#esp for their degree? its in the top 5. which is similar to my degree so like top 10 for me
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turnedpalefromlackofsun · 6 months ago
Did I even mention how one of my siblings got into one of the best colleges in the nation
That I am now applying to because that shit will set me for life that's how good it is
And said sibling thinks it's trash cuz their friends got jealous and told them it's trash
Bro is an idiot. I'm Weeping
0 notes
curiosity-killed · 4 years ago
Hi....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Aw of course I don’t mind! Though I feel like my answer is going to be a disaster bc I love these casts so so much aha let’s see:
1. Wei Wuxian
Ah so I feel like this is obvious based on the sheer quantity of things I produce and the effort I put into hurting him 😅 but yeah! I love how much of a classical tragic hero he is and I love how much love he has and how that gets twisted around and shaped into a collar of spikes around his own neck. I saw gif sets of wwx before I ever knew about CQL and my reaction was “fuck. I’m going to love him” and I do! And I love that he does learn from his past and I love most of all that he learns to accept the love he is given and is able to make a happy ending in a place of being loved and held in respect and appreciation
2. Wen Qing
On the other hand, I did not expect to be like “mine now” with Wen Qing. Don’t get me wrong, the sexy immortal look got me but it wasn’t really till I started writing fic that I was like ohhhhh Oh Boy. Wen Qing is brilliant and ruthless, fiercely loving and aloof and cold. I love that she gets the lose-lose challenge of balancing what is right for her family vs what is right in the world, what she owes to her sect and what she owes to individuals. The golden core transfer is my favorite dubious science experiment in p much all media I’ve consumed. She gets to be so human—prickly and tough and also achingly gentle and afraid and putting on a tough face and sometimes still crying. “I’m sorry and thank you” ! Im!!
3. Jiang Yanli
The first fic I wrote for this fandom was literally “Jiang Yanli died no she didn’t” lmao I do feel like I underserve Jiang Yanli in that I often fall prey to using her to further the complexity that the male characters are permitted while denying her the chance to be given the same space for development and breath — something to work on! But in that, I really genuinely love how tightly she binds herself to her family and how she tries so hard to be what others need her to be—and then she does make a choice for herself and for a single moment at least, she gets to be loved and to be happy and to have this, a husband and a son and a place, for herself. And terribly I love how much she permeates the story still after death. She is the unspoken voice, the face turned from the camera but always still present, carried in the hearts and names and memories of the ones left behind
She deserved better but—I am weak for the tragedy of it all
4. Jiang Cheng
Another surprise (tho hardly surprising in hindsight): Jiang Cheng is just...horribly understandable. He makes terrible choices and his greatest heroism is undone by a choice made for him or, in the case of “killing the Yiling Laozu” is a lie. He is such a youngest sibling who doesn’t want to be the youngest until all at once, he’s the one in charge and he doesn’t want it at all. He is full of anger and hurt and so much love he doesn’t know what to do with it, doesn’t want it anymore, has no place to put all of its terrible, overwhelming flood.
5. Lan Wangji
I almost didn’t put Lan Wangji or Jiang Cheng on here and then I realized that this is sort of a list of characters I’m pickiest about in fic and...yeah. I think what I love best about Lan Wangji is his journey of grief and healing and through that, his decision to step into world. Where Wei Wuxian’s decision to travel and be removed from the cultivation world (in varying degrees depending on your headcanon preference lol) is really, really important to me, Lan Wangji’s decision to go from being an isolated lone agent working apart from the systems of the world to being involved and invested in changing those systems and working to make them better is also really important to me. I’ve talked before about how relatable Lan Wangji is to me (esp with regards to our interaction with the outer world) and there is something deeply hopeful and comforting about post-timeskip Lan Wangji being in his like mid-/late-30s and still making decisions and growing and changing and choosing to invest himself in the world and the future
yeah. i have thoughts here that I don’t really have the maturity, life experience, or articulation to put into words but Lan Zhan Good basically
1. Xie Lian
suuuurpriiiiise!! Yeah honestly mxtx’s mains in TGCF and MDZS really just hit all my buttons basically. What appeals to me most of all about Xie Lian is, fittingly, how he is humanity taken to extremes. His capacity for incredible kindness and compassion is equaled with his capacity for cruelness and ruthlessness. His heaven-shaking highs are matched with calamitous lows. He is the hyperbolic of what it is to be human—and he is also the small moments, the wildflowers and the maple leaves and the mundane chores and the comfort of whispered conversations late into the night. I could quite literally go on for pages about what I love about Xie Lian but I am not Hua Cheng and can restrain myself LMAO
2. Hua Cheng
of all the characters on these lists, Hua Cheng is the one I’m pickiest about tbh! When I say I love him for similar reasons as Xie Lian I don’t actually mean this as being similarities between the two but the fact that both of them so richly convey mxtx’s points about the nature of humanity and what it is to be human. Hua Cheng is both the boldest and most arrogant of all and also the most vulnerable, the one who shies away from the truth because he’s braced for it to hurt and isn’t sure he can take it. He is gory blood rain and an umbrella to shelter a fragile bloom; he is a blade whose wounds only heal if he permits it and he is a sacrifice that he brushes aside as a fit of madness. *pats his head* this boy can fit SO MUCH inside him that he refuses to acknowledge
3. Jun Wu
Definitely my favorite antagonist in recent reading. I was doubtful of him from the start (something something issues with authority something something probably should talk to my theoretical future therapist shhh) but the unfolding of his reveal was so delightfully painful and exquisite that I was like “YES!!!” reading all of it. About the epitome of a satisfying plot twist imo. But about the character himself, I love how he parallels so many — Xie Lian in his rise and fall, his glory and disgrace; Hua Cheng in his fixation and ruthlessness; He Xuan in losing himself to the plot and not knowing how to move forward. I love that he feels beyond human in a way the others don’t—he’s so old and has gone through so much and he doesn’t feel things the way humans do anymore, doesn’t remember right how love squeezes the heart or how hate can exist without acting on it. I love that he thinks he knows how to control everyone and that it’s such mundane things that fool him: Xie Lian’s absurd stubbornness, Hua Cheng’s foolish faith, Yin Yu’s...emotional maturity??? Not Sure how to verbalize that one. But in the end, he is defeated by both the humanity of others and by his own—he’s so tired. He’s exhausted in a way that gods and ghosts aren’t meant to be. He is, under the armor and the masks, the curses and the power, human—benevolent and cruel, evil and good.
