#esp not to the point where u have to bother a lesbian about it
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“actually ivy is CANON BISEXUAL in main continuity” and the “source” is 2 completely different continuities, a screenrant article citing a source that does not exist, and her “relationship” with her groomer
#bivy truthers i love u and i love bivy this isn’t about u 💗💗💗#annoying asses who call it bi erasure & harass lesbians & try to start infighting…start running#abuse mention tw#discourse for ts#'she's shown interest in men' and the interest in question is just her being objectified as the sexy femme fatale archetype#and manipulating and killing men#and i'm not saying that stuff CAN'T be proof or that a bi character can't have done and experienced the exact same things as her#but it's not proof enough to make it unmistakably canon#esp not to the point where u have to bother a lesbian about it#vice versa as well obv#also bc i'm paranoid about being misunderstood the fake sources references in this post are#1: interviews about thorns (graphic novel) and the hqtas (ivy's bi in both) (and we love that for her)#2: the claim that connor and palmiotti established her as bi when they confirmed harlivy (they did not lol)#and 3: woodrue taking advantage of her (the ickiness of which varies depending on the continuity) (but he's often depicted as her abuser)
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quoaad review there are only spoilers you’ve been warned
first of all i didn’t really like the book, i dont think it was bad per se i think it’s been a year and a half and a lot has changed in my life esp preference wise so i think the excitement was a little more gone than i realized
its weird because this book took a year and a half to complete, but it still felt rushed? unedited? there was repetition in some parts and some reveals were thrown in there so casually that it almost seemed as if edited in as an afterthought
i’ll use kit’s reveal as an example. jem told emma about kit at the start of the book yet emma literally did not think about it ONCE until the end. i’m not just saying this as a kit fan, she was in faerie and saw the whole royal drama and even at the mention of the true heir kit didn’t cross her mind? emma isn’t stupid how did she completely disregard all that? it felt unprofessional on cassie’s part
so. much. romance. oh my god. we get it ! people have sex ! listen i don’t really care about any of these pairings other than kitty and sizzy, maybe that’s why it bothered me, but i thought there are much larger things at stake and all the romantic drama was just annoying.. i’m sorry... i just didn’t care about any of it except for kit and ty but i’ll talk about that later.
jace and clary... hunnies..... not your fault but i’m tired of reading about them and the epilogue has clary’s name again... she had her series, by now she apparently had all tmi/tda just for her and now another one? i’m tired of reading about her and jace felt dead this book other than the times he spoke to kit which i really appreciated actually.
the end was so dramatic and a little underwhelming too. emma and julian turning into huge all destroying angels that shine gold? first of all, we’ve seen that before. second of all. it was dumb. im sorry. maybe im older and that’s why all of these themes bothered me but i felt like the whole plot was dumbed down which is upsetting cause tda’s set up was the most intricate out of all of cassie’s books so far
kit and ty.... kit herondale saved the book for me and ty disappointed me although i kind of get where he’s coming from and his character is complex in more ways than one so i cannot as easily predict what he’ll do. i really hoped kitty would be an angst-free cassie clare ship but clearly that’s impossible and i’m so annoyed we have to wait another three years to see them interact after the horrible way they left off too... i’m just sad okay. they’re sweet. kit fucking yelled that he loves ty in his face... i get why he was upset after but i just wish they’d talk........ idk if ty has the mindset to really like kit back which is the only reason i kind of forgive him but when kit disappeared and ty didn’t even react and didn’t ask about him in the next scene? it just felt ooc... disappointing.
KIT HERONDALE. i love you. that’s all i’ll say about you for now. he’s the only pov i looked forward too and ngl the only pov i was reading instead of skimming by the end of the book. he’s the best character cassie’s ever created and i will love him forever. can’t wait to see how he’ll grow up with tessa and jem i have really high hopes for him and his powers are too much fun. a little op but .... if it’s kit i forgive him for anything i love him THAT much.
also povs... sooooo manyyyyy fuckingggg povs!!!! i dont think i actually read one diego chapter im sorry like i just DONT CARE!!! helen povs are valid though. lesbians always win.
overall... haven’t even rated the book yet because i wanted to love it soooo bad i promise.. but it just. ugh. it was disappointing. it felt rushed even though cassie had a year and a half to write it and really really underwhelming. i think part of the reason i lost so much patience was the million povs and the constant romance and all the fucking !! maybe its because her previous books were so pg but it felt out of place and unnecessary.. im not against sex in books but here it was like every pov at one point. relax. or skip it. give me more kit chapters instead.
few more things:
i love ash, so excited for more of him, his dru fixation is a little annoying to me though because it seems too love at first sight but im curious to see where it’ll lead.
