#erin stays crispy
agooberscast · 2 years
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Callie stays snuggled under the chubbyvoir's arm as she tucks into the famed absurd concoction of Inkopolis Square, crunchy tempura, crispy waddles, whipped topping, fudge and more--
It was almost like the pairing of chicken and waffles, but in a singular dish that had a wonderful balance of savoriness and sweetness with a satisfying bite! Albeit clearly very, very fattening.
"Do you like it?" Wiggle wiggle. "It's my fave."
Erin coos excitedly to herself, absolutely in love with surprise concoction. She absolutely needs to replicate this recipe for her bakery or even just at home! It's so scrumptious~!
A few more mullings over her tongue and palate before realizing her guest spoke to her. A very prompt swallow to not talk with her mouth full and she moves to bring Callie up in front of her with her free hand.
"I doooooo! Did you make it, hon? Or is it from a local place by you? I really love the way it crunches over the fluffiness, hmhmhm~!" Wow, if Callie knew better, this usually mature lady is absolutely geeking out as a foodie right now would be a silly sight. However, fellow foodie! Hooray!
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kat-tamin · 4 years
Hey Erin uwu
Could you write me something special?? Pwease
Can you write me Tamisi having a lazy day and cuddles and relaxing shower/bath together and just Sonny being so in love seeing Kat in his shirt and them both in sweat pants, relaxing and cooking together 🥺🥺🥺
Thankies ❤️❤️❤️
For you, @sweetcannolicarisi , anything. Thanks for the request!
It wasn’t often they got a day off together. It wasn’t even very often they had a night off together. But luck, and the SVU scheduler, were on Sonny and Kat’s side this Saturday afternoon. A whole 24 hours to just themselves, free to fill them anyway they saw fit. 
Kat’s alarm made her jump. On a normal weekend morning, Kat would wake early and head to the ring for some exercise before her shift started at the precinct.  But today, she couldn’t tear herself away from this warm bed, with her boyfriend still asleep next to her. She turned off the phone, and laid back down. She slung an arm around Sonny’s waist, and snuggled deeper into his body, burying her face into his shoulder. She fell back in a light doze, promising to do double the workout tomorrow to make up for it. 
This was their day.
She awoke a few hours later to the smell of pancakes cooking, the hum of Sonny’s terrible 80′s music wafting in through the open bedroom door.
She looked at her phone, and groaned at the time. It was near eleven, way past the time she promised herself she would get up.
Kat stood up, stretching and yawning. She reached for a shirt that was hanging from the closet door, one of Sonny’s ratty Fordham tees that needed to be thrown out, but neither one of them could bare to part with it. She slipped it on, admiring its softness on her skin, and breathed in Sonny’s scent. How could they get rid of something that was perfectly made for both of them?
She padded to the kitchen, wincing at the cold floor on her bare feet. Sonny was at the stove, flipping pancakes, pressing down with the spatula to make them crispy, just the way she liked them. Kat leaned against the entryway, admiring the way the late morning light made him glow, his slowly-greying hair shining in the sun.
How did I get so lucky? 
Sonny looked up, smiling as if he had heard her thoughts. “Morning, doll. Sleep good?”
“A little too good.” She moved to him, and kissed his cheek, still rough with stubble. “I feel like I wasted the whole day already. Sorry, babe.”
He brushed her forehead with his lips. “We got nothing but time,” he murmured into her hair. 
She took the offered plate from him, nodding in agreement. “I don’t even know what to do today. We could go on a hike, or go to that new movie. That, uh-” she snapped her fingers, trying to remember the name. “You know, the one with the guy...”
“Or,” Sonny interrupted her. “We could just stay home and relax.”
Kat snorted, and reached for the maple syrup, before sitting down at the kitchen island. “I don’t even know what that’s like anymore. What do normal people do on days off? I feel like I just hung out at people’s houses.” Her voice turned wistful, her brain sifting through memories of when she had every weekend off. “I can barely remember.”
“It was never as fun as we thought it was going to be,” Sonny replied, dishing up. “That’s what I remember. A lot of awkward small talk.”
“You hate small talk.”
“I do. I really do.” Sonny grabbed his plate and his cup of coffee, and sat down next to her. “I still got those bath bombs from Bella we haven’t used yet.”
Kat threw her head back, laughing. “Those ones that stain the tub and make your skin turn blue?”
He shrugged good naturedly, a wide grin spreading across his face. “I think you would look cute as a Smurf.”
“No, not a Smurf.” Kat pointed her fork at him. “Like the people from Avatar. They were hot.”
“Which one?”
“All of them.”
“So, that means we would be hot.” Sonny stroked his chin dramatically, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
Kat nudged him with her elbow. “We’re already hot, babe.”
Sonny slung his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close so he could kiss her properly. “You’re definitely hot.”
They kissed for a moment, slow and sweet, before Kat pulled away. “Well, Mr. Avatar, let’s finish these delicious pancakes you made, and test out this theory.”
“It’s a deal, Smurfette.”
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labgrownsteaks · 4 years
Chapter 11
The sun shone onto Erin's eyes. It was beaming through the corner of a green tapestry which was crudely nailed above the window. She had an old beat up table from the local thrift store next to her bed, and behind her was a kitchenette. It was a ridiculously small apartment but it did the job. Atop the table were some printed out sheets, detailing the process of rebuilding a carburetor that had been covered with grime and dirt. Next to the sheets, the table was covered in various carburetor parts. Rings, springs, and tiny little screws. Erin had always been good at taking apart stuff and putting it back together. In the 5th grade she made a robot out of a remote controlled car, a vacuum cleaner, and some kitchen knives she called "Sucky". She entered it in the local robot war competition, and the upperclass suburban kids destroyed her, but the crowd loved the charm of her goofy robot. Everybody was laughing at it, and when the shiny metallic spikes from some rich kid and his "tutor's" robot finally impaled Sucky the crowd actually booed. One little girl even cried upon seeing Sucky all mangled and lying upside down like a dead beetle.
She had entered the competition just for fun, but among the attendants there was a man from Chisuwick Prep School, which encouraged her to apply for a scholarship, which she got. Her father was killed during a training mission, and shortly after her uncle Aaron moved to town to look after her. Her mother died in a car accident before she was even two. Erin had had a really tough life, but somehow, she didn't slip through the cracks, and the community actually propped her up. Upon graduating from Chisuwick Prep with distinction she was pushed to enroll in college. But she simply never did. She found out about this 1 bedroom apartment located in the middle of an alleyway for 200 bucks a month, and just took it. She had a considerable inheritance from her life insurance payouts, but still hadn't really touched it. Instead she worked a couple days a week at a Car Wash to make ends meet.
She had only kissed one person, Alli, when she was 16 and at a party of this rich kid whose dad owned a Cadillac dealership. The party was terrible, a bunch of bros smashing card tables, and yelling at one another. Her and Alli had been best friends for years. They snuck away from the giant Fuck Off house located right on the banks of the river and found a fallen tree in a cattail patch. It was unbelievably muddy but they giggled and finally sat down on the branch and listened to the party from afar. They hugged, and took comfort in one another's arms, and to be away from the chaos. Alli definitely knew that she liked girls, she wasn't sure if Alli felt the same. They dated for a few years, all on the sly of course, as Chisuwick wasn't the most welcoming atmosphere. Then when graduation came Alli ended up being swayed by some cult leader who was trolling for new adherents down at a local strip mall. That was Alli's ticket out, and she took it. Everyone thought Erin was stuck, but she wasn't. She just needed some time to breathe, and relax, and look at the river flow through her dumb little town.
She didn't have a food printer, or most modern modern day appliances. She preferred buttons, and gears, and things that moved. Every day she wore her father's watch, an old Timex that she had to wind every day. She didn't mind. Winding it was a way of thinking of her parents every day for a moment before she took on the day.
She threw on her hoodie and blue jeans and slapped her watch onto her wrist. Taking a second to move the tapestry to the side of the window to let the sun in. She gazed out onto the street, and looked at the 711 and crappy hotel down the way. It was sizing up to be a really beautiful day. Bright blue sky on a crispy fall day. Her phone buzzed, and it was Vitaman writing her. The message simply said "TODAY!" and she responded "YES!". Today was the day they were all going down by the river to trip. She put her water bottle and some packets of EmergenCee powder packets into her backpack. As well as her sketchbook, some markers, and a copy of "The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead" by Timothy Leary. It was written as a guide navigating the process of death and rebirth into another form. The text is a metaphor for the experience of ego death common to psychedelic journeys. She saw psychedelics as a therapeutic, and fun thing to do. It wasn't like she had to take psychedelics because she had a specific ailment necessarily. She just enjoyed them, and saw them as a recreational outlet that had also resulted in helping her get through a lot of difficult shit relating to the death of both her parents at a young age.
She kicked over her motorcycle, an 80 something Yamaha Enduro and made her way into the blazing sun. On the way to my place she stopped in the crappy hotel parking lot and got a breakfast buritto from "The Lady" . She didn't speak much English and Erin mistakenly thought her name was Abuelita since that's what all the other Spanish speakers called her. She later learned that simply meant Grandma. "Gracias!" she yelled over the sound of her motorcycle.
I had been up for a few hours already. I was meticulous with my planning for days like these. I wanted everything to be as good as it could be. I had my own backpack of delights, complete with glowsticks, a compass, my sketchbook, and a pair of walky talkies that also had built in radios. I was going to just bring one, for some tunes if we wanted, but decided why not bring both. I could hear the tell tale sound of Erin's machine a block away, and looked out the window waiting for her to pull up. The crow was on the branch opposite my front door. Just sitting there, looking. "Wassup buddy" I said, and the crow kind of looked back at me for a second before Erin came up the driveway and scared it off. I was wearing a black button up shirt, and black jeans, with black converse. I hadn't been aware of this when I was putting my clothes on, but she immediately noticed. "You doing to a funeral?" she said as she jumped off her bike. "Yep, David Hasselhoff died." I said sarcastically. "What! Who will hold everyone together without Mitch Buchannon around!" She walked straight in and immediately made herself at home at the table. "Anything else from Siri?" she asked as she unwrapped her breakfast burrito. "Nope, she's actually been pretty quiet lately" I said then continued "Siri, any tips for the day?" The little blue lights on the egg chased each other and then Siri simply responded "Stay hydrated, and don't venture too far out into the open water" Erin piped up "Siri we don't have a boat! We're hanging out on the banks today. Don't worry!" There was a bit of comfort and annoyance in Siri giving advice, as she never had a mother to tell her not to do stuff, the sound of an older woman seemingly "worried" about them caused her a bit of pain.
Guy came bounding in with a long walking stick. "What's up goobers" he said as he walked straight up to my food printer. "Hey Siri, can you print me some fries?" and the food printer sprung into action.
"So, y'all ready to go beaver hunting?" he stated as plopped down on the couch.
"Sure, you bring your bow and arrow along with your walking stick?" I said.
Guy made a motion like he was shooting an arrow from his stick and then grabbed his fries out of the printer. We all told each other the contents of our bags, and what we had planned, but we all knew that once we took that hit on our tongues, we'd be in for a trip no matter how much we planned. We decided it would be a good idea to have a lot of fruit on hand for some reason, and there was talk about a rope swing, but the water was far too cold to go into. I got some aluminum foil out of the cabinet and broke off three little tabs and placed one hit in each. Guy looked at me dubiously.
"Why are you putting them in aluminum foil? Lets eat them here. The river is just a 15 minute drive. I was a bit anxious, no matter how many times I had tripped before I still got a bit anxious each time. Acid had this strange way of actually relaxing me as soon as the actually auditory and visual hallucinations began I could go with it more. But beforehand I was always just excited, and anxious. Which are actually pretty much the same feeling.
Erin then stated "Ya, lets eat em here. I don't want to be driving around with a hit of acid in my pocket. Lets eat em go. It was 9:45, and we agreed to all take them at 10. we all wet our fingers and touched it to the little piece of paper before placing it on our tongues. At the moment we did this, there was this deep bubble sound which came through my speakers. Like a giant whale fart or something. Blooop. It said. And we all laughed about it, as we walked into the sun, and got into Guy's Chevette.
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rollcough9-blog · 5 years
Quinoa Fried Rice with Chicken and Vegetables
I’m a nightmare when it comes to eating fried rice. I will silently pick through the pile (which always seems to be 95% rice, 5% everything else) and fish out every last morsel of vegetables, chicken, shrimp, and egg in an attempt to create my ideal ratio of grains to goodies. Feel free to call me out; I’m not ashamed. Today’s Quinoa Fried Rice recipe is a different tale. Every forkful is fully loaded with the good stuff, no extra picking required!
Quinoa Fried Rice is a meal I made at least once a week for Ben and myself when we were first married. Then, I became distracted cooking other things (all 800+ of these healthy recipes perhaps?), and it fell off our usual rotation.
Last week, I was digging through our freezer (always an adventure) and found a big container of cooked quinoa I had stashed away. We also had a few straggler vegetables and a casual chicken breast hanging out in the refrigerator, awaiting their purpose.
Like finding $5 in a pair of jeans or a forgotten shirt hanging in the back of a closet, I felt the joy of rediscovering something I once loved. We had Quinoa Fried Rice for dinner that very night. It tasted new and exciting and even more delicious than I remembered.
Quinoa Fried Rice is essentially the same idea as regular fried rice (just replace the cooked rice with cooked quinoa), but nothing about it tastes “regular” at all.
Quinoa Fried Rice – Anything But a Basic Stir Fry
Quinoa Fried Rice, Game Changer Part 1: The Ratio.
I know we already discussed this, but I must say it again. Most restaurant fried rice is overpriced, underwhelming, and sorely lacking in tasty mix-ins like vegetables, eggs, and chicken or shrimp. I’m forever tempted to order it based on potential alone, but it lets me down every single time.
