#erika bozeman
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itsmeyourmentalillness · 4 months ago
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Happy 19th birthday, Smosh!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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soupy-girl · 4 months ago
i'm bored so here's a non-comprehensive list of smosh members i think would have been good duos had they been cast members at the same time
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sugarsmosh · 2 years ago
BOZE ???!
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i’m going to explode
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constantly-rainning · 1 month ago
First Post!
Hello party people. Just wanted to get my first post out of the way so I don't hold myself to a standard that i have to be perfect on here.
Couple things about me:
This is my first tumblr account! I made it to connect with a close friend of mine, but I think I'll be here for a while :)
I like art, writing, watching playthroughs of my favorite games and reading fiction. My favorite game genre is horror, with the likes of FNAF, Little Nightmares, and At the Dead of Night. I'm also a fan of strategy games such as Superliminal and Inscryption.
My favorite colors are orange, yellow, blue and brown.
I'll post things like art and stuff, probably. Art coming soon :)
I'm currently learning ASL, as well as delving into the world of Tarot cards. I'm also getting into the DC world, specifically Batman/Batfam (Jason Todd's my favorite as of right now).
I like True Crime, and the podcasts I listen to are Sinister by Erika Bozeman, Predators I've Caught by Chris Hansen, and Cults by Spotify Studios. I also listen to I Got Nothin' w/ Boze by Erika Bozeman, which isn't true Crime but is pretty interesting on it's own.
And uh... yeah. That's about all that's coming to mind. I might edit later to add more information, but that's just me.
Aight. Bye.
-constantly-rainning ☔︎︎
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movienized-com · 11 months ago
Still Here
Still Here (2023) #ChrisStokes #CharlesMalikWhitfield #HarveyBJackson #ReneAranda #LaRitaShelby #TerrellClayton Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Thriller Regie: Chris Stokes Hauptrollen: Charles Malik Whitfield, Harvey B. Jackson, Rene Aranda, LaRita Shelby, Terrell Clayton, Tanee McCall, Veronika Bozeman, Erika Guillory White … Filmbeschreibung: Wenn William versehentlich seine Frau während eines heftigen Streits tötet, kehrt sie als Geist zurück, um sich an ihm zu rächen, was ihn dazu bringt, sich zu…
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theamazingbrokengirl · 2 years ago
last best place
Dear little erika (aka erika from four years ago),
I love you! You don't give yourself enough credit and when you do you joke about it. I am so so so proud of you. You didn't have the best childhood growing up, mom and dad had problems that forced you to grow up too quickly, and genuinely enjoying life was never a priority. I think kalisi put it in an good way when she said her default setting is always being stressed. I feel the same way. One thing that is true about you is that you have always been stressed about the future, stressed about things going wrong, and stressed about making something of yourself in this lifetime. That has taken so much joy out of being able to live in the moment. I am so proud of everything you've done up to this point. You have moved so many times and never really had stability. I'm unsure if that is something that is good or bad, but it is what it is. You have constantly been moving and I am starting to realize I don't want that anymore. I want to find a place to call home for a few years and live in the same place. Don't get me wrong, I love traveling and seeing new places, but I want some security. When I really think about the things that matter to me the most important is always my family, my friends, and doing things that will bring me joy. Also doing things out of love and with good intentions.
Now that I've graduated I don't know what to do next. All I want is to lay down and just breathe for a little bit. I get so stressed I forget to take in just how good being alive can be and how much joy I do experience. I love Montana and I love the people I know here :) I am so lucky to have them in my life. I have my parents, my siblings, my soul sisters, my college pals, my mentors, and my pickle barrel family. It makes me sad to leave, but I do need some change. My time in Bozeman could go on for honestly a lifetime, but I would regret never getting out and exploring what could've been. It is my home though. I grew up here, and I had a lot of firsts here. It's always going to be the place where I did all my outdoorsy endeavors both alone and with people. I get moments where I feel okay and I know everything is going to be okay no matter where I choose to go, but I have more of the days where I want to cry because I'm scared of change and losing everything.
"Take the risk or dream forever" I read that somewhere and it has definitely made an impact. Do-ers get things done. That is one of my goals is to take chances and ride the wave out. Dream forever. Four years ago my dream was to go off to college out of state - somewhere out in the PNW. Four years ago I promised myself I would do things that would make me happy. Four years ago I wanted to be something on social media and support myself financially through that. I've never wanted a career and that is well known. I do not dream of working, I dream of being able to make money by just existing and creating content or working some fun job like photographing or blogging. Going on fun little adventures, capturing moments, and sharing it with others (or just keeping it to myself). Okay I got sidetracked on the WOOF website.
I don't see myself at a job that isn't flexible and I am still young so I don't truly have any interest for a job that isn't easy to get time off from. That's one of my biggest caveats. I cannot do a 9-5.