helen and aline, i love you two!!!!! GO GO LESBIANS !
idk why i expected more from diana’s reveal... it felt like the kit reveal earlier. just thrown in there because cassie suddenly remembered she should include it
livia... it was too sad seeing her. the whole thule or whatever that place is called im sorry it was interesting? but kind of ..? idk it just felt really awkwardly described especially ash??????? wasn’t ash in their world????? how is he also so involved in thule?????? julian and emma landing on the beach and conveniently the whole army is there????? it just felt badly written
i dont care abt the tmi characters im sorry except simon and izzy bc we barely see them but the rest slkdfjkdsfj i get they’re the foundation of cassie’s whole shadowhunter world but i’m much more interested in the current characters
the kieran/cristina/mark situation.... felt zero chemistry there and i really didn’t like it but glad polyamory getting representation but sighs. more reason for cassie to write sex.
julian.. my anti-hero........ you had so much potential
kit herondale. once again thank you for saving this book. i love you forever
im still excited for the next series but i’m just a little upset right now. i was really looking forward to this and i spent most of the book annoyed. sighs. i’ll still read her other books because a) daddy will herondale b) i have high hopes for kitty
the end
thank you for reading i love u all
please let me know thoughts whether you disagree or not
id actually love for people to give me reasons to love this book bc i really really wish i did
(also didn’t reread this cause its so long im sorry if there are mistakes/some parts dont make sense)
#negative review im sorry.. read at your own risk but id love to hear thoughts#this is a sideblog so its hard to see people's reactions im not sure how the book was received
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i’ve kinda been bothered by this for a while so i’m gonna talk about it. i’ll put it under the cut tho. it’s about the debate on assuming ppl’s gender and pronouns
so like not even 2 years ago the consensus was to never assume ppl’s pronouns and gender, it’s never a bad time to ask for pronouns, etc.. and while i don’t agree that it’s always safe, i do err on the side of that being the rule, and dangerous situations being the exception (such as being in a majorly conservative group of people who you know would attack you for doing something so progressive, or when you’re with ppl ur not out to, or when you know your trans friend is with someone they’re not out to).
what i don’t get is like... why we’ve gone full circle? i’ve been seeing people say that you should always just assume someone’s gender based on the way they’re dressed, and that asking for pronouns is humiliating and wrong. and this i completely don’t agree with and also have to ask, what the fuck??? where the hell did this come from??
you know what’s more humiliating than politely being asked pronouns by someone with good intention? always being assumed to be the gender ur not, no one ever questioning, thinking “yes this looks like a woman so clearly this is a woman why would i think otherwise”. i’d rather be asked my pronouns by 20 performative cis allies than go to a supposedly trans friendly group of ppl where they all just assume i’m a woman cause that’s what i look like and sometimes dress like.
and half of the ppl saying these things call themselves gnc like... lmao what do u think gnc stands for? guac no cheese? how are you gonna say “clothes have no gender and i am going to specifically debunk gender roles by going against what society expects of me” and then turn around and say “you should assume ppl’s gender based on how they dress”????? the hypocrisy??
like i get the mental gymnastics it took to get to this place, but it seriously seems to me like it’s the result of thinking in a downward spiral, and assuming that the discomfort of someone not knowing your gender when “clearly i dressed how i want you to see me!” is the worst case scenario in the situation of assuming gender.
ffs i can wear a binder, packer, “men’s” clothes, have my short hair styled neatly, the whole 9, and still get ppl calling me a woman without missing a beat. that shit is what makes me fucking suicidal, which idk about anyone else but i’d rather be a little embarrassed that someone doesn’t know what gender i am (although i’d actually be flattered lmao) than have to live being terrified of going out and talking to people because i know that without fail, every. single. fucking. person. i talk to thinks i am blatantly and obviously a woman. even in explicitly LGBT spaces - people don’t bat an eye because i’m clearly a lesbian.
and also idk this ideology of “assume people’s gender based on how they dress and present” seems hmm how to i say truscum-y! by which i mean it’s literal truscum idiology - that real trans people strive to meet society’s gender roles as much as possible, so you should know that someone dressed like a man is a man, and someone dressed like a woman is a woman. if you’re not dressed that way then don’t get offended when someone misgenders you, because clearly you’re not trying hard enough.
