Ertzaintza (Basque police) shooting protesters rallying for Palestine, yesterday (Nov 4) in Donostia. It's still unknown whether the shots were tazers or salvos, but were made at point-blank range as you can see in the video.
No matter what, Basque people will continue to support Palestine! Palestina askatu! From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!
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danataikoprensa · 5 months
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carabanchelnet · 7 months
MANIFESTACION | Violencia policial por parte de la Ertzaintza en la manifestación en homenaje a los 5 obreros asesinados en la matanza de Vitoria hoy hace 48 años perpetrada por Martín Villa y Manuel Fraga. Video publicado por Fonsi Loaiza @FonsiLoaiza
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my-vanishing-777 · 30 days
A member of the police force in Basque Country, Spain, has been arrested for attempting to murder his wife in front of the couple’s two daughters. Following the horrific crime, the family learned that Jose* had changed his legal sex in an apparent effort to avoid harsher penalties for domestic violence.
The Basque Government Security Department has confirmed that the attack took place in San Sebastián in the early hours of Saturday morning. Jose threatened to harm his daughters, one of whom is an infant, before grabbing a kitchen knife “of considerable dimensions” and attempting to harm his wife with it. Fortunately, the woman was able to locate some pepper spray that was in the house and used it to defend herself and the baby by pepper spraying Jose in the face. She grabbed the baby and ran, but not before Jose took the other child hostage.
Fleeing to the Martutene prison, which is located very close to their home, the woman told the officers stationed outside what had happened. Immediately, a squad of the local police, known as Ertzaintza, went to the residence where the man had barricaded himself in with his eldest daughter.
The officers managed to gain access to the house and, after verifying that the girl was alive, arrested Jose as the alleged perpetrator of an attempted homicide.
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dabid-motozalea · 4 months
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Pues cuando no tengo sueño y veo que la noche va a ser larga, muchas veces me vengo a pasear a un parque “cercano” a mi casa.
De noche no suele haber nadie , así que paseo y de paso pongo en orden mi cabeza hasta que la Ertzaintza, avisados por algún vecino que los llama porque algún perturbado está solo en el parque de noche ( y eso que ahora ya no voy con la gabardina y desanudo por debajo 🤔🤣) vienen, ven que soy yo y se van. En ocasiones me han llevado a casa o hemos ido a tomar algún café.. pero esas son las menos
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jloisse · 1 year
La diffusion de la liste des personnes arrêtées lors de la feria de Bilbao fait polémique en Espagne car 75 des 79 sont Maghrébins
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thedrown · 2 years
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Machine City Blues- Mona
After Il Bauta's semi-failed revolution, Makina-Hiria still went through a dramatic overhaul nonetheless...
 The gang war came to an abrupt end with Hodei's assets being completely liquidated and losing everything while Bauta personally dealt with the Barbosa mob taking them out of the picture whilst exposing his Afons' identity. Both Stock and Viresa on the Admin board were killed and Gen only cares about his research while the security force under them as well the corrupt Ertzaintza both were all but dismantled or absorbed with turncoats like ex-commish Abascal now facing trial on the mainland. While some of the technocorps like ProtoTech can just write off their losses, plenty others like NiiS or BNP were razed to the ground leaving the whole city without the many corrupt elements that'd become insitutions with their stranglehold on the islands. With this large vacany in business comes entrepeneur Ramona Angula. A gangly all-smiles woman coated head to toe in ads, contact info, and basically anything that will get her name out there. Naturally this doesn't get her much beyond comments on her nuttiness with the tattered clothes not helping her situation. Nonetheless the basket case continues on putting elaborate street shows and wrapping herself around anyone who gives her the time of day to peddle all sort of random trinkets and machines. An "inventor" who makes everything people don't want and refuses to give up on a sale doing so with a smile the whole time.
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Prisión para el hombre de 34 años por matar con un arma blanca a su novia en Bilbao - upday News
– Los vecinos alertaron a la Ertzaintza por los gritos y ruidos que se escuchaban en el domicilio. – El varón, de 34 años, no contaba con antecedentes. — Leer en www.upday.com/es/prision-para-el-hombre-de-34-anos-por-matar-con-un-arma-blanca-a-su-novia-en-bilbao
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hotnew-pt · 21 days
A Mercadona chama a Ertzaintza devido ao grande número de pessoas durante o 'tempo de encontro' numa das suas lojas em Bilbao #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News É um fenômeno bastante viral. Quando cai as 19h00, muitas pessoas vão ao supermercado Mercadona para ‘hora de recolha’. Mas desta vez o ritual, a brincadeira ou a verdadeira intenção de encontrar um parceiro saiu do controle, segundo o que aconteceu num estabelecimento da Mercadona em Bilbau. O guarda teve que chamar o Ertzaintza Como relata o ‘El Correo’, o segurança das instalações…
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newsssc · 2 months
The number of home burglaries during the holidays using the 'impressioning' method is on the rise
The Ertzaintza has arrested two men in Bilbao for trying to break into someone else's flat to steal. The criminals used the 'impressioning' method to mark the flats as targets. It was the neighbours themselves who alerted the officers after seeing the thieves in the block. Caught red-handed It was during the early hours of last Saturday when the Ertzaintza arrested two men trying to enter someone…
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saulcastillo · 3 months
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EXTRA! es una sección mensual que recopila los mejores diseños en las páginas de la prensa nacional e internacional, con publicaciones que no han aparecido con anterioridad en el blog.
