#esp 'you are flesh and blood / and you deserve to be loved / and you deserve what you are given'
emperorundying · 9 months
💀The Locked Tomb Dashboard Simulator Part 4💀
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🤐 necromancer-confessions
Anonymous asked:
i'm a third house non magic user and i've started hanging out with more necros lately and... i think i didnt realize how much of hanging out consisted of talking about the eroticism of the flesh !! and i dont want to judge them but u hear the words 'viscera' 'adipose' and 'sounding' in the same sentence one too many times and u kinda wonder why yr there as someone who cannot manipulate nerves :( ig im just feeling kind of left out
#anon this is totally regular for necros esp 3rd housers #if they dont understand that you feel left out, maybe have one use their necromancy on you? #there are many ways to assemble a skeleton
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💉 se7en Follow
bc these have been going around :3
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💀 6ske-le-un9 Follow
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♱ midnighthagette Follow
this edible aint shit
♱ midnighthagette Follow
why is the seventh saint to serve the emperor undying under my bed.
💎 saintofawe ☑️
Again with the insaneposting? How unfortunate, Harry, I thought we were past this.
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🐱 cohortcatgirl Follow
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V important thread!!!
Idc how much anon hate i get 4 this, we need 2 be able to appreciate the loving hand that guidez us💗
#sick 2 my stomach seeing all of these posts against the necrolord prime without knowing the context of the beautiful things he's done for us :((((((( #mr undying i am yr biggest fan u deserve better than this....
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👤 foundations-of-decay-deactivated-8172202
if one more person unprompted asks me for blood pics again i swear to the bones above i will stab myself or smth
🩸 ab-justmytype-o Follow
stabbing pics queen?
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farcicalhuman · 7 months
Deft in Spring // Eddie Gluskin x male oc
Content warning: DW n/a
There was little scarring on the tailor's face, it was astoundingly smooth. Sinclair had lived nearly half the life Eddie had, and yet his face was tousled with memories of admittedly stupid escapades. Being intimate meant to reveal those minute details, but it was if Gluskin was free of them. Eddie's face shone brightly in conversation erasing all ridges; dissolving them into that smug grin he always seemed to put on. It was so foul to Sinclair, for a man this awful, to be at peace. Despite having much preferred Eddie like this, he in no way could muster a reason that he should deserve it.
His forefingers made sure to be as delicate as possible during their descent. Even in their faltering as Sinclair grazed over from the temples down the fine stooped brow to his cheek. Keeping clear of his lips and mouth as if the man would snap at any trying movement. Getting Edward this still never mind lying before him on a Sunday morning was hard enough.
Sinclair would much rather not push his luck. He theorised over every tiny decision in the man's advances. Rationalising his lidded tired eyes as the sun's subject, Eddie's lack of vulgar comment merely a testimony to his fatigue, and even how Sinclair felt the further warmth of Eddie's face sinking into his leg. Like blood into sun-baked asphalt.
Not wanting to consider the idea, that in some roundabout fashion, Edward actually loved him. Deciding to get this involved with Eddie was already a death sentence; begining to enjoy the subdued side of a violent man would only worsen the whole situation.
Still, Eddie seemed to look much more manageable in this light. Caked not in viscus gore, but summer sunlight cushioned on grass that caressed his forearms where it could. It was beautiful. Sinclair considered he was wrong, not about Eddie's personality in anyway, but on Eddie's scars.
His hand swayed over the wrinkle caused only by a harsh scowl. Years Sinclair wasn't even cognisent for had etched in that fine crease, out of some long history of viciousness that Sinclair could've only caught a clue of right here and right now. When Eddie was lying with a neck craned open for him.
Eddie sighed quietly breaking Sinclair's concentration. Maybe Eddie knew, knew about Sinclair's microscopic discoveries. Hell, Sinclair would be embarrassed if he wasn't so strung out.
He was completely relaxed into him, they both were, no flex of muscle or bare teeth display of social confidence. Sinclair now thumbed a deep fissure in his skin a previously invisible wrinkle in his perfect features. Deciding to get a little bolder, Sinclair held his hand in place against the side of Eddie's head. It would be easy to say that Sinclair stroking and fine lining his fingers around Eddie's face seems like more of an intrusion. But frankly that just isn't true, not to Sinclair anyway, no he was taking too long.
Sinclair silently tussled with the jabbing thought that Eddie would notice any moment his lack of movement. Would Eddie view the light skirting movements less bothersome compared to this, feeling the heat accumulating betwixed their flesh.
Eddie would have to acknowledge the warmth and past that Sinclair. The man behind the gentle feeling he's been pushing to the back of his mind during this whole encounter.
JUST A SMALL PIECE FROM MY VAULT. When I say that I mean a small story rotting in my notes app...
I take it there will be some errors here I have a really weird habit of writing certain sections I think of them jumping to write others,, lolol
Still I'm glad to have it out there! I see little for outlast esp any Eddie x male fics. So, if anyone appreciates this just know I got more coming! Hopefully...