4. He Xuan
I love my fish man! No but really I love how He Xuan is so fixed on his one goal that he refuses to acknowledge anything else in his (after)life—which doesn’t make it go away. I love that he is left unmoored, purposeless through the very act of completing that which gives him purpose. I love his long con and the ways he clings to himself but loses himself not in the act but in the telling himself it’s an act. I love that he tries to be a moral man and then becomes a ghost king, a calamity. His reveal is also terribly badass and I do love his bone fish wholly unironically. Like I’m not going to get a He Xuan tattoo (for one thing I’ve been meaning to get a tattoo for 5 years and still haven’t gotten around to it) but also. B o n e f i s h
5. Mu Qing
Of course! The Jiang Cheng of tgcf lol Mu Qing (which my phone desperately wants to autocorrect to my Qing) is so...gah he’s such a mess! And he so fully commits to the belief that no one will ever see and understand him as he is but will always view them through their own convictions about him and his actions — which is simultaneously heartbreakingly lonely and also. Sir You Are a Clown. I genuinely think he’s owed apologies from both Feng Xin and Xie Lian for their treatment and assumptions of him and think that he would be HORRIBLY offended at the thought (while secretly touched? But like secretly even to himself). He will never explain himself and will just clam up tighter the more people accuse him and it’s such a self-sabotaging behavior and also so horribly relatable. I love u sir, you’re a disaster
SVSS I have not read but I do really like the moshang art 😂
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dcomposing · 6 years ago
jumin route rewrite???
ive had.... Issues with jumin's route since the first time i played it and im waiting out a 3 hour layover which means its time to self indulgently fix all of those problems right now in excruciating detail
for the record, i dont mean any disrespect towards cheritz -- i love mysme dearly and this is purely a self indulgent experiment to see what my ideal jumin route would have been! if you like his route as is thats totally fine! it just wasnt for me lmao
this was super fun to write and if this picks up i might do another route rewrite (and i might do it even if it doesnt because it was just that fun lol)
anyways this is REALLY long (literally its like 3k words all in outline form) so its gonna go under the cut lol
okay so: issues i had with jumin’s route that i want to address:
it moves WAY too fast — i mean all of the routes do to a certain degree; they’re only 11 days long but like... you’re literally engaged to him by the end of it which iirc, is something that is only replicated in seven’s normal ending (and even then i think its only implied?) and i get that the point is that jumin goes all out for the people he loves and is VERY certain that he loves you but it just feels... way too soon for my liking ESPECIALLY because you’re his first love! it just makes it feel like he’s caught up in the rush of being in love for the first time and isn’t thinking things through which... isn’t exactly the making of a great relationship lol. so for this re- write we’re gonna slow it WAY down because... oof. 
the sarah and glam plot line happening concurrently with the mint eye/possessive jumin one makes the route feel overly busy. i actually have a similar issue with the echo girl/mint eye overlap in zen’s route but that’s a topic for another day lol. so i’m gonna try to delineate between the two a bit more so there’s less overlap.
SPEAKING OF possessive jumin lol... maybe its just my Personal Background bleeding in, but possessiveness is a really big red flag/trigger for me and i felt like it went WAY too far in his route. dgmw, i understand that its meant to be a character flaw and something he’s meant to overcome but i just feel like there are simpler ways to show that side of him without it becoming... as scary as it got. i wasn’t sure how to deal with it though -- i think it would best be expressed through smaller actions and the minutia of dialogue with the others (e.g. jumin refusing to send a photo of you into the chat room when zen asks if you’re alright, locking up elizabeth, etc.)
the canon first kiss with jumin happening both without your explicit consent AND just to drive sarah away is.... icky to me. especially because he MAKES EYE CONTACT WITH SARAH while kissing you??? i hate that cg lol. it just takes what should be a moment about the two of you and turns it into him using you to prove a point and i don’t like it at all. it’s not romantic and it feels... out of character for jumin to use someone he cares about like that. i have similar issues with the proposal happening right after he exposes glam and sarah. so lets make the kiss more genuine and nix the proposal entirely because it happens too quickly for comfort anyways.
with all of that in mind, i decided a fake dating plot would probably work best (and like i said, this is self indulgent and i’m a SUCKER for fake dating stories sooooo). it makes sure we hit all the beats of the glam/sarah plot line without shoving him and the mc into a relationship too quickly. it also means we can keep their first kiss as a big “fuck you” to sarah, but this time mc gets to be 100% in on the joke AND they get to have a “real” first kiss later on! that’s two (2!) kisses for the price of one folks.
i also decided that in order to streamline the plot a bit, the glam and sarah plot should end earlier, allowing for the mint eye plot to take center stage instead of being shoehorned in around a larger love triangle plot line. also glam and sarah are annoying and i don’t want to deal with them for six full days. the only downside is we don’t get to see v dunk on sarah at the party :-(
in lieu of a proposal for the necessary Big Romantic Gesture at the party, i thought it would be nice if jumin whisked you away from the party to paris or somewhere far away for a ridiculously extravagant first date literally in the middle of the party. not only is it ridiculously grandiose in and of itself, but in abandoning the party halfway through, it shows that jumin has grown into a more relaxed and spontaneous person through knowing you! he’s ready to throw caution to the wind and have fun with you (plus, Big Romantic Date cg!!)
day 5:
VN mode where we essentially get the exact same scene of chairman han telling jumin he wants him to marry sarah to make the merger with sugar round go more smoothly BUT this time jumin blurts out that he’s already with someone and that he didn’t want to go public with it yet. he assumes his father won’t press further, given that they’ve always had a mutual respect for one another’s privacy, but at glam’s insistence, chairman han says he wants to meet jumin’s partner. oh no!
jumin laments his situation to the rfa, resulting in pretty typical responses. zen laughs, yoosung is sympathetic but also kind of wishes it were just that simple for him to meet a wife. jaehee is worried that the inevitable fallout of this will result in more work for her. everything is business as usual until seven is like “ur so rich why don’t you just pay someone to pretend to date you lolol” and jumin (being, well, jumin) runs with it 100%. because they don’t have time to vet candidates (they’re supposed to have dinner with his dad tomorrow night!) he decides it should be someone he knows, but the majority of the other rfa members are already acquainted with his father via rfa events, making it more likely that he sees through the ruse. mc, however, has never met him, making them the perfect candidate! who would have thought lol
so they decide to move you into the penthouse that evening BUT before that can happen, they have to clear it with v because bomb, hacker, mint eye, etc. (yes this is how i’m choosing to do the bomb reveal lol). bonus, v gets to chide jumin about his dumb lie and we get a fun bff conversation with them!