To be fair, fried rice is usually meant to be a side dish and not a main, but if I’m going to the trouble to cook vegetables, meat, eggs, AND a grain like rice or quinoa, you best believe I want a full, hearty meal in exchange for my effort. This Quinoa Fried Rice delivers. It’s a one-pan plan that hits every food group.
I elected to make my Quinoa Fried rice with chicken because that is what we had on hand, but I think Quinoa Fried Rice with shrimp would also be super yummy. For a vegetarian version, you could use tofu (this Crispy Tofu would be perfect) or simply omit the meat all together.
For vegetables, I used carrots, mushrooms, and bell peppers, which are nutritious, beautiful, and give the Quinoa Fried Rice a colorful, almost confetti-like appearance.
Quinoa Fried Rice, Game Changer Part 2: Protein.
A key element to making this Quinoa Fried Rice tasty and satisfying enough to be a full meal is protein. Even if you omit the chicken, it still is protein rich, thanks to the quinoa itself (which is higher in protein than rice), eggs, and edamame.
Bring a container of this leftover-friendly Quinoa Fried Rice for lunch and you’ll stay full and happy all afternoon.
Quinoa Fried Rice, Game Changer Part 3: Simple Fresh Ingredients + Pantry Staples.
For this quinoa stir fry recipe, you don’t need to make a separate sauce. Instead, add a few fresh and pantry ingredients right to the skillet. Easy-peasy.
The fresh: garlic; ginger; green onion. Don’t overcomplicate this. They are perfect just as they are.
The pantry staples: soy sauce (I use low sodium to ensure the recipe doesn’t become too salty); toasted sesame oil (INCREDIBLE flavor right of the bottle; it’s sold in the Asian food aisle of most grocery stores); as many teaspoons of garlic chili sauce as you dare (this sauce is also called Sambal Oelek and is sold in the Asian food aisle).
Final Tips to Make the Best Ever Quinoa Fried Rice
ONE: Use COLD Quinoa.
I learned this tip from my friend Ali’s recipe for regular fried rice and have used it for my Quinoa Fried Rice ever since.
In order for the quinoa to crisp up when it hits the hot pan, it needs to be COLD. Even an hour in the refrigerator can make a difference. I like to cook the quinoa a day or two ahead (or even freeze it). It creates a better final product and saves me a step on the night I make the Quinoa Fried Rice.
TWO: Make Sure You Have BIG, Sturdy Skillet.
I bought myself this wok right after I graduated college (a splurge, especially back then) and have loved it ever since.
You certainly don’t have to have a fancy wok to make Quinoa Fried Rice; just make sure your skillet is large (all the goodies in this recipe means it yields a lot!) and can withstand high stir fry heat.
I promise the only “picking” that will happen with this Quinoa Fried Rice recipe is when you catch yourself snitching forkful after forkful straight out of the fridge!
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Quinoa Fried "Rice" with Chicken and Vegetables
Healthy Quinoa Fried “Rice” with chicken and vegetables. Easy, delicious and packed with protein! Better than take out and great for meal prep and leftover.
Yield: Serves 4-6
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces (about 2 medium breasts)
8 ounces sliced baby bella (cremini) mushrooms
2 large carrots, cut into 1/4-inch dice (about 1 1/4 cups)
1 large red, yellow, or orange bell pepper, cut into 1/4-inch dice (about 1 1/4 cups)
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 1/2 cups cooked COLD quinoa (the colder, the better! I make mine in advance and refrigerate it)
4 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce, plus additional to taste
1 1/2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
2 teaspoons chili garlic sauce (Sambal Oelek), optional
1 cup frozen shelled edamame, thawed
1 small bunch green onions, thinly sliced
Heat a large skillet or wok over medium high heat and add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Once the oil is hot, add the chicken. Cook until the chicken is browned on all sides and cooked through, about 5 to 6 minutes. Remove to a large bowl or plate and set aside. Pour out and discard any juices that have collected in the bottom of the skillet.
Reduce the heat to medium. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil, the mushrooms, carrots, and bell peppers. Toss to coat the vegetables in the oil, then cook, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms are browned and the bell peppers and carrot are crisp-tender, about 8 minutes. Stir in the garlic and ginger and cook just until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Remove the vegetables and any juices that have collected in the skillet to the plate with the chicken.
Add 1/2 tablespoon olive oil to the skillet. Add the beaten eggs and cook, using a spatula to constantly stir and break apart the eggs into small pieces. Remove the cooked eggs to the plate with the chicken and vegetables.
Add the remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil to the skillet and increase the heat to high. Add in the quinoa and stir to coat it with the oil. Spread it into as flat of a layer as you can. Let it cook undisturbed until it’s toasted and golden on the bottom, about 1 to 2 minutes. With a large spatula, flip it in large sections so that fresh, uncooked portions are touching the bottom of the pan. Repeat cooking and flipping 1 to 2 more times, until it’s nicely toasted throughout.
Stir in the soy sauce, sesame oil, and chili garlic sauce and stir until the quinoa is evenly coated. Add the chicken and vegetables along with any of the vegetable juices and edamame. Stir to combine. Stir in the green onions, then reduce the heat to low. Let cook, stirring occasionally, until warmed through, about 1 to 2 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning as desired (this will vary based on how salty your soy sauce is and how hot you like your stir fry; I usually dash on a bit more soy sauce and a little extra chili sauce). Enjoy immediately.
You can make this same recipe with the same amount of cooked brown rice (or white rice) in place of the quinoa.
To make gluten free, use gluten free soy sauce or tamari.
To make Paleo, omit the edamame and use coconut aminos in place of the soy sauce.
Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Rewarm gently in the microwave and season with a little extra soy sauce as desired.
Freeze leftovers for up to 2 months. Let thaw overnight in the refrigerator.
All images and text ©Erin Clarke/Well Plated.
Nutrition Information
Serving Size: 1 (of 6), about 1 1/2 generous cups
Amount Per Serving:
Calories: 379 Calories
Total Fat: 19g
Saturated Fat: 3g
Cholesterol: 130mg
Carbohydrates: 25g
Fiber: 4g
Sugar: 4g
Protein: 26g
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This post contains some affiliate links, which means that I make a small commission off items you purchase at no additional cost to you.
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Source: https://www.wellplated.com/quinoa-fried-rice/
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johnnypovolny · 6 years
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El Calafate, Argentina. 3/2-3/7
Saturday 3/2: Arrived in El Calafate, Argentica on a bus from Puerto Natales with Di/Lo and checked into a hostel called Del Glaciar Pioneros. Went to explore the town a bit and get some late afternoon lunch/early dinner. Ended up at a crepe restaurant on a little sunlit patio with brightly colored tables and chairs. Afterwards, we wandered to grab supplies for lunch and dinner tomorrow bread and vegetables/fruit from some a local produce shop and the bakery next door, then got a few more things we needed from the supermarket on the main drag and wandered around doing some more errands (the girls got postcards, I changed money, we got bus tickets for the national park, etc)(. Other travelers I’ve met have talked down about El Calafate for being a little touristy (it’s the jumping off point for Los Glaciares National Park), but I disagree and actually really like the vibe: it’s not touristy in a loud, offensive way, but feels more like a ski town or Carmel on the california coast: lots of trees and greenery on the main drag, restaurants and shops that sell Argentine products like alfahores and dulce de leche, and lots of different types of people lazily vacationing (including what seems like lots of Argentinians- it’s not just backpackers). Prices are noticeably cheaper than in Chile though still not crazy low like in Mexico or Asia. The whole town is set among high mesas of tan grass and dirt, kind of reminds me of Eastern Oregon out past the Gorge.
Sunday 3/3: Grabbed a bus to Los Glaciares National Park, which contains a variety of glaciers coming down into Lago Argentina from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field (if a glacier is an ice river, this is an ice sea- it stretches on the Chilean/Argentine border for hundreds of miles and is the 2nd largest reserve of freshwater ice in the world after the ice fields of Antarctica) The main attraction in the park is the Perito Moreno Glacier, the only glacier in the world that is advancing rather than retreating. After seeing glacier grey, I was wondering if Perito Moreno might be more of the same (and even thought it might be when I saw it from a distance on the bus- the view was beautiful similar). I couldn’t have been more wrong and I’m so glad I went to see it. The glacier is a much brighter, more intense blue than Glacier Grey, dumps into a lake of shocking teal, and is incredibly close to the peninsula from which it’s viewed, so the up close effect is much more shocking. We walked along a coast route from the right end of it to the left and got a ton of different perspectives- it was really cool to see it from right in front of the tallest part and get a sense for the scale of the face, (it’s 240 feet high and stretches 3.1 miles wide), from alongside the point where it curves out the furthest so we could look along parallel to the face, and from higher balconies on the trail up on top of the hills where we could compare its immense size to the boats on the lake and see the top better to get a good look at the rolling hills, valleys, and sharp peaks of ice that cover the surface. I’ve always thought of glaciers as smooth but they’re not, they’re incredibly jagged and covered in crevices. But the best part about being up close is that you get to see how alive the glacier is: it talks in resounding creaks, groans and cracks and more than once we watched it “calve”. This is when huge walls of ice would shear off and drop vertically into the lake, or pillars the size of a school bus or semi truck would crack off and tip over, sending up huge “splash zone at seaworld” style spray and creating big waves that wash across the lake. It was incredible to watch that process of immense change right in front of your eyes. After the national park we went back and cooked pasta at the hostel (Lucy came over to hang for a while because Luke is sick with food poisoning) and then Tika (my friend from the Navimag ferry that I bumped into again in the park) came over to meet us to go get beers. On the way to the hostel she got bitten by a street dog, so she had to go to the hospital the next day and get rabies shots. Diana finally got her chance to pull out the doctoring skills and cleaned the wound up. We went to a brewery/bar called La Zorra which has a nice vibe- very warm and well lit with cheap and good quality microbrews. Played cards and all talked and laughed for hours- ended up coming home at like 230.
Monday 3/4: Spent most of the day doing stuff on my computer; working on some banking stuff and planning the next phase of my travels: thinking of heading towards the Atacama desert and the Uyuni salt flats, then up to Lima to hang out for a few months and eat as much good ceviche as I can cram in my face hole. In the evening Di, Lo and I went to down to the Lake to drink wine on this super fancy looking wood playground in the park and watch the sunset light up the clouds from behind like they were translucent, and then met up with Luke and Lucy to grab a beer at a small restaurant around the corner from La Zorra and play jenga. Said goodbye to Luke and Lucy (just to be goofy Diana lit the candles she’d bought for the chocolate she brought to the sunset and Laura and I started singing the graduation friends forever song). After the Aussies headed to bed, the three of us went back to La Zorra to just hang and talk- the girls had a 3am bus so they were staying up late and then going back to pack. Said goodbye to them and they headed to the bus- it was pretty sad, we’ve quickly become really good friends, but maybe they’ll come through on #morocco2020.
Tuesday 3/5: Had lunch at Pura Vida, this restaurant in a brightly colored house just outside downtown with a mindfulness theme- lots of buddhist statues and nice quotes around (but the effect was really calming rather than pretentious). Sat in the warm sun on the back balcony, a dark wood area of a few tables looking over a sloping garden of a grass hill interspersed with a few big rocks and bordered by a big wall of trees with thick hanging leaves on one side and a stone wall on the other that reminded me of a little french restaurant in a courtyard or a farm house in the English countryside. It was a super pleasant ambience, totally peaceful in the sun, and the food was great: a round loaf of dense white bread with a crispy crust and queso untable (a cheese spread somewhere between butter and cream cheese), guiso de lentajes (lentil stew with bacon, tomatoes, carrots, and chorizo), and float made from champagne and lemon sorbet. Felt like a sleepy old man falling into a nap at my table in the sun, so I went home to the hostel to crash for a few hours (I think my body is crashing now that I’m alone and unoccupied for the first time in days of frenetic activity and friendship). Had the chance to catch up with Mom and Mark/Erin on FaceTime which is always great- nice to get time to connect with home and family.
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kiddiemom-blog · 6 years
Gingerbread Muffins|Easy, Healthy Muffin Dish
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As my kitchen, grocery cart for the last two weeks, and holiday baking list will attest, gingerbread is my outright preferred vacation taste. I'm a sucker for its warm spiciness and abundant molasses notes. Plus, because its sweetness is well balanced, I feel completely justified having it for breakfast, especially in the kind of these healthy Chocolate Gingerbread Muffins. Moist and springy with a delightfully crispy, sparkly sugar lid, these vacation muffs will add a little bit of magic to any early morning.
I knew I liked gingerbread, however it wasn't until I took an honest examination of the impulse purchases I made on my annual Trader Joe's vacation product run that I realized just how deeply the 2 people are included.
I walked into the store for one item and left with gingerbread crisps, gingerbread cookies (which I consumed with gingerbread ice cream I 'd purchased earlier that week), gingerbread tea, chocolate-covered ginger ... and about 17 other things I shared on my Instagram story. Oops.These Chocolate Ginger Molasses Cookies are my favorite Christmas cookie of them all. These Gingerbread Apple Muffins are one of my most-loved breakfasts in the fall.
Sense a theme here? GINGERBREAD♥
If you are a gingerbread enthusiast like me, then I can't wait for you to attempt these fluffy Gingerbread Muffins!
With their ultra-moist interiors, tops prime for choosing with your fingers, and warming spices, these tender cinnamon and ginger muffins are precisely what I require to pull me out of bed (specifically because Ben sneakily turns our home thermostat to 66 degrees after I go to sleep).
I also took the liberty of adding dark chocolate pieces (if you haven't attempted chocolate and ginger together, you truly must). You can leave them out if you like, once you've experienced a gingerbread muffin with swimming pools of melty dark chocolate scattered throughout, it's quite challenging to eat them any other method.
Healthy Gingerbread Muffins for a Merry Morning
While gingerbread is usually thought about very first as a dessert, I enjoy it at breakfast too. The warm winter spices are the ideal company for my coffee, and the molasses heightens the flavor and makes the muffins a lot more moist.
