deasodayung · 4 years
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deasodayung · 4 years
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Find U Some Real Angels 😇 • Demons 😈 That’s Gone Ride For U... Hold It Down For U Like U Do For U ⚪️⚫️🌟
Real Spirits (Angels • Demons) Don’t Speak In Tongues, Language Or Aesthetics Of Any Kind... They Reflect Light...
(In formations of awareness thrU that of their own processing)
That’s IT. That’s ALL.
Anything Outside Of That Is Getting Lost In A Choice/Preference Of Tongues, Language, Aesthetics To Choose From...
(In formations • formations of light in; ESO or of; EXO)
Utilized For Sake Of Interpreting That In Which U Choose To Be; Exist As Or Receive ThrU Reflections Reflected
Reflect ThrU The Intensities (Waters) Of Ur Image, Creative Or Vision (Fire) Reflected.
When U Realize The Languages, Tongues, Aesthetics U R Lost In Aren’t Urs, U Can Detach Freely From The Language, Tongue Or Aesthetic Of Any Kind & Find REAL Spirits Who ARE... Intricately In Simplicity... No Thing More Or Less Than... What They Choose To REFLECT From There In... In ALL Realms & Realities.
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deasodayung · 4 years
- To Go In To Urself Thru Ur Sight; Fire Is To Shine/Reflect Out Thru Ur Sight; Fire
Aka Move The Fuckin World Out Ur Way & Quit Playing With Urself As If U Can’t When U Know U More Than Capable
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*(Creation/Birthing Or Portal; Eye Opening/Closing)
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*(How The Ability To Travel Beyond Aspects/Parameters Is Created/Birthed)
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*(Utilizing The Element Of Fire; Imagination/Creativity/Birth To Create A Matter Or Matters & Wield Them Into Existence In Some Way, Shape Or Form For Ur Utilization Purposes As A Spirit Aka Awareness Created By (U) The Spirit Thru Becoming Aware Of Urself Or A Point Of Reference In/From A New Light (Way/Angle) For The First Time That U Either Choose To (A) Receive/Believe In (External To Internal) Or (B) Express What U Create & Give Life To (Internal To External) That Can Become Dense (Heavy On Ur Mind/Heart/Being, “Real” To U) Dependent On Ur Attachment To (A) The Matter Via The Desire/Passion/Will/Intention/Purpose U As An Individual Spirit; A Soul Created The Possibility/Chance Of To Experience, As (A) No Thing (A Spirit), The Existence(s) Of Becoming Some Thing.
Intuition Is Ur Ability To See Beyond The Current Standings Of Ur Current Situation/Circumstance Externally Reflected By U Thru Ur Position(ing) Internally By Default Making U The Creator/Author, If U Ain’t Know Already, Of Ur Own Existence Aka MAKING (A) The Existence(s) U Create A Reality/Destiny/Fate That Can Become A Reality Outside Of U Or Remain A Fantasy U Can Only In Vision If U Don’t Apply Effort (Take Action) Towards Ur Visions (The Spark U Create IN That Is Ur Vision Or Way/Sense Of Sight Or Direction).
U Choose To Exist Thru Ur Will First & Far-Most, Therefore The Beginning Of The Creating/Birthing Of Existence(s); Wills To Exist/Live Thru Ur Creations/Forms/Existences/Beings/Awarenesses (Light; Angles Becoming Lite; Heavy “Real” To U) Is Initiated By U In Order For U As The Spirit (Shapeless & Formless) To Experience The Endless Possibilities Of Experiencing/Being Within New Forms Of Existence/Space/Awareness/Being.
Ur Esoteric GPS Aka Ur Internal Sense Of Direction Is For Ur Author & Illustrator Ships Alone. ONLY ONLY ONLY For The Sake Of Ur Guidance In Direction As Well As Approval Of Direction & Guidance Regarding What Ever Horizon U Choose To Set Sail (Go/Become) Towards Or Set Loose (Let Go Of/Transform) Towards. KEEP THOSE WHO REFUSE TO SEE VALUE IN DEVELOPING (A) THE SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING IT TAKES TO DEVELOP IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THAT OF THEMSELVES SPIRITUALLY... OUTSIDE OUTSIDE OUTSIDE The Reach(es); Standing(s) Of Ur ESOGPS Aka Ur Internally Personalized GPS Personalized By The Rights Of U, The Author/Creator.