i specifically hate that one post that i think might have been the turning point for a lot of ppl i’ve seen agreeing with this idiology, the one where the woman goes in for a job interview, dressed in a skirt, and the interviewer asks her her pronouns. and she just went on and on about how vile and humiliating this was and how no one should ever do that (iirc the post said something about the interviewer saying they ask everyone their pronouns but even if i’m misremembering lmao)
like. social rules don’t work this way. and maybe most of my frustration comes from being autistic and really needing social rules laid out for me. but literally all social rules are “this is what is appropriate however there is always exceptions where it’s not”. and it seems to me like the exception part of the “always ask ppl their pronouns/never assume gender” rule is getting focused on way too hard to the point that we’d rather always act like it’s never ok to do this courteous thing because YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT SITUATION SOMEONE’S IN!!!
but that’s the fucking thing. wrong crowds? being out with parents? things like that? those are the fucking exceptions. and you can’t tailor how you act to presume that everyone is with their abuser. like, if i have a friend who i’ve invited to a party and i’m hanging out with them and their partner, and i bring up the party, it’s not my fucking fault for doing so when i didn’t know the partner would later attack them for going to a party without telling them. it’s not my fault for talking normally when i didn’t know an abuser was around. and this really seems like shifting the blame onto people just talking normally for getting people unknowingly into trouble, esp when it’s really not even that common. if i’m hanging out with someone and their partner, and i ask that someone their pronouns, it’s not my fault for unknowingly outting that person in front of their partner. it’s not even fucking outting someone ffs
but it’s not about abuse and dangerous situations is it? all i’ve ever seen anyone say is that it’s humiliating. well unfortunately a few people with conservative outlooks on gendered clothing have to be humiliated in order to make progress. not really sorry.
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Hi i read ur post and i agree - lesbian & separatist feminists back in the 70s said what u said too. They asked how can osa women be a radfem but still partner with men. I'm a separatist (have never been with a man & dont plan on doing so) & i dont understand osa women who are hypocrites here how they post 24/7 how they hate men then in their next post theu talk about their bfs 😕
thank you, I'm glad someone can agree. I've thought about it a lot today, and no matter how I look at it I'm just baffled.
When I bring up this stuff, I usually get accused of spouting 'political lesbianism' which is ridiculous bc I've never claimed every woman should just be a lesbian. I think straight and bi women would really benefit from actually separating themselves from men, no intimate relationships with them, minimal contact. Then I get accused of saying people don't deserve companionship, to which i ask you this:
Would you date a racist man? Would you date a homophobic man? Would you date any sort of bigoted man? If you answer yes, we would say you cant be a radical feminist. If you answer no, one more question: would you date a misogynist?
How many posts do we see about how the majority of men don't view women as their equals, or even human beings for that matter? How often do we see how awful and violent men can be? Like at an alarming rate. I just can't help but think of that saying, if you had a bowl of m&m's in front of you and you knew at least 50% of them were poison, would you still eat them?
Im really tired of OSA women claiming this is some form of oppression against them, some sort of hatred for them, or we (lesbians) are somehow the evil misogynists bc I dare to ask why they even bother at this point.
And then on top of it all, these same women will come after you claiming feminism is about hating men, and they hate men most of all, but they can't seem to get enough of them. Which then they get offended bc once again they believe they need companionship and cab somehow find it from a man while simultaneously claiming to hate them and have the most radical feminism all while making excuses for themselves and their men. I just can't take it anymore.
There are lesbians who have lived their entire lives alone, not by choice. What makes straight women so special/most deserving of companionship if it most definitely affects the radical feminist movement? I mean really, genuinely, I cannot understand how you can be a RADICAL (meaning to the ROOT) feminist, knowing the ROOT of our oppression is men, and you're... shocked when lesbians criticize your dedication to the movement? What about companionship with women in platonic ways? You know, what feminism is rooted in. I would think that would come first before defending your relationships with men while.. also claiming you hate them while.. also claiming you center women.. idk it's just a lot to think about.
Would love it if any OSA women could have a discussion with me without accusing me of blaming them for their abuse as well, bc I've never said that and I would never blame a woman for that when clearly the man is being abusive. I'm also not blaming OSA for wanting companionship, I completely understand that. I just have to question where the desire comes from, esp after claiming to call yourself a radical feminist. Idk I just think, after all we talk about here on radblr, I don't think you can be a /radical/ feminist if you still seek out intimate relationships with men.
(Sorry for the ramble reply just have a lot on my mind!)
