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purwosari-bermartabat-bjn · 2 years ago
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Karang Taruna Sasana Krida Muda Desa Purwosari mendapatkan bantuan dari Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Pertanian Kabupaten Bojonegoro @dinperta.bojonegoro berupa Bibit Kelapa Genjah. Melalui Ketua Karang Taruna Saudara Muh Taat Efendi diserahkan kepada Kelompok Tani Yang ada di Desa Purwosari. Dalam kesempatan tersebut Ibu Umi Zumrothin, SH @zumrothin1983 memberikan bantuan Bibit Kelapa kepada Bapak Pahir selaku ketua Poktan Karya Tani Dusun Prayungan Desa Purwosari. Penyerahan Bibit Kelapa Genjah di hadiri oleh : 1. Perwakilan dari PPL Kecamatan Purwosari 2. Ibu Kepala Desa Purwosari 3. Ketua Karang Taruna EsKaEm 4. Ketua Poktan Karya Tani 5. Warga Dusun Prayungan Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk Perluasan Tanaman Kelapa Genjah (varietas Kelapa Genjah Kuning Bali) Jumlah keseluruhan adalah 330 bibit Terima kasih semoga bermanfaat untuk warga. @dinperta.bojonegoro (di Purwosari) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmq5oU0ywpq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anibal11 · 3 years ago
Ziemia / Soil from vizuza on Vimeo.
In Polish language, word "Ziemia" means both "soil" and "Earth", which I think is a meaningful coincidence. It’s interesting to think what it would be like to live in an environment such as soil. Communication there happens in darkness, and consists of subtle vibrations and chemical signals - so much different than our loud, bright world above. The ground it is quieter, but it has its own specific sounds, that come from the organisms living there, roots growing, water travelling through. Fertile soil is something that takes a very long time to develop and very little time to destroy. For me it's a fragile, beautiful and mysterious environment - and that's how I aimed to depict it in this animation.
It is full CGI work, made using SideFX Houdini and Redshift.
This animation was created as a part of my exhibition, which was held from April 24th until May 8th, 2021 in Eskaem, an art gallery in Gdańsk. eskaem.pl/
I was able to use authentic recordings from the soil thanks to the Sounding Soil project by Marcus Maeder, Zurich University of the Arts, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ICST, 2017-2020 soundingsoil.ch/en/
Audio production and editing Marcin Szulc / Coastline Northern Cuts northerncuts.com/en/
Designed and produced by Zuzanna Kołodziej / Vizuza
my instagram: @vi.zuza
Full post & photos from the exhibition: zuzakolodziej.com/Ziemia-Soil
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emzeciorrr · 4 years ago
Ziemia / Soil from vizuza on Vimeo.
In Polish language, the word describing soil is synonymous to “Earth”, which I think is a meaningful coincidence. It’s interesting to think what it would be like to live in an environment such as soil. Communication there happens in darkness, and consists of subtle vibrations and chemical signals - so much different than our loud, bright world above. The ground it is quieter, but it has its own specific sounds, that come from the organisms living there, roots growing, water travelling through. Fertile soil is something that takes a very long time to develop and very little time to destroy. For me it's a fragile, beautiful and mysterious environment - and that's how I aimed to depict it in this animation.
It is full CGI work, made using SideFX Houdini and Redshift.
This animation was created as a part of my exhibition, which was held from April 24th until May 8th, 2021 in Eskaem, an art gallery in Gdańsk. eskaem.pl/
I was able to use authentic recordings from the soil thanks to the Sounding Soil project by Marcus Maeder, Zurich University of the Arts, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ICST, 2017-2020 soundingsoil.ch/en/
Audio production and editing Marcin Szulc / Coastline Northern Cuts northerncuts.com/en/
Designed and produced by Zuzanna Kołodziej / Vizuza
my instagram: @vi.zuza
Full post & photos from the exhibition: zuzakolodziej.com/Ziemia-Soil
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artwalktv · 4 years ago
In Polish language, the word describing soil is synonymous to “Earth”, which I think is a meaningful coincidence. It’s interesting to think what it would be like to live in an environment such as soil. Communication there happens in darkness, and consists of subtle vibrations and chemical signals - so much different than our loud, bright world above. The ground it is quieter, but it has its own specific sounds, that come from the organisms living there, roots growing, water travelling through. Fertile soil is something that takes a very long time to develop and very little time to destroy. For me it's a fragile, beautiful and mysterious environment - and that's how I aimed to depict it in this animation. It is full CGI work, made using SideFX Houdini and Redshift. This animation was created as a part of my exhibition, which was held from April 24th until May 8th, 2021 in Eskaem, an art gallery in Gdańsk. https://bit.ly/3wxkB2h I was able to use authentic recordings from the soil thanks to the Sounding Soil project by Marcus Maeder, Zurich University of the Arts, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ICST, 2017-2020 https://bit.ly/3hS0hVt Audio production and editing Marcin Szulc / Coastline Northern Cuts https://bit.ly/3fHAT1X Designed and produced by Zuzanna Kołodziej / Vizuza Full post & photos from the exhibition: https://bit.ly/3bTWJOr
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yohomedia · 4 years ago
Ziemia / Soil from vizuza on Vimeo.