U ALWAYS Go In First To Make/Create/Give Birth To Any New Forms Or Forms Of New Anything... Such As Fulfillments/Satisfactions/Desires/Passions/Senses/Wills (Lights; Angles That Have Became Lite; Dense, Heavy, “Real” To U) That Can Manifest Into A Plethora Of Possibilities U As A Spirit Can Experience The Existence(s) Of & Thru Dedication To Ur Spirtual Practices U Can Learn To Tap Into Ur Own Ability To Create Endless Possibilities For Ur Self As A Spirit That Externally Represent U On Behalf Of How U Externalize/Express The Selves/Awareness From Ur Internal, Out Into The Astral/Exoteric/External Realm Where Ur Formless Substances Begin To Take Shape & Form Outside Of U Via The Nature Of How U Project/Express/Represent Ur Self As The Individual U Believe Ur Self To Be In/At That Very Moment.
There Is No & Has Never Been A Such Thing As Going Outside Of U First In Search/Hope Of Making/Creating/Giving Birth To Any New Forms Of Something That Was ALREADY There Before Ur Arrival (Awareness Of (A) “It”)... Such As Fulfillments/Satisfactions/Passions/Desires/Senses (Lights; Angles That Became Lite; Dense, Heavy, “Real” To U) That U Did Not Help To Create/Make/Give Birth To But Instead Had To LEARN Aka Receive/Believe In That Substance First In Order To Tune Into Ur Power To Create... Aka UNLESS U Have Internalized/Understood Ur Self Enough In Ur Own Space Before Getting Lost In (A) The Space U Are In (Aka Know Urself Enough First/Spend Enough Time In Ur U, Ur I AM Or I AM Not Bodies Of Awareness To Know What U Is & Ain’t) Then U Make Being Ur Individual Self In That Or Ur Own Space A Lot Harder When It Comes To Knowing How To Create Any New Kinds Or Forms Of Fulfillment/Satisfaction/Desire/Passion/Sense/Will (Light; Angles That Became Lite; Dense, Heavy, “Real” To U) To Make Use Of For Ur Self & Benefit In Order To Experience New Possibilities In That Or Ur Own Space Resembling This, That Or Those New Kinds Of Fulfillments/Satisfactions/Passions/Desires/Senses/Wills (Lights; Angles That Became Lite; Dense, Heavy, “Real” To U) Present Thru The Shapes & Forms Formless Substances Take The Shape & Form Of When We Make The Sub-Conscious; Internal Effort To Express/Externalize/Project Our In Outside Of Us To Be Received/Believed In By Another Or Into The All Together/Astral/EXOteric/External Realm Or World Outside Of Us As A Influence/Reflection To Give Off/Push Out In/Thru Our Fire; Image.
Intuition Is Correlated To The Yang Or The Externalizing Aspect/Quality Of The Yin; Internal Portion Of The Yin; Internal & Yang; External Body Signifying The Ability To Create New Sources Of Light; Angles, New Ways Of Direction In The Internal (ESOTERIC) Realm Or The Realm That Exist But Is Unseen/Unknown To The Physical Eye; The Space Where U Create/Give Birth To Existence(s) Thru Ur Fire; Ur Development Of Sight ThrU Receiving/Believing Light In, To Create (A) New Senses Of Direction & Reflect Those Lights/Angles/Senses/Awarenesses Of Direction Out Thru Ur Individual Lense Or Perspective Point Aka From The Unseen Space U Are In As A Individual Spirit; As Soul, Internalize The Visions, Enlightenments, Ideas, Imaginations, Images, Creativity, Intuitions, Insights U Create/Give Birth To, Within First... Then Reflect/Externalize Out To Be Received/Believed In By (Into The Temple/Home/Center/Heart Space Of) Another.
