#erm to anyone health anxious who may be reading this…….. u probably don’t have an abdominal aortic aneurysm
i always find it a little funny when people say “i’m gonna have an aneurysm” or “he had an aneurysm” as a stand-in for like, freaking out or getting really mad. because an aneurysm in and of itself is not necessarily symptomatic! you could have a 5cm aortic aneurysm right now and not even know. on top of that, an aneurysm is not always deadly, especially if it’s caught early and monitored. when i was working outpatient imaging we regularly had older folks come in to have their aneurysms monitored. so when people are like “omg i’m gonna have an aneurysm” i’m like well you probably wouldn’t know even if you had one for years :) it just doesn’t have the same urgency as like “you gave me a heart attack” yknow lolol
it might make more sense to say “i’m gonna hemorrhage” or “he was thrombosed” but those both sound stupid and lame so aneurysm wins
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