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im not gonna ask op any of these questions. sorry op. instead im gonna answer all of them myself cause i am bored and fatherless.
you guys know the "submissive and breedable" meme??? i hc that in the omegaverse that meme actually exists too and is unironically used to opress omegas especially when they are in heat. its considered so derogatory infact that the word "breedable" is deemed as a slur by omega rights activists
idgaf abt betas bro they are literally just normal humans. im just gonna say that homophobia does not exist even for betas. like sure ppl are still gonna side eye some wlw or mlm beta couples but alphas and omegas don't gaf. beta businesses dont matter to them and in their eyes as long as a beta doesnt bother them then it does not matter
my friend called themselves an alpha earlier and that pisses me off so much bc they are clearly an omega bitch. bro, if you are reading this rn and you recognize me from my rad and sexy typing style and my totally awsome demeanor. i just wanna say that you should kill yourself cause nobody gives a shit about you, you stupid homo /SRS (/j)
pregnancy is so gross to me. even in a werewolf furry au. im not gonna do that lmao
toxic lesbian female alpha mob boss sexy
i actually have an og story rn abt this. basically some of the population have magical witchy powers and theres lore abt it. im too lazy to get into it rn. the protag is a magical omega boy whos been isolated from society for 15 years. at the end of the story he gets killed by his hot omega milf mother
hmm not really an au but i think celebs would work p much the same as they do in our world except sometimes some betas get assigned to alpha/omega roles in movie if they suit the physical description
i am a miner
bro feral alphas are so boring and basic. they exist ig. i dont like them but i sometimes use them for plot important stuff
like i said idgaf abt betas. altho i have this minor character who is a beta woman who is dating an omega girl and shes super loyal to her. almost to the point where its unhealthy tbh. like she would literally kill herself for this bitch. the omega isnt good either. the reason she dates this person is cause she hates alphas and with betas esp female betas she gets to feel like shes in control for once and she like. manipulates her a shit ton. its hot
sorta nsfw ig???
i fucking despise ass babies with my whole heart. whoever came up with the idea (and everyone who likes that idea) deserves to be put in some sort of mental hospital cause what in the actual fuck. its so gross and so horrible. pregnancy is already disgusting to me but pregnancy where a character shits their baby??? kill me rn
mf its omegaverse how in the actual fuck can it be sad??? "oh noo... im pregnant and the baby is dying because im mated to the wrong alpha!" i have to laugh
pups are annoying thats all i gotta say. theres only one thing worse than pregnancy fics. baby fics. ugh
i have a lesbian alpha/alpha couple in my story and theyre uh... yeah
i think its hot
i think presenting is dumb. like no way ur just some normal dude then one day u just suddenly leak fountains of slick or whatever. its so dumb. imo presenting is just like puberty. and dynamics are known since birth by blood tests
Omegaverse Headcanon Ask Meme
Poppy ~ Headcanon about an Omega
Echium ~ Headcanon about a Beta
Nemophila ~ Headcanon about an Alpha
Lilac ~ Headcanon about a pregnant Omega
Dahlia ~ Headcanon about a Mobster AU
Clover ~ Headcanon about a Magic AU
Gerbera ~ Headcanon about a Famous AU
Orchid ~ Smut headcanon
Lily ~ Headcanon about a feral Alpha
Alyssum ~ Headcanon about a loyal Beta
Hibiscus ~ Headcanon about biology
Hydrangea ~ Angst headcanon
Snapdragon ~ Fluff headcanon
Daffodil ~ Headcanon about litters
Cosmos ~ Headcanon on Alpha/Alpha Pairing
Rose ~ Headcanon on Omega/Omega Pairing
Amaryllis ~ Headcanon on dynamic presenting
~ Ask Me Anything~
#alpha/beta/omega dynamics#alpha/beta/omega headcanon#alpha/beta/omega verse#omegaverse au#omegaverse#a/b/o dynamics#a/b/o
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the gay ass anime masterpost*
*not actually a masterpost, since i give about two and a half fucks about keeping this updated or properly categorized. real loose classifications to follow. shit i haven’t seen in italics; stuff i’d highly recommend in bold. now updated w/ streaming links (some are US-only tho, sorry)
no predatory lesbians or okama joke characters or else we’ll be here all day. k? k.
LGBT-THEMED: anime that directly addresses LGBT identity as one of its primary focuses
Revolutionary Girl Utena
the ez one
Yurikuma Arashi
Class S is bullshit, did u know that. Also, thirsty-ass bear girls and a real angry takedown of the patriarchy
Flip Flappers
I don’t know how you can read this show as anything but lesbian sexual awakening, especially given the Class S Yuri Hell episode
Wandering Son (Hourou Musuko)
pls pay attention to the T friends
Aoi Hana (Sweet Blue Flowers)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
Kikuhiko is def not cishet and i will fite u if u insist otherwise. Half the show’s choices make no sense without that lens
Yuri!!! on Ice
fite me
LGBT-THEMED; LIMITED REP: anime that addresses gender or sexuality as a secondary focus, though perhaps lacking explicit representation (e.g. LGBT narratives in the secondary cast).