final VN where you show up to the penthouse and you and jumin establish the parameters of your “relationship”. you decide that you’ll both sleep in his bed, just in case a cleaning staff member walks in and notices that he and his partner sleep separately and it ruins everything. establish what physical contact is and isn’t cool, etc, etc. you also decide that when the time comes, you’re going to tell his dad that the entire debacle with sarah put so much strain on your relationship that you had to break up. the hope being that chairman han will feel so bad about ruining things for jumin that he won’t try to force him into something like that ever again.
days 6-8:
you have dinner with his dad and answer pretty typical “meeting the parrents” questions. he asks what you guys did for your first date and jumin tells a 100% fake story about taking you to dinner on top of the eiffel tower and kissing you beneath the stars and the chairman is satisfied. that doesn’t mean that glam and sarah are though. they decide to do some sleuthing to prove that you guys aren’t really dating.
this is the fun part where we get to hit most of the beats of ur typical fake dating story! you and jumin get to know each other really well, albeit kind of superficially (favorite foods, fun childhood stories, etc. etc. nothing too heavy yet.) you guys cook together for the first time, cue cg of jumin with like... idk tomato sauce on his cheek or something. you watch a movie together and elizabeth falls asleep on your lap and jumin dies on spot idk
this is also where your first kiss happens, and pretty much in the same way except its much more mutual and he doesn’t look at sarah this time because his focus is on trying to make it look like he doesn’t even care that she’s there because you’re the only thing he cares about. (which.... isn’t actually hard for him to do at all)
chatrooms are pretty typical for this timeframe — you guys all know the drill. the other members are like “wow they seem really close” and speculate on whether or not you guys are actually together. zen is worried that jumin is going to force himself on you (wolves, etc.). yoosung is jealous that jumin gets to hang out with you. jaehee is upset that jumin is neglecting his work.
VAGUE mentions of weird activity on the messenger, but nothing too serious sounding. just enough to make jumin nervous -- esp with sarah and glam on his back still. this is when he locks elizabeth up. 
 day 8, the chairman learns that sugar round is worthless and that glam and sarah have been duping him the whole time. they’re disgraced and are never heard from again so... problem solved but this also means that you and jumin no longer have a reason to stay “together”... and you’re both kind of falling for each other so obviously that’s no good. you spend one last night in the penthouse before resolving to break things off officially in the morning. the other members talk about how sad you guys both seem to be parting.
if you shy away at the fake intimate gestures (hand holding, hugging, etc), and pointedly answer incorrectly when asked a question about jumin that you should know the answer to, your ruse fails and you guys are caught faking the relationship. to avoid the scandal breaking to the press, jumin winds up marrying sarah anyways.
the branch point for this one would be right before the kiss scene, if you’re on track for the good end then the kiss happens, if not, you’re forced to shove him away when he goes in for it, revealing to sarah that you guys are frauds.
the cg would be him and sarah at the press release for their engagement announcement. sarah’s all smiles and jumin is... pretty understandably miserable looking. a reporter asks him about the other person he was in a relationship with prior to his engagement to sarah, and he reads off a line about how sarah captivated him like no one else ever could in an emotionless voice.
if you do fine during the VN portions, but aren’t active enough in the chats, then the fake relationship plan works, but afterwards its just... really awkward. once the whole mint eye thing ends you’re pretty much just excommunicated from the rfa since you... didn’t really seem to like them all that much.
day 9:
a huge attack on the messenger happens, coupled with explicit threats directed at mc, sending everyone into such a panic that ending your fake relationship is the last thing on anyones mind. jumin is so fucking scared that he’s going to lose you, and muses in the chatroom about why he’s more scared for your safety than he would be if it were, say, yoosung being threatened (cue yoosung’s crying emoji lmao). everyone else is like “well clearly its because you’re in love with them”
anyways. they decide its for the best if you continue to stay at the penthouse and in spite of everything, you’re both... kind of relieved lol. 
everything is all fine and dandy until elizabeth III runs away, ramping jumins anxiety up to 11 like... right away
this is where we really start to see behavior more along the lines of what happens in his route, you suggest the two of you leave and search for elizabeth, and he refuses to let you go, etc. etc. 
it sort of turns into a fight, but it all works out in the end. he tells you about rika and elizabeth and why she means so much to him, and you guys talk about how fear of losing someone important to him can’t rule his life, and that its one thing to be careful, but another entirely to try to control someone else’s behavior because of fear. 
you convince him to get some sleep, assuring him that elizabeth will turn up soon and that he’s going to be alright. you guys fall asleep next to eachother without even thinking about it. its not until jumin mentions something about waking up next to you in the chat the next day that the rest of the gang is like “uhhhh,,,, why are you guys still sharing a bed”
MEANWHILE lol seven and yoosung arrive at mint eye and find elizabeth, just like what happens in canon. they decide to bring her back tomorrow.
obligatory mint eye ending. if you’re too aggressive and forward with jumin and don’t give him time to properly process his feelings, he doesn’t offer to let you stay at the penthouse, relying on seven’s assurance that the apartment is totally secure (it’s not). saeran breaks in and takes you away.
this branch happens pretty early in the day, before elizabeth escapes.
i thought about a cg for this one but tbh... there are so many saeran and mc at mint eye BE cgs that idk what i could come up with that wouldn’t be super derivative lol
again, because you’re only talking to jumin and not the rest of the rfa, he assumes that you don’t like being in the rfa very much BUT he still likes you... a lot and is very worried about your safety re: hacker, AND because he still hasn’t really dealt with his issues regarding v/rika/emotions, you guys decide to just straight up leave lol. you move to a different country where he can pretty much continue doing his work remotely while keeping you safe.
the cg for this one is the two of you in a different cushy apartment somewhere. you’re making dinner while he works. its... stable, but noticeably stiff. neither of you are talking much and his dialogue is pretty stilted. its pretty clear that he regrets abandoning his friends and is unhappy.
