#esp when he remembers the clone helmets that she displays like trinkets
robotsandramblings · 1 year
the more i think about it, the more i am Very Much looking forward to Hunter, Echo and Wrecker's confrontation with Cid.
not just for the "Cid getting what she deserves" part
for the "Hunter, Echo and Wrecker unleashed" part.
yelling. screaming. crying. waving guns around. throwing bottles. shooting bottles. stabbing the bar top with a knife.
i want Wrecker ripping arcade games out of the walls.
i want Echo to march into Cid's office, grab the clone helmets she's displayed, take them, and then utterly trash the rest of her office. top to bottom.
i want Hunter to take the dejarik table, the exact one where Omega played to pay off their debt, where he and Omega played against each other, and i want Hunter to rip it clean out of the floor and fucking launch it at Cid's head.
i want them to release all their stresses, and their pain and heartbreak, and their rage, on that little parlour.
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