Maybe drop me a message lmk what you think!!
I have so much Sinclair lore and I try to keep it mostly canonical as possible with my Eddie portrayal,, (he's the worst)
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itlivesproject · 1 year
Big long message coming from someone who binged the whole game in two days:
1. Whoever wrote the Abel route deserves to get all the good things in life. His bright and warm personality and natural quirkiness tugged at my heartstrings and I just knew I wanted my MC to stick by him. It's no wonder so many peeps loved his route-- he was super fleshed out and he takes a new spin on the nerd LI archetype. Not to mention, his past with his family is bittersweet, yet it was never used for shock value. It was evident how these experiences affected his character and how he interacts with others, and it never fails to radiate how genuine he is and how much reality was inspired in his making.
(Also that last sex with him was so detailed, raw, passionate, and personal. Everything is scorched on my front lobe and I will nevrr forget it.mE.A. James could never.)
I can feel the good writing for all routes and the whole narrative in general even if I didn't pick them as LIs. The talent of the writing team always oozes, and I can never stop reading. I might retry other routes and I will do that after recovering from the psychic damage I acquired crying and laughing with this story.
2. From what I've read on the net so far, the Mixed Ending was the most well-liked ending, but I beg to digress because I am selfish and delusional and I just want my MC to rest, ok? 😔 I personally favored the successful non-betrayal blood ending.
The consequences of the ending are much more direct than that of the mixed ending and at least it was easier to cope with it because MC still has their support group, but I just really love the closure it provided that my gen!MC (ironic, I know) stayed true to what she wanted, which was to continue the life that was frozen over since the incident. Shadow Ending is honestly the most selfless and poetic ending that gave me crippling depression and I loved its angst. The Mixed Ending was my least favorite because it was the most open-ended one, and I felt unsettled by it because I felt the least secure for my MC's future, esp with their LI. I still have to play through Matthias' route but it's really promising.
3. I can't help but have my curiosity piqued by how everything played out with a similar pattern to how colonisers always end up messing up and undoing the progress of indigenous people's learnings and practices, and their utter disrespect for nature which ultimately blows up in their face but unfortunately, it's those that try to save it that suffer the most. The subtle incorporation of this theme was the perfect piece that really tied together the past of all It Lives book. Loha and Matthias were the perfect characters to resemble this struggle.
What lingers in my mind, however, is that Loha and Matthias, as individuals, are the two sides of the same coin. Both characters have personal strong connections to the Power, have personal gains and goals for it, used, manipulated and forced people to assist them in their cause, and ultimately birthed a person that was meant to be the key to finish their mission.
Though it was true that what Loha did was for the common good vs. Matthias' hedonistic and self-centered purposes, I think Loha is no better than Matthias, (Sorry, guys. I know some of you might fight me.) and I think it is equally hypocritical of Loha to ask MC to lay down her life to heal the breach and feel disappointed when MC doesn't do as she says.
She shared herself how a wisp was so curious of life on Earth that this innocent venture eventually bloomed into all this, so she knew that to an extent, even if the Shadow Ending occurs, it might happen again so long as the Power has free will to choose and explore. Maybe that's why I like the Blood Ending so much, I don't see a point to all the MC's (esp. ILW) suffering so much when they are mortals constantly being tested by a higher power. I think it was best to share the labor for everyone to maintain than just place the burden on one person. (My MC worked her ass off to charm Abel's pants off I simply can't let her down 😔)
4. The team is so resourceful with reusing, mixing, and adding visual assets to the game. Seeing the familiar layout and mechanics such as reusing minor characters really established the familiar Choices foundation of the game, but the impressively added illustrations, wide array of sprite personalization, the unique and diverse character designs, and even the title screens was truly the marks that made this an excellent fanwork. It manages to really immerse the reader and I can never, ever get enough of it.
5. In relation to 4, the programming of the game is superb. There is sensible weight and effects to choices, LIs are equally balanced and don't overpower the narrative, the godsent SAVES, the carefully considered rewards and consequences of all decisions and just everything about the system has made me question all that Choices has done since forever. How can a nonprofit fan team make such a complex system with such delicacy and thought that a multimillion dollar company simply cannot? You raised the bar higher for what interactive stories should look like. THIS is how interactive stories should be, and thanks to the user-friendly programming, the replay value is very high.
These are all I can say off the top of my head and I will always be grateful for this work you've shared to us. This is the most passionate passion project I've had the honor of experiencing, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Should your endeavors include another interactive story (Painted Devils can't come soon enough, please just take my money!), I will be most eager to take part in it.
Sorry if this was long!