The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (from the director of Yuri!!! on Ice)
One of the supporting characters is a gay man struggling w/ masculinity
Gay schoolgirl episode all about female sexual repression
did i mention the titty is good
Princess Jellyfish
Prominent focus on gender presentation
Kuranosuke can be read as a closeted trans woman
Paradise Kiss
Heroine’s love interest is bisexual
Trans woman in the supporting cast; trans identity plays a major role in her story
Ouran High School Host Club
Discusses gender + gender presentation, though protagonist isn’t explicitly stated to be nonbinary
Protagonist’s parents implied to be genderqueer; father definitely bi
Plenty of gay subtext among the male cast
Scum’s Wish
Strong focus on female sexuality; main character is bisexual
Central cast also includes a lesbian
Discusses gender as more of an abstraction? Takes place in a world where everyone is born female to later choose a permanent gender. It does less to directly address gender than you’d expect, though, which is why I’m sticking it here
From the New World (Shin Sekai Yori)
Future dystopia where societal norms practically mandate bisexuality. Honestly, I dunno where to put this; the story’s more concerned with sexuality in general than with LGBT identity
Devilman Crybaby
Classic characters reinterpreted through a queer lens; important theme of coming to terms with one’s own sexuality and identity. Ryo is the definition of disaster gay
LGBT REP: anime w/ positive depictions of LGBT characters, though not necessarily concerned w/ addressing queerness directly.
Samurai Flamenco
Four words: gay naked gunpoint proposal. the show makes about that much sense but it’s a lotta fun
i don’t care what the director said
bisexual girl in a poly relationship
No. 6
boys kissing tho???
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
pls ignore the manga and its magic dick nonsense
One of the two leads is a gay boy. He explicitly says so in the first episode. Avoid the live-action movie like the plague.
I should probably list Kase-san and Bloom Into You here
Mikagura School Suite
The heroine is REALLY THIRSTY for all the cute girls
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Beyond the obvious homoerotic overtones of Albert/the Count, there’s Franz’s gay crush
Sympathetic trans girl character in the secondary cast
Michiko and Hatchin (from the director of Yuri!!! on Ice!!!)
Girls are good ok
Atsuko is gay
Macross Delta
two girls in the supporting cast do a hell of a lotta cuddling on screen
some versions of Sailor Moon
namely the ‘90s anime
Sailor Moon Crystal and the manga do address gender in… questionable ways
Tokyo Godfathers
Trans woman in the main cast
Tiger and Bunny
Reasonably respectful portrayal of a gay man once it gets going
Central relationship between two men could be read as romantic
Whispered Words (Sasameki Koto)
One of the officers is a lesbian. She gets a focus episode
Monogatari series
Really just limited to Kanbaru, but she’s the most accurate depiction of the constantly horny dank meme problematic gay (e.g. me) i’ve ever seen, ironic propositioning of her straight dude friend and all. The rest of the franchise is obnoxious though, so ymmv
Kill la Kill?
i don’t know how else you interpret one girl kissing another on the mouth
Attack on Titan
If you’ve been living under a rock and somehow haven’t heard about it Ymir and Christa are all but explicitly stated to be in love with each other
Kino’s Journey
Kino asks people to use non-gendered pronouns, apparently? I haven’t seen this yet.
Knights of Sidonia
Non-binary character in the main cast
The manga goes some iffy places with their character tho, be warned
Really though, I mostly like this show for the sentient pink penis alien
Gatchaman Crowds
Several gender non-conforming characters
Trans girl in the main cast
Cardcaptor Sakura?
One of the dudes is canonically gay, not that it makes much of an improvement to the show
A Centaur’s Life
there’s a moment where a lesbian objects to her PDA being considered more obscene than the straight equivalent, which is nice but pretty off-the-cuff
Rose of Versailles
Oscar’s debatably genderqueer, though the show goes some real questionable places towards the end
Gay ladies?
