#erm i aint tagging anything else
machlover54666 · 21 days
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@callmeend ive checked every room as best i could (even the other two maps, forgot the lobby, only found notes in the toon rooms anyway) so heres best i could do djshsjsj
ill add in the alts of what they say + where i found them
again im not matpat sooo 😭 yapfesttt
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It's a letter from Razzle and Dazzle to Vee asking to be a part of the next gameshow she hosts
I'm not sure if it's only Razzle who wants to and Dazzle just goes along because they're literally one being or if its just the tradegy/comedy mask thing :P
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Maybe some sort of journal entry or something? From Boxten and it's not really assigned to be to anyone.
Astro has control over dreams (thanks, wiki!), so that probably means nightmares as well. At first I thought "oh if Astro causes dreams maybe twisted Astro causes nightmares" but then the twisted astro description didn't mention anything about that, neither did trivia - plus why would Boxten want to see Astro if he became a twisted,,
okay next note i give up
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Shrimpo literally hates everything
its his entire character, he's a bully as his character sheet thingy states
whats there to say about this note?
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Just a drawing of Scraps
Both siblings state its hard to do something with claws, but is found on Scraps side of the room (judging by the yarn balls on the bed)
rather its a self portrait or a drawing by goob that scraps keeps
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Glisten wooooo
Ok so obviously he might be pressured to be perfect ("I am perfect, I have to be")
I'm guessing it's rather just him being himself or maybe the episodes he's featured in has him as this perfect model or something
im saying episodes bc there is a 'Dandy's world' show, and frames shown in maps - I'm not sure if it's animation or more like the toons are acting though
This 'somebody' could be anyone, but I'm guessing it's rather Boxten, since Boxten's note mentioned Glisten, or Rodger since he's mentioned later
I'm guessing his ability is the reflection trick, guessing by he says he's dizzy when he does it, and that when you activate Glisten's ability, he gets the confused debuff.
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"I should spend time with him more" oh of course you do if you're crying to Rodger (from Toodle's dialouge)
Again, probably just a journal entry
i dont know what else to make of this, but i do wanna know what the crossed out bit actually is. I can make out the first two words, the last word is 'that' and zero clue on the rest.
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Glisten's POV on Boxten's note, since it mentions beauty sleep.
Maybe we're only getting these toons' rooms because the rest are on Different floors? It might've been up to the shows creators or Toon Handlers since it mentions "they"
Glisten isn't a fan of neither Finn or Shrimpo
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The last note I could find, from Brightney - it mentions books and is a to-do list (Brightney's dialouge includes a 'to-do list' and she's president of a book club)
Not sure what to make of this either.
end of yapfest woooo
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flowrxchild · 5 years
I was tagged by the sweet @moonchildwildheart thanks lovey! I love these kinds of tags they’re so much fun!! ❤️
What was the last thing you read?
My study notes for an essay T-T
Favourite movie?
Moonrise Kingdom!
Favourite book?
It’s been the Goldfinch for a long time but as of recently I’ve fallen in love with Jenny Slate’s Little Weirds
Dream date?
Ouu like a picnic or stargazing of something like that. Laying face down in the mud under a full moon could be romantic if you rlly think about it.
Do you have a crush?
I don’t think there’s been a moment of my waking life that I havnt...
What are your hobbies?
I love to paint! I used do a lot of art but life’s kept me really busy as of recently and I don’t get to do it as much as I’d like :(
What’s your favourite time of day?
Late afternoon/golden hour! Ik it’s corny but it’s so pretty how could you not be in love???
If you could look like anything, what would you look like?
The Celestial Seasonings Sleetime Tea bear. That’s literally all I want for myself.
Are you romantic?
*leans dramatically on a staircase clutching my forehead* yes.
What’s your favourite type of weather?
Warm and lightly breezy. The opposite of whatever hell it is now in Canada...
What do you like talking about?
Movies and music always. I’m obviously a dork about it.
What are your turn ons?
Attentive affection like when someone touches you when they talk to you or eye contact I’m like 👁👄👁
Turn offs?
Rudeness. If someone’s mean or pushy yuck
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it?
I have a lot of stick and pokes everywhere that are super random lol but if I had to get an official one it’d probably be something floral on my arm?? I’m too indecisive to be a tattoo person :/
Do you have any pets?
I have a stinker of a black cat named Odin and he’s the loveliest boy to ever be
Dream job?
Something in the film industry...still to be determined
Dream place to live?
In the country? I’ve lived in a big city all my life and I’ve always wanted to be somewhere quieter and more serene
Dream vacation?
I don’t really know tbh...I love traveling anywhere so any trip would be a dream!