day 10:
3AM chat with zen where he speaks entirely in thinly veiled hypotheticals about you guys. (“well, if i thought i could have a shot with someone i really loved, i think i would take that chance and tell them, even if i might get shot down. and even if that person was a huge ass who my sexy white-haired best friend hated. i would tell them how i felt”)
seven secures the messenger again and the threat is declared neutralized! you’re safe to go home but neither you nor jumin want that at all.
yoosung brings elizabeth back around 9, and it proceeds pretty similarly to what happens in his route: he’s wary about taking her back because he feels that he’s mistreated her, you’re like “whoa buddy you’re going too far in the opposite direction here” and you and v have to convince hm that its going to be okay. the only real difference is that v doesnt also have to convince him to let you go. he just says something about how the two of you seem to bring out the best in each other, and that jumin is brighter when you’re around. 
later, jumin (tries) to make you lunch using the cooking skills you taught him a few days ago as a final payment (since you refused actual money) for all of your help, both with his father and with elizabeth, but he winds up ordering in instead. its very cute BUT its super awkward because neither of you has said anything about not wanting to leave.
finally you have to face the music and pack your bags. you hug jumin goodbye and make him promise to still get lunch with you sometime before heading back to rika’s apartment sadly.
everyone is like “yo what the fuck???” and its actually yoosung of all people who is finally like “this is ridiculous. you two clearly have feelings for each other and you need to deal with it” 
jumin is absent from most of the chatrooms for the rest of the day  though, so he doesn’t really see anything until he forces himself to log on later that night and is like “oh”
and YES of course this is going to culminate in a typical romcom scene where he has driver kim race to the apartment so he can pound on the door and apologize to you and tell you how he feels!! maybe it even happens in the rain just to maximize romance. the important thing here is that you finally kiss him for real this time and its perfect.
pretty much jumin’s BE2, if you werent assertive enough with him re: his possession/control issues on day 9, he never gets over them. when elizabeth is returned he locks her back up and insists that you continue to stay with him as well, canon BE2 ensues.
i gotta hand it to cheritz. its a really good bad ending and theres not much i wanna change about it. its so scary in a calm sort of way, which i think is the perfect vibe for a dangerously unhealthy jumin. if only people would stop fetishizing it lolol
party (GE ver):
you and jumin mingle with the guests and the other members for a bit, but as the evening goes on, jumin gets restless. he pulls you aside and tells you that, while you did a wonderful job planning the party, he can’t help but regret that your guys’ first
date is technically a work function. especially when the fake first date you told his father was so perfect. he then decides that the two of you have been there long enough to fulfill your obligations, and that no one could really begrudge you if you “took off” a little early. you guys fly to paris that night and have that dinner on top of the eiffel tower.
the ending cg isn’t a kiss one, but a more simple, sweet one of the two of you in a dimly lit restaurant, jumin listening to you talk with the most tender, loving look in his eyes.
party (NE ver):
you and jumin mingle with the guests and the other members for a bit, but as the evening goes on, jumin gets restless. he pulls you aside and tells you that, while you did a wonderful job planning the party, he can’t help but regret that your guys’ first date is technically a work function. especially when the fake first date you told his father was so perfect. he laments the fact that if he was caught shirking responsibilities to take you on a real date, the press would have a field day with it, but promises to make it up to you, and take you out on a proper one tomorrow.
this cg is the two of you dancing at the rfa party, jumin resting his chin on the top of your head and daydreaming out loud about everything the two of you could do on your real first date.
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justanothercinemaniac · 7 years ago
Epic Movie (Re)Watch #220 - Ghostbusters (1984)
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes, #314.
Format: Blu-ray
1) The prologue of this film puts tone before comedy.
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Set by Elmer Bernstein’s richly spooky score, the scene of the librarian encountering a ghost is not played for laughs which is why it (and, to a larger degree, the film) works so well. There is an ominous setting to the library and a genuinely tense tone. From the very start the film establishes that the danger/stakes of dealing with ghosts is VERY real (as opposed to ghosts just wanting to steal the world’s cats or something silly like that).
2) “Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr.
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I think the reason this tune has stood the test of time as well as it has is because its just fun. Its simple, energetic, and entertaining. Sure, maybe it ripped off Huey Lewis & The New’s “I Want a New Drug”, but it’s an infectious tune.
3) The ESP Test.
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Beyond anything else, this scene introduces us to two important (yet similar) elements of the film: the comedy and Dr. Pete Venkman. You have to be good at balancing the spooky scenes with the comedy scenes, and this scene doesn’t go too heavy with the comedy too fast. It gives us just enough to know its okay to laugh while also giving us our first taste of Venkman as a character. Namely, it shows that he’s a bit of an asshole. But more on that right now.
4) Bill Murray as Pete Venkman.
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Murray MAKES the part of Venkman. I don’t think Pete Venkman would be as an endearing character today if it weren’t for Murray’s performance. It’s natural, you have trouble seeing the line which divides performer from character (which I think is in part due to the heavy amount of improv Murray brought to the part). This means the character is naturally funny, fun, and (as mentioned above) a bit of an ass. But Murray does well of making Venkman an ass you are rooting for and losing the jerky qualities organically as the film progresses. Venkman is the doubter, the goofball (as Ray observes, he’s, “never been out of college!”), and at first is more concerned about the money than the science of ghosts. But as the film continues he maintains his trademark humor but the desire for money is replaced as a top priority with his care for Dana. One of the reasons the part is so interesting throughout the film is because there is development while the character is consistent. Constituency without boredom, supported by Murray’s acting chops.
5) Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stantz.
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I will likely  mention this a few times, but this is a film which is elevated by the strength of its ensemble cast. The main trio of Murray, Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis are able to be totally unique while also playing off each other beautifully. Ray is a VERY different character from any of his friends. He is enthusiastic, largely innocent, but never naive. Aykroyd is able to mix those qualities with Ray’s intelligence beautifully, making him a dork but never an idiot. Ray is funny in a way different than Venkman. He doesn’t say funny things so much, he’s not a wise ass, but his enthusiasm is filled with humor and holds the audience interest wonderfully.
6) Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler.
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In essence, Egon is the straight man of the group. But that doesn’t mean he’s any less funny. Ramis is in many ways chameleonic, allowing Egon’s eccentric personality to be exaggerated but never spoofed. His seriousness about everything is what makes him so interesting. He’s very rarely phased and when he is its all the more entertaining. More than anything else though he works with the rest of the cast perfectly. Its a perfect recipe for great characters, with the ensemble supporting and never overshadowing each other. I love it.