To keep these Gingerbread Muffins wholesome enough for breakfast, I used whole wheat flour, Greek yogurt, coconut oil, and my brand-new preferred healthy baking ingredient, Bob's Red Mill Coconut Sugar. A wholesome alternative sweetener made from the nectar of coconut palm tree blooms, coconut sugar has a light caramel taste similar to brown sugar, and it can work as a direct replacement for white or brown sugar in many recipes.
Since coconut sugar is drier than brown sugar, I found that it works best to stir it in with the wet active ingredients, let the mixture rest a couple of minutes, then proceed with the dish as directed. I added just enough to these skinny Gingerbread Muffins to make them lightly sweet, while keeping them breakfast respectable.
I also wished to make the Gingerbread Muffins healthy to leave wiggle space for two last flourishes: a shower of Bob's Red Mill Sparkling Sugar and those hubba-hubba hunks of dark chocolate. The sugar crisps lightly while the gingerbread muffins bake, providing a delicious and addictive textural counterpoint to the moist muffin interior.
The dark chocolate? That's for antioxidants and joy (not necessarily because order).
Gingerbread Muffins Recipe Variations
These muffins are likewise very freezer friendly. See my post for How to Store Muffins for information. My preferred holiday flavor, in healthy breakfast muffin form! I understand they'll bring heat to your early mornings too. Recommended Tools to Make Gingerbread Muffins
Moist and fluffy healthy gingerbread muffins made with warm spices, whole wheat flour, and chocolate for an unique indulgence. Wholesome AND tasty!
1/4 cup coconut oil 3/4 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt -- at room temperature level 1/2 cup nonfat milk-- at room temperature level 1/2 cup
coconut sugar-- or substitute light or dark brown sugar 1/2 cup molasses-- notblackstrap 1 large egg-- at spacetemperature 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons white entire
wheat flour 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder-- sorted if clumpy 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg-- newly grated if possible 4 ounces sliced dark chocolate-- or 2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips Bob's Red Mill Sparkling Sugar-- for topping Place a rack in the center of your oven, then preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Gently coat a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray or line with paper liners. In a little bowl, melt the coconut oil
in the microwave, then reserved to cool to room temperature level. In a large blending bowl, blend together the yogurt, milk, coconut sugar, molasses, and egg. Let rest 5 minutes for the coconut sugar to dissolve slightly. If the mix is not yet at space temperature, wait
for a couple ofextra minutes, then add the
coconut oil.( If the wet active ingredients are much cooler than the coconut oil, the oil will resolidify and not include appropriately.)In a separate bowl, stir together the white whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, salt, cloves, and nutmeg until equally integrated and no clumps stay. Add all at once to the damp active ingredients, then stir
gently, justuntil integrated. Fold in the sliced chocolate or chocolate chips. Divide the batter uniformly
amongst the ready muffin cups, then spray the tops with sparkling sugar. Bake the muffins for 16 to 18 minutes, till the tops are dry to the touch and a toothpick placed in the center comes out clean. Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.Recipe Notes Shop leftover muffins according to this guide for How to Shop Muffins. To make vegan: I have not yet attempted this but this is my best price quote: use a nondairy yogurt(such as coconut yogurt)in place of the Greek yogurt, switch the egg for a flax egg,
and ensure your chocolate is dairy free. All text and images © Erin/ Well Plated. Nutrition Information Did you try this recipe? I want to see! Follow Well Plated on Instagram, snap a picture
, and tag it #wellplated. I enjoy to understand what you are making! I originally shared this post in partnership with Bob's Red Mill in 2015. I am resharing it in 2018 due to the fact that it is still among my vacation favorites, and I understand you'll like it simply as much this year too! This post contains some affiliate links, which indicates that I make a little commission off items you buy at no extra cost to you.
0 notes
vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/great-spots-for-vegetarian-and-vegan-dining-in-orlando/
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Orlando & Kissimmee
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Whether you've made a commitment to healthy eating or just fancy a change, you don't have to miss out on dinner while on vacation in Orlando. Vegetarian and vegan dining in Orlando and Kissimmee is plentiful.
There are Vegetarian and Vegan Dining options locally, in the parks and a few local haunts a little further afield.
If you're wandering around the Orlando theme parks and feeling peckish, there plenty of options to tickle your vegetarian and vegan taste buds. Menus change quite frequently, but items below will give you a guide.
Disney go above and beyond to cater for dietary requirements. Disney chefs really know their stuff when it comes to vegetarian and vegan dining, or guests with dietary or allergy requirements. Always discuss your options with your server.
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining at Disney Parks
Iconic Vegan Snacks
The first thing we have to note is some hugely popular sweet treats that are ideal for vegans. The Dole Whip is probably Disney's most iconic park snack and the pineapple version is vegan. (The vanilla version is not). The hashtag #DoleWhip has over 160,000 posts, so you can see how popular it is! And a newcomer in 2018, the Peter Pan Float has already graced the pages of many Instagram accounts. And if you order it without the red chocolate feather, it's perfect for vegans. Available from Storybook Circus in Magic Kingdom. Another to add to the list is LeFou's Brew. This delicious slush drink from Gaston's Tavern in Magic Kingdom is totally vegan.
Here's what available for Vegetarian and Vegan dining in the parks:
Magic Kingdom:
The Plaza Ice Cream Parlor on Main Street USA offers Toffuti or Rice Dream. (Cones contain honey, so vegans need to ask for a cup or float). Columbia Harbor House at Liberty Square has a vegetarian chilli which is vegan friendly if you cut out the crackers. There's also a Lighthouse Sandwich without the slaw.
Main Street USA also has Crystal Palace where you can get vegetables, rice and tofu dishes. Speak to the chef about vegan options. Tortoga Tavern in Adventureland has a Vegan Vegetable Burrito, be sure to ask for plain white rice. Plaza Restaurant has a veggie burger and vegetable sandwich on vegan bread. In Fantasyland, Be Our Guest has Quinoa Salad or French Onion Soup, (vegans ask for it without the cheese) for lunch. Dinner options include Whole Grain Macaroni & Marinara Sauce and Ratatouille.
In Tomorrowland, Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe has the Malibu Garden Burger. There are several toppings available. Vegans need to ask for the gluten-free bun as the regular bun contains honey. The Malibu Garden Burger can also be found in Peco Bill's in Frontierland. Aloha Isle offers Pineapple and Orange Dole Whip and a Dole Whip Float. Liberty Square is home to the Liberty Tree Tavern where you will find a Roast Veggie Sandwich with the option of Vegan Mayo. Tony's Town Square offers vegan and vegetarian pasta dishes.
Hollywood Studios
Several vegetarian and vegan dining options here. Malibu Garden Burger at Rosies All American Cafe and also Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater Restaurant. Sci-Fi also offers vegan pasta and milkshakes.
Backlot Express at Echo Lake has a grilled vegetable sandwich available on asiago bread, without the pesto and cheese for vegans. 50’s Prime Time Cafe offers Sissy’s Vegetarian spaghetti. If you have a sweet tooth, be sure to ask about the tofutti ice cream and vegan milk shakes. Commissary Lane is home to ABC Commissary and offers Couscous, Quinoa and Arugla Salad. PizzeRizzo has Grilled Vegetable Pizza with the option to have Follow Your Heart Vegan Cheese. There's also a side salad. Vegans can have it without croutons or cheese and request Italian instead of Caesar dressing. BaseLine Tap House offers a soft Bavarian Pretzel that is served with beer cheese dip and spicy mustard dip. Vegans can get two spicy mustards dips instead.
Sunshine Seasons Restaurant in The Land has plenty of vegetarian and vegan dining options. There's even a Special Dietary Treats Station. Take your pick from a selection of grab and go snacks such as veggie wraps, suchi or the Oak Grilled Veggie Sandwich (vegans leave out the feta). You can even ask for the Timarand Beef with Jasmine Rice and they'll substitute beef for vegan Gardein Beef-Less Tips. (Make sure the cashier knows it's vegan beef as it's priced lower than the beef version).
Coral Reef Restaurant have a Vegetarian Chicken Breast and Marinated Grilled Vegetables. Over at World Showcase, L'Artisan des Glaces in France has a sorbet in vegan friendly waffle cones. Les Chefs de France offers Ratatouille (minus cheese for vegans).
Tangerine Cafe in Morocco has a Vegetable platter - vegans can substitute the pita bread and lentil salad. They often have vegan bread. Marrakesh Restaurant also in Morocco has vegetarian and vegan options, so be sure to ask the server. Katsura Grill in Japan has a vegetable roll suitable for vegans Mexico offers Guacamole con Totopos in La Cantina. Teppan Edo in Japan has grilled veggies with white rice. Tokyo Dining has vegetable sushi and seaweed salad. Vegan Fish & Chips are available at Rose and Crown in the United Kingdom using Gardein fishless fillets.
Animal Kingdom
Satu'li Canteen in Pandora: World of Avatar offers the Crispy Fried Tofu Bowl. Perfect for vegetarians, there's a choice of 4 vegan bases too. Vegans will want to leave off the boba balls. Restaurantosaurus in Dinoland has the Malibu Garden Burger with a selection of vegan toppings. Vegans need to ask for a gluten-free bun as the regular bun contains honey.
Pizzafari in Safari Village has a Veggie Pizza and an option of vegan cheese. Tusker House Restaurant offers fun character dining and lots of vegetarian and vegan dining options. It's buffet style and the buffet is always loaded with dishes perfect for vegans and vegetarians. Yak and Yeti is a Nepalese style restaurant offering pan-Asian cuisine. Vegetarians can get several dishes and vegans can get Miso Tofu, Sweet & Sour Tofu and rice or noodles with tofu.
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Disney Resorts
Animal Kingdom Lodge:
Sanaa in Kidani Village offers a full-blown Vegan Menu and has a huge choice. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: For appetizers, Indian Naan Bread with a selection of dips; Potato and Pea Samosas; Salad Sampler offering a choice of 3 salads from selections; Tomato & Spinach Soup and Chickpea Cakes. Entrees: Vindaloo Vegetables, Spicy Chickpeas and Vegetables with Green Curry Sauce. Dessert: Tofutti Ice Cream (which is also available in several other places around the Disney hotels and parks); The Mango Sorbet is also available and served with a selection of fresh fruits. Website: Sanaa at Animal Kingdom Lodge
Jiko — The Cooking Place offers dinner only and will thrill the palettes of vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters. It really has something for everyone. There's a whole vegan and vegetarian menu available. It changes seasonally so we can't give examples, but you won't be disappointed! Website: Jiko - The Cooking Place
The Boma Buffet at Animal Kingdom Lodge has several options. As with everything else, their service is exceptional. The chef will walk you around the buffet explaining the items you can eat. Website: Boma Buffet at Animal Kingdom Lodge
Grand Floridian:
Citrico's Restaurant at the Grand Floridian offers a good choice and the chef will be happy to talk to you about your requirements. The wait staff are extremely knowledgable too. They'll make sure you get vegan bread and soy milk for coffee. The menu changes frequently and is Mediterranean based. Website: Citrico's at Grand Floridian
Narcoossee's also at Grand Floridian offers a full vegetarian and vegan menu. As a diner, you can also watch the Happily Ever After fireworks at Magic Kingdom from the beach area. A super fireworks view without the crowds!
Advanced reservations are strongly advised in all Disney full service restaurants and you can book ahead as far as 180 days. Dining Hotline: 407-939-3463 Book online: Disney Dining
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining at Disney Springs
Disney Springs has a ton of options for vegan and vegetarian dining.
The Impossible Burger is available at both House of Blues and The Edison. The vegan patty is served with vegan American cheese, shredded romaine, secret sauce with dill pickle chips on a vegan bun. The Edison also offer a Greek Salad (without Feta for Vegans) and a Chopstick Chicken Salad, without chicken for vegetarians and vegans.
Erin McKenna Bakery NYC is a unique bakery with savory offerings and an all-vegan and gluten-free menu. Look for a full selection of award-winning donuts, cupcakes, cookies, bagels with vegan butter. Fan-favorite cupcakes from their flagship bakery in New York include vanilla cupcakes with zesty lemon frosting, red velvet cupcakes ith creamy vanilla frosting and brownie cupcakes with rich chocolate frosting. See full menu at Erin McKennas Bakery NYC
Staying with the sweet treats, the Red Velvet Cupcake at Sprinkles is vegan. Be sure to ask if there are any other vegan versions available and they often have specials.
Raglan Road has a 'from scratch' kitchen which makes it much easier for them to rustle up a treat for vegetarian and vegan dining. The 'Super-Cauli-Caponata-Tasty-N-Delicious' is spiced cauliflower eggplant caponata with lentil and pumpkin seed dressing. They also have a vegetable medley and The Big Q without cheese.
Bongo's Cuban Cafe have a variety of vegetarian and vegan menu items including the Black Bean Hummus (vegans order it without the aioli). There's also avocado salad, mixed veggies, vegetarian stew and veggie Cuban wrap.
The Boathouse offers Garden Salad, Sea Salt Baked Potato, Corn on the Cob and Grilled Asparagus (Vegans ask for no hollandaise sauce).
Frontera Cocina offers Zuccini & Poblano Tostadas (without cheese), Vegetable Enchiladas and Mushroom Tortas (without cheese). The guacamole and chips are also vegan.
Blaze Pizza offer build your own pizzas with Daiya Vegan Cheese. The regular crusts and gluten free crusts are vegan.
Morimoto Asia offer several vegetarian and vegan dining options. Sautéed Chinese Vegetables, Vegetable Steamed Rolls, White & Brown Rice and Steamed Vegetables. There's also Miso Soup and House Greens.
D-Luxe Burger offer a vegetarian burger. The bun is not vegan, but you can get it between a halved lettuce head instead.
The House-made Guacamole at Paradiso 37 is very tasty and totally vegan. There's also Roast Vegetables and House Salad (without cheese).
Paddlefish offer Vegetarian Pasta (vegans request no cheese or butter) and green salad, along with crispy Brussel sprouts, fries and Blistered Green Beans.