(P.S.: Abel mentioned about having people over with his shirt on. *What's his body count?* 🤭☺️)
Thank you for sending this in and sharing your thoughts!! I'm so glad that the game was so meaningful for you <3
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ravs6709 · 2 years
If I knew how to draw and animate I would totally draw a joongdok/platonic kimcom animatic for florence + the machine's third eye
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fleurmatisse · 3 years
story planning aka hurting my own damn feelings
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lunarimpact · 3 years
...now i want to know your opinion on fgo arjuna. i know they really mishandled him, esp in the beginning, but id like to hear the thoughts of someone who's more familiar with him (hes my favorite)
Lucky you, he’s actually a character I used to despise. I used to hate how he’s the most beloved of the Gods, the boy-prince who can do no wrong, who is always just and true. He’s the hero! The good boy, the best boy, we love this boy!
But... that’s really not the case is it?
Arjuna is as complicated as everyone else in the Mahabharata, and startlingly sad. He’s not allowed, really, to be anything but the best, but he has the most painful weight upon his shoulders.
Imagine, for just a moment:
You, a boy, are born as the son of Indra, the King of the Gods, a gift to your human father, Pandu, and one of five known brothers. And you, a boy, are witness to the death of one of your mothers, her suicide, right after Pandu’s death, and you can’t even mourn that before your whole life is stolen from you, and you become the plaything of the Gods, for their dharma, for their war.
Every step you take is meant to build up hatred between you and your cousins. Is meant to make you view the world as desperately in need of a change. And you, you can be the arrow of change. Or, at least, part of it. You will be forced to flee all your years. You will face untold horrors, make stupid mistakes, and not be allowed to rest.
And the trauma just keeps building.
You will love four women to varying degrees. One of which is going to be the downfall of all of India. One is a woman who is an unknown aged naga, from probably several yugas past, and knows what is going to take place. She begets you a son and tells you to go, because that was the deal, after all. One is a prince-princess of a distant kingdom, and she’s your equal, but you can’t be happy with her. You leave. The last, your destined, almost, is Yogamaya incarnate, and she’s Krishna’s sister. His beloved sister, and your happiness already has a noose around it.
You, a young-old man, will be the tool of Vishnu, through Krishna, to slaughter your own flesh and blood. You, a young-old man, will take the life of your older-half-brother when he is weaponless, begging you to stay your hand till he can at least defend himself. You, a kshatriya, will take his head, and you have no choice.
This war is your birthright, happy birthday baby, don’t you cry.
Arjuna is traumatized. He’s depressed. He’s hurting so damn much throughout his own story, and he’s never really allowed the closure he deserves.
And, yeah, fgo’s portrayal of him isn’t great. He’s self-absorbed and an arrogant prick at first glance, and this isn’t to say he hasn’t always been these things in some capacity, and his inferiority-superiority complex is so underwhelming, but there’s something so fragile about him. Like look at how he desperately wants to appear perfect, to be your top priority. He wants to be so much, and yet it’s absolutely a mask.
He hates himself.
He’s a tool, meant to be used, and he’s aware of it. He’s his Masters tool, and he alludes to how others have used him and killed him when they didn’t need him anymore. And some part of him absolutely accepts this as truth.
He’s so wrapped up in his previous life, his previous fate, that he can no longer separate himself from Karna, funnily enough. He’s wrapped up in this idea that they are always going to kill each other, that they have no choice, while ignoring the fact that he’s already fulfilled this role.
And some part of me just wants to scream, it’s finished, it’s over Arjuna, move on! He’s already fulfilled that left over dharma, which was laid upon his shoulders by the Gods. He’s not destined to kill Karna again and again and again; it was a one and done for that lifetime. It’s over, move on.
Can we please separate the boys already?
They are not each others end all be all. And we’re not even allowed to glimpse at the respect that Arjuna and Karna had for each other, differences aside. Or how their interactions were canonly few and far between. In fact, I’m surprised it’s not Krishna who continues to haunt him, to linger in his thoughts and mind the way he used to. No, wait, that’s wrong, because it’s briefly touched upon in his second, and glorious, interlude, and will make a reappearance in -REDACTED-.
I think fgo is slowly starting to build Arjuna up into a likeable character now, who is relying more on his own merits, and not his blessings from the Gods or Krishna or his shitty fate. But they’re still treating him like a childish youth, a tsundere-chuuni-whatever the fuck. Relying pretty heavy on some likeable tropes, but not giving him the growth he deserves. Not letting us peak into the past of a great warrior with all this pain in him. Not letting us really explore all that much about him behind face value.
We’re not even allowed to talk about any of his wives, mind you. It’s brought up as a throw away comedy line between him and Rama that makes no fucking sense, when Arjuna loved all of his wives as best as he could, and they taught him so much. And that line is solely focused on Draupadi, without going into context about how it happened, that it was a mistake on all their parts, and enforced by Narada. We don’t even really get to talk about how much Arjuna loved Kunti.
Anyway, they get points for making him look like the lovechild of Arjuna and Krishna though! His design is beautiful, I won’t lie, and I love his wedding kurta.
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