mooonnyyyyy · 2 years
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to your favorite blogs (positivity is cool)
Why am i like this by Orla Gartland
daylight by Taylor Swift
lost stars by Kiera Knightley
chemtrails over the country club by Lana Del Rey
cold/ mess by Prateek Kuhad
I'm tagging instead
@esotericallyinsane @boykeats @metamorphesque @takeapieceofmyhart @saintlysinnerss @letsbelonelytogetherr @dirtyrobber70 @heir-of-severus @deadpoetwilde @mausoleumed
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inthe-afterglows · 2 years
Tag 10 People You’d Like To Know Better
Thanks for tagging @funbunnypotter26, @blondelunaa, & @practicecourts!!!!
Relationship Status: single
Favourite Colour: yellow
Favourite Food: chocolate
Song Stuck In My Head: Carolina by Taylor Swift
Last Thing I Googled: Pretty little liars Spencer’s house
Time: 10:41PM
Dream Trip: 3 months in Europe doing all the countries
Tagging: @mppmaraudergirl @esotericallyinsane @hopeful-hufflepuff-peeves @fierycavalier @petalstofish @crimson-snitch @theesteemedladydebourgh @theresthesnitch @thequibblah @emeralddoeadeer
And anyone else who wants to!!
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you're- you're amazing, unreal almost. if there's the need of an explanation then well, ch 5. its, its so so lovely and warm and messy and perfect, your james and lily, your writing- it's a lot like love. im pretty sure it is love, the loud and quiet parts of it, the terrible and the lovely but just so inherently good and deliriously happy because a love that hurts is still love and just- thank you for getting into this fandom, im so bloody grateful that you made these characters, that i love so so much, yours. ive cried so much over your fics but then again they've given my heart the space to breathe when its all out of breaths. so i just hope you know how unbelievably incredible a writer you are. i have no idea what we did to deserve that chapter but i love you for it, 36k of love and so much more but this is the only one coming to mind right now. your stories, they're the good in a fucked up and terrible world and im just so grateful to you for them.
oh my gosh this made me cry so much. your writing is beautiful (do you write? if you don't, you should and if you do, please direct me to your fics!) and i'm so grateful to you for reading and for all the lovely things you've sent me. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕
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tiffanytoms · 3 years
I need chapter 20 like now.
You really can’t end it like that!
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You guys did not come to play today with the asks, good lawd 🤭
I can’t spam ppl this much, but, this reaction was honestly unexpected but super duper welcome 😅💜💜 Thank you 💕
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wintryblight · 3 years
hey, first i wanted to say i love love love your page, i found so many new brillant poets to read because of you :)
i cant find this poem anywhere but since you've read Ada Limón, i was hoping you'd have the link to her poem "The good fight".
hi! thanks for supporting my project & i’m glad you discovered poets you enjoy. unfortunately i cannot find the poem you’re looking for, but here is a link to the pdf of Bright Dead Things by Limón, which contains this poem.
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loverscrossmp3 · 3 years
this side of the universe (bare & brief) is the best fucking thing ive ever ever read istg, the sweetest death really. i read the whole thing with watering eyes and just- its everything and you're genius and so fucking brilliant. i read it for the first time a couple weeks ago and i keep coming back. i dont know why but it just makes me feel too damn much. i love this fic so much, ill let it kill me a million times over.
oh wow this is just… so so kind. i’m always in continuous awe that people actually enjoy my works so this makes my heart incredibly happy. “the sweetest death” holy shit. don’t mind me, just gonna tattoo this onto my body cause it might just be the nicest thing EVER!! thank you so so much, lovely! this really means so much!!! <3
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hello! i hope you're doing well. so i saw the director's commentry post and wanted to ask about the tale of you and I. you mentioned that this fic (WHICH BY THE WAY SHOULD BE HANGING IN A CATHEDRAL FOR US MERE MORTALS TO WORSHIP) is closer to the kind of stuff you write outside of fanfiction. id love to hear more about that, your writing that is, if you don't mind sharing. but let's be honest ill practically devour anything and everything you say about any of your fics (yes i read them all and no i have still not gotten out of the puddle of tears they left me in). so ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
oh my god thank you!! 🥰i adore that fic ah (and I adore you!)
