used in the past scenario was red wine which is the color of Carmen's eyes. I personally interpret this scene as Angela venting her own frustration and despair at the presumingly oblivious manager in the form of her mocking his own sad little story as well
That along with you can see how each sephirot and even including Angela has their own specific color coded letter box that fits their own respective theme while Carmen's is blue which like you said signify her connection to Carmen despite her character color theme have little to do with it and Ayin's color box is red despite his primary color being black and white (additionally I thinks that the way the characters are color coded in LC have to do with their association with respective sephirot in the tree of life in Kabbalah as well but I have not read many researches on this so I cant say for sure im qualified to speak on this topic)
And another thing of the fact that after Angela escaped from her role from lc in lor you actually don't get to see any red accessories or clothing pieces on main her design anymore being not only the red hair band is gone but also the red tie and the red shoes is also a very interesting detail to me and again as seen
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I'm still warping my head around what this all mean in full extent and my personal contemplating have me agreeing it does play into Ayin and to an extent Angela's own perception of Carmen that heavily associated with their traumatic association with her seen by how most of the examples I given you here are all extremely emotionally distressing moments or sweet moment that turned distressing/become a bad symbol after bad trauma. Along side with calling to their side of characters that actually resemble and connect to her own. There are parallel to be drawn between Ayin Carmen Angela all together like you once said there are so much Carmen in Angela and Carmen in Ayin and Ayin in Angela and vice versa also literally this
Into the question of Ayin failed with Angela in like, if I understand your question right, is on his attempt to actually create an AI of Carmen out of nothing I personally think that no matter what kind of perception Ayin had of Carmen (though I do agree that it played a part in it) he would still end up with the same type of failed sentient AI because what stopping him from making said AI was not only his own comprehension of Carmen's character but also because he personally view the act itself as something inherently disgusting and morally reprehensible. Abram talking about the making of Sephirot which is the closest to an Angela's creation something only a sick twisted person would do in the main story and Ayin's monolog in Snow Queen saying that Carmen would have been disgusted by him knowing he would do this which indicate that he personally see the act itself as disgusting too. Despite him saying him feeling no guilt here player with full context of the game can immediately deduce like yeah, he was like actively lying to himself about the fact that he feels no guilt in the narration because the whole game is him lying making up scenario for himself in favor of an ultra realization for completion of Carmen's life dream and him being unsure and lying about everything he feels which I personally think would effect his decision in making Angela as well as literally everything he does
(Literally examples for his "I lied, lmao" moment)
And in one QnA where the writer did straight up say that "Ayin simply couldnt and wouldn't make anything resemble Carmen" which can be interpret in a multitude of ways but at the same time PM have not been consistent with their lore answer in QnA in comparison to their plot development as well so take it with a pinch of salt as well. There are many reasons for Ayin to make Angela like That and I have my own personal interpretation of How Ayin Views Carmen personally since many things be affecting his view on her I agree with you but also don't know if you can pinpoint it as the Exact Main Reason to why he failed since not only was he flawed in perceiving Carmen he is flawed in being like, a Committed person along with him being actually very emotionally perceptive of people that he rather just look away from them for his own personal comfort by actively lying to himself about the reality in which he experience along with many other thing
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