En la recopilación de mayo destacamos (de arriba a abajo y de izquierda a derecha):
⬅️1️⃣ La Unidad de Desactivación de explosivos de la Ertzaintza (UDE) protagoniza este fantástico reportaje infográfico de F. J. Bienzobas en El Diario Vasco. Es un trabajo que se publicó el 1 de mayo.
2️⃣➡️ ¿Qué complot del universo permitió la revancha entre Donald Trump y Joe Biden en las próximas presidenciales de EE.UU.? Eso se pregunta esta ilustrada página del The Washington Post, con ilustraciones de James Yates en el diario del 18 de mayo.
⬅️3️⃣➡️ Cómo hemos acabado obsesionados por las urnas en la 'vampírica' campaña electoral permanente. Cuatro páginas de El Mundo ilustradas por Cinta Fosch y publicadas el día 19.
4️⃣ El oso pardo, la tintorera o la tortuga mediterránea son algunas de las especies amenazas en nuestro país. El Periódico describe algunas de ellas en este trabajo del 26 de mayo.
… EXTRA! anteriores: 2024: enero · febrero · marzo · abril Años anteriores: 2023 · 2022 ·  2021 ·  2020 ·  2019 ·  2018 ·  2017 ·  2016 ·  2015
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Is there a reason the Ertzaintza is only for Euskadi? I understand it was basically made by the Guardia Civil so they could infiltrate it by having actuals Basques and not Spaniards in the police force and to sniff out independentists (regardless if they supported the armed liberation movement or not), so why isnt the same thing for Nafarroa?
Kaixo anon!
Well, we confess we've never ever heard about the Guardia Civil inflitration operation in the Ertzaintza, you have more info than us.
Suprising as it may be, Nafarroa has its own police force too, the Foruzaingoak or Policía Foral in Spanish. Catalunya has its own too (Mossos d'Esquadra) and so do Canarias (Policía Canaria).
We guess the idea lehendakari Agirre had - he was the one that first implemented Ertzaintza - was to have one Basque police force so that when Euskadi became independent it would be just like any other functioning country, without depending on Spanish / French security forces that Basque government couldn't control.
Instead we ended up with Euskadi being the place with most police officers per 100,000 people in Europe: we have the local police, the Ertzaintza, the Spanish National police, and the Guardia Civil.
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armatofu · 3 months
Hoy, el portero Unai Simón ha recriminado a Mbappé por meterse en política y pedir a los jóvenes que voten contra la extrema derecha. En 1976 los capitanes de Real y Athletic se comprometieron con el pueblo vasco y mostraron una ikurriña, entonces prohibida por el régimen español
Mbappé ha pedido a los jóvenes franceses que voten contra la extrema derecha. Unai Simón, portero de la selección española, se lo ha recriminado. Su padre es agente de la Guardia Civil y su madre agente de la Ertzaintza.
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thefree-online · 6 months
Decenas de policías cargan contra manteros en BilbaoEl Salto
de thefreeonline 06/04/2024. por la haine.orgUn número desproporcionado de represores persiguió, apaleó, requisó el material e identificó a vendedores, mientras la gente denunciaba la actuación policial Decenas de agentes de la Policía Municipal y de la Ertzaintza cargaron ayer por la tarde contra personas que estaban ejerciendo la venta ambulante en las inmediaciones de la Gran Vía de…
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elheraldoespanol · 6 months
Abascal responde en Bilbao a la propuesta de Bildu de desarmar a la Ertzaintza
Origen: Abascal responde en Bilbao a la propuesta de Bildu de desarmar a la Ertzaintza
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libroresumen · 8 months
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El hijo olvidado de Mikel Santiago | Libro Resumen
"El hijo olvidado" de Mikel Santiago es un thriller absorbente que sigue la vida de Aitor "Ori" Orizaola, un agente de la Ertzaintza. Ori, en un momento complicado de su carrera, se ve envuelto en un nuevo desafío cuando su sobrino Denis es acusado de asesinato. A pesar de estar de baja, Ori decide investigar el caso, llevándolo a un mundo de secretos y conspiraciones en Bizkaia. La trama se desenvuelve entre una familia poderosa con mucho que ocultar, un suicidio misterioso y una falsa acusación. Este libro es una mezcla magistral de misterio, acción y giros inesperados, explorando temas de lealtad y redención, y manteniendo al lector enganchado hasta el final.
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