7) There are so many freaking iconic lines in this film I don’t think there’s any possibility I can jot them all down. Even if they’re not all as iconic as, “He slimed me,” they all stand out.
Venkman: “You’re right, no human being would stack books like this.”
Ray: “Listen. Do you smell something?”
8) The Library Ghost.
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The Library Ghost is our first real example of ghosts in this world, and the key part of this introduction is its transformation. For one thing, the second form of the Library Ghost is frightening and shows that this film isn’t afraid to play with horror elements. But more than that it shows the audience we should never get too comfortable with what we’re seeing. Things are not as they appear in this world, things are always changing and the most mundane of things can become terrifying. The ghosts always have a trick up their sleeves, which will become very important towards the end of this film.
9) This entire monologue by Dean Jaeger to the trio of scientists which starts with, “Doctor Venkman,” and ends with calling them hacks is an important illustration of the elitist bullshit the Ghostbusters will put up with. From the Dean, from Walter Peck, from some members of the media. They’re constantly being questioned, doubted, dismissed, and disrespected because in essence they’re working stiffs. They don’t ACT like scientists even though they are crazy smart, so they won’t be treated with respect. It’s an interesting and all too real human conflict which helps the film.
10) Sigourney Weaver as Dana.
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In lesser hands, the potential for Dana to just become a stereotype are boundless. She could’ve just been “Peter’s Girlfriend” or the “Girl in Trouble”, but through the direction of Ivan Reitman and Weaver’s performance she is elevated. Weaver gives Dana her intelligence, integrity, fear without cowardice, limitations (both with ghosts and with others), and heart. She is as integral a part of the film as anyone else and I think that is largely because of Weaver’s performance.
11) Annie Potts as Janine.
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Potts makes Janine a wonderfully fun character, turning what could’ve been a dull secretary role into something wildly fun. Potts steals most of the scenes she’s in with heavy hitters like Bill Murray as her acting partners, a result of her handling of the role and the fact she carries herself in such a wonderful way. The voice, the mannerisms, its all wonderful. Potts MAKE Janine, I think, and I’m forever grateful for her part in this film.
12) I ship Janine and Egon, just saying.
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Dana [after Ray & Egon list possibilities for her apartment haunting]: “I’m sorry, I don’t believe any of these things.”
Then…why are you there?
14) Returning to Dana’s apartment.
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Bill Murray makes Pete out as such a wonderfully lovable dumbass (for the most part) in this scene, which serves as the best early example of the chemistry he has with Sigourney Weaver. As of right now its a bickering chemistry but it’ll grow soon. There is a wonderful mix of humor and tension in the scene, combining the comedy and horror elements which have been introduced thus far.
15) Remember how I said this film had so many great lines?
Dana: “Either I have a monster in my kitchen or I’m completely crazy.”
Venkman: “I don’t think you’re crazy.”
Dana [after a beat]: “That makes me feel so much better.”
16) I appreciate Dana pushing Venkman out of her apartment because it is ALL acting in that scene. I bet you none of what they said was scripted but instead the director just said to Weaver, “You have to get him out of the apartment,” and to Murray, “You have to convince her of your feelings,” so they just took off from there. It’s great!
17) Everything in the Sedgwick Hotel scene shows off every element of the film at its best and gets to the heart of why this film holds up: it’s freaking fun! The near bumbling around the team does while on their first real mission is just wildly entertaining, mainly because of the mistakes they make and then how those mistakes are handled.
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18) Slimer is this film’s most iconic ghost.
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Lovingly referred to as the ghost of John Belushi, the gross out factor is key to the character’s design. It’s the design that really made him into a marketing machine, because you understand he’s a ghostly figure. You understand he’s not friendly but the character is still very VERY fun. By far the most iconic ghost of the franchise, Slimer is a lot of fun.
19) The ballroom scene.
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The ballroom scene provides the audience with their first real taste of the film’s action. While it may not be super flashy martial arts or superhero action, it is still crazy fun. The stakes and goal are very simple: capture the ghost. This is the first time we’re seeing them actually CATCH a ghost so that right there means its interesting. The way the team goes about it is entertaining and has the audience 100% invested in what’s going on. All in all, it just works.
20) Choke this up to another great line.
Ray: “Don’t look directly at the trap.”
[Ray opens the trap]
Egon: “I looked at the trap, Ray.”
21) The following montage.
The key thing about this montage is that it covers an important aspect of the film’s story (the team’s rise to fame and the public’s reaction) in a sleek, fun, tight, and energetic way. Supported by strong editing, great music, fun visuals and cutaways, as well as the result of some deleted scenes being used in the final cut (like when Ray gets it one with a ghost girl), the montage just straight up works.
22) Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore.
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Winston gets a bad wrap for being the “weak link” in the group, but I think he still works. He mixes very well with the already established trio and Hudson plays him as he should be: an everyman. He’s not the super smart scientist, he’s the average joe being thrown into this very strange world. It’s easy to invest/get behind in him. Occasionally I think the film TRIES to make Winston come off as weasely (like when he wants his own lawyer after their arrest) but it doesn’t really work. Winston is a down to earth, likable character who still gets some pretty great lines (and one of my favorite scenes in the film). So I guess what I’m saying is, #StopBashingOnWinstons2k17
23) The fountain scene.
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This is the key scene which helps to transition the chemistry Murray and Weaver have from a bickering one to a romantic one. You are able to get invested in their relationship because the pair treat each other not only kindly but in a caring way and - as Venkman observes - with respect.
Venkman: “I respect you. It’s corny but I respect you.”
It’s that moment that has me rooting for this pair to work out by film’s end.
24) There are a number of small moments in this film - like when Ray is showing Winston has to empty a ghost trap - which help with the world building. And I think that’s what has it stand up in the pantheon of pop culture. The world feels alive and unique through the way these ghosts are handled. I dig it.
25) William Atherton as Walter Peck.
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Atherton plays Peck in a perfect way: as an elitist prick who is perfectly punchable. He’s the guy you LOVE to hate making him a great human villain. His shutting off of the power grid with literally NO understanding of how it works later in the movie shows how great his dumbassery can be when born out of fragile masculinity. There’s not much development to Peck’s character but there doesn’t have to be. Much like the dean mentioned in note #9, he represents the elitist shit the team has to deal with. Which makes it all the more satisfying when they triumph.