Polite Pig - while a BBQ joint might not sound like the ideal place for vegetarians or vegans, you actually do have a good choice! A recently introduced vegan dish is Smoked Root Vegetables tossed in an orange-thyme vinaigrette and topped with puffed grains. Other vegetarian options include Tomato & Watermelon Salad, Roast Beets, Crispy Brussel Sprouts, BBQ Cauliflower (without sour cream for vegans), Grilled Street Corn  (without butter for vegans) and Sweet Potato Tots (without cheese for vegans).
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining at Universal Orlando
Universal Orlando offer a good selection in City Walk and throughout the theme parks. If you get a little peckish in the parks, you can snack on popcorn, soft pretzels and Dippin Dots - the Rainbow variety is Vegan. There's also fresh fruit available.
Universal Studios
Monster Cafe offers Wood Fired Cheese Pizza. Vegans can opt for French fries or roast potatoes and broccoli.
Lombard's Seafood Grill offers several options including Portobello Quinoa. Vegans can have this without the cheese and fried onions. The San Francisco Cobb Salad can be prepared vegetarian if you let the server know. The lemon and garlic shrimp pasta is served with a variety of vegetables and is perfect for vegans without the shrimp.
The Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley offers a vegetable platter (vegans ditch the breaed) that includes roast veggies, tomatoes and beets. If it isn't shown on the menu, just ask the server. There's also roast veggies and several sides which vegans can have prepared with non-dairy butter. To wash it all down, vegans can have Tongue Tying Lemon Squash, Pumpkin Juice, Peachtree Fizzing Tea,Otter's Fizzy Orange Juice and Gillywater.
Lisa's Teahouse of Horror over by The Simpsons offers salads and wraps for vegetarians. For vegans, hummus and veggies are available. Fruit plates and cups are available too.
If vegans have a craving for dessert, head over to Finnegans Bar & Grill for the fruit platter topped with raspberry sorbet. They also offer a vegan burger with mixed vegetables, if it's not shown, ask the server. The Veggie Black Bean Burger is great for vegetarians, but contains egg so isn't suitable for vegans.
Ben & Jerry's offer a vegan Peanut Butter and Cookies Ice Cream
Islands of Adventure
Confisco Grille located at Port of Entry offers several vegetarian and vegan options, including Pad Thai. Adventure in Fajitas are vegan if you leave out the cheese, meat and sour cream. Vegetarians and vegans will both enjoy the Portobello Veggie Wrap.
Mythos Restaurant has a few vegetarian and vegan options. The Meze Platter, Pad Thai and Risotto can all be made vegetarian and vegan. They will serve bread with oil and balsamic instead of butter for vegans.
The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade offers a selection of vegetarian dishes and servers are happy to accommodate vegans where possible. Vegetarians can get fresh garden salad, roast potatoes (no butter for vegans), baked potato (no butter/sour cream for vegans), baked breakfast beans, grilled tomatoes, sautéed mushroom, potato wedges and steamed vegetables.  Roast vegetables are marinated in vegan margarine, but make sure the server knows. Although vegans can't slurp on Butterbeer, you can drink Tongue Tying Lemon Squash, Pumpkin Juice, Peachtree Fizzing Tea,Otter's Fizzy Orange Juice and Gillywater.
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Kissimmee & Celebration
Sweet Tomatoes:
This buffet style restaurant prides itself on farm fresh, made from scratch wholesome food. It offers salads, soups, pastas, veggies and baked goods. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: Whole Wheat Creamy Chipotle Salad; Whole Wheat Spicy Asian Peanut Salad; Chipotle, Lime & Cilantro Quinoa; Italian White Bean; Lemon Linguine with Fresh Basil and Spicy Southwestern Pasta to name a few. You can see a full breakdown of vegan and vegetarian dishes on their website: Sweet Tomatoes Menu If you join their 'Veg Club' they will send you coupons and deals for your visit. Sweet Tomatoes Veggie Club Address: 3236 Rolling Oaks Boulevard, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: (407) 966-4664
Bahama Breeze:
One of our favorite restaurants. Caribbean inspired food, great cocktails and a laid back atmosphere. There's a live singer several times a week on the outdoor patio. And Happy Hour too! What's not to love!
They offer vegetarian and vegan dining and encourage diners to talk with their server before ordering. The chefs are happy to omit meat, butter and cheese whenever they can from any dish on their menu. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: House Salad; Tropical Fruit on Mixed Greens; Stuffed Tomatoes; Baked Bimini Pretzel; Chips ‘n Vine-ripened Tomato Salsa; Tostones; Grilled Portobello Mushroom Burger or Sun-Drenched Portobello & Vegetable Sandwich. Vegans can ask for everything sautéed in oil rather than butter. Menu options change frequently, so speak to your server for up to date options. Website: Bahama Breeze Address: 8160 West Irlo Bronson Memorial Highway, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: (407) 390-0353
Olive Garden:
Very open to catering for vegan and vegetarian options.
Speak to the server when you are seated and they will offer options. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: Olive Garden Address: Olive Garden, 8136 W Irlo Bronson Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: Tel: (407) 396-2560
Panera Bread:
A bakery style cafe. The store offers a selection of artisan bread. There's also cakes, soups, salads, sandwiches, pastas and flat-breads. They are happy to omit ingredients to cater to vegans wherever possible. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: Greek Salad without cheese, Classic Cafe Salad, Vegetable Soup without Pesto and Black Bean Soup are just a few on offer for Vegans. Try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on several varieties of vegan bread, or one of the several vegan bagels on offer. Website: Panera Bread Address: 8120 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: (407) 778-4820
MidiCi The Neapolitan Pizza Company
If you're heading for a a shopping spree at The Loop, Midici Pizza Co offers vegan cheese and vegan sausages for the vegans customers. Website: MidiCi Address: 720 Centerview Blvd. Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 201-3824
Mexican Restaurants with Vegetarian & Vegan Options
If you are staying in one of our vacation homes, there are two Mexican restaurants close by that offer vegetarian and vegan options.
On The Border have a Vegetarian Menu that includes a selection of appetizers, fajitas, enchiladas, salads and burritos. Vegans are a little more limited, but they can get guacamole quesadillas, a vegan burrito and avocado enchilada. However, they do warn that other meat items may have been cooked in the same oil, so do speak to your server to confirm On The Border: 3250 Rolling Oaks Blvd. Kissimmee. Phone 407-452-5437
Chuy's Tex-Mex has similar vegetarian items as mentioned above. Vegans can eat chips & salsa, guacamole and nachos without cheese for appetizers. For entree, Veggie Enchiladas (without cheese) is available, topped with Tomatillo or Ranchero sauce, both of which are vegan. Other vegan choices include Mexi-Cobb salad without cheese, Bean & Cheese Burrito without the cheese. Mexican and green chilli rice are both vegan as are the refried beans. Chuy's Tex-Mex, 7913 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747. Phone 407 787 3545 
Outback Steakhouse
A steakhouse with vegetarian and vegan option? It's true! The Outback are happy to talk to customers about dietary requirements. For vegetarians there are salad, pasta and dessert options. For vegans there's not that much, but the House Salad is available without croutons and cheese, plain baked and sweet potatoes are available and fresh steamed vegetables (without butter). Outback Locations: 7804 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747. Phone 407 396 0017 895 W E Osceola Pkwy # 300, Kissimmee, FL 34741. Phone 407 931 0033
Columbia Restaurant
Florida's oldest family owned restaurant chain has a rich history and is one of our favorite local restaurants. They have several vegetarian options, including vegetable paella. Vegans can speak to the server about having dishes prepared vegan, they are happy to accommodate whenever they can. Website: Columbia Restaurant, Celebration Address: 649 Front St, Celebration, FL 34747 Phone: 407 566 1505
Imperium Food & Wine
This delightful wine bar/bistro has a great selection of vegetarian options on the menu. Vegetarian appetizers include baked brie, spinach & artichoke dip and humus. There are several salads, sandwiches, wraps and flatbreads suitable for vegetarians.Vegans can speak to the server about substitutions. Website: Imperium Food & Wine Menu Address: 606 Market St #140, Celebration, FL 34747 Phone: 407 566 9054
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Orlando Local Gems
If you're staying in the Disney/vacation area, these may be a bit of a trek. But, here's a pick of some firm vegetarian and vegan restaurants loved by Orlando Locals.
Dandelion CommuniTea Cafe
Located just far enough off the beaten path in Orlando to be quaint, this local haunt is a firm favorite with visitors who find it too. The bright and colorful neighborhood cafe offers a range of dishes made from scratch using local produce to support the community. Everything is organic to support the environment and everything is vegetarian to support a health conscious lifestyle. With the exception of dairy cheese, the whole menu is vegan and celiac friendly. Drivetime*: About 40 Minutes
Website: Dandelion Communitea Address: 618 N Thornton Ave, Orlando FL 32803 Phone: 407-362-1864 Hours: Sunday 11am-5pm, Monday – Saturday 11am to 10pm
Ethos Vegan Kitchen
The picturesque village of Winter Park has more than it's share of vegan restaurants in Orlando. There's a Whole Foods Market store here too, so you could combine a visit for dining and groceries.
Winter Park is a well worth a visit and is a beautiful blend of culture and history with over 100 specialty stores and boutiques. The Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour is perfect for all ages.
Ethos Vegan Kitchen won Orlando Magazine's Readers Pick 2015 Dining Award for "Best Vegetarian", Plus was runner-up in Orlando Sentinel's Foodie Awards. The menu is 100% vegan and they estimate that 50% of the menu is organic too. For appetizers, try the Garlic Knots made with hand tied house made dough or the Southern style Hoe Cakes. They offer a great selection of soups, salads, pasta and sandwiches. Entrees include BBQ chickun, Bay Cakes and Pecan Encrusted Eggplant. They also have hand-tossed pizzas prepared with their house made dough. There's a kids menu and be sure to leave room for dessert! Drivetime*: About 50 minutes Website: Ethos Vegan Kitchen Address: 601-B S New York Ave, Winter Park, FL, 32789. Phone: 407-228-3898
Loving Hut
One of the fastest growing vegan chains, Loving Hut opened it's doors in Orlando in 2009. It may be a chain, but each store is individual and the chefs can offer their creativity based on local ingredients and styles. Loving Hut say they are the world's largest vegan restaurant chain. It was founded by spiritual teacher Supreme Master Ching Hai and there are over 200 stores worldwide. The menu is Asian based and also has western dishes too. There's a selection of quinoa dishes, soups, salads, rice and noodles. They also have Family Plates such as Lemongrass Delight, King Spicy Cha Cha and Ocean Delight.Drivetime*: About 40 minutes Website: Loving Hut Address: Loving Hut 2101 E Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL, 32803 USA Phone: 407-894-5673
Other Resources for Vegetarian and Vegan Dining
Menu's are changed often and it can be challenging to keep up, but there are some great blogs that concentrate on vegan and vegetarian options that are usually pretty much up to date. Vegan Disney World gives you a comprehensive list of all vegan items available. The also offer reviews from their personal experiences. VeganDisneyWorld
AllEars: For a list of Vegan snacks in the Disney parks, check out this article by AllEars.Net. They also have a great graph for vegan and vegetarian dining in the parks.
Flying with Fosters is a travel blog that scoured every single Disney Springs menu (in March 2018) to discover every vegan option available. See the full list.
So there you have it, some vegetarian and vegan options both locally, a little off the beaten path and in the Orlando theme parks.
Go eat and enjoy!
For a Google Map showing all the above locations see here: Vegetarian & Vegan Restaurants
*Drivetimes shown are for guests staying in one of our Orlando Vacation Home Rentals: Serendipity at Indian Creek - Serenity Lake House - Sleepy Hollow
0 notes
Mommy's Roast Chicken Dish.