In Polish language, word "Ziemia" means both "soil" and "Earth", which I think is a meaningful coincidence. It’s interesting to think what it would be like to live in an environment such as soil. Communication there happens in darkness, and consists of subtle vibrations and chemical signals - so much different than our loud, bright world above. The ground it is quieter, but it has its own specific sounds, that come from the organisms living there, roots growing, water travelling through. Fertile soil is something that takes a very long time to develop and very little time to destroy. For me it's a fragile, beautiful and mysterious environment - and that's how I aimed to depict it in this animation.
It is full CGI work, made using SideFX Houdini and Redshift.
This animation was created as a part of my exhibition, which was held from April 24th until May 8th, 2021 in Eskaem, an art gallery in Gdańsk. eskaem.pl/
I was able to use authentic recordings from the soil thanks to the Sounding Soil project by Marcus Maeder, Zurich University of the Arts, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ICST, 2017-2020 soundingsoil.ch/en/
Audio production and editing Marcin Szulc / Coastline Northern Cuts northerncuts.com/en/
Designed and produced by Zuzanna Kołodziej / Vizuza
my instagram: @vi.zuza
Full post & photos from the exhibition: zuzakolodziej.com/Ziemia-Soil
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psotny · 8 years ago
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Jest nieźle... #beer #pruszków #rain #storm #psotny (w: Eskaem Cafe)
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eskaem · 8 years ago
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24.8.17, czwartek, #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl / #zgniłość #świetlicki @100cznia #calineczka #purgist #psychotronika @kolonia.artystow #weekendarchitekturywgdyni #olamońko #mozartiana #gdansk #gdynia #sopot #igersgdansk (w: Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl)
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eskaem · 8 years ago
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17.7.17, poniedziałek, #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl / #chopin #mikołajsikała @polska_filharmonia_baltycka #polinchansonsyiddish @teatrnaplazy #patrykK #teatrboto #gdansk #sopot #motor #igersgdansk (w: Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl)
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eskaem · 7 years ago
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29.11.17, środa #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl / #mew @b90 #euroshorts #bibliotekapodżółwiem #kinoniemieckie @klubzak #nowefale #gdansk #igersgdansk
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eskaem · 7 years ago
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3.11.17, piątek #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl / #festiwaljazzjantar #jazzjantar @klubzak #zbyszekcybulski #laoche @klub_b90 @laoche_official #thestubs #theramjacks #lazyclass @klubucho #świętozmarłych #teatrboto #gdansk #sopot #gdynia #jazz #igersgdansk (at Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl)
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eskaem · 7 years ago
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8.10.17, niedziela #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl / #revoco #teatrtańca @klubzak #tomaszstańko #jazz @stary_manez #tydzieńlitewski @gdanski_teatr_szekspirowski #igersgdansk #gdansk (at Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl)
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eskaem · 8 years ago
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17.1.16, wtorek, #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl / #zbrojowniasztuki #mirosławbałka #katarzynakrakowiak #jutronieprzyjdzienigdy #marcinwądłowskitrio #winda #windaGAK #JAZZ #igersgdansk #gdansk #handmade #littering #kultura (w: Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl)
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eskaem · 6 years ago
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18.12.19 #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl #malarstwo #grażynakręczkowska @sztuka_wyboru #kino #festiwalsputnik @klubzak #igersgdansk #igerskultura (at Opole) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrhLuIOFn4B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bd8btruwkjjw
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eskaem · 6 years ago
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16.12.2018 #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl @targibakalie @stary_manez #jazzaspiewam #akademiamuzyczna #święta @actushumanus #hardtimes #bluesclub #festiwalsputnik @klubzak #gdansk #gdynia #sopot #igersgdansk #igerskultura #kultura (at Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrcYlWpl7VH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e20hrlinhmnc
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eskaem · 6 years ago
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15.12.18 #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl #dzwiekiroslin #dna06 @kolonia.artystow #dronenoiseambient #slamwblokowisku #plamaGAK #actushumanus #spritualstandards #dworeksierakowskich #pawelizdebski #kasiamazurkiewicz #bluesclub #stevehogarth #festiwalsputnik @klubzak #slawekuniatowski @polska_filharmonia_baltycka #bitwaostocznie @protokultura.klub #igersgdansk #igerskultura #gdansk #sopot #gdynia #wolnosckultury (at Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl) https://www.instagram.com/p/BraMBgLlT8p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qrx8fodffndh
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eskaem · 6 years ago
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14.12.2018 #kwadratdzienny #eskaem.pl #fluorescentchrysanthemumremembered @cswlaznia #nieobecne #helenethiennot #dna06 #mellin #nokton @kolonia.artystow @karolina_czarnecka_official @sfinks700 #gdanskiebiennalesztuki @gdanskagaleriamiejska #actushumanus #cohenikobiety #gdyniaarena #festiwalsputnik @klubzak #gdansk #gdynia #sopot #igersgdansk #igerskultura #kultura #wolnosckultury (at Tu Powstaje Eskaem.pl) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrXoS5Slh9s/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iuy8bvy12pbe
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