so yes, all of my non-fic writing fits very firmly into the 'whimsical, magic/fantasy category'. originally i started writing because i wanted to write the next harry potter 😂 And then i got sucked into the YA fantasy craze of secret heir-warring kingdoms-ensemble quest and honestly i still have an old draft of a novel along those lines with a heist that was actually really cool and one day i swear i want to finish it.
then i got older (and possibly more pretentious?) and all my writing took a very sharp turn into whimsical, magical realism, who-even-knows-very-self-indulgent nonsense. over covid (spurred by folklore thank u taylor swift) i wrote 100k of a book about a faerie ballet in a mirrored paris that got stuck there during the french revolution and these two characters who fell in love in their dreams and my mom read it and was like, wow, it's so...much and yet so little at the same time (which i'm not really sure how to interpret, except that i banked hard on nostalgia and sadness and abstract faerie magic which really suits my tastes, but not everyone's!)
it's funny because in fic i have no trouble finishing things off quickly, even when the word counts are super high, but in my other writing i just can't find myself able to finish anything. I think it's because in fic i mostly write romances in a not very complex setting (or one that's so familiar, like canon, that it feels ordinary) and i focus on the relationship and that's it.
But with original work (and I'm actually feeling it a bit with The Tale of You & I, because the faerie world feels big and kind of entirely in my head) it's harder, which is no surprise i guess. the fun is writing magical worlds where i can do anything and i LOVE world building so much, outside of romance it's my favorite thing. (which might be another difference between fic and original, bc in fic i concentrate solely on romance and in originals i'm all caught up in world building).
i love taking things that feel lovely and...i don't really know how to describe it other than aesthetically appealing? like for example faerie courts caught in spring where rivers run in reverse, or ballets performed in marble towers in the sky of a city that's been reversed, or sandy, desert empires with old gods that don't speak anymore in the middle of an ocean.
I always start with a setting and insert characters into that. I love writing ensemble casts, though keeping track of all the dialogue is a nightmare, but the opportunity for banter is so fun, and of course there's always a love story. sometimes several 😉
anyway this was mostly rambling and likely doesn't make much sense 😅 but i love writing and i love inventing things from scratch, because it makes me really feel like i can do something with my mind.
and i love writing fic because it's taught me how to really write a romance, and develop feelings in different worlds or scenarios that all lead to the same place. they're compatible skills, and getting to jump between them is a great gift 🥰
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"Your eyes, so crisp, so green Sour apple baby, but you taste so sweet"
"And I wonder if you'd like to meet" (HERBERT!!!!!)
"You can come to mine, but both my roommates are home Think I know a bar where they would leave us alone"
"And I say I'm only playing, but The truth is this That I've never seen a mouth that I would kill to kiss And I'm terrified, but I can't resist"
"And I said Beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms and I know That beautiful strangers only come along to do me wrong And I hope Beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms But I think it's finally, finally, finally, finally, finally safe For me to fall"
OMG you genius I am 110% adding that to the GOFLL playlist RIGHT NOW.
I love Halsey so much and yet i overlooked this what is wrong with me??
and THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hi- i just read the first two chapters of the tale of you and I and oh my fucking god i dont think i cant breathe knowing something so fucking beautiful as that piece of art exists. and im still not sure what i read was real- i just spent the past hour crying on my floor at an ungodly time of the night and just, what are you doing to me???? *hysterically cries even more* please please tell me they'll have a happy ending. i can't bear the thought of anything else for james. also mary and sirius, i never really shipped them but after that- i will fucking cut severus snape if he ruined them as well as those ten months jily could have had. you're a phenomenal writer. now im gonna go cry some more and stare at Florence cathedrals on pinterest. byeee
hi !!! oh my gosh...I just want to keep this comment and stare at it all day because it’s the nicest thing ever ??
the tale of you & i felt like a bit of a gamble since it’s not the usual fanfic kind of AU, but also i love this story because it’s closer to the kind of things i normally write outside of fanfic, so I’m really glad to hear that people are loving it!
I’ll see what I can do about that happy ending 😉
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