And also just recently, I produced Marsala-baked pears, only to discover that, yup - this year, Marsala is the different colors from the year. Mimi was actually extremely gracious concerning my cooking as well as took place to admit that she herself had not been very accomplished in the cooking area. I merely created the Environment-friendly Fighter for the very first time, and I LIKE it. That is actually delicious, as well as I really love just how protein-packed as well as well-balanced that is actually. Thank you !!! People that think our experts are including too many chemicals to food items, should bear in mind that preparing food is all about chain reactions. Breakfast is actually the most crucial food from the day and that goes when you're camping, as well. As well as lifestyleblog-hu.com/ from restraining financial institutions from having exclusive dangers with socialised repercussions might in some cases lessen their value. The book is actually still in the oven, in a manner of speaking, however all the cooking is done and also now it only must climb. I picked that one trigger I ased if just how major that was (no light leakage) and I just liked that there were actually grains in it, kinda like those therapeutic covers you view at massage places. Years back, I took a few food preparation classes along with you at Dorothy Lane's Cooking food School and you instructed marshmallows. The span of the bacon and the width of the pig tenderloin did certainly not give themselves to just kepting the sausage finishes below the tenderloin. Cooking however is something that I possess problem differing attempted as well as true recipes. Eat mouth watering." Those are actually Erin's words to live by off her food blog post called Typically Ella. I have found your blog post as well as twitter feed truly inspirational at maintaining health and fitness as well as meals both healthy as well as enjoyable. While that's toasting, work up a set of quinoa (speltberries or even millet could be nice too) and dice some green onion and also cabbage. First, prepare the rice till this begin to vapor after that placed the miranated spareribs in addition to the rice. wait on 10 minutes ... you will definitely possess sparerib with container rice. I truly enjoy that you have additionally been including the dietary details to your most up-to-date dishes. I try to stay clear of Chinese take-out as much as possible, mostly due to how unhealthful that is, yet also because I matured on standard Chinese meals so Mandarin take-out to me was watered down and bland. Salmon and sardines are great options due to the fact that they provide omega-3 oils, oils that the physical body needs but may not generate in enough amounts. You can easily marinade the tofu if you want for a few hours (braggs amino acids, garlic, tamari, whatever you think that truly.) I spray a biscuit sheet along with Pam preparing food spray and also placed the tofu strips precisely it an in besides each other. Include 1/2 mug low-sodium hen brew, a tbsp from butter as well as scrape the bottom of the skillet to bring up the flavor left by the veggie cooking food. Draw your oven shelf out halfway prior to you place this heavy double meal in the stove. I have actually been vegan all my life, mainly dairy products free of charge as well as in final 5 years I am actually vegan - your weblog is the proof that this way of consuming is actually healthy delighted innovative and tasty. That's regularly actually great for me to read about people who have had battles as well as that gone on a well-balanced pathway:-RRB- Thanks so much for sharing a bit of your tale, this's an inspiration! Through comparison, the ravages from poor health and nutrition are actually veiled, yet no much less dreadful. I plan on showing you supper ideas but naturally I'll likewise throw in some treat ideas, also. Our team need to keep well-balanced to make sure that when our experts are actually blasting the candlesticks at our centennial event, our experts're able to dance on the dancing floor instantly after! The most infuriating aspect of every one of this is that corn is the # 1 ingredient in practically every refined food items and also panned fry food items. Masa Harina for home made corn tortillas at the 'Asia Shoppe', along with Upper arm & Hammer cooking soft drink. Plus two moms and dads which are expanding burnt out with eating fit to be tied (given that they haven't yet observed the lighting of crispy roasted cabbage, although they are wrong as well as our team tell them this commonly) broccoli at all times. John: Liquor does steam off but moneys, like birthday cakes and also biscuits and also various other cooked items, do not fume sufficient in the oven for this to happen in, claim, a covered batter. I do not, yet you can put the components in to a nutrition calculator to learn, there are actually a thousand online. Prepare the garnishes a time or two in advance, prepare the rice right prior to assembling, as well as have creative poke bowls all week long! Though the recipe doesn't define this, that is actually constantly a smart idea to drain as well as rinse quinoa just before food preparation to reduce bitterness. I absolutely love Fannin Farmer, she is actually regularly my go to cook manual for conventional baking and cooking and have never ever been let down. Drain abstractly towels as well as wipe many of the sausage grease away from the pot, leaving merely a little bit for the spinach/garlic. Considering that you may enjoy all of them year around, don't spare these outstanding Louisiana recipes simply for Mardi Gras. May I incorporate that I consumed at minimum 2 sections while producing these - glucose free of charge healthy and balanced handles. Our company will each thoroughly unwrap our packet, reveal the pieces of tender, completely fit to be tied poultry in addition to savory rice. Brown rice is my ideal grain of choice in veggie hamburgers because of its own enchanting binding powers. But I locate the corn much more effortlessly dries out this way, and the most effective means for juicy smoked corn is to not mess with the husks. Since they're currently prepared, you do not need a bunch of warmth or a prolonged preparing food opportunity, as well as the RS is maintained. I begged for something identical last night, a starter package that includes necessary information regarding acquiring adequate nourishment etc for a newbie. I have come across your site in looking for healthy vegan and also gluten-free dishes as I am actually carbohydrate intolerant and have a level of sensitivity to wheat or grain. Thanks for the tip from all the yummy and lovely dishes you have actually provided your audiences over recent couple of years. Along with day-to-day mind-blowing success created in scientific research, medication as well as technology, and also with an ever-expanding data base that progressively expands even more esoteric and niche, this is no surprise that our team commonly seek complicated scientific options to problems that actually merely demand straightforward answers. Properly, this does not trouble me that a lot ... I still like your web site, meat includes or even no chicken includes, but I know that is necessary to you to stick with your misson for advertising a healthy and balanced vegetarian way of living. The sluggish preparing food at reduced warm is exactly what melts the hard combinative tissue in between the muscle mass threads, leaving you along with tender meat product that flakes apart along with your fork. With the dull side of the blade (or a normal dinner blade), push and scrape the cob completely up to clear away all the bits of bit and also velvety milk inside. The worth of the extra pound was dealt with at US$ 4.03, which was a decrease from approximately 14%.
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What Performed Your Mother Distinguish You?
This seems to be that our times are actually acquiring busier, and also this's commonly hard to obtain a well-balanced simple dinner recipe on the table at a sensible opportunity. Cufflinks included in your ensemble for an important meeting, a cocktail party, a grand wedding event or just walking out to dinner along with your day can make a strong claim regarding your character and your fashion trend sense. Reddish chile being the globe's finest anti-oxidant retards spoilage-- a tip the Spanish gained from the Indians. She received my focus with favor; but whether on my profile only, or because she had any type of designs on Reddish Whisker, I can not mention. This's certainly not probably to occur when you ambition walking after lunch time or even dinner and also if you're just about anything like me you'll discover that this just obtains you primed as well as ready for whatever is located just before you. The rice birthday cake which encountered as well as felt thick as all rice pies carry out, had a white grape jelly completing the bottom from this. I ate many of it ... I am actually very certain I won't must consume breakfast or dinner ever if I remain to be fed the way I go to institution. Nonetheless, the concept mistakes as you handle along with the suggestion from preparing the best gathering, you are going to soon discover that the price have accumulated as well as the amount has ended up being much more compared to you have anticipated. The common technique to prepare turkey is to cram this, then roast that (Monotonous.) Although the chicken after its own cooked along with its gold brown crispy skin - surrounded through all its own edgings on the Christmas time table might look succulent and also scrumptious, you should not be actually tricked due to the fact that this doesn't mean the bird is cooked on the inside. The United States and Japan need to see exactly what they carry out and also point out and quit making the wrong remarks to stay away from complicating the concern as well as impacting regional tranquility and also stability, he incorporated. He stated this's an area where white colored or red grapes are developed as well as permits everyone to taste test so they recognize which bottles they want to acquire. White Residence officials pointed out everyone could certainly never recognize exactly what was gone over between Putin as well as Trump over dinner. The Dinner Gown Blue/White Jacket outfits showcase a short coat along with 3 buttons on either edge, used open along with a dark head connection and belt (women substitute a neck tab for the head association). Our company lastly decided on heaven Marlin Restaurant considering that they possessed some fish and shellfish that was in fact live as well as certainly not kept in a cool container like numerous places. Reputed Destination Administration Providers deliver wonderful packages that supply many possibilities like Hatta mountain range safari, Early morning desert safari with Quad cycling, Reddish Dune safari as well as a Healthylive-Style.Info whole lot a lot more possibilities. Robin should cope with Barney after knowing that he headed to the laser tag field and is presently awaiting apprehension after threatening one of the team after understanding there was no surprise rehearsal supper. Log over as well as examine out the poor, the even worse, and the unsightly of star remodelings. Along with 200 recipes for easy but delectable and quick and easy yet nutritious morning meal, lunch time, as well as dinner economical meals, this 'The $5 Supper Mama' cookbook through Erin Hunt is really a kitchen space treasure. Yet if you possess a company like Red Robin that is actually known for one thing, you have got a true go to only carry this closer to the visitor.
0 notes
Descendants, Chapter 34
“Bottles, storage bags, storage trays...” said Holtzmann as she looked at the plastic box in which they had put all the breastfeeding supplies in while they were trying to finish getting organized. 
“Lanolin cream, nursing pads, breast pump... did this thing really cost that much?”
“Yes,” said Abby with a slight mutter. “They’re not cheap.” She ran an arm across her chest. Holtz looked amused at her wife, but didn’t say anything. She went back to the bin.
“Gel pads?”
“For when my nipples are sore. They can chafe and even crack if I’m not careful.”
“Do you think we have enough of everything to start off?” asked Holtz. “How much do you think you’ll need to pump?”
Abby shrugged. “Probably depends on how full I feel and how much they are eating.” She sat down beside Holtzmann. “And if something comes up, how long we’ll be gone, and that sort of thing.” She looked at the coffee table, still feeling perplexed about the whole thing even with everything she had learned over the past few months. She looked at her wife.
“Do you think we’ll need a babysitter right away?”
“Maybe?” said Holtz, unsure. She frowned. “There are going to be times when there is a bust that’s going to need all of us.”
“You think?”
“Might I remind you of two weeks ago? My ankle still smarts.”
“That’s because you didn’t rest it enough. I told you.”
Holtzmann rolled her eyes. “I had to get away from you fussing over me.”
Abby gave her wife a sideways look. “Who then proceeded to get a cold and stayed in the lab--”
“Only because you kept making me rest...”
“You could let me take care of you,” huffed the paranormal researcher.
“You’ve used up your time. Now you have to wait for the next sickness or injury. But I am still on the clock.”
“I don’t think I can take another year of you smothering me,” scoffed Abby.
“As long as you are feeding and providing care for our child--”
“So until they are 35 then,” smirked Abby, knowing where this joke was heading.
“Exactly,” grinned Holtzmann. She kissed Abby on the cheek. “You’re getting it.”
“Idiot,” said Abby, pushing on Holtzmann’s shoulder as the blonde smiled. She sighed.
“So babysitter?”
“We could look into professional babysitting services,” shrugged Holtz. “And there is always daycare.”
“I don’t like the idea of leaving our kid with strangers when they're so young,” Abby said with a frown.
“I’m not sure we’ll have much choice if there is a real emergency in the city, Abs.”
“I know. You’re right,” sighed Abby. She ran a hand through the back of her hair. Holtzmann took that moment to rub Abby’s baby bump. At 34 weeks, she didn’t think her wife could look any more beautiful. She leaned in and kissed Abby on the lips, much to her surprise. Holtz closed her eyes, content just to kiss her lover and not think about anything else for a few moments. Abby pulled back briefly and rubbed Holtz’s face lovingly.
“So supplies?” Holtz said after opening her eyes.
“I think we’ve got everything we’re going to need,” Abby said. “I’ve got a thing for covering up downstairs if I need to. We have a breastfeeding pillow in the baby’s room. I think we're all ready to go, at least, that’s all I can think of. When I can think.”
“Pregnancy brain is a bitch,” nodded Holtz.
“And I think mine has gotten even worse,” grimaced Abby as she rubbed her side from a contraction. “I can’t even think about focusing on writing up my answers to this written interview for some science magazine that I can’t even recollect the name of.” “Let Erin handle it,” said Holtzmann.
“I need to do my part,” Abby protested. “It wouldn’t be fair to Erin. We’re going to need a quick call babysitter in the future.”
“I have blackmail,” said Holtz casually as she twirled her fingers in her hair. “She’ll babysit.”
“Angie said everything went smoothly,” said Patty to Erin. “No surprises. They're already on their way back here.”
“Great,” said Erin, nodding as she handed off some files to Kevin to put away. “Glad these low impact solo cases are going well.”
“Me too,” said Patty. “They need to get that training in.”
“They’ll need it working for the state,” agreed Erin. “We’ll be taking care of the city at least. It won’t be much of a headache for them.”
“What are we going to do? I know we've talked about it before, but never really came up with a plan,” said Patty. She gestured around the room. “It’s great that the Ghostbusters are expanding, but what’s going to happen when we get older? There’s only so many times we can keep taking hits before--”
“We’ll hire replacements when the time comes,” Erin stated. She sighed, looking out a nearby window. “I haven’t wanted to think about that just yet.”
“It is hard to think about the fact that we are getting older,” agreed Patty. “We’re not all crypt keeper yet, but we’re not exactly spring chickens.”
“Sometimes when I’m out with you all I still feel like I’m in my 20’s,” said Erin. “But then when I get up in the morning, I feel like I’m 90 by how everything wants to crack or stiffen up.”
“Man I feel ya,” Patty nodded. “My joints in the morning sound like a bowl of Rice Crispies.”
“Not to mention, if we all have families...” said Erin, trailing off. “We’re going to want to take time for our kids. There’s graduation, recitals, games...”
“I’m glad I never did the family thing when I was dating in my 20’s,” said Patty. “I can’t even think about some of the dudes AND dudettes I went with trying to raise a kid.”
“I was focusing on schooling and the work,” said Erin. “Dating and family weren't the first things I thought of.” She went quiet for a moment. “Which was probably a good thing. I can’t imagine having a family without you all in their lives. Our children will be well taken care of by their aunts.”
“They’d better. And someone’s got to make sure Holtzy doesn’t kill her own kid. I guess it’s a good thing that one’s coming first.”
“Mine will probably be the last,” said Erin. “2-7 years. Two if I’m lucky.” They both stopped and watched as the new GB team had come in from the garage. Jen went downstairs with a couple of smoking traps and Diana came over to Patty and was happily telling her about what had happened. Beth just sat down on the couch with her hands over her face and Angie was already digging through her locker for her clothes, ectoplasm dripping off her jumpsuit.
“They’re Ghostbusters already,” grinned Patty.
“That they are,” said Erin proudly, looking over the new team. It was an accomplishment she was quite proud of. At least the future of the state of New York was looking bright.
Holtzmann was happily kicking her feet against the chair not too far from Abby in the doctor’s office. She was now at 36 weeks and the nurse who had taken Abby’s weight and blood pressure said offhandedly that the baby could be born now without too many problems. While Holtz knew Abby wasn’t too happy at the thought (Holtzmann couldn’t blame her), she was absolutely delighted. She wanted to hold and love their child as much as she could.
But right now, the baby was still in Abby’s body, who was sitting on the exam table looking uncomfortable. They were needing to check the baby’s position and see if she was starting to dilate any and her wife was not all about the exam. And it didn’t help that from here on out, this was going to be a weekly thing till she gave birth.
“Should I set something on fire to make you feel better?”
“That would make this place feel a little bit more homey,” said Abby. “The smell of smoke and singed hair.” Holtz snickered at the memory.
“That was your fault, not mine.”
“And who set the lab on fire?” scoffed Abby.