Becoming Aware For The First Time Is The Creation/Birthing Of A Desire/Passion/Will To Experience The Endless Possibilities Of Being/Existing/Existence(s); Becoming Something Thru Many Forms Of Existence(s)/Existing U Pick Up (Learn) Outside Of (U) In Order To Learn How To Create For Urself A Self/Awareness/Space/Body Unique, Original, Efficient & Sustainable Enough For U When Traveling In The ESOteric; Internal/Unseen Realm Or The Astral; EXOteric/External/Seen Realm (A World Of Focusing Ur Ability To Give Attention/Life Outward); The Realm Where The Perceptions We Create Internally Becomes The Shit We Perceive As “Sight”, “Seeing”, “Feeling”, “Touch”, “Taste”, “Smell”, “Hearing”, “5.6.7 Senses Type Shit” When We Express/Externalize Ourselves But In Reality Is Us As Spirits Creating Existence(s) All Together That We Try Our Best To Put Into Perspective(s), Thru Our Individual Powers Of Perception, That Works For Us All, Together.
Light; Angles, Ways Of, External To U Are Reflected From The Source/Space Of Wherever That Light/Sense/Angle/Awareness/Influence/Reflection Was Created/Birthed.
When Receiving/Believing In This, That Or Those Reflections/Influences (Light; Angles That Became Lite; Heavy, Dense, “Real” To U), U Can Then Choose To Become Or Not Become Aware Thru Ur Individual Power Of Perception Aka Ur Ability To Perceive The Possibility Of Where This, That Or Those Reflected Lights; Angles, Ways Of, (Influences), Outside Of U, Were Created/Authored In Order To Create A Lead/Direction To Trace Out This, That Or Those Reflected Lights; Angles, Ways Of, Back To The Origins/Sources Of The Space They Were Created/Birthed Signifying The Shapes & Forms That Spirits In That Space, Just Like U, Created Or Re-Created To Come Into Existence Thru Its Fire; Vision, Image, Will To Exist Or Experience The Space Of All Possibilities Thru Existence(s); Becoming Something In Some Way Shape Or Form Aka A Fire; Vision, Image Can Be Utilized to Represent The Image/Face Of The Spirit That Created & Dwells Within The Temple/Space/Awareness/Body That It Conceived/Created/Gave Birth To The Offsprings/Children Or The Lights; Angles, Ways Of, That Came After... That It The Spirit/Creator Pushed Out Giving Them Life.
U Give The Internal/Unseen/Shapeless & Formless A (Home/Basis) External Form/Place/Space To Grow/Mature/Mutate/Exist/Live In/Thru As A Combination Of Endless Possibilities Such As (Light) Ideas That Become (Lite) Thoughts When Expressed (Birth), (Light) Emotions That Become (Lite) Feelings When Expressed (Life) & The 2 (Lights) When Joined Together Creating/Giving Birth To The Actions/Expressions/Re-Actions (Vessels Or The Appearances Of Light Moving Made Lite; Physical, Heavy, “Real” To U Thru Ur Belief In This, That Or Those Desires To See Or Feel This, That Or Those Ways; (Fire) Ideas & (Water) Emotions U Bring/Join Together To Create (A) The Process Of Shaping & Forming Ur Formless Substances Which The Abilities To Think/Communicate/Relate (Air) & Do/Construct/Structure (Earth), Supported By Ur ESOGPS, Are Created/Birthed Out Of.
A Desire Takes Time To Develop Aka U Gotta Give LOTS Of Ur Energy/Attention/Time To One Or Many Forms Of Existence(s) In Order To Re-Create A Desire Into An Experience U’ve Either Experienced Before & Desire To Experience Again (Re-Incarnate) Or Create A Desire Into A Whole New; New Whole Experience; Experience Of New (In-Carnate) Due To U Resonating With The Newly Created Desires/Passions/Wills/Influences Of Ur Choosing More... & More... & More... Til Eventually Pop Goes The Weasel Aka The Formless Substances U Created Thru Resonating With/Giving LOTS Of Ur Attention To (Joining/Combining/Having Sex With) The Desires/Passions/Wills/Influences Of Ur Choosing Are Ready To Burst/Be Released, Flow Freely Out Past The Surface, Meaning, The Desires/Passions/Wills U Created Can No Longer Be Contained/Held In/Suppressed Any More Than They Have Been Via U’ve Outgrown The Space Ur In & In Order To Receive/Believe In; Experience More Possibilities, Without Playing The Role/Cause/Face Of Collateral, U Must First Release The Formless Substances Contained From Old; Outdated Experiences & Existence(s) That Reflect The Natures/Desires/Passions/Wills To Experience Endless Possibilities Thru Acts Of Holding/Containing/Suppressing Ur Formless Substances/Awarenesses/Energies When Ready To Be Released Therefore Releasing The Shape & Form Itself.