26) Winston still gets some great lines.
Winston [after Egon compares paranormal activity to a Twinkie and how much paranormal activity there has been lately]: “That’s a big Twinkie.”
Winston [after Peter shows up, to Egon]: “Tell him about the Twinkie.”
Peter: “What about the Twinkie?”
Also I love how freaking serious Venkman is. He needs no explanation. He knows what the Twinkie means.
27) Rick Moranis as Louis.
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While the role was originally meant for the late John Candy, Moraines steals as many scenes as he’s in. Louis is - on paper - a small role. Dana’s nosy/nerdy neighbor who gets possessed by a ghost. But Moranis (much like Annie Potts) makes the part totally unique. The way he carries himself, his voice, what I’m sure have to be improvised moments, all make Louis totally unique to himself in a way only Moraines could do. I’ve said this about Weaver before, but Moranis is as memorable part of this film as the rest of it.
28) The scene where Dana gets attacked by her chair is the closest this film gets to pure horror. It is a genuinely tense and frightening scene which benefits from a slow build and the audience having information the characters don’t. Also, Weaver’s scream is incredible.
29) The dog demon attacking Louis right after the scene with Dana shows how the film is able to successfully switch from horror to comedy. It could’ve been jarring, the humor in that scene after such a frightening one, but it works. Totally and completely, even infusing some of its own scares when Louis finds himself at Tavern on the Green.
30) Weaver’s otherworldly performance as Zuul (especially juxtaposed against her more down to earth Dana) shows off her incredible range. Zuul can be crazy funny but never played as dumb, while Weaver just goes all out with the weirdness of the part. Rick Moranis does a similarly excellent job when Louis is possessed by Vinz Clortho.
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31) So Venkman shows up this date with Dana and after finding she’s possessed tells Egon, “I just whacked her up with about 300cc’s of Thorazine.” Why did he bring Thorazine on his date?
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(GIF originally posted by @heyman-cornettos)
32) I absolutely LOVE the scene where Ray and Winston are talking about judgment day.
It’s my favorite scene in the film which features a great discussion between the two characters. There’s this sense of darkness to it which is defining. It’s so ominous and kinda scary when they consider the fact they’re basically fighting the apocalypse. I just really love it.
33) FYI, this would totally be me if cops showed up to my place.
Janine: “Oh no, hold on, I’ve seen TV! I know you can’t come in here without a warrant or a writ or something!”
34) I love all the little Stay Puft ads you notice with a rewatch of this film.
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35) Hey, that’s Reginald VelJohnson!
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36) It too me way too many years to understand this joke.
Louis: “I am the Key Master.”
Dana: “I am the Gatekeeper.”
[They have sex]
37) The Mayor’s Office.
The moment of the film when you are most rooting for the team, this single scene as some of the most iconic lines of the film.
Venkman: “yes it’s true. This man has no dick.”
Venkman: “Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!”
The scene is just crazy entertaining and sets up the climactic stakes of the film incredibly well. It’s just really freaking fun to watch (like the rest of this film).
38) There’s a small bit before the climactic encounter with Gozer when the Ghostbusters fall into  the street and the audience thinks for a second they might be dead. Only, there’s no way they would be. That ending would monumentally suck. It just messes up the pacing. It’s the one thing I have a big issue with in this film.
39) This is me whenever I try to work out.
Venkman [out of breathe, climbing stairs]: “Where are we?”
Ray [also out of breathe]: “Looks like we’re in the…teens, somewhere”
Venkman: “Okay. When we get to twenty tell me. I’m gonna throw up.”
40) Okay so, Zuul and Vinz have to have sex to awaken Gozer and then turned back into dogs right away. Only now do I realize…we never get an explanation for this. At all. Why sex? Why does that bring back Gozer? Of ALL things, THAT brings back this ghost?
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41) Another crazy quotable line.
Gozer: “Are you a god?”
Ray [after a while]: “No.”
Gozer: “Then DIE!”
[Gozer attacks and nearly kills the Ghostbusters]
Winston: “Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a good you say YES!”
42) The climax of this film is incredible for a number of reasons. There is an incredible sense of threat and danger to it, endlessly quotable dialogue, and the constant surprises we keep getting thrown our way. It is this last idea that leads to the most brilliant part of this film.
42) The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
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film has been building up to this. The suspension of disbelief which has been born out of everything changing. Ever since the Library Ghost suddenly became a scary monster this film has been pulling the carpet out from under us and changing the rules. And the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man - this wonderfully random and genius climactic monster - is the result of that. It’s absolutely beautiful and just gets me every time.
43) Defeating the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man by crossing the streams feeds into an idea I love in storytelling: if you have a rule, BREAK IT.
44) There is a nice question to whether or not Dana and Louis survived their encounter with Gozer and company. Meaning their survival is all the more satisfying.
45) I like the epilogue that plays out with the credits. It’s a nice touch to see these guys have their moment of victory.
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Ghostbusters is a classic of American cinema primarily because it’s so freaking fun. The cast is A+, totally perfect in their individual roles and working off each other. The ghostly elements are great, you’re rooting for them the whole time, and it’s just...what else can I say? It’s Ghostbusters! Go watch it! :D
39 notes · View notes
aureliasaid · 7 years ago
Bratwurst for Thanksgiving
Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin
November 16-25, 2017
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Thanksgiving lunch atop Germany’s Reichstag where a delicious restaurant provided a special view and meal
Thursday, November 16
Arrived via SAS airlines into Stockholm with an hour + drive in since it was rush hour. Def would look into the train ride in from the airport next time. Stayed at the Nobis Hotel right in the heart of town, but very close to the main harbor area. It is a boutique hotel from an old bank where the Stockholm Syndrome originated after a bank robbery. Very hip nowadays with a delightful included breakfast.  Crying baby, actually screaming baby, all night en route over on the plane called for a nap and luckily the room was ready. Then for an afternoon oversight of the city, we opted for a guide since we were there only 2 days. Guides are nice cause they eliminate having to think, get you into the front of the line and in places you can't always see on your own. We liked ours, Eva Bromberg Sharp, +46 7 60 45 71. Highly recommend!