“Technicalities,” sniffed Holtz. The door opened about that time, and the doctor and a nurse came back in. Holtzmann watched as the doctor determined that their baby was facing sideways and definitely was not head down. He asked if Abby had felt them move around a lot and he laughed when they both answered in the affirmative. He then explained that the position was not an issue at the present and that their little one would probably move a lot before and during labor. One internal exam and a testing swab later and they were done. Holtz had loved getting to hear the baby’s heartbeat, but Abby had really looked uncomfortable during the exam.
“You okay?” asked Holtz as they had left to let Abby get dressed.
“Yeah, it’s just... his hand is so far up in there,” she said, stepping back into her pants. “If that’s how far the kid has to come...”
“Then they’ll make their way down through the birth canal and be born like every other human on this planet.”
“You make it sound so easy,” sighed Abby as she pulled the curtain open.
“You’re just thinking too much,” said Holtzmann, standing nose to nose with her wife. “Now can we get out of here?”
“Yes,” nodded Abby. “Please. I want to go see that new movie with Aziz Ansari you promised. Comedy will be a welcome distraction.”
----- Abby was surprised when her phone rang on Valentine’s Day. She hadn’t been expecting anyone to call her on a holiday. Her temper automatically flared to stellar proportions when she saw who it was. She practically smashed the accept button into oblivion as she took a deep breath before speaking in as shrill a tone as she could muster without anyone noticing.
“You have a lot of nerve to call me after all of this with Erin. You’ve got about two seconds before your ears start bleeding.”
David sighed on the other end of the line. “I know I’m the last person you want to hear from right now, but let me say something before you hang up?”
“I’m listening,” said Abby tensely, maneuvering away from anyone’s ear range.
“I’m having something sent to Erin at the firehouse. Make sure she opens it? I know you’re the only one she’ll listen to.”
Abby sighed. “Please tell me it’s not related to this holiday.” When David didn’t answer, Abby knew it was.
“It’d better be something good.”
“It’s something she wants,” said David. “If-- if she agrees, open the door for me?”
“Open the--?” Abby threw up a hand in the air, exasperated. “Fine, I will let you know.” She hung up the phone.
When a knock came on the door of the firehouse, Abby knew what it was. She somewhat calmly went over to the door. When a courier appeared, she glanced around them and noticed David standing on the street corner. The physicist almost wanted to flip him off, but instead, she focused on the person in front of her with a nod in greeting.
“Does Erin Gilbert Vickers work here?”
“Yes, she does,” said Abby. “I can take whatever...”
“She needs to sign for it.”
“Of course she does,” muttered Abby. She went and got Erin up from the conference table where she had been conversing with Beth. Erin looked confused at the courier.
“You Erin?”
“Yes?” said Erin, looking confused. He handed her a confirmation slip to sign. When she did, he handed her a brown envelope and two dozen roses.
“These are for you.”
“Thank you,” she said, now really confused. He tipped his hat, and Abby shut the door behind him, still feeling irritated.
“Are those from--?”
“David,” said Erin. She went quiet for a moment. “He remembered.”
“Remembered?” asked Abby, frowning.
“He promised me flowers,” she said, smiling a little. “When we went skiing last year. There was this guy-- his girlfriend had torn her ACL when they were up on the slopes. She was sitting in the lobby, looking upset about how things had turned out. David and I were talking to her, trying to take her mind off things. He had told her he was going up on the slopes again before they headed back home. But instead, he had gone to town and brought back roses. I don’t know how he got them or even where he got them, but it was so sweet. We were talking to them and I jokingly said something about never getting any red roses before for Valentine’s Day. He said he would make sure this year I would get them.” She looked wistful before shaking her head.
“I should throw the damn things away. And the envelope.”
“Why don’t you open it and see what it says at least,” shrugged Abby. She couldn’t believe she was doing this for the guy who hadn’t spoken to Erin for weeks with barely any contact between them except for a few texts. They were married, for goodness sake.
“I guess I should,” said Erin. She grimaced.
“I really hope it’s not divorce papers.”
“If it is, you’d better hold tight onto the front door unless you want to see your best friend commit murder,” muttered Abby under her breath.
“Hmm?” said Erin.
“Nothing,” said Abby, trying to look innocent as she watched Erin slide a finger under the edge of the envelope, opening the tape. She took out a few sheets of paper, frowning.
“It’s an application...” she said, her eyes lighting up slightly. “For adoption.” She looked up at Abby. “A ma-- married couple adoption?” She flipped the papers and read through quickly.
“Our home study is in April? Our home study is in April!!!!” She looked shocked but was smiling from ear to ear. “But wait... our?” She was frowning again. “Does this mean David wants to...?”
“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” said Abby. She opened the door to the firehouse and yelled quite loudly.
“David Jemison Vickers! Get your ass in here!” Abby moved well out of the way as he cautiously walked in the door. Abby’s loud voice had gotten the attention of Patty and Holtzmann, who came up when they saw David, eyes narrowed and arms crossed. Abby went and stood with them as Erin rushed towards him, kissing him. But then she pulled back and slapped him hard. All three of her closest friends cheered while the others looked on in confusion.
“I know I deserved that,” he said, rubbing his cheek with a grimace.
“You did,” said Holtz. “And it made for excellent footage.” She grinned as she put away her cell. “Come on ladies, let’s give them some privacy.” Holtzmann and Patty both turned around to leave, but Holtz had to grab ahold of the belt loops on Abby’s jeans and make her walk away backward, her arms still crossed and glaring at David.
“Erin...” he began rather timidly, nervously fixing his hair. “I know I was an idiot. I didn’t speak to you for some time. I-- I fucked up.” He sighed. “I was scared. And you know that. I don’t want for us to not be us. I love you.” Erin was frowning as she looked at him.
“Then why the hell did you never come back to the apartment? David... I didn’t know where you were! You could have been dead for all I knew! The only way I even knew you were alive was the charges you were making to the bank account and that you were still teaching your classes.”
David swallowed hard. “I know.” Erin glared hard at him. He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Even though I have taken on lots of battles in the courtroom and the classroom, I could never do that with you. And yes, I thought I really didn’t want to have children. It still scares me to the core. But... I had a long time to think about what I want. And what I want is for you to be happy. So I might have had a friend who pulled some strings.”
“I know I shouldn’t have, but this way I cannot get cold feet. You and I-- we’ll raise a kid. Together. With all the insanity that comes with it. I want this.”
“Are you sure?” asked Erin. “Because if you’re doing this just to satisfy me...”
“No,” he said quietly. “I thought my legacy was always going to be just teaching... but maybe it isn’t.” Erin happily squealed at that and kissed David softly.
“You still have a lot to make up for,” she said sternly.
“I know,” he said. “And I was also halfway afraid your friends would attack me on the street if I tried to come home to the apartment.”
“Oh, I might just let them still,” said Erin. She glanced at them, amused that they were trying to pretend to be looking the other way. “I’m pretty sure Patty and Holtzmann still have plans for you.” She grinned when David shuddered, shaking his head.
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fuckawah · 10 years
Which reminds me, you are all welcome to my Snapchat so we can all hang out and I won't feel like I'm the only person in my room all the time
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johnnypovolny · 5 years
Lima (A big disorganized hodgepodge of memories...)
-I bought a surfboard! The other day I successfully paddled all the way out in the weaker current near the dock (which is still scary because you have to avoid getting pushed under the pylons of the restaurant) and into the large break way out offshore and catching like a 10-12 foot wave, easily the biggest wave I’ve ever surfed, so that was super exciting. It’s also just beautiful watching the fish jump and the cormorants dive for small fry, the sunset behind the islands off the coast, and the evening swarm of paragliders on the cliffs of the Malecon.
-I’m starting to make friends: I have a group of guys I met at the outdoor workout equipment in the Malecon who train together (and the group is growing). Our whatsapp group chat is nicknamed Los Hermanos Sudados (the sweaty brothers), which i think is hilarious (mostly because it was my idea). The guy I’m closest with (Jhon, a personal trainer from Venezuela) invited me to the beach with his wife and some friends last weekend and afterward we had dinner on the open air patio at their house and played cards. I also spend a lot of time with my neighbors Andres and Ricky, and have been on a couple of fun dates with girls I met at the surfing beach.
- A lot of the fancy/expensive restaurants that are on the 50 best list (Astrid Y Gaston, Osso)  are very good but in my opinion not worth the big tab or the hype. The really impressive food for me has been at the more economical places like the dumpling tacos at Bao, fresh fruit, chupe, and ceviche in the Mercado Surquillo, lomo saltado in the menu del dia places, and the sandwiches and juices (pina or mango and grenadilla) at El Enano and El Chinito. Though my pumpkin risotto and pollo saltado at Tanta was incredible: that’s probably been my favorite higher-end meal.
-People here love grey Scottish terriers. I’m not sure if this dog is like a fashion or status symbol but they seem to be everywhere (like Subarus in Portland.)
-I live about 2 blocks from Parque Kennedy (the unofficial heart of Miraflores) and there are always people walking, buskers (watched an amazing group of 4 female singers kiling a harmony), street vendors selling sandwiches and anticuchos, and of course the wild cats (yeah, cats) that live in the park and are cared for by the people of the city. The city has a really live energy in general. There’s a bustle that makes it feel a little bit like if New York City was a surf town. So far, there’s literally nothing I don’t like about this town. The food is incredible, the prices are cheap, my apartment is amazing, the weather (and the women) are gorgeous, the sea is close by, and the people here are the most friendly I’ve met in my travels since Thailand. Everyone is helpful, kind, and extremely open to being friends right away (and the old ladies in the market call me “papito” and “mi amor”, which I find extremely adorable and welcoming). And in addition, I just really feel connected to the place I’m living, which is really fun- for the first time in my travels I have like my own place to live, walk past and greet the same people multiple days in a row (like the lady who sells arroz con leche, I need to learn her name). The one thing I haven’t really done much of is explore the nightlife, so I’m excited to make that happen soon!
-One evening, Fernanda (a friend from my surf beach) and I went to Malabar, the 38th best restaurant in Latin America. It’s a concept started by a chef called Pedro Miguel Schiaffino that focuses on recreating dishes from around the world using ingredients from the amazon and on avoiding preservatives, dyes, etc to create totally natural dishes. FINALLY, a high end restaurant that was worth the price tag! To me the fun of the meal was the contrast: in types and strengths of flavors (explosive strength from produce, subtle aromatics from herbs, etc), textures, and even temperatures. We had 6 things: Tika Masalu: a “banana ceviche”, raw sweet banana topped with cherry tomatoes, an aromatic herb that had a little bit of a thai/vietnamese food vibe, salty dried banana leafs that reminded me of nori, and a bright yellow sweet sauce. Jamon de Paiche: a cured “ham” made from the paiche, which is a giant amazonian river fish that gets to be between 7 and 15 feet long as an adult. Pato in Aji Negro: a braised or roasted leg of duck and a strip of rare seared duck meat with blackberries, more tiny herbs, a rich brown reduction, and some sort of crunchy roasted and crushed nut that also seemed like it would be really good in a desert with chocolate and caramel. Cocolon: AMAZING. A salty, savory, intensely flavorful stew of rice then fried in a large patty so the outside got crispy, served with shrimp, this sort of pork jerky, fried banana, and a “chorizo” (again made from paiche), and a drizzled in reduction/gravy made from the accompaniments. This is what I’ve always wished paella would taste like: something more approaching jambalaya. in terms of flavor intensity, but savory instead of spicy. Chocolate dessert (can’t remember the name) : A dense pastry of some sort of crumbly rust topped in a squishy white sweet filling (maybe coconut based?) and topped with a dome of dark chocolate but done with almost the squishy, pleasantly resistant texture of marshmallow. On the side was a crunchy roast nut that tasted kind of like caramel corn. This was one of my favorite contrasts of the night: the gooey chocolate-marshmallow texture with the crunch of the nuts. Coco y Pina: a coconut shell served with a sort of creamy, sweet flan made from coconut. The flan was served piping hot with a citrusy, bright, and freezing cold dollop of pineapple ice cream on the top and a drizzle of some sort of thin, sweet, brown sauce (might have just been simple syrup made from brown sugar). The contrast of this was insane also, hot, creamy flan and cold, tart ice cream. I also had a very passable old fashioned, which after months of not drinking any good whiskey was so welcome. Fer had a really cool drink made from gin with citrus  juices, some sort of salty ingredient derived from cacao, and aromatic herbs in it, served tall: really complex and delicious. It was also really nice to have company, someone to agree with me and debate with me on the food, share the experience, and swap stories and chat together while we enjoyed. 5 STARS FOR DINNER AT MALABAR. 
-My buddy Joanie that I met doing the salt flats tour in Bolivia came into town this week and we met up to go to the Parque de Las Aguas with some of the people from her hostel. The park is this huge greenspace with tons of different fountains, including a traditional circular one with arcing jets and a parthenon-esque backdrop, a tunnel of jets you can walk through, and a huge row of vertical jets that are lit up in rainbow colors and then every hour perform a show where videos of peruvian people and destinations are projected onto a curtain of fine mist, the jets performed dances of color change and movement, and lazer lights are used to create 3D animals and shapes in the curtain of water. We had a really good time walking around exploring (and in the harrowing cab ride on the way there, where we were nearly compressed between two buses merging towards each other), then afterward we got some mexican food near parque Kennedy. Super nice to see my friend again! 
-Went surfing on Saturday and got two of the best waves of my life, back to back: they were still green when I caught them (fast moving swell that hasn’t crested and broken yet) so I got the amazing feeling of riding down the steep face from the top as the wave as it broke and then turning to chase unbroken portions of the face, pushing down with my weight to stay on the wave as it got less strong and then feeling following waves catch up and pick my speed up again. I rode probably 150 meters on each one and it felt so amazing- I finally felt like a real surfer for the first time. I love that “aha” moment in sports, music, etc- when you’ve been putting time and effort into something really difficult and you get the first glimpses of what it feels like to actually succeed. Amazing. After my session, Fernanda and I went to go watch the Neon Night, a night time surfing championship, lit up by the huge on the water at Playa Roquitas. We got there in time to watch the women’s and then the men’s finals. SO COOL. The guys especially were insane to watch: they absolutely charge along the face of the waves, stomping over and over to gain speed, and the curving up to leap off the top of the cresting wave and spin 3’s and even 5’s, impossibly landing and riding out in the whitewater. There was stage set up with a neon background and huge spotlights going into the sky and we watched a local band from Chorrillos (pretty well known based on the number of people singing along) perform a sort of rock-reggae-latin blend that I really enjoyed (I don’t like pure reggae very much but this was enough of a mix that it was really enjoyable and fit the tone of the event really well).