Hunter x Hunter
Trans girl in the supporting cast. Her story’s extremely minor in the grand scheme of things but it’s there and it’s good
Love and Lies
potato-kun gets a harem that includes his male best friend
Land of the Lustrous
non-gendered rock people searching for meaning in life
Bodacious Space Pirates
via @madscientist212: “two explicitly lesbian characters who are lovers, and one of the story arcs involves the crew helping one of them avoid being forced into an arranged marriage to a dude by her uncle”
Banana Fish
Extremely dated BL-flavored crime drama; unfortunately falls into the pitfalls of old-ass exploitation films: csa, sexual assault, etc. It’s such a problematic fav tho
Kiss Him, Not Me
Reverse harem includes a lesbian
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
heavy gay subtext between leads and secondary cast members; well-intentioned trans representation that’s... kinda clumsy, tbh
Zombie Land Saga
one of the zombie girls is a trans girl who dies from the shock of puberty. it’s p incidental to her character but the show’s real cute otherwise so go for it
Anima Yell
apparently one of the girls admits to having a crush on a female teacher. or something. idk this show looks hella boring why bother
THE SUBTEXT IS STRONK: not textually gay (some you could argue could fall under category #2 and vice versa; not the point of this post) but can be read that way, even though these shows aren’t super concerned w/ romance in general
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Depending on the version, Shinji’s sexuality can be read a variety of ways. Manga Shinji is pretty clearly bi; TV anime Shinji you could debate.
Free, I guess
Love Live (Sunshine esp.) if I’m counting Free
Dear Brother (Oniisama e, otherwise known as BE STRONG)
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
Nominally they’re straight and pining for the same girl but BOY do Kaoru and Sentarou have a LOT of chemistry with each other, so much that it’s hard to read them otherwise
Marimite (Maria Watches Over Us)
Izetta: The Last Thing I Would Watch Even If I Had a Gun Pointed at My Head
Despite what you may have heard, this show is bad and 100% plays in bait territory. Also, obnoxious gun fetishism and way. too. much. goddamn. phallic imagery.
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
Umamusume: Pretty Derby
Princess Principal
I have complicated feelings about this goddamn trash fire of a show, but halfway through the second season it turns into a genuinely compelling gay pseudo-romance (?) about two boys navigating heteronormativity. also i guess the main couple exists, tho they spend a ridiculous amount of effort no-homoing
basically any sports anime ever tbh
Golden Kamuy
MADE FOR THE STRAIGHTS BUT STILL OK: the yuri, BL, etc. that’s clearly targeted at a heterosexual audience but respectful enough to be enjoyable for the people they’re about
This Boy Caught a Merman
This Boy is a Professional Wizard
Strawberry Panic
Love Stage??? I have some qualms about putting this here but of the trashy BL anime that exist this is probably the least offensive
TEXTUALLY GAY BUT BLUGHHHH: the yuri and BL that just sux
Sakura Trick
Junjou Romantica (how the hell does this thing have three seasons)
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Gakuen Heaven
Dramatical Murder (POTATO DOGGO)
Super Lovers UGH
idk Gravitation and all that other crappy BL I don’t have the patience to list
GIMME THE TRASH NOW: problematic as all hell but i sure ain’t complainin b/c i’m gay ass trash
Netsuzou Trap (NTR)
Riddle Story of Devil
Love to Lie Angle
if you ever wanted a generic ass harem comedy except with a potato girl instead of a potato guy, here’s that compressed into 3 minutes
Corpse Party wwww
Gakuen Handsome FITE ME
NOT TOUCHING THIS HORNET’S NEST WITH A TEN FOOT POLE: pls,,,, save me from the Disk Horse
Sound! Euphonium
One of these days I might organize this a lil better. Maybe if/when Tumblr figures out how to make editing not a pain in the ass
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most hated fandom?
HA. HAAAAAA. HAAAAAAAAAAAA. Okay, this is going to be me salting quite a lot because there are about three that are tied because I hate them…so…damn..much - but, ofc, everything will be slashed so no one can come at me bc I’m staying in my damn lane. Cool? Cool.
And of course, this is not meant to shade every single person in these fandoms. Saying this includes every single person in fandom is a ridiculous assumption to make. I follow people from each, and they’re lovely wonderful people. When I say fandom, I’m talking about the community, not every individual in that community. I’m going by my personal experience, with the fandom that I have seen.
Edit: WOW this got too long for only 3 fandoms so it’s under a read more sorry if you’re on mobile bud (and, uh, if you love any of these fandoms).
The Cl/exa fandom. It remains the first fandom that I’ve actively hated without being a part of fandom or ever watching the show. I followed a lot of The 1.00 people, and fandom seemed really sweet at the time, but sometime around season 2 I noticed a lot of my Cl/exa followers being horribly racist, biphobic, or just overall shitty (about three kept saying B/ellamy had white male privilege and I really had to double check because I was sure he was a POC and ofc, the actor is, so that was fun). There were also people hating on Desi fans who pointed out how L/exa’s brownface + bindi (and yes, yes, the “helm of awe” thing I get it but that paired with her brownface doesn’t exactly pair well) or considered it “just her having dirt on her face!!!” or “she’s just tan!” really bothered me (esp when one of those same people reblogged an AU where she’s the child of D/rogo & D/any where - Drogo is a POC man so which is it?? Is she a white woman in brown face or not because bud you can’t have both.) The full on moment I hated fandom, though, was when L/exa died. I was sympathetic up until every single wlw ship I followed was filled with L/exa dying. I really don’t need that, especially with the constant “LESBIAN KILLED BY A BULLET” trope being applied to D/elphine who 1. Showed up later on in the season perfectly fine and 2. Is B I S E X U A L. There was constant bi-erasure (one post in particular called K/orrasami lesbians and when it was pointed out that they were both bi the response was that they knew but meant lesbian as in wlw like???? What?????). And that, that was the exact moment when I finally went through my dash and unfollowed a shit load of awful Cl/exa fans and now I only have about 3-5 that I follow because they’re nice, point out problematic aspects, and/or are just generally non-shitty people.