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We covered much area starting with City Hall, the home of the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony coming up in 3 weeks on Dec 10, Nobel's birthday. This was cool especially since seeing the ceremony recently when UNC prof Azziz won for chemistry in 2015. Then on through various sections including everyone's fav, Gamla Stan or the Old Town which is very charming as expected. Hot chocolate and a pastry and then a walk through the Cathedral (small by Euro standards) which was fantastic with everything made of wood, Sweden's main resource. See the St George slaying the dragon statue! On to Sodermalm, (home of the ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” author Steig Larson btw,) for a view of the city and then on past numerous sections of the town to end at the Vasa Museum, which is built around a famous ship from the 1600s that sank on its maiden voyage after 20 minutes of setting sail. In the 1950′s, researchers finally found it in the harbor and took 2 years to raise it in its total preserved state complete with some of the dead passengers fairly well preserved. A great day with dinner at Hillenberg, which was hip, yet cozy.
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Tip: There are two train stations, so make sure you have the right one.
Tip: Weather was def cold, high around 32 degrees, so be prepared. This is an off time to come, but meant we had sights to ourselves. It is also odd as it is starting to get dark by 3:30, so do outside things in the morning. We had two sunny days which apparently is not the norm for this time of year. Interestingly, the sun never gets high in the sky at this time of year...just sorta stays just above the rooftops all day.
Friday, November 17
A boat tour is in order. Perfect guided tour around the harbor, out into the Baltic and back into the lake for an hour.  Great way to see a lot as well. Afterwards, we cruised past the Parliament bldg, popped into the huge Royal Palace, but parked it at the Nobel Museum, which was small, easy and very interesting. (Good cafe here.) Headed over to the Fotografiska, photography museum, which has a cool top floor huge cafe with harbor views.
Legs and intellect zapped, we blew through some shops (Sweden home to H&M, who knew?) as well as Zara and their big Saks type store NK. Back for a spell (aka nap) before heading to Broms for dinner. Famous for their Swedish meatballs as I had read, but our tour guide also recommended as they are family friends of hers. It was great...more bistro in feel, but buzzy and fun too. Nightcap back in the hip Nobis bar.
TIp: In summer, boat tours may go to the archipelago, but in winter, get a commuter ferry and go.
There are a million ways to see this city with all kinds of creative tours such as the rooftop tour where you are clipped in walking along rooftops! Hop-on Hop-off bus tour is a great way to see the city.  The city is also very walkable, though it is not a small city.
Saturday, November 18 Copenhagen
We debated flying or training, but decided on training which was an excellent decision. 5 hours on the fast train, which probably would have been the same total time by plane. It was easy, on time, and nice to see the countryside.
Arrived Cope at 3:30 and met Relia at our hotel, Hotel Skt Petri in the Latin Quarter. (Saint Petri fyi). We headed straight for Tivoli, the 2nd oldest amusement park in the world that had just re-opened after being closed for 3 weeks to become a Christmas Wonderland with Christmas Market pop-up shops, full blooming hyacinths, white lights adorning everything, lighted trees at every trash can, mulled wine and special Christmas lagers and meals all with the roller coasters and sky drops in full action amidst the decor. It was packed to the hydraulics with merry-makers of all ages. We headed back, popping into Relia's flat first very near the Skt. Petri in the city center, before going to dinner at Bistro Boheme, a hopping French bistro.
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Sunday, November 19
Let's just take a moment to talk about bikes...and more bikes and then more bikes. Never in my life. Incredible bike lanes, riding in all weather, all times of the day and night, with few helmets.  But what is most important for non-bikers is to STAY ON THE SIDEWALKS or else you are toast, esp for us American non-bikeminded people. It is serious transportation and they come flying from around the turn just as you are about to jaywalk into their lane.  Sweden similar, but Denmark gives China a run for its money at least in volume of bikes.
Awoke to hideous rainy, cold and windy weather along with Will coming in from the States - spent the morning getting him situated...aka a nap. Met Relia later and went to the Rosenberg Castle very close by in a pretty park, good because its small and most important, the Crown Jewels are on display here....which is worth the trip alone.  
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Will bailed for another round of napping and we three headed to the famed old area of Nyhaven, went through the Christmas market there, marveling at the sausages over the firepit, pork inches thick being smoked and salmon being smoked. We blew through the formal D'Ingleterra Hotel, (happy to have saved our $$ not staying there) before crossing the Kissing Bridge to Christianshaven en route to Torvehallerne (or Papiroen or the Copenhagen Street Food Market Hall or Paper Island for non-Danespeak,) which is a huge old warehouse that houses picnic tables and some 30+ food vendors of all sorts.  The pulled duck and duck fries were amazing as were the hot dogs. Sadly, this location is closing in December as capitalism has taken over the warehouse key spot...its too popular not to re-open somewhere else though.
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Still licking our chops, we went back to the hotel by way of Strøget, the long pedestrian shopping street.  Ready to be out of the elements, we chilled til going to Mikkeller and Friends, the flagship location (big description for a small, non-descript basement bar of two rooms in the meat packing district) but is all that in the craft beer world called "the most imaginative beer bar in the world." We tried several which were very different, but quite tasty. Then on further into the Meatpacking district for dinner at Kodbyaens Fiskebar, a stark and casual seafood spot back in the depths of the converted warehouses. Delicious. The non-filtered organic cloudy Gruner Veltliner was a surprise, but good. But hey, Will finally awake, so the night is young and over to The Bastard Cafe, a bar dedicated to playing board games, which apparently is a Danish pastime (wouldn't you with dark and cold prevalent? We passed several stores dedicated only to board games in fact.). Most were, of course, Danish games or in Danish, so we opted for Scrabble, which was actually an English version because there is a Danish version with those funky letters.
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Monday, November 20
YAY, a beautiful sunny day, albeit still chilly, but sun glorious sun. Relia is in class so we take to the streets first climbing the Round Tower for great views of the city, then on to the Frederick church and across the grounds of Ameliaborg Palace, home to the current Royal Family. (Passed a Segway Tour, which would have been a fun way to see the city, though maybe a bit chilly.) From there, a walk to see The Little Mermaid statue which is said to be underrated, but its still nice to see and a pretty walk along the water. Over the bridge and through Nyhaven to the Gasoline Grill we go...for the "life-changing best hamburger ever..." from a gasoline station.  And it was true....organic meat hand ground daily and fries with choice of salts (vinegar, truffle, etc.)  Day 2 of delightfully junk food content and we perused Nyhaven while awaiting our canal boat tour. Another must.  Of course afterwards, it must be time for a snack so to the famous La Glacé bakery for hot chocolate and their famous cakes and macaroons.  A few pit stops in some Zara's and H&Ms as well.