-Andres taught me to cook lomo saltado: cube the meat and rub with salt, pepper, and cumin. Add to a pot with sliced onion, tomato, soy sauce, and a splash of pisco or beer, stew down! Make rice and fry potato wedges and eat everything together!
-Got a couple more really good waves recently- I’m starting to be able to occasionally catch a wave as it crests and really drop into it from the top, which is a crazy sensation- I went one day when the waves were huge (we got a safety advisory text from the city of Lima civil defense service to stay off the beach because of abnormally large waves and all the surfers were like “nahhhh.. We’re getting in”). Caught a wave that like fell out from under me and it was amazing! 
-Hung out with Sam and Erin a couple times when they were in town: once we got lunch in Mercado Surquillo and then in the evening met up with them and Fernanda to go out for many different beers and play ride the bus. Another time met up with them and their friends Kirsten and Nick to have beers at Nuevo Mundo, drink more beers at their hostel, and go to Chifa Hou Wha all together for a big chinese food extravaganza. I like all four of those Kiwis- they’re immensely open, interesting, and lovely people. I especially love to talk to Sam- he’s one of those people who just has tons of information and cool stories about the things he’s passionate about, and we have a ton of interests in common.
-Had a day of surfing where I met an older guy named Pablo, who’s a farmer and has a duck hatchery and almost got robbed on the highway one time. Caught some amazing waves including one where i was like pumping and riding along the face all the way to the end of the right break, screaming and hollering the whole time and afterwards he was impressed that I’ve only been surfing for a few months because I’m already standing up quickly! It was a day where I felt really in control and felt all the practice I’ve done paying off!
-OSKAKA: This is the best restaurant in Lima. I went solo the first time and had an amazing experience: an amazing drink with this sort of crushed pink sorbet on the top, steak and quail egg nigiri, shrimp nigiri with parmesan, ceviche made from smoked tuna and crispy sweet potato and these little balls of something that looked like salmon roe but green and with a yuzu ponzu sauce that will haunt me for the rest of my life, incredible slow cooked ribs, mixed seafood sauteed in spicy japanese butter served in shells on a bed of rocks interspersed salt on fire (yes, on fire), and so many other good things. I liked it so much that Sammya and I went back like a week later and had about 8 more things. Some highlights that I hadn’t tried before were a salmon and shrimp roll with this citrusy, creamy white sauce poured all over it that was insane and a spicy whitefish nigiri. I also had this drink that was like a rum old fashioned and came served out of a barrel over a ball of cacao ice (super tasty but not too different, just really loved the presentation). I had the same server (Leslie) both times, who was fantastic, and sat at the sushi bar where you can watch all the prep happening, so it’s like dinner and a show. Both times I went here, I left feeling that for once I got my money’s worth at a high end restaurant. 
-I watched Peru play a Copa America game on a big screen set up in the street next to parque kennedy and loved that experience- it’s fun to experience this part of the world has for the sport. I also watched a few games (including a Colombia match) at El Parcero- it’s a Colombian bar so when they scored things went WILD and the sassy lady next to me kept pouring me tequila shots from their bottle service
-Close to the end of the trip, Andres invited me to this event in Chorrillos called The Toro Fest. Earlier in the day, for which I didn’t make it in time, there was bullfighting (Ricky participated and almost got stabbed with a horn). Then in the evening when I arrived (with Andrea, a really cool, down to earth girl I met and danced with when I went out to the bars in Barranco with an American friend named Nate), there was this competition happening in a little ring surrounded by crowded plywood bandstands lit by a string of warm yellow bulbs hanging along the top railing. First was singers, then drummers, then dancers. Basically people from the crowd would sign up and on your turn you had to go in, chug a beer, and then perform in the thing you’d signed up for. After watching you the crowd would be asked “Se queda o se va?” (“Should they stay or should they go?”) and roar its judgement. It was really fun- there was a guy with a huge afro who played the cajon like crazy and then a pair of dancers where the guy was a professional and was such a good lead got paired with a really talented girl who could follow super well, so they looked completely choreographed after never having danced together before. Andrea and I drank some beers and had a blast watching everyone- I wanted to join the singing competition but it was ending when we arrived. After the competition, everyone headed over to the main stage where we got to watch a live salsa band (apparently a super well known peruvian group)- a huge group of latino guys of various ages with horns and percussion in jean jackets, led by this high-energy black singer with a shaved head. They were awesome- It felt so much more electric dancing to a live group, we danced a ton and had a blast!
Overall- I really loved this city. I maybe stayed a little too long, but it was a lovely place of food, friendship, and adventure. 
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Orlando & Kissimmee
Whether you've made a commitment to healthy eating or just fancy a change, you don't have to miss out on dinner while on vacation in Orlando. Vegetarian and vegan dining in Orlando and Kissimmee is plentiful.
There are Vegetarian and Vegan Dining options locally, in the parks and a few local haunts a little further afield.
If you're wandering around the Orlando theme parks and feeling peckish, there plenty of options to tickle your vegetarian and vegan taste buds. Menus change quite frequently, but items below will give you a guide.
Disney go above and beyond to cater for dietary requirements. Disney chefs really know their stuff when it comes to vegetarian and vegan dining, or guests with dietary or allergy requirements. Always discuss your options with your server.
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining at Disney Parks
Iconic Vegan Snacks
The first thing we have to note is some hugely popular sweet treats that are ideal for vegans. The Dole Whip is probably Disney's most iconic park snack and the pineapple version is vegan. (The vanilla version is not). The hashtag #DoleWhip has over 160,000 posts, so you can see how popular it is! And a newcomer in 2018, the Peter Pan Float has already graced the pages of many Instagram accounts. And if you order it without the red chocolate feather, it's perfect for vegans. Available from Storybook Circus in Magic Kingdom. Another to add to the list is LeFou's Brew. This delicious slush drink from Gaston's Tavern in Magic Kingdom is totally vegan.
Here's what available for Vegetarian and Vegan dining in the parks:
Magic Kingdom:
The Plaza Ice Cream Parlor on Main Street USA offers Toffuti or Rice Dream. (Cones contain honey, so vegans need to ask for a cup or float). Columbia Harbor House at Liberty Square has a vegetarian chilli which is vegan friendly if you cut out the crackers. There's also a Lighthouse Sandwich without the slaw.
Main Street USA also has Crystal Palace where you can get vegetables, rice and tofu dishes. Speak to the chef about vegan options. Tortoga Tavern in Adventureland has a Vegan Vegetable Burrito, be sure to ask for plain white rice. Plaza Restaurant has a veggie burger and vegetable sandwich on vegan bread. In Fantasyland, Be Our Guest has Quinoa Salad or French Onion Soup, (vegans ask for it without the cheese) for lunch. Dinner options include Whole Grain Macaroni & Marinara Sauce and Ratatouille.
In Tomorrowland, Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe has the Malibu Garden Burger. There are several toppings available. Vegans need to ask for the gluten-free bun as the regular bun contains honey. The Malibu Garden Burger can also be found in Peco Bill's in Frontierland. Aloha Isle offers Pineapple and Orange Dole Whip and a Dole Whip Float. Liberty Square is home to the Liberty Tree Tavern where you will find a Roast Veggie Sandwich with the option of Vegan Mayo. Tony's Town Square offers vegan and vegetarian pasta dishes.
Hollywood Studios
Several vegetarian and vegan dining options here. Malibu Garden Burger at Rosies All American Cafe and also Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater Restaurant. Sci-Fi also offers vegan pasta and milkshakes.
Backlot Express at Echo Lake has a grilled vegetable sandwich available on asiago bread, without the pesto and cheese for vegans. 50’s Prime Time Cafe offers Sissy’s Vegetarian spaghetti. If you have a sweet tooth, be sure to ask about the tofutti ice cream and vegan milk shakes. Commissary Lane is home to ABC Commissary and offers Couscous, Quinoa and Arugla Salad. PizzeRizzo has Grilled Vegetable Pizza with the option to have Follow Your Heart Vegan Cheese. There's also a side salad. Vegans can have it without croutons or cheese and request Italian instead of Caesar dressing. BaseLine Tap House offers a soft Bavarian Pretzel that is served with beer cheese dip and spicy mustard dip. Vegans can get two spicy mustards dips instead.
Sunshine Seasons Restaurant in The Land has plenty of vegetarian and vegan dining options. There's even a Special Dietary Treats Station. Take your pick from a selection of grab and go snacks such as veggie wraps, suchi or the Oak Grilled Veggie Sandwich (vegans leave out the feta). You can even ask for the Timarand Beef with Jasmine Rice and they'll substitute beef for vegan Gardein Beef-Less Tips. (Make sure the cashier knows it's vegan beef as it's priced lower than the beef version).
Coral Reef Restaurant have a Vegetarian Chicken Breast and Marinated Grilled Vegetables. Over at World Showcase, L'Artisan des Glaces in France has a sorbet in vegan friendly waffle cones. Les Chefs de France offers Ratatouille (minus cheese for vegans).
Tangerine Cafe in Morocco has a Vegetable platter - vegans can substitute the pita bread and lentil salad. They often have vegan bread. Marrakesh Restaurant also in Morocco has vegetarian and vegan options, so be sure to ask the server. Katsura Grill in Japan has a vegetable roll suitable for vegans Mexico offers Guacamole con Totopos in La Cantina. Teppan Edo in Japan has grilled veggies with white rice. Tokyo Dining has vegetable sushi and seaweed salad. Vegan Fish & Chips are available at Rose and Crown in the United Kingdom using Gardein fishless fillets.
Animal Kingdom
Satu'li Canteen in Pandora: World of Avatar offers the Crispy Fried Tofu Bowl. Perfect for vegetarians, there's a choice of 4 vegan bases too. Vegans will want to leave off the boba balls. Restaurantosaurus in Dinoland has the Malibu Garden Burger with a selection of vegan toppings. Vegans need to ask for a gluten-free bun as the regular bun contains honey.
Pizzafari in Safari Village has a Veggie Pizza and an option of vegan cheese. Tusker House Restaurant offers fun character dining and lots of vegetarian and vegan dining options. It's buffet style and the buffet is always loaded with dishes perfect for vegans and vegetarians. Yak and Yeti is a Nepalese style restaurant offering pan-Asian cuisine. Vegetarians can get several dishes and vegans can get Miso Tofu, Sweet & Sour Tofu and rice or noodles with tofu.
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Disney Resorts
Animal Kingdom Lodge:
Sanaa in Kidani Village offers a full-blown Vegan Menu and has a huge choice. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: For appetizers, Indian Naan Bread with a selection of dips; Potato and Pea Samosas; Salad Sampler offering a choice of 3 salads from selections; Tomato & Spinach Soup and Chickpea Cakes. Entrees: Vindaloo Vegetables, Spicy Chickpeas and Vegetables with Green Curry Sauce. Dessert: Tofutti Ice Cream (which is also available in several other places around the Disney hotels and parks); The Mango Sorbet is also available and served with a selection of fresh fruits. Website: Sanaa at Animal Kingdom Lodge
Jiko — The Cooking Place offers dinner only and will thrill the palettes of vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters. It really has something for everyone. There's a whole vegan and vegetarian menu available. It changes seasonally so we can't give examples, but you won't be disappointed! Website: Jiko - The Cooking Place
The Boma Buffet at Animal Kingdom Lodge has several options. As with everything else, their service is exceptional. The chef will walk you around the buffet explaining the items you can eat. Website: Boma Buffet at Animal Kingdom Lodge
Grand Floridian:
Citrico's Restaurant at the Grand Floridian offers a good choice and the chef will be happy to talk to you about your requirements. The wait staff are extremely knowledgable too. They'll make sure you get vegan bread and soy milk for coffee. The menu changes frequently and is Mediterranean based. Website: Citrico's at Grand Floridian
Narcoossee's also at Grand Floridian offers a full vegetarian and vegan menu. As a diner, you can also watch the Happily Ever After fireworks at Magic Kingdom from the beach area. A super fireworks view without the crowds!
Advanced reservations are strongly advised in all Disney full service restaurants and you can book ahead as far as 180 days. Dining Hotline: 407-939-3463 Book online: Disney Dining
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining at Disney Springs
Disney Springs has a ton of options for vegan and vegetarian dining.
The Impossible Burger is available at both House of Blues and The Edison. The vegan patty is served with vegan American cheese, shredded romaine, secret sauce with dill pickle chips on a vegan bun. The Edison also offer a Greek Salad (without Feta for Vegans) and a Chopstick Chicken Salad, without chicken for vegetarians and vegans.
Erin McKenna Bakery NYC is a unique bakery with savory offerings and an all-vegan and gluten-free menu. Look for a full selection of award-winning donuts, cupcakes, cookies, bagels with vegan butter. Fan-favorite cupcakes from their flagship bakery in New York include vanilla cupcakes with zesty lemon frosting, red velvet cupcakes ith creamy vanilla frosting and brownie cupcakes with rich chocolate frosting. See full menu at Erin McKennas Bakery NYC
Staying with the sweet treats, the Red Velvet Cupcake at Sprinkles is vegan. Be sure to ask if there are any other vegan versions available and they often have specials.
Raglan Road has a 'from scratch' kitchen which makes it much easier for them to rustle up a treat for vegetarian and vegan dining. The 'Super-Cauli-Caponata-Tasty-N-Delicious' is spiced cauliflower eggplant caponata with lentil and pumpkin seed dressing. They also have a vegetable medley and The Big Q without cheese.