Do you have any piercings?
My ears and my cartilage. Used to have my septum but rip to her :(
If you had kids, what would you name them?
I really don’t know I always feel like the only person who doesn’t have a list I think...
What are your best traits?
My sense of humour has gotten me through a lot...Something bad will happen and I am forced to laugh in its face. Call it what it is: big goblin energy...Also I cherish my artistic eye aahasksk
Worst traits?
I’m a horribly distracted person lmao which makes me maybe the worlds worst reciever of information... I’ve been called flightly and disinterested because of it :( im also super anxious and i let it get the best of me sometimes...
What’s your worst fear?
Losing the people I love. Not being able to experience certain things.
What do you want to eat right now?
Im always craving brownies. I could eat a brownie rn I would not complain.
What’s your best vacation you’ve ever been on?
I’ve not traveled a ton but I went to London when I was 16 and I loved every minute of it!
Favourite city?
Gotta be biased and say my home Toronto! Even though I complain about it a lot, it’s raised me well!
Favourite social media platform?
Tumblr and twitter for sure! They’re kind of addictive
Favourite article of clothing?
Right now, it’s my black turtleneck. Gotta love a classic turtleneck ammirite?
Do you play any sports?
Bold of you to assume my bones are able to carry my akward ass in any other form besides walking. When I was a kid my parents forced me to play soccer and I literally used to lay in the field and pretend I was too sick to stand. Like during the game. The melodrama has not toned down since.
Favourite meal of the day?
Dinner I guess? It’s got the most yumminess possibility. The yummy levels are over 9000
What are you excited for?
Christmas break! This semester is beating my ass and I can’t wait for it to no longer be
Not excited for?
My finals.
When was the last time you cried?
Last night over the amount of work I had to do LOL
Dream house?
Omg a cabin or like a cottage home!! uGh itd be a dream!! Jus me and the trees
What’s something you hate about the world?
Injustice, prejudice and ignorance. I have no tolerance for it and there seems to be a lot of it. Wish a lot more people would just have less hate in them.
What’s something you love about the world?
It’s beauty!! Even outside of things that make me frustrated or terrified, the world always shows us reasons to love and reasons to live and I gotta remember that!
What scents do you like?
I love spicy “musky” smells lol I wear a unisex perfume cuz I love warmer smelling stuff like vanilla etc..
What kind of sleeper are you?
Not a good one ahahsjssk
Are you a cat or dog person?
Typically, I’m a dog person but I love cats just the same!
How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Literally like a couple hours I’d see a singular zombie and immediately fart and die from fear 😔✊🏻
Are you trusting?
I think so? But I have a really strong intuition when it comes to people so i give trust where it’s due
What fictional character do you identify with?
Idk this is a hard one I’m never good at picking one for myself lol
What labels do you commonly get?
I get sensitive a lot.. especially when I was little and I used to hate it cuz I used to see the negative in it but I think us sensitive people have got to start using it as a strength! (And maybe people should be less mean also ahshag)
What song would be your life anthem?
This is another hard one but I guess just my fave song: Jimi Hendrix’ Voodoo Chile?
What issues are you dealing with rn?
Erm school and being anxious I guess...schools been stressing me out and it’s hard going to class when you’re just terrified of everything but I’m working on it so 💩
How can someone win you over?
Literally just be nice I am not hard to win over Loool
What’s something about you people don’t know?
I don’t really talk about it a ton but I’m adhd and was diagnosed super late in life so I spent most of my childhood and teens thinking that I was just a spaz who had a lot to think about but my brain was straight up goofing the whole time lmao I’m slowly starting to learn to cope with it but it’s been a tough journey especially being in uni and trying to do adult things. So I’m sending a hug to anyone else who also suffers because it is not an easy ride <3
I’d like to tag (and ik this is a long one so feel free to ingnore me if u don’t want to) @cantbehandled-ever @satans-helper @seven-seas-of-hi @karrotkate @v-i-d-e-n-o-i-r @lazingonsunday @thatflowerpower @eatmyshiftsticky @shes-outta-sight @pvre-mourning @aint-no-denying @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade ⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨
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someoneslilbrat · 4 years
Hello! Buckle in kiddies.. this is gonna be a long one. But I promise I’ll always warn you before I ramble XD  !! WARNING !! This will contain some M Rated stuff.. maybe.. 