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The heart app showed 6.5 miles of walking and I agree.  DInner was at Geist, a hip and highly touted dining EXPERIENCE with creative and complex, sophisticated small plates in Nyhaven. It did not disappoint, but hurt the wallet for sure, so take note.
Tuesday, November 21
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First stop, the Church of Our Savior with the spiraling spire.  400 narrow steps lead to far-reaching views maybe not for the faint-hearted height phobiacs. From sin absolve to sin den, we leave the EU and go into Christiania, the free world of hippies and home of top notch weed. Free living with no laws and it looks it - disorganized, clutter, dirty environs home to the ultimate hippies and their families. Vendors line the streets and photography (and running since that indicates a possible raid) is strictly prohibited. Since it was a Tuesday around 10:30am, the town was still waking up and setting up, and thus sorta eerily quiet. So alas, on to more junk food decadence (inevitably a well traveled path from this locale for those partakers) as we returned to Paper Island to indulge Will and meet hometown friend Bethany Garrison.
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There is much to do in Copenhagen and museums of EVERYthing seem to be a Scandinavian requirement.  There were several key spots that we missed, but we were done and thus headed out to the Kronborg Castle in Helsingborg, about a 40 minute train ride (thank goodness for local knowledge of our gals.) This is worth a day trip as the town is quaint and the Castle is everything you ever imagined a castle to be, moat and all.  On a full day, we would have also taken in the Louisiana Modern Art museum, but the girls had been and the day was nigh. Besides, we had a date with dinner that deserves its own paragraph.
Amass, the new restaurant by the chef from the famed Norma (supposedly the best restaurant in the world?) on the outskirts of Cope. Very stark inside, you only order the 6 small plate courses or 9 course and you get what you get which was: perch, salmon, potato bread, and more, all done with complex, minute and subtle layers, multiple cooking styles, steps and processes. E.g. the potato bread was made from potatoes that had been fermented for 2 weeks. This was an incredible experience right down to the chef calling out a command in the open kitchen and the other chefs answering "Yes Chef" in unison. Do not go if you aren't a foodie or are a picky eater. Also, it will put a large dent in your budget.
Wednesday, November 22
Travel day from Cope to Berlin. Since Air Berlin had gone bankrupt the month before, direct flights from Cope to Berlin were still getting reorganized and not existent. So we had to connect through Stockholm.  In retrospect, I think I might have taken the train which would have taken the same 7 hours it took door to door to fly. It was kinda fun though to land back in Stockholm with a dusting of snow.
Arrived at the Grand Hyatt Berlin to find ourselves smack in the middle of it all right near all the major sights and basically at Potsdamer Platz. We loved the location and the hotel. It was 4pm by the time we got organized, so we went to the Jewish museum which is much more about the history of Judaism and Jewish life than it is the Holocaust, though that aspect is of course present. Dinner that night was at Katz Orange, a hip, yet shabby chic sort of place with a modern German/European fare.
Thursday, November 23
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We met our guide Lars Jokubeit (who made the visit for us - he was excellent 49 179 524 7810 [email protected]) at 9:15am and did a walking tour of Nazi Berlin and the Cold War Berlin for 4 hours. He reminded us that we were incredibly lucky to have sunshine and temps in the 50s.  It was LUCKY, but still chilly...missed my scarf! We learned and covered so much that I can only list the things to do and see: Sony Pavilion, Potsdamer Platz, Holocaust Memorial, Checkpoint Charlie (study up before you go otherwise it is just a major tourist trap), current Finance Building which was the Chancellory for Hitler, the actual Wall remnant, Topography of Terror, Tiergarten, Russian Gov building with mural, Brandenburg Gate, current government buildings and mall, esp the Reichstag German Parliament bldg and the glass cupola, with a delightful (Thanksgiving) late lunch at the restaurant on top. Wow. SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO.
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Lars recommended to get the real understanding and flavor of Berlin, a huge melting pot since the wall came down, was to visit the neighborhoods. He suggested a particular neighborhood around Oranienstraße to see all the immigrants there, the graffiti, of which they embrace and consider part of the cultural heritage and environment, followed by the Thursday night food hall of street food and live music at any number of places afterwards. And that is exactly what we did, starting at the new and hip Orania Hotel, walking Oranienstraße and then going to Markthalle Neun for a great follow up to Thanksgiving with foods from all over the world.  Very much like Paper Island and very fun. Bailed on the music scene though opting for a drink at the Orania Hotel.
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Friday, November 24
While still not freezing, the day was very windy, dark and overcast with rain coming in the afternoon which set the tone for the trip with Lars to Sachsenhousen concentration camp 40 mins outside of Berlin. Not an intentional “death camp,” but a labor camp more for the unwanted non-Volks, political prisoners, etc. While most of the original structures do not remain, there is enough and excellent displays for the disgusting and heinous place that it was.
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Back in Berlin, we decided to go to the Old Town area and take in a museum after lunch with Lars. Have lunch at das Meisterstück which is tucked away in otherwise fancy restaurants or museum cafes. So fun to have a casual, modern grill restaurant that is dedicated to German sausages cooked right there. Not expensive and fun with lots of craft beers. Will continued his search for the best currywurst. This might have been it.
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The old town is more of the huge ornate Baroque type buildings for Gov offices, arts and the famed Museum Island. The Nuese Museum is supposedly the choice museum, but we opted for the German History museum, which is lots of wars and Hapsburgs and such. Do a fly through or you will never emerge. This long strata Unter den Linden leads from the museums at Schloßplatz to Brandenburg gate and is fun to walk, though the parallel street of Fredeickstrasse is also fun to walk reminding me of 5th or Madison Aves. And this is where our dinner was at Crackers, a very euro, hip place with great food. A DJ comes every weekend night, which must be a Euro/German thing and she stood at her pulpit and played, according to our 20 somethings, more 80s dance music as opposed to EDM of nowadays.  Ok.
Saturday, November 25
And so it goes.  Check.  A wonderful Thanksgiving indeed.
0 notes