Bongo's Cuban Cafe have a variety of vegetarian and vegan menu items including the Black Bean Hummus (vegans order it without the aioli). There's also avocado salad, mixed veggies, vegetarian stew and veggie Cuban wrap.
The Boathouse offers Garden Salad, Sea Salt Baked Potato, Corn on the Cob and Grilled Asparagus (Vegans ask for no hollandaise sauce).
Frontera Cocina offers Zuccini & Poblano Tostadas (without cheese), Vegetable Enchiladas and Mushroom Tortas (without cheese). The guacamole and chips are also vegan.
Blaze Pizza offer build your own pizzas with Daiya Vegan Cheese. The regular crusts and gluten free crusts are vegan.
Morimoto Asia offer several vegetarian and vegan dining options. Sautéed Chinese Vegetables, Vegetable Steamed Rolls, White & Brown Rice and Steamed Vegetables. There's also Miso Soup and House Greens.
D-Luxe Burger offer a vegetarian burger. The bun is not vegan, but you can get it between a halved lettuce head instead.
The House-made Guacamole at Paradiso 37 is very tasty and totally vegan. There's also Roast Vegetables and House Salad (without cheese).
Paddlefish offer Vegetarian Pasta (vegans request no cheese or butter) and green salad, along with crispy Brussel sprouts, fries and Blistered Green Beans.
Polite Pig - while a BBQ joint might not sound like the ideal place for vegetarians or vegans, you actually do have a good choice! A recently introduced vegan dish is Smoked Root Vegetables tossed in an orange-thyme vinaigrette and topped with puffed grains. Other vegetarian options include Tomato & Watermelon Salad, Roast Beets, Crispy Brussel Sprouts, BBQ Cauliflower (without sour cream for vegans), Grilled Street Corn  (without butter for vegans) and Sweet Potato Tots (without cheese for vegans).
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining at Universal Orlando
Universal Orlando offer a good selection in City Walk and throughout the theme parks. If you get a little peckish in the parks, you can snack on popcorn, soft pretzels and Dippin Dots - the Rainbow variety is Vegan. There's also fresh fruit available.
Universal Studios
Monster Cafe offers Wood Fired Cheese Pizza. Vegans can opt for French fries or roast potatoes and broccoli.
Lombard's Seafood Grill offers several options including Portobello Quinoa. Vegans can have this without the cheese and fried onions. The San Francisco Cobb Salad can be prepared vegetarian if you let the server know. The lemon and garlic shrimp pasta is served with a variety of vegetables and is perfect for vegans without the shrimp.
The Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley offers a vegetable platter (vegans ditch the breaed) that includes roast veggies, tomatoes and beets. If it isn't shown on the menu, just ask the server. There's also roast veggies and several sides which vegans can have prepared with non-dairy butter. To wash it all down, vegans can have Tongue Tying Lemon Squash, Pumpkin Juice, Peachtree Fizzing Tea,Otter's Fizzy Orange Juice and Gillywater.
Lisa's Teahouse of Horror over by The Simpsons offers salads and wraps for vegetarians. For vegans, hummus and veggies are available. Fruit plates and cups are available too.
If vegans have a craving for dessert, head over to Finnegans Bar & Grill for the fruit platter topped with raspberry sorbet. They also offer a vegan burger with mixed vegetables, if it's not shown, ask the server. The Veggie Black Bean Burger is great for vegetarians, but contains egg so isn't suitable for vegans.
Ben & Jerry's offer a vegan Peanut Butter and Cookies Ice Cream
Islands of Adventure
Confisco Grille located at Port of Entry offers several vegetarian and vegan options, including Pad Thai. Adventure in Fajitas are vegan if you leave out the cheese, meat and sour cream. Vegetarians and vegans will both enjoy the Portobello Veggie Wrap.
Mythos Restaurant has a few vegetarian and vegan options. The Meze Platter, Pad Thai and Risotto can all be made vegetarian and vegan. They will serve bread with oil and balsamic instead of butter for vegans.
The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade offers a selection of vegetarian dishes and servers are happy to accommodate vegans where possible. Vegetarians can get fresh garden salad, roast potatoes (no butter for vegans), baked potato (no butter/sour cream for vegans), baked breakfast beans, grilled tomatoes, sautéed mushroom, potato wedges and steamed vegetables.  Roast vegetables are marinated in vegan margarine, but make sure the server knows. Although vegans can't slurp on Butterbeer, you can drink Tongue Tying Lemon Squash, Pumpkin Juice, Peachtree Fizzing Tea,Otter's Fizzy Orange Juice and Gillywater.
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Kissimmee & Celebration
Sweet Tomatoes:
This buffet style restaurant prides itself on farm fresh, made from scratch wholesome food. It offers salads, soups, pastas, veggies and baked goods. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: Whole Wheat Creamy Chipotle Salad; Whole Wheat Spicy Asian Peanut Salad; Chipotle, Lime & Cilantro Quinoa; Italian White Bean; Lemon Linguine with Fresh Basil and Spicy Southwestern Pasta to name a few. You can see a full breakdown of vegan and vegetarian dishes on their website: Sweet Tomatoes Menu If you join their 'Veg Club' they will send you coupons and deals for your visit. Sweet Tomatoes Veggie Club Address: 3236 Rolling Oaks Boulevard, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: (407) 966-4664
Bahama Breeze:
One of our favorite restaurants. Caribbean inspired food, great cocktails and a laid back atmosphere. There's a live singer several times a week on the outdoor patio. And Happy Hour too! What's not to love!
They offer vegetarian and vegan dining and encourage diners to talk with their server before ordering. The chefs are happy to omit meat, butter and cheese whenever they can from any dish on their menu. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: House Salad; Tropical Fruit on Mixed Greens; Stuffed Tomatoes; Baked Bimini Pretzel; Chips ‘n Vine-ripened Tomato Salsa; Tostones; Grilled Portobello Mushroom Burger or Sun-Drenched Portobello & Vegetable Sandwich. Vegans can ask for everything sautéed in oil rather than butter. Menu options change frequently, so speak to your server for up to date options. Website: Bahama Breeze Address: 8160 West Irlo Bronson Memorial Highway, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: (407) 390-0353
Olive Garden:
Very open to catering for vegan and vegetarian options.
Speak to the server when you are seated and they will offer options. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: Olive Garden Address: Olive Garden, 8136 W Irlo Bronson Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: Tel: (407) 396-2560
Panera Bread:
A bakery style cafe. The store offers a selection of artisan bread. There's also cakes, soups, salads, sandwiches, pastas and flat-breads. They are happy to omit ingredients to cater to vegans wherever possible. Vegetarian and Vegan Dining Options: Greek Salad without cheese, Classic Cafe Salad, Vegetable Soup without Pesto and Black Bean Soup are just a few on offer for Vegans. Try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on several varieties of vegan bread, or one of the several vegan bagels on offer. Website: Panera Bread Address: 8120 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747 Phone: (407) 778-4820
MidiCi The Neapolitan Pizza Company
If you're heading for a a shopping spree at The Loop, Midici Pizza Co offers vegan cheese and vegan sausages for the vegans customers. Website: MidiCi Address: 720 Centerview Blvd. Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 201-3824
Mexican Restaurants with Vegetarian & Vegan Options
If you are staying in one of our vacation homes, there are two Mexican restaurants close by that offer vegetarian and vegan options.
On The Border have a Vegetarian Menu that includes a selection of appetizers, fajitas, enchiladas, salads and burritos. Vegans are a little more limited, but they can get guacamole quesadillas, a vegan burrito and avocado enchilada. However, they do warn that other meat items may have been cooked in the same oil, so do speak to your server to confirm On The Border: 3250 Rolling Oaks Blvd. Kissimmee. Phone 407-452-5437
Chuy's Tex-Mex has similar vegetarian items as mentioned above. Vegans can eat chips & salsa, guacamole and nachos without cheese for appetizers. For entree, Veggie Enchiladas (without cheese) is available, topped with Tomatillo or Ranchero sauce, both of which are vegan. Other vegan choices include Mexi-Cobb salad without cheese, Bean & Cheese Burrito without the cheese. Mexican and green chilli rice are both vegan as are the refried beans. Chuy's Tex-Mex, 7913 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747. Phone 407 787 3545 
Outback Steakhouse
A steakhouse with vegetarian and vegan option? It's true! The Outback are happy to talk to customers about dietary requirements. For vegetarians there are salad, pasta and dessert options. For vegans there's not that much, but the House Salad is available without croutons and cheese, plain baked and sweet potatoes are available and fresh steamed vegetables (without butter). Outback Locations: 7804 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34747. Phone 407 396 0017 895 W E Osceola Pkwy # 300, Kissimmee, FL 34741. Phone 407 931 0033
Columbia Restaurant
Florida's oldest family owned restaurant chain has a rich history and is one of our favorite local restaurants. They have several vegetarian options, including vegetable paella. Vegans can speak to the server about having dishes prepared vegan, they are happy to accommodate whenever they can. Website: Columbia Restaurant, Celebration Address: 649 Front St, Celebration, FL 34747 Phone: 407 566 1505
Imperium Food & Wine
This delightful wine bar/bistro has a great selection of vegetarian options on the menu. Vegetarian appetizers include baked brie, spinach & artichoke dip and humus. There are several salads, sandwiches, wraps and flatbreads suitable for vegetarians.Vegans can speak to the server about substitutions. Website: Imperium Food & Wine Menu Address: 606 Market St #140, Celebration, FL 34747 Phone: 407 566 9054
Vegetarian and Vegan Dining in Orlando Local Gems
If you're staying in the Disney/vacation area, these may be a bit of a trek. But, here's a pick of some firm vegetarian and vegan restaurants loved by Orlando Locals.
Dandelion CommuniTea Cafe
Located just far enough off the beaten path in Orlando to be quaint, this local haunt is a firm favorite with visitors who find it too. The bright and colorful neighborhood cafe offers a range of dishes made from scratch using local produce to support the community. Everything is organic to support the environment and everything is vegetarian to support a health conscious lifestyle. With the exception of dairy cheese, the whole menu is vegan and celiac friendly. Drivetime*: About 40 Minutes
Website: Dandelion Communitea Address: 618 N Thornton Ave, Orlando FL 32803 Phone: 407-362-1864 Hours: Sunday 11am-5pm, Monday – Saturday 11am to 10pm
Ethos Vegan Kitchen
The picturesque village of Winter Park has more than it's share of vegan restaurants in Orlando. There's a Whole Foods Market store here too, so you could combine a visit for dining and groceries.
Winter Park is a well worth a visit and is a beautiful blend of culture and history with over 100 specialty stores and boutiques. The Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour is perfect for all ages.
Ethos Vegan Kitchen won Orlando Magazine's Readers Pick 2015 Dining Award for "Best Vegetarian", Plus was runner-up in Orlando Sentinel's Foodie Awards. The menu is 100% vegan and they estimate that 50% of the menu is organic too. For appetizers, try the Garlic Knots made with hand tied house made dough or the Southern style Hoe Cakes. They offer a great selection of soups, salads, pasta and sandwiches. Entrees include BBQ chickun, Bay Cakes and Pecan Encrusted Eggplant. They also have hand-tossed pizzas prepared with their house made dough. There's a kids menu and be sure to leave room for dessert! Drivetime*: About 50 minutes Website: Ethos Vegan Kitchen Address: 601-B S New York Ave, Winter Park, FL, 32789. Phone: 407-228-3898
Loving Hut
One of the fastest growing vegan chains, Loving Hut opened it's doors in Orlando in 2009. It may be a chain, but each store is individual and the chefs can offer their creativity based on local ingredients and styles. Loving Hut say they are the world's largest vegan restaurant chain. It was founded by spiritual teacher Supreme Master Ching Hai and there are over 200 stores worldwide. The menu is Asian based and also has western dishes too. There's a selection of quinoa dishes, soups, salads, rice and noodles. They also have Family Plates such as Lemongrass Delight, King Spicy Cha Cha and Ocean Delight.Drivetime*: About 40 minutes Website: Loving Hut Address: Loving Hut 2101 E Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL, 32803 USA Phone: 407-894-5673
Other Resources for Vegetarian and Vegan Dining
Menu's are changed often and it can be challenging to keep up, but there are some great blogs that concentrate on vegan and vegetarian options that are usually pretty much up to date. Vegan Disney World gives you a comprehensive list of all vegan items available. The also offer reviews from their personal experiences. VeganDisneyWorld
AllEars: For a list of Vegan snacks in the Disney parks, check out this article by AllEars.Net. They also have a great graph for vegan and vegetarian dining in the parks.
Flying with Fosters is a travel blog that scoured every single Disney Springs menu (in March 2018) to discover every vegan option available. See the full list.
So there you have it, some vegetarian and vegan options both locally, a little off the beaten path and in the Orlando theme parks.
Go eat and enjoy!
For a Google Map showing all the above locations see here: Vegetarian & Vegan Restaurants
*Drivetimes shown are for guests staying in one of our Orlando Vacation Home Rentals: Serendipity at Indian Creek - Serenity Lake House - Sleepy Hollow
Travel Tip created by Sarah Elder in association with Vacation Soup
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fuckawah · 10 years
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What happens when I complain about shops not stocking Halloween candy Best Mom :'''''')
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fuckawah · 10 years
  I am extremely tired, extremely nauseous, and extremely irritable. But today:
My mum made substantial progress on moving into her beautiful new home. Sista's doin' it for herself, and although I wish I could be there to help her, I am so proud when I see everything she can accomplish in just a matter of days.
I got to wear one of my H&M dresses today, my hair was really nice, and I felt really pretty.
I worked a lot today. 
Someone spoiled the outcome for me, but GBBO final is out and I am so stoked. I hope someone cries.
  I feel so alone and physically unwell and I wish I had people to love me, but plenty of good things happened today. So I can't complain. 
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fuckawah · 10 years
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Round one officially won
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