The DC.TV fandom, specifically the Error & Supe/rgirl fandom. The Sup/ergirl fandom was fine the first season, but it’s especially broken down the second season. Constant erasure of James from the white femslash fandom like!!! How fun!!! And, of course, there’s the Error fandom - they were extra fun. I ship Ol*icity and somehow the fandom managed to lessen my love for them with their misogynistic hatred of La/urel!! Not to mention their real life hatred of KC and shipping Stem*ly together and trying to say that they’re having an affair in real life because that’s not gross at all!!!! And honestly, while I shit on the Ol*city fandom a lot, the entire fandom is gross - I’ve seen the L/aurel fandom slut shame Fel*city and I understand not liking her character, but I don’t like the slut shaming, and I especially hate when people want her to die graphically, because she is a Jewish character and people really need to think about the implications that they give off when they write posts about wanting her to die or make posts with Feli/city dolls where the head is chopped off or she’s bloody af like please criticize the character but don’t be shitty and forget that she’s a Jewish character too, and please don’t be misogynistic.
And I didn’t really get on about them but honestly??? Fl/ash fandom can be shitty too, esp with the ones who have their White Faves, and the Sn*wbarry vs West*llen nonsense. Sn*wbarry fandom can be transparently racist at times, and it’s ridiculous, esp when they’re called out on excluding I.ris or Ci.sco from posts. Ship what you want - I’m not gonna rag on anyone for shipping Sn*wbarry - but please don’t try to pretend like this ship wasn’t founded in racism, like the second CP was cast for I.ris fandom didn’t go “oh….you know what…..Dan/ielle’s character looks…more suitable for B.arry….”. That doesn’t mean that YOU’RE racist, but that’s where the ship came from, and I dislike the fact that people act like that didn’t happen. And - I am part of the We/stallen fandom (kind of) and I like it, but I do have to admit the fandom can be too aggressive at times, and goes overboard on people who multiship or don’t ship We/stallen. I understand there are racist issues with most of the people fandom has had to deal with on the tag, but I’ll see people attacking people who want to get along or congratulated us, or simply immediately accusing them of being racist and like, fam, wyd? Don’t do that, be better than that.
WHILE WE’RE HERE I feel like most of the annoying parts of the LOT fandom comes from F/larrow but they’re still a part of L.OT and the biphobia that comes from there (esp from the C.aptain C.anary fandom - which, I still ship the ship, but come on fandom be less annoying).
The majority of the S/ansa fandom. I love S/ansa. She’s my favorite female character ever. However, a large part of her active fandom irritates me. What are Sa/nsa (who is 11-16 depending on the timelines) biggest ships? Her with P/etyr (middle aged man), with T/yrion (middle aged man, who she was forced into a marriage with), with J/on (her adopted brother and biological cousin), and with Sa/ndor (a middle aged man who she’s terrified of). People try to pass it off like they were shipping these with no problem because of Sophie being legal, but these ships were very large when Sophie was starting out as S/ansa - aka when she was 13. And, the ship was incredibly popular in the book fandom, meaning that fans read about an 11 year old girl interacting with middle aged men and thought, “yes, let’s ship her with them”. People try to excuse them and say it’s because “it’s how it works in GOT” but honestly I think that’s an excuse to just ship their pedophile ships - and when they ship J*onsa, it completely ignores Jo.n’s place as a S/tark and acts as if him being adopted does not make him S/ansa’s true brother, which real-life adopted fans have seen from the J*onsa fandom and have found hurtful. It’s so shitty and normalizes abusive ships or relationships with a power-imbalance, and it’s horrible that people see this character, call themselves fans, and yet still ship her in the most unhealthy relationships.
