#erwin x Kareena
smashboxgirl26 · 3 years
Erwin smith and his beloved raking leaves together <3 They end up making a huge pile and Erwin picks up reader and ends up throwing her in the pile lol
autumn colors
erwin smith x gn! reader modern au! contains: FLUFFFFF a/n: yayyayyayayay - sorry about the long wait 'nonnie, school's been killing me but i finally did it <3 masterlist
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Along with the beautiful weather and pumpkin spice lattes that autumn brought came the trees that were stripping themselves bare in preparation for the cold months that followed. The colors of the leaves were beautiful as always, but the mess they made in the yard was quite an annoyance.
And for new homeowners such as Erwin and yourself, raking the leaves that fell from the trees in your yard was technically an important job. Even if it really wasn’t, that didn’t mean that you didn’t find it exciting. You saw it as the first mundane task in the long line that you and Erwin would have to perform together as newlyweds and homeowners.
And it was an exciting thought.
The beginning of forever.
You couldn’t help the smile adorning your face when you reached into your coat closet by the front door as you grabbed a jacket, and it easily caught Erwin’s steady gaze.
“You look a little too excited just to go outside in our yard and rake the leaves,” he commented as you slipped your light jacket over your shoulders.
“That’s because it’s fun,” you grinned at him playfully. “And I get to hang out with my amazing husband at the same time.”
You watched as his eyebrows shot upward before a teasing smile rested on his lips. “Well now you’re just flattering me. What do you want?” he looked at you suspiciously.
“Apple cider,” you smiled cheekily.
He rolled his eyes with the smile still staying in place, “Of course, you couldn’t just love me unconditionally.”
“Nope,” you giggled. “I only married you so I could boss you around.”
“Apple cider after we finish raking,” he sighed as he opened the front door. “Or else we’ll stay inside on the couch all day.”
“Fine..” you pouted as you followed behind.
Yeah, so maybe your yard was worse than you had originally thought. Or the trees had just decided to lose most of their leaves over the past day or so and your overly orange and yellow yard was the consequence. Either way, it meant that the two of you had more work to do - even if it wasn’t necessarily hard.
“That’s a lot of leaves,” you commented to basically no one. Erwin had walked to the shed in the back to grab the rakes.
It almost looked like the sunset had exploded or thrown up all over your grassy front lawn with the amount of red and orange that lay on the ground. It looked very pretty though, like a picturesque scene of an orchard in the fall with autumn colors all around. Plus, it was fun because basically every step you took made a crunch underfoot.
“Here’s a rake,” Erwin held it out to you once he came back.
“Thank you my good sir. So, how are we going to tackle this messy yard?”
It was funny to see him stand for a second as he contemplated the answer like it was a very difficult math problem. It was cute to see the overly serious attitude he had applied to mundane tasks like this one.
“I could just do one side and you could do the other, and then our piles could meet in the middle,” he suggested with a shrug.
“Works for me,” you smiled before you walked over to one side of the yard. “I can do this side then.”
“I’ll be over here then,” he sent you a thumbs up.
“Last one finished with their pile has to do the dishes tonight!” you yelled soon after you’d started.
Erwin almost began stuttering in response to the way you were now quickly shoveling leaves into a small pile near the middle of the yard. And now that you were extremely determined to win the little competition (even if it was unfair because your side was smaller and you’d started before calling it out) he decided to put the same effort into his side.
It took a little over twenty minutes for the two of you to finish your sides, but even if you’d gotten a small headstart and less work - you were still a little bit too late.
“Finished!” Erwin yelled out as he smushed the last little bit of leaves into his ginormous pile.
“Fini- No! That’s so unfair!” you called back as you added your last few leaves to your heap.
“How is that unfair?” he asked with a gloating smile. “I don’t have to do the dishes tonight.”
“Well actually,” you said slyly as you inched over to his pile. You quickly grabbed a handful of leaves from his pile and scattered them around. “You still have some leaves left on your side.”
Erwin’s expression changed within an instant and you were already squealing and giggling as you ran away from his “attack”. With the cold air biting at your nose,ears, and fingertips, it was hard for you to run fast and he was easily able to catch up to you.
Without another word, you were slumped over his shoulder while you wriggled and kicked your feet playfully as he went. You could hear the laugh that was burning in his throat, a low and breathy tone, before you were flung forward onto the big pile of leaves the two of you had made.
“That’s what cheaters get,” he smirked brightly.
You only huffed in annoyance as you sat yourself up, a thin pout resting on your lips as you stared up at him.
And even though you were slightly annoyed at him, he only thought the sight in front of him was beautiful. Even with the few leaves that were now sticking out of your messy hair, you looked absolutely perfect with the autumn colors surrounding you.
“You owe me two apple ciders now.”
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