I..um.. well.. 2020 has been quite the year.. I had a job I liked with people I was kind of a fan of sometimes but almost never.. Then I changed jobs to a company that actually appreciates its people, is better for my mental health, and allows me the time/freedom to get the things I need to done without feeling like I’m compromising my entire job on one day off. Bonus to this new job?? I work from home so i’m saving a fortune on gas/maintenance/etc. so with move out looming over my head in February (more on that later) I can actually afford to Buy a house!! But Most Importantly (to me at least) is all of the erm.. discovery.. that has come about this year.. I am Polyamorous. 
So it all started about October 2019 when I started texting with this guy - we’ll call him “Two” - that worked in my department. Now in our industry we are known for being particularly raunchy and openly invasive with our humor, especially if we know/like the person we’re messing with and not only is he almost twice my age, he is also married. So when our texts turn a turn to the X-rated, the only thing I thought was “well he and I just work closely and i’ve told him i’m an open book. why the hell not..?” and so it began. At first it was some well placed perverted jokes and sly comments. Then over the course of the next few months he started teaching me to explore things about myself that I had never imagined.. Questions like What was I into/what did I like/what would I do in this situation or that/etc. Now at first it was like pulling teeth getting me to answer. Then, as time went on I began to open up. We got closer, I started initiating conversations, he started asking for favors and pictures, and I started doing research into other things I might be interested in. We started letting things cross from text to physical at one point and that took a Long while to get used to. I was fine with it because of the trust we had built over the last 8 months, and also because I had partly convinced myself this was likely never to happen for me again so why not let it while I could.. Ya know? Anyway, fast forward a couple of months, I don’t work there anymore and the interactions are Different.. Obvi the physical aspect is dead because we don’t see each other every day anymore.. But what really kicks it the most for me is when I got a text that said “In all this time this was supposed to be Hypothetical. You’ve never been Hypothetical with me. I told you in the beginning I would never do anything to endanger my marriage. I told you I would blur the lines.” Now I won’t go into too much detail but let me just tell you AINT NOTHIN ABOUT THIS BS BEEN HYPOTHETICAL AND I STG IT AINT BEEN IN MY HEAD EITHER. This man has no idea that he almost undid all of the work he painstakingly put in over the last 8 months to get me to open up and explore things (even with just myself) about my sexuality. 
On to the next boy.. We’ll call him Heathen.. oh boy.. this one has been a rollercoaster from the get go. he works at the first place as well but not in my department so when the jokes started flyin from him I was a bit perturbed. I have always loved the jokes, but to have them coming from someone I considered an “outsider” took some getting used to. This one is a watcher.. He pays attention even when you don’t think he is. Over the course of a couple of months we got to be closer friends (at least in my book) and there was an invite over for drinks.. my immature - 25 yet adolescent - ass was nervous as hell... It was fine.. I got good and tipsy - THAT BOY DON’T MIX FOR SHIT - and we started debating and discussing literally anything that came to mind. As time goes on conversations get deeper and more erm ... involved .. and then he starts asking the same tough questions.. What was I into/what did I like/what would I do in this situation or that, but with him.. I sat and thought about it.. and wanted to answer but didn’t have the answers and in some cases didn’t have the english.. So he encouraged me to go home and research it.. Now, Two had done the same thing in recommending that I do some digging.. but the difference was I never could figure out Two’s angle.. Heathen has always been pretty easy to read in that “it’s just a conversation...until it’s not..” kind of way. At least that I can understand and set some boundaries on! In the early stages I was texting him everytime I found something new like “oop! thats a thing! I wanna see!” and he is so encouraging.. Now, I find a thing, do some light digging, mention it - gauge a reaction - and if it is something within my current limit it gets attempted. So far so good! XP
This research I’ve been doing - while insufficient and not true deep diving like it needs to be - has been HELLA enlightening. Tik Tok - as childish as it sounds - has really kind of been a saving grace as it has allowed me a window to creators I otherwise would not have had the courage to seek out or look up just based on the tags they have on their content.. The Algorithm has really got me pegged at this point lmao.. Kinktok has some of my favorite people, and I know that it’s just a glimpse into that world but honestly the community has been so welcoming, I can’t wait to see what’s next after I build some mf confidence.. I never would have thought I would be invested in any kind of Polycule or any type of relationship type like that and here we are a year into being slowly encouraged to form my opinions and come to my own conclusions - no matter what they are - and I am even willing to entertain the thought myself! I kind of always knew I liked things a little rougher but as it turns out with some recent experience as well as some “traps” we’ll call them, i’m into the marks it can leave almost as much as I am the way it gets there.. As I continue to work through these walls that have been painstakingly built and steadily - stupidly - reinforced over the past 25 years, i’m excited to see what else comes about that I didn’t know about myself. 
That’s about it for now.. This will likely be my place to over think my interactions and let all 5 trains collide into a post so you’ve been warned.. 
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