Therefore Thru Becoming Aware Of Expressions/Reflections/Influences (Reflected Lights; Angles, Ways Of, Outside Of U) Prior To The Creation/Birthing Of Ur Own Ability To Create & Receive/Believe In Reflections/Influences In Order To Have Ur Own Lights; Angles, Ways Of To Give Off As Reflections/Influences To Be Received/Believed In By Another, Created From In To Out Then Out To In... Over & Over Again, U Give Life To The Process Of A Formless Substance Given The Ability To Exist/Live/Thru Forms Of Existence(s) To Form Out In Or Be Formed Internally To Be Externalized/Expressed Out Continues & When Reflected/Pondered On (Contained) Long Enough This, That Or Those Expressions/Reflections/Influences (Lights; Angles, Ways Of, Outside Of U) Become Lite; Dense, Heavy, “Real” To U & Then Are Received/Believed/Allowed In To Ur Self/Space/Awareness In Order To Create What Becomes (A) Ur Own Shaping & Forming Of Existence/Existing To The Point Where U As The Spirit Can Now Jump Into These Shapes & Forms & Utilize Them Like Portals For Travel Out To The Astral/EXOteric Realm From The Internal; Esoteric Realm; A Realm Unseen/Unknown To The Physical Eye, That Becomes Awareness; Lite, “Real” To U Thru Ur Power Of Perception In Order To Be Able To Be/Exist Externally Thru How U Have In Visioned Ur Self To Exist/Be In Some Way, Shape Or Form As An Individual Spirit (Soul) Possessing Full Creative Control Of/Over/In Ur Creative Process As The Author/Creator/Illustrator Of Ur Will To Exist In Which U Create To Become The Shapes & Forms Created/Birthed & Given Life By (U) The Spirit, Utilized For Ur Spiritual Experience(s) & Experimental Purposes ONLY.
Peace, LUV & Flightz To All My Esoteric Mafiosas & Mafiosos... Keep Ur Spirits Lifted 🔥🌊⭐️
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deasodayung · 4 years
(A Star Angled 6 Ways)
If U could see what was Reflected through Ur eye
Would U reel eyes then
That U are what U Reflect
Through That of Ur choosing to BEcome
Choose to BEcome Ur own Satisfaction & Fulfillment
Choose to Satisfy & Fulfill Ur BEing
Satisfaction & Fulfillment is for No. One. who waits for it to appear
But for those who choose to Mother & Father, Father & Mother that of Ur own created
Become WHOLE no longer HOLY
Upright no longer inverted
Unless, Upright is Ur destination
Where U want to be
Whether in,
Whether out
or in BEtween
U are the Source of Ur ALL
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deasodayung · 4 years
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BE Be Fucking COMING ⚪️⚫️🌟
That’s how be and coming learn to come together to form a becoming of something new...
In order to Be anything Ur not aware of how to be/do yet, comes with it, a time/process of learning in order to see a reality in which U have learned whatever U’ve put Urself into a desired space to learn to become & therefore know how to apply Ur learning in some way, shape or form.
So long as there is the will to master Ur ability to learn, be patient in Ur learning, practice Ur learning, take time with Urself & Ur learning as well as the will to apply Ur learning as to how to develop the knowing/know how on how to transform Urself or situation aka U are aware of the in & outs as to the process of creating new forms of life, lifestyle, living, being or becoming for Urself at ease, at peace, at Ur pace, Ur tempo & be so unconvinced at Ur method of process that time & space matters none in that moment of U...
A gem free to ALL who choose to believe in themselves, see possibility, potential, value in/thru themselves. Therefore know what it is to Be an example of what it is to become free to Be what U wanna be • Come & Go freely/spiritually as U please whether mentally where U lead Ur follow thru, emotionally as U follow thru Ur lead or physically as a testament to Ur belief in Ur self/being.
An example of one who knows how to incorporate discretion/moderation/balance in/thru its being. One who knows, who understands the direction in value as well as the value in direction when it comes to being accountable/responsible of/for that of its own, moved or moved by none at/by its own discretion.
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deasodayung · 4 years
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deasodayung · 4 years
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