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pastelorangeedits · 3 years ago
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smosh girlies
like or reblog if you save or use
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flybi91 · 3 years ago
i want boze to do a true crime video with shane and ryan so she has to sit and listen to ryan’s alien theories
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smsoh · 5 years ago
Why do we not like Matt Raub? I’m out of the loop
oh boy here I go.
Matt phased out Mari and other OG smosh games members because they were getting older or something??? Honestly no clue.
He treated boze badly the whole time she was on smosh games, and even after when he asked her not to come to a show on the tour that she promoted for.
He also claimed he solely created Board AF when we all know it was Joven’s idea.
That’s not everything but check the tags I put on this post and you’ll probably find some better stuff
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damienhaasbaybee · 5 years ago
hi omg I forgot to tell anyone but Boze liked my tweet the other day, Mari replied to me on Damien’s stream chat last night, and Mari liked my tweet just now. I stan these women.
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love and adore boze, she really be doing it
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soupy-girl · 10 months ago
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ik these girls have THOUGHTS
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lovelyhaas · 5 years ago
“Bless you”
“F U C K”
“...You’re an idiot”
Smosh Games out of context is a gift
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residentwhatever · 5 years ago
okay. so. i know the ne6 fandom isn’t exactly huge but i’m going to need something to call their d&d campaigns
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shaynesfoot · 6 years ago
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not to be dramatic but i would die for sassy courtney
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setaflow · 6 years ago
Who You Should Fight: Smosh Edition
Ian: Honestly? Ian’s super chill but probably fights like he doesn’t give a shit at this point. He’s basically like the dad of this whole family. I’d say leave him alone for now. He’s probably got enough on his plate as it is. Make him a cup of coffee and leave him be.
Joven: Depends. If he’s unarmed, I’d say to give it a whirl. He’d probably start screaming the moment you landed punches and then he’d crumble into submission. If he’s got any weapons on him...still go for it. Dude’s blind as a bat; you’d probably get out of there unscathed.
Mari: Lol fuck no Mari’s fucking jacked and could probably give everyone on this list a run for their money. Do not fight Mari.
Lasercorn: Two years ago, I’d have said no. Pre-2016 Lasercorn was a force to be feared; a man who lived and fought like he had nothing to lose. Nowadays he’s relatively chill, so if you’re feeling a little punchy he probably won’t fight back. He’s got a kid, after all. You’re totally encouraged to take a swing at him every time he says “Greetings, Gamers!” though.
Sohinki: Fuck yeah, for the exact opposite reason as Mari. Dude’s a living scarecrow--nothing but skin and bones. Destroy this nerd. DOTA can’t save him now.
Wes: Are you kidding me? Not only is Wes practically 7 feet tall, but he carries at least two knives on him at all times. Sure, he probably won’t fight back if you decide to take a swing at him, but he would definitely be confused as hell and you’d make him sad. Don’t fight Wes. You’re a monster.
Boze: No. She’s 5 feet of pure uncontrollable energy. She’s got no problems going straight for your kneecaps. The emotional toll is too high. Avoid at all costs.
Damien: I mean, you can fight Damien, but first, you’d get Shayne jumping to his defense. Then Joven. Then Wes. Then Lasercorn. Then his fangirls. Honestly, everyone’d probably try to get a piece of you if you tried fighting him. If you’re feeling up for the extra challenge, then go for it. I think you could probably take him mano-a-mano.
Keith: If you tried to start something with him, I feel like Keith’s too chill to try and give you a real fight. He’d probably take three swings, say that this is stupid, and then ditch it. You can pursue it if you want but I feel like the victory would be a bit hollow at this point. Just let him go and do his thing.
Noah: Probably the only way to ensure Keith’s wrath is to go for Noah. Either way, I say you should fight this beanpole. He’d probably scream and flail and not even land a blow on you. Maybe if you smack him hard enough, he’ll pick a normal hair color.
Olivia: Olivia was also a dancer and I feel like she’d probably put up a decent fight if you decided to take her on, but I also don’t feel like it’d be worth it. Everyone on the squad would disapprove. She may or may not cry. It’s psychological warfare--she’s already won the battle, but you just don’t know it yet.
Courtney: Hell no. Courtney has six siblings. Do you know what having siblings does to you? Tread lightly around Courtney. She will destroy you.
Shayne: Shayne could literally pop your head off with one punch, but at the same time I feel like he’d be very open to sneak attacks. Also, if you took Shayne down you’d be a living legend. Go for it. He’d probably think it’d make good Twitter material, anyway.
Matt Raub: Fuck yes. Kick this dude’s ass. Joven and Wes might even help you with it.
Tanner: He’s basically a poor man’s Shayne; if you would fight Shayne, fight Tanner.
Tim: Lol you can’t take Tim
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