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You make a very compelling point, damn. Another thing that gives this idea some credence is the silver gown at the school leavers ball. If hecate was super unpopular, why would she bother going to a school ball, much less pulling such a dramatic ass move as appearing in a silver gown like some kind of Cinderella? Everyone probably stared at her in shock and shes like "oh dear, everyone is probably laughing at me..." when they're all struggling for breath because she's!! so!! beautiful!! Omg!! And then pippa shows up in a gold one and everyone dies because of course the Lesbian Heartthrob Duo would pull this shit. Honestly, this all makes so much sense:
-her best friend being pippa, no doubt the most popular and social witch in the school. A lot of headcanons assume pippa was hecate's only friend and sheild against everyone constantly hating on her, but it would make far more sense for hecate's social status at the school to raise to Pippa's by being her best friend. Most of the hate probably did come from others in their group of friends who were jealous of the attention she got from Pippa, but everyone else, esp the younger witches thought she was Super Smart, Super Tall and Mysterious Hecate Hardbroom who would always answer your questions in class
-the fact that they participated in sports, i can't believe that never registered to me as jock but goddamn. U right. Also before the spelling bee she makes mildred and ethel do push ups. Making the kids jog in miss softbroom....former jock hecate hardbroom. Her aversion to sports day is the one thing that doesn't check out but.....could she consider Dimity a sports rival??? That's something to chew on lmao
-the leavers ball story implied that Hecate liked to make grand entrances. God no wonder she and pippa were friends.
This should be a fic where like, hecate remembers being unpopular and pippa is like: "......literally everyone adored you wtf are you talking about? You were the valedictorian? You used to tutor first years who all had massive crushes on you? How do you not remember this?" And hecate is like "what about those witches in our year who we sat with at lunch?" And pippa is like "those were like 3 people who hated that I preferred your company over theirs and would have killed to be in your position. Everybody else was literally in awe of you"
Its like everyones headcanons about hecate being an only child were so prevalent but the more you think about her being an eldest child to a bunch of siblings it actually makes a lot of sense. You've opened so many new possibilities, I love it
Don’t get me wrong I absolutely Love fics where Pippa is Hecate’s only friend p much and have Hecate awkward and shy but Pippa Gets it like I live for that But. Are we sure that Hecate wasn’t actually unknowingly super popular????
Just think about how young adult lesbians react now to Raquel Cassidy like you’re gonna tell me that an all girls school full of impressionable young witches aren’t going to have a crush on tall and brilliant and competent Hecate Hardbroom like she’s super powerful and as far as I know didn’t become a teacher through any kind of coercion, meaning that in school she probably liked helping other people not fail and sure she might be a bit awkward but if you have someone in your class who always knows the answer and will always spare time to give you help and will be the reason why your grade is higher than it should be like….I am telling you, you will fall in Love.
Especially if you’re also a younger student and Hecate doesn’t seem like she’d have the whole “oh you’re younger and so I don’t have time for you” kind of ego but just helps them anyway because they asked for help, so why wouldn’t she???
Also, Hecate seems like she has issues reading social cues and part of the reason she was such good friends with Pippa is that Pippa was just so blatantly clear that she thought the entire world of Hecate and loved her to pieces. There was no ambiguity. Hecate does not understand that the reason why people go quiet and stutter around her is not because they hate her but they’re just all in awe in and love with her
What Hecate thinks is happening: oh, they won’t really talk to me and they keep stuttering and won’t make eye contact and that person cried when I smiled at them and that other person tripped and fell in front of me. I guess everyone hates me but Pippa, who always tells me that I’m her friend and how much she values me. Except for a few of the girls who she hangs around who I flat out know hate me
What is actually happening: oh god oh god Hecate is coming over how’s my hair how are my teeth oh no why wont my legs work she is so pretty guys what do I do well if I don’t know what to do then why would I give YOU advice she’s so nice and her hair is so pretty and will she step on me WHAT DO WE SAY
Also furthering this: Pippa and Hecate were going to do a broomstick display in front of the entire school. Not their class—their school. By witching standards, Hecate and Pippa were jocks.
Hecate Hardbroom was a jock guys. Smartest witch in school who probably helped everyone out with their work, tall and gorgeous, without much of any kind of ego, and a jock.
Have you ever met a lesbian. Have you. Have you. The people who weren’t in love with Hecate were the ones in love with Pippa. They were all crying god why can’t that be me watching the two of them interact and then went wait no THIS IS NOT WHAT WE MEANT when the two of them stopped being friends.
TL;DR Teenage Hecate was an accidental heartbreaker and was convinced that everyone hated her because she has Harry Potter levels of oblivious and there were more people who hated Pippa than Hecate for having Hecate’s obvious love and devotion. Hell probably more people would have hated Pippa for being the one Hecate was clearly in love with if Pippa wasn’t so damn nice.
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