aeth-eris · 1 month
TW : drug use, addiction, abuse, etc. basically a ramble of 12th house/square neptune energy. personal placements squaring neptune natally are more susceptible to addictions, struggles with escapism. + 12th house placements. may use music, naps, isolation, and depressants to cope and/or recharge. fans of meditation, as it helps with escaping from the usual drone of the mind. they seek to quiet the mind in order to escape it (very mercury in 12th coded i must say.) dissociation and depersonalization can be common. escaping into books, shows, movies to ignore reality. perhaps maladaptive daydreaming could be a possibility with these placements. vivid dreams and/or night terrors. hallucinations at night. sensitive to psychic attacks. needs protection via. the divine and/or the occult. spirits communicate to them via dreams. spiritual warfare warriors. self sabotage due to spiritual warfare (evil entities attacking through people around you.) feeling like you're under a fog 24/7. avoidant of reality in general. subconscious being your own enemy. (pluto in 12th specifically) truancy. (skipping school/college/work) can make amazing artists however. extremely intuitive due to sensitivity to energy. extreme adversity to drugs due to bad experiences can happen as well. trauma from drugs. social worker. drug abuse advocate. spirits playing tricks on you. fictional crushes to cope with reality. limerence. wanting to be in a higher realm. needs to learn about grounding. to be brought back to earth. prayer is important. savior/saved complex. usually gossiped about and/or bullied. seen as an easy target. hidden enemies. frenemies. being plotted against behind your back. paranoia of surprise attacks/betrayal. dark magic. evil eye. jupiter in 12th has a guardian angel. saved from death. near death experiences. third man syndrome. pluto in 12th tend to deal with hauntings, demonic energy that needs to be banished/purged, and obsessive hidden enemies. shadow work. use of divination.
mercury in 12th/gemini in 12th/virgo in 12th/6th ruler in 12th/3rd ruler in 12th - siblings/neighbors/coworkers are your hidden enemies. words can manifest = words are spells. drug addict/alcoholic siblings. sun in 12th - your father figure is your hidden enemy. abusive father figure/absent father figure. trauma from father/lack of father. agoraphobic. hates being perceived. prefers remote. father being a drug addict/alcoholic. moon square neptune - experiences with emotional abuse/gaslighting. emotionally delulu. gaslit by mom. mars square neptune - painted as the villain. framed. actions lied about. procrastination. deer in headlights. task paralysis. illusion causing hesitation. attacked in dreams. fights in dreams. help those who are traumatized, inspired from own trauma. - chiron in 12th - coming from a 12th stellium, moon sq nep, mars sq nep and yes, astrology can be very dark. life can be.
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artistconk · 3 years
i rlly took my mom guilt tripping me and made a life plan
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aeth-eris · 16 days
ramble : Uranus in the 2nd/Aquarius in the 2nd/Venus conjunct Uranus/Saturn in Taurus/Uranus in Taurus believes in money related conspiracies, such as stock market crashing, banks shutting down, losing sums of money by trusting a third party- would most likely save money physically ironically. Like piggy banks, safes. Forward thinkers financially. Stash money. Maybe even in furniture. Collectables that have foreseeable wealth in the future. Pokemon cards, games, toys that hold exclusivity value. Resellers. Perceiving future wealth and how to get it. Material earning value over time. Predicting stocks/investments future. Unique forms of gaining wealth. Ahead of their time financially. Rainy day fund. Have dealt with sudden loss and now can avoid it from happening due to experience. Sudden gain of wealth. Ambition towards wealth. Independent contractor. Entrepreneur. Business owner. Online hussles. Online shops. Detached attitude towards money. Going their own way, paving their own path. Predicting trends. Pattern recognition. Struggle equals gain. Hardwork pays off. Poor while young, rich while old. Higher knowledge of money. (Uranus being the higher octave of Mercury.) Participates in the stock market. Invests in businesses and earns profit from investing. Invest into the greater good for society. Support causes that fight against global warming for example. Making a change with money. Trend setters. Innovative products/inventions.
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artistconk · 3 years
wake up girl new name just dropped
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artistconk · 3 years
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im talented i swear
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